• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Interlude: Revival

Beerus found that Pinkie's parties were actually pretty famous in Ponyville, as she actually invited the majority of the place to party in Twilight's castle, where they actually put the ballroom to use instead of using it for a meeting area like they had been using it for since she first got the place. It was in that evening that he got a better understanding of who Pinkie was, because Twilight told him about the test she tried to conduct on Pinkie's strange abilities, while also coming to understand that she was an extraordinary pastry chef when she put her mind to the task. He had to admit that the cookies, cupcakes, actual cakes, and everything else she provided were some of the most delicious dessert items he had tasted for some time, but at the same time he knew that Chronoa still had some better recipes than what Pinkie had provided.

While they were part of the way through the party Eon and his fellow Precursors pulled Pinkie aside and gave her something, which appeared to be some sort of communicator that allowed her to contact them while they returned to the world she had come from... and it appeared that Jak and Daxter were needed for something back on their home world. Pinkie was definitely sad to see her brother go, especially since they hadn't told everyone the whole story yet, but at the same time she understood that she could talk with him with the communicator and possibly even get a ride back to his planet when Celestia wasn't busy with Sunset.

One of the other things that Beerus noticed was a white coated pony that went by the name Vinyl Scratch, or DJ Pon-3 as some of the ponies called her, who came in near the end of the party and gave them some music that he found to be a tad bit annoying... but after some time he decided that he had heard worse noises on some of the planets he had destroyed over the years and just went with the flow. Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie spent some time during the party, around half an hour to be exact, discussing some points of their own adventures, where Beerus heard Rainbow mention that she and Applejack had gained some decent power while they were away... and that interested Pinkie to the point where Beerus knew that they would fight one day.

Just hearing about a fight made Beerus wonder what sort of powers that the other displaced ponies would gain while they were trying to survive in their new worlds... but after a few minutes he decided not to bother worrying about the others, as they would return whenever they were able and reveal what abilities they gained in the process.

When the party was over Beerus and his group bid Sunset and her fellow gods farewell before they headed back to Universe 7, but at the same time he understood that the return of one of their friends would make Rainbow and Applejack want to visit their home world more often. Beerus was fine with that, as they needed to reforge their connections to the ponies that lived in Ponyville, as well as Canterlot if they had friends there, though he knew that sooner or later they would ask to return there so they could take up their old residences and lives again. The moment they returned to Universe 7 Whis brought them to back to Earth, where they returned Goku and Vegeta to their homes and explained why they had been away for a longer amount of time than they usually were.

Bulma and Chi Chi were actually surprised to hear that another pony had managed to return to their home world, as their husbands had told them about Equus and what they had discovered when they first visited Universe 13, though Chi Chi was still annoyed that Goku was training with Whis... but at least she was pleased that he was working the fields before he bothered to train.

Once the Saiyans had been taken home Beerus and his group returned to his planet, had a light evening meal thanks to all the pastries they had eaten during the party, and simply relaxed for the remainder of the evening, as Beerus didn't want to exhaust his daughters at the moment. Chronoa, unfortunately, had to return to the Time Nest that night, as something seemed to be happening to the timelines once more, but Beerus knew that she would be able to take care of whatever problem had arisen while she was away. She promised that she would be back in the morning to join her family for their usual activities, which currently involved training for Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale, but the rest of the group wished her well as she departed from the temple.

Normally Beerus would have been sad at the idea that Chronoa wasn't with him for a night, especially after all the years they had been together, but at the same time he knew that she still needed to perform her duties as the Supreme Kai of Time... to which he smiled at the thought of seeing her again in the morning and went about the rest of the evening as if it was a normal evening for all of them.

The next few days passed by in the same manner as they had before they had been told that Pinkie had returned to Equus, Goku and Vegeta did the work in the fields as Chi Chi asked them to do before they were brought to Beerus' planet by Whis so they could continue their own training. Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale also progressed on the same pattern that they had been going through as well, where they ate breakfast and cleaned themselves up before Beerus trained Rainbow and Applejack to better use their godly ki, while Chronoa helped Gale master her already existing skills. Shin would come by every now and then, just to see how all three of the girls were doing with their own training, but for the most part he came to Beerus' planet to take a break from the teachings that the Old Kai was giving him.

Beerus was pleased to see that Goku, Vegeta, Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale were progressing quite nicely, as sooner or later they would have the power to draw on their godly ki and truly give whoever their opponents were a greater challenge than what they could have given without the training. While all of this was happening he knew that something was going to happen that was going to demand Goku and Vegeta's attention in the future... to which he agreed on Whis' method for training them, as they would be prepared for whatever happened next.

Sorbet, who was a short blue alien that had a large black nose, sat on his chair and looked down at the soldier that was kneeling in front of him, while at the same time trying to come to terms with the report that he had just been given by the soldier. At the moment he was wearing a new type of battle armor, which was a vast improvement over what the rest of the soldiers had been wearing years ago, though his armor was colored green and black and had a red cape attached to it. In addition to that he had some appeal for his head, which covered the back of his head with a headpiece that had an orange stripe down the middle, and had a blue scouter that was resting in its proper place, in case he ever went back to the front lines or if he needed to read the power level of one of his soldiers.

The 1st and 2nd battalions, the largest forces of the once mighty Galactic Frieza Army, had been completely wiped out, half of the 3rd battalion was missing, he had been forced to call back the forces that had been fighting on Frieza Planet 448, and they were missing now sixty percent of their army. That was of course not even mentioning the fact that something had flown passed their ship and knocked it off course, followed by a report that a nearby planet had been destroyed rather suddenly. As such some of the soldiers that were aboard the ship had to put out the fires that had started before they were torn asunder from the inside out... though at the same time Sorbet climbed off his seat and approached the window he had been staring out of.

There was only one idea he had left to install the fear and respect back into the people of the planets that they owned, and had owned recently, and that was to bring back the person that had been known as the Emperor of the Universe.

"It appears that we have little choice in the matter," Sorbet commented, to which he glanced into the window in front of him, allowing him to see Tagoma and Shisami looking at him with surprise on their faces, though at the same time Tagoma seemed to be curious as well, "we must bring Frieza-sama back to life."

"Frieza-sama..." Tagoma started to say, though as he spoke Sorbet could already hear the gears in his subordinate's head turning, indicating that he was thinking about something.

"Back to life?!" Shisami finished, though his tone indicated that he didn't know whether to be shocked by the sudden announcement or overjoyed about what Sorbet had said.

"That's what I said," Sorbet said, to which he turned his gaze towards the soldier that had brought him the news of the fate of their other soldiers, who stiffened for a moment, "Have you managed to locate the survivors of Namek yet?"

"No, we haven't found any sign of them yet," the soldier replied, though at the same time Sorbet could tell that the soldier was scared for his life, as bringing bad news to Frieza would have meant something terrible for the person that brought him the news.

"Sorbet-sama, forgive me for asking," Tagomi spoke up, to which Sorbet turned around and looked at the man for a moment, as he was curious as to what he had to say this time around, "but can the revival of one person really change the current state of our army?"

"Of course it would." Sorbet replied, though he wasn't surprised to hear that Tagoma doubted the power that Frieza commanded, as he never had the chance to personally serve the emperor before his demise all those years ago, to which he turned his attention to his subordinate, "Frieza-sama's absolute power allowed him to dominate the majority of the universe, while his heartless personality made people fear him as the most evil emperor in the entire universe. He had enough power to blow an entire planet apart with a single ball of energy, referring to the destruction as 'pretty fireworks', which put fear into the hearts of those around him. If we can revive Frieza-sama, then our army will be restored to its former glory under his leadership in no time, of that I have no doubt about.

Besides, all of the simulations that I have run indicate that if we succeed in reviving Frieza-sama, we'll soon have seventy percent of the universe under our control and the fear that people used to have will return in no time... so, since we need the Dragon Balls, we'll just go to Earth and use them."

"Isn't that a dangerous idea?" Shisami asked, because while he was all for bringing Frieza-sama back to life, and bringing glory back to their army, he knew the danger that their forces could face on that planet, "That was where Frieza-sama died, at the hands of the Saiyans and their allies... shouldn't we continue hunting for the Namekians and their set of Dragon Balls?"

"Since we cannot find the survivors of Namek, heading to Earth is the best thing we can do," Sorbet replied, to which he pressed a button and revealed a spy drone that was keeping an eye on Earth, where it revealed that a trio had already obtained one of the Dragon Balls, "It will take us some time to reach our destination, so we'll have our spy drone follow that trio and see if they find anymore of the Dragon Balls... though when we reach the area near the planet Tagoma and I will head down and gather the spheres that this trio has found."

Sorbet knew that it would take them five and a half months to reach Earth, since they were a fair distance away from the planet that the Dragon Balls were located on, but it would be well worth the wait if they could gain the power to resurrect Frieza-sama and put their forces back at their rightful place in the universe.

Frieza sighed as he sat beneath his charred tree, the same one that he had claimed as his meditation place ever since his run in with Lord Beerus all those years ago, though it also served as the same place where the God of Destruction found him when Cell had killed someone precious to him. He rarely left this area, as there was no reason for him to actually visit the other inmates of Hell, though at the same time his father, his ancestor, and his brother bothered him from time to time. The interesting thing was that he knew how two of his family members had died, as Chilled's death was well known among his family and his father's death had been revealed to him once they both arrived in Hell... but Cooler, on the other hand, insisted that he had been slain by a Saiyan, yet the only living ones that Frieza was aware of were Goku and Vegeta.

For a few weeks Frieza wondered if his brother's death had come at the hands of someone else, but after being unable to hear the entirety of the story, as Cooler appeared to be humiliated by the story, he was unable to tell what had happened... to which he left his brother alone and continued his meditation.

Today, however, Frieza willingly stopped his meditation early and headed towards the area that his family usually gathered in, where they could overlook the sphere that the Saiyans had installed in the middle of Hell so they and the inmates could see what was happening in the universe. From what he heard, from the other inmates, the Galactic Frieza Force had been engaged in battle after battle over the years since his death, trying to claim the same terror and fear that they possessed while he was alive. At first it had been embarrassing to hear that his once feared army was falling apart without him, but after some time he truly wondered if the Saiyans had the right idea after their encounter with Lord Beerus... though as time passed he became neutral to the army's plight, while his father and brother worried about what was happening in their absence.

Frieza arrived at the overlook a few seconds later and took the chair that he had crafted from several of the trees in the area around Hell, something that took time and he had needed to do something new to calm his mind after Lord Beerus had come hunting for Cell. As he took his seat, however, he could have sworn that his body hurt for a few seconds, but since he had been dead for so long he had gotten used to not feeling anything and dismissed the notion entirely, which was followed by his ancestor taking his seat. The two of them nodded their heads towards each other as King Cold and Cooler entered the overlook as well, to which they joined the duo and took their seats.

"Its a shame to see our army in such a state," Cooler commented, to which Frieza noticed that his brother was staring down at the orb that some of the other inmates were staring at, which was displaying a battle between their soldiers and the people of the world they were attacking, "If we were there the planet would have been conquered already, and its citizens would have been pressed into service so the same could happen to the other planets in the universe."

"Actually, I find it refreshing that our forces are losing," Frieza replied, because in the past he would have thought that such a thing was impossible, but now he knew that nothing stays the same forever, not even the empire his family had built all those years ago, "after so long of being ruled over by our empire, and being abused in the process, the people of the various worlds are rebelling and they are finding success... and yet I pity all of the soldiers that are dying right now."

"You... pity them?" Cooler asked, to which he stared at his brother, who was easily much more evil and terrifying than he could ever be, with a look of shock on his face, "What happened to the uncaring attitude you had towards all of our disposable soldiers?"

"Hell happened," Frieza answered, though he remembered that Chilled, one of the most feared pirates during the time he had been alive, had spent enough time in this realm to think about what he had done and changed his attitude, as he had made friends with Bardock, something that he would have originally thought to be impossible, "that, and I also pissed off a certain god that could have obliterated me with a wave of his hand. He only restrained himself because he had been told that I was important to the timeline... or that is what I have been assuming ever since that faithful day."

He had never told the members of his family why Beerus had come to Hell for the first time, as King Cold and Chilled knew about that event, but just saying that sentence was enough to make Cooler stop talking for a moment as he considered what he had said. Dying and having his existence threatened, for what he had done to Rainbow Dash while she was on Namek, had made him think about his life and the evil deeds he had committed over the years, while at the same time remembering Chilled's story. He may not have a chance at living again, as there was no one out there that would bother resurrecting him with the Dragon Balls, but that didn't mean that he couldn't take his thoughts to heart and at least attempt to make a slight change to his life... though he secretly enjoyed the fact that his decision annoyed his brother.

The only thing that annoyed him at the moment was the fact that they had barely started talking and he was already getting a headache... though at the same time he could tell that it was from something else and not the fact that he had to converse with his brother once more.

"You okay Frieza?" Chilled asked, because while he understood that some times Cooler was hard to talk to, and convince him that becoming more neutral instead of evil was actually a good thing considering his friendships, he was worried for the former tyrant.

"I... I don't know," Frieza admitted, though even as he said that he noticed something out of the corner of his eye, red lines were starting to form on his hands and arms, to which he looked at his body and found them spreading all over the entirety of his form.

"Y... Your entire right arm is disappearing!" King Cold declared, to which he jumped to his feet and ran over to Frieza, as it appeared that something terrible was befalling him this time around.

Frieza watched as his right arm started to break apart before his eyes, though that was followed by a number of other sections across his body breaking apart and disappearing, as if they had been destroyed by some powerful force of nature that was toying with him. The parts of his body that remained were staring to fall apart, as in they were separating from each other and collapsing in a small pile where he was standing, to which his mind went back to how he had died and what happened seconds later. He had been cut down by a Saiyan who had been carrying a sword, which was followed by his body being hacked into a number of smaller fragments and then obliterated with a well placed ki blast, though that was before he noticed that his halo had disappeared.

As the significance of what the halo meant dawned on him, however, he felt a wave of pain course through his body before he collapsed on the floor of the outlook... and then he seemed to black out for a few moments, as the next thing he knew he spied two kids and a dog that could stand on two legs, but he closed his lone eye and went back to sleep.

Some time passed before he became aware of his surroundings once more, though this time around he didn't have the strength to open his eyes, but there were two things he could tell despite the fact that he couldn't see anything that was around him. One thing he could tell was that his body was surrounded by some sort of liquid, making him wonder if he was in one of the healing pods that his forces used all the time, or if he had been dropped into a river of some kind as a final act of revenge by one of Goku and Vegeta's friends. The other thing that he was aware of was the fact that there were some people arguing near him, or at least having a discussion where one of them disagreed with the person near them... though that was before he heard the voice of someone proclaiming for him to come back to life.

A few moments passed as he started to feel his body awaken, as he could feel the entirety of his formally missing right arm and right hand, as well as all of the missing bits that had been completely obliterated when he had been killed, though that was before he felt his energy return to his body. Even in his state he could hear the sound of scouters shattering under the intensity of his power, which generally happened whenever he wanted to show a stubborn underling who they were dealing with. That was followed by the sound of glass cracking all around him, indicating that he was indeed in one of the healing pods that his forces used all the time, though his mind told him that a rapid regeneration one, which could work with his hacked apart body, shouldn't exist at all, yet it appeared that one might actually exist.

A couple of seconds later, when his body told him that everything was okay, he snapped his eyes open and his power flared to life around him, breaking apart the healing pod that he had been placed in... to which he touched the base of the pod with his feet and walked forward a few steps, where he cracked his neck twice before spitting out some of the liquid that had gotten inside his mouth. At the same time, however, he noticed that he was back in what he normally called his 'First Form', the one that most of his army and those they encountered knew him by, but he pushed that aside as he focused on what was happening now.

"What a curious sensation..." Frieza commented, to which he flexed his arms and legs for a few moments, while at the same time his tail moved through the air behind him and informed him that it worked perfectly, "It appears that, against all odds, I have been revived."

"Y... You have indeed been revived, my Lord," Sorbet said, though at the same time Frieza could tell that the man was nervous, which was common among the many officers that existed in his army that finally stood before him for the first time, "Allow me to be the first one to welcome you back, Frieza-sama."

"Thank y..." Frieza started to say, but then before he could say the second word in the statement he instantly realized that something was missing, he had no idea who was standing in front of him, "Forgive me, but I have to ask who you are."

"I am Sorbet, formally the senior officer of the support staff in the third stellar region," Sorbet immediately replied, as he suspected that Frieza had no idea who he was, because they had only encountered each other once in the past and it wasn't anything special, so his Lord would have forgotten about him rather quickly.

"Ah yes, I do have some memory of that region," Frieza said, though at the same time he stretched a few more times, as his body was still a tad bit stiff from all the years of being dead, before he turned his gaze back towards the man, "Very well then, you have my thanks for resurrecting me... as well as anyone else that helped you gather the Dragon Balls so you could make the wish."

"Th... Thank you Frieza-sama," Sorbet replied, though as he spoke he wondered if something had gone wrong with the regeneration process, because to the best of his knowledge he had never heard of Frieza-sama thanking people for their efforts, though the only exception to that would have been the Ginyu Force, "Currently, on your behalf, I have been leading your army."

"Is that so?" Frieza asked, to which he walked over to the window and stared out at the planets that they were passing by, while at the same time being secretly pleased that they were leaving Earth behind, as he remembered what a certain god told him all those years ago, before another thought came to mind, "After seeing such a vast improvement to our regeneration pod technology, it raises a question in my mind; it certainly took you a great deal of time to return me to life."

"M... My apologies, your Lordship," Sorbet immediately said, as he suspected that it was still unwise to anger his Lord, especially after so many years of being dead and being forced to endure whatever came after that, "There were many hurdles that severely delayed our preparations for a venture like this to take place."

Frieza thought about that for a few seconds, because based on what he and his family members had seen their forces had been suffering since Sorbet had taken over and this must have been the turning point where he swallowed his pride and went through the effort to resurrect him. That meant that Sorbet had tried to run the army, and the rest of the empire, without him being the figurehead that he had been for a long time, but that had failed and his hand had been forced. Truthfully Frieza was thankful that fate had played its hand in such a manner, as it allowed him to understand some things while he was in Hell and reflect on what his ancestor had done... which had served as the bases for his new views on life, something that his forces would likely disagree with once they heard him talk.

He flexed his fingers for a few more seconds and considered warming up by shooting someone, which would have been a soldier that displeased him, but he mentally sighed and pushed that thought away, as there was no reason for him to do that at the moment.

"F... Frieza-sama," Sorbet said, noticing something else that was odd about the terrifying leader of their army, he actually thought about what was going on around him before actually speaking, though at the same time he gulped as his Lord turned his attention to him, "we know what happened on Namek all those years ago... surely you aren't thinking of having your revenge on the Saiyans that ended the Ginyu Force and your own army."

"Revenge? Oh, I'm not thinking about something like that," Frieza answered, as he already understood the reason behind why Sorbet revived him, though at the same time there was something he needed to do before he completely left the Earth behind, "Rather I am thinking of doing some training of my own, for the first time in my long life, so I can challenge Son Goku and Vegeta to a battle and see how they have progressed since my death."

"Frieza-sama, is that really a good idea?" one of the soldiers, one that appeared to be Sorbet's bodyguard of sorts, said, though at the same time he stepped forward and raised an arm over his chest, "Those two Saiyans have become extremely powerful since you last fought them, so wouldn't it be a good idea to avoid them to prevent what happened in the past from repeating itself?"

"I simply wish to have a small brawl with them, nothing more," Frieza said, though at the same time he noticed that some of the soldiers backed away from where the man was standing, meaning that they all suspected that he was going to wound him in some manner.

"My Lord... they even defeated Majin Buu!" Sorbet declared, though it was plainly clear that he was trying to convince Frieza to stop harassing the Saiyans of Earth, and was using the last trick in his book to do so.

"I already knew that they, along with two special girls, defeated the dreaded Majin Buu," Frieza commented, to which he turned and faced the entire group, as he already knew that they had no idea about the observation orb that had been installed in Hell, "During my stay in Hell the wardens installed a special orb for the inmates to use when an interesting fight happened somewhere in the universe, and the one with Majin Buu was one of the ones I had the honor of watching. The fact that Goku and Vegeta have likely gotten stronger since that day makes me want to see what they are capable of... and to do that I need to undergo some training of my own, so I can hold my own against them. I would wager that if I were to train for, say, four months I would be able to draw forth enough power to match the Super Saiyan 3 forms that Son Goku and Vegeta unlocked for their battle with Majin Buu."

"As you wish, my Lord," Sorbet replied, as he was just going to admit defeat in this argument, as it appeared that his Lord was more interested in a simple fight before they started conquering the rest of the universe, "but might I suggest that Tagoma be your sparring partner for the next four months?"

Frieza turned and looked at the warrior that Sorbet was pointing to, the same one that had suggested that they not go back to Earth out of fear of repeating what happened the last time they were there, before staring at the other soldiers that were gathered in the room around them... and he could only find one other soldier that was on the same level as the one that Sorbet had nominated.

"Excuse me, but what would your name be?" Frieza asked, staring at the red skinned warrior, who had two horns on his head, for a few seconds, who straightened up a few moments later.

"I am Shisami, my Lord," the warrior said, to which he respectfully bowed his head towards Frieza, though at the same time Frieza could tell that he and the other soldiers were worried that something was about to happen.

"You and Tagoma seem to be the equivalent of Zarbon and Dodoria," Frieza said, to which he noticed that Sorbet was nodding his head, indicating that these two had to be as strong as his two favorite warriors were when they were in their prime, "Very well then, the two of you will be my training partners for the next four months... but before we find a planet to train on, and commence our training, I have an announcement for the rest of the soldiers. There's going to be a slight change in how our army works from this day forward."

Frieza knew that many, if not all, of his soldiers were going to be shocked by the news he was going to give them and the announcement he had planned, and he was sure that his father and brother would be outraged in the process, but this was his army and he was going to change how they worked... and then he was going to train for the battle with Son Goku and Vegeta, which he was already eager to get to. He was sure, once the two Saiyans knew that he had been revived, that they would be training for his arrival, and he was eager to put the past behind him at long last.

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