• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: Raijack's Power

Super Buu had been amazed by the power that both Gotenks and Gohan had wielded, as both were strong enough to overwhelm him in battle and would have reduced him to anger, had he not been gifted the information that there was another strong foe for him to fight. He had absorbed those two fighters, along with the person called Piccolo, and had taken their power and smarts into his body, making him both stronger and smarter in the process, but while he gained new abilities he also discovered a weakness to his situation. All three of the people he had absorbed had no information on what Raijack was capable of in battle, as from what he could tell from Gotenks' memories they had a brief sparring match and she didn't use any new attacks during those thirty minutes... meaning that he was going into this battle blind.

He was excited to see what his opponent was capable of when she started fighting, which was why he was patiently waiting for Raijack to indicate that she was ready to start.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Super Buu," Raijack said, a smile appearing on her face as she stared at her opponent, who readied himself while she spoke, "as you know I am neither Rainbow Dash or Applejack... rather, I am Raijack. I hope you are ready to fight with me."

"I am prepared!" Super Buu shouted, dropping into his battle stance and held a hand up, to which he beckoned for his opponent to come at him at once, "Come! I wish to experience the power of Raijack for myself!"

Raijack nodded her head in agreement and dashed towards where Super Buu was floating, though not a few seconds later she applied her speed and flashed through the air, appearing to the right of where her opponent was at the moment and continued flying forward. Super Buu hadn't noticed where she was standing, not yet anyway, but Raijack used that to her advantage as she passed behind her opponent, to which she grabbed onto Super Buu's head with her right hand and caused a look of surprise to appear on his face. Before Super Buu had a chance to even do anything, and free himself, Raijack thrust her hand forward and sent Super Buu flying through the air, to which he collided with a plateau and shattered the entire thing as he passed through it.

Instead of remaining where she was, and waiting for Super Buu to come back to her, Raijack zeroed in on where her opponent hand landed and flew in the direction she had thrown him in, using a lower speed so she could find Super Buu that much easier. As she flew over the ruined plateau, and observed the damage she had done, Super Buu flew out of the rubble and came at her, to which he started throwing punches and kicks in her direction, using one of the methods that Gohan had been using earlier. Raijack, knowing this sequence of attacks thanks to what she knew, simply blocked the attacks that came at her, either stopping them or pushing them out of her way... before eventually grabbing Super Buu's fist and kicked him in the chest.

As Super Buu staggered backwards for a few seconds, and stared up at Raijack, she flashed behind him and slammed her fists into his back, sending him flying towards the ground and creating a crater around where he landed. When Super Buu came flying at her again, and started throwing ki blasts at her, Raijack held her hands out and loosed her own dark purple ki blasts as well. The two groups of ki blasts collided with each other and detonated immediately, blowing the area between them to pieces and kicking up a decent amount of smoke in the process. Raijack then flew through the smoke and appeared right in front of Super Buu, to which she punched him in the chest, grabbed onto his head, and flung him down at the nearest rock wall... to which the entire structure shattered upon Super Buu impacting the wall.

This time when Super Buu pulled himself from the rubble he stood his ground and gathered his ki, to which Raijack wondered what sort of attack her opponent was going to use against her, especially since Super Buu had gone through the effort to absorb Gotenks, Piccolo, and Gohan earlier. A few seconds later Super Buu held his hands up, forming a circle with them in the process, and started channeling his ki, to which he fired three glowing yellow ki rings into the air that flew up to where Raijack was floating. She stared at them as her opponent brought his hands together and the ki rings tightened around Raijack's body, pinning her arms against her body and prevented her from doing anything... though she didn't even bother screaming, as she really didn't feel anything from them.

At the same time Super Buu came out of the area he had been standing in and observed his attack, frowning for a moment as he realized that it appeared that his attack was having no effect on Raijack... or if it was hurting her she was doing a good job of hiding her pain from him.

"This is Gotenks' Continuous Super Donuts." Super Buu commented, staring at his opponent as she struggled against the three ki rings, or what he assumed was her struggling against his attack, "Even I had a hard time breaking them when Gotenks was in his Super Saiyan 3 form, but thanks to the powers of both him and Gohan I will break you under the intensity of my blows!"

"Super Buu... I hope there is more to your power than this," Raijack said, to which she flexed her muscles and shattered the three ki rings, where the fragments sparkled for a few seconds before outright disappearing, "because its going to take more than some ki rings to beat me."

"You could always show off some of your new powers." Super Buu retorted, though at the same time he dropped into his battle stance, because he was interested in seeing what sort of abilities Raijack could use, especially with the information he had on Gotenks' powers, "That would make things much more interesting."

"We've barely gotten started, so there's no reason to end the fight just yet." Raijack replied, to which she held up her arms and balled her hands into fists, indicating that she was still going to throw some punches and kicks at him, "Though don't worry about my abilities just yet, I'll show you a few of them in the next couple of minutes."

Super Buu growled for a moment and dashed forward, to which he attacked Raijack with his fists once more, though this time she actually used her own fists to counter his attacks, instead of her arms like the last time. What Super Buu found odd about this situation was that Raijack almost seemed slower than she had been mere moments ago, making him wonder if the power from her fusion was already fading, which would annoy him to no end. The other possibility was that she had purposely lowered her power to his level, meaning that he could be fighting an opponent that had the same level of power that he possessed... which would have meant that Raijack was even stronger than he even realized.

One of his punches slipped passed Raijack's defenses and hit her square in the side of her face, causing her to stagger backward for a moment, though that was immediately followed by Raijack rubbing the area for a few seconds before she jumped back into the battle.

Super Buu resumed throwing more punches and kicks at his opponent, though while he did that he knew that his lucky hit must have been Raijack determining his actual strength, even if it meant he scored a blow in the process. That's what the Piccolo in him believed, as he had witnessed the battle between Raijack and Gogeta, and he was willing to believe the knowledge that Raijack's friends possessed. Super Buu also knew that his opponent had seen a move or two that Gotenks had used, but she hadn't seen all of them and had a special surprise waiting for her... to which she slammed his foot into her stomach and forced her backwards, before he gathered his ki and started blowing out some eerie white balls.

The balls quickly formed the same ghost attack that Gotenks had used, the Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack to be exact, though his ghosts shared his face instead of Gotenks' face and they each contained a great deal of power, which would be enough to defeat any lesser foe. Once the ghosts were ready Super Buu sent them flying towards where Raijack was, to which they flew through the air, locked onto where their target was, and detonated the instant they reached Super Buu's foe. Super Buu had to grin as the entire area around Raijack was consumed by the explosion that the ghosts produced, because it appeared that his opponent was too shocked by him producing those ghosts and had been stunned long enough for him to do some real damage.

Before he could even celebrate a little, however, he noticed something that was emerging from the smoke, to which Super Buu watched as Raijack, surrounded by her aura, emerged from the smoke without a bit of damage on her body. A few moments later she turned off her aura and dusted off her clothing, why he had no idea, before she stopped and stared at him for a few seconds.

"What... did you do?" Super Buu asked, as he was sure that his ghosts had hit their target, but the results in front of him meant that Raijack had done something to negate his attack, "What power did you use to stop my ghosts?"

"I didn't use a power to stop your ghosts," Raijack replied, to which she shook her head for a moment, almost as if she was annoyed that Super Buu would even ask such a question, "all I did was summon my aura and caused a small ki wave, one that was barely noticeable, to emit from where I was standing, which caused all of the ghosts to collide with each other and detonate their charges. Here, allow me to give you a demonstration..."

Super Buu watched as Raijack held her right hand up and leveled it with his body, though not even five seconds later an incredible force latched onto his body and blasted him away from where Raijack was standing, breaking his body into several pieces at the same time. Raijack then lowered her right hand while at the same time raising her left hand, to which she focused her ki into the area around where she had sent Super Buu and made a pulling motion, to which the various pieces of her opponent came flying back to where she was standing. Once they were close enough she spun around and sent the pieces flying towards the ground, where they struck the crater that was beneath them... though as she released her hold on the fragments of Super Buu she watched as they pieced themselves back together, allowing Super Buu to stand once more.

Once Super Buu had put himself back together, and was sure that he wasn't missing anything important, he floated back up to where Raijack was floating, who simply lowered her left hand and returned it to her side.

"What was that?" Super Buu inquired, though he swore that if Raijack continued to give her annoying answers, about how those weren't some special powers granted to her by her fusion, then he was going to go berserk.

"Those were the Celestial Push and Celestial Pull attacks," Raijack replied, though at the same time she offered Super Buu a smile, because him being annoyed only meant that he wouldn't be able to see what was coming next, "The Celestial Push attack basically allows me to repel anything, or anyone, that I want, which is how I was able to push you so far away, though your body apparently couldn't handle the weight of my power. The Celestial Pull ability works in the opposite manner, allowing me to attract certain things and people to where I'm standing, while at the same time manipulating them in whatever manner I desire. These are the first two attacks that I will show you... so I'm hoping that you'll enjoy fighting me and my powers."

Super Buu growled and flew through the air, swinging his arms and legs at Raijack like he had been doing earlier, though this time she was actually dodging his attacks by moving her body out of the way, instead of blocking what he threw at her. Every now and then Raijack would actually block a punch with one of her arms and then unleash a short barrage of punches or kicks into Super Buu's body, the number of attacks varying each time she did it so he couldn't form a pattern in his head. His body was also a little slow to heal those types of punches, leading him to assume that Raijack had been adding her 'Celestial Push' to her punches and kicks, or rather a tiny amount to prevent him from being torn asunder... or something like that anyway.

Raijack was strong, there was no denying that simply fact, but since she had clearly lowered her power to match his own, to make the fight fair, Super Buu actually had to wonder how much stronger her abilities would be if she unleashed her full power.

The two of them flew back at each other and slammed their fists together, the force generated by the collision of powers causing the ground to shake for a moment, before Super Buu grabbed onto Raijack's arm, spun around, and sent her flying towards the ground. Not a few seconds later Raijack regained herself and flew back up to where her opponent was floating, to which the two of them continued throwing attacks at each other, while at the same time Super Buu started considering ways to make his opponent get serious. He briefly considered attacking Gale, just to annoy Raijack, but he quickly determined that such a move would either wouldn't work or it could and severally piss her off... though as he thought about all of this Raijack appeared in front of him and punched him in the side of the head, sending him flying into the ground once more.

A few seconds later Raijack floated down to where Super Buu was resting at the moment, who growled in annoyance as he picked himself off the ground and stared up at her once more.

"It would appear that you are distracted by something," Raijack commented, letting out a sigh as she stared down at Super Buu, who prepared himself for another round of attacks, "Tell me, Super Buu, would you take this fight more seriously if I showed you more of my attacks?"

"Yes." Super Buu replied, though he spoke almost immediately, because he was terribly interested in the powers that his opponent commanded, especially if he could trick her and absorb her, which was likely impossible at this point in time, "Show me your powers!"

Raijack let out a sigh as she brought her hands together, though instead of forming a triangle like Rainbow would she brought the palms of her hands to the point where they were almost touching. She purposely left a small pocket in her hands, where she could channel her ki into a more concentrated form, before a small smile appeared on her face as she looked at the small black sphere that she had formed. A few seconds later she lifted her hands into the air and let the small sphere float into the air, though at the same time she noticed that Super Buu had noticed the sphere and was studying it... as if he was trying to understand what she was doing.

When the black sphere reached the clouds, where Rainbow would make the Heart of the Storm wait, Raijack clapped her hands together and let it come to a stop... before she activated the power inside the sphere.

Super Buu stayed where he was standing for a few moments, staring up at the sphere that Raijack had launched into the air, before he felt the ground beneath his feet begin to shake, though while it was similar to what happened when Raijack was formed he could tell that there was something different about the shaking this time around. He noticed that the area around him seemed to be shaking with the same intensity, though when a piece of the earth cracked, and pulled itself into the air, he knew something was wrong. When the first piece pulled itself free several more followed it into the air, though that was before larger sections of the ground started to break apart and followed the same pattern... though at the same time Super Buu decided to move and flew towards an area that was outside the area that was shaking, allowing him to observe what was happening.

The entire mountain area, where he and Raijack had been fighting, was shaking under the intensity of Raijack's power, while sections of it, ranging from small pieces to massive boulder sizes pieces, were being pulled into the air... though as the fragments neared the sphere they started to form a large boulder in the air. Super Buu watched as even the mountain was pulled from the ground, adding even more mass to the large sphere that was forming above their heads, before Raijack seemed pleased with the amount of material she had pulled in. A few seconds later the sphere seemed to smooth out, the cracks and holes merging together, before a perfect sphere, no doubt the size of a small moon, floated above them... though Super Buu also noticed a faint ki aura wrap around the floating rock, meaning that Raijack intended to use it for some purpose.

Raijack, on the other hand, glanced up at the large spherical rock that was floating above their heads and smiled, because it appeared that she had been able to perform the attack without something going wrong... before she turned her head back down towards where her opponent was waiting.

"Super Buu, this is my Orb of Devastation," Raijack called out, snapping Super Buu out of his thoughts and causing him to focus solely on the large rock, while at the same time Raijack moved her hand downward, as if she was throwing a ball at someone, "Let's see how you stand up to this!"

Not a few moments later the small moon sized rock started its descent towards where Super Buu was standing, telling him that he was the target almost immediately, but instead of moving out of the way he brought his hands together, near the right side of his body, and started gathering his ki. Usually he would have let such an attack hit him and be done with it, where he could simply regenerate after the attack was finished, but something told him that there was a trick involved with the process of creating the small moon. Even if his opponent intended on blowing apart a piece of the world, which he was perfectly fine with, he didn't want to see what trick Raijack had infused into the heart of the moon... which was the reason why he was doing this in the first place.

"Ka... me... ha... me..." Super Buu said, his ki forming the same spherical attack that Gohan knew about, though he was planning on making his much stronger than the Saiyan's was, while at the same time he targeted the center of the moon and shouted the last bit of the attack's name, "HAAAAA!"

Super Buu launched the attack with all his might, sending the beam of energy right at the center of the moon and grinned as he struck his target, but he continued to press on, as he intended to destroy the core. He was sure that the small black sphere that Raijack had sent into the sky was the key to keeping the moon together, and what was allowing her to use it in such a manner, so he intended on breaking both it and the moon in the same instant. What surprised him was that Raijack wasn't even trying to hide the smile on her face, as if she had been expecting something like this to happen and had planned for it, but he focused on his task... to which he grinned as the center of the moon exploded and sent the rock pieces flying in every direction.

That was almost immediately followed by Raijack holding her hand out towards the flying rubble and stopped all of the fragments in their tracks, to which she raised her hand towards the sky and they went flying in the opposite direction of where Super Buu was standing. As he lowered his hands Super Buu had to wonder what was coming next, meaning he was curious if Raijack would attack with her fists or with another ki based attack... though that was before he noticed that the sky was on fire. As he refocused on the sky, however, he determined that the sky appeared to be on fire, but in reality he only thought that because of the large number of ki spheres, all of which looked like moving fire, that were floating above the clouds.

Super Buu had absolutely no idea how Raijack had the time to prepare so many ki blasts in such a short amount of time, without him noticing what she was doing, but something told him that this was going to hurt.

"Ragnarok!" Raijack shouted, to which she leveled her hand with the ground once more and every ki sphere started to descend towards the ground, acting like a large meteor shower that was targeting a single person.

At first Super Buu tired to blast some of the flaming spheres out of his way, hoping that their explosions would take out the rest of the group, but he soon found that even if one of the spheres exploded they were designed to keep the explosion small. With that in mind he started dodging the attacks that were coming his way, letting the ground around him fall apart under the intensity of the number of spheres that were descending towards him... until one of them managed to clip him, which was followed by others barreling into him and detonating the instant he touched the ground. The rest of the spheres changed course and collided with the center of the explosion until Raijack had spent them all, leaving her to observe the damage when the smoke cleared.

A few moments later she found a large crater, easily triple the size of the Lookout, resting in the ground in front of her, while at the same time going quite a ways down into the ground. She was fortunate that she had moved the fight away from where Dende was located, otherwise he and Mr. Satan would have gotten caught up in the blast and they wouldn't have been able to use the Dragon Balls at all. Based on the ki that she was feeling she could tell that Super Buu was still alive, but at the moment it appeared that he didn't want to come out and play... which was fine with her, because she was starting to grow bored of this fight anyway.

Raijack flew up towards the clouds for a moment, tore a large enough chunk out of it, and lowered it towards the ground, where she climbed onto it and simply laid there, allowing her to think about her abilities and how Super Buu really didn't stand a chance against her.

"All right!" a new voice said, one that sounded like Gogeta for a moment, though when Raijack raised her head she found a new warrior floating near her cloud.

The warrior had to be the result of a fusion, as she was positive that she saw both Goku and Vegeta when she looked at him, though at the same time she had to wonder what this second method of fusion was, because this wasn't the result of the Fusion Dance. The warrior had the same body type as Goku and possessed his jawline, though his hair color was somewhere between a dark brown to a reddish brown color. In addition to Goku's softer jawline the warrior also had Vegeta's sharper eyes, though that was when Raijack noticed that the warrior's upper hair style stood firmly upwards, just like Vegeta's hair. The warrior's hair also included Goku's hairline and had two bangs that were sticking out like a downward 'V', though that was something that raised Raijack's interest a little.

Raijack also noticed that the warrior was wearing two yellow Potara earrings, the same type of earring that Shin and Chronoa wore all the time, and happened to be wearing Goku's style of clothing with the colors reversed. She determined that the color change reflected Vegeta's outfit, as the warrior was wearing a blue gi and sash with an orange undershirt, while also wearing white gloves and boots.

"Listen, I don't know who you are, but get lost," Raijack commented, laying her head back down on the cloud, as she was waiting for Super Buu to get back up so she could properly put him into the ground and destroy him, "Super Buu is my opponent... despite the fact that I'm outclassing him at the moment."

"Vegeta and Kakarot have successfully merged together, meaning I am Vegito," the fusion warrior stated, though at the same time he rapidly punched and kicked the air around them, which Raijack could feel despite the fact that she was laying on her back, "So, where is Super Buu?"

"He's in the crater below us," Raijack replied, not even bothering to look up at Vegito anymore, because she was simply waiting for him to show up so she could finish this, "Why did the two of you bother fusing into this form anyway? I can easily beat Super Buu on my own."

"Their intent was for me to show off my incredible power and then be 'absorbed' by Super Buu," Vegito remarked, sounding a little pleased with what he could remember of Goku and Vegeta's plan, though at the same time he glanced down at the crater, "so I could free your friends before you killed Super Buu."

"What a waste of energy." Raijack commented, though this time she pulled herself into a sitting position and glanced over at the fusion warrior, with a hint of annoyance in her eyes, "You should have stayed as two separate beings and simply waited for four months, so we could resurrect everyone that Super Buu killed today... instead of doing this and risking the entire fate of the universe."

"Of come on, don't be like that," Vegito said, taking a moment to pat Raijack on the back for a few seconds, before turning his attention back towards the massive crater, "What's the worst that can happen?"

Raijack growled as she gripped the back of Vegito's head, pulled her arm back, and literally tossed him towards the ground, because that was the most idiotic thing she had heard since Rainbow and Applejack had fused. Vegito, on the other hand, regained himself a few seconds later and flew back up so he could stare at her, though she wasn't sure if he found this to be amusing or if he was actually going to challenge her to a fight. Before she could get a clear answer on what Vegito planned on doing, however, she noticed a faint increase in Super Buu's ki, to which she and Vegito glanced down at the crater and watched as Super Buu finally pulled himself free from the wreckage that rested all around him... before glancing up and noticing the two of them.

At first Raijack expected Super Buu to be annoyed about another fighter showing up to ruin their fight, as she slightly was as well, but then the creature started laughing, meaning that he must have determined that he had another warrior to absorb and steal the strength of.

"New warrior that I don't know the name of, come and offer your power to me!" Super Buu shouted, confirming Raijack's suspicions on how Super Buu was viewing his situation, "I would like to offer Raijack the ultimate challenge... and so far the people I have consumed are not living up to that standard."

"I don't know if he heard your plan or not, but it appears that you got your wish." Raijack commented, to which she glanced over at Vegito for a few seconds, who was smiling at her, almost as if he was pleased to hear that Super Buu wanted to absorb him without even seeing his powers, "I have a little over twenty minutes left before my fusion expires, so I'll stall him for as long as I can, but when fifteen minutes have passed I'm going to start tearing Super Buu apart... whether or not you are still trapped inside him."

Vegito nodded and flew down to where Super Buu was waiting for him, though all Raijack did was get off her cloud and watch them, because she already considered Vegito to be a complete idiot in terms of his plans and wondered what Goku and Vegeta had been thinking when they created the plan... to which she sighed and simply waited for Super Buu to come back at her, after he 'absorbed' Vegito. She was going to break Super Buu, that was something that was bound to happen, so she patiently waited for him to be done with Vegito and come back at her... and then she would start tearing him apart, like she had been doing earlier.

"Those... those idiots!" the Old Kai nearly shouted, staring at the crystal ball that was showing the beings known as Raijack and Vegito at the moment, though his attention was focused on the one wearing the Potara Earrings, "I gave them my Potara, allowing them to form a fusion that outclasses the one they create with that pathetic dance, and they aren't even using it for the sake of the universe... they're using them to rescue their friends."

"Honorable ancestor, I don't think this Vegito can even beat Raijack," Shin commented, though he was still shocked by the display of powers the pony fusion had used in her battle against Super Buu, making him wonder if she had more powers that she hadn't shown off yet, "besides, it appears that Vegito has a plan to reduce the power that Super Buu has, effectively making him that much easier to kill in the near future."

"Clearly you need more training, because a Potara fusion is much stronger than a fusion done with that dance." the Old Kai stated, though at the same time it was plainly clear that the was annoyed about everything that was happening, to which he pointed at the image of Raijack, "That means that my prediction about their death will be correct! With the power of this Vegito coursing through his veins Super Buu will bring total destruction to the Earth and the rest of the planets surrounding it... meaning that the only one capable of beating him would be the Destroyer himself!"

"If Super Buu kills Raijack, and proceeds to destroy the Earth, then I'll destroy him myself," a voice said, to which Shin watched as Beerus walked over to where they were standing, surprising him by the fact that he had left the house he had been staying inside, though he was accompanied by Chronoa and Whis.

"Why do you care about those two pony girls so much?" the Old Kai asked, though Shin and the others shared a quick glance with each other, because they already knew that he had no idea who Rainbow and Applejack were.

"They are precious to me," Beerus replied, deciding that they would tell the Old Kai about the fact that Rainbow and Applejack were his daughters later, once they were done with finishing off Super Buu, because he suspected something interesting was about to happen, "Trust me on this, they are going to beat their opponent and save the rest of the universe in the process."

The Old Kai appeared annoyed by the fact that Beerus, the God of Destruction, wasn't going to leave the planet they were all on and deal with Super Buu himself, especially after he got over the fact that Beerus wasn't sleeping, like the last time they had seen each other. Beerus, on the other hand, knew that there was no reason for him to interfere with his daughters' battle with Super Buu, especially since he knew that the two of them had the potential to win, and that wasn't taking into consideration the fact that Rainbow could use the Avatar form. As far as he was concerned Super Buu had already lost this fight and it was only a matter of time until Raijack finished their fight... which he and the others were eagerly watching at the moment.

Beerus grinned as he looked at the crystal, because soon he and his daughters would be able to spend time together again, for the first time since he and the others put them in their enchanted sleep... and he was eager to personally test their skills in battle and see how well they have improved since the last time they saw each other.

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