• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Battle: Gods Clash

"So, to create a Super Saiyan God we need six Saiyans with righteous hearts," Applejack commented, though at the same time she looked at her friends for a moment, knowing that they had five living Saiyans on Earth and one more living Saiyan in a nearby star system, "though I would suggest that we not fight on Earth. The planet is still recovering from fighting that happened when the evil inside Buu was running around, despite that happening four years ago, and I think that she would appreciate us taking this somewhere else."

"She?" Bulma inquired, as while she knew that Rainbow and Applejack had some unusual abilities, such as Rainbow being able to walk and move clouds around at will and Applejack being able to grow some amazing plants, this was the first time she had heard of the ability to converse with a planet.

"Applejack has developed a unique ability to converse with whatever planet she's on," Shin explained, remembering when the pony girl had started conversing with his own planet, while he and the Old Kai were watching no less, "and it appears that the voices are either male or female... hence why she's referring to Earth as 'she'."

"Anyway, I know of two locations we can fight on that won't cause any damage to Earth," Applejack continued, knowing that it would take some time, and a much better explanation than what Shin said, to tell the others about her ability to converse with the spirits of a planet, "the first location is Asgard, as the Training Yard can recover from whatever damage is caused to it. The second location, however, is Planet Meka, where Rainbow and I trained with our father before he received the prophecy about an arch-rival, and one of the additional bonuses to that planet is that you wouldn't have to worry about hurting anyone in the process."

"And why is that?" Krillin asked, as while he was able to follow the majority of the conversation, even when the topic shifted to the abilities that Rainbow and Applejack possessed, there were still some things that he didn't understand.

"No one lives on Planet Meka." Rainbow stated, though at the same time Beerus couldn't help but detect a hint of anger, really strong anger, lingering in his daughter's voice, indicating that she was still angry with him, "Originally dad trained us there, so that way if we suddenly developed our powers we wouldn't hurt anymore, with the promise to Shin that he'd destroy it one day. Only now I can see that the planet is likely still around, because what happened four years ago makes so much more sense now... dad trained Shin so he could fight, and defeat, Dabura."

Beerus gulped for a moment, because while he had known that the girls would have caught onto how Shin was fighting when he engaged Dabura, as his friend had mimicked his own style, he certainly wasn't expecting either of them to put the pieces together so quickly. Sure, he had known that Rainbow was a fighter and that Applejack was a thinker, but it appeared that they must have caught onto Shin's movements and had determined that something had been wrong at the time, only for them to discover the truth today. It was at this point in time that he wished that he had actually forsaken hiding on Shin's planet for so many years and spent some time with his daughters... though now all he could do was silently hope that neither of them hated him once the day was over.

It would break his heart if either of his daughters decided to hate him when this day was over, or both of them for that matter, but all he could do is wait and see what their verdict was once he was done fighting whoever ascended to being a Super Saiyan God.

"You know, in all honesty, I feel that it wouldn't be right for just one of us to take on this new form," Goku commented, to which everyone looked at him for a moment, and that included Vegeta, who was surprised by the statement as Goku looked at him, "Vegeta, we both ascended to being Super Saiyans at the same time, we both ascended to Super Saiyan 2 within a week of each other, and we both obtained the Super Saiyan 3 form at the same time... it just wouldn't feel right if only one of us became a Super Saiyan God and the other stood on the sidelines."

Vegeta stared at Kakarot for a moment, wondering if he was being serious about actually sharing this sort of fight while at the same time wondering if they had a chance at beating Beerus. Ever since he had discovered who Beerus was, back when he was a child, he knew that he should never annoy the God of Destruction, but right now Rainbow and Applejack's father was asking who was going to take on the role of a Super Saiyan God and battle him. Eventually he let out a sigh and his left hand went to his neck, where his father's medallion rested, before he turned towards Beerus and smiled, as he had come to a decision.

"Everyone, we're going to Asgard!" Vegeta called out, causing most of the Z Warriors to nod their heads in agreement, as they had expected him to agree with Goku in the end, before he turned around and looked at them all, "Anyone who wishes to stay on Earth is welcome to do so, though I'm fairly sure that most of you will want to come along and see what happens for yourselves."

"I'll get my ship," Bulma replied, though at the same time a fair number of the group headed back down to the party area to gather some items before it was time to leave.

Vegeta watched them all for a few seconds, noticing that it was mainly food items that his friends were gathering, before he noticed what Bulma was doing, which caused him to laugh when his wife's spherical ship pulled itself from the ground nearby and floated into the air. That was followed by it landing on the ground near the party and extending a walkway for the group to walk up, for those that couldn't fly anyway, to which some of the items were quickly transferred to the ship before people started gathering inside it. While his friends were doing that Vegeta quickly headed inside the Capsule Corp building and changed into his armor, before walking back outside and joining everyone, where he remained by his best friends.

"Will the medallion work with so many people?" Applejack asked, though while she was angry with her father for lying to them, she wasn't allowing it to cloud her judgement or her thinking, while at the same time Rainbow decided to be silent at the moment, "Or with the ship for that matter?"

"Only one way to find out," Vegeta said, to which he joined the others that were standing inside the ship, where Beerus and his family moved on board the ship as well, though as the walkway returned to the ship he called for everyone to touch something as he rested his hand against the glass.

He waited for a few seconds, giving everyone enough time to touch a part of the ship, before pressing the button on his medallion and letting its special effect take hold of everyone... before they vanished from where the ship was standing.

When Vegeta eyes refocused he found that he, as well as the rest of the group, had indeed been transported outside the golden gates of Asgard, though that was before he noticed that the ship had been brought along as well. He made sure that everyone was fine from traveling between the two locations, as he had never transported such a large group before, to which he smiled when everyone said that they were fine. Once that was done he had some of the group disembark from the ship, which was essentially Kakarot, Beerus and his family, and himself, before they approached the golden gates and pushed them open. As Vegeta looked at the city he couldn't help but be pleased to see it again, as it felt nice to see his people enjoying themselves when they weren't busy protecting the Other World, though he eventually shook those thoughts away and walked towards the palace.

They were stopped a few times, mainly for people to hail either Vegeta, Goku, or Beerus, before they reached the palace, where they learned that King Vegeta and Queen Mizuna was waiting for them to arrive, to which they were brought to the throne room immediately... where all of them were welcome by both the King and the Queen.

When they arrived Vegeta embraced his parents before explaining why they had come to Asgard, on the day of Bulma's birthday party no less, which caused his father to reveal that he had been waiting for the day when Beerus returned to visit his daughters and reunite with them. It didn't take long for Vegeta to tell his parents about the Super Saiyan God, and reveal that Goku wanted to have two of them fight Beerus despite the fact that they were missing the required number of Saiyans to make such a thing possible. King Vegeta and Mizuna looked at each other for a few seconds and surprised Vegeta, as it appeared that King Kai had asked Tarble to visit them today and he happened to be in the palace... and that they, along with some other chosen Saiyans, would gladly join them and see what this Super Saiyan God business was all about.

With his parents promising to bring some more Saiyans with them, so they could have two Super Saiyan Gods face Beerus in battle, Vegeta and the others returned to the golden gate and waited to see who was chosen to come along with them. A few minutes passed before that knowledge became clear to them, as King Vegeta and Mizuna were leading four other Saiyans towards the gate, though Goku smiled as he noticed that his father, his mother, and his brother were among their number. Vegeta also smiled when he noticed Tarble, and his wife Gure, walking towards them as well, though as he counted how many Saiyans there were he found that they had eleven Saiyans... meaning that they were still missing one.

Before he could ask his father about the number of Saiyans, however, he noticed another Saiyan walking some distance behind the group, though his smile returned when he noticed Gorlick, his father's general before He Who Must Not Be Named killed him and began his treachery. When Gorlick joined the group Vegeta inquired if the Training Yard would be fine without him to oversee everything, to which he heard that today the other Saiyans were taking a break... but at the same time Vegeta suspected that there was something else he wasn't being told.

Once the group had assembled, and they were back aboard Bulma's ship, Shin and Whis combined their powers to shift the group through the space between Asgard and Planet Meka... though when they appeared above the planet's surface the majority of the group were shocked by what they saw. They all shared Goku's earlier shock when they discovered that the planet was void of humanoid life, though the girls admitted that if there were any animals they had never seen them in all the times they had visited the planet. A few seconds later Whis helped Bulma navigate the ship in the direction of the small temple they had built years ago, which was still standing the last time Shin and Beerus had visited the planet.

It didn't take them long to reach the temple, which happened to have a flat grass plain resting nearby, though Whis had them land in the plains so they could drop off Goku, Vegeta, the remaining Saiyans, Rainbow, Applejack, and Beerus, before heading to a safer area so they could watch the fight. As Rainbow and Applejack focused on arranging the twelve Saiyans into two groups, Rainbow focusing on Vegeta's group and Applejack focusing on Goku's group, Applejack noticed something odd; Planet Meka was silent. She knew that she could easily speak with the spirit of a planet, if Earth and Shin's planet were any indication, which meant that this planet was a planet that was merely waiting to die... and she suspected that it's misery would be over soon enough.

After a few seconds the girls stepped back and observed their work, as Goku was standing in a circle with Gohan, Goten, Bardock, Gine, and Raditz, while Vegeta was standing in a circle with King Vegeta, Mizuna, Tarble, Trunks, and Gorlick... to which they smiled a tiny bit and backed away, so they could watch what happened next. Once they had backed away everyone in Goku's group joined hands, which was mimicked by Vegeta's group a few seconds later, before their ki started to gather around both of their groups. As their groups were surrounded in a golden aura the other Saiyans focused on transferring their ki to Goku and Vegeta, as they were the ones that would fight Beerus... though a few seconds later all twelve of them gasped as the golden auras transformed into a pair of blue fiery auras.

Beerus eagerly watched as each group's collective ki physically appeared around the fiery blue auras and surged into both Goku and Vegeta's bodies, though that was before they were lifted into the air, and out of the hands of those that had been standing near them, and were surrounded by a blue sphere of energy. The blue ki energy pulsed a few times, indicating that something was happening to both of the Saiyans, before the ki started to break apart and reveal the two Saiyans once again, though Beerus immediately noticed some differences. For one thing both Goku and Vegeta had a faint blue aura resting around their bodies, no doubt leftover energy from the transformation, while both their hair and their eyes had become red colored... though their hair retained its normal shape, instead of flaring upwards like when they transformed into Super Saiyans.

Another thing that was different about them was the fact that Beerus could now feel the godly energy coming from them, which meant that they had succeeded in completing the ritual, to which he smiled as he clapped his hands.

"Congratulations," Beerus said, to which all twelve Saiyans turned towards him, despite the fact that ten of them were shocked by what happened to Goku and Vegeta, "it appears that you were successful in becoming Super Saiyan Gods."

"T... This power is incredible," Vegeta commented, though at the same time he had to resist the urge to do anything at the moment, while both he and his companion faced the God of Destruction, "Kakarot, are you ready for a fight?"

"Of course I am," Goku replied, though as he spoke he dropped into his battle stance, while at the same time the other ten Saiyans retreated to a safer area so they could easily watch the fight.

A few seconds passed as both Goku and Vegeta stared at Beerus, who also stared back at them, before the two Saiyans were surrounded in a fiery red aura that briefly reminded them of what happened during the ritual... though they cast those thoughts aside as they both charged forward in unison and threw a punch at their opponent. Beerus, who had been expecting this to be the first move, waited until they were close to him before he raised both of his hands into the air, catching the punches in their tracks. What happened next was the ground around them flattened, much like what happened when Rainbow fought Cell in her Avatar state, but this time the crater was much larger than before... though Beerus suspected that it was because he was fighting two Saiyans instead of one.

At the same time, however, he was extremely pleased with both Goku and Vegeta, as they were everything that he could have hoped for and they had barely started their fight... though while they stood there the clouds that had assembled in the sky were being pushed away until nothing of them remained.

"So tell me," Beerus said, staring at both of the Saiyans for a few seconds, knowing that they had to be stunned by the sheer amount of power that came from ascending to this level, "how does it feel to become a god?"

"Its... its incredible," Goku replied, as all he could do was mimic what Vegeta had said moments ago, though at the same time his companion nodded his head, as he was too stunned to even speak at the moment.

"I see," Beerus stated, to which he gently released their hands and allowed them to stand straight, before his earlier smile returned to his face as he beckoned to them, "Come, let me show the two of you what you are capable of now."

With that said Beerus floated into the air and left the ground behind, though not even a second later both Goku and Vegeta followed after him, to which the three of them stopped when Beerus had reached a good height. A second passed before Beerus flew towards his opponents, where he threw a punch with his left fist at Goku while at the same time shifting his body enough to kick at Vegeta with his right foot. He was pleased to find that both of his opponents weren't to phased by his attacks, as those same attacks would have sent anyone else flying into a wall or the ground, while at the same time noticing that they had actually blocked them. That was quickly followed by both Goku and Vegeta pushing his attacks back and punching him in return, one to the face and one to the stomach, before he forced them back and attacked them once more.

This time he tried for the points on a body where he could knock an opponent out, as he wanted to see if the Super Saiyan God form protected both of his opponents from such a fate, to which Beerus grinned as he discovered that the cheap way of knocking someone out was no longer available to him.

Once he had finished his brief test, and discovered some useful information, Goku and Vegeta launched their attack, which involved Goku striking first with a series of punches and kicks, though it was meant as a distraction as Vegeta came from behind and added his own attacks to the couple of attacks that Goku was sending his way. Some of their attacks he flat out dodged, some of them he blocked with his arms and legs, and then there were some that he willing took so he could deliver his own attack in return. As he blocked attacks, however, he noticed something interesting about how his opponents were reacting, they were taking into account his own abilities, those they knew about anyway, and had planned their attacks to match whatever he did.

Beerus had known that they had been training to defeat him, though he silently admitted that they were doing a fantastic job of following their plans and adapting when he did something different... but he put a stop to the plan when he headbutted Goku and sent him flying towards one of the mountains. In the moment that followed Vegeta glanced over at his friend, which was when Beerus appeared behind him, grabbed onto one of his arms, and spun around until he sent Vegeta flying towards where Goku was standing. The collision knocked both of the Saiyans to the ground for a few seconds, but they were able to regain themselves and flew back up to where Beerus was floating... where they noticed that he was still smiling at them.

"I must say that the two of you are doing quite well," Beerus commented, though at the same time he kept his arms at the ready, because there was no telling what they were going to do next.

"Like I said earlier, we spent years training for this day," Goku said, recalling all the times he and Vegeta trained in the past, with the goal of beating Beerus in their minds, before turning his attention to their opponent, "This time, however, it appears that our training is paying off."

"Indeed it has," Vegeta stated, voicing his agreement, though at the same time he knew that Beerus was still just testing their new abilities and that he would be getting much more serious in the near future, which was why he was preparing himself for battle again.

Beerus beckoned for them to come at them and that was what happened, both Goku and Vegeta charged at him once more, though this time one of them collided their fists with Beerus' own while the other circled around to do the same thing from another angle. Beerus, seeing through this ploy, decided to push away whoever was in front of him and then use his speed to circle around and confront the next person that was coming his way, repeating the attack that he and his first opponent had gone through. Together the three of them danced around in the air, with Goku and Vegeta taking turns throwing punches at Beerus, who simply accepted whatever attack was coming his way and parried it, while at the same time keeping his eyes open for whatever attack was coming up next.

As they clashed the sky shook as all the clouds in the area disappeared, while at the same time the earth beneath them shook as well, indicating that all three of them were strong... even as Beerus raised both of his hands to his sides and caught the punches that were coming towards him.

After a few seconds Beerus forced Vegeta away with a thrust of his hand, causing the Saiyan Prince to stagger for a moment, though he used that opportunity to slip passed Goku's defenses and slam his first into Goku's stomach, stunning him in the process. Beerus then punched him several more times, in the head, the back, and the chest again, before rushing forward and delivering a kick that really sent Goku flying this time, though instead of following along he blocked Vegeta's incoming attack and dashed behind him, where he kicked him in the same direction that Goku was heading in. The direction that Goku and Vegeta had been kicked towards happened to be where a forest rested, though as they slammed into a few trees, breaking them in the process, Beerus raced towards them and continued his attack... forcing them to defend themselves as they traveled through the forest.

As Goku and Vegeta righted themselves they each threw a punch in Beerus' direction, though this time Beerus decided to jump over their fists and kicked at the two of them, allowing the force of his attack to send them both flying towards the mountain range that was behind the forest. Both Goku and Vegeta slammed into two separate hills, breaking them into a thousand pieces, and continued to fly through the air, though they regained themselves as Beerus caught up with them, to which they fought in the air and allowed part of the mountain range to break as they passed by it. Several of the peaks that surrounded them shattered into pieces as they fought near them, much to the amazement of everyone that was watching them... though that came to an end as all three of them landed at the ground and charged at each other, with Beerus caught between two punches that leveled the entire area around them.

After a few seconds Beerus pushed both Goku and Vegeta backwards, though Vegeta flashed through the air and returned to Goku's side, to which the two of them stared at Beerus while he looked at them in return... though at the same time he sensed something that made him a bit unhappy.

"The two of you are still holding back." Beerus commented, causing the two Saiyans to pause for a moment, as it appeared that they had been sure that they had been fighting at full power, before he waved a hand at them and the planet they were fighting on, "Imagine that Planet Meka was actually Earth for a moment, while at the same time imagining that I had come to your home with the purpose of destroying it. I know, I would never do such a thing to the planet that the friends of my daughters live on, but imagine the possibility that I had come to do that... I want to fight the Saiyans that fought Frieza when he was trying to destroy Namek, the Saiyans that fought Cell when he was trying to blow up the Earth, and the same Saiyans that engaged the evil inside Majin Buu before he destroyed the entire universe.

Goku, Vegeta, I want you to fight me with the same power you called upon in order to defend your home and I, in turn, will show you why I am the God of Destruction for Universe 7."

This was the first time that both Goku and Vegeta had ever heard of this universe being called Universe '7', but at the moment they knew that they didn't have time for questions, as Shenron had stated that their godly power was only temporary and that it took time for them to return to normal. After a few seconds they both grew much more serious than they had been mere moments ago and charged at Beerus, to which their fists connected with his arms, or more accurately the golden bracelets he was wearing, and another large crater formed in the area around them. Beerus grinned at them for a few seconds, as they were actually taking him seriously now that he had told them to focus on his role as the God of Destruction and not the father of Rainbow and Applejack... to which he forced them both backwards for a few seconds and sent Goku flying towards the large body of water that rested nearby.

This time around Beerus chose to follow after Goku and rushed above him when he was flying parallel to the water, where he brought his hands together, in the form of a fist, and struck Goku in the head, sending him towards the lake with enough force to cause all the water to move away from where Goku was. As Beerus stared down at Goku, however, he sensed Vegeta coming up behind him and moved out of the way of the attack that was coming his way, though Beerus followed that up with sending the other Saiyan down into the same area that Goku was in. Beerus then followed the two of them towards the ground level of the lake, to which the three of them broke through the earth and descended deeper into the planet... though Beerus wasn't too concerned about hurting the spirit of the planet, as the look on Applejack's face had told him that there was none for Planet Meka.

As the three of them descended through the earth they clashed a few times, breaking the rocks around them in the process, until eventually they broke through the ceiling of an underground cavern... one that had a pool of water waiting for them, as well as some light so they could see what was going on around them.

"Much better," Beerus said, though at the same time Goku and Vegeta smiled at him, as they were happy that he was pleased that they had followed his instructions, before he beckoned to them again, "though I am still far from going all out against the two of you."

"I figured as much," Vegeta commented, though at the same time he and Kakarot dropped back into their battle stances, indicating that they were getting ready to come at him again, "but sooner or later we'll get you to pull out even more of your power... and maybe even overcome you at some point."

Beerus grinned as he charged at the two Saiyans, his punches forcing the two of them to separate from each other before they came back at him, though this time they discovered that he wasn't playing around and was pushing them around so he could draw out their power. As they exchanged blows, however, Beerus watched as both Saiyans dropped out of their Super Saiyan God form, meaning that it's time was up, though neither of them had noticed it and were still fighting him with a level of power that mimicked what their godly state had given them. Beerus paused for a moment, wondering if these two were truly prodigies of the Saiyan race, though this was when Goku started incorporating his Instant Transmission into the fight... allowing both him and Vegeta to land some light blows in the process.

After a few more hits Beerus backed away and stared at his opponents, knowing that they were expecting him to break from just using his fists and feet... though at the same time he guessed it was time for him to stop messing around and get more serious than he was at the moment.

"Its time we took this to the next level," Beerus called out, allowing his opponents to hear him, though he followed that up with gathering a small amount of his ki and started firing small energy blasts, about the size of a finger, at both Goku and Vegeta.

Beerus watched as the two Saiyans dodged his attacks, as he fully expected them to do that when he started firing at them, though at the same time Goku managed to find a way to slip away for a moment before appearing behind him, where he delivered a blow to Beerus' side and stopped him from launching any additional blasts. At the same time, however, Beerus launched one last blast into the ceiling and blew it apart, to which rocks dropped down on the area and all three of them started making their way to the surface... though Goku and Vegeta were caught by a larger amount of rocks that could potentially bury them in this underground area they had discovered.

Beerus turned around for a moment, as he wasn't about to leave the friends of his daughters to die, but before he could do anything he noticed a yellow light emerge from where the two Saiyans were, to which he smiled as his own aura surrounded him as well.

"We won't be so easily defeated!" Vegeta shouted, though that was followed by both him and Goku taking on their Super Saiyan forms, to which they used the force of their transformation to break the rocks around them so they could chase after Beerus once more.

Together the three of them tore their way through the earth they had descended through to reach that underground area they had discovered, though it didn't take them long to pierce the ground level of the former lake and fly into the sky once more. The moment they were above where the lake had been located the three of them continued their fight, though this time around both Goku and Vegeta insisted on continuing their assault, meaning that they blocked Beerus' attacks and threw their own at him in turn. The two Saiyans then forced Beerus further and further from the ground they had been fighting near the entire time, throwing him towards the atmosphere and the space that surrounded the planet... until they eventually reached the area that they wanted to fight in.

When they passed through the atmosphere Beerus forced the two Saiyans off of him and started dodging the attacks that were coming his way, while at the same time looking for an opening that would cause his opponents to admit defeat.

"If your going to start using blasts against us," Goku said, though while he spoke he and Vegeta took a few punches from Beerus, knowing that they had one more move they could use to try and beat their opponent, "we've got a special one in store for you."

"Go on," Beerus commented, though at the same time he dodged the attacks that were thrown at him, knowing that this fight was going to be over soon enough, "Feel free!"

Goku smiled as Vegeta flashed over to him and touched his shoulder, before activating his Instant Transmission and vanishing for a moment, to which he started moving both himself and Vegeta around the area that Beerus was standing in in an attempt to confuse the God of Destruction. After a few attempts Goku managed to arrange themselves in such a way that Beerus was facing the area passed the atmosphere, allowing him and Vegeta to appear diagonally behind him, to which the two of them broke away from each other and gathered their ki into their hands. Beerus turned around in time to see Goku and Vegeta complete their attacks, to which he took the combined power of the Kamehameha and the Galick Gun head on... to which a large explosion erupted in the area he had been standing in.

The two of them lowered their hands after loosing their combined attack and immediately moved behind the wall of smoke, as they wanted to surprise Beerus when he emerged, though not a few seconds later the smoke cleared and they charged in to punch Beerus... who moved out of the way and caused the two of them to look around for their opponent.

"Now its my turn!" Beerus called out, though at the same time he brought his hands close together and allowed his ki to create a small volatile sphere of energy, one that, when he brought it above his head and pulled his hands apart, expanded into a much larger sphere... one that he sent straight towards his opponents.

"Vegeta!" Goku shouted, though at the same time he raised his hands and faced the incoming sphere of energy, one that could potentially ruin a good portion of the planet that rested below them.

"Right." Vegeta shouted in turn, to which he returned to his friend's side and raised his hands towards the sphere, where they waited for it to come into contact with them.

Not a few seconds later the sphere reached where they were floating and immediately pushed them backwards a tiny bit after making contact with their hands, to which the two of them growled as they used all of their remaining power to prevent the sphere from touching the planet they had been fighting on. Goku had known that there was still a gap between his power and Beerus' power, and he was sure that Vegeta had likely determined the same thing for himself, though the sphere of energy continued to force them backwards. In that moment he had to wonder how much training he and Vegeta would have to go through before they could even do some damage to Beerus, and not have something like this sphere overpower them.

Beerus, on the other hand, simply stared down at the sphere for a few moments, watching it slowly head down towards the planet below them, before he let out a sigh as he focused on his opponents.

"Evidently neither of you have realized it yet." Beerus called out, allowing his voice to carry to where Goku and Vegeta were at that moment, while at the same time knowing that his statement would likely distract the two Saiyans for a couple of seconds.

"Realized what?" Goku called out in return, though at the same time he and Vegeta struggled against the sphere, despite the fact that they knew that they were outclassed.

"Your god power," Beerus replied, knowing that neither Saiyan had noticed this and had gotten caught up in fighting him, though he was more than willing to remind them about the form they had unlocked, "it ran out some time ago."

"Seriously?" Vegeta commented, though that was followed by both him and his friend glancing down at their bodies for a few seconds, to which they discovered that their bodies no longer possessed the Super Saiyan God power that they had acquired earlier, "Then how did we keep up with you?"

"It appears that when the two of you were fighting me in your God Form, your bodies learned from the experience," Beerus explained, as he had been thinking about this since the Super Saiyan God form had expired, as he had expected one of his opponents to ask how they were able to continue fighting him without their new form, "merely feeling that level of power was enough to push you to new heights. While your God Forms may have expired both of your powers are much greater than before... the two of you really are prodigies."

"I only wish I could be happy about that." Goku said, though this time he knew that he and Vegeta would have different views on being called prodigies by Beerus, as he suspected that his companion had been happy for the God of Destruction to call him that.

"You should be happy about that," Beerus replied, to which he glanced down at the planet beneath them, where he stared down at the temple and looked at his daughters, all three of them, before turning back to the sphere, "Prodigies like you are rare and are extremely hard to come by."

"We may be prodigies, which I'm happy about, but this sphere is still too much for us to handle," Vegeta admitted, to which he noticed that his companion was nodding his head, indicating that he was thinking the same thing, "even with our power up you're still much stronger than we are."

"Then I guess its time we brought this battle to a close," Beerus said, though that was followed by him sighing as he held his hand out towards the sphere, to which he focused his energy on the sphere and snapped his fingers.

Goku and Vegeta watched as the sphere doubled in size, though the sudden increase in power knocked them both backwards and forced them to revert back to their normal state, but instead of attempting to break the sphere the two Saiyans allowed themselves to fall back towards the planet below them. Beerus, seeing the sphere heading towards their falling bodies, sighed and focused his energy so he could destroy the sphere before it actually did some damage to the friends of his daughters and the planet below them. As he prepared to do that, and stop the fight, he noticed something odd about the two Saiyans, they had gotten back up and were standing between the sphere and the planet below them... though as he noticed that their god auras had returned, however, they were consumed by the large sphere.

A few moments later Beerus heard a pair of voices from inside the sphere, which was followed by the mass of energy stalling for a moment before a wave of energy erupted from it and it started collapsing on itself. That was also followed by the sphere breaking into hundreds of smaller ki spheres that raced off in almost every direction, the directions that weren't the planet beneath them, before the entire sphere was gone. Beerus' eyes widened as he realized that Goku and Vegeta had, somehow, destroyed his own attack, though he also noticed that the top part of Goku's gi had been ripped apart and part of Vegeta's chest piece had been ruined. Beerus floated down to where the two Saiyans were floating, finding that they were exhausted at the moment, but he figured that they would have been from everything they had done during their fight.

"How did you two do that?" Beerus asked, as that was the first time that someone had willingly let themselves be caught by his sphere, only to cause the entire sphere to scatter in very direction like they had done, "What was that power that you called upon?"

"H... Honestly, I have no idea," Goku admitted, though at the same time Vegeta nodded his head, indicating that he had no idea what they had done just now.

"Well, I think that the two of you might find out what that power is in the future," Beerus said, to which he floated towards the two Saiyans and smiled at them, while at the same time noticing that Whis had joined them, "You know, I have lived longer than either of you can comprehend... and out of all the fights I've been in the two of you are tied for being my second strongest foe. Our fight was so good that I've determined that both of your powers are at the same level."

"I never thought that Kakarot and I would ever tie in such a manner," Vegeta stated, though at the same time he chuckled, because since it was Beerus saying the fact he could live with it, before glancing at the God of Destruction, "So, whose the fighter that has the honor of being your strongest foe?"

"Right now that would be me," Whis commented, though at the same time he floated over to the group and grabbed onto Vegeta, which prompted Beerus to do the same time Goku, before they floated down to the planet below them, "Not only am I Beerus' attendant, I am also his teacher... but someday someone will replace me as his strongest opponent, of that we both agree on."

"Interesting fact, but you two are some of the strongest mortals in the entirety of Universe 7," Beerus added, though at the same time he and Whis descended through the atmosphere as they carefully carried the Saiyans back towards the temple, where the others were waiting for their return, "and, before you ask, there are other universes as well; 13 to be exact. Some of the other universes have spawned warriors that are even stronger than the two of you and myself. We'll speak about the universes later... once the second fight is over."

Vegeta started to open his mouth, so he could ask what Beerus was talking about, when he glanced down at the temple and found that Rainbow and Applejack were staring up at them, though at the same time he knew who they were actually looking at. As he looked down at them he noticed something odd, Rainbow had a faint dark purple aura area her body, which was the same energy that Beerus used while he fought, though Applejack had a light blue aura around her, making Vegeta wonder what was going on. He knew that Applejack had unlocked the Avatar of Destruction, but it was almost like she had unlocked something on her own... something that she wanted to show to her father.

Vegeta chuckled for a few moments, because it appeared that the next fight, which was going to be between Beerus and his daughters, was really going to be something... and it just might put the fight that finished to shame, but he was eager to see what happened next.

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