• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Future: Black's Arrival

While Bulma was busy searching for one of her communicator devices, as Whis had given her another one for direct contact with him and Beerus, just in case Chronoa was busy and Bulma couldn't get in touch with Beerus, his daughters, or Goku and Vegeta, the two Saiyans and their friends were sparring with each other at the moment. They had finished eating lunch some time ago, as Chronoa had made all of them her take on ramen and made it as good as what Beerus had shown his brother when Champa came to challenge him two weeks ago. Beerus continued to praise Chronoa's cooking skills, as she was definitely a talented cook after taking all those lessons she had went through, while the others nodded their heads in agreement at the same time, making Chronoa smile in the process. Once the dishes had been put away Beerus insisted on seeing how well Goku and Vegeta measured up to Rainbow and Applejack, though he also insisted on none of them using their godly powers this time around, just to make things more interesting.

While the Saiyans and their best friends were sparring in the air, however, Whis noticed that the top of his scepter was blinking, indicating that he had gotten a message from someone, to which he picked it up and stared at it for a few seconds, which was followed by Bulma appearing in the orb he used to communicate with others.

"Bulam, this is an unexpected surprise," Whis said, to which Beerus and Chronoa glanced over at him, as they had been focused on watching the sparring match above their heads, but now they were interested in what Bulma had to say, "To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?"

"Something just happened at the Capsule Corp," Bulma replied, as she was thankful that Whis wanted to know why she was contacting him, because usually whoever she called wanted to talk and she just wanted to get this show on the road before something serious happened, "I need you to call Vegeta, Goku, and the girls so I can tell them the news."

Whis raised an eyebrow for a moment, because it sounded like something important might have happened, to which he glanced over at Beerus for a few seconds, who nodded his head and headed up into the air with Chronoa following after him. From there he noticed that Goku, Vegeta, and the girls didn't like their sparring match being interrupted, especially since it was getting to the good part, but they all seemed to sense the urgency of the situation and followed the gods back down to where Whis was sitting. Once everyone arrived Whis stood up and held his hand out, allowing Vegeta to take the scepter for a moment before he stood by Beerus' side, though at the same time Whis noticed that Chronoa was deep in thought about something, to which he kept his mouth shut as he waited to hear what happened next.

"Bulma, what's wrong?" Vegeta asked, as he knew that his wife would only use the communicator that linked her to Whis, and Beerus for that matter, if something terrible had happened and that she needed to get in touch with them while he and Kakarot were training on Beerus' planet, "What's happened at the Capsule Corp since we've been gone?"

"Can you all see?" Bulma asked, though that was followed by the image in the scepter's orb changing until it revealed two familiar faces, both unconscious at the moment, resting outside the Capsule Corp building on some of the recliner chairs that Bulma kept near the pool at all times, "It's Future Trunks and Future Gale. They came back in this state!"

Vegeta, Goku, Rainbow, and Applejack could tell that the two future warriors, who had come back to their time in order to help them stop the androids, and later Cell when they learned about him, were definitely injured, which meant that someone had attacked them and forced them to head back to this point in time. If they followed what happened in their timeline the only threat that could have possible done this would have been Majin Buu, but even if that was what had actually happened Buu would have never let them run away like this. That meant that someone even stronger had attacked the future, someone who hadn't shown up in their timeline yet, but at the same time they were both wounded and needed assistance... which the four of them would be giving them.

They were then brought back to reality when they heard Bulma shouting at the Pilaf Gang, as they were no doubt trying to figure out what was going on and were jumping to conclusions, to which the four of them sighed as they refocused on the scepter.

"They're both in bad shape," Applejack commented, as even from here she could tell that the two future warriors ha sustained several injuries before they made the jump back to this time period.

"Goku, do you have any Senzu Beans on you?" Bulma asked, as it was the quickest way for them to heal the two warriors and figure out what happened to them, and, more importantly, why they came back to this time period.

"Not at the moment," Goku replied, though he smiled for a moment, as he knew what they needed to do and knew that the others understood what he was thinking about, "but I should be able to get some from Korin. Since Earth is too far away from Beerus' planet, I can't sense his energy at all, though if you ask our Trunks and Gale to power up..."

"...they'll serve as a beacon for you to latch onto to use the Instant Transmission," Vegeta finished, as he immediately understood where his friend was going with all of this, to which he turned towards the scepter again and focused on Bulma once more, "Bulma, have them power up and we'll be there in a few moments."

"I understand." Bulma said, though that was immediately followed by the connection being terminated, though which Vegeta handed the scepter back to Whis as they waited for Goku to sense Trunks and Gale.

A few seconds later Goku declared that he got the lock on their energy, to which Vegeta, Rainbow, Applejack, Beerus, Chronoa, and Whis made sure that they had a hand touching him, on his shoulders or his back, before Goku raised two fingers to his head and they all disappeared. Mere moments later the group appeared outside the Capsule Corp, where the majority of them immediately noticed the resting forms of Future Trunks and Future Gale, while Chronoa took a moment to stare at the time machine before joining them. As Trunks and Gale powered down, however, Goku excused himself and vanished once more, to which the teacher that had witnessed all of this happen excused herself and walked away from the building while claiming to have a headache... not that anyone could blame her for what she had just seen since the arrival of the time machine.

No one said anything while Bulma tended to both Future Trunks and Future Gale, as it appeared that they were running fevers at the moment, before Goku returned from Korin's tower... to which he handed over two Senzu Beans and watched as Vegeta gave one to Future Trunks while Bulma did the same with Future Gale. It took a few seconds for the Senzu Beans to have any effect on the two future warriors, but eventually the two of them seemed to overcome their fevers and started to open their eyes. The first person that Future Trunks laid eyes on was Goku and seemed to grow angry for a moment, though a light touch from Future Gale stopped him in his tracks, where he simply stared at Goku before a light appeared to go off in his head.

"Goku... you're alive?" Future Trunks asked, though he chuckled for a moment, as if he thought of something else while he and Future Gale carefully got to their feet, "Of course you are. Your timeline still has their Dragon Balls, so it makes sense that you would be alive, especially after having watched you sacrifice yourself to stop Cell from detonating the way he did."

"That's not including everything else that happened since you and Future Gale returned to your time period," Goku replied, though he had seen a brief flash of anger in Future Trunks' eyes when he had looked at him, which made him wonder what was going on in the future, "I was revived seven years after you guys left... thanks to some special circumstances anyway."

"Future Trunks... Future Gale..." Bulma said, causing the two future warriors to turn towards her for a moment, where she could see that something tragic must have happened in the future, because Future Trunks looked relieved to see her for some reason, "What happened in the future?"

"You keep calling him 'Future' Trunks," Trunks commented, though at the same time he kept staring at the young man he had pulled from the machine, while Gale seemed to be doing the same thing with the young lady, "and you keep calling her 'Future' Gale... what's going on here?"

"Simple," Bulma replied, to which she stood between the two future warriors for a moment, causing the two kids to look up at her for a few seconds as they waited for her to talk, "Trunks, Gale, these are your future counterparts... from seventeen years in the future."

Trunks and Gale were taken aback by that information, while the Pilaf Gang decided that it was time to vacate the area before Bulma started punching them for disrupting the peace, though Future Trunks took the brief moment to reattach his sword to his back, which helped him calm down. Future Gale, on the other hand, simply leaned against one of the pillars and smiled as she brushed her younger counterpart's hair, as she simply found her younger self to be simply adorable, but she kept her mind focused on their mission.

"I'm glad to see that the two of you are alright," Chronoa said, to which the two future warriors looked at her for a moment, though because she was still using her mature form, as she was still testing the water with it, it took the two warriors a moment to realize who they were staring at.

"L... Lady Chronoa?!" Future Trunks exclaimed, though that was followed by him walking up to her and examining her form, as he had never seen it before, "I'm sorry for not recognizing you immediately... I had no idea you had other forms you could use whenever you wanted."

"It's fine. No one knew I had this form to begin with," Chronoa replied, to which she offered Future Trunks a smile as she glanced back at the rest of the group, as they were a little surprised by how she was acting, "After both Future Trunks and Future Gale returned to their time period, and completed their tasks of defeating the androids and Cell, I visited them for a few minutes and explained some things to them. We have an arrangement of sorts, one that I would like to avoid getting into at the moment... especially since they came back for a very specific reason."

"Right," Goku said, though at the same time everyone gathered around the pavilion that Future Trunks and Future Gale had been resting in, so they could hear the story of what happened, but before they got started Goku felt someone else arrived and smiled, "Frieza, I didn't expect you to come all the way here."

"I felt the ki of the one that killed me all those years ago return," Frieza explained, though as he spoke he landed behind Goku and smiled at the familiar face, who seemed confused as to what was going on, "Don't worry, I'm not here to blow this planet up or anything... in fact I actually have my own place near North City, overlooking the ocean and the nearby city where some of my soldiers visit on their time off."

Future Trunks was confused as to why the tyrant, who had tried to obliterate the Earth so long ago, was actually acting friendly towards him and the others, though at the same time his father simply said that they would explain the situation to him and Future Gale later. He then nodded and started telling them why he and Future Gale had returned to the past, while explaining that they had prevented the emergence of Majin Buu thanks to some instructions given to them by the Kaioshin, or Shin as they later found out. The two of them then followed that up by revealing the reason behind why Future Trunks was starting to get angry when he saw Goku for a moment, because the terrifying enemy that had attacked them after the defeat of Dabura and Babidi was someone that called himself Son Goku... who Future Bulma had taken to calling Goku Black, as to not sully the name of the once beloved hero who saved their world in the past.

Goku and the others were shocked to find out that someone, who looked and talked like Goku did, but wore black colored versions of his own clothing, had suddenly appeared one day and told everyone on Earth that he was going to annihilate the Earthlings in the name of justice... to which Vegeta, Goku, and Frieza were sick to their stomachs when they heard the amount of destruction and lives the imposter had taken since his arrival. That was, of course, until they learned that this Black had already used Goku's body to eradicate a number of other worlds and the people that called those planets home. Even Rainbow and Applejack, who were standing close by and were listening to the conversation, were disgusted with whoever this Black truly was, because there was no way that Goku, even if there was a version of him that was evil in the vast number of timelines that existed, would even destroy a planet and it's people... it just wasn't in his nature to do something like that.

Someone had clearly stolen his body and had done something to it, that much they knew for sure, but before they could delve into the matter Bulma, who had been studying the time machine the entire time, declared that her future self's plan was for Future Trunks and Future Gale to come back to this era, repair and refuel the time machine, and then come back with their friends to destroy Black.

"Well then, since only two of us knows how strong Black is, we should spar with Future Trunks and Future Gale to see how we stack up to this imposter," Frieza commented, though at the same time he growled for a moment, because he wanted to destroy whoever had done such a horrible thing to the future, something that his past self never would have seen coming in a thousand years, "though we shouldn't do it so close to the time machine..."

"Nonsense," Whis said, to which he waved his scepter for a few seconds and a large containment sphere appeared in the air above the Capsule Corp, though since he had seen how powerful the fighters had been in the tournament against Champa's fighters he made sure this barrier was even stronger, "With this you will be able to see how well they all stack up to this 'Black' and accurately prepare yourselves for the upcoming battle with him."

Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, Future Trunks, and Future Gale nodded their heads and flew into the sphere that Whis had created, finding that it was rather easy for them to enter, though at the same time Goku hit the exterior from his side and found that it simply vibrated before going still. Since it was going to be three against two Frieza opted to stand aside for the moment and watch, giving Goku and Vegeta the chance to see how their compared to Black before he took a turn against one of the future warriors. Everyone else watched from below, save for Bulma since she was trying to figure out what she needed to do to fix the time machine, as Future Trunks went right to Super Saiyan 2 and Future Gale raised her power to the same level, revealing that they had gotten much stronger since the last time they had been in this era. Goku and Vegeta also replied in kind, transforming into their Super Saiyan 2 forms as well, before the sparring matches started in full force... with Future Trunks and Future Gale going on the offensive immediately.

It didn't take long for the group to learn that one of Black's abilities was that he could slowly increase his power as he fought someone, to which Goku and Vegeta brought some more excitement to their sparring by going right into their Super Saiyan 3 forms, while impressing both of their opponents at the same time. Both Future Trunks and Future Gale responded by accessing their full power and charged at their targets with their blades, as Future Gale made her's moments later. The collision of powers put the tiniest of cracks in Whis' barrier, causing the Angel to raise an eyebrow at it for a moment, before everyone noticed that both Goku and Vegeta were holding onto their opponent's weapons between both of their hands... stopping them from even reaching their target, while impressing the future warriors more than they already were.

The two Saiyans quickly followed that up by knocking the future warriors backwards before kicking them into the bottom of the barrier, which shimmered for a few seconds, but everyone appeared to be alright in the end, to which Goku and Vegeta powered down and let Frieza have a turn with Future Trunks... though this time around Future Trunks avoided using his sword while Frieza avoided throwing a Supernova at him.

As the two of them fought Piccolo and Krillin landed nearby and asked what was going on, to which Rainbow and Applejack filled them in on what had happened in the future, where they were shocked to learn what the others had learned moments ago. After finishing the quick explanation, and revealing why they were sparring with the future warriors, the sky seemed to darken all of a sudden and the fighting immediately stopped as lightning flashed above their heads, though while some turned towards Rainbow she simply raised her hands innocently and claimed that it wasn't her fault this time around. That was before a dark void opened in the air above the Capsule Corp, one that a bolt of lightning emerged from, though Future Trunks and Future Gale's eyes widened as Black appeared before all of them, though he was definitely staring at the two of them.

"What is this place?" Black inquired, taking a moment to actually look at the area around him, as he barely recognized the place since he was used to seeing all the destruction, before staring down at his targets, "Trunks and Gale, in a place like this? And the person next to Trunks, you must be Son Goku."

"And you must be the one called Black." Goku replied, though at the same time he growled, because seeing Black at long last made his blood boil, especially after all the pain, suffering, and destruction Black had caused to the future as they were trying to rebuild their lives after the androids nearly wiped everyone out.

Whis, however, remained silent as he observed Black for a few moments, noticing something interesting about his right hand and silently beckoned to it with his head, to which both Beerus and Chronoa recognized what he was wearing, as it was a Time Ring that only Supreme Kai could wear... which only raised more questions than it answered. At the same time, however, Chronoa carefully wove her energies around the distortion that had allowed Black to come here in the first place, as she intended on closing it before something bad happened.

"Bastard!" Future Trunks shouted, though at the same time he and Future Gale took up their battle stances, as they knew that a fight was going to break out in the next few minutes, "How did you come here?"

"Apparently I came through the same path in space-time that you went through." Black replied, though he actually sounded happy about that, which made several members of the assembled group ready themselves for what was going to happen next, "Perhaps you and your friend called me here... to die at my hands!"

"You really do look and sound like Son Goku," Frieza commented, to which he, Goku, and Vegeta floated up around Black, making it so that he was trapped between them and the time portal he must have created to come to this era, but all three of them looked annoyed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Son Goku," Black said, to which he smiled at Goku as he looked at the other two that had gathered around him, as if he wasn't concerned about them and focused all his attention on Goku, "and the same could be said for the second fiddle, Vegeta, and the third wheel, Frieza. So, Son Goku, shall the two of us fight each other? I've wanted to fight you in this body for so long..."

Before Black could finish his statement, and express his joy for being able to fight Goku at long last while still ignoring the others that were around him, Vegeta growled as he dashed forward and grabbed Black by the back of his head, before flying off towards the nearby plateau area, with Goku and Frieza following behind him. When Vegeta reached the area he had been heading towards he swung his arm and sent Black flying into the side of the plateau, to which he stopped and remained still as his companions came to a stop near him. Piccolo, Krillin, and the other warriors flew into the area as well, though they stayed back so they could see what was happening, and if they were even needed at all with the power that was already arrayed against Black.

A few moments later Black pulled himself out of the plateau and floated into the air, where he brushed off the dust that had gotten on his gi and stared at his opponents, though his earlier excitement had turned sour as he stared at Vegeta with a look of annoyance in his eyes.

"Vegeta, I'm only going to say this once; I don't have time for the second fiddle," Black said, as he turned his eyes back to Goku, telling the observers that he was only interested in Goku and that everyone else was going to be a waste of his time and energy, "Now get out of my sight, before I erase your existence as well."

"Black, for your crimes of wiping out entire intelligent species..." Vegeta said, to which his aura gathered around him and caused the air to shake, revealing just how pissed off he was at the moment.

"...and for your crimes in ending countless civilizations..." Goku added, though at the same time his own aura wrapped around his body as well, to which Black raised an eyebrow as he stared at the trio for a moment.

"...and for your crimes of destroying who knows how many planets..." Frieza spoke up, even though he was guilt of his action himself, but it felt right to be the one to mention that as his aura appeared around his body as well.

"WE WILL STOP YOU!" the three of them shouted, to which their auras sprung to life and encased them for a few seconds, though when they broke apart Goku and Vegeta were in their Super Saiyan Blue forms and Frieza had pushed himself into his Golden form.

Black floated there for a moment, taking in what he was feeling at the moment, before the trio made their move and zeroed in on where he was floating, to which they separated from each other and came at him from three different directions. It was then that they started throwing punches and kicks at him, though he mainly focused on taking everything that Goku could throw at him, which really opened him up to attacks that both Vegeta and Frieza could throw at him, though that resulted in Black taking some painful attacks in the process. Since Black couldn't actually accurately fight three enemies at the same time, especially three enemies that were using the level of power that the three of them were using, he missed more attacks than he was willing to admit and suffered more injuries than what the trio was originally expecting when they started fighting him.

Eventually Frieza broke rank and appeared above Black's head, to which he slammed both of his fists into the imposter's head and sent him flying towards the ground, though before he could recover Frieza raised a hand and a ball of energy gathered above it. That action was joined by both Goku and Vegeta, as they were gathering their energies into their own spheres, before the three of them hurled their newest attack at their target, where the three spheres merged into a single being and collided with Black. The resulting explosion rocked the entire area around them, though the trio floated into the air and watched the ground for a few moments, where the dust was cleared immediately as Black powered up and revealed that he felt better than he had before this battle even started.

At the same time, however, the void Black had emerged from pulsed with energy for a few seconds, to which Chronoa simply shook her head and indicated that nothing serious was happening, as she was reigning in the distortion before she sealed it back up.

With his power up complete Black flew towards the trio and engaged them once more, though what he discovered was that even with his power up he was still being overwhelmed by the three of them, as they were actually bounced him around between the three of them. Every time he tried to hurt one of them the other two would zero in and punish him for what Trunks had told them about, effectively making it impossible for him to actually hurt any of them, but what he was happy about was that he was getting some time to experience Son Goku's fighting style. It was the only good thing that was coming from this venture, especially since the three of them were pushing him into the air and were separating him from the ground that they would have been pushing him towards... until the three of them pulled away from him and regrouped near each other.

"Ka... me..." Goku said, though at the same time he brought his hands together and his ki gathered into a sphere between his hands, while he locked his eyes with where Black was resting at the moment, "ha... me..."

"Galick Gun," Vegeta added, though as he spoke he pulled his hands to the left side of his body and prepared his attack, to which his energy flared to life around him and gathered into a sphere that crackled.

"Death Cannon." Frieza growled, to which he raised his right hand and leveled it with where Black was floating, while at the same time resting his left hand on his right arm as his attack flared to life in his hand as he waited for the word to be given for all of them to fire.

"FIRE!" Vegeta shouted, to which the three of them leveled their hands with Black and their attacks flared to fire, where the three individual beams erupted from their hands and started spiraling around each other as they combined their power into a single mass.

Black regained himself and faced his opponents, though when he noticed what was coming towards him he raised his arms and prepared for what was going to happen next, which was when the energy barreled into him and pushed him back towards the void he had emerged from earlier. Moments later the combination attack surged through his defenses and exploded, causing the trio to stop pouring energy into their attack before flying towards the area near the void, so they could see what happened. A few seconds later Black appeared in the area in front of them, though there were some cuts on his clothing, scratches on his arms and legs, and smoke seemed to be radiating from his body, indicating that he had taken a good deal of damage... even though he empowered himself even further as a result.

Before Black could attack them, however, the trio smiled as they powered down, causing Black to frown as he glanced down at the area below them, where he found someone who looked like a Supreme Kai that happened to be tampering with the void he had come from... though when he spotted the machine Trunks and Gale had used to reach this era he raised a hand and sent a ki blast at it. What happened next caught him off guard, as seconds before the blast reached it's target time seemed to slow down before the ki blast appeared right in front of him, blasting him backwards even more as he wondered what had happened.

"Next time, try doing that when a Supreme Kai of Time isn't present," Chronoa said, though at the same time she smiled as the void behind Black flared and started dragging him backwards, as her silent plan to fix up the distortion had worked like a charm, "Goku Black, as of right now you are banished from this era."

Black raised his hand, so he could do something to Chronoa, before he was pulled back into the void and disappeared as quickly as he had arrived, allowing Goku and the others time to relax before Bulma could have the time machine ready for their incursion into the future. Chronoa knew it would give Future Trunks and Future Gale time to relax before they, and the warriors they picked, needed to head into the future to deal with Black for real, giving him little time to truly recover from the wounds they had just inflicted upon him. She also knew that Beerus had noticed something odd about Black while he had been present, meaning that he was likely going to be searching for something specific in the near future, but she would help him and the others to the best of her abilities... just like she did when she saved the time machine from being destroyed by Black.

The next couple of days were going to be interesting, now that Black had appeared and made himself known to everyone in this era, though all they had to do was be patient and things would go their way.

Black was forced out of the void he had used to travel into the past and staggered for a moment, before he fell from the sky and crashed into the ground beneath him, but even though his body was in pain from the beating he had been put through he still smiled. He might not have been able to actually fight with Son Goku, but the punches and kicks he had received from the Saiyan in question had allowed him to embed his body with his target's fighting style, effectively making him even stronger than he had been before he entered the void. The pain he was in also made him stronger, meaning that he'd be able to fight Son Goku and his allies again when they returned to this point in time, as he knew that they would be preparing to return now that he was gone.

"Are you alright?" a familiar voice asked, to which he opened his eyes and turned to the right a tiny bit, where he found his partner standing over him and staring at the wounds that he had sustained.

"Yes... and soon I'll be even stronger." Black replied, though at the same time he took the hand that was offered to him and pulled himself back onto his feet, where he stared into his partner's eyes, "We had best prepare, because Trunks, Gale, and their allies will be coming back to this place in the next day or two."

Black's partner grinned and nodded his understanding as the two of them moved away from the building that Black had landed near, as the void was gone now, and they headed back towards a cottage the two of them shared while they were assaulting this world... where they could prepare for the incoming invasion and destroy the meddlesome interlopers that wanted to stop them from completing their goal. Once Trunks, Gale, and their friends were dead they could continue exterminating the rest of the Earthlings, and take great pleasure in doing so since no one would be coming to save them at that point in time.

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