• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Saiyan: Awakening

Mr. Popo stood outside the main building that rested on Kami's Lookout and watched the fighters that he was preparing for the eventual arrival of two Saiyan warriors, both of whom were no doubt stronger than the one that Goku had fought some time ago, though his hands were held behind his back while he waited. He was a well rounded person that wore a red vest with a golden trim on his chest, though he chose to wear nothing under it, leaving his chest bare for everyone to see. He wore a red sash around his waist that kept his white baggy pants up, while also wearing a pair of shoes that most people would associate with a genie that was able to walk instead of being in a smoke like form. Sitting on the top of his head was a white turban that had a blue gem set above his forehead, which allowed him to keep the headpiece in one spot, while two bands of gold rested on his arms, one on the left and one on the right.

Most people assumed that he was an incredible fighter, considering the fact that he lived up on Kami's Lookout and stayed away from the general population, while others assumed that he was some sort of demon, on account of his nearly pitch black skin color. He would never actually tell anyone what he actually was, not unless he had a very good reason for revealing it, so he simply let people guess at what he was and left it at that.

While he watched he fighters train against each other, in hand to hand combat with no ki based attacks allowed at the moment, he found his mind turning to the girls that were currently sleeping inside the building behind him. He and Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time, were old friends and when she had contacted him twenty-three years ago, asking him for a favor, he had immediately told her that it would be his honor to help her out. She had told him that all she needed him to do was watch after two seven year old girls until they woke up, which immediately time Mr. Popo that Chronoa had used her powers to stop time around them, making it so they wouldn't age until the time that she had set for them.

At first he hadn't been told that the girls he was going to be watching over were actually the daughters of Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction, but he quickly found that out when she invited him to the Destroyer's planet for an hour. It was then that he also met the Supreme Kai for their universe, Shin, and helped the two of them transport the sleeping girls to the Lookout, to which he and Chronoa bid each other farewell again before he had to deal with Kami. The Guardian of Earth wasn't too pleased with the idea of the girls even being on the Lookout, but Mr. Popo explained the situation, which was a tad bit difficult considering that Kami had no idea who or what Beerus was, but he eventually got him to understand what was going on.

It was basically him telling Kami that one of the Kai's had asked him for a favor and he had accepted, because it was an easy task when the girls had been locked in their enchanted sleep for such a long time, which meant that Kami wouldn't be bothered by them at all.

"How are they doing?" a voice behind him asked, causing Mr. Popo to turn around and find Kami, in all his glory, standing behind him and staring at the fighters that were training.

Kami wasn't a native to Earth, just like Mr. Popo, though he was actually a Namekian, hailing from one of the planets that existed somewhere in the sea of stars around them. His skin was green colored and had several areas that were covered in what had once been pink patches on his arms and legs, though the color had dulled to reflect Kami's old age, and his skin had become wrinkly over the last few decades. He also had some antennae on his forehead, though he wore a white robe over most of his body and had a blue collar cloth collar around his neck, though it also came with a cape. He carried a walking stick with him at all times, which helped him from place to place whenever Mr. Popo was busy, either with his own responsibilities or with training fighters. On his robe was the kanji symbol for god, which had been stitched into the fabric, though that was because he was he protector of this world for he last few hundred years.

Mr. Popo had figured that Kami would have been inside the building behind them, resting his weary body or trying to sense when the two Saiyans would arrive, though he was happy to see that the old Namekian was alright.

"They are doing just fine Kami," Mr. Popo replied, turning his attention back to the fighters for a moment, "they have all grown over the last few months, to the point where I am sure that they would have been able to deal with that lone Saiyan on their own."

"That is good to hear, though I am afraid that it might not be enough for what is heading our way," Kami commented, to which he let out a sigh as he watched the fighters, "So, do you have any idea when those two girls are going to wake up?"

"All Chronoa told me was that they would wake up when the alarm went off," Mr. Popo replied, though in reality he knew that the alarm had to go off soon, otherwise there might not even be a planet left when it finally did go off, "she never did give me an exact time or a specific event to watch out for."

"You would think that the coming of two Saiyan warriors would be a worthwhile event," Kami said, shaking his head for a moment, as if he was getting rid of a thought, "If you need me for anything I'll be inside the Lookout, searching for the Saiyans."

Mr. Popo nodded his head once and watched as Kami walked back into the building behind him, before turning his full attention back to the group of fighters that were still practicing their skills against each other. He hadn't lied to Kami when he said that any of the fighters could have single-handedly defeated the lone Saiyan in their present state, but he had no idea how powerful the other two were. It was possible that the other two Saiyans were much stronger than the one Goku had fought, but there was no way of tell that until they actually arrived on the planet.

As he watched the fighters he reached into his pocket and pulled out the glowing blue coin that Chronoa had handed him before she and Shin had departed from the Lookout, something that would tell him when the girls would wake up. The alarm was actually going to be silent when it finally went off, though the object he was holding was going to light up when the time came for the girls to emerge from their enchanted slumber. Chronoa said that the coin would glow brighter when it was getting closer to when it was time for the girls to wake up, though judging by the glow he was seeing it would have to be soon... maybe even today if the glow was any indicator. Mr. Popo let out a small sigh as he tucked the coin away, turning his full attention back to the people that were training and watched what they were doing.

Time would tell when it was time for the girls to wake up, especially since the person that put them in their enchanted sleep was the Supreme Kai of Time, but Mr. Popo was a patient person and he was willing to wait until it was time to wake them up.

An hour passed before Mr. Popo gave the fighters their morning break, knowing that they would need the rest when they continued their training in the afternoon. They would be able to relax, take their minds off their training by conversing with each other, eat something so they would have the energy to continue, and then once the break was over they would pick up where they left off. It was a simple routine and they stuck to it every day, preparing themselves for the fight of their lives once the Saiyans finally landed on Earth, though he knew that at least one of them was uncertain about the entire thing. Mr. Popo knew that there would always be someone who doubted what was going on and their own potential, but at least the person who was doubting their chances wasn't dragging everyone else down at the moment.

Mr. Popo's thoughts were interrupted when one of the fighters said something to him, to which he zoned back into what was around him and inquired as to what the person had said.

"I was just asking why one of your pockets was suddenly glowing," Krillin answered, though he and the others were curious about the blue light that was coming from the pocket he was pointing at.

Mr. Popo looked down at this pocket for a moment and realized that the coin was definitely at the level of brightness that Chronoa had warned him about, to which he turned towards the building behind him and bolted for the room that the girls were sleeping in. He heard the sound of footsteps behind him, indicating that the fighters were curious about what was going on, though he didn't let that bother him at all at the moment. He just wanted to make sure that the girls were okay when they woke up from their enchanted sleep, though it also provided him with the opportunity to introduce the group to them, allowing them to know who their new friends were without too much difficultly.

Rainbow let out a yawn as she pulled herself off of the bed that she was laying on and stretched her arms, though as she opened her eyes she found herself in a white colored room that looked nothing like the room she had in her father's temple. In fact all the room had was the bed she happened to be sleeping in, a dresser for clothes, a doorway that led to wherever she was, and another bed that her sister was sleeping in. Rainbow let out a sigh as she pulled the covers off of her body and touched the floor with her hooves, though the small sound they made was enough to make Applejack move for a moment. Not a few seconds later Applejack was sitting up in the bed she had been previously been laying on, though she seemed confused as to where they were at the moment.

"Okay, I am definitely confused," Applejack said, looking around the room for a moment, to which she spotted her hat sitting on the edge of her bed and picked it up, "Where are we and when are we? Because I don't think that this was part of the plan."

"Today is November 1, Age 762," a voice said, causing the two of them to turn towards the door and find some sort of creature, likely a demon of some sort due to his blackish skin, standing in the doorway, "the two of you have been sleeping for twenty-three years. You are currently on Planet Earth, or more specifically Kami's Lookout."

While Rainbow was surprised by the number of years they had slept in their mother's enchanted sleep spell, Applejack calculated that they had been awakened far earlier than their father, who was going to be sleeping for sixteen years at least. Either something went wrong with the spell and this was as long as they were allowed to sleep, or their mother had planned for them to sleep until this moment in time. Though the moment Applejack heard that they were on Earth, of all places, she immediately knew what had happened; their mother had purposely set the time they were supposed to wake up at this moment in time, so they could train with the one person that could entertain their father.

"So are you Kami?" Rainbow asked, though the question snapped Applejack out of her thoughts and allowed her to return to what was happening around them at the moment.

"No, I am Mr. Popo," the man replied, looking over the two of them for any signs of damage, as if they were fragile objects and not living people for a moment, "You'll be meeting Kami soon, along with the Z Warriors."

"The... Z Warriors?" Applejack asked, as she had absolutely no idea what the man was talking about, though she had the feeling that he was going to explain what he had said in a few moments.

"We are Earth's mightiest heroes!" a voice behind Mr. Popo said, to which the girls noticed a person that was as tall as they were at the moment, though he had a bald head with six dots on his forehead while wearing an orange colored gi, standing in the middle of what they both assumed was a hallway.

"Is that so?" Rainbow said, though she was clearly interested in the new people she and her sister were meeting, something that Applejack silently agreed with, "And who are you?"

"My name is Krillin," the man replied, a smile appearing on his face for a moment, though that turned to confusion as he stared at the two of them, "Who are you... and what are you?"

"Not here," Mr. Popo said, beckoning for Krillin to come into the room for a moment, "Come and help me with them for a moment, its going to take some time for them to get used to walking again. Once we're outside I can explain what happened."

Krillin nodded and rushed to Rainbow's side, to which he helped her climb off the bed she was still sitting on and helped her onto her feet, before making his way towards the hallway. Mr. Popo did the same thing with Applejack, to which they also left the room they were in before he led the way out of the building that the girls had found themselves in the moment they had woken up. They walked in silence for a few minutes, to which the girls looked around the building while they tried to figure out where they were, before they walked outside and caused the girls to gasp for a moment. One the group had stepped outside Applejack and Rainbow stared at the people that were standing around the entrance of the building they had exited.

One of the people in front of them had to be an Earthling, though he possessed a few traits that they assumed marked him as different from the most of his kind, such as the plain white skin and red cheeks he had, though he was also a small person that hovered in the air. Another thing that the girls noticed was that the little guy was like Krillin, because he didn't have a visible nose, though it was hard to tell if he was bald because he happened to be wearing a hat over the top of his head. The man standing next to the small person was wearing some sort of combat outfit that consisted of a green robe and red sash, with loose green colored pants and yellow boots, though the girls did notice that the man also had a third eye in the middle of his forehead.

The fourth person standing in front of them seemed exactly like Krillin, though he was definitely fully grown and was wearing his own gi, though he a cross shaped scar on the left side of his face and seemed a little afraid at the moment. The final person on the Lookout was a man that was a little shorter than the others, though he definitely had some extra pounds on his body and was wearing some sort of clothing that wasn't a gi... to which the girls noticed that he was carrying some sort of sword on his belt.

"Allow me to introduce the rest of the gang," Krillin said, pointing to the guy with three eyes for a moment, "That's Tien Shinhan and his friend Chiaotzu, while to their right is Yamcha and Yajirobe. So, who are the two of you exactly?"

"My name is Rainbow Dash, and this is my sister Applejack," Rainbow replied, though she looked around the assembled group for a moment, studying them all while they were no doubt doing the same to them.

"Those are some... interesting names," Krillin commented, though that was when he let go of Rainbow, to which she actually stood straight without needing his aid anymore, to which Mr. Popo did the same with Applejack, "So, um, can I ask a stupid question?"

"I don't see why not," Applejack said, though as the words left her mouth both she and Rainbow walked around for a few seconds, just to stretch their legs after all the years they had been asleep.

"Why are you part pony?" Krillin asked, though that comment got several stares from the rest of his friends that were standing in front of him, "What? I'm just curious."

"Krillin, there are humanoid cats and dogs living all over the world," Tien said, though he was face palming with his left hand, "its actually not that hard to believe that there might also be people like Rainbow and Applejack out there... though this is the first time I have ever heard of or seen someone like them."

"Does that mean that their breed is on the verge of extinction?" Yamcha commented, to which everyone turned towards him for a moment, "Well, there are the only two of this type we've seen, so isn't it safe to assume that their race might be in trouble?"

"You might be right, if you weren't already wrong," another voice said, to which Rainbow and Applejack watched as an old green man walked out of the building that stood behind them, "Mr. Popo was asked to watch over the two of them by their mother, which is why they have been sleeping on the Lookout for the last twenty-three years in an enchanted sleep that neither of us could breach."

"I'd ask why they couldn't help out in when the world was in danger, but you just explained why," Krillin stated, though he was watching the girls as they walked around the area, "So their mother set up a wake up time that would allow them to wake up before the Saiyan's arrival, and she didn't tell either of you that fact?"

"It would seem so," Kami replied, staring at the girls for a moment, before turning his attention to Mr. Popo, "When do you think they'll be ready to go into battle?"

"It will take them a week or two to get all of their energy back and be able to fight at the potential that they've unlocked so far," Mr. Popo answered, a slight frown appearing on his face when he realized why Kami was asking about them being able to fight, "Oh, I see... we're running out of time. Krillin, why don't you and Yamcha challenge them to a warmup match and see how much of their training they actually remember."

Krillin looked at the girls for a few seconds, his eyes lingering on their hooves, and he actually shivered at the thought of those leaving some decent sized bruises or even some cracked bones. The girls themselves didn't appear to be too dangerous, but he had no idea how much training the girls had retrieved before being put into their enchanted slumber. He let out a sigh before walking over to Yamcha, though he knew that Mr. Popo wanted the two of them, likely the weakest members of the group, to test the girls. He thought it was a little mean to be putting them to work so soon after they had been released from their sleep, but with the Saiyans coming he didn't have the luxury to argue with the person that was training them.

"Hey Yamcha, want to fight Applejack?" Krillin asked, though he could tell that the man was definitely weighing his chances like he had against Rainbow's hooves.

"Sure. What's the worst that could happen?" Yamcha replied, breaking into a battle stance as the girls turned towards them, to which Applejack turned her hat over to her sister before approaching the middle of the training area, "Tell you what, I'll be a gentleman and let you throw the first punch."

"As you wish," Applejack said, dropping into her own stance as she stared at Yamcha, while everyone else retreated to the entrance of the building to watch what happened.

The two combatants stared at each other for a few seconds, which was Yamcha mainly waiting for Applejack to throw the first attack like he had promised, though that was followed by Applejack rushing at him and swinging her left fist at him. Yamcha raised his hand and blocked the attack by catching it with his hand, though that was swiftly followed by something hitting him in the chest and knocking him backwards a tiny bit. He watched as Applejack pulled her right hoof back to the floor, indicating what she had hit him with, but he knew that she had restricted herself to avoid hurting him in this practice match.

The moment her hoof touched the ground Yamcha charged forward and swung his fist at her, though her reaction was a bit slow as he managed to lightly touch her face as she pulled herself back, to which she separated from him to rub her cheek, before getting serious once more. That was when the two of them charged at each other, their fists and legs colliding with the others, though Applejack held back on using her hooves during the entire fight. It was clear that, in her weakened state, that she was at least as tough as he was at the moment, though Yamcha knew that the balance between them would change once she had regained her former abilities.

A few minutes later, after about five full minutes of fighting, Mr. Popo called an end to their practice match, to which both of them walked away with a few light bruises and scratched, though there weren't any serious wounds on them.

"You ready Rainbow Dash?" Krillin asked, watching the rainbow haired girl return Applejack's hat to her, before stretching her arms and legs for a few seconds.

"Oh, I was born ready." Rainbow replied, a grin appearing on her face as she dashed forward, seeming to disappear for a few seconds before reappearing behind Krillin.

Krillin, instead of blocking the attack that he knew was coming his way, rolled forward and dodged the attack before it could land, though that was followed by him lashing out with his fist and smacking Rainbow right in the jaw, knocking her backward onto the stairs. Rainbow growled as she wiped her jaw for a moment, glaring at Krillin as he stood his ground, before she rushed at him and slammed her fist into his chest, knocking the wind out of him for a moment and forcing him to back away from her. The two of them stared at each other for a moment, sizing up the small wounds that they had given each other, before they charged at each other again and exchanged several more blows with each other.

Eventually Mr. Popo called their match to an end as well, though they had several more bruises than either Applejack or Yamcha had, though they both appeared to be pleased with themselves at the moment.

"I see that time hasn't dulled your fighting abilities yet," Mr. Popo commented, watching the four combatants wipe up their wounds, before tapping his head for a moment, "though it seems that your reaction times need some work. I'm going to go make something for lunch, so you can all relax and catch up on what's going to be happening in the next few days."

"Oh god... the Saiyans are coming," Krillin commented, knowing exactly what Mr. Popo was referring to, while realizing that their time had been cut short all of a sudden.

"Wait, did you say that some Saiyans are coming to this planet?" Rainbow asked, though she had to wonder why Krillin sounded so scared about their arrival.

"Yeah, one of them landed on Earth a year ago and ended up killing Goku," Krillin explained, though he noticed that both of the girls looked a little confused, "Goku was one of the best fighters on the planet, though the Saiyan, who ended up being his long lost brother Raditz, ended up getting both himself and Goku killed. As Raditz died he explained that the object he had been wearing on his face the entire time was a scouter, which allowed him to transmit messages to his comrades and he indicated that the two of them would be here within a year... and that they would lay waste to the entire planet in their search for the Dragon Balls."

"And those would be?" Applejack inquired, as she had no idea what the man was even talking about at the moment, though she noticed that her sister was as confused as she was.

"They are orange crystalline spheres with a specific number of stars set in them, ranging from one star to seven stars," Kami commented, approaching the group with a small smile on his face, "When someone has gathered all seven of the spheres together the sky darkens and Shenron, the Eternal Dragon, will come forth to grant a single wish that the summoner desires. Such wishes include wishing for eternal life, or immortality to most people these days, or bringing back someone who died in battle, though there are more types of wishes than just those two. Then, once the wish is made, the dragon returns to the seven spheres before they disperse across the entire world and turn to stone until a year has passed, which is normally followed by the cycle repeating itself at times."

"I see," Applejack said, turning back to Krillin for a moment, "So two Saiyans, more powerful than the one that killed your friend, are coming to this planet to essentially burn it to the ground and use these Dragon Balls to grant whatever wish they desire? Did this Raditz give you any names before he died?"

"No... why do you ask?" Krillin replied, though the tone of his voice indicated that he was wondering why they would be asking about the names of the Saiyans that were coming to Earth.

"I was just curious, that's all," Applejack answered, deciding that it was best not to tell anyone on the Lookout that she and Rainbow knew one of the Saiyans, though there was no way of knowing if he was even on his way to the planet or if he was ruling his own people at this point in time.

Both she and Rainbow were curious as to what Vegeta was up to these days, considering that the last time they had been in his company he was leaving for a mission with Nappa. She seriously hoped that their best friend was alive and well, though she also hoped that one day the three of them would be able to get together again one day and catch up on what happened on Planet Vegeta while they were gone for the past twenty-three years.

Eventually Mr. Popo came out of the building and called them into the eating hall, to which the girls heard Krillin comment on the fact that there were two more seats than the previous time he and his friends had sat at the table, though that told them that the strange demon-like man was definitely trying to care for them like their mother had asked him to. They found a large number of sandwiches, food called hotdogs, chips, bowls of ramen, and a few other items that neither of the girls had seen before, but the group beckoned them to sit down at the table and they eagerly joined them.

The Z Warriors that they ate lunch with told them a little bit about themselves, though when they asked what the girls remembered Rainbow told them that there wasn't much to tell, as they spent a great deal of their time leaning from their parents, in both school type learning and protecting themselves. She would have bragged that she and Applejack were the daughters of Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction, but she had the feeling that none of them had any idea who he was and also knew that Applejack would have kicked her or something to stop the words from escaping her mouth. So she simply decided to tell them that they didn't remember much about their parents, to which the group decided to stop asking and get back to happier thoughts.

After the meal was over Mr. Popo had all of them, including Rainbow and Applejack, do some training for the rest of the afternoon, which only reminded the girls of their days on Planet Meka. The training was simple; they were supposed to dodge the attacks that they were able to, block ones that they might not be able to dodge, and throw some punches so that their training partner would be able to practice as well. Every now and then the girls had to sit out during the training, because they needed to rest after the extended amount of time they had spent sleeping, but they were content to watch the others whenever they had to take a break.

Eventually the day turned to night and the entire group shared the last meal of the day, though as they did so the girls noticed that there appeared to be no moon in the night sky, to which they learned that someone had blown it up shortly after Raditz had landed on Earth. That made them wonder who, on this planet, had the power to wipe out a moon, though they didn't know how strong everyone on the planet was and couldn't make a very good assumption until they had encountered the rest of the fighters. They were eager to meet this Goku, because Krillin made it sound like some of their other friends, the ones that didn't fight, were already in the process of gathering the Dragon Balls to wish him back to life for the coming danger.

Even as the group finished dinner, and got settled in for the night, both Rainbow and Applejack had to wonder if they would ever see their friend again, though they would have to focus on resting for the coming battle that would soon happen. They both had the feeling that they were going to need all of their energy for what was to come... though they had no idea if their feeling was a good one or a bad one. The two of them stood outside the building on the Lookout for a few minutes as the others went to their respective beds, to which they stared up at the stars for a moment before heading to their own beds.

They would be able to answer all of their questions in the future, though neither of them were sure if they were going to like any of the answers that were given to them.

Vegeta let out a sigh as he awoke from his slumber, once again thankful that he had switched off his communicator until they were close to their destination, otherwise he was sure that Nappa would have driven him insane while he was sleeping. His pod's computer indicated that they were only a day away from their destination, which brought a small smile to his face as he looked out at the planets that they were passing. Though even as he and Nappa raced towards Planet Earth he had the strangest feeling that fate was going to play its hand the moment they arrived, but eventually shook his head and opened his communicator to Nappa's once more.

There was some planning they needed to do before their arrival and he didn't want the oaf to ruin their search for the Dragon Balls when they landed... though he had the feeling that something like that was going to happen regardless of what he did or what he told Nappa. Once again he found himself wishing that he could just be rid off the man and go about his business without having him ruin everything, though he let out a sigh as he started talking to his companion, knowing that it was going to be a long flight until they finally arrived at the planet they were heading towards.

Though as they traveled he had the strangest feeling that he'd be seeing his friends again, though he had no idea why he would suddenly feel that way... and it actually made him smile as they raced towards Earth, because that meant that things were going to get interesting when they landed.

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