• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Resurrection: Taking a Break

With Sorbet's betrayal dealt with, and everyone had calmed down from the excitement, the large group waited for a few minutes as Frieza's main ship landed near by and the soldiers came charging out, where Goku, Vegeta, and the others discovered that they were rushing out to be sure that their employer was alright. It shocked them more than they thought, because four months shouldn't have been enough time for Frieza's changes to his empire, whatever those changes were, but it appeared that his sudden change had pleased the vast majority of them. Tagoma and Shisami flew towards them and landed beside their emperor, where they checked him for wounds while Frieza explained what had happened while they were watching from the air, just so the two of them, and the other soldiers, knew what Sorbet had told him before Krillin and the others intervened.

Suffice to say that neither of the two warriors were happy with what they heard, as they had expected Sorbet to believe in their emperor now that he was back and the looks on their faces spoke volumes about what they were feeling.

"I... I cannot believe Sorbet would even think to betray you, Lord Frieza." Tagoma said, though at the same time he also felt betrayed, because the person that had been leading them ever since Frieza's death on Earth had earned the respect of everyone else in the empire, but now that respect would shatter once word got out about what happened, "Had Shisami and I known that this was going to happen we would have told you about it ahead of time."

"Captain Tagoma, I thank you for your concern," Frieza replied, though he could tell that his words were shocking some of the people that had come from Earth, especially those that only knew him as the tyrant that Goku and Vegeta must have told them about, but he wanted to paint a new image of himself for everyone, which would take time, "Sorbet was stupid to think that he could have gotten away with this plan of his, but I must admit he was smart enough to wait until I was weak from fighting before firing at my back. I hope his soul suffers in Hell for what he did to me today... and I hope that the members of my family agree with my new feelings towards the man."

"You know, I could have just erased him from existence," Beerus commented, to which the majority of the group turned towards him and nodded their heads, though they were equally surprised that he didn't do that anyway.

"True, that was always an option," Frieza said, though at the same time he shook his head, as while he would have been happy to see the terror on Sorbet's face as his body collapsed on him, like that happened with Cell all those years ago, he was more than willing to see if the man could change within twenty years of Chilled talking to him, "but Sorbet deserved to experience Hell for himself... especially since my father, my brother, and my ancestor are likely going to have words with him once he arrives."

"Wait, you have a brother?" Goku asked, as this was the first time that he had ever heard that piece of information, to which he turned his head towards Vegeta, who simply shook his head and indicated that he had no idea what Frieza was talking about this time around.

"Yes, and his name is Cooler." Frieza replied, though at the same time he couldn't fault the Saiyans for not knowing about his brother, as the two of them had pretty much gone their separate ways and hadn't talked to each other, not until they came to Hell anyway, "Oddly enough the tale about how he came to Hell was that he had been killed by a Saiyan... but he refused to tell me which Saiyan it was, so I can only guess that it was the same one that killed me when I arrived on Earth all those years ago."

Goku and Vegeta glanced at each other for a few seconds, as they knew that Frieza was talking about Future Trunks, who had used the code name 'Xeno' during the time of Frieza's invasion of Earth, but even so they had to wonder why he would have done that when Cooler never came anywhere near Earth... at least to the best of their knowledge.

"Anyway, let's head to the base that I mentioned," Frieza said, to which everyone turned towards him once more, where he noticed a few heads nodding in agreement with what he had said, though that was followed by him beckoning for them to follow him, "Tagoma, Shisami, set course for the closest base that we have and tell them that we're coming in for a visit... and ask the chefs to prepare something for us."

Tagoma and Shisami nodded their heads as they, along with the rest of their soldiers, returned to the ship and started closing the doors, though they left the main one open for Frieza and his guests to board the ship, which closed the moment they were all inside the ship. Frieza took them towards the area that he usually claimed for himself whenever he was inside one of these ships, his personal quarters as they were called on all of the ships he owned, where he glanced at his hover chair for a few seconds, the one that Rainbow had seen him use the first time they encountered each other. He then sighed as he stopped in front of the large window that allowed him to stare off into space, or whatever part of the scenery he chose to look at before they landed the ship on whatever planet they happened to be heading to.

He knew that Goku, Vegeta, and the others would have questions for him, he was certain that at least Vegeta would be asking the vast majority of them, to which he focused his mind on forming as many answers as he could, as he knew that, once they reached the base they were heading towards, he would need to answer their questions before he ultimately decided where he stood in the universe.

When they arrived at the planet that the base was located on, which was roughly twenty-five minutes away from the planet Frieza, Goku, and Vegeta had been fighting on, Tagoma and Shisami led the way to the banquet room that usually only had one person eat in it at any given time, despite the fact that Frieza had a large table built into the room. Now the room would actually serve the purpose it had been built for, as it was the largest area in the base, save for the training chamber the soldiers used when they were off duty, for their group to eat and converse in. As they walked through the corridors, and headed towards the banquet room, every soldier they passed hailed Tagoma, Shisami, and Frieza, to which the emperor and his highest ranking soldiers told the other soldiers hello and wished them well... while at the same time surprising the group from Earth in the process.

It didn't take them more than ten minutes before they reached the banquet room, though as Frieza's guests took their seats Tagoma and Shisami excused themselves, as the mission that had arrived earlier needed to be completed, to which Frieza nodded his head and wished them well... though once they had left the room he sighed and took his seat.

"So, what should we discuss first?" Frieza asked, as he was expecting them to ask him something and he wanted to answer anything they asked, while at the same time the workers that tended to this room brought them something to drink, was mostly water and juices.

"Sorbet mentioned that you were trying to turn your empire into a force of justice," Vegeta commented, remembering what the man had said after he shot Kakarot and Frieza in the chest, in an attempt to kill them both, "What exactly did he mean by that?"

"It means exactly what you think it means," Frieza replied, though at the same time he took a sip from his cup, as he would need to keep himself hydrated over the course of this conversation, "I have a database of everything that Nappa ever sent me, about the morals and new codes that the Saiyan race had implemented three years before I decided to blow their planet to piece. Since it wasn't destroyed after my death, or even touched for that matter, I was able to open it up and started rereading everything I had received, to which I took the same codes and morals and taught them to my soldiers. Some of them took to the new code almost immediately, while others took some time to come to terms with the sudden change in my empire... and a few, like Sorbet, stubbornly clung to their old ways until I convinced them, but talking, to change their lives for the better."

"So the Galactic Frieza Force is basically what the Saiyans were before their destruction?" Krillin inquired, as he and the others had been told about the warriors of justice the Saiyan race had become, after they had been invited to Asgard, and he was beginning to see what Frieza was saying.

"That's correct," Frieza said, though at the same time he turned towards the Saiyans, knowing that even attempting to apologize for blowing Planet Vegeta to pieces would likely be met by anger or something else, "One of the changes that I added to the codes and morals I borrowed from the Saiayns was a Threat Code System, which analyzes whatever threats come up on our radar and labels them with a certain name to indicate the level of toughness. Those codes are named Saibamen, which means that even the lowest soldiers can defeat whatever the threat is, Appule, which means the middle ranking soldiers are required to deal with it, Ginyu, which indicates that the threat requires someone like Tagoma or Shisami to deal with it, and finally Nappa... which are the threats that I must deal with."

"I take it that there hasn't been a Code Nappa since you started using the system?" Goku asked, as while he knew that Frieza had trained for four months he had also mentioned it might have been a continuous training on his part, meaning that one of those codes hadn't forced him to pause.

"So far there have been twenty Code Saibamen, five Code Appule, and only two Code Ginyu since we started using the system," Frieza answered, though he wasn't surprised to find that it was Goku who figured out what he hadn't been called away from his training, but at the same time he noticed Vegeta was nodding his head, "Code Nappa is for threats that are anywhere near my level, but so far none of them had shown up... so we're teaching the soldiers to recognize the various threats and label them accordingly, just in case a Code Nappa appears in the future."

Vegeta nodded his head as he thought what he wanted to ask next, as there were other questions that he felt that needed to be asked while Frieza was open to answering questions, but at the same time he was thinking about what they had been told already. From what the emperor had said he had pretty much taken the information that Nappa had given him, on the new code and morals that his father had created after Beerus had first visited their planet, and gave them to his soldiers, along with some new pieces to make deploying his soldiers that much easier. It actually made him wonder why his father hadn't implemented such a system when they were alive, but at the same time he guessed that it must not have registered in his father's mind... though now it didn't matter and there were other questions that needed to be asked before they went their separate ways.

"Do you feel sorry for all the lives that you have taken over the years?" Applejack asked, though at the same time the majority of the group turned towards her for a moment, as they weren't expecting such a question to be asked.

"Out of all the questions I was expecting you to ask me, this wasn't one of them," Frieza admitted, though he went silent for a few minutes, giving the workers time to refresh their drinks and deliver the food that had been prepared for them, where some of the group thanked him and started digging in while they waited for him to speak, "but I have a sufficient answer that will please you. During my stay in Hell I reflected on all of the evil deeds I had done, counted off all of the planets that I had destroyed, recalled the millions, and even billions, of lives that I have ended, and I have only one answer to that question; the old me would have laughed at this, but the new me feels sorry for the majority of the lives that I have ended."

"Did Hell freeze over or something?" Vegeta asked, as while he could see that Frieza was turning over a new leaf, because he and his fellow Saiyans had done the same, he still found it hard to believe that the person that blew up his planet was feeling sorry about it.

"No... I just had a lot of time to sit down, think about my actions, and talk with my ancestor about things," Frieza said, though at the same time he smiled, because it he found it funny to see Vegeta like this, where in the past he would be have been annoyed or would have been feeling another emotion, "besides, the people I'm not sorry about killing off were competition that I took care of before my empire became what it was, before the events on Namek anyway. This may come as a shock to the majority of you, but I wasn't the first evil tyrant to grace the universe... I was, however, the strongest of them all and I took my time defeating anyone that challenged me. That's part of the reason why I was able to conquer so much of the universe so quickly, back when I first started sailing the universe I conquered all the evil rulers that dared to challenge me and incorporated their empire into my own, turning them into loyal soldiers."

Chronoa nodded her head for a few seconds, as she recalled there being a time where there were as many as thirty smaller empires like Frieza's existing at one period in time, though Chilled had done a good job at cutting the number down over the years. King Cold, Cooler, and Frieza had done the same thing that their ancestor had done, though Frieza was the one that had eliminated the majority of the competition and forced the others to surrender to his rule, creating the empire that Vegeta and his race had planned on toppling had they not been betrayed. She had, during the years she spent waiting for her family to wake up from their various naps, spent some time watching the history that would have taken place had Nappa not turned against the Saiyans... and all she could say was that it was a glorious and shining future for the entire universe.

"You called Tagoma 'captain' earlier," Krillin commented, though at the same time he was secretly shocked to hear that even he was one of the people that Frieza regretted killing, but his death had given Goku the motivation to ascend to a new level of power and he was okay with that, especially since Cell and Majin Buu eventually showed their heads, "Does that mean that he's taken over the Ginyu Force?"

"Not quite," Frieza said, though this time around he pulled out a tablet, which he had taken from his personal quarters earlier, and tapped a button on it, to which the image of Tagoma, Shisami, and Ginyu appeared above the table, "I know some of you are familiar with the Ginyu Force, my highest ranking warriors at the time of the events on Namek, but Tagoma and Shisami are both captains of their own forces, each consisting of at least fifty soldiers. Originally I had planned on giving Sorbet the role as the commander of my forces, which is higher than the captain level, but due to his betrayal I'll have to find someone else to give it to. Tagoma and Shisami's forces are similar to Zarbon and Dodoria's forces, as the soldiers, when they reach a certain level, are free to choose which captain they want to join for the rest of their service. The only time my new captains orders may be questioned is if the new commander has something more important for them to be doing... which may take some time considering that a certain someone is missing."

Vegeta remembered back when he, Raditz, and Nappa were soldiers in Frieza's army, as he had seen the raging forces of Zarbon and Dodoria, though at the time Frieza had been his own commander and his word was the law of the ship, along with the forces he carried to the various planets he was visiting. He had actually never seen the two forces battle each other, as Frieza demanded unity among his soldiers, but he knew that Zarbon and Dodoria disliked each other and only put up with their comrade because Frieza demanded that of them. This time around Tagoma and Shisami were in the shoes that Zarbon and Dodoria had left behind, though it appeared that they were much friendlier towards each other than the original pair had been... meaning that Frieza must have been pleased that his new captains were able to put aside their differences and work like a team, both on and off the ship.

"Speaking of Sorbet, I wonder what he's up to..." Krillin commented, though he smiled for a moment, as he had enjoyed his brief moment to shine when he kicked Sorbet in the side of the head and knocked him away from both Goku and Frieza's wounded bodies.

"Oh, he's likely experiencing his first day in Hell," Frieza said, though even he had to smile at that, because he already knew that his family was likely doing something to him at that very moment.

Sorbet stood on what was the other side of the gates of Hell, because after he had been judged by the tallest person he had ever encountered, an ogre called King Yemma if his memory was correct, a pair of Saiyans, who happened to be wearing halos, picked him up and escorted him to Hell. Now that he was here, and he had his own halo to tell others that he was dead, all he could do was walk forward and see if he could find any of the other villains that had been beaten in the past. His hopes were that he could find someone, or a group of someones, that would be willing to help him rebel against the guards that were watching over them, so he could escape in the confusion, find his way to a portal leading back to where Frieza was, and finish what he started. He wasn't about to let the once mighty empire that Frieza commanded, with an iron fist, suddenly change into a force of good like the Saiyans had, and he was already considering ways to turn his Lord back into the Emperor of Evil.

As he walked towards the sphere that a lot of the condemned were standing around, however, he felt that someone was following him, to which he turned to the left and walked into an area that a single dead tree happened to be resting in... though that was before someone appeared in front of him. At first Sorbet thought that the person in front of him was Goku, dressed up in the attire of his people and had picked up a red bandana to wear around his forehead, but something told him that this was someone different.

"You must be the newcomer... Sorbet, am I right?" the Saiyan asked, though at the same time he was surprised that the other three were taking their time in revealing themselves, but he was just fine with that at the moment.

"Yes, I am the one known as Sorbet," Sorbet replied, though as he spoke he realized that he must have made a terrible first impression on the guards and that they were coming to see what was up with him, "and you would be who exactly?"

"I am Bardock, father of Son Goku and Raditz, as well as husband of Gine," Bardock answered, to which he grinned for a moment when he noticed that Sorbet recognized the name and was beginning to see that he looked like his son, though that was before he stared into the eyes of the person in front of him, "Word from the higher ups in Asgard is that you are the one that not only nearly killed my son a few minutes ago, but you also betrayed your master and nearly killed him as well... is this true?"

"Asgard? What is this Asgard that you speak of?" Sorbet asked in return, because the way Bardock spoke about his feat in wounding both Goku and Frieza, to the point of near death, meant that he was facing an angry parent at the moment and that he should be careful about what he said.

"Basically it is an exact replica of the Saiyan city that King Vegeta ruled over before the destruction of Planet Vegeta," Bardock replied, though at the same time that brought a smile to his face, even though he could tell that Sorbet frowned at the idea of the Saiyans being given such a gift, "Because we became the legendary and feared warriors of justice that we were, in three short years anyway, our race was gifted with a replica of our city that serves as our spirit home in this world, and will be the final resting place of the Saiyans that are still alive when they finally come to join us. Since we can no longer watch over the universe we have dedicated ourselves to preserving the peace of the Other World and making sure that the denizens of Hell serve their sentences... along with He Who Must Not Be Named.

But enough about me and the rest of my race... I want to know whether or not it was you who dealt the near death blow to both my son and the descendant of my closest friend!"

"I would answer the Saiyan if I were you," a voice behind him said, to which Sorbet turned around and found King Cold standing behind him, though at the same time Sorbet smiled as he realized that allies had come after all, "Bardock tends to blow things up when he's angry... even though both Hell and Asgard can put themselves back together thanks to how they were constructed."

"A... As you wish King Cold," Sorbet said, as he knew his place when he was confronted by the father of his Lord, who had an equal standing in the empire despite the fact that he remained a shadowy figure and almost never came out unless it was absolutely necessary, to which he turned towards Bardock once more, "Yes, I was the one that shot Frieza in the back with my ray gun, in the hopes of wounding him to the point where I could put him in stasis and restore him to the person he had been before his defeat on Namek. It just so happened to be that by shooting Frieza in the back the beam came out of his chest and pierced the chest of Son Goku, nearly killing the two of them in the process... which would have been a bonus for the empire had he died to his wounds."

"So the crystal ball really was showing the truth," another new voice said, though this time Sorbet's blood ran cold, as when he turned his head he noticed Chilled, the ancestor for Frieza's race, and Cooler, Frieza's dead brother, standing side by side as they approached the trio, though Sorbet could tell that they were both angry, "Sorbet, we would like to have a few words with you."

Sorbet, instead of sticking around to find out what they wanted from him, turned in the opposite direction and fled, using his ability to fly so he could cover some distance before someone attacked him, as he suspected that one of the four people he had encountered had a bone to pick with him. Before he could get very far Chilled appeared in front of him and spun around, planting the side of his leg in his face, to which Sorbet flew backwards and flipped around a few times before he was facing the upright position again. That was followed by King Cold grabbing onto his body, where he spun around in the air for a few seconds, before Sorbet found himself flying towards the nearby rock wall... though as he got up a laser pierced his right lung and stunned him for a few seconds, where he saw Cooler glaring at him with a look of pure hatred in his eyes.

"That was for my brother, and only I can do something like that to him!" Coolor declared, to which he flew down towards the rock wall and started punching Sorbet all over his body, while at the same time Chilled join in on the fun while King Cold and Bardock watched from afar.

"Isn't this an abuse of your powers as a keeper of Hell?" King Cold asked, though at the same time he crossed his arms, as he would patiently wait for his turn to come up once more, as he, his son, and their ancestor had agreed on taking turns in beating up Sorbet.

"Honestly, I don't know and I couldn't care if it was," Bardock replied, though he watched Chilled grab onto Sorbet and fling him around the area, just like Goku had gone with Frieza back on Namek and like he had gone to Chilled even further back, which was followed by a small smile appearing on his face, "Besides, I'll break it up before someone kills him... if only so he can continue to serve his punishment for the rest of his existence."

King Cold nodded and remained silent, because while he didn't much like the changes that his son was making to the empire it was clear that it was still in good hands as long as he was alive, so he didn't care too much if they suddenly became a force for good. If Chilled and Frieza were willing to change, he was sure some soldiers they had recruited would be able to do the same in the near future... to which he turned towards Sorbet and watched, as this punishment was going to go on for a long time and wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

Frieza and his guests spent some time talking among themselves, discussing what had happened while they were fighting earlier, what he was going to do in the near future, and everything else that his empire was going to do now that they were changing from the side of evil to a more neutral position. Frieza claimed that he would have preferred to go full warriors of justice, but time was needed for them to erase the reputation they already had before they could start building themselves up again. Since the Earth was in such capable hands, thanks to Goku and Vegeta, he didn't worry about any threat levels coming from their planet and told them that they were doing a good job, while at the same time noticing that Beerus was nodding his head several times.

There was something that Frieza wanted to ask the God of Destruction, something that was tied to what he and the other inmates of Hell had seen while Kid Buu was running around the universe, so he patiently waited for the others to be occupied with something before excusing himself for a few moments... to which Beerus followed after him, as if sensing that they needed to have a conversation. Frieza took them away from the banquet room and brought them to a private room that would allow him to see if any of the others were coming towards them, as this was something that he didn't want the others to hear, as he had thought about something and didn't want to accuse anyone of anything.

"Lord Beerus... thank you for silently agreeing to come and talk with me," Frieza said, though at the same time he stood near the wall and turned his back towards the base that he could look out over if he so desired, while noticing that Beerus was standing near the entrance and was staring at him, "I take it that you are interested in the questions that I wanted to ask you?"

"Yes, that's one of the reasons why I followed you here," Beerus replied, as that was the truth, though there was something else he wanted to tell the emperor before they got started, "though I wish to tell you something first; I have decided to take back my statement about you visiting Earth. From this day forward you are free to visit the Earth, though you'll have to discuss things with Goku, Vegeta, and their friends before arranging any visits."

"I... thank you Lord Beerus," Frieza said, knowing that he did not deserve the gift that was being given to him as he bowed for a moment, but then he stood straight up once more and stared at the Destroyer God again, "but let me move onto the reason why I wanted to talk to you in private. Do you find it odd that there are now two Gods of Destruction for Universe 13?"

"Sunset Shimmer is the Destroyer God for Universe 13, making Rainbow Dash one of the strongest mortals in her universe," Beerus stated, though at the same time he wondered where Frieza was going to go with this conversation, because he was sure that the emperor had something on his mind at the moment, "Sure, Rainbow is destined to become one in the future, but considering that Sunset just stared being a God of Destruction I don't think she would step down after holding the position for four years."

"But you have to admit that its odd for two people to be destined to become a God of Destruction at the same time, like Sunset and Rainbow are," Frieza said, as he had originally found it odd when Rainbow had transformed and had the same attire that Beerus had, but when he discovered that she was from Universe 13, which already had a Destroyer God, he began to wonder what was going on, "Its like fate is saying that something terrible is going to happen in the future and that there's a reason behind why Universe 13 needs two Gods of Destruction... as if something, or someone, is going to kill one of them or force them to ascend further."

"Are you suggesting that either Sunset or Rainbow will ascend to a level beyond their current level?" Beerus asked, though even as he said those words he had to admit that he was beginning to wonder what was going on with Universe 13, as this was something he had never considered before.

"Your daughters were able to ascend to a higher level once already, while Goku, Vegeta, and I have reached a new power thanks to our training," Frieza stated, referring to what he had seen on the crystal ball when Majin Buu was running around and his own training at the same time, knowing that Beerus knew what he was talking about, "and, between you and me, I can tell that neither of them have reached their full potential yet... especially Sunset Shimmer. I don't know what it is about Universe 13, but their warriors are much stronger than anything I have encountered and I haven't even fought Rainbow and Applejack since I was resurrected. All I know is that there is something strange at work, and its possible that Universe 13 is at the heart of what's going to happen next."

Beerus had no idea what Frieza was talking about, what with Universe 13 being the heart of something, but he did have to admit that it was odd for someone to be predestined to become a God of Destruction while someone else unlocks the Avatar form, indicating that they were to become one as well in the future. Sunset and Rainbow were nearly the same age, making him truly wonder what was going through Frieza's mind at the moment, as he was sure that the emperor had a theory about their future. Before he could actually ask what the emperor was thinking at the moment, and get to the heart of what was disturbing him, there was a knock at the door, causing Frieza to open it and reveal that Whis had come looking for them.

"Ah, there you are," Whis said, though at the same time he glanced between the two for a moment, as he was curious as to what they had been talking about for the last few minutes, before getting to why he had sought them out, "A few minutes ago, after you two left the banquet room, Discord decided to show up in the middle of the room and startled some of our friends, though he had to explain that he was here to deliver a message to Sunset... and the look on her face tells me that something bad happened in Universe 13."

Beerus had no idea what could upset Sunset Shimmer, but since this was likely to be interesting he headed back towards the banquet room with Whis and Frieza following behind him, though when they arrived he found Sunset and her fellow gods, as well as Pinkie, getting ready for the journey home.

"What's going on?" Beerus asked, though while he was sad to hear that their visit was being cut short he felt that he deserved to know something about what was going on in the universe that his daughters would call home once day.

"Discord arrived and delivered a letter that was addressed to me," Sunset replied, though at the same time she held the letter up for a moment, where Beerus noticed that it was a small letter that likely revealed a dire situation, "The Wardens, my universe's version of the guardians of Tartarus, have informed me that Tirek has, somehow, escaped from his prison once more... and this time they have no idea where he went. I'm heading back home so we can begin the search, because the sooner we find him the quicker we can stop whatever plan he's going to unleash upon whatever world he's sent himself to. And this time around, when I get my hands on him, I'm just going to erase him from existence, because I am tired of dealing with him."

Beerus knew, just from Sunset's tone when she said Tirek's name, that this was someone that was likely on Frieza's level of evil, or could be if given the chance, and simply nodded his head, to which she and the rest of her group headed outside before flashing into the sky. He hoped that Sunset and her fellow gods could find this mysterious Tirek before he caused any harm to their universe, though all he could do was watch as they disappeared into the stars above them and headed back to their universe... to which he sighed and resolved to finish their meal with Frieza. He would have time to ask Rainbow and Applejack about this Tirek later, if their expressions told him anything, but for now he had to focus on his universe and what was going to happen next for him and his friends.

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