• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Saiyan: Nappa Strikes

Gohan and the others stared at the two girls as they stood in their battle stances, apparently waiting for the Saiyan called Nappa to make the first move before they showed him their hand. From what he was able to gather, in the short amount of time he had known them, both Rainbow and Applejack had only met the other Z Warriors a day or two ago. It was clear that Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha knew a little about the girls, though not well enough considering neither of them mentioned that they might know the names of two Saiyans that could potentially be coming to the planet. They had all seen them when they fought their respective Saibamen, and Gohan was impressed that the both of them, who were roughly two years older than he was, were able to hold their own in battle without faltering at all.

The interesting aspect about the two girls was the fact that they were apparently half pony, if the pony ears that were sticking out of their hair, the hooves that were in place of normal feet, or the tails that matched their hair were anything to judge them by. Neither of them seemed scared by the notion of taking Nappa on, but rather they both seemed excited to be facing him in battle, almost as if they had been waiting for a chance to do so for a long time. Despite the fact that he knew nothing about them, save for the fact that they appeared to be on their side at the moment, Gohan had the feeling that he and the others could trust the girls to do what was right.

"So, you can sense it as well," Piccolo commented, causing Gohan to divert his attention away from the girls and Nappa for a second, "You can tell that, despite what little we know about them and their connection to the Saiyans, that we can trust them to fight to protect this world from the destruction the Saiyans wish to give us."

"Isn't it a little bit early to be making such a statement?" Tien asked, though he kept his eyes on the people that were getting ready to fight, just in case the girls happened to turn on them later, "I mean, they knew about the Saiyans before they even arrived, so shouldn't you be worried that someone might be lying to us at the moment?"

"If that was the case they would have turned the moment we encountered the Saiyans," Krillin pointed out, a small smile appearing on his face, because he believed in the girls like Gohan and Piccolo did, "Personally, I'd rather not give them a reason to hate us and consider joining the Saiyans... otherwise we could be screwed until..."

Krillin interrupted himself as he felt something shift in the air, something that almost felt like someone was gathering their energy or something, but he had the feeling he knew what was happening. All he had to do was look at Piccolo's face or Tien's face, because they happened to be feeling the same thing that he was feeling and could already tell what was happening. The three fighters were just staring at each other, silently daring the other side to make the first move, though everyone else could tell that the fight was going to start soon. Nappa, Rainbow, and Applejack were all excited, all for different reasons of course, though the air seemed to contain a small fraction of their combined excitement, which also told everyone that they would be beginning soon.

They all turned their full attention back to the girls and Nappa, though they could all tell that the Saiyan was grinning as he finally stood up straight and stared at the girls.

"It seems that this might be entertaining anyway," Nappa commented, though his words made everyone, excluding Vegeta, tense up for what was surely coming next, "Let's see how well you handle half of my power."

With that said Nappa charged forward and ran straight at Applejack, who raised her arms in time to block the kick that came her way, though she was pushed backwards quite a bit due to the amount of force that Nappa had used. The one attack informed her of how much power he was actually using in this fight, though if he was actually being truthful about this being only half of his power then she and Rainbow were definitely in trouble. The moment she had stopped moving she jumped to the left and avoided Nappa's foot, which crushed the boulder that she had been pushed towards, though the instant she landed on her hooves she jumped towards her opponent and struck him in the chest with her hoof.

She had no idea if he was trying to fake her out, or if she had managed to overpower him for a moment, but the moment Nappa was pushed back a little bit Rainbow flew up to him and started swinging her fists at him. Applejack stayed where she was for a moment, her eyes studying how Nappa was moving and how he was reacting to Rainbow's punches, noticing that he was definitely fighting in the same style an manner that they remembered. The few times they had actually Nappa, back when Vegeta was the same age as them, they could never actually beat him, not when his pride as a powerful Saiyan General was at stake. If Nappa was still using the same techniques and responses that they were familiar with, and it looked like he was, then that meant that the two of them would have to hit him with everything they ha if they wanted to win this fight.

Applejack snapped out of her thoughts in time to see Nappa correct himself, dodge the incoming punch that Rainbow was sending his way, before creating a fist and punching Rainbow in the gut, knocking her backwards. She then jumped between her sister and the boulder she was going to hit and caught Rainbow before she made contact, to which the two of them touched the ground for a moment as they stared at Nappa.

"I was wondering when you were going to get back into the fight Applejack," Rainbow commented, coughing for a moment to get rid of most of the pain she was feeling, "So, I'm guessing you have finished studying Nappa's fighting style."

"You could say that," Applejack replied, her eyes never leaving where Nappa was standing, just in case the Saiyan decided to attack them while they were chatting, "He's using the same style and technique as before, which means that we'll need to be careful when we attack him. If this is only half of his power, then it makes you wonder how strong he is at his full power... or how strong Vegeta is at the moment."

"Great, so basically we'll have to give it our all if we want to win," Rainbow said, letting out a huff as she and Applejack stood up again, before they both dropped back into their battle stances, "Very well then, let us show Nappa that we are not to be underestimated."

With that said the girls separated from each other and charged at Nappa, with Rainbow coming in on his left while Applejack did he same on his right. It was an attempt to make him choose which target he deemed more serious, as most people would turn to the enemy they were the most threatened by and leave themselves open for the others to attack. Instead of choosing between the two of them Nappa jumped backwards, forcing the two of them to stop before they collided with each other, before grabbing their necks and tossing them at the boulders that surrounded the area. The girls corrected themselves and landed back on the ground, to which they turned their attention to their opponent and noticed that he was gone, though that was before he appeared behind Rainbow and slammed her into the ground.

Applejack, seeing her sister in trouble, charged at Nappa an swung her leg at him, though he actually caught her while she was attacking him and slammed her into the boulder that was resting beside him.

"You know, I actually expected more from Vegeta's imaginary friends," Nappa commented, placing his left foot on Rainbow's chest to keep her pinned against the ground, before turning his head to look at his companion, "Hey Vegeta, your imaginary friends suck at fighting... I'm even tempted to say that they are worse than Raditz, who sucks at, well, everything really!"

"Screw you Nappa," Vegeta replied, though he kept his eyes on his bald companion the entire time, because if he looked at his slightly wounded friends at the moment he was likely to blow a fuse, "Use your head for once in your life."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nappa asked, as if he had absolutely no idea what Vegeta was referring to, which only added more fuel to the fire that was burning inside Vegeta.

"You keep calling them my 'imaginary friends', but Rainbow Dash and Applejack are most certainly real," Vegeta said, though while he spoke he had to wonder if he could even get through Nappa's thick skull with words at this point, "If the two of them were really created from my imagination, as you claim they are, then I would be the only one that would have the ability to see them. You, and all of the fighters over there, can see them as clear as day, which means that they are definitely the real deal... and you should know that by now considering the fact that your trying to crush Rainbow with your foot."

"You know, just because your imagination sucks doesn't mean you have to lie about the truth," Nappa fired back, completely forgetting that he was in the middle of a fight at the moment, "though I guess I should do you the favor of wiping these pesky imaginary friends out so we can get to the real fun... and maybe crack some skulls while we're at it."

Before Vegeta could say anything more, and tear Nappa a new one with his words, a glow appeared below Nappa's vision, which was rapidly followed by Rainbow releasing a ki blast right into his chest, knocking him off of her and allowing her to get up once more. She coughed a few times, grateful that Vegeta had stalled Nappa long enough for her to blast the oaf off of her chest, though before she went charging after him again she rushed to Applejack's side. Applejack was a little bruised, which was understandable considering she had been smashed into a boulder by their opponent, but all in all she was ready to resume fighting.

The girls shared a look as Nappa go back up with some smoke coming off of his chest, knowing that they had been correct when they had said that this fight was going to give them problems, but they were prepared to deal with whatever Nappa could throw at them.

"Not going to lie, but that was a cheap shot right there," Nappa said, checking his armor to be sure that it was still intact, though he grinned as he turned his full attention back to the girls, "I'll have you know that this means war!"

"Room for one more?" Tien asked, stepping up beside Rainbow and Applejack, though his attention was set on the Saiyan that they had been fighting the entire time, "Sorry for the intrusion, but I was getting bored of waiting for something interesting to happen or develop while you were fighting, so I decided to enter the fight myself. I am, of course, a warrior, no a spectator like other people."

"Well, it looks like someone else wants to die as well," Nappa commented, his attention shifting to Tien for a moment, just as a faint line of ki surrounded his body, "Oh, this ought to be interesting."

"Don't think that even for a moment I'll be an easy opponent to take out," Tien replied, dropping into his battle stance while the girls did the same, which only caused the Saiyan to grin.

Nappa charged right at the group, causing the three of them to separate before he could hit any of them with whatever ki attack he had been preparing, but the moment Tien landed on the ground Nappa appeared beside him and brought his right hand down hard in a chopping motion. Tien raised his arm to block the attack, believing that it was just going to be an ordinary attack and nothing major, though that was followed by Nappa cutting part of his arm off, as his left hand and wristband went flying as pain coursed through his body. That was then followed by the Saiyan kicking him backwards for a moment, as if he wanted to enjoy the sound of Tien screaming in pain before he brought an end to his life.

"Hey Vegeta, look, he's been..." Nappa said, as if he was setting himself up the punchline of a joke or something equally stupid, which only served to make Vegeta even more pissed off, "...disarmed!"

"Goddammit Nappa, that wasn't even funny." Vegeta growled, though he had the feeling that, if he was a much colder and crueler person than he was right now, he likely would have started laughing at both the poor warrior's expense and Nappa's attempt at humor.

"Oh come on, didn't anyone find that funny?" Nappa asked, though all he got was near silence from everyone, save for Tien screaming in pain, "Talk about a tough crowd..."

"You filthy bastard!" Tien shouted, flying into the sky and charging his ki into his right hand, as he fully intended on doing something to the Saiyan that had taken his left hand.

Nappa, on the other hand, flew up to where Tien was floating and flipped himself around, so that the tip of his boot could hit Tien right in the head and ended up sending him right back to where he had been standing a few seconds ago. Krillin, seeing his friend hurt and in need of some assistance, ran towards where Tien had landed, though that seemed to annoy Nappa, as not a few seconds later he shouted for there to be no interruptions before swinging his hand at the ground. That was then followed by an explosion happening between Krillin and Tien, forcing everyone to cover their eyes and back away while they waited for the dust to settle.

When the dust finally settled everyone, including Rainbow and Applejack, were surprised to see a deep hole resting in the place where Nappa had thrown his attack, while spotting Krillin, who was huffing from his own ordeal. It was at that point that Krillin and Tien noticed that Chiaotzu was missing, though while Nappa slowly lowered himself towards the ground he remarked that his attack must have accidentally killed him. Vegeta, on the other hand, had been staring at Nappa's back the entire time and had noticed that the person in question had snuck up on Nappa and attached himself to his back, just in time for Nappa to realize where he had gone.

Vegeta also noticed that the one called Chiaotzu was gathering his ki for something big, though considering his position on Nappa's back he wagered that the small guy was actually going to attempt to take Nappa out by sacrificing himself in a fashion that was similar to what the Saibamen had done earlier.

Nappa flew around the area they were in, targeting the largest of the stone structures and slammed his back into them, all in an attempt to wipe out the nuisance that was attached to his backside. Seven times he did this, trying to get the little guy off of his back, but in the end it only made Chiaotzu grab onto the armor all the tighter as his ki enveloped his entire body and spread out to cover Nappa's body. Eventually Nappa had enough of Chiaotzu's games and flew down towards the one structure that had spikes on it, fully intended on ending Chiaotzu's life there, but as he dived down Tien heard a single word spoken for only him to hear; farewell. Once he heard the word he screamed for his friend to stop what he was doing, though just as the words left his mouth both Chiaotzu and Nappa were engulfed in a blinding explosion.

Rainbow and Applejack stared up at where Nappa had been a few seconds ago, surprised that someone would actually choose to go out by sacrificing himself like that, though they both hoped that it was enough to stop Nappa... all while Tien screamed out Chiaotzu's name in both sorrow and pain.

"Blowing himself up and taking them both out, that was a pretty drastic move," Piccolo said, though he sounded pleased that Nappa was dead and gone at last, "For a little squirt that was nicely done."

"That was pointless," a voice said, causing everyone to look up at the smoke and find that not only was Nappa still alive, but he was completely unharmed from the blast, "So, whose going to play with me next?"

"You're going to pay for this," Tien said, crushing some bits of rock that happened to be in his hand, before turning his full attention to Nappa once again, You're definitely going to pay for this!"

Tien rushed forward and started to wildly swing his one good hand and both of his feet at Nappa, indicating that his fury was blinding him at the moment as everyone was able to see that he was either missing or Nappa was parrying all of the attacks. That was until Nappa had his back to a rather large boulder, which he moved to his right for a moment and allowed Tien's fist to connect with the rock, shattering the stone under the weight of Tien's anger. Nappa, taking the opportunity that presented itself thanks to the hail of rocks, swung his knee into Tien's chest and knocked him into the air, though this time he didn't bother to chase the wounded man. When Tien landed he went right back of the offensive, once again allowing his anger to cloud his judgement as they repeated the same movements that had led to him shattering the stone a few moments ago.

That was until Nappa hit Tien square in the chest, knocking the wind out of him, before delivering a painful blow to his back, knocking him to the ground and causing him to cough for a few seconds.

"Out of breath already?" Nappa asked, though he turned his gaze away from the wounded warrior and zeroed in on the people that were currently waiting their turn to fight him, "You should start seeing the Next World soon."

Tien felt his rage and anger rise again, to which he pulled himself off the ground and charged at the person responsible for the deaths of Yamcha and Chiaotzu, though while he was attacking the Saiyan, and being beaten, Krillin, Rainbow, and Applejack started to move in so they could help him.

"Stop." Piccolo said, stopping both Krillin and the two girls from going any further, causing the three of them to look at him, "We've got a slight, momentary opening on him when he moves to attack. We'll watch for that moment."

"That's a good strategy," a voice commented, causing them all to turn towards Vegeta for a moment, whose eyes were locked on both Rainbow and Applejack, "I hope it goes well for you."

"Go ahead and act confident while you can," Piccolo stated, a slight grin appearing on his face, "but when Son Goku arrives you won't be laughing for long."

Vegeta looked at the Namekian for a moment, wondering why he would choose to put his faith on someone that wasn't on the battlefield at the moment, when he should have been putting his faith in Rainbow or Applejack. The girls seemed to be interested in what he had to say to Piccolo's words, though truthfully he really had nothing to say at the moment, which was why he was choosing to keep his mouth shut. He waited a few seconds, to which the Namekian and the two small ones turned their attention back to the fight, though only the girls bothered to keep their eyes on him. He unhooked his hands for a moment, causing Applejack to raise an eyebrow, but instead of dropping into a battle stance he merely showed them what he had seen during his first sparring match with Rainbow; the movement that Applejack had interrupted.

Once they realized what he was doing, and gave a slight nod, he crossed his arms and turned his attention back to the fight, appearing to look the exact same so that no one would even know the difference. He had silently told them to use the lance, Rainbow's supposed final technique of sorts, so they could end the fight with Nappa, though he ha no idea if they would act upon it or not. He hated Nappa with a passion, for everything he had done, for every innocent life he had taken, and for every planet he sold to Frieza and had destroyed hours later. The man was an utter pest that annoyed him to no end and Vegeta was silently hoping that someone on this planet could rid the universe of Nappa's existence, though he was going to have to wait and see.

His thoughts were interrupted as Nappa punched Tien's gut again and sent him flying into one of the stone pillars that lined the area, though instead of finishing him off on the ground Nappa flew into the air and promised to end Tien's misery by ending his life. As Nappa descended towards where Tien was laying he left himself open, to which Piccolo, Krillin, and the girls used that moment to their advantage. Piccolo appeared in Nappa's blind spot, to which the Saiyan appeared to be surprised for a moment, before slamming his fist into Nappa's face and knocked him off of the course he had set for himself. He flew in the opposite direction of where Piccolo was floating, though before he could correct himself Krillin appeared and slammed his fists into the back of Nappa's head, sending him down towards the ground.

Before Nappa had a chance to correct himself, or raise a proper defense, he noticed that the two people who had hit him were charging their ki blasts, though when he looked at the ground he found two more, one cyan colored and one orange colored, being charged as well. The four fighters loosed their ki blasts in perfect unison, to which the four beams of energy raced towards Nappa and exploded the instant they came into contact with him. When Nappa emerged from he smoke it was clear that his armor had definitely suffered most of the damage he would have normally taken, as there were a few bits and pieces missing, but in the end he was still standing as he floated over to Krillin and Piccolo.

"I got to admit, you really did a number on me," Nappa commented, wiping the spot where Piccolo had hit him for a moment, as if it was the only place that actually hurt, "too bad you just shortened your lives even further. You know, I think I'll make some adjustments to the kill order and start with the two of you, instead of Vegeta's imaginary friends or the wounded guy with three eyes."

Piccolo groaned for a moment, as did Krillin, before the two of them somehow summoned what appeared to be clones of themselves, though they only managed to make two apiece and that gave Nappa six targets to choose from... much to his joy. Piccolo an Krillin charged at the Saiyan and threw everything they had behind their punches and kicks, trying to use the number of targets Nappa would have to choose through to their advantage. In the end it seemed to be completely pointless, as Nappa delivered a powerful hit to one of the Krillin's and then another to a second one, to which the three of them fell to the ground and became one once more. While Piccolo's clones were fighting he had to wonder why neither of the girls were helping them at the moment, though when he looked in the direction of where they were standing he noticed that Rainbow seemed to be preparing something.

Piccolo decided to trust in the girls once more and went back to the fight, though eventually the same thing that happened to Krillin happened to him and his clones, the only difference was that he tried to use his two clones to keep Nappa distracted so he could attack from above. After a few seconds of fighting like that, and trying to hit Nappa, the Saiyan smacked him and his clones back towards the ground, where they were also forced back into one being, leaving him to collect himself before he even bothered to stand back up.

The two of them took a moment to regain themselves, and come to the understanding that they were severally ill-prepared to deal with someone of Nappa's level, before they jumped back into the fight while Gohan rushed to Tien's side. They then fought Nappa for a few seconds, to which the Saiyan merely dodged their attacks while wearing his annoying grin, before they heard something that made them back away from their opponent.

"Kikoho!" Tien yelled out, loosing every single drop of energy he had left inside of him at the moment, though he made sure to have his hand pointed at Nappa the entire time.

A blinding flash of light appeared where Tien was standing, followed by a beam of ki energy rushing towards Nappa and engulfing him in a matter of seconds, causing an explosion that rivaled the one Piccolo and Krillin had created with the help of Rainbow and Applejack. Everyone waited for the smoke to clear, to see whether or not Nappa had survived this attack as well, though while they did so Tien fell to one knee while he kept his eyes on the sky. When the smoke finally cleared they were surprised to find that Nappa had sustained some cuts to his body, as well as his shoulder pads being completely destroyed with the majority of the items attached to his belt, but the Saiyan jus grinned as Tien collapsed on the ground and stopped moving.

"Another one has been taken care of," Nappa said, turning to Piccolo and Krillin once more, "So, which once of you should I kill next?"

"None of them Nappa," Vegeta commented, walking forward and keeping his companion's attention on himself, "I just figured out that this 'Goku' they are waiting for is actually Kakarot, who originally couldn't take down Raditz without needing the Namekian's help. They all seem sure that he will be here soon and will have more than enough power to stop the two of us, so we'll wait for an hour or two and see if he shows up... then I can fight him."

"Well, what can I do until he gets here?" Nappa asked, though at the same time he and his opponents set themselves back on the ground so they weren't stuck in the air.

"Oh, you'll see soon enough," Vegeta replied, though as he walked away he turned to look in Piccolo's direction for a moment, as if he was looking at something that wasn't him or Krillin, "Namekian, you and your friends might want to give Nappa some space... he's going to be needing it."

Piccolo was going to ask what the Saiyan meant, because there could be a number of reasons behind him saying something like that, but then he realized that Vegeta hadn't actually been looking at him when he said those words. He whipped his head in the direction that the Saiyan had been looking and found the girls floating into the area, though it seemed that Rainbow was having a hard time with whatever she had been trying to do earlier. The moment Rainbow was parallel with Nappa, and was touching the ground once more, was when Piccolo noticed that she was holding her hands close to her chest and had formed a triangle with them... one that was gathering ki around her hands as they all stood there.

The instant Piccolo's realized what she was doing, and seemed to understand what was about to happen, he had Krillin and Gohan move out of the way, giving Rainbow a clear path to Nappa with whatever her attack was... though that was before she yanked her hands apart an summoned what appeared to be a red glowing lance made out of ki energy. Piccolo heard the weapon crackle, as if it was actually made out of lightning, though he was surprised to discover that someone, who was only seven years old, could manipulate their ki on that scale, but he also noticed that it appeared to put a strain on Rainbow's body, if the bloody nose was any indication. Rainbow glared at Nappa, noticing that Vegeta had turned his attention to them once he heard the crackle off the lightning, before grabbing the lance with her right hand and spinning it around so the tip was facing Nappa.

Piccolo was amazed by the amount of power he could feel from the lance, because it seemed to be putting off enough power to cause the clouds above them to darken while cracking the ground around Rainbow and Applejack. Rainbow seemed unsure if her ki weapon would be able to make it to her target, if she decided to toss it, but then she let out a sigh as she arched her arm back, held it in that position for a few seconds, before throwing it straight at Nappa. The ground around the lance cracked and buckled as the weapon flew through the air, tearing a small path of destruction as it raced towards its target.

Nappa, who had been facing Vegeta the entire time, finally realized that something was happening behind him, to which he turned around and spotted what appeared to be something made completely out of ki energy... and that it was coming right towards him. He grinned as he extended his left hand and opened his palm, as if he believed that he could catch the attack and break it before it could do any damage to him. The tip of the lance touched the center of his palm, though surprise crossed Nappa's face as the force behind the weapon forced him backwards and sent him flying while he was trying to stop it, indicating that the person who had thrown it was more powerful than he had originally thought. He tried to break the lance, or even toss it to the side before anything else could happen, though his concentration was broken when his back collided with one of the larger stone mounds that had been scattered around the area, which was quickly followed by his grip slipping and the lance slipping past his defenses... where it hit him in the shoulder and detonated its charge.

The force of the explosion rocked the very ground that everyone was standing on, causing them all to stand their ground while the wind acted like it was in a tornado or a tempest. Many of them had to hold their hands up to shield their eyes from the dust that came their way, while trying to make sure that the wind didn't blow them away or knock them to the ground. Rainbow, on the other hand, fell to one knee as she started huffing, indicating that she was exhausted from the amount of power she had poured into the attack, though Applejack stood next to her and made sure that she was okay. When the smoke and dust finally cleared Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan were surprised by the large crater that appeared before their eyes, one that was the diameter and the depth of Kami's Lookout, though in the direct center of it was the form of Nappa laying on the ground.

Vegeta stared at the crater that had been left in the wake of Rainbow's lance exploding upon hitting Nappa, shocked by the fact that Rainbow's lance, the very attack that Applejack had stopped her from using when they were children, could do this much damage with a minute or two of gathering her ki. If Vegeta had any doubts that the girls were the daughters of Lord Beerus, any doubts at all, then Rainbow had erased them all by showing just how strong she was at the moment. He knew that if the girls weren't weighed down by whatever had decreased their power, though whatever that something was he had no idea, then that attack would have killed Nappa for sure, because as he watched the crater he spotted the oaf's hands moving.

As much as he hated Nappa, he had to remark that he had the determination to fight through an attack that should have, by rights, ended his life the instant it exploded. The best part about Nappa taking the full force of the attack was not only the fact that most of his armor had been destroyed, save for the loincloth that his tail was wrapped around, but also the fact that there was a small bleeding hole where the tip of the lance had struck him.

"What in the name of the Next World was that?" Nappa shouted, struggling to stand after the massive charge of energy had detonated, though his eyes were locked on Rainbow and her sister, "No normal imaginary friends can command that level of power... which means that it was wrong of me to not focus on the two of you. I see that you two are the real deal, though I guess that means that I'll be sending the two of you to the Next World so you can join your friends... especially the one that the Saibamen killed."

"Go ahead and rest Rainbow," Applejack said, though she waited for her sister to nod her head before standing up and facing Nappa, "I'll finish off Nappa and end this fight."

"Allow us to fight beside you," Piccolo commented, to which both he and Krillin stood beside Applejack and dropped into their battle stances, "We have to hold off the Saiyans until Goku arrives... which could be in a few minutes or an hour."

Applejack wondered why they were bothering to wait for this Goku character, but he was apparently Earth's greatest champion and that meant that Piccolo and the others were trying to stall Vegeta and Nappa until he arrived. At this point Applejack knew that it didn't matter if Goku showed up or not, because with amount of damage Nappa had taken from the lance she knew that it was a matter of time until he was defeated. Then they would have to deal with Vegeta, who seemed content to watch Nappa bite the dust until it was his turn to fight, though even she and Rainbow had no idea if they would be able to stand up to him at this point... especially after Rainbow used her lance to mortally wound Nappa.

Regardless of what Vegeta decided to do, in relation to the fight, Applejack prepared herself for Nappa's last stand, because one way or another this part of the fight was going to be over... then they could turn their attention to Vegeta and see what he decided to do next.

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