• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 8,871 Views, 465 Comments

The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

  • ...

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Ruppys Turn and A Need to Learn

Luna strolled down the halls of Canterlot as she had so many times before. Her destination was where it had always been the past couple of weeks.

To Silvers, where else?

As she trotted, she hummed a happy tune and had a noticeable skip in her step. And why wouldn't she? She was as happy as could be right now.

Silver was finally recovering and out of that bed, and that in turn took a load of stress off of Twilight who was now looking much livelier.

Luna had noticed that ever since Silver got hurt, the lavender mare had barely gotten any sleep. With the pressure of finding the signer of the grimoire and Silvers near death experience, it was a miracle the mare didn't have a complete breakdown.

...Well, she did actually, but she recovered from it quite quickly. Then again, that's Celestias prized student for you. Even after such a trying experience, Twilight managed to bounce back, and although she wasn't fully herself, she could still operate to a fair extent. Although he midnight mare had tried to get her to sleep some, Twilight would just end up laying in bed for an hour or so.

Sure, Luna could have used her magic to make her fall asleep, but this was Twilight. She didn't want to treat her marefriend in such a manner. It would have just been wrong. In the end though, the lavender mare ended up passing out at Silvers bedside. While it may not have been the healthiest way to sleep, it was sleep nonetheless.

Luna came to Silvers door in the castle and went to it open it to stroll in as if it were her own home. In a way, it might as well have been. She'd slept there pretty much every night since they started dating, and--.....

Something odd struck her about the thought, causing her to pause before she turned the knob. There was something she was forgetting....something incredibly important....

Dating....date....THE DATE!

How could she forget such an important event!? Their first date was coming up and she wasn't anywhere near prepared! Where were they going?! What would she wear?! What did couples do these days!?

They went for walks, right? And....jousting? Maybe there was a fair in town?

“Oh, who am I kidding? I've was gone for a thousand years and in the three years I've been back, I've barely socialized, much less dated. I don't think I've had a single stallion try to court me since my return. I am hopeless. So very hopeless.”

Luna let out a tired sigh as she pushed the door open and entered the home, ambling over to the couch and plopping down onto it. The loud breath of air was not unnoticed by the three occupying the sofa....or, rather two of the three.

“Shh..” Silver shushed quietly, gaining Luna's attention. She quickly looked to see that just who it was she was disturbing. It was then that she noticed Ruppy, snoozing quietly and tucked between Silver and Twilight.

“Oh,” Luna whispered, carefully crawling across the couch to Silvers unoccupied side so as to not upset his wounds or the mare on the other side, “I'm sorry, I didn't see her there when I came in.”

Silver chuckled lightly, “It's fine. She sleeps like a rock anyways. I was just making sure.”

Luna nuzzled under the wolves chin before asking, “So, how are you feeling?”

“It's not so bad,” She felt Silver shrug, “Everything still hurts, but I'm still breathing.”

“Thankfully,” Luna agreed, “You had us all rather scared. I hope you're happy mister, you made Twilight miss another three days of sleep too.”

Silver turned to the lavender alicorn, who just looked down with a hint of blush.

“I-I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I wanted to be there if there were any complications.” she explained.

Silver just smiled and leaned over, placing a quick kiss on her lips.

“Love you too, Twilight,” he cooed, “But please, if you've stayed up for that long, it can't be healthy. From now on, you're going to bed early and sleeping in until 10. Is that understood?”

“Until 10?!” she hissed, trying not to wake Ruppy, “I-I can't do that! It'll throw off my whole schedule!”

“Oh?” Luna quirked, “So I get to have Silver all to myself then? I was going to stay with you and help you with some of your tasks after we wake up, but if you want to get out of the bed and leave Silvers fluff all to me, then go right ahead.”

Twilight opened her mouth to argue, but then paused to think.

Get up early and stay on track....or stay with Silver and Luna and get cuddles and kisses.

Staying organized....or cuddles and kisses.

“Ugh...” Twilight sighed, “I suppose....I can stay until 9. But no later!”

Luna hoof pumped, “Yes!”

The movement jostled the couch and roused the sleeping mare for a moment, “No...Papa, 's mine...” she mumbled, turning onto her side to snuggle into Silver.

Luna looked down with a raised brow, “Um, if you don't mind my asking,”she inquired, her moment of excitement ending, “Just how did it turn out like this? Not that I don't enjoy this adorable scene, it's just the tear stains on her cheeks have me worried.”

Silver turned to Ruppy and quickly used a paw to wipe away the streaks, “We uh, had a talk earlier, and....well, let's just say we're family now.”

“Family now?” Luna questioned, “What makes you think we weren't before?”

Silver and Twilight sat in silence for a moment, the words taking their time processing in their heads. They eventually turned to face the midnight mare and looked with perplexity. While they weren't expecting her to just reject the notion, they didn't think she'd grown so fond of them so quickly.

“What?” Luna asked, “You think I didn't care for these ponies as much as the two of you did?”

“Uh...” Silver tried. He had a feeling she was getting the wrong impression. It wasn't that he thought of her as an unkind mare, no. He knew her kindness was rivaled only by Fluttershy. It was just that he didn't expect her to so willing to accepting of this new relationship.

“Now look, I may not have spent time with them personally, but I still know plenty,” Luna continued, “Did you forget I can see into dreams?” The herd mates remained silent, a seemingly guilty look falling over their faces, “I know it's a bit rude, but it is my duty to make sure the ponies of Equestria sleep soundly. And as for the ones living under this roof....well, they had not had a decent nights sleep in quite some time before coming here. Even after arriving, they were still uneasy, especially Onyx.”

Silver had taken on a particularly sadden expression. He never did tell Luna or Twilight about what happened the night after Ruppy and Onyx came home from Manehatten from ending the Fallen Kings. They knew about the killing, but not what happened when the two came home.

It was then that Luna leaned over and began slowly stroking the tan mares mane, her voice becoming much softer and gentle than before, “I've seen what Ruppy wants, and how much it pains her. And not just her, all of them. I....I honestly don't think any of them have had a place to belong.

“I know why she calls us Mama's and Papa. I know about her life in Manehatten. I know far more than either of you or she knows that I know. What happened to her was terrible to say the least, and if I can give her some happiness by being her mother, then I'll be damned if I don't.”

Luna leaned over and nuzzled Ruppys head, a small tear running down her cheek, “She's just a filly on the inside. Just a small, terrified and hurting filly. So I won't let her suffer anymore than she already has. Not her, or Onyx, or Beats or Sica.”

It was then that she pulled away from that nuzzle only to get caught in one herself.

“Has anyone ever told you, you could kill a guy with your kindness?” Silver quirked, planting a small kiss on her cheek.

Luna giggled a bit, “No, I'm afraid that's the first time I've heard it.” she paused for a bit while she relished in the contact, only to remind herself of her issue before coming in the house, “And speaking of firsts, when are we going on our date?”

Twilights eyes widened as she gasped, “The date! I-I completely forgot!” Ruppy mumbled and nuzzled Silver more as the mare continued her panic, “Silver, can we still go with you like this?! I mean, I know--”

The lavender mare was silenced with a paw on her lips, “Shh...” Silver shushed, “I'll be fine. We can still go. The fest—erm, date, will be at the end of the month so I'll be a bit better by then.”

“But I thought Star Shine said no strenuous activities,” Twilight added, “Won't you pull your stitches?”

Silver chuckled with a shake of his head, “No, no, no. She meant no strenuous activities in my terms. I can still go on a date, I just can't do things like moving my shipments or training.”

Silver felt Luna let out a sigh of relief, “Oh thank goodness. I was afraid we'd have to postpone for a while longer.”

The wolf chuckled, “No, no. I should be fine.”

It was then that the tan mare tucked at his side began to stir and wake. She unfurled her wings and stretched out her hooves, allowing a long yawn to escape her.

“Oh man,” she groaned, “Where...” she looked around to find Silver, Twilight and Luna all staring down at her. The moments before she fell asleep came rushing back to her and a bright blush appeared on her muzzle, “...Oh....right...”

The other three laughed lightly, Twilight bringing Ruppy into an embrace, “There there. It wasn't that bad.”

Ruppy fell into the hug and groaned, “That doesn't really help. I was being all whiny and crying—and oh dear Celestia, what about Aerial!?!”

The pegasus quickly scampered away from the hug and off the couch, bolting down the hall and stopping in front of her door. Quietly cracking it open, she peeked inside to find the bundle of blankets still draped over the earth ponies form.

Ruppy let out a sigh of relief and stepped into the room. She went to the bed and hovered her head over, “Aerial,” she cooed, giving the blanket a small nudge, “Time to wake up.”

The sleeping mare groaned and scooted away, burying her head deeper into the comforter.

“Come on,” Ruppy said with a roll of her eyes, “Silvers here. I know you want to see him.”

At first, Aerial didn't move for a moment, but then finally pulled her head off of the bed. She blinked her eyes around the room as the world came into focus. They eventually fell onto the tan mare that woke her. She then looked down to the bed, then to Ruppy and back to the bed again. Just as Ruppy did when she first awoke, her memories of earlier that day came back.

“...Did we...?” she asked.

Ruppy paused and wondered what she was referring to, only to quickly shake her head and frantically wave her hooves when she finally caught on, “Nonono! You just kinda cried and fell asleep, and so I took you in here and I went to leave but you grabbed my tail and you asked me to stay and I did and I'm not helping am I?” she rambled.

Aerial just giggled at the mares antics. When she stopped, she looked at Ruppy for a moment, then bit her lip and looked away again. It was then that she started crawling across the bed. When she reached the edge, she leaned forward and planted a small peck on Ruppys cheek, whispering “Thank you.”

The sandy pegasus stood stunned. In that moment, the world stopped and she took in the full view in front of her.

Aerial laid on the bed, a slightly messy mane and half-lidded hazel eyes. The blanket fell around her body, exaggerating every curve as the light from the window shone down on her and illuminated her figure.

It took every fiber in her body not to lunge forward and ravage Aerial. No, that's what she would do with some one-night stand.

But this time, it was different. She wanted Aerial. Actually wanted her. Not just for sex, but some one to actually be with. Some one to love.

“Uh...y-yeah,” Ruppy stammered out, her muzzle still bright pink, “A-anytime. Anyways, Silvers here. Come on.”

The pegasus quickly turned and walked out of the room, the earth pony mare fully aware of the chaos she provoked. With a silly grin and a skip, Aerial followed Ruppy out of the room and to where two alicorns and a canine lay on the sofa.

“Silver!” she cheered, quickly dashing over to hug him, “How are you feeling?”

Silver chuckled a little at her excitement, “I'm fine. A little sore, but I'm fine.”

Aerial released him with a sigh of relief, “So what's going to happen now?” she asked, “Are you taking some time off?”

Silver nodded, “Yeah, but just until Star Shine clears me. In the mean time, a fox named Radiance will be taking my place, and while I'll be overseeing your training, I won't be able to help as much as before.”

“Help?” Ruppy questioned, “Last I checked you just kinda shoved us out there.”

“Well, yeah but when it comes to sparring, I'm usually the one you go against as a group. So you'll be in pairs until I'm better.”

Ruppy shrugged, “That's fine. Hey, did Onyx happen to come in while I was sleeping?” she asked.

“I think she's in the smith shop,” Silver answered.

“Hmm....” Ruppy hummed, “Well I guess I'll let her do her thing for a while then. Anyways I'm starving, so I'm ordering pizza.”

Four sets of ears quickly perked up, “Pizza?”

As the evening rolled on into the night, the family relaxed in the living room, save for Onyx who was still down stairs doing who knows what. Twilight and Silver remained tucked on the couch, while Luna and Ruppy battled each other on Fatal Combat for the Cross Box. Aerial faithfully cheered on the sandy mare from a spot on the sofa as well.

Unfortunately, having sat in the same spot for the past few hours, Twilights need to use the restroom had finally reached it's limit. Excusing herself, she quickly scampered off the couch and down the hall.

A few minutes later, the mare had finished up and left. However, as she exited the bathroom and crossed in front of the stairs, her ears picked up on a noise.

It was faint. Very faint. In fact, she found it surprising she even heard it in the first place. But now she was curious. What was the noise?

Twilight changed her destination from the living room to the stairs. She trotted down to the second floor, where all the doors in the hall remained closed. The noise wasn't coming from that floor, so she continued down.

It was then that the noise became clearer. It was familiar, actually. It rang out through the hallway of the home and changed in pitch each time it came.

Stepping off the stairs, Twilight noticed the door to the music room sitting wide open. Of course. That's what it was.

The alicorn silently trotted over to the door way, poking her head in to find the black mare sitting on the bench, a hoof dully hovering above the keys. It dropped and let the note ring out before lifting off again.

Twilight watched for a moment from the doorway, noticing the expression Onyx had wore. The way her ears fell flat against her head, her eyes staring aimlessly at the piano, her near invisible frown that seemed to scream silence, whatever that may mean. It was all so...somber. Sure, she didn't normally express many emotions, but lately she's been opening herself up more. She smiles and laughs, pokes fun at some ponies when she can. She seemed like a normal mare nowadays. So why was she wearing such a face? What was it that was bothering her? Why did she seem so...lonely?

While pondering these questions, Twilights hooves suddenly acted on their own, stepping into the room and approaching the mare.

“Onyx?” She called softly, her voice finding a mind of it's own as well, “What are you doing down here by yourself?”

Twilight's voice made the coal mares ears twitched, but she didn't turn look at her and simply pressed another key, only making the lavender mare worry more. She walked over to stand behind Onyx, looking over her shoulder and found a music sheet sitting in front of the mare.

“Is this what you're playing?” the alicorn asked, reading the title, “'The River Flows In You' – Yurima. Well, I've never heard that before. Why don't you play it for me?”

Onyx's hoof fell to hit the key one last time, but it stopped just above it.

“Onyx?” Twilight tried again. The unicorn only shook her head, but the alicorn to keep pushing. “What do you mean 'no'?”

Finally, Onyx's mouth opened. Unfortunately, little to no sound came out as Twilight couldn't hear her words.

“Please speak up,” Twilight begged.


“You can't?” The mare repeated, “Can't play the song?”

“...I can't read the music....”

Twilight cocked her head to the side, “You can't? But I saw you play just the other night,” she explained.

Once again, Onyx's black mane bounced as she shook her head, “No. I know that song by memory. It's just the same keys over and over. It's easy. But this....” she swatted a hoof at the paper, making them rustle and fall to the floor.

The music sheets remained on the ground for a moment, but were enveloped in a purple aura, “Now, now. I know it's frustrating, but you can always learn to read them,” Twilight consoled, re-stacking the papers and putting them back on the piano, before taking a seat on the bench next to Onyx, “Why don't you have Silver teach you?”

Onyx shook her head again, but this time much harder than before, “Nononono...I can't!”

A lavender wing fell across her back and softly pulled her into a hug, “Shh, it's okay. Why not?”

Onyx remained silent for a moment. Her body went stiff and a sniffle escaped her. She hadn't shed a tear yet, but it wouldn't be long now.

“Onyx?” Twilight tried again.

“...He'll notice....” she whispered.

“Notice? Notice what?”

“....That I'm not smart....”

Twilight raised a brow, “What are you talking about? I know you're a bright mare.”

For the umpteenth time, Onyx shook her head, “'M not. I never went to school.”

Twilight almost fell off the bench. “Never gone to school? Why in the name of Equestria would--...oh...right...”

The unicorn could feel Twilights recoil, and pulled herself away, “I know you know. I heard you talking earlier,” the alicorn couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt, “I...I don't have a family. Not one by blood. I don't think I even have a birth record. I don't know who named me, who my parents are or anything. There was no one to put me in school so I didn't go. I didn't even know what school was until I was twelve. I couldn't do math, write my name or even read until Ruppy came along. But she could only teach me so much.”

I-I'm good at reading though,” she said, almost desperately, “That's easy, but I don't like it as much as Ruppy. A-and I can do fractions too. But I don't know much science, or magic theory, or history or anything else.”


The mare sniffled, fresh tears running down her cheeks, “I could never do anything. I couldn't get a job, or count my money. I was just stupid...I'm just stupid....”

“No you're not!” Twilight exclaimed, “Onyx, even if you didn't go to school doesn't mean you're stupid. Yeah, there are things you don't know how to do, but there are things I don't know how to do either. But that doesn't mean we can't learn to do them.”

“S-so what?” Onyx sniffled, “You want a twenty-four year old mare to start school again? From what, elementary school?”

“No, I would never embarrass you like that,” Twilight reassured, wrapping the mare in another hug, “I'll just teach you myself.”

Onyx pulled away, “Nonono...please, Silver will find out.”

“And so what if he does?” She asked.

“H-he'll looked down on me! I-I won't be as good as the others and I'll slow them down and I know he won't want that! They'll all leave me behind! I can get by with what I know but please, you can't let him find out!”

“Too late,” another voice came. Onyx froze, her breathe catching in her throat. She knew that voice. She knew it all too well. She didn't want to look. She just wanted to disappear into the darkness of the night. So why the hell was she leaning to look past Twilight?

Sure enough, there he was. Standing in the doorway was none other than Silver.

“No....please....” she whispered.

“Onyx, relax,” he said soflty as he enter, “It's fine. I kinda figured you might not have an education already.”

“Silver!” Twilight scolded.

“Sorry, poor choice of words. But look, I already realized from the moment I found the two of you that both of you might not have finished school. When you told me Ruppy ran away when she was sixteen, I figured you might have been in the same boat. I just didn't say anything because it didn't seem to be causing any problems.”

“Please,” the unicorn begged, “I-I don't want to be left behind! I can keep up with the others, I-I can fight! You know I can! I don't need to know everything, I can manage on my own, but please don't leave me! I don't want you to be disappointed in me!”

The wolf took a seat on the other side of the unicorn, “Shhh...” he said, pressing a paw against her muzzle to keep her from rambling more, “I'm not leaving you behind and you won't be holding the others back either. But I do want you to study with Twilight. Not as a requirement, but because you're my little filly and I love you.”

“S-so....you're not disappointed?” she sniffled with teary eyes.

Silver chuckled, wrapping her in a warm embrace, “No, silly. I just want to make sure you have the best life I can give you.” He finished by giving her a peck on the head and a nuzzle.

Onyx quickly fell into the affection, everything melting away in his embrace. Replacing her previous shame of her lack of schooling, a new light of aspiration for learning was born.

“I-I'll do it,” she said after a while, “I want to learn more. Please?” she asked, turning around to face Twilight.

The mare smiled, “Of course I'll teach you Onyx. You're gonna be pretty busy with this and your training, but I think we can work something out.”

Onyx smiled and squeezed Twilight in a hug too, “Thank you. I promise I'll try my best.”

Author's Note:

I feel like this chapter is just kind of a repeat of the last one.It was originally supposed to be longer, but I felt like the next part would work better as an intro for the next chapter.

Anyway, sorry for the late posting. Hope you enjoy!

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