• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Interlude: New Training

When Bulma's birthday party had finally ended, and the Z Warriors started departing for their various residences, Beerus considered having Whis teleporting him and his group back to his world, where they would be able to rest in their own beds before they did anything with their new friends. What actually happened was Rainbow and Applejack invited him, Chronoa, and Whis to come visit their home and spend the night there, though the only reason they didn't invite Shin was because he had something he needed to do with the Old Kai and he had put it off to come to this party. Beerus decided to accept the invitation, because he had done nothing besides sit around and watch his girls grow up without him, so this was more like a way of apologizing to them... to which he actually took the couch and let all three of his daughters sleep in their own beds for the night.

Chronoa, of course, settled into the couch with him and pulled the blanket over the two of them, while Whis, who didn't sleep like everyone else did, simply stood outside the house and made sure that nothing happened to the residents while they rested from the various fights they had been through.

When morning arrived Chronoa insisted on making breakfast while Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale cleaned themselves up, though Beerus sat by the window and stared out at the apple trees that had been planted years ago when the house had first been built. He would have been amazed that Applejack could grow and take care of so many trees on her own, though since she was destined to become a Kaioshin one day, thanks to the Avatar of Creation, he knew why she was able to do this all by herself. Whis, the last member of their group, was actually helping Chronoa make breakfast, acting like she was the boss of him this time around and followed her instructions to the letter, which made Beerus' stomach rumble for a few seconds when he smelled what they were making.

Once the girls were done cleaning up, and changing into a new set of training gear since the previous set was dirty and needed to be cleaned, they all gathered around the table, which was when Chronoa and Whis brought the plates of eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, and other breakfast items down around them. The six of them enjoyed a nice family meal together, the first one in a long time since the girls had been put in the enchanted sleep, while at the same time giving Gale a chance to understand what Rainbow and Applejack had enjoyed when they were younger. The girls also praised their mother on a job well done, as she had vastly improved on her cooking skills since they had been children, which caused Chronoa to blush for a few seconds before saying that they were the reason she had improved. That made Beerus think about his thought from the previous night, about how the girls changed him, and knew that Chronoa had been changed in a good way as well... though he said nothing about that as they ate their breakfast.

When breakfast was over, and the dishes had been cleaned off, the group left the house so they could plan what they were going to do today, as now that Beerus didn't have to hide behind the prophecy, and could actually be with his daughters, he intended to spend as much time with them as he could before they decided to move back to Universe 13. Before they could get anywhere, however, they were stopped as two figures landed on the ground in front of them, to which the group smiled as they noticed that Goku and Vegeta had come to pay them, or more like Beerus, a visit. The girls noticed that Vegeta happened to be wearing a new suit of armor, which consisted of a grey bodysuit and a sleeker version of the armor he had been wearing his entire life... though when he was questioned about it he simply said that Bulma was tired of the old armor and updated it, giving him a new set of armor to wear when he trained and when he fought.

"Ah, Son Goku and Vegeta," Whis said, as he was honestly surprised to find the two Saiyans here, outside Rainbow and Applejack's house, though at the same time he had an idea what the two of them were after, "what can we do for you on this fine day?"

"Kakarot and I wanted to ask you something," Vegeta replied, though before either of them said anything they both gave Beerus a little bow, because despite the fact that he claimed that the friends of his daughters didn't need to do so they did so out of respect, before they turned their attention back to Whis, "we would like to ask if its possible for the two of us to receive some training from you."

"Is that so?" Whis inquired, to which the two Saiyans nodded their heads to confirm that they were serious, though that was followed by him raising his left hand to his chin as he thought about it, "Why do want me to train the two of you? Especially so soon after your battle with Beerus?"

"Because we want to have the strength to eventually give Beerus an enjoyable challenge like the one that Sunset gave him yesterday," Goku answered, though he could already imagine what sort of battle the three of them would have once they finished whatever training Whis had for them, "Besides, the additional training will allow us to be ready for whatever threat is coming to Earth next, because we're both sure that there's another threat that's just waiting to reveal itself."

Chronoa, being the Supreme Kai of Time, had to resist the urge to moan when Goku mentioned that a new threat would be coming to the Earth at some point in the future, because he was correct in his assumption that something was coming. She knew who was coming back into Goku and Vegeta's lives in the near future, someone who had changed the course of the entire universe with his mere existence, though even as she thought about that she had to wonder if he had changed or if he was the same person as before. Beerus glanced over at her for a few seconds, his gaze essentially asking if Goku was airing the problem that she had told him back, to which Chronoa nodded her head as lightly as she could, as to not alert the Saiyans to the fact that Goku was correct.

She didn't want to tell the Saiyans about who was coming because she had no idea which path the future could take, which would have annoyed her in the past, but since the arrival of Rainbow and Applejack the timeline and other people had changed drastically... so she had to be patient and see what the future held for all of them.

"I don't see why not," Whis said, to which he offered the two Saiyans a light smile, because one thing he knew that Beerus liked, no matter if it was the old version of him or the new version of him, was that he enjoyed a good fight and that allowing these two to train with him would make the next encounter even greater, "Beerus, you don't mind if I bring Goku and Vegeta back to your home planet when we head home, do you?"

"They can come along with us," Beerus replied, because based on what Chronoa told him this was the best time for the two Saiyans to increase their power within a decent amount of time, while at the same time giving him an excuse to further train Rainbow and Applejack, "I won't lie, I'm eager to see what happens the next time the three of us do battle with each other... after they have completed their training anyway. Rainbow, Applejack, how do the two of you feel about starting a new training session so you can learn how to wield the power of the Avatars you have acquired?"

"Are you sure that you want to start training us so soon?" Applejack asked, though she intentionally spoke before her sister could, because Rainbow would immediately jump at the chance to train with their father and she wanted to be sure that he was perfectly fine with this, especially after all the fights he had been through yesterday.

"This will just be training... so nothing like what we went through earlier, or what Sunset and I did," Beerus said, knowing that Applejack would have asked such a question, though at the same time he was perfectly fine with answering the question, as he was still sore from the battle he had with Sunset, "Besides, it will take some time before either of you even get close to mastering your Avatar forms, so getting started now won't actually hurt... rather it will benefit the two of you in the long run."

Beerus could see the day where Rainbow finally realized her destiny as a God of Destruction and became the person that ended up replacing him, allowing him to retire from the position after so many years of destroying planets and ending countless civilizations. He had been planning on obliterating Planet Meka when he and his daughters were finished fighting each other, but when Applejack finally took on the Avatar of Creation he had changed his decision, as she had awaken the formerly dead planet. Shin was likely still shocked by that development, as well as the creation of a Tree of Life that would give the planet everything it needed, but he was the only one that could teach Applejack everything that she needed to know about her destiny... and possibly learn something in the process as well.

"Well then, if everyone is ready I suggest that we get underway," Whis said, to which he summoned his scepter back to him, which caused the rest of the group to turn towards him and nod their heads as they raised one hand and set it on the shoulder of the person next to them, "and don't worry, I'll come back to Earth in a few hours and tell Bulma why the two of you aren't home. She can tell Chi Chi what's going on when she feels like it."

A few seconds passed before Whis tapped the ground with his scepter and engaged his own energies, to which they were surrounded by the sphere he used when he was traveling with so many people, as it was usually only him and Beerus flying through space. That was rapidly followed by them flying up into the space above the planet as the energy burst into the air, though while they flew through space Whis considered what he was going to do about Goku and Vegeta's training. He considered straight up fighting them, or allowing them to fight each other and offer suggestions on how they could improve their existing skills, but as he considered that thought he came up with a more interesting idea that would allow them to develop some other skills before he got them started on the real training.

Almost forty minutes later Whis brought them into the area above Beerus' planet, where he slowed them down to the point where they were simply gliding over the air and giving Goku, Vegeta, and Gale the opportunity to see a place they had never seen before while giving Rainbow and Applejack a chance to see their old home once more. Based on what Chronoa had told him, and had gotten approved by Beerus a year ago, the rooms they had built for the girls had been modified to suit a larger person and a third one had been built near them, specifically for Gale. That was because they all agreed that Gale needed her own room for when the three of them spent some time in the temple, one that she would be happy to have when it was time for everyone to turn in for the night... which wouldn't be for some time considering that the day had started a few hours ago.

Goku, Vegeta, and Gale were surprised by the shape of the planet, as it was an upside down pyramid with a forest growing on the flat side, along with some bodies of water and a massive tree that seemed more ancient than everything they had seen so far. The massive tree had some sort of temple that had to be what Beerus, Whis, Rainbow, and Applejack called home, which made the three of them wonder what was on the inside of the temple as they floated down to a walkway. The moment they touched the walkway Whis dispelled the sphere and let them all touch the ground, to which he noticed the trio were looking around and studying the area around them, which made sense considering that this was the first time they had been to this planet.

"This is where you were living all those years ago?" Vegeta asked, directing the question to Rainbow and Applejack, because when all three of them had been kids the girls had always come to his planet and he had never been permitted to come here, which he guessed had been Beerus' decision at the time.

"Yep, this is home sweet home," Rainbow replied, though at the same time she took a deep breath and smiled, because despite the fact that she and Applejack hadn't been here in years the place still felt like home, even though Ponyville felt the same thanks to their memories, "I wonder what the Oracle Fish is up to..."

"Oracle Fish?" Gale inquired, as this was the first time that she had heard of such a creature, though this was also the first time she had been brought to the place where her sisters had grown up before they came to Earth.

"She's the seer that first told me about the prophecy that involved me fighting a Super Saiyan God," Beerus answered, to which he turned towards the trio and smiled at them, because despite the Oracle Fish's power even she couldn't have seen that he would fight two Super Saiyan Gods, "along with a pair number of other prophecies that have come true in the past. When she told me about that prophecy we put Rainbow and Applejack in an enchanted sleep and arranged for them to be kept safe on Earth, until a day before Vegeta's arrival on the planet. She's likely already seen our arrival before hand and is either hiding, patiently waiting for us to find her, or is uninterested in all of us and found something else to be interested in."

Rainbow and Applejack remembered what happened when the Oracle Fish told them about the prophecy, as she had a headache and asked them to take her to their father, though at the same time they knew she was likely either sleeping or was patiently waiting for them to find her.

"So, what sort of training are we going to go through?" Goku asked, though as he changed the subject to something that interested him, and the others let out a sigh as they focused on why they had come here, he stretched his arms and legs as he prepared himself.

"Before we do anything else I need to test your speed, strength, and endurance," Whis commented, to which he noticed that Beerus had to resist the urge to moan, as it was clear that his Destroyer God remembered part of the training he went through and felt slightly sorry for the Saiyans, before turning to Goku and Vegeta, "Once I have a better idea of what your current skills are like, and you've had a chance to rest after my tests, then we'll start your training. While we're doing all of this Beerus will be training Rainbow and Applejack in the finer points of accessing their godly ki, and Chronoa will help Gale out in her own way."

Normally Gale would have been annoyed by the fact that she couldn't train with Rainbow and Applejack, as they had done that multiple times over the years, but this time around she was perfectly fine with the hand she was being dealt, as her sisters were in another league than she was. They were destined to become gods one day, so their training would involve mastering their new techniques and controlling the new type of ki they had discovered, but she had to admit that she was interested in seeing what they were able to do once they were done training.

Since both of the Saiyans were interested in seeing what their training was, and wanted Whis to start the tests they had to go through, the majority of the group moved to the side and watched Goku and Vegeta while Whis went over what they were going to do for each test. The test of speed was one that made Beerus chuckle for a moment, as it involved getting some gardening tools and the two Saiyans had to cut the grass in a particular patch of the planet, which would have regrown by tomorrow morning. Goku and Vegeta took a few moments to get the feel for how they were supposed to cut the grass, as per Whis' instructions, before they started to pick up the pace and started cutting their way through the entirety of the field they were supposed to be working in.

While the two of them worked on the field, however, Beerus had Rainbow and Applejack join him in the air and had the two of them simply spar with each other, as a warm up for later when he got to teaching them what they needed to know about their Avatar forms. The two of them proceeded to dance around the air above the forest, where they limited their power output as per their father's request, but despite the limitation their energies still collided with each other, though they avoided blowing things to pieces in the process. Their collisions were mostly markers for Beerus and Whis to know where they were, something that their father could do without their help, but he simply watched them spar while determining how best to teach them what he had been taught so long ago.

When Whis noticed that the Saiyans were finished with the first test, after about half an hour of work at rapidly cutting their way through the field, he called for them to stop and rest for a few moments, though when they were ready he had them follow him to the edge of the planet. There they found two square stones, about the size of someone's head, waiting for them, though the stones had some arm holes that Goku and Vegeta needed to slip their arms through so they could lift the stones up. They seemed eager to go through this test and immediately slipped both of their arms into the holes until they were in place, though they found that the stones were heavier than they thought they would be and that Whis had another surprise for the two of them; that they had to attempt to run a lap around the edge of the planet while trying to outrun the disappearing path, though they would be teleported back to the start if they fell off the path.

Rainbow and Applejack took a few moments to have a short break and watched their friends as they lifted the stones up and started shuffling along the path that Whis had set for them, though at the same time they had to wonder why this was a test... and then decided that it wasn't worth questioning the person that trained their father. Unfortunately Goku and Vegeta could only carry the stones a couple of steps before they collapsed, to which Whis sighed and brought them back into the area near the lake so they could rest before he started their final test. While they were resting Rainbow and Applejack resumed their sparring, though this time it was under the watchful eyes of both their father and Whis, which meant that when the real training started they would have two people watching over their progress.

While they exchanged a few blows with each other they could tell that Whis was analyzing their every move, more so than what their father was doing, though before they could wonder what he was looking for Whis appeared between the two of them and stopped them for a few seconds.

"I don't know if all the fights yesterday have affected you or not, but the two of you need to make a few changes," Whis said, staring at both of the girls as he wondered if they were messing with him or if they actually had no idea that they had failed for a few seconds, "Your ki is leaking out when you raise it, so you need to go back to raising it only inside your body to avoid your sister from realizing what your doing."

Rainbow and Applejack honestly had no idea that their ki had been leaking out of their bodies whenever they were raising their power, to which they nodded their heads and separated from each other for a few seconds, where the two of them closed their eyes and focused on raising their energies without letting their opponent know. A few more moments passed before anything interesting happened, which was when they opened their eyes and charged back at each other, where they continued their sparring match. Their fists and legs came into contact with each other as they danced around the sky, allowing the others to see just how skilled they were without using their Avatar forms, though they needed to learn to not rely on those forms in order to best their opponents.

That was before they both swung a fist at each other and they came into contact with each other, to which the air around them shuddered as their individual auras, destruction purple for Rainbow and creation green for Applejack, flared for a few seconds before disappearing.

"Wh... what was that?" Goku asked, as he was quite sure that neither of the girls had been using their Avatars during their training session, though at the same time he had seen the unmistakable auras of their Avatars.

"They are in the first steps of accessing their godly ki in their normal states," Whis explained, knowing that such a thing would make the girls much stronger, so when they had to resort to using their Avatar forms they would be able to overcome whoever they were fighting, before glancing over at the Saiyans, "I want the two of you to take a few notes on what the girls are doing while they practice, because once we're done with my tests we'll start attempting what they are doing at this very moment. Who knows, maybe one day the two of you will be able to do something like what Rainbow and Applejack can do... and maybe beat them in battle before they can resort to using their Avatar forms."

Rainbow and Applejack smiled at that, because the thought of having Goku and Vegeta on their level, after they had accessed the Super Saiyan God forms and completed Whis' training, actually made them wonder what sort of battle they would have at some point in the future. That was, however, accompanied by the sense of dread, one that told them that something terrible was coming towards Earth in the near future... and that the training they were going through would be able to aid them in protecting the world with all of their might. They were sure that their mother knew that something was coming, and was refusing to tell them because the future could change with the wrong person knowing what was coming, though that didn't stop them from taking to the training that their father and Whis would be giving them.

For a moment Rainbow wondered if one of the old villains they had taken care of was coming back to ruin their lives once more, though she was sure that such a thing was impossible, as no one wanted to revive Frieza and Cell, especially after all the evil deeds they had done, and Kid Buu had been obliterated by the Spirit Bomb... but those facts didn't stop her from training, as she was sure that something terrible was coming and they would be ready to face it.

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