• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Namek: Search and Discovery

Applejack and Rainbow led the way back to where Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin had landed their ship, with Vegeta flying next to them and keeping taps on where Frieza was, which was easy considering that the tyrant and his soldiers had no idea how to mask their ki like they did. It didn't take them long to reach the halfway point between where Vegeta landed and where Bulma landed, though once they reached that point, however, Vegeta had them cease flying and landed on the ground, to which they all made sure to hide their power as they continued on foot. Neither of the girls questioned their friend, especially considering he had the scouter equipped at the moment, though they did hope that the others were okay. There was no telling if Frieza sent soldiers to scout out where Bulma had landed their ship, but neither of them wanted to imagine what could have happened until they reached their destination.

After a few minutes of walking Vegeta then had them hide behind one of the stone plateaus they happened to be near, to which they got a good view of a large group of soldiers, all wearing armor that was identical to what Vegeta was wearing, fly through the air as they passed by where Bulma and the others had landed, though at the head of the group was an immensely powerful being that had to be Frieza.

"Dammit, he must have already discovered the location of another village to attack," Vegeta growled, remembering what the tyrant's soldiers would do to the Namekians when they found them, "which means that they either just started searching for the seven Namekian Dragon Balls... or they have some and are looking for the rest of them."

"We should focus on making sure that they don't obtain them all by finding and securing one of the others," Applejack commented, though at the same time they started moving forward again, while they all kept their eyes open in case some of the soldiers peeled off of the main group for some reason.

Once they were sure that Frieza and his soldiers were a good distance away, and wouldn't double back immediately, the three of them emerged from their hiding spot and started jumping along the rocky area so they could find their comrades much faster. It might have taken them a little while longer than normal to reach where the ship was located, but they were shocked to find a hole blown through the ship, effectively making it useless. Vegeta looked around for a few seconds before beckoning the girls up a nearby hill, where they found a cave not too far away... which was where Piccolo was standing at the moment and beckoning for them to come over.

The three of them quickly crossed to where Piccolo was waiting for them, where they discovered that the others were a little deeper inside the cave, no doubt hiding until they came up with a plan... and apparently trying to calm themselves down after watching Frieza and his soldiers fly right by where they were hiding.

"Oh good, everyone is present," Krillin commented, causing Bulma and Gohan to look up and spot the girls walking into their area, along with Vegeta and Piccolo right behind them, "So, we just felt Frieza's power... and it was enough to cause most of us to freeze in fear."

"Not to mention we checked the Dragon Radar and noticed that he and his soldiers have four Dragon Balls," Gohan added, shaking his head for a moment, as if that would help him forget what was happening, "Oh what are we going to do?"

"We're going to do the same thing we planned on from the beginning," Vegeta answered, causing them to turn towards him for a moment, "If Frieza only has four of the Dragon Balls, then that means that there are still three unaccounted for, two if you don't count the one he's no doubt heading towards that this very moment. The Namekian Dragon Balls might be different than the ones on Earth, which means that they might be held as sacred artifacts in the middle of a village. What we will do is head out for one of the unclaimed spheres, grab it and the Namekian's that are with it, and get them somewhere safe that Frieza can't get to. Then, once we have one of the seven Dragon Balls, we should begin looking for a way to infiltrate his ship and recover the others... and then we'll try and figure out how to stop Frieza for good."

"So get the Dragon Balls, save the Namekians, beat up some soldiers, and then roast Frieza," Piccolo commented, nodding his head in approval, though for which parts none of them knew at the moment, "So whose doing what?"

"I suggest that we form two teams for this," Applejack said, though she noticed a light smile touch Vegeta's face for a few seconds, "Gohan, Krillin, and Rainbow should follow after Frieza and see what he and his soldiers are up to, essentially keep taps on his location an where he's going, while Vegeta, Piccolo, and I head off in the direction of one of the other unclaimed spheres and hopefully convince whoever is guarding it of the danger that is knocking on their door. We should then meet back up here and go over what we accomplished, before figuring out how to stop Frieza and his soldiers."

"I really hope some of those soldiers break away from the main group," Rainbow commented, bringing her fists together for a few seconds, "because I'm itching to show those guys the punishment they'll be receiving for killing innocent people and delivering death to all of the worlds they have been to."

"And what about me?" Bulma asked, causing the six fighters to turn towards her for a moment, "What can I do while the lot of you are busy risking your lives out there?"

"I would suggest calling Earth and tell Goku about Frieza," Piccolo stated, though he crossed his arms while he mentally went over what was happening, "if anything the prospect of fighting someone on Frieza's level will encourage Goku to get here as quickly as possible, provided he has a spaceship ready for him to use."

"Oh... okay, I can do that," Bulma replied, though she let out a sigh that indicated that she was pleased that she wouldn't have to fight at all, because they all knew that she'd be killed if any of the soldiers found her, "Good luck out there."

With everyone in agreement on the plan, and knowing where the other two unclaimed Dragon Balls were located, Rainbow, Krillin, and Gohan lowered their ki enough to be able to bounce from one place to another, allowing them to stay undetected until they were close to their target. As Rainbow headed in the direction of Frieza and his soldiers, Vegeta took a look at the Dragon Radar, found the closest unclaimed sphere, and headed off in its direction with Piccolo and Applejack following behind him. Bulma, being left alone for the moment, headed back into the cave to set up a base of operations and call for Goku to join them, though once that was done she intended on studying as much of the planet as she could without endangering herself.

Krillin and Gohan, having the most experience in detecting ki without a scouter, led the way towards the location of Frieza, though while they did so Rainbow bounced along next to them and kept her eyes open for any potential enemies to fight. She was a little sour that she didn't get to fight Cui before Applejack and Vegeta finished him off, though she was surprised that her sister didn't show her full strength. By Rainbow's estimates both she and Applejack were close in power to what Goku was when Vegeta had read his power back on Earth, if not a little more so. According to King Kai the two of them had, after six weeks of training with him, overcome the limitations they had been forced to endure thanks to their mother's enchanted sleep, which meant that they were at a hundred percent at last.

What Rainbow didn't understand was why Applejack had held back when she was fighting Cui, because if she had used her full power she wouldn't have needed to activate the Kaio-Ken at all.

"Is something bothering you Rainbow?" Krillin asked, snapping Rainbow out of her thoughts, just in time to prevent her from falling in the water they were jumping over, "You seem annoyed about something."

"Oh, Applejack and I found that Vegeta was being targeted by one of Frieza's soldiers," Rainbow replied, shaking her head for a moment, "of course he's been taken care of at this point, but that's not what's bothering me. What's annoying me is that Applejack didn't show her full power during her fight with Cui, she just kept it at half and then used the Kaio-Ken to boost herself higher."

"Our enemy has scouters, like the one Vegeta was wearing," Gohan commented, listening to what Rainbow said while thinking about what he had observed earlier, "I think your sister was trying to hide the majority of her power, in the off chance that someone was spying on the fight and was seeing if Vegeta could be taken out. Applejack was being careful so she didn't show Frieza, or his soldiers, her hand yet, or at least that's why I think she did what you told us she had done."

Rainbow looked at the little Saiyan child for a moment, thinking back to what Whis had told her and Applejack during their study and training periods, though she had never taken most of them seriously to begin with. Applejack was the strategist between the two of them, as she came up with the plans that allowed them to overcome most of what their father and his friends threw at them for their training. Rainbow was, of course, the fighter of the group, but at the moment she was beginning to see why her sister had done what she had, to which she let out a sigh and restricted more of her ki, down to the level that Gohan and Krillin were on. She seriously hoped that she would have the opportunity to fight someone on this planet, especially Frieza if she got the change to clash with him.

She remembered the promise that she and Applejack had made to their mother and father, about not fighting the tyrant unless they were forced to do so, but she really hoped that they would be backed into such a corner... just so she could knock Frieza out once and for all.

It took them some time to reach their destination, the village that Frieza and his soldiers were in the process of attacking, but when they arrived they moved to the cliff they were near and ducked low so they could watch what was happening, only to pull back when they realized that they had arrived right in front of their target. Krillin quickly noticed another part of the cliff that would allow them to watch Frieza from behind, so they quietly moved to the other part of the cliff and lowered themselves back into position, where they could easily see the tyrant and his soldiers harassing the villagers.

The three of them noticed that there were currently five Namekians at the village at the moment, three elderly ones with two young ones, though they all looked somewhat like Piccolo, just without the weird clothing he wore all the time. The soldiers were laughing and pushing the children around, or some times even pushing the elderly ones around, but none of the Namekians made a move to stop them. The soldiers all belonged to different races, that much Rainbow and the others could tell at a glance, but they all seemed to be corrupted by the desire to do evil, just like Frieza was. The three beings that caught their interest were almost right in front of the Namekians, as one was in a strange pod of some kind while the other two stood on opposite sides of him... and those two happened to be carrying massive orange spheres that had to be the Dragon Balls.

Oddly enough their vantage point allowed them to listen in on what was being said in the village below them, to which they stopped making noises and listened to what was happening.

"Hello, my name is Frieza... or Lord Frieza to my soldiers," the being in the floating pod like structure said, allowing Rainbow to get a look at the tyrant at last, "and, as you have no doubt already noticed, I am gathering your so-called Dragon Balls. Though I do have to ask, where are the other Namekians? According to our survey there are supposed to be ten of you here... and I only count five at the moment."

The eldest Namekian said nothing to the tyrant, which influenced the other four around him to keep their mouths shut as well, leading to Frieza letting out a small sigh and holding a finger up.

"So you intend not to say anything, do you?" Frieza asked, ki dancing around his finger as he summoned a small glowing sphere of energy, "I will kill you if you continue to say nothing."

A few seconds passed, where the assembled Namekians stared at the glowing ball above Frieza's finger while Rainbow and the others merely watched what was happening before their eyes. Then, just as Rainbow was about to unleash her ki and charge into the village to smack Frieza in the face, the eldest Namekian simply nodded his head a tiny bit and the sphere was sent away like it was nothing.

"Now then, let's try this again," Frieza said, staring at the eldest Namekian while he spoke, while his soldiers prepared themselves for any funny business, "where are the rest of the villagers that our survey discovered?"

A first no one said anything, leaving the trio to wonder if Frieza was going to carry out his threat, but then the eldest Namekian started to speak in his native language, causing some of the soldiers to gasp for a few seconds.

"If you value your lives you won't use a language we don't understand," Frieza commented, glaring at the Namekian for a moment, "Use the common language and we'll get somewhere... we know you can speak it if your able to understand what I've been saying the entire time."

"T... The others are out working in the fields," the eldest Namekian answered, slipping into the common language like it was nothing to him, "Only those of us that are elderly or children remain here."

"See? That wasn't so hard," Frieza said, almost sounding happy that they were getting somewhere at long last, "As long as you answer my questions truthfully, and try nothing funny, I won't do anything to you or the village. Now then, onto the reason why I came to this planet in the first place; where is your Dragon Ball?"

"I... I don't know." the elderly Namekian replied, though at the same time his hands were balled up into fists, but he seemed to know that fighting the soldiers was out of the question, "We don't have anything like that here."

"You know, the second Namekian we killed said something about handing the Dragon Balls over to those they deemed to be men of valor... though I also recall that he was quite stubborn," Frieza commented, his eyes glaring at the five Namekians that were standing in front of them, but everyone knew he was looking at the eldest Namekian, "Nothing I tried would get him to cooperate with me... until I killed one of his villagers to serve as a lesson to him and the others. Once he was willing to... cooperate... he told me that the seven Dragon Balls had been created by a Grand Elder that watched over this world, to which each of the wish granting spheres were placed in the custody of one of the seven Elders. After that he spouted some nonsense about how the Elders would engage in a trial of combat and wit before handing the Dragon Ball they carried to someone who proved themselves.

Long story short I did as he recommended, for a laugh if nothing else, and he still refused to hand his sphere over... so we killed him, killed the rest of his villagers, destroyed everything until we found the sphere he had been protecting, and then started again with the next village we found... until we came here. Now that we have the story told, for the third time, I shall ask you the same question once more; where is your Dragon Ball?"

Rainbow and the others watched as the elder Namekian stared at his fellow villagers, as if weighing them against the Dragon Ball, before beginning to open his mouth to answer the question, though before he could say anything the large pink alien, with a few spikes in his arms and on his head, mumbled something and started looking around the area. Before Rainbow, Gohan, or Krillin could do anything three Namekians flew in from wherever they had been working and landed near Frieza's soldiers, causing them all to turn towards the newcomers. The leader of the new pack of Namekians, the one in the middle, spotted the soldiers and uttered something about rumors of villages being attacked actually being true, only for him and the other two to drop into their battle stances.

"You want to fight us?" the pink alien said, shifting one of the Dragon Balls higher on one of his arms before tapping his scouter, to which he left out a chuckle, "Lord Frieza, each of them have a power level that barely reaches a thousand... we need not worry ourselves with fighting any of them."

"Well we might as well get rid of them anyway," Frieza commented, turning to his soldiers for a few seconds, which were no doubt the lowest ranking ones they had, "Take care of them for me... and then we can get back to the business at hand."

As the soldiers charged forward, as in all but the ones standing directly in Frieza's personal area, the Namekians, who had been hiding their true power the entire time, unleashed their power and started dodging the attacks that came their way, only delivering a final blow when the opportunity presented itself. One or two of the soldiers got kicked into the cliff wall that Rainbow and the others were hiding behind, while some accidentally shot each other or were beaten up while the smoke from their attacks covered all of them up. While the fighting happened, and the soldiers were being trashed, the elder Namekian stared at the scouter that the pink alien was wearing, though when one of Frieza's elite soldiers commented on the battle, and the alien touched it, the elder understood what was happening.

Rainbow, watching everything unfold before their eyes while she hid with Gohan and Krillin, noticed that one of the other elderly Namekians barely bent down and whispered something to one of the children, who carefully moved into one of the buildings while everyone was distracted by the fighting... until the Namekians claimed victory over the soldiers.

"These guys are pathetic," the pink alien said, placing the two Dragon Balls it had been carrying on the ground and swinging its arms, "Lord Frieza, may I take care of all three of them."

"Go right ahead Dodoria," Frieza immediately replied, though it sounded like he was actually enjoying watching his soldiers being killed before his eyes, or he was enjoying watching the Namekians struggle against his forces.

Before the pink alien, Dodoria, could move away from Frieza, and join the battle, the elder Namekian raised a finger and loosed a small ki blast that obliterated the scouter he had been wearing, before flying into the air for a few seconds and obliterating the other scouters he had been keeping an eye on. Rainbow's eyes widened when she, Gohan, and Krillin realized that the Namekian had figured out how the invaders were finding the Namekian villages, though now the only scouter left on the planet was the one that Vegeta was wearing. Rainbow was actually impressed by the villagers that were fighting at the moment, as three of them had turned the tide of the battle and gave their elder enough time to save the rest of their people... though she also knew what Dodoria was going to do next.

"Gohan, Krillin, prepare yourselves," Rainbow said, drawing herself to her full height, still thankful that all of the attention was on the Namekians at the moment, "We have one shot at this, so make it count."

Dodoria, enraged by the loss of all the scouters that had been destroyed, shouted that every Namekian in the village was going to die by his hands before flying right at the eldest Namekian, who was still floating in the air. Before he could make contact, however, Rainbow flew into the area and planted the bottom of her right hoof against the side of his head, sending him flying towards the water that one of his soldiers had been knocked into earlier. The warrior Namekians that had been fighting turned to look at what was happening, though before they could question it Gohan appeared next to them and kicked the soldier they had been fighting into the water as well, before turning to them for a few seconds.

He didn't need to say a single word, as the three Namekians seemed to understand what was going on and immediately raced towards the village, grabbing the two elderly Namekians and the one child before heading in the direction of the cliff that was opposite of where Frieza was sitting. The eldest Namekian, seeing what was happening, returned to one of the houses and spotted Krillin helping the other child with the large Dragon Ball, to which he blasted a hole in the wall, took the ball from them, and led them outside before they followed the others in their retreat.

Rainbow, instead of joining them immediately, dropped into a battle stance as she stared down at the tyrant responsible for the destruction of Vegeta's home world.

"Who in the name of the gods are you?" Frieza asked, though his tone indicated that he was merely annoyed at the moment, which was likely why he wasn't sending his other bodyguard forward yet.

"The name's Rainbow Dash, and I've got a present for you!" Rainbow replied, bringing her hands to her side as she focused her ki, preparing something she had picked up during her training with King Kai and the others, "Ka... me... ha... me..."

"I'm going to kill you!" Dodoria shouted, erupting from the water and heading right towards Rainbow, letting his rage and anger blind him for a moment.

"HAAAAAA!!!" Rainbow shouted, though she turned at the last second, so she could be facing Dodoria instead of Frieza, and unleashed the attack she had picked up from Yamcha.

The blue beam of energy barreled into Dodoria's chest and sent him flying back towards the water he had erupted from, though his time the water exploded when he and the attack made contact with it. Rainbow glanced down at Frieza for a moment, eying the two Dragon Balls that were laying next to him, before flying away from the village, though with the distance the others had gained she went in a slightly different direction, because she knew that someone would be chasing her soon. As she flew away from where the tyrant was sitting she cast a look backwards and noticed that Dodoria had gotten out of the water again and was coming after her, which was what she wanted.

After a few minutes, when she spotted the others flying back towards where Bulma was hiding, she descended towards the ground and forced Dodoria to follow her, knowing that he was too enraged to do anything other than chase her at this point. As Dodoria zeroed in on where she landed, however, something came up behind him and struck him in the back, sending him into the water and causing Rainbow to look around for a few seconds.

"I see you got yourself in trouble," Vegeta said, landing beside her, though there was a small smile on his face as he stared at the water, "though, if I'm being completely honest, I was expecting this from the moment we separated. At least we can take out Dodoria and cut into Frieza's forces, depriving him of one of his strongest soldiers for when we go after the other Dragon Balls."

"Where's Applejack and Piccolo?" Rainbow asked, noticing that neither her sister nor their Namekian friend were anywhere to be seen at the moment, "Weren't they with you?"

"They're heading towards the other Dragon Ball still," Vegeta replied, holding up a hand to stop her from saying anything, "I would say more, but we need to focus on Dodoria... who should be coming out of the water any second now."

Rainbow turned her attention to the water as Dodoria climbed up onto the ground that they were standing on, though he was drenched from his dip in the water and was even more furious than when Rainbow had kicked him. When the alien caught sight of Vegeta, and the red scouter that he was wearing at the moment, a sinister smile appeared on his face, telling the two of them that he was going to bargain for his life or something similar to that.

"Vegeta, hand that scouter over to me and I'll let you, and the small rainbow haired girl, go this one time," Dodoria said, holding his hand out, as if he expected Vegeta to hand over the scouter so he could go and terrorize more Namekians in the name of Frieza.

"Oh? And why should I believe you?" Vegeta asked, glaring at Dodoria for a few seconds, knowing that the soldier in front of him was just like Cui and the others, which only made his blood boil, "Now that all of your scouters have been destroyed, and it will take a few days to get more from Planet Freeza, my friends and I can take you all out without you even knowing that we're coming. We can finally topple the great Frieza and avenge all the planets and civilizations that all of you have killed... especially my home planet, the planet known as Vegeta."

"Who cares what happened to one planet?" Dodoria said, staring at the scouter and not paying much attention to what Vegeta was saying, "Just hand over the scouter and I'll let the two of you go. It sounds like an excellent bargain to me."

Vegeta glared at Dodoria, wondering if he was even being serious at the moment, before he took over the scouter and tossed it towards Rainbow, who dropped it on the ground and shattered it with her hoof. With the device destroyed Dodoria's attention would be on them and not on the scouter, though in retaliation to what just happened Dodoria gathered his energy above his hand and unleashed it in their direction. Rainbow and Vegeta jumped to the sides and moved away from the area of the attack, allowing their opponent to burn through his energy for a few seconds, before Vegeta appeared behind him, grabbed the arm that was coming his way, jumped over the second attack that was coming his way, and then grabbed the other arm with his left hand before pulling back and trapping Dodoria where he stood.

He started pulling back and put a strain on Dodoria's arms, as if he was going to rip them off, though while he did that Rainbow landed nearby and stared at them.

"W... Wait," Dodoria said, a pleading tone filling his voice, indicating that he was afraid for his life at this point, "If you let me go, I... I'll tell you what happened to your home planet!"

"Oh? You mean the 'secret of Planet Vegeta' as you and Zarbon call it?" Vegeta growled in response, pulling harder as his blood began to truly bubble, "I read through Nappa's email after my friends and I killed him... and we found out that he was responsible for letting Frieza carry out the destruction of my home planet. There's no secret about that anymore."

"I bet you don't know what happened to your mother!" Dodoria stated, apparently trying a last ditch effort in order to save himself, though his words stunned both Rainbow and Vegeta.

"What did you say?" Vegeta asked, though the one thing he knew about his mother was that his father loved her dearly... and that her death struck his father harder than anything else, from what he remember from the many times he asked about his mother.

"If you let me go I'll tell you what happened to your mother," Dodoria promised, completely banking on Vegeta's emotions to get the better of him.

Rainbow watched what was happening, wondering if her friend was going to take the opportunity to learn what happened to his mother, as Vegeta had never told her or Applejack much about her and she assumed that it was mainly because she was always busy doing whatever her King had asked of her. Vegeta growled before releasing his hold on Dodoria, though that was followed by him shoving the soldier forward and giving him a death glare that indicated that he was ready to kill something... or someone.

"Speak quickly and tell the truth," Vegeta commanded, though at the same time Rainbow moved in behind him while keeping her eyes on their foe, "otherwise things will get messy."

"R... Right," Dodoria said, stretching his arms to make them less sore than they were, while at the same time moving a few steps away from the duo, "I'm sure you know that Nappa was, by the King's orders, sending Saiyan troops off planet to stop other tyrants and oppress those that would have threatened Lord Frieza, but in reality Nappa was giving them all suicide missions. Our spy sent them on missions that would occasionally have them land where Zarbon or myself were waiting to ambush them, resulting in the deaths of the weakest soldiers that you had. It was great fun, killing five Saiyans at a time and weakening your forces for the eventual destruction of your planet, until Nappa sent us a private message that he later deleted from his pod to ensure no one found out the truth.

Nappa sent your mother, and the four strongest female Saiyans on the planet, to one of our unnamed planets, where Zarbon and I were waiting for them to arrive. We identified the weakest of the five and separated them from each other, to which we hunted them down and made sure that they all fell before the end of the day. Four of them were easy to take out, and they provided a small amount of fun for the two of us, but then we fought your mother, the Queen of the Saiyans, and she put up a fight that neither Zarbon or I will ever forget. Your mother fought us for three hours straight, wounding the both of us on the chest with wounds that would eventually become scars, but eventually she succumbed to her injuries and died.

Zarbon and I gave her a decent warrior's funeral... by obliterating her body with enough blasts to rival the landing of one of our pods and erasing any trace of her existence on that planet."

Rainbow was consumed by a wave of anger when she heard what had happened to her friend's mother, because from what little she knew about the Queen of the Saiyans she knew that no one deserved such a fate. She glanced over at her friend and watched as his ki danced around his body for a few seconds, in a form that almost resembled lightning, but she could tell that Vegeta was furious. She backed up a little bit, knowing that what was going to come next was going to eclipse what she had done when she was angry, though it didn't seem like Dodoria had noticed at all. Even the earth shook beneath his anger, though he glared at Dodoria with enough anger that made his foe flinch for a few seconds, which was all he needed.

"So... you and Zarbon were responsible for my mother's death..." Vegeta growled, ki gathering around his right hand for a few seconds, his anger causing him to focus on Dodoria and nothing else, "I'm going to kill you Dodoria, and then I'm going to hunt down and kill Zarbon as well... and while I'm doing so I'm going to make sure that I obliterate the both of your bodies... just like you did to my mother. And then, once I'm done with the two of you, I'm going to scour this planet and purge each and every one of Frieza's soldiers until only the tyrant is left... and then I'll kill him and avenge everyone that he played a part in killing."

"Yo... you don't mean that," Dodoria replied, though his tone indicated that he was scared at this point, which was backed by him stepping backwards and moving away from Vegeta.

"Its time to die Dodoria!" Vegeta shouted, to which the man jumped into the air and attempted to fly away, though that was stopped by Vegeta releasing the power he had stored.

Dodoria, seeing the massive wave of blue ki energy coming his way, tried to stop it from hurting or consuming him, though that eventually failed as the attack made contact and detonated in the air. Vegeta stood there, his hand raised in the direction of where Dodoria, though he was huffing as he waited to be sure that he had taken out one of the people responsible for his mother's death. Rainbow stared at the smoke and noticed one of Dodoria's arms, complete with its hand still intact, landed nearby, though with there being nothing else, and his energy gone, she knew that the alien was dead. As she told her friend of Dodoria's fate, and of the surviving arm, Vegeta loosed another blast that erased the arm from existence, though at the same time she noticed something.

Vegeta, the Saiyan whose heart prevented him from easily showing any of his emotions to anyone else, no doubt due to his many years working under the tyrant known as Frieza, had some tears rolling down his face.

"Vegeta..." Rainbow said, wrapping her arms around her friend for a moment, to which he actually flinched for a second, but then calmed down and returned the gesture, "I'm... I'm sorry you had to hear that..."

"Yeah... me too." Vegeta replied, wiping the tears from his face as he turned to her, "Come on, let's go check in with the others and begin planning phase two of this operation... and see if Piccolo and Applejack managed to find the other Namekians."

Rainbow nodded and the two of them headed in the direction of where Bulma and the others would be waiting for them, along with the Namekians and the Dragon Ball they had saved, but her anger was still present. Vegeta had lost his mother, his father, his race, and even his planet to the whims of Frieza, no doubt to prevent a revolt or something, but it still angered Rainbow to no end. She mentally swore that Frieza was going to pay for everything he and his soldiers had done since the day they had been founded... and she was going to ensure that none of them survived the storm that was coming their way.

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