• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Android: Additional Training

Applejack and Rainbow followed after Trunks, each one thinking about what they had seen in Dr. Gero's secret laboratory and, more importantly, what they had discovered about their now dead enemy. They were both shocked to find that the computer they had found, and had been told about when Piccolo revealed what Cell had told him, had created another Bio-Android, only this time it possessed their cells. Applejack truly didn't mind there being another pony like person in the world, but apparently Trunks was of a different opinion, considering that he had jumped over their heads and killed Gale Wind before they could determine whether she was a threat or not. It made her mad that Trunks had blown a fuse and killed the one year old version of Gale Wind, but she calmed herself down and continued thinking about everything that they had discovered.

Despite the fact that the end of the video had been cut off, and the knowledge lost to them, she could easily determine that Dr. Gero had called Gale Wind his daughter, if she took how he was acting in the video into consideration, but then had torn that section of the video out to ensure that, if his enemies discovered the video, she would be a little safer. Not that Gale needed protection from anything, as she shared both her cells and Rainbow's cells, which meant that she was deadly and had enough power to defend herself. It actually made Applejack wonder what the future version of Gale was like, though her name seemed to suggest that she was designed to have a different element affinity than Rainbow, who enjoyed using lightning based attacks all the time... but decided to keep that to herself, as there was no way of knowing until they encountered the second Bio-Android.

She felt sorry for Gale, especially since she was sure that the Bio-Android was actually a good guy, but she determined that they would have to wait and see what Vegeta said when they finally caught up with him.

Rainbow and Applejack were surprised when they discovered that it didn't take them very long to find where Vegeta was searching, because he had moved to a rocky area that had plenty of hiding spots, which meant that he suspected that Cell had come here to find out until he could slip away... though the girls suspected that he was long gone already, if he had even come to this area to begin with. When the three of them arrived in the area Vegeta turned to face them, though his face, which had been happen when he turned towards them, turned to one of concern, because he noticed that both of his friends were sad about something.

"I take it you guys found the secret laboratory?" Vegeta asked, knowing that they had been searching for the version of Cell that resided in this era, which meant that they had to have discovered something to make the two girls change their expressions like this.

"Yes, and we discovered much more than we were expecting when we went off in search of it," Rainbow commented, to which she moved over to one of the large rocks and sat on it, while Trunks and Applejack remained standing at the moment, "One of the things we uncovered, in addition to this timeline's version of Cell, was a second Bio-Android that was made from the same cells that Cell was created from, with the addition of both mine and Applejack's cells... and, according to what we heard, our cells are much more potent than everyone else."

"I can believe that," Vegeta replied, though he crossed his arms as he thought about an Android that possessed the cells and the powers of both Rainbow and Applejack, before he noticed something about what Rainbow had said, "so, who was this second Bio-Android... and why are the two of you so upset?"

"Her name was Gale Wind, and she was a one year old infant," Applejack replied, recalling what they had seen in the basement of the secret laboratory, and the poor creature that had its life ended before she even had a chance to live it, "Trunks noticed that she was a Bio-Android, just like Cell, and apparently decided that it was a good idea to obliterate both her and her brother at the same time."

"Hey, you said that we could search for her future self and try and recruit her to our cause," Trunks said, turning to the pony girl that was standing next to him, amazed that she could so easily turn her back on the decision she had come to when they were in the laboratory, "I was just ensuring that we didn't have another threat that could hurt all of you in the future, or whenever we finish off Cell."

"Trunks, I was implying that we could search for the future Gale and leave the one from this era alone," Applejack stated, though at the same time she knew that the future warrior had ignored her back in the laboratory, "I never said that we should kill an innocent child when we had no idea what her future self had did... besides, we could have taught this era's version of Gale so many lessons about friends and family, which would have made her into a powerful ally when she was grown up. Now, however, she is lost to us, so we will have to settle on figuring out where the future Gale is hiding, though something tells me that we might not figure that out until Cell reveals himself again."

"Why does this matter all of a sudden?!" Trunks exclaimed, turning on Applejack for a few seconds, to which he glared at the pony girl that was calmly staring at him, "If you wanted to save her then you should have spoken up, or said something different than what you said..."

Before Trunks could finish whatever he was saying, and start to truly lay into Applejack for suddenly changing her mind like this, he found a fist connecting with his face and he was sent flying into the rocks behind him, though as he picked himself up he found his father standing between him and the girls.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Vegeta shouted, to which he glared at the future version of his son, though he was more than shocked that Trunks would willingly kill an innocent one year old child, even though she was a Bio-Android that had been created by Dr. Gero and his computer, "I thought that you, of all people, would understand that Saiyans don't kill innocent people, much less infants that haven't done anything. And don't bother falling behind your defense that she was an Android, because so far every single thing you warned us about, the original Androids that kill us and decimate the world, hasn't come to pass... hell, 17 and 18 might as well be on our side at this point, in their own way."

"But she's Cell's sister," Trunks insisted, hoping that his father would at least be willing to listen to his reasoning behind why he made the decision, "Cell has already destroyed an entire city and killed all of its inhabitants, and that's only with the cells of yourself, Goku, Piccolo, and Frieza backing him. Gale Wind was the same as her bother, only she has the cells of Rainbow and Applejack thrown in... I destroyed her so we could prevent a level of destruction that only Cell could match at this point."

"And do you have any proof that she's as dangerous as Cell?" Vegeta asked, though at the same time he kept his anger in check, because he still couldn't believe that any version of his son could end the life of an innocent child, one that hadn't done anything yet.

"Not really," Trunks admitted, but he stood by his decision, because Gale was an Android and his experience told him that all of them were out to pretty much destroy the world, even if this timeline's version of 17 and 18 hadn't started their rampage yet, "but with the cells of Rainbow and Applejack coursing through her veins, and all of their abilities resting inside her head, Gale would have been as dangerous as her brother... there's no doubt in my mind about that."

"Then I shall endeavor to not make the same mistake with my son," Vegeta stated, to which he dropped into his battle stance and beckoned to Trunks, who seemed confused about something as he repeated his father's movements, "and, in case your confused about what I said, I was referring to the Trunks of this timeline, the innocent child whose not yet fully aware of his grand heritage. I will ensure that he doesn't make the same mistakes that you have made, though at the moment I think we'll have to improve your power. If we're going to be dealing with Cell, and his increase in power with every person he consumes, we'll need to increase our own strength... which means the four of us will be training until someone tells us that they discovered something that demands our attention."

Rainbow grinned as both Vegeta and Trunks started throwing punches at each other, because this would allow her and Applejack to relieve some of the stress they had been caused by Trunks going over their heads and killing the one year old version of Gale Wind... which was going to be bad for him, because she knew that neither of them were going to hold back when they took their turn this time.

Krillin stood in the basement of the Capsule Corp, where Bulma and her father were studying the plans that he had brought them a few hours ago, though he was fine standing where he was. He had no desire to fight against Cell, who was no doubt gaining in power while hiding his energy from them, because he knew that Vegeta and the others would be able to defeat him in time. They had only just started their study of the plans, as they had been dealing with Trunks and trying to put him to sleep, which they got the help of Bulma's mother so they could get to work. When they asked what else he and the others had found in the basement of Dr. Gero's secret laboratory, besides the plans and the still being constructed version of Cell, he told them about the computer and the other Bio-Android they had found... leading to Bulma being furious about the fact that the future version of her son killed a one year old infant.

As such Krillin was forced to listen to Bulma commenting every now and then about what the future version of her son did, though he could tell that she, along with her father, weren't too pleased with what the future Trunks had done in the basement of Dr. Gero's secret laboratory.

"I still cannot believe that he would do such a thing, to an innocent child no less," Bulma said, though while her father looked at the plans she continued to replay the video that had been copied onto the container that Trunks had given Krillin, while at the same time her eyes locked onto the version of Gale Wind that was in the video, "Poor Gale Wind... Dr. Gero didn't deserve to have his daughter killed like that."

"Daughter?" Krillin asked, because this was the first time that Bulma had actually said anything about the second Bio-Android, though he was surprised that she had even said that to begin with.

"Yeah, Gale was supposed to be his daughter," Bulma said, beckoning to the video for a few seconds, or rather the end of the video, at the cut off section, "You can tell by the way he's speaking, and how he's body is moving, that he's treating this Gale Wind as his daughter, while at the same time referring to Cell as her brother. It seems that before he made himself into an Android, to complete his vendetta against Goku, that he had some sane moments that made him feel more human, which is actually depressing when you think about it. What I can determine, from watching this video over and over, is that Gale was supposed to be his attempt at forgetting about his revenge, but then when she went into stasis he slipped back into his mad ways and committed himself fully to his revenge."

"You got all of that from repeatedly watching a video?" Krillin asked, once more surprised by how smart Bulma was, though at the same time he wondered if she was being insane this time.

"Its sad that she's dead, or rather one version of her," Dr. Brief commented, drawing their attention back to him for a moment, though at the same time he set down the blueprints he was looking at, "From what you have told us, about the future version of Trunks and his time machine, its not hard to assume that if the future Cell was able to come back in time then his sister should be able to do so as well. Unfortunately that raises the question as to where she ended up, or when for that matter, because from everything I have heard she would make for an interesting and powerful ally in your fight against her brother... especially since he's killing people while keeping himself hidden."

Krillin found it odd that Bulma's father, who usually didn't concern himself with the matters of the Z Warriors, was actually contributing his opinion on something they were talking about, though at the same time he guessed it made sense. He and Bulma were discussing the future version of Trunks, though so far it appeared that the only person that actually agreed with the death of the infant version of Gale Wind was Trunks, as everyone else seemed to disagree. Even Krillin knew that Rainbow and Applejack would have spared the infant Bio-Android, though they had been cut off before they could voice their opinion on the matter.

At the same time Krillin found himself wishing that he could have seen what Gale Wind had been like in battle, though he knew that if everyone was correct about her coming back in time like her brother, which he supposed was an excellent thought on their parts, it was only a matter of time until she revealed herself.

"Well, I'm going to head back to Master Roshi's and see how Goku's doing," Krillin commented, finding that now was a good time to leave and leave Bulma and her father to their various studies, especially when it was clear that he was no longer needed by either of them.

"Okay," Bulma said, to which she returned to what she was doing, while at the same time apparently trying to control her anger towards the future version of her son.

Krillin sighed as he made his way outside, because the sooner he left the Capsule Corp the sooner he could return to where Goku was resting and see how he was doing... though at the same time he knew that the others needed to train so they could be prepared for when Cell made his appearance. He could tell that Vegeta was training with Trunks, Rainbow, and Applejack, but that was understandable considering that three of them were friends and Trunks was likely receiving a beating for what he had done. He only hoped that they were improving their skills and, possibly, developing new skills that might allow them to catch their foes off guard, especially since Cell knew everything that they knew at the moment.

When Krillin walked outside he moved into the air and started flying in the direction of Master Roshi's island, though at the same time he decided to take a shortcut he knew about, one that would allow him to reason his destination much faster... while at the same time hoping that he didn't find Cell while he was alone.

Rainbow, Applejack, Trunks, and Vegeta spent a good few hours training in the wilderness that was around them, before Vegeta pulled out his medallion and teleported them all to Asgard, where they feasted with his parents and trained with at least twenty Saiyan warriors. Rainbow and Applejack were still annoyed with Trunks for the death of the infant version of Gale Wind, but they found it amusing when he looked all around the Saiyan afterlife and met his grandparents. The two of them also focused on sharing their ideas for new skills they could use, powers that were befitting the daughters of Beerus the Destroyer, while at the same time they kept their father a secret from the future Trunks.

Neither of them had any idea if he knew anything about them and who their parents were, but so far Vegeta had kept their parents a secret from everyone and they were inclined to agree... at least until their father woke up from his slumber and revealed himself to everyone else.

Trunks found that his sword was useless in the face of so many Saiyan warriors, to which he actually had to fight them in his Super Saiyan state so he could hold his ground against them. The girls knew that this was the best training method that was available to all of them, not unless their mother was willing to grant them access to some location that would allow them to train for a long amount of time in a few hours or a day. Someplace like that had to exist, but at the moment they had no idea where one of those locations might exist, so they focused on their training and nothing else. They assumed that they would be doing that until Goku appeared with his instant transmission and told them that he had overcome his heart disease... until something unusual happened.

On the morning of their second day of training, after another meal with Vegeta, his parents, and Trunks, they received an unexpected visitor... their mother.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Applejack asked, though even as she said that she and Rainbow wrapped their arms around Chronoa for a few seconds, "We thought that you could be back at the Time Nest, doing what you usually do... especially with everything that's happening at the moment."

"I decided to take a break and see how my daughters were doing," Chronoa replied, though at the same time she knew that Rainbow and Applejack could tell that this was more than a simple visit, but she felt it best not to explain everything all at once, "I asked Whis about something a day or two ago and he gave me his opinion on the matter, so I've decided to take us someplace special for a whole day."

"Really?" Rainbow said, though while she was excited to be doing something with their mother she knew that they needed to be focused on training so they could deal with Cell, so she opened her mind and wondered what their mother was planning this time around.

"And where is this 'someplace' your taking them?" Trunks asked, though at the same time he was only asking because he was curious as to why the girls were being pulled away from their training like this.

"Its on Kami's Lookout," Chronoa answered, though at the same time she brought a finger to her lips, which was the sign that something still needed to be kept a secret, "Don't worry, you will see each other again before its time to fight Cell, of that you can be sure."

Vegeta, who had been watching Chronoa and the girls the entire time, merely nodded his head and waved goodbye, to which he and his future son watched as the trio disappeared as Chronoa whisked them away to the Lookout, so they could do whatever it was that she wanted them to do. He suspected that the girls were about to receive a special training session or something, which only made him wonder what their mother was going to show them... though instead of focusing on it he hauled his future son to the training yard and continued where they left off.

When Rainbow and Applejack were able to refocus on the area around them they noticed that they were back on the Lookout, though after a few seconds they noticed that Mr. Popo was standing nearby... though it appeared that he was more focused on their mother than them at the moment.

"Your 'friend' is waiting inside the Chamber," Mr. Popo said, to which the girls noticed him glancing at them for a few seconds, before the four of them started moving down the walkway that they were on, "Normally I would tell people that using the Chamber, with four people passing through to the other side, is stupid and dangerous, but considering that your the Supreme Kai of Time, and taking into consideration whose waiting for you, I will not voice such thoughts."

"The 'Chamber'?" Rainbow asked, though at the same time she knew that her sister was as confused as she was, because they had never heard of anything being referenced in such a manner.

"The Hyperbolic Time Chamber," Chronoa replied, knowing that her daughters had no idea what she was talking about, but she decided to explain it in a way so they could understand her, "its a special room that exists in a separate dimension from Earth, much like the Other World, though the only way to enter the Chamber is to use the door that's located on this Lookout. The interesting thing about the Chamber is that one year inside this separate dimension is the equivalent to one day on the outside, which means that you can get a decent amount of training done in one day's time. The gravity in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber is ten times the gravity of Earth, but the two of you are used to that thanks to the training the others gave you over the three years before you and your father went to sleep."

"So will we actually age one whole year, or am I not understanding something?" Applejack inquired, though at the same time she was interested in the new training area, one that she knew that they would have to pick and choose when to use, which all depended on the threat they were dealing with.

"Yes, so when we're done training, in one day's time, you'll be twelve instead of eleven," Chronoa replied, pleased that Applejack, at least, had caught on to what she was saying, or at least she assumed that she was understanding what she was trying to tell them.

Rainbow and Applejack looked at each other for a moment, not sure what to make of the fact that they would gain a large amount of power in a single day, at the price of aging one whole year, but they kept their mouths shut while they thought about who they would be training with. The only person that made sense would be Whis, as Shin would be busy keeping track of the universe and making notes for when their father was awake again, but even then they suspected that Whis would be busy watching over their father's sleeping form. It didn't take them long to reach the door that Mr. Popo was leading them towards, though he stood in front of them and turned the handle, to which he opened the door into the separate dimension and beckoned them all inside.

As the girls passed through the doorway, with their mother at their side, they noticed that there was only the building that they were standing in, which had two large hourglasses beside it, while there was a seemingly endless white void all around them. The building they were in had two side wings that had some beds for sleeping, food supplies that had to last one whole year, and bathing quarters, which made sense considering that they were going to get dirty in some manner. The girls spent a few minutes looking around the area they were in, surprise clear on their faces, and didn't notice that their mother remained in the building they had left behind.

They both failed to notice that, in their shock and desire to know about the place they had found themselves in, they had missed the presence of someone else, someone that was now standing beside Chronoa with a smile on his face.

"So, who will we be training against for a whole year?" Rainbow asked, though at the same time she glanced over at her sister, because she knew that this would be a perfect opportunity for them to test themselves to their fullest.

"That would be me," a voice said, to which Rainbow and Applejack turned around and spotted Whis standing beside Chronoa, though it was clear that he was happy to see them again, "Chronoa asked me to take a day off and come continue where we left off in our training, so I hope the two of you are ready... and we'll have some time to talk before the full year is over."

Rainbow and Applejack grinned, as they were actually eager to continue their studies under Whis, as he had taught their father some time in the distant past that they weren't aware of, to which they both dropped into their battle stances as he walked towards them. This training session was proving to be one of their more interesting ones and they hadn't even started yet, though they cleared their minds and focused on Whis, because they knew that he would jab at all of their weaknesses until they admitted defeat.

Cell remained in Nicky Town for some time, silently hunting the people who called the town home until all that remained were the people in the airport, where he could find some sport in hunting the remaining civilians down until he was all that remained. He found it amusing that one of the people tried to use his gun on him, as when he approached the man the bullets were simply deflected without causing any harm to his body, much to his amusement. He could hear the sounds of the other people running for cover, though they were essentially giving themselves away at this point, but he decided that he would have more than enough time to catch them all before someone came by and discovered what he had done to this town.

Eventually the man that had been firing at him ran out of bullets, to which Cell pinned him to the ground with a foot when he slipped in an attempt to escape from him, though he followed that up by draining the man until there was nothing left. With the deed done he focused on the others, his smile remaining on his face as he followed the sounds of their screams and absorbed each and every one of them... until all that remained were a little boy and his slightly older sister. He enjoyed allowing people to run, because in the end they always slipped up in some manner and allowed him to absorb them into his body, further increasing his own power, which he planned on building even further until he was sure he could overcome both Piccolo and the Androids he was after.

He continued his game of cat and mouse with the two children, as they were the only ones left, until they managed to escape outside, though fortune smiled on him when they tripped and fell to the ground... though when he tried to strike them with his tail he ended up breaking the ground apart, leaving him to look around in shock, because he could have sworn that they were the only ones left in the area. He looked around for a few seconds, in an attempt to discover where his prey had gone, before he noticed them standing near the closest plane, though at the same time he noticed that they weren't alone anymore.

The person that was standing next to the children was female in nature, thanks to their body structure, though that fact alone made him worry about his chances of escape when he noticed that the person was pretty much fully grown. The stranger was wearing the top and pants sections of a gi, one that was colored dark green, that reminded him of either Son Goku or the pony girls, as those three wore their gi all the time. He noticed that the person wasn't wearing boots, as her legs ended in hooves, though as he took in the hair style, which was modeled after Rainbow's hair in a fashion, the pony ears that were sticking out of her hair, and the pony tail that was coming through the hole on her pants, he realized something important... he already knew who the stranger was, and that really worried him.

The newcomer turned around and looked at him, though at the same time she flashed him a smile as the two children ran away from where she and Cell were standing.

"Hello brother," Gale Wind said, to which she held her hands out for a moment, as if she was expecting something from her reaction, "What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost. Aren't you happy to see me?"

"Gale Wind... no, I'm not happy to lay eyes on you again," Cell growled in return, already knowing that his options at the moment were either fight or flee, "In fact I was hoping that we would never cross paths again, at least not until I reached my perfect form and gained enough power to take you out."

"Oh come on, don't be like that," Gale replied, beckoning Cell forwards, as if she wanted to hug her brother before they started fighting, though at the same time she suspected that things wouldn't go that easily, "you really should be happy to see your younger sister, instead of insisting that your going to kill her the moment you see each other again. I, for one, am happy to see you again."

"I have every right to hate you," Cell shouted, recalling everything that had happened when he had emerged from his container, and read all the messages that his father had left for Gale while giving him nothing in return, "You were always his favorite creation, earning all of his attention, in both his human state and Android state, while making me feel like the third wheel of sorts. He never loved me and I was sorely tempted just to kill him when I had the chance, so you should consider yourself lucky I didn't just end this era's version of you..."

Before Cell could finish his rant, about how his father never cared about him and cared more about Gale being made, his sister disappeared from where she was standing and appeared to the right of him, where she slammed her leg into the side of his body and sent him right into the ground. A few seconds later she picked him up, though she followed that up by spinning around and kicking him in the chest, sending him flying into the building he had chased the children out of. As he flew in that direction Gale gathered her ki into her hands and started firing small ki blasts at him, though as he regained himself Cell moved out of the way... to which the ground behind him shattered as the ki detonated upon impact.

Cell regained his footing for real and started throwing ki blasts at his sister, to which their attacks collided in the area between them and tore the ground apart with the explosions that followed, though at the same time he knew that his sister was testing his power at the moment. He already knew that Gale packed quite the punch if she really wanted to, though he knew that he needed to watch out for her more powerful attacks, because she possessed Rainbow's cells and could be quite destructive when she set her mind to killing someone. The other problem he detected was that there were three additional ki's moving in on their location, which meant that someone had felt them fighting and was coming to investigate what was going on.

He was caught between the desire to kill Gale and the need to escape until he achieved his perfect form, though the opportunity presented itself when he deflected several blasts into the ground, kicking enough dust and smoke for him to hide in, effectively allowing him to escape from the area without his sister detecting him. He knew that she would be annoyed with his actions, especially since Rainbow's cells were apart of her body, but at the moment he didn't want to be caught in a battle with four enemies. This time he would run away, but the next time he encountered them he planned on killing all of them, once he had enough power to accomplish his goal.

Gale, on the other hand, sighed as she felt her brother's ki disappear, which meant that searching for him would take some time now that he knew that she was here, hunting for him once more. It was going to be an impossible task to find him again, not until he wanted to be found anyway, but if she could find him once than she was confident that she could do it again... after she explained her existence to whoever was coming her way. She knew that this day was coming, though she hoped that the Z Warriors were as reasonable as she believed them to be, otherwise this was going to be hard on all of them.

She would find Cell again, and then she would make sure to end his plans of destroying the world... which meant that she needed to stop him from achieving his perfect form, but she was well prepared for anything the world could throw at her this time around.

The first person to arrive at where she was standing was the short man that she assumed was Krillin, if his gi and his bald head were anything to go by, before she noticed the arrival of both Piccolo and Tien. It was rather easy for her to determine who Piccolo was, considering that he was the only green skinned person in the entire world, while Tien was one of the few three eyed people in the world. The two taller people looked at her and the destruction around her, though she knew that they were searching for her brother while trying to determine if she was an ally or not. She couldn't fault them for being cautious, because she knew that some of them would want to kill her because of the fact that Dr. Gero was her father, unless they knew that and were trying to work around their knowledge of her.

Krillin, on the other hand, seemed more interested in her, which meant that he had to know something about her and that things were about to get more interesting... especially since he was approaching her at the moment.

"Let me guess," Krillin said, raising a hand to his chin, as if he was pretending to think about something before springing into action, "you must be Gale Wind, am I right?"

"That is correct," Gale replied, glad that someone knew who she was, though at the same time she noticed that both Piccolo and Tien were looking at them now, "If your looking for Cell I would stop wasting your time... he just disappeared a few moments ago and is now hiding his energy, preventing us from hiding him until he's ready to attack us. That's just like my brother; if he can't win a battle he'll find a way to retreat and come back when he's more powerful, which means that he'll continue hunting people down until he finds 17 and 18."

"Hold up a minute," Tien said, raising a hand to stop her, though at the same time Gale noticed that he and Piccolo were shocked by what she had just said, "did you just call Cell your brother?"

"Yes. My name is Gale Wind," Gale replied, bowing her head a tiny bit, showing the Z Warriors some respect, especially since they were some of the world's greatest warriors, "I am the second, and the last, Bio-Android created by my father, Dr. Gero... though allow me to explain my existence before you decide to fight me."

Piccolo and Tien looked at each other for a few seconds, as if they worried that she might be trying to pull a fast one on them, before they nodded to her. Gale was glad that they were willing to be reasonable, especially since she could tell them some of the keys to hunting her brother down, so that they might have a chance at beating him before he absorbed either of the two Androids he was searching for. She only hoped that they were able to stop her brother before he completed his terrible mission... otherwise she was sure that ruin would soon follow his acquisition of his perfect form.

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