• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Interlude: Return to Earth

As it turned out Mizuna spent at least two to three hours sharing stories with Vegeta, Rainbow, and Applejack, where all of them would laugh at certain parts of whatever story was being told at the moment. While they shared stories they retired to the palace, where they gathered in a sitting area so their laughter didn't annoy any of the Saiyans that they would have passed if they had stayed on the streets. During the breaks between stories Vegeta would either share a story or two, mainly because his friends had no idea what he had been doing while they were sleeping, to which he smiled when he noticed that the pain in their eyes had been pushed back. Rainbow and Applejack seemed to enjoy hearing about the various tyrants and evildoers he had taken care of over the years, which his mother said that she and his father were proud of his accomplishments.

As the time passed them by Vegeta came to understand something that he had overlooked the entire time; Kakarot was the unfortunate one of the two of them. He respected the other Saiyan, for standing next to him and helping him defeat both the Ginyu Force and the tyrant Frieza himself, but at the same time he felt sorry for him at the moment. Kakarot had been denied the chance to meet his parents and spend time with them, which was the reward he had been given... to which he decided that, at some point in the future, he was going to give his companion in arms the same information he had been today.

"Thinking about Bardock's son?" Mizuna asked, causing Vegeta to look up from the cup that was in his hands, as he hadn't realized that he had stopped laughing at whatever the current story was and had focused on his training partner.

"Yeah, I was," Vegeta admitted, rubbing the back of his head for a moment, though at the same time he looked into his mother's eyes, "I just realized that he has no idea that this paradise even exists... or the fact that his parents are here, no doubt waiting for the chance to meet him one day."

"And you will get that opportunity one day," a voice said, to which everyone turned towards the entrance of the room they were in, where they found King Vegeta standing there with a smile on his face, "From what King Kai told me it will take some time for Goku to return to Earth, so you won't be able to tell him until he returns, but I know that you and your friends will find something else to do while you wait."

"How were Chilled's guards doing?" Mizuna asked, smiling at her husband as he took a seat on the couch she was sitting on, while at the same time handing him something to drink, "I take it they weren't happy to hear that Chilled escaped twice in one day?"

"No, they weren't too pleased to hear that bit of news," King Vegeta replied, shaking his head as he took a sip from the cup he had been given, while at the same time he gently placed the small bag he had been carrying the entire time on the small table to his left, "They did, however, acknowledge their failings and said that they would be willing to have some more Saiyans assigned to the Hell Squad so they could prevent anyone else from doing what Chilled does. I would like your expert opinion on the matter of who to send down there and join their squad, but I think that we can wait until tomorrow... because we still have some time left before King Kai is supposed to arrive."

"I already have some potential candidates in mind," Mizuna said, though she clearly made no move to say anything more about their personal business, telling Vegeta and the girls that she was enjoying her time with her son.

"As do I," King Vegeta stated, before both he and his wife turned to Vegeta and the girls, "though, on a more relaxed note, I heard from several of the Saiyans that witnessed the destruction that your lance caused. You would not believe how many of our people want to spar with you based on that one attack, as well as your sister once they took into account that she might be just as strong as you are. I even have several requesting a sparring match with you, Vegeta, at some point in the future... even Bardock, of all people, wants to challenge you at some point, though he wants to fight you in your Super Saiyan form."

Vegeta had been expecting some of the other Saiyans wanting to fight Rainbow, despite the fact that she could command something as powerful as her lance, but he was surprised that so many of them wanted to fight Applejack as well. He had also been expecting some challenges from his fellow Saiyans, which he would eagerly accept whenever he came back here, but what had caught him off guard was the fact that Bardock wanted to spar with him, in their Super Saiyan forms no less. He wasn't entirely sure how he was going to come back to this paradise, without dying anyway, but considering that his father had been talking with King Kai for some time, before the fight on Namek, he was sure that his father had some sort of plan to overcome that roadblock.

Vegeta chuckled for a few seconds, because while he had accepted the fact that Kakarot was willing to brawl with him he had never imagined that he could actually fight with more than one member of his race at any given time... and he had forgotten the thrill of fighting multiple Saiyans at the same time.

"I'm glad that we managed to impress the other Saiyans," Applejack commented, though she already knew how excited her sister and their best friend would be at the notion of fighting more than one Saiyan at a given time.

"I know, and they want to spar with us in the future." Rainbow said, though her tone indicated that she was pleased by this turn of events, "This place is so awesome!"

King Vegeta opened his mouth to say something, likely to voice his agreement that Asgard was an 'awesome' place for him and the other Saiyans, but before he could even say anything he spotted one of the palace guards patiently waiting by the entrance he had walked through a few minutes ago. The look on the guard's face indicated that either King Kai had returned to collect Vegeta and the girls, so they could go back to Earth and join the rest of their companions, or it meant that something terrible was happening and the World God needed to discuss something with him in private. He seriously hoped that it was just King Kai coming to take them back to Earth, because if it was something more dangerous he was going to need to blow off some steam... and that meant getting in the arena with at least ten other warriors like the last time he had actually entered the Training Yard as a participant.

After a few seconds he let out a sigh and excused himself for a few minutes, to which he carefully walked over to the entrance and closed the door behind him, where he discovered that King Kai was indeed waiting for him.

"King Kai, I was expecting you to arrive later this afternoon," King Vegeta said, though even as he spoke the guard left the two of them to their own devices, which was mainly standing outside the room that he had just left, "Has something happened?"

"Yes, though it is good news this time," King Kai replied, which caused King Vegeta to raise an eyebrow for a moment, "An hour ago I received word that a certain someone is heading to Earth... and she wants to see her daughters for the first time in twenty-three years."

King Vegeta would have originally guessed that it was Lord Beerus that King Kai would have been talking about, but when he heard the gender of the person he was referring to he knew who it had to be. He struck him as odd that it took Chronoa this long to decide whether or not to visit Rainbow and Applejack, but in the end he decided that it wasn't worth thinking about. The Supreme Kai of Time had her reasons for staying away for so long, just as he and his wife had their reasons for not collecting Goku when he first died or at least trying to tell their son that he wasn't the last of their line. It still pained him to think about what he had done to Tarble, and breaking the brotherly bond that could have formed between him and Vegeta, but he had a way to fix that.

"When will she arrive on Earth?" King Vegeta asked, returning to the conversation at hand, because he knew that King Kai would want to leave with the trio as soon as they were done speaking.

"According to my calculations she will arrive in an hour or two," King Kai replied, though at the same time he turned his head towards the entrance of the palace, which told King Vegeta that he was looking at the gate of the city, "Mr. Popo is waiting outside the gate and I really don't like keeping him waiting. The sooner we get this done the better."

King Vegeta nodded his understanding, because he had heard stories from other spirits that knew the 'man' that was called Mr. Popo, though not a lot of them were good. Some said that Mr. Popo was a demon that kept his true form locked up in the shape he was currently wearing, while others claimed that his form was meant to make people lower their guard so he could crush them with a single flick of his wrist. There were other stories and theories regarding Mr. Popo, but King Vegeta decided not to spend any length of time trying to figure out who, and what, Mr. Popo really was... as he decided that it was better to have him as an 'ally' of sorts and call it good.

"Then I shall tell my son that our time is up, for the moment, and give him the last gift we had prepared for him," King Vegeta said, to which he turned towards the door once more, "I shall be back in a few minutes."

As King Kai nodded, and remained standing in the hallway, King Vegeta opened the door and slipped back into the room, to which he discovered that Vegeta and the girls were laughing at whatever his wife had told them. He smiled as he approached the couch once more, though as he did so he noticed his wife had noticed the look in his eyes, which would have told her that their time was up for the moment. He shared her pain, he really did, but for now they would need to let their son head back to Earth with his friends, so they could go on whatever adventures were coming their way.

"I take it king Kai is outside the room?" Applejack asked, to which everyone turned to her for a moment, though at the same time her sister seemed surprised by the sudden statement.

"Yes, he's come to tell me that our time is up." King Vegeta replied, silently reminding himself that Applejack was good at reading emotions and could tell what someone was thinking by looking at them, or she was a really good guesser and always guessed something right the first time.

"That's a shame. I was hoping to have a little more time with our son and his friends," Mizuna commented, to which she let out a sigh as everyone else got on their feet once more, before she smiled at Vegeta for a few seconds, "though we do have something for you son."

Vegeta raised an eyebrow as his father picked up the pouch he had set down earlier, to which he opened the container and pulled out a medallion that looked like the one he had seen around his father's neck when he was younger.

"I had King Kai make a new medallion for me once I heard you were going to Namek," King Vegeta said, to which he set the pouch down and walked over to Vegeta, where he raised his hand and gently placed the medallion into his son's hand, "etched onto the back is the exact coordinates of the planet that Tarble calls home. Maybe now the two of you can become the brothers you were always meant to be. The medallion also has the power to bring you to the Training Yard, which King Kai generously added without either of us even asking for, though he told me that it will take some time to charge before you can jump between here and wherever you were when you first used it."

Vegeta had to smile when he looked down at the medallion, because not only could he finally make things right with Tarble he could come back and see how strong Bardock was in his Super Saiyan form. He had the feeling that he could also spend some time with his parents if he were to come back here, but he shelved that idea for the moment as he followed his mother and father towards the door that would take them to King Kai. Once the group had reunited with the King Kai, and declared that they were ready, he led the way out of the palace and walked towards the golden gate, though at his speed he was giving Vegeta enough time to say his goodbyes for the moment.

Of course his father had known that this was coming, considering how much time he spent talking with King Kai, but that didn't stop him from being a little sad to see his son depart from the city so soon. His mother, on the other hand, wrapped her arm around him and held him close, though as they walked she also kissed him on the forehead, which he didn't mind in the slightest. The Saiyans around them seemed to know that they were leaving the paradise they had been shown, to go back to Earth and continue their lives, though that didn't stop them from wishing Vegeta and the girls well in whatever adventures came their way.

After a few minutes they were standing on the other side of the golden gate, where they found Mr. Popo standing on his carpet and staring at them, as if they were on a schedule and they had fallen behind by taking a few minutes to say farewell to the Saiyans that had followed them to the gate. Rainbow and Applejack climbed onto the carpet and disappeared a few seconds later, giving Vegeta a few seconds to say his farewells to his mother and father.

"It was good to finally see you again after all these years," Mizuna said, pulling her son into a hug, to which they were joined by King Vegeta a few seconds later, "Its a shame that your visit was cut short, but with that medallion you should be able to come back and visit us... and of course train against Bardock when you get the chance."

Vegeta could tell that his mother was hoping for more visits in the future, along with some sparring sessions once he had fully recovered from his fight on Namek, but he was thinking the same thing. A few seconds later they were interrupted by the sound of Mr. Popo returning with his carpet, though judging by his expression Vegeta knew that the man wanted to get underway as soon as possible, which was why he and his parents separated from each other. As he climbed onto the carpet, and wished his parents farewell, he turned to King Kai for a moment, who seemed a little surprised that he was even looking at him... though his surprise grew when Vegeta respectfully bowed to him for a few seconds.

"King Kai, words cannot describe the thanks I have for you giving me this gift," Vegeta said, though when he raised his head he could tell that the man was actually quite pleased to hear him thank him, "but I will say this; I thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"Your welcome, Prince Vegeta," King Kai replied, shocking Vegeta for a moment, but they both smiled when Vegeta realized that he had said his former title with respect, which had to be because he and Kakarot finished off Frieza and saved who knows how many planets from the tyrant's grasp.

Vegeta nodded to King Kai and climbed onto the carpet, though before he and Mr. Popo disappeared he cast one more glance at his parents, to which he waved that them... and managed to get a glimpse of them waving back before he disappeared.

The next thing Vegeta knew he was back inside the Capsule Corp building that he and the girls had been staying in while they waited for the Namekian Dragon Balls to become active once more, though the girls were standing nearby, as if they had been waiting for him to arrive before they did anything else. He climbed off the carpet the moment he was back in the room and turned to thank Mr. Popo for carrying them to Asgard and back, but before he could do so the man disappeared the moment he was off the carpet, no doubt leaving to go do something more important. As he turned to face the girls again he heard the sound of someone running towards them, to which they turned and noticed Bulma coming to a stop in front of them... as well as discovering that they were in the same room they had been in that very morning before they had left for the Other World.

"My father told me that the three of you vanished this morning and suddenly you return, as quickly as you disappeared!" Bulma said, looking at the three of them for a few seconds, as if she was trying to wrap her head around something, "Where did you all go?"

"We went to the Other World and met my parents," Vegeta replied, as he saw no harm in mentioning the afterlife to Bulma, considering that some of her friends were already used to the place and had likely told her about their trips at some point, "we also learned some interesting facts about the Saiyans."

"Really!?" another voice said, to which Dr. Brief, who had been sitting nearby, looked up from the newspaper he had been reading, "Today just got a whole lot better for everyone."

Vegeta opened his mouth to question what Dr. Brief was talking about, by mentioning that today was better for everyone, but before he could actually say anything he noticed that his wife was walking into the room, though it appeared that she had something to tell her husband... something that appeared to be very important.

"Is something wrong honey?" Dr. Brief asked, though at the same time he closed his newspaper and turned to face everyone, because due to everything that had happened so far it was either good news or bad news.

"I'm... I'm not sure," Mrs. Brief replied, shaking her head for a few seconds as she looked around the room, as if she was looking for something before looking at her husband again, "there's a strange lady downstairs asking to see someone that's staying here."

"Really? Well that's unusual." Dr. Brief said, to which he let out a sigh as he finished off whatever was inside the cup that was sitting next to his newspaper, before giving his wife his full attention, "So, whose our guest? And, more importantly, who is she looking for?"

"She didn't give me a name, but she's wearing this strange piece of clothing and some shoes to make her seem taller than she actually is," Mrs. Brief answered, causing Vegeta and the girls to wonder how she could know the appearance of whoever was at the door if she never opened her eyes, unless she opened them slightly so she could determine what she was doing before closing them again, "However, the lady told me that she was looking for Rainbow Dash and Applejack... and she said that she was their mother."

The moment Mrs. Brief mentioned that the lady she had spoken to was Rainbow and Applejack's mother, despite the fact that she didn't seem sure of that statement, the girls were already in motion as they ran down the hallway and made their way to the front opening of the building they were in. Vegeta was right behind them, because the moment he heard the vague description of Chronoa he knew what the girls were going to do, though a few seconds later Bulma and her parents followed after them. When Rainbow and Applejack reached the first floor of the Capsule Corp building, and turned towards the entrance that would take them outside, they spotted the familiar form of their mother waiting in the lobby... who had a look of joy on her face the moment she spotted them coming her way.

"Rainbow! Applejack!" Chronoa happily said, to which she set down the small boxes she had been carrying, stepped in front of them, and held her arms outwards.

"Mom!" Rainbow and Applejack cried in return, to which they ran over to where their mother was standing and threw their arms around her, where the three of them embraced each other in a tight hug that could rival the one that Vegeta gave his own mother earlier that morning when they visited Asgard.

Bulma, who had been following the girls and Vegeta, tilted her head in confusion as she turned her gaze from the mysterious lady, to Rainbow Dash, then to Applejack, before turning back to the newcomer and allowing a confused look to appear on her face. She had to assume that the girls had been adopted by the lady at some point in time, though she considered it irresponsible for the lady to allow the girls to remain in a state of enchanted sleep for twenty-three years. That thought also made her wonder how the lady even knew to come here in her search for the girls, because she was sure that no one in the city knew about Rainbow and Applejack... which only worried her that this might not be their mother at all.

"Don't worry, this is their mother," Vegeta commented, causing Bulma to turn towards him for a moment, as she was shocked that he even knew who the mother of Rainbow and Applejack could be.

"And how do you know that?" Bulma asked, because she figured that if Vegeta could tell that this was their mother than he might be willing to share some information about her.

"I spent some time with them, their mother, and their father," Vegeta replied, fondly remembering the few instances where he and the girls practiced until the watchful eye of Chronoa, Beerus, Whis, and Shin, to which he approached the trio and bowed his head a bit, "Lady Chronoa, it is good to see you again."

"It is good to see that you are going well, Prince Vegeta," Chronoa said, seeing that the Saiyan wasn't upset by her mentioning his title, which he assumed was because he mentioned her title when he greeted her, before she turned her attention to the girls, "but its good to see the two of you again."

"I... its good to see you again mom," Rainbow said, to which both she and Applejack pulled back and wiped the tears from their eyes, "we were worried that you were disappointed in us for some reason..."

"Girls, I have never been disappointed in the two of you," Chronoa replied, a smile appearing on her face as she placed a hand on both of their shoulders, "in fact I have never been more proud of you. The two of you stopped an evil Saiyan from ruining countless planets that would have followed his visit to Earth, helped bring about the end of Frieza's reign, and saved a whole species from being erased from the universe. Neither of you have done anything wrong... I'm just sorry that I didn't come running the moment you two returned from Namek."

"What about leaving them in an enchanted sleep for twenty-three years?" Bulma asked, causing Chronoa and the girls to turn towards her for a moment, "What sort of mother does that to her children?"

"The kind that had no other options at the time," Chronoa replied, letting out a sigh, as she had known that this question would have surfaced sooner or later, "besides, I wasn't the one that came up with the idea; Rainbow and Applejack came up with, and agreed on, the idea to put themselves in an enchanted sleep. My job kept me busy at the time and it seemed to be the only option available."

Applejack noticed that their mother didn't mention their father, Whis, or Shin, which meant that mentioning them at the moment might change the timeline in some manner, but there was another question that came to mind, one that was more important than whatever questions that Bulma wanted to ask.

"How long are you going to be visiting us?" Applejack asked, because while she was overjoyed to see their mother again she knew that she would, eventually, have to return to the Time Nest and make sure that nothing had happened to the timeline.

"I have to go back to the Time Nest tomorrow, but I plan on spending all afternoon with the two of you," Chronoa replied, which was followed by her turning back to one of the small boxes behind her and pulling it over to her, though when she opened it both Applejack and Rainbow looked in it they found modern clothing inside it, "I also brought some things that I know the two of you will need in the future, like normal clothing and some personal items that I collected from your rooms."

"Personal items?" Rainbow asked, raising an eyebrow for a moment, because there was one thing in her room that she prized above everything else, which made her wonder if she knew what her mother was talking about.

"Like all of your Daring Do books," Chronoa answered, to which she pulled a box over to her and handed it to Rainbow, who discovered that all of the books she had read in the past were present, but then surprise crossed her face when she discovered that there were ten additional titles that she had no knowledge about, "along with some of the newer titles that the author published over the years. I figured that you would want to read them when..."

Chronoa found it impossible to complete her sentence as Rainbow hugged her once more, to which she returned the gesture for a few seconds as she gently moved another box towards Applejack. She had the feeling that Applejack would enjoy what was inside her box as much as her sister did, but there was no telling until she opened the box and looked at its contents. Applejack glanced at the box that Rainbow had been looking at a few seconds ago before turning her attention to her own box, where she discovered seeds from a variety of apple trees that she had been researching before she and Rainbow went to sleep... along with a few apples from the tree she had been growing back on Planet Meka and, if her eyes weren't deceiving her, a few seeds from the same tree.

"I knew that, at some point in the future, you would want to resume tending to a small orchid of apple trees," Chronoa explained, seeing the look that had appeared on Applejack's face, which made her own smile grow a little bit, "so I gathered some samples from the various trees that would be compatible with Earth's soil, along with a few samples from the tree you were growing, and brought them here. I also grabbed a few of the apples from the tree, though I took your notes into consideration and picked the best ones of the bunch, so you and Rainbow could enjoy having some of them before you grew a few more trees."

"Wait, you brought some of Applejack's delicious Sweet Zap Apples?" Rainbow said, to which she looked in the box that Applejack had, where her sister picked up one and handed it over to her, though that was followed by Rainbow taking a bite out of it and a grin appearing on her face, "Awesome! I can't remember the last time I had one of these."

Bulma looked at the apple that was in Rainbow's hand, wondering what was so special about a bright red apple that had a pair of blue and green diagonal strips on it, but if the expression on Rainbow's face was any indication she had to assume that the flavor was a mix of sweet and sour. She had to wonder what was so special about this new planet, the one called Meka, that allowed such apples to be produced, but even then she knew that her father would be interested in the potential research he could perform on the new species of apple that they had discovered.

"I think we can come to some sort agreement on the research and production of these trees of yours," Dr. Brief said, a smile appearing on his face as he looked at the apple that was in Rainbow's hand, "though maybe we can do that later, when the two of you aren't busy talking with your mother."

Vegeta and Bulma agreed with his statement and started to depart from the area, though Chronoa stopped Vegeta for a moment and beckoned him to the side, away from the girls as they looked at the other items that she had brought them. Vegeta had the suspicion that he knew what was coming, considering who was standing in front of him, but he decided to keep his mouth shut until they started talking.

"So, when are you planning on departing?" Chronoa asked, causing Vegeta to look surprised for a moment, but then he glanced down at the medallion he was still holding for a few seconds.

"I... I don't know yet." Vegeta admitted, glancing back at the staircase that Dr. Brief and Bulma was walking up at the moment, "I haven't asked Bulma's father about how long it will take for that ship of his to reach the coordinates that my father gave me, so I have no idea how long it will take before the ship is ready. It could take a few days, maybe a week or two at most, for the ship to be prepared for departure... and then there's no telling how long it will take to reach the planet my brother is living on. Its still strange to think that he has survived all these years, after I had long thought him to be dead, but now that I know the truth I need to make things right between us."

"I understand," Chronoa said, to which she tapped Vegeta's arm for a moment to bring his attention back to her, "but, before you have to leave, why not spend that time with Rainbow and Applejack? Now that Frieza has been defeated you all deserve the chance to cool off and relax before something else reveals itself."

Vegeta raised an eyebrow for a moment, knowing that Chronoa could easily warn him and the girls of anything and everything that could threaten Earth, but he also knew that by doing so she would influence the timeline, which she was supposed to prevent if what he remembered was correct. He knew that he could easily spend some time with the girls, now that they weren't facing the end of a world or having to contend with someone on the level of Frieza, though he suspected that this evening they would be catching up with Chronoa. Of course Chronoa's statement made him worry about what could be coming in the future, but they had a way to train themselves if they needed to face something else.

Besides, he and Kakarot would need to have a sparring match or two to test their Super Saiyan forms, which was more than enough reason to train after he and the girls finished relaxing.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, what do you plan on doing with Rainbow and Applejack?" Vegeta asked, knowing that the Supreme Kai of Time had to have something planned now that she had reunited with her daughters.

"I plan on touring the city with my daughters," Chronoa said, a smile appearing on her face as she walked back towards the room that they had left Rainbow and Applejack in, "and maybe going to one of those movies that recently came out with them. You know, do normal family things, instead of being the Supreme Kai of Time trying to have a family moment with the daughters of Beerus the Destroyer. I want to give them a normal family experience... even if one of our family members is missing."

Vegeta stared at Chronoa as they walked back into the lobby area, surprised that she wanted to have a normal family experience with her daughters, but he couldn't fault her for wanting that. Chronoa knew what could be coming their way and likely wanted to give Rainbow and Applejack some normalcy before things got serious again, though he also knew that the girls would appreciate the time off from the constant training and fighting they had been going through. In a way Vegeta envied the girls, because they could spend some time with their mother and actually get to know her without having to go to the afterlife to see her every now and then... but as he looked down at the medallion once more he knew that all three of them had won in the end.

Both he and the girls had been given the chance to have a reunion with their families, despite the fact that someone was missing from both of their groups, but he knew that, in time, the problem would fix itself... once he found where Tarble was living and Beerus had awoken from his long nap anyway.

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