• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: Saiyan Brawl

"Now that the order of the matches has been determined, we can get the tournament underway," the announcer said, to which he beckoned for the fifteen fighters to follow him, while the staff members hurried to store all of their gear away before they headed to the ring, "Now them, allow me to explain the rules one last time; giving up, falling down and have a ten count, falling outside the ring, or killing your opponent will result in a defeat. And, seeing how we have so many matches this year, there is also a thirty minute time limit on all matches, so that if neither contestant is defeated in that amount of time a judge will be called upon to determine the winner."

Many of the Z Warriors knew that, despite the threat that two of the other contestants posed to the world, that they wouldn't even come close to killing their opponents. About the only way they knew that they could win their matches, for those that were pared with with Babidi's men anyway, was to ring out their opponent, which would require some planning on their part. Still, as they followed the announcer to the waiting room, where all of the kids had been in for the Junior Division of the tournament, Vegeta remained silent as he kept his eyes on Mighty Mask, who was walking really close to the announcer. He still had no idea who the man was and why there was so much hatred in his eyes, but he was determined to get to the bottom of the mystery... while fighting him in the first round no less.

When they reached the waiting room, and all fifteen of them moved around to give themselves a decent amount of space while they waited for their match to begin, the announcer walked out of the room and hurried onto the ring, where he received some cheers from the crowd, as they knew what was coming next.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the announcer called out, though at the same time he smiled as he listened to the cheers, as this was promising to be one of the greatest World Martial Arts Tournaments he had been to in quite a long time, "I would like to apologize for the delay, but the order of the matches has been decided and let me tell you something; all of the contestants are ready for a fight. We are now ready to convene the World Martial Arts Tournament with the first match... Contestant Vegeta versus Contestant Mighty Mask."

The moment his name was called Vegeta removed himself from the wall he had been leaning on and walked out of the waiting room, pausing for a moment by the sign as he waited for his opponent to catch up with him. From what he had seen during the Junior Division the two contestants of the match were supposed to walk to the ring together and then separate once they were on the fighting stage. He would have loved to get onto the stage immediately and patiently wait for Mighty Mask to catch up, but he knew that showing off his powers would make Yamu and Spopovich put whatever plan they had come up with into action.

A few seconds later Mighty Mask stood close to him, to which the two of them silently walked down the path that would allow them to enter the ring, while at the same time Vegeta could hear the crowd cheering the two of them on, indicating that they were hoping for a good match.

"As many of you know Contestant Mighty Mask didn't fare so well in the last tournament," the announcer said, apparently giving the crowd some knowledge on the fighters, for those that were here for the first time or were interested in the fighters themselves, "but he has returned this year with one goal in mind; victory. His opponent, Contestant Vegeta, will be making his first appearance in the World Martial Arts Tournament today, so this is promising to be a very exciting match... and they haven't even started yet."

The crowd cheered for a few more moments, where the announcer allowed them to continue like that before eventually drawing them back down to what they had been a few seconds ago. Once the crowd was silent, and were waiting for the match to begin, the announcer jumped off the stage, landed on the ground, turned back to face them, and declared that they were free to begin when they were ready. Vegeta, hearing the signal to begin, immediately jumped back a few tiles, to get away from his opponent, and dropped into his battle stance, while at the same time keeping his eyes on Mighty Mask. The masked fighter also readied himself in the same manner, but his battle stance was a mirror image of Vegeta's, which immediately raised some red flags in Vegeta's mind.

There were only a few people that could have known his exact battle stance, such as both Rainbow and Applejack, as well as Goku, his parents, and all of the Saiyans he had fought in Asgard... but he had never showed it to anyone outside the Z Warriors, which made him wonder if the masked fighter was the person he had been searching for.

Vegeta rushed forward and threw his fist at the masked fighter, who immediately caught his rather slow attack, but that was what he was counting on, as he planted his right knee in the center of his opponent's chest. The force of his attack, which had been extremely lowered so he could make himself appear to be an ordinary fighter like everyone else, staggered his opponent for a moment. That was swiftly followed by Mighty Mask regaining himself and charging forward with his left fist at the ready, though when he swung Vegeta moved out of the way, caught the arm that the fist was attached to, and heaved with all his strength... to which he lifted his opponent into the air for a second and slammed his back into the ground, though he backed away before Mighty Mask could regain himself.

He barely had to wait five seconds as Mighty Mask picked himself back up and turned to face him, though that was followed by the masked fighter rushing at him and started to throw a series of punches at Vegeta, who decided that dodging them was the best course of action at the moment. A few seconds later, when an opening revealed itself, Vegeta kicked Mighty Mask in the side with his right foot, to which the man backed away and glared at him. That was immediately followed by Vegeta charging forward and loosing his own series of rapid attacks, though instead of just using his fists he also included his feet as well. For a moment there it appeared that Mighty Mask was blocking his attacks, which would have annoyed Vegeta, but then the fighter made some sort of mistake and soon all of Vegeta's attacks were hitting their mark... to which he started to push Mighty Mask backwards.

Vegeta waited for Mighty Mask to take a few steps back, counting by the tiles anyway, before he stopped the barrage of attacks and struck his opponent in the chest... to which Mighty Mask staggered backwards until he was one tap away from falling out of the ring.

"Any last words before I knock you out of the ring?" Vegeta asked, though at the same time he was ready to make his move, though he wanted to be sure that his opponent was fine with losing before he knocked him out.

"You have gotten better since last we fought," Mighty Mask said, though Vegeta's eyes widened as he recognized the voice that came from the masked fighter, as well as the mocking tone that came with the voice, "my prince."

Vegeta, realizing who was resting in front of him, braced himself so he could dash forward and knock the fighter out of the ring, but before he could do so Mighty Mask leapt into the air and floated there for a moment, before moving back to where he had been when the match started... making it look like neither of them had moved at all. A few seconds later the masked fighter chuckled as he started to shed his costume, to which Vegeta noticed four black shackles resting on the man's body, two near his wrists and two on his ankles. Under the costume rested the lower half of the Saiyan battle armor, which Vegeta recognized thanks to the fact that he had worn his for so many years, before the masked fighter finally removed his mask... revealing the one person that Vegeta hated with a passion that was equal to the hatred he felt for Frieza; Nappa.

Once Vegeta realized that Nappa was standing in front of him, and had no doubt knocked out the real Mighty Mask, he noticed the same emblem that Yamu and Spopovich were wearing was on the bald Saiyan's forehead as well... telling him and the others who had resurrected him.

"It feels so good to get out of that costume," Nappa commented, to which he collected the gear he had taken from the real Mighty Mask and tossed them out of the arena, though he quickly followed that up with turning back to Vegeta, "What's wrong Vegeta? You look like you've seen a ghost or something. I thought that you would be happy to see me again... especially all the fun we had the last time we saw each other."

"God dammit Nappa," Vegeta said, acknowledging the evil Saiyan's presence while at the same time cursing him out in the fashion that had become second nature to him, "There was nothing fun about what you did to all the planets we visited... save for the death you earned when you told me that you helped bring about the end of our home planet."

"Oh come on, remember Planet Arlia and the bug people we encountered?" Nappa asked, though his tone made Vegeta angry, because he already knew where this was going without even having to hear the rest of what the evil Saiyan was going to say, "Frieza and I blew those aliens to pieces... just like Planet Vegeta. Oh, and speaking of which, did you know that I had a video in my pod that only played with my voice? Frieza sent me a copy of him destroying Planet Vegeta and I watched it over and over again..."

Nappa stopped his sentence as he noticed that the air around Vegeta had changed, as it appeared that his anger was started to push his full power back to the surface... to which he grinned as he waited for his opponent to make his move.

Back in Hell, however, there was a large gathering of villains that were sitting around the massive crystal ball that the Saiyan guards had installed some time ago, as a sort of reward for their good behavior over the years. Apparently when something interesting happened, which could decide the fate of a planet or was just an interesting match between two fighters, the guards would set the sphere's sights on the match. For the Saiyans it allowed them to see who the villain was that they might be receiving in the near future, and allow them to take notes on which techniques and attack patterns they used, so they could do their job more efficiently. For the condemned, however, it was a source of entertainment, as they weren't allowed to fight among themselves... which would have lead to Cell being punished, had he not been erased seven years ago.

The only person that wasn't in front of the sphere, and was off somewhere else in Hell, was Frieza, as he had no interest in looking at the crystal ball and watching who was fighting... though he preferred to rest in his little secluded area and contemplate his failures. His peace, as annoying as the notion was for someone like him, was interrupted when he heard the sound of someone walking towards him, though when he opened his eyes he was surprised to see who his visitor was.

"Esteemed ancestor," Frieza said, as it had been some time since he had last seen the former space pirate called Chilled, who was now standing near where he was sitting, "To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

"I was curious as to why you were ignoring the crystal ball the Saiyans had installed." Chilled replied, though he had known about the large sphere ahead of time, as Bardock had asked him were the best place to put such a thing was, "I hear that there is going to be an exciting match this afternoon... between Vegeta, the Prince of the Saiyan race, and Nappa, your favorite subordinate."

"Nappa?" Frieza asked, as it took him a moment to even remember what had happened to him, to which he let a small smile appear on his face, "That's right, he was revived with the Dragon Balls a year ago and was called to Earth by someone who wanted to use him for their own agenda. And you say that his opponent is Vegeta?"

"That is what the others are saying," Chilled answered, though when he said others he was referring to both the Saiyan guards and the prisoners of Hell at the same time, "They're about to get serious by the looks of things... and I'm sure that you would want to see what happens next between them."

Frieza was surprised that Nappa was even going after Vegeta after being resurrected, as he was positive that the bald Saiyan was weaker than the Saiyan prince, but he had to admit that he was interested in what was happening. He let out a sigh as he picked himself off the ground and beckoned for his ancestor to lead the way, to which the two of them headed back towards the main entrance of Hell, where the sphere had been installed. As they walked Frieza noticed that the guards were heading in the same direction, those that were taking their break he assumed, and spotted the one called Bardock coming down towards the sphere as well. It didn't take them long to reach the area around the sphere, though the prisoners of Hell, some of which he recognized as his minions from Namek, parted so he could sit with them and see what the sphere was showing them.

Once he took his place in front of the blue sphere, which happened to be perched on some sort of stand, he stared at the face of the crystal as the image of Vegeta and Nappa sprung up before them... and it appeared that the picture was in perfect quality, as he could have sworn that they were almost watching from the stands, almost as if they were actually there with the Earthlings. Frieza had to admit that he was actually interested in seeing what happened, because it looked like the two of them were preparing to get serious... and he couldn't help but root for Nappa, despite how terribly outclassed he was.

Vegeta sighed as he released his suppressed energy, as this wasn't the time to be holding about against Nappa, as he was sure that the evil Saiyan had a trick or two up his sleeve. He had been hoping to keep his power hidden until they had revealed what Yamu and Spopovich were doing, but it appeared that fate had forced his hand early, though he was still hiding the Super Saiyan forms until he really needed them. He suspected that his full power, when he wasn't in a transformed state, would be more than enough to deal with Nappa, though at the same time if the bald Saiyan proved to be slightly stronger than he was expecting he knew that the first Super Saiyan form would be enough... there was no reason to use Super Saiyan 2 on his opponent.

As he turned his attention to Nappa, however, Vegeta also noticed that his friends were shocked that Mighty Mask had actually been the bald Saiyan... though they were biding their time, waiting for their opponents to slip up while he battled with his foe.

"Good, you know that this is going to be a serious fight," Nappa said, to which he raised his hands as he resumed his battle stance, though at the same time he beckoned to Vegeta for a moment, "I am eager to see how well you have actually improved since we last fought."

Vegeta stared at his foe for a moment, wondering what was going through Nappa's mind, before he dashed forward and slammed his fist into Nappa's chest, causing the bald Saiyan to buckle under his attack and force him to take a few steps backwards. Vegeta, however, was not about to let Nappa off easily, to which he started throwing several punches and kicks at his opponent, though as each one landed and inflicted some measure of pain he knew something was wrong, as Nappa wasn't fighting back yet. It was as if Nappa was gauging his powers before he retaliated with his own attacks, though as that thought occurred to him he dashed behind Nappa, grabbed the back of his head, and slammed him into the ring, sending cracks everywhere.

A few seconds later Nappa got up and threw a punch at him, to which Vegeta dodged the attack and spun around, allowing the bottom of his right foot to come into contact with the elbow of Nappa's outstretched arm... to which he heard the sound of the bone cracking and watched as the arm went limp, though he backed away before Nappa could attack him once more.

"Good, that is very good." Nappa commented, to which he looked down at his limp arm and touched it with his other hand, though the grin on his face made Vegeta know that something was about to happen, "You are very strong, but now is the time that I show you the gifts that Babidi has given me..."

With that said Nappa swung his limp arm with enough force that it literally snapped back into place and moved it around a few times, as if he had never been hurt in the first place, much to the shock of the spectators that were watching him and Vegeta. A few seconds later Nappa brought his arms to his side and his aura flared to life around him, though at the same time the air around him started to shake, to which Vegeta raised an eyebrow. The aura then changed from Nappa's normal color and morphed into a black colored aura, while at the same time the emblem on his forehead, the Majin emblem, pulsed red for a moment.

Vegeta, realizing that Nappa was powering up based on the power he was feeling, raised his arm and loosed a ki blast at his opponent, though instead of hitting his intended target Nappa grinned as he swung his arm and sent the small ball of energy into the sky, where it detonated once it cleared the highest point of the tournament grounds.

"There we go," Nappa said, to which his aura, and his power, settled down as he faced Vegeta, who could tell that things were going to get much harder for him, "this is the wonderful power of Majin Nappa; power that can easily rival you at your current level, the power to quickly fix any broken bones you may create, and the revival of the evil you once tried to get rid of so long ago. I can tell that you aren't using your full power, as you haven't entered this 'Super Saiyan' form I have heard so much about from the noise the Saiyans guarding Hell make... so allow me to give you some incentive and show you a reason as to why you should fight me with your full power."

Vegeta had to wonder what insanity Nappa was spouting now, as while he was sure that he could fight on par with Nappa's new form, no doubt given to him by Babidi, he had no idea what was possessing the bald Saiyan to think that he could overpower him if he took on his Super Saiyan form. He also noticed that the two of them happened to be standing in the same positions they had started in, back when they started the fight a few minutes ago, but that didn't stop him from watching for whatever Nappa was planning. A few seconds later Nappa raised his left arm and pointed the palm of his hand towards Vegeta, who watched as the bald Saiyan started gathering ki for whatever he was planning... to which he noticed that a sphere of energy was forming.

Vegeta glanced behind him for a second, as he was concerned for the people that were sitting in the stands behind him, as they would become casualties if Nappa fired his attack... to which he turned his head back towards his opponent and tried to guess where he would be throwing his attack.

"Oh don't worry, I'm not aiming at you," Nappa said, though as he said that he started to turn, indicating that his target had been someone else the entire time, "I'm aiming at your loved ones!"

The instant Vegeta heard who Nappa was actually targeting, and realized that a large number of people would die if he didn't act quickly, he flashed passed Nappa and positioned himself between where Bulma and the others were sitting, intending to catch the attack and throw it into the air. What happened, however, was that when Nappa stopped turning a second later he was facing the stands that were parallel with the waiting room, to which Vegeta realized that he had been tricked by one of the oldest tricks his opponent used whenever they visited a planet. He barely had any time to react as Nappa loosed the energy he had been gathering and fired it at the stands, where the beam of energy tore through the stands and killed everyone that was unfortunate enough to get caught in the blast... while at the same time destroying everything that was behind the arena, before it finally exploded some distance away.

Vegeta had known that Nappa was cold-hearted, that he enjoyed killing any innocent person that happened to cross his path and making it look like an accident, but even so he would have thought that the bald Saiyan would have simply asked him to move locations if he wanted to go all out... and not use this display of power to get what he wanted. Vegeta glanced at the destruction for a moment, wondering how many lives had been lost today, before his anger returned in full force... and this time he wasn't going to hold back.

"God... Dammit... NAPPA!" Vegeta shouted, letting his anger radiate all around him as his power skyrocketed, to which he abandoned the notion of fighting in his normal state and pushed himself to take on his Super Saiyan 2 state.

The island trembled under the force of his anger, causing some of the buildings to shake as the survivors braced themselves against whatever they could. At the same time the clouds around them broke apart, telling everyone that was familiar with ki that Vegeta wasn't planning on playing around anymore. Even Rainbow and Applejack, who had seen their father angry and knew the power that he could put out when he was pissed off, were a little shocked by the anger and power that was radiating from their friend. The only people that weren't shocked by this turn of events, however, were Yamu and Spopovich... though it appeared that they were holding some sort of contraption and were eying Vegeta with a look of glee in their eyes.

Nappa seemed to have noticed them as well, to which he called forth a small ball of energy and threw it at the two corrupted men, causing them to jump back and look at him in surprise.

"N... Nappa-sama," Yamu said, his eyes moving between the man that was supposed to be on their side and the man that was floating in the air, with an incredible amount of energy rolling off of him, "What about the plan?"

"Screw the plan," Nappa replied, to which he turned his full attention to Vegeta, while a sinister grin appeared on his face, "I'm having too much fun at the moment... but if we're going to get serious we need a new location to battle in. Vegeta, follow me and we can finish our match elsewhere."

Before anyone could respond Nappa jumped into the air and flew away from the tournament ground, not even caring if the announcer decided to say that he had lost the match, as he was far more interested in Vegeta at the moment. Vegeta, on the other hand, glanced at him for a few seconds before following after him, knowing that if he chose to stay around here than more innocent people would die at Nappa's hands. It was better to fight in a wasteland or something and avoid killing anyone else, though he was a little bit glad that his foe had realized that, even if he hated Nappa with a passion at this point. There was nothing Nappa could do to make Vegeta like him again, and Vegeta was fine with that... as the only thing he wanted from Nappa was the opportunity to kill him with his own hands.

Yamu, who had been watching the two fighters fly away from the arena, had to grin once he realized that Nappa had spoken the key phrase he had told them earlier, in the off chance that he had been paired up with someone strong, like Vegeta or Goku, and brought out their full power. Nappa was leading their enemies towards the location of Babidi's spaceship, where they could directly drain the pure energy once the bald Saiyan really got serious, as he was still holding back the majority of his power. Yamu then chuckled as both he and Spopovich floated into the air, though not a few seconds later they started flying after Nappa and Vegeta... knowing that their master would be pleased to awaken Majin Buu after so many years.

The Z Warriors, those that remained at the moment, looked at each other before the majority of them decided that it was time to follow after their targets, though 18 was choosing to stay behind and make sure that her daughter was okay, especially with all the damage that Nappa had caused to the arena. As they flew away, with Shin and Kibito leading the way, they were joined by Rainbow, Applejack, Gale, Goten, and Trunks, meaning that they all knew that Nappa had to be taking Vegeta to where Majin Buu was resting. Shin was a little disappointed that their plans had been broken the moment Vegeta and Nappa were chosen to fight each other, but this was the hand that fate had dealt them and there was no fighting against it... so he sighed and flew after their targets, knowing that soon he would have to finish what Bibidi started all those years ago.

He only hoped that they could stop Majin Buu from being revived in time... and hoped that Vegeta would put an end to his fight before something terrible happened.

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