• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Android: Brawl

With Dr. Gero taken care of, and Android 16 was fully online, the trio of Androids followed the Z Warriors outside before they all floated into the air, where they would look at the area around them and determine whether this was a proper fighting area or not. That fact caught Trunks by total surprise, because of his experience with the same pair of Androids from his future, where the ones he was used to wouldn't care about the scenery when they got into a fight. He knew that something had gone terribly wrong between this point and the original timeline, because he wasn't sure if the two Androids were trying to trick them into lowering their guards before they killed them all. He also caught several glances from the other members of the Z Warriors, as they were curious as to why things were so different from what he had told them... and truth be told he had no idea himself.

"Well, we can't have a brawl so close to a populated city," Android 17 commented, to which the group around them looked in his direction, while at the same time his sister nodded, "Hey 16, do you have any maps of a suitable area where we can fight? Like a desert or something?"

"Let me check my systems," Android 16 replied, to which he hummed for a few seconds, which was the indicator that an Android was looking for something that might have been installed into their body at some point in time, before he turned his head to the south, "There is a desert like area close by, maybe thirty minutes away, that is suitable for combat without the risk of killing any innocent bystanders."

"Well, that sounds like a decent place to fight," Android 18 said, to which she turned to the group floating near her and her brother, before beckoning to Rainbow and Applejack, "Come on, we'll be there in a few minutes and then we can see just how strong the two of you really are... as well as why Dr. Gero was so worried about you."

Rainbow had an idea as to why the doctor had been so worried about her and her sister, especially when she could use the lance and her sister had a few powerful combo attacks hidden up her sleeves, but she decided to say nothing on the matter. Instead she and Applejack followed after the Androids, to which the rest of the Z Warriors flew after them as they all headed towards the area that 16 had indicated, leaving Metro North, and its citizens, behind. As they flew Rainbow could tell that Applejack was trying to read the Androids at the moment, as if she was trying to determine their fighting styles at a glance so she could figure out how she needed to fight in the future.

Rainbow knew that her sister had her own fighting style and that she had her own, though the thought of fighting the Androids had returned in full force and she was definitely excited for what was to come... especially with all of the changes that had happened to the timeline.

It didn't take them long to reach the area that Android 16 had told them about, which looked like an almost perfect copy of the area Rainbow, Applejack, and the others had fought Nappa in before finally killing him, though when questioned as to why they were stopping here the Android merely responded with the fact that there was a road further ahead and that the people on it would suffer from their fight. A few seconds later Vegeta and the other members of the Z Warriors landed behind them, though they landed on a plateau that would allow them to watch the fight and jump in if the Androids grew tired of fighting Rainbow or Applejack.

"So how do we want to do this?" Rainbow asked, to which she stretched her arms and legs for a few seconds, as she was getting herself pumped for the fight that was coming, while at the same time Applejack merely stood there and looked at their opponents, "One of you and one of us, or two on two to make it more interesting."

"I don't see why we can't fight two on two," Android 17 said, though at the same time he cracked his knuckles as his sister moved a piece of hair out of her eyes, while 16 decided to move to a different plateau so he could observe the fight, "come and show us what you are capable of."

Rainbow looked around the area and noticed that there were a few clouds in the immediate area, which meant that, if the Androids didn't know about her decoy skill, she could fool one of them for a few seconds and get a good few hits ont them before they figured out what was happening. A few seconds later she grinned and burst through the air as her ki latched onto the clouds around her, though she quickly passed by where Android 18 was and landed in front of her brother, to which she threw a few punches at him to see what his reaction time was like. What she didn't expect was him to strike her in the chest and pierce her skin, though that was followed by her grabbing his arm as a look of confusion appeared on his face. She then followed that up with using the Cloud Clone technique, which caused the body to turn to clouds as she appeared behind him, though she followed that up by gripping onto his shoulders and throwing 17 down to the nearby rock structure, destroying a good section of it in the process.

A couple of seconds passed before Android 17 pulled himself from the rubble and brushed off the dust that was on his clothing, though at the same time Rainbow dismissed the clone that was waiting nearby before turning her attention back to her opponent.

"Okay, that was an interesting technique you used," Android 17 commented, though he floated up to where Rainbow, Applejack, and his sister, "and, interestingly enough, Dr. Gero didn't have that one in his files anywhere. It would have been interesting to know about that ahead of time."

"Yeah, but then the fight wouldn't be as interesting if you knew all of our tricks," Rainbow said, to which she flew down to where her foe was waiting and started throwing more punches at him, where 17 raised his arms to defend himself.

Applejack watched as her sister's attacks were parried by the Android, though as she watched them fight she realized that they were purposely holding back to see how powerful their opponent was, before they powered up and started taking this fight seriously. A few seconds later she ducked as 18 threw a punch at her, indicating that she was paying attention to her surroundings and not ignoring her own opponent, before flipping through the air and slamming the back of her left leg against the guard that 18 raised in her direction. The two stared at each other before 18 grabbed onto Applejack's leg and set her flying through the air, though instead of hitting a rock structure she stabilized herself and regained her footing.

She then followed that up by swinging at her opponent and pushed her away from her sister, making sure that she and Rainbow fought their own enemies without the other Android trying to join in.

Rainbow noticed, out of the corner of her eye, that Applejack was making sure that 18 was distracted, to which she focused on blocking the attacks that were coming her way and throwing some at her target at the same time. She had to admit that 17 had been built with a decent amount of power, some of which he had to be hiding if Trunks' story was to be believed, but she was doing the same thing that he was doing. Several times Rainbow flashed around the area, to confuse her opponent and appear when he wasn't expecting her, but one thing that she noticed was that he could actually follow her as if he knew where she was. It made her wonder if Dr. Gero was able to install something inside the Androids that made them follow her speed, which would be interesting because she was one of the fastest beings in the universe at the moment and had beaten someone that had taken on the title as well.

As she thought about what she had so far observed Android 17 appeared in front of her and slammed his fist into her chest, packing enough power to send her flying through the air and forcing her to collide with the rock pillar that was behind her, causing it to collapse into a ruined pile of rocks. When the dust cleared he was surprised to find that Rainbow was nowhere to be seen, though that was seconds before something collided with his chest and forced him to take a few steps backwards, where he discovered that his opponent had increased her speed to get around his sensors... or so she believed at the moment.

"You know, this is definitely going to be an interesting fight," Rainbow commented, rubbing her fist for a few seconds, before dropping back into her battle stance, "I mean, its not every day that you get to fight an opponent whose able to accurately track your exact movements and anticipate what you might be able to do at any given moment."

"Thanks to the data that Dr. Gero installed in us my sister and I know that your speed is not to be messed with," 17 replied, to which he dropped into his battle stance and prepared himself for what was coming next, "though your power is what he suggested that we avoid while we battle you. I am eager to see just how much power you actually have."

Rainbow smiled and burst through the air, to which she slammed her fist into 17's chest and sent him flying backwards, though she followed that up by flying along side him and swinging the back of her leg into his back. The blow sent him flying towards the ground, though a few seconds later he corrected himself and started throwing ki blasts at her, to which she started to dodge them as she kept her eyes on her opponent... or at least she thought that she was doing that. A few seconds later Android 17 appeared above her head and struck her with his fists, sending her flying towards the ground as he sent several more ki blasts, each slightly more powerful than the first volley he threw, that exploded around her when she touched the ground.

Instead of stopping there Android 17 threw another volley, one that was more powerful than the first and second volleys put together, that caused the entire ground around Rainbow to explode as all of the ki blasts detonated when they hit their target... though he waited until the smoke cleared before he got too comfortable.

"Say, who were you aiming at?" a voice next to him said, though for some reason Android 17 didn't decide to see who it was as he focused on the ground below him.

"I'm aiming at Rainbow Dash," Android 17 replied, to which he noticed who the voice had belonged to and jumped backwards, where he noticed that Rainbow was actually floating next to where he had been floating a few seconds ago, "Okay, I knew that we shouldn't underestimate your speed, but this is kind of ridiculous... I sent a fair amount of ki blasts at you and at least one of them should have hit you."

"Come on, we both know that you are still holding back," Rainbow said, to which she faced her opponent and dropped back into her battle stance, which Android 17 mimicked, "so, why don't we crank things up a notch? I'm interesting in seeing what you are like when you are actually trying to beat someone in a fight."

Android 17 smiled as he flew at his opponent, though at the same time his sister and Applejack blocked each other's attack and broke the small rock pillar that was next to them, before they separated from each other. They then stared at each other for a few seconds, allowing the sounds of the other battle to fill their ears for a moment before they flew into battle once more. 18 threw a punch and Applejack blocked it, which prompted Applejack to throw an attack of her own, though as the seconds passed, and the two of them exchanged blows, it became clear that they were merely testing each other. Eventually Applejack broke from what they were doing and stuck 18 in the chest, sending her flying backwards for a moment, though her foe regained herself and smirked a bit.

"So, do I measure up to what you were told about?" Android 18 asked, wiping the hair from her eyes once more, though at the same time she made sure to keep her fists at the ready in case Applejack attacked her again.

"I'd say so," Applejack remarked, though at the same time she knew that Trunks hadn't really told them much about the Androids during his last visit, but it seemed to make the Android happy, "So, shall we get serious about this?"

"Whenever your ready to do so," Android 18 said, though at the same time they both prepared themselves, each waiting for the other to make the first move.

This standoff went on for a few seconds before 18 made the first move, to which she flew through the air and crossed the distance between her and Applejack, where she threw her fists at her opponent and forced Applejack to block them. Applejack was able to see the attacks coming, thanks to the countless training sessions practicing against her sister's speed, though a few of them did slip through her defenses and landed on either her arms or her chest. She also found that she was able to land several hits as well, though she had to wonder if 18 was intentionally opening herself to one of her more stronger attacks. For a moment she wondered if she could get away with using the Harvester's Barrage on 18, because she was sure that Dr. Gero hadn't seen it during the last three years, but she needed to be careful with what she showed during a light brawl.

A few seconds later she made a decision and threw herself into the motions, where she slammed her fists and hooves into 18 multiple times, freely knocking her around the area around them, before appearing above her foe and struck her with both hooves... sending her towards the ground and creating a small crater around her.

"So that is the Harvester's Barrage," 18 commented, carefully pulling herself from the crater, to which she dusted herself off before floating into the air, "Dr. Gero had a file on his computer that revealed that he had the suspicion that you possessed a strong attack, though he had no way to prove it thanks to the destruction of those robots he used to spy on all of you. If I hadn't been made into an Android I'm sure that such an attack would have done some serious damage, though now I know what to look out for if you decide to use that again."

Applejack had been expecting something like that, based on how her opponent had been reacting towards her so far, but there were other skills she had developed over the last three years that the Androids wouldn't know about, especially since she hadn't shown any of them off on Earth at all. She briefly wondered if she should break out the Kaio-Ken and truly show 18 what she was capable of, but then decided that it was best to hold off on revealing that skill until her sister decided to show off. When she reached that decision she charged through the air and slammed her fist into 18's face, though the Android smiled and threw some punches at her, where they returned to what they had been doing at the beginning of their fight.

Vegeta watched as both Android 17 and Android 18 held their own against Rainbow and Applejack, though he already knew that all four of them were holding back at the moment. They were trying to determine the skills of their opponents without getting too serious, though out of all of them Applejack was already taking this seriously. He supposed that it made sense considering that she was the strategist between her and her sister, though showing off the Harvester's Barrage at the beginning of the fight meant that she was considering using some of the other combination attacks she had developed over the last three years... while Rainbow seemed to be enjoying the chance to be pushed to her limits in terms of speed, as her opponent seemed to be able to keep up every now and then.

As the fight unfolded before his eyes he noticed that the rest of the Z Warriors were standing around, trying to come to terms with what the Androids had said back in Dr. Gero's hidden laboratory... while Trunks, on the other hand, was sitting on a nearby rock and staring at the pair of Androids. He already knew that his future son was trying to understand how his future could be so different from their present, though at the same time Vegeta already knew that the answer could be gleamed if he were to ask Chronoa about the strange change in history. A few seconds later Vegeta decided to see what Trunks had to say about this change, so he walked over to where his future son was sitting and sat down next to him, while keeping his eyes on the fight.

"So Trunks," Vegeta said, noticing out of the corner of his eye that Trunks slightly turned to look at him with the mention of his name, "what do you make of this? The Androids suddenly turn on Dr. Gero, kill him before he could turn them back off, and then proclaim that they don't want to follow his directives. What could have caused such a change in the timeline?"

"Honestly, I have no idea." Trunks replied, though at the same time he glared at the two Androids, the memories of what happened in his future flashing through his mind for a few seconds, "I can understand that by coming back in time I managed to shift the date of when Goku received his heart disease by a year or two. I can even accept that by saving him from his fate caused the creation of Androids 19 and 20, as they were built to defeat Goku and do whatever else Dr. Gero had designed them to do. What I cannot accept is that I managed to alter the Androids that were supposed to destroy the world, which means that something else is at work here."

"Is it possible that they were lying when they told Dr. Gero what they told him?" Vegeta commented, causing Trunks to fully turn towards him, "Android 17 and 18, from what we can determine, were built to defeat Kakarot, Rainbow, and Applejack, so would it not make sense for them to actually test the people that they know nothing about. This is the best way for them to gather information on their future opponents, while under the guise of pretending to have a friendly brawl, so they can plan a better strategy for when they actually attack the planet."

"The annoying thing is that you might be right," Trunks said, though at the same time he tapped his legs a few times, as if he was trying to choose between watching the fight and doing something else, "I have no idea what could be happening to this timeline anymore, which has me worried that I might have made things worse than my timeline instead of trying to improve what happened. Besides, the Androids are acting too friendly for my liking, which has me worried that they might be trying to fool us so they can take out some of our stronger warriors without anyone coming in to save them."

Vegeta thought about that for a moment, because in the timeline that Trunks had told them about the girls were 'killed' by the Androids, though he had the opinion that Chronoa had stepped in to prevent them both from dying. If such a thing were to happen in this timeline, where the Androids attempted to kill Rainbow and Applejack, he was sure that Chronoa would do the same thing. After all, they were the daughters of Beerus the Destroyer, who would fly into a rage when he realized his daughters were dead and couldn't be brought back to life, as he was sure that Applejack would choose to stay behind to make sure Rainbow had company until they could both be resurrected. That particular outcome would result in the destruction of a good portion of the universe, which was why he wanted to make sure that such an outcome never came to pass.

At the same time he had to wonder what Chronoa was doing, because if Trunks was worried about a change in history that was this large he expected the Supreme Kai of Time to have some thoughts on the matter... though at the same time he guessed that she knew he and the girls would deal with the change in their own way.

"I guess at this point there's nothing we can do but watch them fight," Trunks said, to which he turned back to the fight, where they watched the girls grab onto their opponents and throw them into the plateaus that were near them, "at least those two are having fun against the Androids."

"And just think, they're only getting started," Vegeta replied, a grin appearing on his face, though at the same time he had to resist the urge to charge into battle, because he would have been interested in joining the fight if he had been invited to join them.

"That's the amazing thing, that the girls are able to hold back and still stand on equal ground with the Androids," Yamcha commented, causing some of the group to turn towards him for a moment, "I know that they were strong enough to take on the first form of Frieza, thanks to you guys sharing the story with us after your return, but this is amazing. If the Androids were evil I'm sure that they would have already been destroyed, so I guess either way the majority of us would have been reduced to watching them fight anyway."

Vegeta already knew what the girls were hiding, as they had spent three years building up their skills and improving on everything that they already knew, though one of the things they had learned to do was actually work like a team, which was great considering the fact that they were sisters. He had to admit that the Androids fought in a similar manner, despite the fact that they weren't trying any combination attacks, but that didn't mean that they weren't waiting for the best moment to reveal their hand. He could also tell that the girls were waiting for a certain moment before they revealed their own hand, though he could tell that everyone was excited to see what the girls did next.

A few moments later Rainbow and Applejack were forced back to back as both Android 17 and 18 gathered around them, to which most of the group worried that this was the end of the brawl and that they would see the true nature of the Androids... though Vegeta smiled when he noticed the red flickering aura that sparked around Applejack. Not a few seconds later the group watched the same thing happened to Rainbow for a few seconds, causing everyone but Vegeta to gasp in surprise when they realized exactly what was coming next.

Rainbow and Applejack stood back to back as they stared at the Androids, who didn't seem to be getting tired from the fight at the moment, but they knew that it made sense because they were taking it seriously and weren't wasting energy on attacks that didn't matter. They had practiced several scenarios where they were forced to stand back to back with each other, though every time they had trained themselves they had been fighting against the pairing of Vegeta and Goku or a random paring of Saiyans that wanted to fight them. The Androids seemed pleased that they had such strong people to fight, after officially waking up thanks to Dr. Gero, though they were in for a wide awakening when the girls showed them what they were planning.

"So, do you think its time we showed them what we learned during our training?" Rainbow asked, as she knew that her sister had to be planning something and was waiting for her to tell her that it was time.

"Yea, I do believe its about time," Applejack replied, to which a red ki aura wrapped around her, similar to what Vegeta and Goku used when they activated their Super Saiyan forms... though that was quickly followed by Rainbow doing the same thing.

"17, 18, I suggest you dodge what is coming next!" Android 16 shouted, causing the two Androids to actually turn and look at their companion, as they were wondering why he was bothering them at the moment.

"What do you think he means?" 17 asked, though based on the files he had he suspected that this was the Kaio-Ken ability, though he couldn't be sure because Dr. Gero hadn't recorded either of the girls knowing the ability during all of the years he had been studying Goku.

"I don't know, but it will bring some excitement to our fight," 18 replied, though at the same time she smiled, because things had been getting boring when neither of the girls had been fighting at their full power.

"Kaio-Ken!" both Rainbow and Applejack shouted, though that was followed by them flashing from where they were standing and flew to their chosen opponents.

Android 17 and 18 were surprised that the girls knew the Kaio-Ken ability, as they had been programmed with the belief that only Goku knew it, though as they stepped backwards the girls struck them and pushed them away from each other. 17 found Rainbow literally dashing around him, as she flashed to a point where he could see her, to which he would turn to look at her, before she would disappear and reappear somewhere else, where she would either hit him or simply continue to confuse him. 18, on the other hand, was forced on the defensive as Applejack attacked her, where she did her best to block and deflect Applejack's fists and hooves, though she noticed that some of the attacks would have definitely hurt if she wasn't an Android.

That went on for some time until the Androids decided to really go full power, where they managed to turn the tables on the sisters and pushed them back together again... though neither of the girls seemed to be too concerned about that fact, which told the Androids that there was more than they were seeing at the moment.

"I had no idea the two of you mastered the Kaio-Ken," Android 17 commented, though at the same time he knew that it was a good thing, because that meant that this would be a more interesting fight for him and his sister, "When did you find the time to master that technique?"

"We spent three years training with Goku and Vegeta," Applejack replied, to which she merely floated where she was at the moment, while Rainbow stared at the Androids and prepared herself, "we needed some sort of power boosting technique that would allow us to fight on par with them, especially when they used their Super Saiyan forms, so we dedicated ourselves to mastering this technique."

"And then, when we had a good base, we pushed ourselves further," Rainbow continued, to which she smiled as both her aura and her sister's intensified, which actually caused the Androids to step back a tiny bit, "Sure, even at our highest multiple we're still weaker than a Super Saiyan, but we make up for that in damaging attacks that could ruin your day... or the surrounding area, if your fighting me."

"That had better not mean what I think it means." 18 said, indicating that their files told them about the multiples that Goku used back when Nappa and Vegeta landed on the planet, which meant that they were either prepared for such a technique or didn't care about it.

"Kaio-Ken... times THREE!" Rainbow and Applejack shouted, to which the aura around them intensified as their power increased threefold, much to the surprise of the majority of the Z Warriors.

The Androids quickly discovered that neither Rainbow or Applejack were playing around this time, as they flew through the air at quicker speeds than they were expecting and crashed into them, knocking them away from each other and preventing them from actually helping each other. As the Androids regained their footing, and attempted to rejoin the battle by punching someone, their opponent would appear in front of them and slam their fists into their chests, to which they knocked them around for a few seconds. The observers were amazed by what was happening, though at the same time they were shocked that no damage had been done to anyone, or rather no significant damage had been done yet.

The Z Warriors watched as the Androids clashed with the empowered pony girls, to which the shock waves that followed each clash shook some of the dirt around them, though at the same time neither Rainbow or Applejack seemed to be under any sort of stress at the moment. As they watched Krillin suspected that the three years they had spent training along side Goku and Vegeta had been the reason behind why the girls could suddenly use the technique without slowing down due to any pain... and it also explained how Rainbow had gained the skill to begin with. Out of all of them only Vegeta seemed unfazed by what they were seeing, which was understandable considering he had helped them learn how to harness the power behind the Kaio-Ken.

After a few minutes of the two groups clashing both Rainbow and Applejack threw their opponents into each other, causing them to collide in the air for a moment, before they brought their hands to their sides and started gathering their energy into an attack that everyone was familiar with... though while Applejack's was the normal blue color Rainbow's had taken on a red tint for some reason.

"Ka... me... ha... me..." the two of them said, before they leveled their hands with the Androids and released the power they had been gathering for the last few seconds, "HAAAAAAA!"

The Androids barely had any time to defend themselves as the two attacks barreled into them, exploding upon impact and kicking up a large amount of dust and bits of rock that had been in the area around them, though at the same time the girls kept themselves at the ready. They had no idea if their attacks had actually hit the Androids, or had damaged them at all, though they had learned to not let their guard down around opponents they knew nothing about, which was thanks to all the training they did with the Saiyan warriors of Asgard. When the smoke cleared they discovered that Android 17 had gotten to his feet before the attacks had hit him and his sister, though at the same time they noticed that he had summoned some sort of energy barrier that was starting to fade... which would have explained how the two of them were able to avoid all the damage their attacks might have done to them.

"It is a good thing I remembered that I had that ability," Android 17 commented, to which he rubbed his hands for a few seconds, which meant that he had to have suffered some damage due to the suddenness of him calling the barrier into existence, "So 18, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Yeah, its time we ended this fight," 18 replied, to which they looked up at the pony girls that were staring at them, "You can power down now... we're done fighting with you."

Rainbow and Applejack raised their eyebrows for a moment, as they wondered if the Androids were trying to trick them, before they released the Kaio-Ken and returned to their original state. A few seconds later 17 beckoned to them and the four of them headed back to where the rest of the Z Warriors were waiting, who were interested in hearing the outcome of the battle and whether or not they actually had to worry about the Androids being enemies towards them.

"So, what's the verdict?" Krillin asked, though at the same time everyone else stopped what they were doing and gathered around them, while some of them decided to keep themselves a few steps away in case a real fight broke out.

"Your friends passed our little test," Android 17 answered, to which he turned to everyone and stared at them, while at the same time wondering what they would think of the news that they were going to give them, "As a reward we decided to share with you a piece of information that we're sure you know nothing about; there's one more Android of sorts that Dr. Gero was in the process of creating."

"You have got to be kidding me," Trunks said, though at the same time he couldn't help but wonder if this new Android was evil, like the ones he was used to, or if he was oddly good, much like 17 and 18 were, "Do you have any idea what this Android looks like or where Dr. Gero hid him?"

"No. All we know is that Dr. Gero called him 'Cell'," 18 answered, to which she shook her head for a few seconds, "One day we spotted a file that was labeled with the Android's name and tried to open it, though the moment we tried to it deleted itself... only to reappear a few days later thanks to an unknown backup. During the time we were offline we managed to pick up on several tidbits where the doctor was making comments on how powerful this Cell was going to be when he was finished... and it appeared that he was supposed to be even stronger than the two of us. We are sure that Dr. Gero has another hidden laboratory, located somewhere around the vastness of the world, that contains the mysterious Android that the doctor was talking about, though it will take some time and energy before its uncovered.

The only good news we can offer you is that we suspect that this Cell hasn't been activated yet, so should you uncover another one of the doctor's laboratories you should be able to destroy him before he's powered up."

"And what will the three of you be doing?" Trunks asked, because despite the fact that the Androids appeared to be on their side he wouldn't put it passed them to try something funny.

"I thought that we would head down the countryside, enjoy the scenery for a few moments, and then see if Goku's home," 17 replied, to which he, his sister, and 16 floated into the air for a moment, though that was before he turned back and looked down at them, "oh, and don't expect us to help you out with this Cell character. The term 'good' implies that we would stick around and help you save the world, while the term 'evil' would imply that we could destroy the world for fun... though at the moment I would consider us 'neutral'. We're going to take our freedom and do whatever we want with it... so maybe we'll see you around in the future, or maybe not."

Rainbow, Applejack, and the others watched as the trio of Androids flew off into the distance, leaving them with a small warning about another Android that they knew nothing about, gave them no description of what this Cell even looked like, and left them confused on what they needed to do at the moment. Rainbow glanced at her sister for a moment, who nodded her head in understanding... as they both knew that they all needed to really step up their training if this Cell was as powerful as the two Androids believed him to be. As that thought crossed their minds they both had to wonder if this Cell was the one that would ultimately be the one that Trunks had been warning them about... the Android that would destroy the world.

Though before they started training they knew that they were going to have to check up on Goku and see how well he was doing... and tell him the news that would excite him once he had made a full recovery from the heart disease. Then they could begin hunting down this Cell, before one of the doctor's backup systems roused him from his slumber and loosed him into the world at large.

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