• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: Change of Plans

Gohan was shocked by what he was seeing, because while he knew Shin and Chronoa he had no idea who the large cat creature and the man with the halo around his neck was, though he suspected that they were very important to the stability of the entire universe. The man with the halo was wearing a maroon colored robe, a black colored cuirass with white and orange diamond decorations, and a blue sash, though Gohan suspected that the nearby scepter, which was resting against the wall on his right, belonged to the man. Chronoa and Shin seemed to trust the man, especially with how Shin had asked the group about the shaking they had felt and the man was the first one to speak up, but Gohan's main attention was on the other figure that he hadn't met yet.

The cat creature, who demanded most of Gohan's attention, was hairless and, while overly defined in built, was very thin and bony, though at the same time he had a similar height to his father, despite being slightly shorter. The cat creature, who was imposing because of his lack of an energy signature, was wearing a black, blue, and gold Egyptian-looking attire with the same white and orange diamond decorations that the first man was wearing. He was also wearing a set of golden bracelets on both of his arms, on his wrists to be exact, a golden band on the upper part of his arms, located close to his shoulders, and a single golden earring that pierced his left ear.

Gohan had no idea who the cat creature was, but at the same time his attire screamed that he was someone he should respect, especially since it reminded him of the form Rainbow had taken on when she fought Cell... something that he remembered well to this day.

"Okay, now that they are done fighting, we can answer your question." Chronoa said, to which she and the others turned to face Gohan, while at the same time they clearly kept an ear open to whatever was happening on the crystal behind them, which was focused on Rainbow and Applejack at the moment, "Gohan, allow me to introduce my husband Beerus the Destroyer, the God of Destruction for our universe... and yes, he is the father of Rainbow Dash and Applejack, which is why I said daughters when I was replying to his comment."

Gohan's eyes widened for a moment, because when he heard the term 'God of Destruction' he remembered what he had been told before he pulled out the Z-Sword, back when Kibito told him about Shin and his counterpart, who he was now meeting face to face. At the moment Beerus was looking back at him, as if he was studying him or something, while Chronoa and the others were concerned that something would happen between the two of them... as if he had stumbled upon some dark secret that they had been keeping and would snap at them for what they had done. He guessed that his thought made sense, considering that Rainbow and Applejack had always mentioned that their father was asleep and insisted that he wasn't dead, to which he wondered what the pony girls had done wrong to deserve this fate.

"Forgive me for saying so, but why haven't you made contact with your daughters?" Gohan asked, though at the same time he stared at Beerus and no one else, because he felt that there had to be a reason for the God of Destruction not even attempting to see Rainbow and Applejack, "Every time someone asks them about you they speak highly of you and insist that you weren't dead, but rather that you were sleeping and they were waiting to reunite with you. So why haven't you tried to contact them and let them know that your... busy... doing whatever it is that you are doing."

"Its... complicated." Beerus replied, though even as he spoke he knew this was terrible, because if they didn't get Gohan to agree to keep his mouth shut about what he had just discovered, and what he was bound to discover, Rainbow and Applejack were going to discover the secret for themselves.

"Really? That's your reply?" Gohan said, to which he sighed for a moment, because he knew that he had been handed an answer that was getting him nowhere, before he stared at the God of Destruction, "Okay, what is making this situation so complicated that you can't even visit your daughters and tell them that you love them, or spend a few minutes chatting with them?"

"Thirty-five years ago I was given a prophecy that said that in thirty-nine years I would fight an arch-rival that was worthy of my skill and power," Beerus explained, knowing that there wasn't much he could say on the matter, though at the same time he wanted to hurry Gohan along before his father showed up and ruined everything, "When I am given a prophecy I'm supposed to sleep for a certain number of years, sometimes for the total number of years between when I receive the prophecy or for a fair number of the years. Generally I sleep until the date that the prophecy told me about, though this time I woke up early so I could watch my daughters go on their adventures..."

"Okay, so you awoke earlier than you usually do," Gohan stated, still not understanding why the god wouldn't bother to visit his daughters, because that was the main reason behind his questioning, "but that doesn't explain why you haven't wanted to do anything with your daughters. Why didn't you come to Namek when they were fighting Frieza, or step in when Rainbow had been killed by the evil tyrant, who laughed when they said that she and Applejack said that they were your daughters? Why didn't you intercept Frieza's ship when he was coming to Earth, with his father no less, and pay him back for what he did on Namek? Why, when Applejack was killed by Cell, did you stay away from the planet and do nothing to avenge her death, except trust in Rainbow's ability to suddenly manifest her power and destroy Cell?

What did Rainbow Dash and Applejack do that makes you hate them, so much so that you won't go down to Earth and at least let them know that you're proud of what they were able to do?"

Beerus growled and swung his fist at Gohan's face, hitting him hard in the cheek and knocked him out of the house they were all standing in, though at the same time the others were surprised that he had actually hit Gohan, as they had been expecting him to talk instead of fighting. A few seconds later Beerus walked around the couch and wandered out of the building they were in, to which he approached where Gohan was resting. Gohan groaned as he got up and rubbed his sore cheek, though when he noticed that Beerus was walking towards him he tensed up, because he already knew that if a fight broke out he was finished.

Beerus knew the look in Gohan's eyes well at this point, as he had seen it in a number of enemies that he had fought over the years, though instead of attacking again he simply picked the half Saiyan off the ground and got him onto his feet once more.

"I don't hate my daughters. They have changed my life for the better, and for that I am eternally grateful." Beerus replied, though he let out a sigh as he glanced back at the building he had left, while at the same time Kibito rushed over to them and made quick work of the bruise he had left on Gohan's cheek, "If I had been the old version of myself, back when the girls first arrived on my planet, I would have simply destroyed you where you stood and moved on with my life, but now I find that I am more in control of my anger, save for some small outbursts. Thanks to Rainbow and Applejack I finally met the love of my life, whose been there for so long that I keep kicking myself for not realizing that we could have started our relationship sooner. They even helped me form several bonds of friendship, with Shin being one of those people, and my life is better because of my friends.

Gohan, I love my daughters with every fiber of my being, and yet I'm intentionally hurting all of us by staying here, waiting for the date that the prophecy told me about. You have no idea how much it hurt to see my precious daughters die when they did, nor can you guess how much rage I felt when I determined that there needed to be some sort of punishment for what had happened. I can only hope that, when the day comes for the three of us to be together again, that they can forgive me for leaving them alone for all these years."

Gohan was shocked, because he had expected the God of Destruction to be a rather serious and uncaring person, but instead he had found a father that was suffering so his daughters could grow up and have their own adventure without having to rely on him intimidating their opponents or stepping in if they were overwhelmed. In that instant he knew why Chronoa had made sure that Beerus never showed himself, because he could have easily beaten Frieza on Namek, but that would have robbed his father and Vegeta of the chance to become Super Saiyans. He could imagine all of the changes in history that would have occurred if Beerus had stepped in at some point in time, ruining all of the battles that had taken place over the years... and understood what was happening.

Beerus was willing to go without contact with his daughters for thirty-nine years, allowing them to mature and grow without him there to praise them, so they could grow into warriors that didn't need their father to back them... and yet Gohan could see that Beerus was trying to do everything in his power to hide the pain he was feeling. Before Gohan could say anything more, however, Chronoa flew out of the building she and the others had been waiting inside and landed beside them, though she was looking at Beerus.

"Beerus, Goku's getting ready to use his Instant Transmission," Chronoa said, to which she glanced over at Gohan for a moment, though in that moment Gohan knew where his father was heading, "He's coming here, to check up on his son and the training that Shin's been giving him."

"Is that so?" Beerus commented, though beneath his calm mask he knew that he was worried, because at the rate things were going Goku was going to see him and actually want to fight with him, while Buu was still a potential threat to the entire universe, before he turned away from Chronoa, "Gohan, can you promise me that you will say nothing about what you saw here today, to anyone until Chronoa tells you otherwise?"

"Um... sure?" Gohan replied, though at the same time he wondered why Beerus was still insisting on keeping the fact that he was awake a secret, because it appeared that he might not be the only one who knew about the secret.

"Good. You'll only need to keep this a secret for four more years," Chronoa said, to which she and Beerus floated into the air as Shin and Kibito headed back towards where the Z-Sword was located, "Good luck with your training."

Gohan was utterly lost as Beerus and Chronoa returned to the building that they had been in earlier, though he finally let out a sigh and followed after Shin and Kibito, as he hoped that he might have the opportunity to ask them about what was going on after his father went back to the Other World. The three of them quickly returned to where the Z-Sword was located and Gohan picked it back up, to which he started swinging it again, but this time his mind wasn't focused on the weapon anymore. His mind was focused on the god that was literally within a few minutes of where he and Shin were standing, though the distraction was so great that when he swung the sword he had no idea that he had hit someone... until he saw his father fall on his rear with some stands of hair floating to the ground.

The first thing Goku did, after getting his wits back, was ask why Gohan was wearing the same uniform that Shin was wearing, to which Gohan explained that his old clothing had been ruined in his fight with Buu and Kibito had created this for the duration of his stay in this world. At that point Goku explained that he had drastically cut the amount of time he had on Earth down when he transformed into the Super Saiyan 3 form, which was why he had returned to the Other World far earlier than he originally planned. Gohan also took the opportunity to explain that he had been training on Shin's world with the Z-Sword, and explained what it was supposed to do, while also leaving out the fact that he had found the God of Destruction resting in a nearby house.

For the most part his father wasn't aware of the fact that the house even existed, which made sense considering that it was some distance away from where they were sitting and couldn't be seen from their position, though Gohan decided to keep his mouth shut and simply focus on what was happening.

When Goku asked to see the Z-Sword, however, Kibito laughed at the idea of there being someone else who could lift the legendary blade, though Shin smiled when Goku started swinging the blade around like Gohan did, as he expected nothing less from the mighty Son Goku. After a few more swings Goku asked Shin if it would be alright if he stuck around until Gohan went back to Earth to fight Majin Buu, if the creature was still in the mood for such a fight considering who was with him at that moment. Shin knew that it wasn't a good idea, not with Beerus resting nearby, as he was sure that the potential to explore the planet might be enticing to the Saiyan... though at the same time he decided to chance it and allowed Goku to stay until Gohan completed his training.

Thirty minutes passed before Gohan, being motivated by his father, was able to develop the speed and control to wield the Z-Sword without slowing down, though at the same time Shin knew that the Saiyan blood within him had given him some aid in that regard. Once that level of control had been achieved, however, Goku insisted that they test the sharpness of the legendary blade and pulled the boulder he had been sitting on out of the ground, to which he hurled it at his son. Gohan, on the other hand, swung at the large rock and cut it clean in half, allowing the two halves to hit the ground behind him while his father praised him and his control with the blade. Shin, seeing the sharpness of the Z-Sword for himself, decided to lend a hand to the training, to which he called on spheres of metal, about the size of Buu's round head, into existence and let Goku toss them at Gohan.

Shin had purposely started at the weakest metal in the universe, to verify the sharpness of the blade, before moving to the next strongest metal above that... until he determined, roughly ten metals later, to try a block of Katchin, though when Goku threw it they were all devastated by what happened next. The block of metal went flying at Gohan, who swung the Z-Sword at it like he had done for the last metals that had been flung at him, but this time the tip of the legendary blade struck the side of the block, struggled against the opposing metal, before snapping the blade in half. Gohan had to duck and let the block sail passed him, where it left a gouge in the ground, before he, Shin, and Kibito looked at the pieces of the Z-Sword with a look of horror in their eyes.

As Gohan set the handle on the ground, and experimented with his new speed, he recalled what Shin had told him about the blade, to which he informed the others that the legend about the blade had to be the strength he was displaying now and not the supposed power that rested in the blade... though as Goku tried to refute that claim, however, they were interrupted by a new voice. They all turned and looked at the newcomer, though Shin's eyes widened as he looked upon the old Kai that was standing behind them, as his face was wrinkled and his hair had turned white, indicating that he had to be near the end of his life span. Shin knew who this had to be, because Beerus had told him the tale of what happened with the Z-Sword back when he first put it in the plateau Gohan had pulled it from... though at the same time Shin had thought that he would never meet the older Kai, but it appeared that his thought was incorrect.

"Um, who are you?" Goku asked, because he wasn't as versed in the story behind the Z-Sword and had absolutely no idea what was going on at the moment.

"I am the fifteen generations previous Kaioshin!" the old Kai stated, though at the same time Gohan and Goku were shocked, as they had only been told about the four that had lived along side Shin until Buu killed them, "A long time ago there was an incredibly evil person, even more terrifying than Majin Buu, who sealed me inside the Z-Sword and put the blade inside the plateau it was eventually pulled from. Anyway, I was sealed away not because of my strength... but rather because I have the ability to draw forth someone's hidden potential and push their power way past their limits."

Gohan remembered what had happened on Namek, when the Guru at the time placed his hand upon his head and released his hidden potential, to which he wondered if this was the case this time around. It was that power up that had allowed him to fight with the others and not hold them back, though his thoughts were interrupted as the Old Kai looked at him with a smile on his face.

"You there," the Old Kai said, causing Gohan to look up at him once more, while at the same time the others looked at the Old Kai for a moment, "Since you were the one that draw the Z-Sword from the plateau, and ultimately broke the blade in half, I shall reward you with unlocking your hidden potential. Now then, why don't you go stand on that hill for a few seconds... I need to prepare myself for the ceremony, which will take five hours to complete, and then the actual power up will take another twenty hours. Once I'm finished with you, and have awakened your hidden potential, you will be one of the greatest fighters in the entire universe."

Gohan nodded and moved to the indicated spot that the Old Kai had directed him to, while at the same time Goku moved to one of the nearby trees so he could sit and watch the ceremony for himself. At the same time Kibito moved to where the pieces of the Z-Sword were resting, if only so they could be set up in a case and be protected in case something terrible happened in the future... leaving the Old Kai alone with Shin for a few moments.

"What is HE doing on this sacred planet?" the Old Kai asked, though his voice was lowered so Goku and Gohan didn't near him, though Shin was somewhat happy for him to be speaking in such a manner.

"Beerus and I are actually on good terms with each other," Shin replied, knowing exactly who the Old Kai was referring to, as he had been told the tale many times in the past, before glancing over at his forefather, "Trust me on this, honorable forefather, the Destroyer you knew doesn't exist anymore... he's been replaced, in a manner of speaking, by a much kinder and more understanding version of himself."

"Now that I don't believe," the Old Kai said, to which he turned his back towards Shin and stared at Gohan, who was patiently waiting for him to come over to where he was standing, "I am disappointed that the person who drew the Z-Sword, and freed me for that matter, was not a Kaioshin like myself... but rather a human..."

"Honorable forefather, Gohan isn't a human," Shin commented, causing the older Kaioshin to look back at him once more, though at the same time he let a smile touch his face, "rather he is half human and half Saiyan... and he's fought villains that sought the end of the universe, and survived I might add."

The Old Kai glared at him for a moment, as if trying to fathom someone like Gohan surviving against creatures like Majin Buu, before walking over to the hill and beginning the ceremony... where he started doing a funny looking set of movements that looked like he was dancing around Gohan. Shin let out a sigh as he wondered how Gale was doing on her end, because it would be impossible for him to see what was happening with what was occurring in front of him at the moment... and he had the feeling that something bad was about to happen in the near future.

Gale and Buu sat the table with Mr. Satan and Bee, eating the meal that Mr. Satan had prepared for all of them with the time that he had been given, though at the same time Buu continued to ask Gale about the energy they had felt earlier. Mr. Satan had to ask what energy they were talking about, to which Gale had to explain ki energy to someone who knew nothing about the subject, but while she did so she told Buu that she had no idea what had happened earlier. Gale suspected that her sisters were responsible for the energy she and Buu had felt, but she didn't want to distract Buu from having fun.

Once they were done with the meal, and Buu took Bee outside to have some more fun, Gale watched as Mr. Satan started cleaning the dishes and thought about what they were doing to do for the evening meal... to which Gale walked outside and joined Buu once more.

Gale found it amusing that everyone thought that Majin Buu was a terrifying creature that would end the universe, and she was sure that he had been at some point in the past, but at the moment he was an innocent creature that had been released from his ball and was merely having fun. Sure, Buu was a powerful opponent when he fought in battle, but as long as he controlled his anger they wouldn't have to worry about bringing about the end of the world. Buu, on the other hand, appeared to be having a lot of fun, as he had even told Gale that he was going to renounce killing people and destroying cities... and he did so in front of Mr. Satan, after being asked about what he did for fun and was told that killing people was wrong.

She and Mr. Satan seemed to have completely turned Buu into an innocent creature that didn't want to destroy anything or kill anyone, which meant that the universe was safe... unless something out of their control happened and transformed who Buu was.

After an hour Gale and Mr. Satan stood outside with Buu, watching him play ball with Bee and cheering every time Bee brought back the ball, once more indicating that Buu was having fun and that he was thankful to have met both of them since he had awoken. Gale was rather pleased with herself, as she had never expected something like this when she heard how terrifying the creature was, and it appeared that there would be no reason for them to fight Buu anymore. Buu, on the other hand, clapped his hands as Bee returned with the ball once more, before tossing it into the air and allowing the puppy to follow after it with a look of happiness in his eyes... though as Bee jumped into the air, so he could land near the ball and grab it, something struck the middle of his body and knocked him to the floor.

As Gale and Mr. Satan looked around the area for those responsible for what they had just seen, and Mr. Satan had said something about hearing a gunshot, Buu simply stood there with his eyes wide open, as the shock of seeing his puppy being hurt shook him to his core.

"W... Who would do such a heartless thing?" Mr. Satan said, though that was before Gale tapped his leg and pointed at the nearby cliff, where a blond haired man and his butler were standing there with what appeared to be a pair of guns in their hands, "What are those imbeciles doing?"

"It looked like they're preparing to do something else," Gale added, though at the same time she grabbed onto Mr. Satan's arm, where she looked at him for a few seconds, "Let's show them what happens when you piss off Majin Buu's friends and hurt his puppy."

As Gale said that, however, she noticed that the two men were switching weapons and pointing them at Buu, though she knew that Buu could overcome whatever damage the guns did to him, which was why she was getting ready to move her and Mr. Satan away from the house. The men launched whatever they were holding, to which Gale watched as a pair of missiles came flying towards where Buu was standing, though at the same time she moved both herself and Mr. Satan over to the bottom of the cliff wall, so they could catch the vile men off guard. The men then launched a second volley at Buu's house, causing the entire area around the house to light up as the explosions rocked the area, but Gale wasn't worried about her friend at all.

When the smoke cleared Gale discovered that Buu's house had been completely destroyed by the explosions, which caused the two men to cheer over their victory... though a few seconds later Gale noticed that Buu was okay, but this time he was glaring at the two men with a look of anger in his eyes, while steam of emitting from the holes in his head. As Buu started a small march towards the two men, however, Gale tossed Mr. Satan up onto the cliff above them, where he targeted the blond haired man. Gale, on the other hand, rushed at the butler and spun around, kicking him with the back of her leg and send him down the cliff, where he hit the rocks several times before coming to a stop.

Mr. Satan, on the other hand, unleashed a fury of blows against his opponent and made sure they connected, before finally kicking the blond haired man off the cliff... though once they were done they jumped down and rushed over to Bee, where they discovered that the puppy was still alive and called Buu over. Buu, concerned for the dog's safety, rushed over to them and held his hands out, to which Gale and Mr. Satan watched as Bee glowed and the wound healed, though once Buu was done Bee looked up at them.

With Bee healed, however, Buu moved them a little bit away from where his last house had been standing and turned some of the larger boulders into clay, allowing Gale and Mr. Satan to play with Bee while he worked on making a new version of his house. An hour passed before Buu was done putting the final touches on his new house, which had a room for Mr. Satan, a room for Gale, and a small room for Bee, indicating that he treasured all three of them as his closest friends... and the house happened to resemble a dog that was laying down, though Gale assumed that Buu had based the image of the building on Bee.

To celebrate Buu's hard work in reconstructing his house, after those idiots blew it up, Mr. Satan cooked up something with what Buu was able to provide him, as there happened to be an abandoned food trunk a few minutes after and Gale helped carry some of the food stock over to where they were. All four of them shared an afternoon snack of sorts, before Buu insisted on bathing with Bee, to make sure that he was clean after what had happened to him. Mr. Satan, at the beckoning of Buu, also joined him and had some fun with the two, while at the same time Gale stood outside to be sure that no one else came to do the same thing that the two idiots had attempted.

Some time later she heard Mr. Satan enter his room and search through his things, which had somehow survived the destruction of Buu's old house, and heard him tear something apart... which meant that he must have decided that the picture he had taken earlier wasn't important enough for him to keep. She was happy about that, because now she wouldn't have to worry about the man taking advantage of Buu's innocent nature, though she knew that it was only a matter of time until he tried something else.

After another hour or two Buu was having Mr. Satan make them something once more, something that was more like a dinner than a snack, though Mr. Satan was happy to make more food for Buu, as the creature seemed to enjoy his cooking as much as he enjoyed playing with Gale. While they waited for Mr. Satan to finish preparing desert, which would be ready for them to eat when they finished dinner, Gale smiled as Buu played with Bee a little bit... though that was before they heard a gunshot come from the kitchen. Buu and Gale ran into the kitchen and found Mr. Satan sprawled out on the floor with some blood by where his mouth was, though the moment Buu saw his friend in danger the anger from earlier returned... though this time it was clear that Buu was fighting a losing battle.

A few moments later Buu ripped off the apron that Mr. Satan was wearing and poured his energy into healing the wounded man, though when Mr. Satan got up both he and Gale were concerned for Buu's well being... especially because the man that had shot Mr. Satan was running away from the house.

"Gale..." Buu struggled to say, which meant that whatever was happening to him was something that was difficult for him to control, "take... Mr. Satan... and Bee... and run! If you don't y... you'll die."

As Mr. Satan started to ask why they were in danger of dying, however, Gale pulled him back and picked up Bee with her spare hand, before she flew out of the large opening near them and headed off towards the nearest cliff that wasn't near the blond haired idiot. A few moments later, when she landed on the cliff, the two of them turned around and watched as Buu stumbled out of the house, where he collapsed on the ground for a few minutes... before he stood up and released a stream of steam into the air. Gale watched as the white steam gathered together in a white cloud in the air, similar to what happened when Buu was first released from his ball... only this time she knew that the something bad she had been worried about was about to unfold before their eyes.

The cloud condensed and started to take a humanoid shape, though Gale watched as an incredibly thin and gray skinned Majin Buu, wearing a dark blue cape instead of the purple that Buu was wearing, appeared in the sky... though a few seconds later he bent over backwards and looked at the blond haired man that had shot Mr. Satan. Not a few seconds later the gray Buu flew through the air, spun around, and stopped in front of the man, who proceeded to shoot him with the remaining bullets that he had. When the clip was empty, and the man started fearing for his life, the gray Buu held his hand out and released a red burst of energy that utterly obliterated the blond haired man and everything on the cliff that was behind him.

Once the man, and the area behind him, were gone the gray Buu turned around and literally skipped over to where the original Buu was standing, to which he stared his counterpart in the face, causing Buu to growl at him.

"Who are you?" Buu demanded, though at the same time he could tell that Gale was watching them, as if she was trying to judge what to do next, but he was thankful that the other Buu was ignoring her and the others.

"Who are you?" the gray Buu replied in kind, though there was a more gravelly tone to his voice as he mimicked what Buu was saying, as if this was the first time he was speaking.

"I'm Majin Buu!" Buu nearly shouted, as seeing something like him was annoying him and he wanted the creature gone, though at the same time he doubted he could beat the other creature without assistance.

"I'm Majin Buu." the gray Buu mimicked, clearly enjoying the chance to talk, as if he had been a different personality inside Buu and was enjoying the opportunity to be out in the real world.

Buu growled and threw a punch at the Evil Buu, for that was what the creature had to be, though at the same time Evil Buu simply moved out of the way and let the attack miss. Buu went on the offensive, throwing a series of punches at the evil version of himself, though it quickly became clear that his evil side was merely playing with him and smiled when Buu stopped to take a breather. That was quickly followed by the Evil Buu punching Buu square in the face, causing his to stagger for a second, before he spun around and kicked Buu backwards, sending him tumbling against the ground for a few seconds. As Buu got into the air, however, Evil Buu followed after him and proceeded to beat him with a series of rapid punches and kicks, punishing him with every blow that struck him, before knocking Buu away from him with a smile on his gray colored face.

Buu, annoyed by what was happening, gripped a part of his stomach and pulled it off, to which he pulled the pink blob apart like it was taffy and created what Gale assumed was a rope of some kind, before he threw it at Evil Buu... where it wrapped around his opponent and gripped him tightly. Evil Buu actually seemed surprised by the attack, especially when it started to squeeze him with enough force to crush the ribs of a normal person, before the Evil Buu grew tired of the game and broke out of the hold. That was followed by the Evil Buu opening his mouth and sucked up the floating bits of Buu that were all around him, where he chewed on the stretchy bits for a few seconds before swallowing them.

That was immediately followed by the Evil Buu continuing his assault, pounding the original Buu like he had been a few moments ago, before growing bored of that and started firing some low powered ki blasts. As Buu started to deflect the ki blasts, which shattered seconds after he deflected them, the Evil Buu aimed one at the ground and distracted Buu with the light of the explosion. As Buu regained himself he brought his hands together and started to charge his ki, though at the same time the Evil Buu did the same thing, to which their two attacks connected with each other and forced them to push against each other for a few seconds... before Evil Buu blew Buu's attack apart and sent him flying through the air, until he collided with the ground beneath them.

Gale was stunned that Buu was losing to his evil counterpart, but she guessed that this meant that the Evil Buu must have taken the majority of Buu's power with him when he was released from Buu's body... and now Buu was on the verge of losing the battle.

"I... I'll turn you into chocolate!" Buu declared, to which his antenna pointed at the Evil Buu for a moment before releasing the same pink energy that he used to transform one thing into something else.

The Evil Buu looked at the beam for a few seconds before taking a breath, though that was followed by him releasing a gust of wind from his mouth and blew the beam back towards Buu... where the shocked Buu barely had any time to dodge the attack before it struck him.

Gale watched as Buu was turned into a piece of chocolate, shaped in his image no less, and fell to the ground, where the Evil Buu walked over to where the original Buu was resting and picked the piece of chocolate up. The Evil Buu grinned as he tossed the candy into his mouth, chewed on it for a few seconds, before swallowing it and remained standing there for a few more seconds. That was followed by the Evil Buu grinning with his mouth open as he started spewing an alarming amount of pink steam from the holes in his body, to which he was eventually surrounded by the steam and caused Gale to wonder what was happening. When the steam finally dissipated, however, Gale was shocked by what she was seeing, because the Evil Buu's form had shifted and transformed while the steam had been surrounding him.

The new Buu's body happened to retain the same skin color that Buu had, though at the same time his facial structure seemed more like Evil Buu's face, though at the moment his grin had been replaced by a frown. The jacket, cape, gloves, and black leggings that both of the other Buus were wearing had vanished, though they had been replaced by two black arm bands, which had yellow linings on both ends, white colored baggy pants that ended in black boots, which had a similar yellow pattern. The belt also remained on his body, though unlike the other two Buus the new one's body was muscular and was much taller than either Buu or the Evil Buu. The new Buu was also much more humanoid than his other two forms, having a muscled and well proportioned body, though his power was definitely enough to make Gale take a step back when she felt it.

This new Buu, which seemed like a super version of the previous two Buus that Gale had seen, had an incredible amount of evil ki emitting from his body, which told Gale that this Buu could very well end the entirety of the Earth in a matter of seconds if he so desired. The new Buu, Super Buu as Gale decided to call him, stayed in the same spot that the Evil Buu had been in when he transformed, where he simply stretched his neck and yawned for a moment... before letting out a scream of some kind, where the wind surged away from where he was standing and the ground cracked beneath his feet. Gale watched Super Buu for a few moments, as she was both amazed and stunned by what she had just seen, before he calmed down and the shaking stopped while the winds returned to normal.

The blond man's butler, apparently having survived falling off the cliff like his boss had, charged back up to the top of the cliff, pulled the weapon he had dropped back up, and opened fire on Super Buu, where Gale and Mr. Satan watched as holes were punched into Super Buu's body... though at the same time he didn't seem concerned at all. When the clip was empty, and all of the holes had healed to the point of nonexistence, Super Buu laughed before the upper part of his body surged into the air and arced over until he was forcing himself down the man's throat. Gale watched as the man became unnaturally bloated in size, almost to the size of the original Buu that had emerged from the ball, though once the lower part of Super Buu's body moved into the man's mouth, however, he exploded in a mess of pink goo... which eventually gathered together and reformed into Super Buu, who was upside down.

Super Buu remained that way as he crossed his arms and floated down towards the ground, though when he neared the ground he turned back around, so he would be standing upright once more, and finally touched the ground again. Gale had to wonder what Super Buu was planning on doing, where she suspected that he might go around the planet and slaughter the people, though before she could do anything Mr. Satan accidentally caused some rocks to fall towards the ground, which alerted Super Buu to their presence. Super Buu spun the upper part of his body around a few times and used the force generated to fling himself into the air, though when he reached where the group was standing, and Mr. Satan cowered behind Gale in fear, Super Buu stopped himself as he noticed who he was heading towards.

"Sa... tan..." Super Buu said, eying Mr. Satan for a few seconds, his memories surfacing for the moment, before he looked at Gale and pointed at her, "Gale... come... follow..."

As Super Buu floated higher into the air, however, Gale gulped and wondered what he wanted her for, though at the same time she made sure that Mr. Satan and Bee were fine before floating into the air as well. Once the two of them were in the air, and were away from where Mr. Satan was standing, Super Buu turned around and headed in what Gale knew was the direction of the Lookout. Gale knew that the others had likely seen Buu's transformation into Super Buu, or at least Piccolo and Dende had to have noticed it, and were preparing Goten and Trunks for the danger that was coming their way... to which she sighed and followed after Super Buu.

She only hoped that Goten and Trunks had gotten enough training done to make their fusion as strong as it could possibly be... otherwise she was sure that the entire world would be destroyed once Super Buu was done fighting the warrior her friends created.

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