• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Battle: The Great Clock

The moment Sunset had called an end to the fight, and had pronounced that Rainbow and Applejack had won due to Discord's trickery with the bet and their stance on how they really tied due to them being unable to match Sunset's full power, the trio returned to the area that the rest of their ground was standing in. Beerus, Chronoa, and Gale immediately moved to where Rainbow and Applejack had landed, to which their parents checked them for any wounds and made sure that they still had enough energy from their fight. Gale, on the other hand, asked her sisters about the abilities that Sunset had demonstrated during their fight, as some of her attacks were unlike anything she had seen so far, to which the girls told them about the various attacks, knowing that the only one who knew everything about the attacks was Sunset herself.

Sunset, on the other hand, was standing in front of Celestia, who was currently using her scepter to heal her wounds and reverse the damage to her attire, though at the same time Beerus could tell that the new Destroyer God was deep in thought about what she had been told earlier.

Beerus, having heard the result of the fight, was still shocked to hear that Rainbow and Applejack had agreed to make the journey to this Great Clock, which sounded like Chronoa's Time Nest, and have Orvus use his specific technique to restore their missing memories. Considering how opposed they had been to the idea that they had been born in this universe, and had originally refused to believe everything he and Chronoa had told them, he was surprised to hear that they were now willing to go through with this. At the same time, however, he was actually interested in hearing what their lives had been like before they entered the mirror that he and the others had seen earlier, the same one that Discord had messed with... provided Orvus' technique was successful.

A few minutes later, when Sunset's wounds were healed and her attire had been completely restored, the two groups gathered near each other and Celestia held her scepter up for a few seconds, to which they were surrounded by the sphere she had summoned earlier and they rapidly ascended towards the atmosphere. The moment they departed from the planet Celestia located the magical trail that she had left since they departed from Equus, as she was still new to her position as an Angel and didn't want to head to a different planet on accident, before they started moving back towards their intended destination. She knew that once they arrived on Equus, and the sphere came down, Sunset would contact Starlight and they would likely be on their way to the Great Clock, where they would restore Rainbow and Applejack's missing memories.

While they moved through the space Whis thought about what he had seen so far, from Celestia anyway, and silently reflected on how well she had taken to being an Angel, especially since she only had six months of training to fulfill her duties. The same could be said for Twilight, as she only had a limited amount of experience and had already taken to her new duties with an open mind, though he wasn't sure what sort of experience she had in actually creating new planets and making sure that new life would prosper on the planets that she created. It was interesting to consider that this universe, the once mysterious Universe 13, had gone millions, if not billions, of years without any guiding force, only for Sunset to ascend and cause a chain reaction that needed to be corrected.

It didn't taken them long to return to Equus, not with how well Celestia managed to retrace her steps towards her home planet, to which their speed lowered to a more reasonable pace as they passed through the atmosphere. The group watched as she directed them towards the crystal castle, Twilight's castle as Beerus and the others recalled, before they landed on the ground near the main entrance. Due to where the actual castle was located they wouldn't have to worry about the ponies of Ponyville asking questions, though not all of them walked into the castle, as Luna explained that she had spent enough time away from Canterlot and the nobles would likely send the royal guard out to find her. Everyone knew that Luna disliked the courts, so much so that she was already thinking of appointing some to stand in for her so she could retire like her sister, but they bid her farewell as she flew back to the city.

Once Luna had departed from the area, and disappeared into the distance, the rest of the group walked into the castle and closed the door behind them, to which they returned to the ballroom and took up their seats once more, though while most of them did that Sunset excused herself so she could go get her communicator.

"Her communicator?" Goku inquired, to which Twilight nodded her head and confirmed what the Saiyan had heard, though at the same time he stared at the doorway Sunset had walked through, "Shouldn't she have been carrying such an important item with her at all times?"

"She only has one of them and would rather not risk it being destroyed," Twilight explained, remembering what she had learned when she had asked the question, which had been when Sunset and Starlight had returned to their home world, "Sure, she could easily replace it in the part of the universe that it was made in, though since its our only way to contact Starlight when she's off world she prefers to keep it safe in my castle, in a secured area that only she knows about. From what I was told she has a special notification spell attached to the chest that its stored in, allowed her to know when someone's trying to contact her or if she has a message from someone, though it will take her a few minutes before she comes back to us."

Vegeta, upon hearing that piece of information, remembered the scouters that he, Raditz, and the rest of Frieza's soldiers had been required to wear when they worked under the former tyrant, though from the sounds of it the scouter of this universe wasn't like the ones he was used to. Just thinking about Frieza made Vegeta happy that the former tyrant was dead and would no longer trouble the rest of his universe, though considering that someone resurrected Nappa, however, he knew that it was only a matter of time until someone tried the same thing with Frieza. His father had promised him that if someone resurrected the tyrant, even if the only people that knew how to do so were his friends, he would be told immediately... so he and his friends could prepare for the fight that would be coming.

A few seconds later Vegeta noticed Sunset walking into the ballroom with something on her head, as part of the device was wrapped around her left ear and had a mouthpiece that was resting hear her mouth, though he also noticed that the strange device, that he knew Bulma would have wanted to look at if she was here, was already activated.

"Starlight, its Sunset," Sunset said, though as she walked into the ballroom a screen appeared in the air in front of her face, where she came to a stop near the board she had been standing near earlier, but at the same time the others stared at her and waited for Starlight to show up, "Come in Starlight. I have some news that will make you happy."

"Oh really?" a female voice said, to which a face appeared on the holographic screen that Sunset was projecting at the moment, though Vegeta and the others were shocked when the head of a pony revealed itself, "Tell me, dear sister, did one of our friends return from whatever world Discord sent them to? Or have we figured out a way to reverse the damage he's caused without doing any additional damage to those poor ponies?"

"No, we're still going to resort to allowing them to finish their adventures," Sunset commented, to which she actually chuckled for a few seconds, as if she and Starlight had this type of discussion every now and then, before glancing at the screen once more, "but allow me to get to the point of why I contacted you. Rainbow Dash and Applejack have returned to Equus, and their parents, Beerus the Destroyer and Chronoa, have come along as well, along with some of their friends. Both of them have agreed to undergo the process to restore their memories, so I was wondering..."

"...if you could bring them, and their group, to the Great Clock?" a new voice asked, though at the same time whoever was speaking chuckled for a moment as some sort of small creature, about the size of Starlight's head, appeared on the screen and stared at Sunset, "Of course you can bring them to the Great Clock and restore their memories, as that is the exact reason why I had the Memory Restoration Machine made in the first place. And you'll be arriving at a good time too, as Ratchet and Angela are visiting Azimuth as he searches for any disastrous time distortions with Nefarious... along with the members of the newly instated Time Patrol."

Chronoa's ears perked up for a moment, because she had done the same thing with Future Trunks and actually hadn't told anyone that her own Time Patrol existed, though she was already interested in hearing what sort of time distortion could have caused Orvus to create his own Time Patrol.

"That's good to hear," Sunset said, telling the group from Universe 7 that she preferred to ask her fellow gods for their permission to enter their domain, though at the same time Beerus was interested in the story behind Sunset and Starlight being sisters, even if he could guess what happened, "Starlight, how long would it take you, and no doubt the others, to get the Hyperion in position above Equus?"

"Shouldn't take me more than thirty to forty minutes to get in position," Starlight replied, to which her face appeared on the screen once more, though at the same time she smiled at Sunset, "It will be good to see you and the others again."

Sunset nodded and deactivated the communicator, to which she pulled it free and gently placed it on the table near her, indicating that she didn't need it at the moment and didn't want to wear it for much longer than was necessary. At that exact same moment, however, she could tell that someone had some questions to ask her, to which she turned towards Beerus and the girls.

"How is Starlight the only displaced pony to remain in her pony state?" Rainbow inquired, as she recalled the images they had seen on the screens that Discord had projected earlier, where everyone that had entered the mirror were in a similar body to their own, though Starlight seemed to be the odd pony out, "If everyone that walked through the mirror had their body changed into something similar to our bodies, and they had thanks to what Discord showed us, then why is she the only one to not have that happen to her?"

"You know, I never considered why that is." Twilight commented, speaking up before anyone else could, to which Rainbow and the rest of her group turned towards her, "All I can say is that Discord was putting the finishing touches on the mirror after Starlight and Sunset entered it, meaning that everyone that entered the mirror after them were effected by the new additions to his spell. At least, I think its something like that. I'm still trying to figure out everything there is to know about him and his chaotic abilities, and the exact extent of said powers."

Beerus had the feeling that Twilight would never learn everything there was to know about the chimera creature, though at the same time he guessed that Discord was more like the God of Chaos for this universe, especially since he was able to send ponies to other worlds and sent his daughters to his universe. While he thought about Discord, and silently considered everything that he knew about, Applejack spoke up and asked why Sunset and Starlight were sisters, to which they learned that both of them had been reduced to four year old children and left with someone called Ratchet at an orphanage. Apparently the three of them had hit it off when they arrived at the orphanage and quickly became a functional family, though a few years passed before they went on their first adventure... which eventually accumulated in Sunset discovering her true destiny.

Sunset gave them the shortened version of the story of her adventure in the Solana and Bogon Galaxies, skipping over all of the unimportant facts and what happened on each planet they visited, before coming to her ascension, which was what Beerus, Whis, Chronoa, and Shin had seen thanks to the Grand Priest four years ago. When they reached the end of Dreadzone, and the group from Universe 7 agreed that it was a good thing that the space station had been blown to pieces, Sunset stopped talking as her communicator went off. Once that happened she waited for a few seconds, which was followed by a magical gateway opening in the air near the entrance of the ballroom, though she then beckoned for everyone to follow her before they entered the gateway... and walked onto what appeared to be some sort of spaceship.

Instead of asking questions the group followed Sunset through the hallway of the ship, to which they came to what Beerus guessed was the command center for the entire vessel... where they found a pony, who had a pale light pink colored coat and whose mane and tail had a dark purple color, followed by an aquamarine color, and then a lighter purple, standing near the command console. This was Starlight Glimmer, that much Beerus knew from a simple glance, though the two sisters embraced for a few seconds before the ship, the Starship Hyperion, got underway and entered some sort of warp system that reminded him of what Whis did when he traveled through space. In order to pass the time Rainbow and Applejack asked Starlight about parts of her journey, specifically the Great Clock and the machine Orvus had talked about earlier, though they found that she wasn't really allowed to talk about it... save for the fact that it wouldn't hurt them in any way, shape, or form.

Beerus had to guess it was because Orvus didn't want them to know what to expect before they arrived at the Great Clock, though after some time their attention was brought to the large structure that was in front of them as they exited the warp system... which appeared to be the inner workings of a colossal clock, which made sense considering what Sunset and Orvus called this place.

The group watched as they approached the Great Clock and the starship slowed down, though as they waited the Hyperion arrived at what appeared to be a massive dock and came to complete stop, to which Starlight checked all of the screens on the console before declaring that they were fine. The instant they were docked, and the consoles declared that they were connected to the Great Clock, Starlight led the way towards the doors and had everyone follow her outside, allowing the others to see the pieces of machinery that made up the massive clock. Chronoa kept her thoughts to herself as she looked around the place, as she could feel the power in the air all around her, though she had to admit that she was interested in meeting Orvus.

As they walked down towards the dock, however, the group from Universe 7 noticed a small floating creature, the same one they had seen when Sunset was talking with Starlight, floating above the ground and smiled at them. Standing to his right was a cat like creature that walked on two legs, wore some sort of metallic armor while carrying a strange weapon that looked like a staff combined with two rather large wrenches. On Orvus' left was someone that stood and walked like a human, though Beerus and the others noticed that he was completely made up of metallic parts, almost like he was a robot of some kind. The only other beings in the area were creatures that looked like Orvus, only without the headpiece he was wearing, though the group watched as the other Orvus like creatures ignored them and went about their work... whatever their work was.

"Lady Sunset, I am glad to see you again," Orvus said, to which he and his companions bowed their heads a little bit, indicating that they respected their God of Destruction and she, in turn, respected them as well, "along with all of your companions, including Lord Beerus."

"It is an honor to meet you as well, Orvus." Beerus replied, though he offered the Supreme Kai of Time for Universe 13 a slight bow as well, as he was the person that created the machine that would restore Rainbow and Applejack's memories to what they had been before they entered the mirror, "And its an honor to meet your companions as well."

"I am General Alister Azimuth," the cat creature said, to which he raised his left hand and placed a fist over his heart, which both Goku and Vegeta recognized immediately, "former Four-Bolt Magistrate of the Lombax Praetorian Guard and former Elder Councilman for the Center for Advanced Lombax Research, though right now I work for Lord Orvus and help protect the Great Clock."

"And I am Dr. Nefarious!" the robot said, though at the same time he respectfully bowed to the group as well, before glancing up at them and focusing on Rainbow, Applejack, and their friends, "Don't let my name fool you into believing that I'm an evil robot bent on universal domination, that was what I used to be before I came into contact with our God of Destruction... along with some things that I would prefer not to mention at the moment. Right now I am a guardian of the Great Clock and my mechanical army helps protect this important structure from those that would seek to misuse it, and that includes an alternate timeline version of myself."

Beerus and the others took turns introducing themselves, allowing the trio to understand who was standing in front of them at the moment, before Sunset inquired where Ratchet was, only to find out that something came up that required his specific skills and headed out with Angela and Clank. Once that was done Orvus beckoned for them to follow him, to which the group headed onto a walkway that allowed them to access a teleport pad after a few minutes, once that allowed them to teleport to a special building he had constructed some time ago. The Memory Restoration Machine rested in a chamber and at first glance it appeared to be a simple chair, or chairs considering that there were two resting back to back, but that was before the group noticed the complex machinery that rested above the chairs.

Orvus had Rainbow and Applejack walk into the chamber that contained the chairs, while at the same time Azimuth and Nefarious led the others follow them into the part of the building where they could watch the girls and observe what was going on. When the girls had taken a seat, Rainbow in the left one and Applejack in the right one, Orvus nodded and Nefarious activated one of the commands on the console in front of him, to which some cuffs emerged from the chairs and locked themselves around their arms and legs. Nefarious then explained that the process might make them a little violent for a moment, to prevent Beerus from shattering his body, before tapping a few buttons and powering up the machine... to which Orvus exited the chamber and left the girls alone.

A few seconds passed before Chronoa felt the time energies in the air around them focus for a moment, those that weren't being used to actually power the colossal machine they had discovered, before a pair of headsets lowered from the ceiling and gently placed themselves above Rainbow and Applejack's heads. They watched as Nefarious tapped another button and the image on the screen in front of him separated into two halves, one for Rainbow and one for Applejack, meaning that he was monitoring their progress to avoid hurting them. As the robot doctor made sure that the lost memories of the girls had been found, which he and Orvus had apparently been doing since the girls had gone missing, before allowing the memories to pass through the machine and return to their respective owners.

Beerus winced for a moment when he heard Rainbow and Applejack moan for a few seconds, though it was one that indicated that the pain came from their heads, before they went silent as the memories flowed back into them... though Nefarious did tell him that they were fine.

A few minutes passed before Nefarious proclaimed that the memory restoration sequence was complete and powered down the machine, though before that happened he tapped some buttons and the helmets pulled themselves away from the girls. When the helmets returned to where they were supposed to be located when they were in standby mode, and Nefarious was sure of that, the cuffs that had been keeping the girls down came undone before the rest of the machine powered down completely. A few more seconds passed before the chamber looked like it had been before it had been activated, to which Nefarious tapped a button and told the girls that they were good to go, leaving Beerus to wonder if it was that easy to restore their missing memories.

"Are you sure that its that easy to restore their memories?" Chronoa asked, because she remembered everything that she had researched and knew that Discord had to be the one to do it, yet it almost looked like someone else had done the work that the chimera creature should have done.

"Of course it is, I spent a year designing this device with Orvus and another week testing it with Starlight," Nefarious said, to which he turned and faced the group, though he had to chuckle for a moment, "I know, you were thinking that you had to ask Discord to restore their memories, but in reality its really hard for him to actually reverse the damage he's caused, especially with all the elements in play. Its much simpler for us to wait for whoever was displaced to live out their new lives and come to a point where the time aspect of Discord's spell no longer exists, then bring them to the machine and restore their old memories. Of course when Discord tried to modify his already existing spell, and remove some aspects of the spell, the whiplash knocked several other ponies into other worlds... such as Lyra and Trixie."

Beerus didn't know the specifics of what they were talking about, but in the end he really didn't care, as he was more worried about what the restoration meant for his daughters, who were currently pulling themselves from their chairs and looking at the world around them in a new light. The girls touched the floor and looked around the chamber for a few more seconds, though that was before they looked at each other with a look of confusion on their faces... though that was before Applejack let out a sigh as she looked at Rainbow.

"I cannot believe how irresponsible you were to enter a mirror that you knew nothing about." Applejack commented, though while those from Universe 13 were glad to see that she apparently remembered everything, and that meant that Rainbow did as well, everyone from Universe 7 was shocked by what they were seeing.

"What are you talking about?" Rainbow asked, to which she frowned at Applejack in turn, though her tone told Beerus that his daughters had argued before they came to his world, "All I said was that I had seen Starlight and that I was going in to save her from whatever fate had befallen her."

"You could have been killed!" Applejack snapped, though that was followed by her sighing as she remembered something, specifically what had happened on Namek, "Actually, now that I think about it, you were killed by Frieza when we fought him on Namek... and it appears that your arrogance hasn't changed at all, despite the fact that we grew up in a different universe."

"My arrogance?" Rainbow inquired, though her tone indicated that she had no idea what Applejack was talking about, or if she did she wasn't saying anything about it.

"You told Sunset that we hadn't beaten her in combat yet, as if you expected that one day we'd be able to tango with someone of her level and actually beat her," Applejack replied, to which she gestured towards Sunset for a moment, while also keeping her attention on Rainbow, "Personally, I don't think we even have the potential to beat her, because her full power was on a completely different level than what we have seen so far. You could have easily gotten us smashed into the ground and punished for your words, or maybe punished on a level that not even the Dragon Balls can reverse."

"How about I punish you for doubting our chances of winning?" Rainbow asked, though at the same time her aura darkened for a moment, indicating that she seemed ready to shift into her Avatar state.

"If the two of you are going to fight then I suggest we take this somewhere else," Nefarious said, though at the same time he rubbed his head, because it appeared that restoring the memories of two people might not be a good idea, despite the fact that it had worked like a charm, "There are some decent planets nearby, each without any intelligent life, that would be suitable for a small brawl between the two of you."

"That won't be necessary," Applejack replied, taking a moment to glance at Nefarious, staring at him through the glass window that was in the chamber, before turning her attention to her sister, which was another thing they needed to talk about, "we can settle this without actually getting into a fist fight... right, Rainbow?"

"Sure." Rainbow answered, though at the same time she crossed her arms and stared at Applejack, meaning that they were going to have a deep discussion about what had happened to them and what it meant for their relationships with their family... including Gale for that matter.

Sunset, on the other hand, merely sighed as she stared at the girls for a few seconds, as it appeared that they had returned to who they had been before they entered the crystal mirror to search for her and Starlight, which was a topic she was interested in hearing about. She only hoped that the two of them could avoid getting into a fight while they discussed what happened to them, especially since they needed to go over their lives from two different universes and come to a decision on which one they would rather call home... though something told her that the personalities they had developed in Beerus' universe would come back soon enough, and personally she liked those versions of the girls. All she had to do was wait until they finished their discussion and see what happened next, even if that meant that they wanted to live in Universe 7 from now on.

She also hoped that Beerus and Twilight didn't have their hearts broken by Rainbow and Applejack's decision, as both of them had ties to the girls and both would be equally devastated by a simple set of words... though it all depended on how fast the girls got through with their discussion, and whether or not they got into a fight in the process.

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