• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: Applejack's Surprise

"Um, where are we?" Mr. Satan asked, looking around the area they had appeared in, while at the same time trying to come to terms with everything that he had seen since Majin Buu first showed up on Earth.

"The Sacred World of the Kais, my home world," Shin replied, though at the same time he looked at the crystal ball and observed what was happening in the location where the Earth had been moments ago, where he noticed something that he had been expecting, "Kid Buu won't be able to find us here, so we'll be safe for the foreseeable future and have the peace to plan our next move against our opponent."

"Good, then we can use that time to observe our opponent and wait for an hour to pass," Gogeta commented, to which he glanced over at Rainbow and Applejack, who were now relaxing with Gale, which made sense considering that they had been fighting Super Buu as Raijack not a few minutes ago, "Super Buu was unable to stand up to Raijack's power, which means that we can simply have you two fuse again and we'll be able to beat Kid Buu."

"Relax Gogeta, we won't have to worry about Kid Buu for too long," Rainbow said, though as she spoke she glanced down at her wrist, where she imagined a golden bracelet for a few seconds, before staring at Gogeta, "We'll rest up, gather our strength, and then we'll find someplace to fight him when he shows his face again. Then, when the battle starts, Applejack and I will show Kid Buu what's left in our arsenal... before we reduce him to nothing, just like we had been planning on when Vegito appeared."

It was at that point that Mr. Satan started declaring that everything he had witnessed so far was nothing more than a dream, as he stated that there was no way there was someone stronger than him in the entire world and started accusing everyone of being fragments of his imagination. Gogeta let out a sigh as he stared at the man for a moment, because he and Raijack had saved Dende for the purpose of using the Dragon Balls, even if they had to take him to the planet that the Namekians called home these days. He was sure that they could ask for Porunga to aid them in restoring the Earth and its people, provided the Namekians hadn't used their Dragon Balls in the last couple of days... though he knew that the universe was in danger as long as Kid Buu remained at large.

Shin, who was now standing closer to the Old Kai, knew that while Rainbow appeared to be relaxed she was actually annoyed and was waiting for Kid Buu to show his face again, because she had access to the Avatar state and had been keeping that hidden until this point, as a last ditch trump card to save the universe from Kid Buu's destructive rampage. Though a few seconds later, when Mr. Satan decided to 'fly', he, Kibito, and the Old Kai sighed as they watched him jump off a small cliff and disappear for a moment, only to hit the ground hard and declare that his body was in pain. Sure, he had seen the stunts the man had pulled thanks to the crystal mirror that he and the others had been watching, but Shin quickly determined that the man was a fool and would remain that way... before turning his attention back to the crystal ball that the Old Kai was watching.

When he turned his attention back to the ball, however, he and the Old Kai watched as Kid Buu started to reform before their eyes, though Shin had been expecting this to happen, as it was how the creature dealt with planets before he had become the chubby Majin Buu.

"He's reforming his body again," Shin commented, to which Gogeta, Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale walked over to the ball, while Dende and Bee tended to Mr. Satan, "and, as you all no doubt know by this point, if even a fragment of Kid Buu remains he'll simply regenerate... regardless of where he is."

As they watched the crystal ball they found that Kid Buu was searching for something, or maybe someone, and seemed a little annoyed that he couldn't find his target, though that was before a brief look of shock appeared on his face before he vanished from where he was floating. The Old Kai frowned as the image followed Kid Buu to another planet, indicating that Kid Buu immediately learned the Instant Transmission technique that Kibito and Shin had used to reach Earth, along with retaining his ability to sense ki energies. They watched as Kid Buu arrived on what appeared to be a rock peak of some kind, where he observed the planet that he had discovered, which appeared to have a more advanced civilization than what Earth had... before Kid Buu pointed his finger towards the ground, gathered his ki, and launched a ki blast at the ground.

The group watched as the nameless planet was engulfed in a flash and was destroyed almost immediately, telling them that Kid Buu was definitely searching for someone, before witnessing their foe reform his body once more. Once Kid Buu had reformed his body he traveled to a lush green planet, which looked like a place that was covered in trees and jungle life, before obliterating it as well. He then made the quick journey to a orange colored planet, one that appeared to have a small number of lifeforms that called the planet home, before he rapidly brought an end to that planet as well, leaving nothing behind but small rocks.

As they watched this, however, both Shin and the Old Kai realized what Kid Buu was doing and who he was searching for, to which they turned to the others for a moment.

"He's looking for you guys," the Old Kai commented, pointing at Rainbow, Applejack, and Gogeta, while at the same time Shin nodded his head, confirming what the elderly Kaioshin was talking about, "He's seeking out any strong ki that he can find in the vastness of space, though once he determines that none of you are there he simply blows both himself and the planet away, before reforming and continuing his search."

"More lives will be lost before he discovers where you went," Shin added, knowing full well the destructive power that Kid Buu possessed, though in truth it was still less terrifying than what Beerus commanded, "but we still have some hope. With Dende's help we can convince the new Elder of the Namekians to lend us their Dragon Balls, so that we can wish the Earth and its people back to life. I can easily travel to planet Namek from this world, so getting there and convincing the Namekians won't be a problem... the problem will be keeping Kid Buu's attention away from their planet."

"No!" the Old Kai stated, causing the group to look at him for a moment, as they were surprised that he wasn't willing to agree to what Shin was suggesting, "You must not use the Dragon Balls. They invite confusion to the natural order and should only be used by the Namekians... whose Elders refused to use them in regards to the other planets in the universe."

"That's a stupid reason," Rainbow said, surprising Shin for a moment, because he had never heard Rainbow talk like that towards someone like him, "You know, Shin's got a great plan for ensuring the downfall of Kid Buu, which you interrupted, and all you can think about is not using the Dragon Balls at a time when we desperately need them. Honestly, I don't care what you say, we're using the Namekian Dragon Balls and that's final."

The Old Kai was stunned for a moment, because there was only one point in his life that someone had used that manner of speaking when he was present, though at the same time Shin and Dende started discussing things about the new planet that the Namekians called home. The only person who had spoken with such a disregard for his opinion was Beerus the Destroyer, which was what had lead to him being sealed inside the Z-Sword all those years ago. In the end he simply sat on the ground and waited for the others to finish whatever they were talking about, because it was clear that even his knowledge wasn't going to be useful anymore. At the same time, however, he observed the two pony girls that had fused together and created Raijack, because there was something about them that seemed familiar... something that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

Their attention returned to the crystal ball when they noticed that Kid Buu was on the move again, though this time he appeared on the world of the Grand Kai's world in the Other World... though when he appeared he stopped an obelisk from hitting the ground, while he stared down at the dead fighters that were practicing around him. The group then spotted Yamcha and Krillin standing among the warriors, though they all knew that if any of them died again than they would be permanently killed. They watched as Kid Buu blew away most of the fighters, not killing them at the moment, with the power of his roar, though when he started fighting he knocked around everyone that came at him and simply took every attack that came his way.

"He's going to blow the Grand Kai's world away as well," Applejack commented, though at the same time she pulled off her hat, handed it over to Gale, and walked over to an open area, to which Rainbow joined her, "We're likely the ones that Kid Buu is searching for, so you'll have to excuse us for calling Kid Buu to your world Shin, because things are about to get messy."

The Old Kai opened his mouth to say something, and tell the two girls that this holy realm wasn't a place where they could fight Kid Buu, but Shin stopped him and nodded to the girls, to which they powered up and let their ki flow freely, which would serve as a beacon for Kid Buu. Shin and the others stood by the crystal ball, even when Gogeta defused back into Goku and Vegeta, and watched what was happening on the Grand Kai's planet, as it didn't appear that Kid Buu even knew what the girls were doing. That was before Kid Buu stalled for a few seconds, to which he laughed and dispelled the attack he had been preparing, before jumping into the air and vanishing once again... though that was followed by him appearing near Rainbow and Applejack.

"I found you!" Kid Buu said, pointing at the girls for a moment with a grin on his face, though that quickly turned into a quick fit of laughter that passed ten seconds later, as he was serious once more.

"Shin," Vegeta said, staring at the monster that had destroyed Earth and took out both Bulma and Trunks, as well as Kakarot's family, "you and Kibito should take the others to Namek, that way you'll have all the time you need to gather the Dragon Balls and make your wishes. Gale, I know you want to stay and watch your sisters fight, but this isn't the type of fight you can handle, so you had best go with them."

Shin nodded his understanding, because with four heroes fighting together he knew that Kid Buu didn't stand a chance, not when Rainbow was likely planning on using her Avatar form in this battle, though even he could tell that Gale was disappointed in the fact that she couldn't stick around and watch the fight. In the end, however, she joined Dende, Kibito, and the Old Kai as they gathered around Shin for a few seconds, before they all disappeared and headed to Namek, leaving the fighters to settle things with Kid Buu. Of course not a few seconds later Mr. Satan poked his head up and looked around, though when Kid Buu noticed him, however, he growled and spat something out of his mouth that went in the direction of Mr. Satan... which expanded into the form of Majin Buu. That fact told the four warriors that Majin Buu, after he was freed from his cocoon, was having some sort of affect on Kid Buu and that he had been removed, leaving Kid Buu in complete control of his body this time around.

Rainbow and Applejack knew that this was perfectly fine, as Majin Buu would have prevented Kid Buu from hurting them, but now that he was free they were allowed to fight someone that would be trying his hardest to kill them... and they would be trying the same thing.

"So, how are we going to go about this?" Goku asked, because with there being four experienced fighters, and each of them were powerful in their own right, he was a little curious as to who would step up to the plate first and be the first one to battle Kid Buu, "Should all four of us rush him, or should be attack him in groups of two?"

"Goku, don't take this the wrong way," Rainbow said, though at the same time she and Applejack stared at Kid Buu, who was staring at them with the same intensity, "but Applejack and I can take him out on our own. Applejack, you can have the honors of starting the fight."

Goku seemed confused as to what was going on and looked at Vegeta for a moment, who simply shook his head and backed away from where the girls were standing, to which Goku sighed and followed after his friend. Applejack, on the other hand, glanced at her sister and shot her a look at was basically her silently asking Rainbow if she meant what she thought she meant, to which Rainbow nodded. Applejack sighed as she flew over to the nearby plateau and stared down at Kid Buu, who was still looking at her, before she focused her mind and accessed the power that Rainbow had shared with her when they fused into Raijack. She braced herself and her aura flared to life around her body, but instead of the usual color that her aura took, which had been a clear white color, she was surrounded by a dark purple aura... the same that had surrounded Rainbow during the Cell Games.

Applejack then quickly brought her hands to her sides and her aura really flared to life, though at the same time her ki shook the entire area around her as she powered up, causing parts of the plateau to crack and separate as she reached for the power that Rainbow used seven years ago. After a few seconds the plateau began to collapse around her, leaving her and the small circular platform she was standing on, though that was followed by a flash of light emitting from where she was standing. The light caused most of the observers to cover their eyes for a few moments, though when they opened their eyes most of them, save for Rainbow, were shocked by what they were seeing.

As the light faded everyone noticed that Applejack's gi had transformed into several different pieces, as there was now a large collar resting around her neck, one that Vegeta recognized as the one that had appeared when Rainbow ascended to this state. Underneath the collar, and covering up the upper part of her chest, was the upper section of a body suit, just like Raijack's chest had been, though the majority of this one remained under the collar. As the rest of her body became visible the observers noticed that Applejack's pants had transformed into a pair of baggy pants, which Vegeta also recognized, while a pair of golden bracelets appeared on her wrists.

Vegeta's eyes widened in shock as he took in what he and Kakarot, as well as the other observers, were seeing, because he had been sure that Rainbow had been the only daughter of Beerus to acquire this form... which meant that he and the others had overlooked something.

Shin, Kibito, Dende, and the Old Kai appeared on the new Namek only a few seconds after they had departed, though as they landed on the planet they found a strange sight waiting for them. The Namekians, lead by Moori, who was the new Grand Elder after Guru's death, approached the group and applauded Dende for growing up so well since Goku had asked if he could come to Earth and be the new Kami. Dende and Moori shared a few words with each other, both praising each other for what they were able to do in the last seven years, before someone grew irritated with the situation... and that someone happened to be the Old Kai.

"Look, I'm dreadfully sorry to interrupt this tearful reunion, but we have some business to attend to," the Old Kai said, to which he turned to Dende for a moment, who nodded his understanding, before he turned around and set the crystal ball on a stand that he could look at.

"Right," Dende said, to which he turned towards Moori and took a deep breath, so he could steel himself before he made his request, "Elder Moori, I have a favor to ask of you. Can you gather the Dragon Balls? We need the power of Porunga to help us save the universe."

"Is that so?" Moori asked, though at the same time he smiled as several of the Namekians behind him held the wish granting orbs that their people had created, which they had gathered the moment they felt a terrible evil awaken, "Don't worry, we know the situation and have prepared ourselves for the off chance that Porunga's strength might be needed. Just say the word and we'll summon the Eternal Dragon."

Dende opened his mouth to say something, and tell Moori that they were waiting for Vegeta to tell them whatever plan that he and the others had come up with, but before he could say anything he heard the Old Kai tumble to the ground, to which he turned around and found him staring at the crystal ball in complete shock.

"W... What's wrong?" Dende asked, though at the same time he rushed over to the Old Kai and made sure that he was okay, while he had to wonder what he had seen that had shocked him.

"A... Avatar of Destruction!" the Old Kai replied, though the tone of his voice indicated that he was shocked by what the ball was shocking them, or maybe he was terrified of whatever he was seeing, "Why does someone as young as her have the ability to call on something so terrifying?"

"That's an interesting question, yet I have another one." Shin said, because while he was shocked by what he was seeing, not on the same scale as the Old Kai was anyway, he was confused by something else, "Why is Applejack using the Avatar form?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" the Old Kai asked, though at the same time he kept his eye on the crystal ball, just in case something else happened while his question was being answered.

"Applejack never unlocked the Avatar form on her own," Shin replied, though at the same time he stared at the crystal ball as well, because if Applejack was going to use this form he was sure that Rainbow was going to do the same thing, which was sure to freak out the Old Kai as well, "Seven years ago, during the Cell Games, Rainbow tapped into the same energy that Beerus taps into and ascended to this form, making her the first person in a long time to achieve an Avatar transformation. I don't know how Applejack managed to acquire this form, but this information makes things much more interesting and confusing at the same time."

Gale, who had been silent the entire time, had no idea what Shin was talking about or why the Old Kai was so shocked by what Applejack was doing, but from what she could determine this was a transformation that only her sisters could achieve, one that they hadn't told her about. She was eager to see how powerful Applejack was when she used this form in battle, which she was sure would be coming up in the next few moments, while at the same time wondering if Rainbow was going to join Applejack or let her fight alone.

"What... what is this?" Goku asked, because he had heard what had happened during the Cell Games and knew that something had happened to Rainbow during that battle, but he had never heard of something similar happening to Applejack after that day.

"I... I don't know." Vegeta admitted, as this was the first time that he had witnessed Applejack transform into the Avatar state, because Rainbow was the only one that could have known how to access it, before he realized something they were overlooking, "Of course, she learned it through the Fusion Dance."

"What do you mean by that?" Goku inquired, because every time he and Vegeta had fused he had been focused on performing the technique and fighting their opponent, which meant that he ignored anything Vegeta was talking about.

"When Rainbow and Applejack fused their memories melded for a moment, allowing them to learn the other's techniques," Vegeta explained, wondering if Kakarot was joking or if he had never paid any attention to any of the memories he had shared with him, especially the ones involving the girls, before he focused on Applejack as he realized something else, "Now I see what they were doing back in Asgard, because when we had finishing our fusion training the girls had stayed behind for a few seconds and spoke with each other... and this was the result. Whether it was intention or not Rainbow just ensured that Applejack is on the same level as her, meaning that they are both dangerous and that Kid Buu might be in trouble now."

Vegeta wanted to say more in regards to what was happening at the moment, but he stopped talking as he noticed that Rainbow was approaching her sister, who was looking at her new form and studying the power that was no doubt coursing through her veins.

"So, how do you feel?" Rainbow asked, though she was amazed that Applejack was able to pull off the transformation, because it had been her first time attempting such a change.

"I feel amazing." Applejack replied, to which she turned to the side and kicked the air a couple of times, allowing the air to slightly shake a few times, before she lowered her leg back to the ground, "Is this how you were feeling when you transformed seven years ago?"

"More or less," Rainbow said, though at the same time her own dark purple aura flared to life, while she offered Applejack a grin as she backed away for a moment, "Now let me show you how I transform."

Not a few seconds Rainbow's aura flashed and surrounded her, in a larger fashion than what happened to Applejack, before she moved her hands to the sides of her body as the air around her shook with a greater intensity than when her sister performed her change. Instead of being completely covered in her aura, and denying anyone from watching her transformation, Rainbow managed to tone down the light generated and actually allowed the observers to see her change. Rainbow braced herself as her gi transformed into the collar and top piece that Applejack was wearing, with the same colors no less, before she moved onto the lower part of her gi transforming into a pair of baggy pants. After her body was covered the changes moved to her arms, where the cloth bracers of her gi had transformed into the golden bracelets that she was used to wearing... and there was a single gold earring attached to her left ear, exactly like their father wore.

Applejack raised an eyebrow as she looked at her sister, as now they had both ascended to the same state, though at the same time she stared at the earring and sighed, knowing that there was no reason to argue with her sister at the moment... especially when they had an opponent to defeat.

"Was it really necessary for you to transform as well?" Applejack asked, though at the same time she crossed her arms as she lifted herself off the small platform she had been standing on, where she simply floated in the air near her sister and let the small piece of earth fall back down towards the ground, "I doubt the others needed the reminder that you can use this form as well."

"Yeah, but I still wanted to fight Kid Buu in this form at some point," Rainbow replied, though Applejack knew that her sister could use this form for a good deal of time, as that was one of the benefits of practicing it for nearly seven years, before she glanced down at their opponent, "You had best get started soon... it looks like Kid Buu is getting anxious."

Applejack glanced down at where Kid Buu was standing and sighed once more, before she tapped into her new power and literally flashed through the air and appeared behind her opponent, whose eyes widened in shock when he realized what had happened. Kid Buu growled and swung his fist at Applejack, who leaned her body back for a moment to let the attack pass by her, before she readied her right leg and slammed it into Kid Buu's chest, causing the entire area around them to shake for a few moments. Kid Buu jumped backwards and let Applejack lower her leg, though he spent a few seconds to regain himself before he flew towards his opponent again, though this time Applejack saw the punch coming her way and caught the attack with her left hand... to which the entire area around them sunk under the collision of their energies, much like what happened when Rainbow fought Cell in this form.

Before Kid Buu had a chance to even determine what was happening, as he had likely never fought someone who commanded this energy before, Applejack spun around and kicked Kid Buu in the chest... though the force of her blow sent Kid Buu flying into the closest plateau, which shattered into a large pile of rubble as she lowered her leg to the ground once more. The battle for the fate of the universe had begun, though with two fighters possessing the Avatar form Applejack knew that Kid Buu would be hard pressed to defeat just her and Rainbow, though she readied herself for what her opponent was going to do next.

Beerus, Chronoa, and Whis returned to his home planet shortly before anything exciting happened, giving them time to set up Whis' staff in such a way that they could view what was happening on Shin's planet. Beerus was glad to see that his daughters, as well as Goku and Vegeta, were okay and had escaped the destruction of Earth, though even as Rainbow continued to say that she and Applejack had this in the bag he could tell that Vegeta had a back up plan in mind. He did growl when Kid Buu appeared on Shin's planet, as he was greatly annoyed with the creature for killing everyone on Earth and then destroying the planet, while Whis and Chronoa worried about the safety of the universe... because if Kid Buu won, and killed the girls, then Zeno was going to blow their entire universe to pieces for letting both of the girls die.

That thought was erased from their minds as Applejack revealed her trump card, where she surrounded herself in the same Destruction energy that Beerus used and ascended to an Avatar state... much to the shock and surprise of everyone that was watching her.

"Applejack... she's got access to the Avatar of Destruction as well?" Chronoa inquired, because she had been expecting Rainbow to do something like this, especially with an opponent like Kid Buu.

"It it would appear that she's ascended like her sister," Whis commented, though at the same time he waved his hand and the image shifted to show what was happening to the Old Kai at the moment, who was freaking out over what Applejack had just done, "I wonder what this means, when there are two people, in the same universe no less, who possess the Avatar at the same time."

"Two potential candidates to replace me as the God of Destruction for Universe 7," Beerus said, though at the same time both Whis and Chronoa detected a hint of pride in his voice, or perhaps it was joy, before Whis shifted the image back to Shin's world, "Something like this has never happened in our universe, and I'm sure that it has never happened in any of the other eleven universes..."

The rest of his statement was cut off as Rainbow, for apparently no reason, transformed into her Avatar form and joined her sister, though both Beerus and Chronoa noticed that Rainbow had added an earring to her left ear, meaning that she was mimicking his image even more than usual. Beerus was perfectly fine with this, because until she or Applejack were actually chosen to take over his position this was as close as either of them were going to get to using his type of power. Whis changed the image for a few seconds to show the Old Kai once more, who looked terrified of what he was seeing, before they returned to observing Rainbow and Applejack... to which they watched Applejack was chosen to be the one to fight Kid Buu first.

Beerus chuckled as Applejack quickly replicated the same move that he and Rainbow had used, moving to the side and catching a punch that flattened the entire around them... because this just proved that his daughters were likely the only ones capable of replacing him as the Destroyer God for Universe 7, and he was looking forward to the day that they were reunited with each other.

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