• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: Fate of the Universe

Applejack watched the ruined plateau for a few moments as she waited for her opponent to reveal himself and come at her again, because she knew that collapsing an entire plateau on top of Kid Buu would only make him angry, which may or may not actually make him lose his focus. A small smile appeared on her face when she saw the rocks shift for a few seconds, though that was before Kid Buu burst out of the ruined plateau, flipped around in the air, and then landed on the ground in front of it. Applejack could tell that Kid Buu seemed a little shocked by something, no doubt the speed and power she commanded in this state, before he burst into the air and flew right to where she was standing, where he threw a punch in her direction.

Instead of allowing the attack to hit its mark, despite the fact that she believed that it would have done nothing to her, Applejack dodged the attack, spun around, and punched Kid Buu in the chest, knocking him backwards a tiny bit. Kid Buu growled and sent a ki blast at her, where she moved to the right and let it pass right by where she was standing, before she raised her hand and loosed a ki blast of her own, now colored dark purple because of the energy she was using, in her opponent's direction. As Kid Buu dodged the ki blast, however, Applejack used his distraction to her advantage and flew towards her opponent, where she flashed passed Kid Buu's head, spun around, and brought the edge of her leg against the side of Kid Buu's head... sending him flying to the side for a moment.

As Kid Buu regained himself, however, Applejack landed in front of him and held her hands close to his chest, though as her opponent slowly understood what was going on she released a ki blast that tore into his body and broke up some of the landscape behind him. Once the deed was done she backed away from the small blast area she had created and kept her eyes open, as not a few seconds later Kid Buu reformed his body in the air above her, where her opponent laughed for five seconds before coming at her again. Applejack jumped backwards as Kid Buu tried to hit her, though that might have been what he was counting on, as Kid Buu moved himself until he was parallel with her and loosed a beam of ki energy at her... one that Applejack replicated immediately.

The area around them caught on fire as their two attacks collided with each other and they continued heading away from the small crater Applejack had made, though when Applejack jumped out of the fire and landed on the ground, however, Kid Buu surged towards her and headbutted her. Since the attack had literally no effect on either of them, and they just stood there for a few seconds, Applejack swung her fist into the side of Kid Buu's face, though as he fell away he did the same thing to her. Applejack wasn't phased by the attack, which she guessed was anything side effect of the Avatar state, before she kicked Kid Buu in the chest, stunning him for a moment, and then delivered another kick that sent him flying away from where she was standing... until he turned a part of his body into a sail and stopped himself from moving.

Once that was done Kid Buu charged at her once more and started kicking at her, where she determined that he was aiming for her head, though this time around Applejack simply blocked the attacks that were coming at her as she decided what to do next.

After the tenth kick, however, Applejack ducked backward and let Kid Buu fly over where she was standing, where she spun around and kicked him in the side of his face, which sent him flying again, though as she straightened her body she could tell that her opponent was either getting excited or he was getting worried. It was at that point that Kid Buu started throwing ki blasts at Applejack, who dodged them and threw some back at him in kind, before the area had ki blasts flying everywhere and striking the ground in random locations. The exchange of ki blasts continued like that for a minute before something different happened, which was Kid Buu slamming his right foot into the ground and using his stretchiness to kick at Applejack from below the ground.

Applejack knew that Kid Buu was hoping to catch her off guard and hit her multiple times in the process, but thanks to her connection to the four primordial elements, especially the element of Earth, she could tell where the attacks were coming from and dodged them with little effort... before she slammed her right hoof on Kid Buu's leg, forcing it out of the hole he had created, and punched him in the chest while he was distracted. Kid Buu growled as he leveled his hand with Applejack's back and loosed a large ki blast at her, though she calmly turned around, caught the attack with her right hand, and flung her arm upwards, sending the sphere into the air. She then watched as the sphere detonated after passing through the atmosphere, without damaging the planet, before she turned her full attention back to her opponent, who swung at her with his fist.

As Applejack dodged the attack she noticed that Kid Buu intended to use his antenna like a whip or rope and grab onto her, but instead of allowing that to come to pass she grabbed it with her hand, stopped Kid Buu in his tracks, and swung him around until he went flying into another plateau... which collapsed on top of him as well.

Applejack landed on the ground and waited for Kid Buu to reveal himself again, because she knew that he hadn't shown them his full power yet, before the rocks started to shift and her opponent revealed himself once more. This time around Kid Buu didn't come charging at her or anything, rather his aura flared to life around him, though it was clear that he was thinking at the moment. That was before Kid Buu jumped into the air and flew towards the atmosphere, though when he reached a good distance he stopped and glared down at his target for a few seconds, who was simply watching him at the moment. Kid Buu, with his aura wrapped around him, flew back towards the ground with the intent on smashing Applejack into the ground and forcing her to surrender after his attack, though Applejack saw this attack coming and let her own aura come to life once more... before the two of them sent their fists at their opponent.

The moment their fists collided with each other, however, the entire planet shook around them as a crater formed around where Applejack was standing... though the observers watched as sections of the ground were lifted higher than they had been before the collision, while other sections actually lowered themselves deeper into the ground and a few actually remained where they were standing. Applejack mentally moaned at the shifting of Shin's planet, because she heard the screams of pain that the planet had let out due to the event happening, though she had toned it down so she could actually concentrate and not let Kid Buu score any major hits. Kid Buu, on the other hand, had used the time that she had spent on concentrating on the planet's pain to gather his energy into a large ki ball, though the moment she looked at him he sent it down towards where she was standing.

As Applejack braced herself, so she could intercept the attack and sent it off planet before it did any additional harm, something unexpected happened... though it was something that she should have seen coming since the fight started.

"It looks like you could use some assistance," a voice said, to which Rainbow appeared next to Applejack and raised her right hand towards the sphere, almost as if she had something planned, "Hakai!"

Applejack watched as the sphere of energy was seized by Rainbow's power, to which the entire sphere started to disintegrate until there was absolutely nothing left, where they both noticed that Kid Buu seemed completely shocked by what had happened. It was at that point, however, that Applejack noticed something that Rainbow was holding in her left hand, something that she immediately recognized the moment she laid eyes on it. Rainbow, on the other hand, smiled as she shifted the dark purple colored lance into her right hand, pulled her arm back like she normally did, and threw it through the air, where the ground broke apart as her attack traveled through the air. Kid Buu, realizing that something was coming his way, focused his energy and caused a pink spherical barrier to phase into existence around him... though as the lance struck the barrier, however, it immediately put a crack in Kid Buu's energy as it pushed him backwards.

Rainbow and Applejack watched as Kid Buu finally collided with one of the sections of rock that had been forced to rise out of the ground, where the barrier shattered and the lance bit into Kid Buu's body... which was followed by the lance detonating its payload and consuming the entire area around Rainbow's target. As the lance started to detonate, however, the sisters backed away from the area they were in and watched as their opponent was consumed by the blast, generating winds that would have made Gale extremely jealous if she had experienced the wind for herself. It was easily a hurricane level wind they were feeling, the strongest that Rainbow had ever produced when she used the lance in battle, though when the smoke cleared Applejack was surprised by something... and a little annoyed at the same time.

Goku, Vegeta, and the other observers were shocked by the crater that was resting where Kid Buu had been, because it wasn't twice or even three times as big as the usual crater that was formed when the lance was used... but rather it was five times as big, leaving a giant crater etched into Shin's planet.

"I... I don't believe it. That's five times as big as your ordinary lance," Applejack commented, taking in the destruction that rested before her, while at the same time doing her best to ignore the cries of the planet, which was exceptionally hard considering the hole that her sister had punched into the ground, "When did you find the time to even make a lance, without either me or Kid Buu finding out?"

"The two of you were busy with your fight and weren't even paying attention to me," Rainbow replied, though while she didn't care why Applejack was so upset, as Shin and the Old Kai could easily fix this when they got back, she was amazed by how powerful the lance had become thanks to her Avatar state, "besides, the moment you started fighting, and stopped paying attention to me, I started powering up the lance... though I can't wait to see the looks on our father's face when he sees how powerful my attack has become."

"If this is the Lightning Lance's damage, while its empowered by destruction energy, then I don't think we should use the other attacks at all," Applejack stated, because she could already imagine the destruction the four Primordial Dragons could cause if they were all empowered like Rainbow's lance had been.

"Lighten up Applejack, its only a temporary hole in the ground," Rainbow said, though at the same time she chuckled as she noticed what was happening above the massive crater, because while she had been hoping for a victory she knew what the outcome of her lance hitting Kid Buu would actually be, "and, just like the last time, he's getting back up to have another shot at us."

"You aren't mad that he survived the explosion?" Applejack inquired, because Rainbow had been annoyed when both Frieza and Cell had survived her first attempt at using the Lightning Lance on them, but this time she seemed oddly calm about the entire situation.

"I've accepted that my first ultimate attack will never actually kill anyone on the first attempt," Rainbow replied, though at the same time she glanced up at the sky, where the storm clouds were starting to form, which Applejack noticed as well, "but who knows, maybe one of the other attacks will be the end of Kid Buu. Besides, I was getting bored of just watching you fight, so I'll be attacking him as well."

Applejack knew what Rainbow was talking about when she mentioned the other attacks, as the two of them had three ultimate attacks, two of which belonged to Rainbow and the third belonged to her. There was the Lightning Lance, one of the stronger attacks they had, though they also had the Wrath of the Thunder God and the four Primordial Dragons, both of which Applejack assumed could easily level a mountain if they were empowered by the destruction energy they were both using. Normally she would have hoped that they wouldn't have to resort to using such extreme measures, but considering that their opponent was Kid Buu, and the fact that Rainbow was already preparing the Wrath, Applejack sighed and hoped that Shin's planet would be willing to lend them some aid so she could use the Primordial Dragons.

A few moments later, after Kid Buu had restored his body to how it had been minutes ago, he jumped off the rock peak that he was standing on and flew towards where the girls were standing, though when he got close to them they both jumped away from him and allowed him to follow them this time. The reasoning behind leaving the hole was because Applejack didn't want a powerful stray attack to hit the center of the massive crater, because it would just put someone one step closer to hitting the core of Shin's planet, which was something they wanted to avoid. When they reached a point that was far enough away from where the large crater was located, and both sisters agreed on the location, they turned around and punched Kid Buu in the chest, who was stunned by the sudden attack.

As Kid Buu staggered backwards for a moment, however, Rainbow took advantage of the situation and started unleashing a series of punches and kicks on his body, similar to her sister's Harvester's Barrage, only she didn't bother to name this type of attack and didn't end her assault with her hooves hitting her opponent's chest. A few more hits later Rainbow pulled back and let Kid Buu have some room to regain himself, though as he did so Applejack flew towards him, flipped over him, and hit his shoulder with one of her legs, sending him flying towards the ground. As Kid Buu hit the ground, which sank a few inches, Rainbow and Applejack bombarded him with ki blasts that tore the area around him to pieces... though when he attacked they went on the defensive almost immediately and started blocking his attacks.

As the trio moved through the air, however, the force of their attacks caused some of the sections of rock to vibrate while a few of them even cracked under the pressure they were feeling. Eventually Kid Buu decided to try a different tactic, to which he balled himself into the form of a ball and sought to knock one of the girls into the numerous rock sections that rested around them. Thanks to their speed, given to them by ascending to the Avatar state, the girls were able to able to avoid the attacks and cause Kid Buu to slam into the walls around them without actually hitting them, which had to be annoying Kid Buu every time he missed them. This also came to a rapid end as Kid Buu collided with the ground and left a decent sized crater behind, though when he came back up he simply floated into the air and glared at the girls.

"He annoyed with us," Rainbow commented, though she smiled as they stood there, because sooner or later Kid Buu was going to do something that would ruin his chances at beating them, or would have ruined his chances if he actually had any to begin with.

"Of course he's annoyed," Applejack said, though at the same time she brought her hands together by the right side of her body and started gathering a small portion of her ki, to which a ball of energy formed as Kid Buu started flying towards them, "He's supposed to be one of the strongest creatures in the entire universe, but its clear that he's never fought someone who uses this type of energy before. He has almost no idea how to beat us, save for constantly attacking us until one of those attacks takes one of us out."

Rainbow watched as her sister released a Kamehameha at Kid Buu, to which their opponent was completely consumed by the attack as the sky lit up like a firework display... though when the light faded, and Applejack lowered her hands, they watched as the pieces of Kid Buu reformed into an army of himself, where they unleashed a storm of ki blasts in their direction. Fortunately Applejack had just the move to avoid taking damage, as she called upon her energy once more and a Spirit Barrier phased into existence around her and Rainbow, forming a dome around them that prevented any of the ki blasts from touching them.

After a couple of moments of trying to hit them, and do any sort of damage, Kid Buu finally stopped firing ki blasts and pulled himself back into a single body, where he watched as the dome disappeared and his two opponents emerged completely unharmed, which only infuriated him even more.

"When do you think I should inform him that I've got another destructive skill waiting to be used?" Rainbow asked, though at the same time she was amused by the fact that Kid Buu hadn't noticed the storm brewing above them all, and then she smiled when a bit of thunder sounded and their opponent still ignored it.

"Let me distract him again, then I'll use the Basilisk Hold on him," Applejack replied, though when she considered who their opponent was she had no idea how long the hold would last before Kid Buu broke out of it, before she glanced at her sister, "If we're quick enough we might be able to trap him between the Wrath and the Primordial Dragons... which might actually destroy him with all the elemental power that we'll have called into existence."

"I like the way you think Applejack," Rainbow said, to which she jumped backwards and left Applejack and Kid Buu alone for the moment, though at the same time she knew it was only a matter of time until she attacked again.

Applejack stared at Kid Buu again and flew towards the ground, forcing her opponent to follow her and fight her closer to one of the sections of ground, to which the two of them exchanged punches with each other as the air around them shook under the intensity of their blows. Kid Buu went on the offensive and threw a large number of kicks and punches at Applejack, who simply used the speed and power of the Avatar form to avoid some attacks and block other ones from reaching her. It appeared that not being able to hit an opponent, and deal some damage, was what really irritated Kid Buu, because the more he missed the more he ignored everything that was around him as he focused on fighting her... which meant that Rainbow's attack would go unnoticed until it was too late to stop it.

A minute or two passed before Applejack heard the roar of thunder that came with Rainbow's attack, to which she heard the sound of rain and watched as it started pouring around them, though at the same time she let a little smile appear on her face as Kid Buu looked around in confusion. Applejack used Kid Buu's confusion to flash behind him and rest her hand on his shoulder, but as he noticed the touch, and tried to move, he found that she had stunned him and immediately started to struggle against the Basilisk Hold. She also took the opportunity the quickly carve the four elemental symbols into the ground around him, like she had against Cell, before backing away from Kid Buu.

The moment she vacated the area around their opponent, however, Rainbow flashed into the area that was close to where the Wrath was gathering and held her hand out, to which the serpent emerged from the clouds and coiled around her body... though this time, instead of a blue colored lightning serpent, the Wrath was colored dark purple, signifying her connection to the destructive power she now commanded. As the Wrath phased into existence, however, Kid Buu managed to snap his head out of the hold that Applejack had placed upon him, though he actually stopped moving entirely when he noticed the large lightning dragon hovering in the air around Rainbow. A few seconds later Applejack landed on the ground and let her ki flow through the air, to which the four elemental symbols lifted into the air and moved away from where Kid Buu was standing at the moment.

Rainbow grinned as the four symbols came to life and their respective elements gathered around them, forming the four elemental serpents that made up the Primordial Dragons, though once they were completely formed, and nothing was falling apart, they simply waited for the command. Applejack, on the other hand, noticed that the four elemental versions of Shenron were slightly larger than when she used this technique against Cell, though she assumed that this was because of the fact that they were on Shin's planet and not Earth. Either way it didn't matter, as she spotted some dark purple spots on her dragons as well, meaning that they also possessed a little extra power... though Applejack waited for a few seconds before raising her hand into the air, where the four dragons raised their heads.

A few moments later, however, Applejack waved her hands towards Kid Buu and the four dragons surged into action, their elements ripping the ground beneath them apart as they raced towards their target... though at the last second, before they collided with Kid Buu, Rainbow's Wrath burst out of the sky and raced towards their opponent, where the five dragons struck their target at the same time and detonated with an explosion that rocked the entire area they were fighting in. The force of the explosion made Goku and Vegeta brace themselves against the plateau they were standing on, because they were shocked by the sheer power that the girls were using, while Rainbow and Applejack simply stared at the large crater in the ground and waited... while Applejack, once again, winced when she heard the planet's cries of pain.

"Wow... they're strong," Goku commented, looking at the damage that the two pony girls had caused to the planet, in addition to what Kid Buu had done when his fist collided with Applejack's earlier, "but even after all of that damage, and all of that destruction, Kid Buu still isn't dead... or is he?"

"No, he's still alive," Vegeta replied, surprised that Kid Buu could even survive an assault from both Rainbow and Applejack, who were empowered by their Avatar states, but he also knew that their opponent was too stubborn to die, "Kakarot, I have an idea on how to stop Kid Buu, but I need to ask Shin and Dende something."

Goku looked at his companion for a moment, wondering what sort of idea he had thought up, before he nodded and turned his attention back to the girls as they waited for Kid Buu to show himself.

Shin, Dende, can you hear me? Vegeta asked in his mind, knowing that one of them had to be waiting for him and Kakarot to contact them at some point, especially since Kid Buu was still a threat.

Yes, we can hear you, came Shin's reply, though at the same time Vegeta could hear Dende confirming the same thing a few seconds later, while also hearing a bit of shock in their voices, We've already gathered the seven Dragon Balls and are waiting to hear what wishes you want us to make.

A quick question, Vegeta said, remembering something about the wishes that Porunga could make, or rather he focused on how many people the Namekian Eternal Dragon could bring back to life, Does the Namekian Eternal Dragon still revive only a single person per wish, or did Elder Moori modify Porunga's power since we last used him?

There was silence in his mind for a moment, allowing him to hear the sound of Rainbow and Applejack engaging Kid Buu when he finally emerged from the crater, before his mind tingled and he felt Shin speak with him again.

According to Elder Moori he already upgraded Porunga's power since Dende went to Earth, Shin answered, though his tone indicated that he was watching the fight and was wondering something, So when we summon Porunga, which will be in the next minute or two, what wishes should we give him?

First, we need to wish back the Earth to the way it was before it was destroyed, Vegeta replied, as he also remembered the reason why they couldn't wish back Krillin after Frieza had killed him, as Namek had been destroyed, Then, once the Earth has been restored, we'll need to wish back everyone that has been killed since the start of the World Martial Arts Tournament, except for the really bad ones like Dabura and Babidi.

And the third wish? though this time it was Dende that asked the question, indicating that he had been listening to the conversation and was simply curious about something.

I have something in mind, but we should focus on those two for now, Vegeta answered, though that was before he smiled for a moment, because he remembered a specific attack that Kakarot had used against Nappa and Frieza.

As Shin, Dende, and everyone with them focused on summoning Porunga, and making the two wishes that Vegeta had told them to use, Vegeta turned towards his companion for a moment, who glanced at him in turn.

"Kakarot, we're going to make a Spirit Bomb and blow Kid Buu to pieces," Vegeta stated, though he held a hand up to stop his companion from protesting, as there was something they needed to clarify, "We're going to have Mr. Satan ask the newly revived people of Earth to share their spirit energy with us, or more specifically you, thus allowing us to create a very powerful Spirit Bomb that will no doubt destroy Kid Buu."

"That is a very well thought out plan," Goku replied, though there was a smile on his face that told Vegeta everything he was feeling at the moment, before he placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, "I'll begin gathering what energy I can to form the bases of the Spirit Bomb... and then I'll start adding the energy I get from Mr. Satan asking the people of Earth for their assistance in stopping Kid Buu. Though that reminds me, they still have no idea about his constant name change, so we'll have to ask them for their help in stopping 'Majin' Buu."

Allow me to help you as well, another voice said, though both Goku and Vegeta immediately recognized that the voice belonged to King Kai, indicating that he was speaking to them through their mind, I'll help you speak to the people of Earth... or Mr. Satan, if you prefer to have him speak for you.

Vegeta nodded and glanced over at Mr. Satan, who was standing nearby with Majin Buu, to which he flew over to him, picked him up before he had a chance to complain, and brought him over to where they had been standing moments ago, though Majin Buu simply stood where he was standing and watched the fight unfold. As Vegeta moved through the air he explained the situation to the man, knowing that he needed to play on his want for attention, which annoyed him a little bit, but in the end the man seemed to have a firm understanding on what was being asked of him, even if he claimed that this was a 'powerful dream'. Goku watched all of this happen for a few seconds, before smiling as he floated into the air and raised his hands into the air, where he prepared himself to receive the energy necessary to construct the Spirit Bomb.

"D... Do you hear me, people of the Earth?" Mr. Satan asked, though while his face indicating he had no idea if this was even going to work, his voice carried the same tone that he used whenever he spoke to a large crowd of people, which he imagined he was talking to at the moment, "It is I, Mr. Satan, and I am speaking to you from another place, where I and some select allies are fighting the terrifying Majin Buu. I'm going to be honest with all of you, Majin Buu's strength is even greater than Cell's was, but I have a plan that will ensure the downfall of Majin Buu; raise your hands to the sky and share your energy with me! I won't lie, sharing your energy with me will tire everyone out, but I will use the power of everyone on Earth to destroy this foe and ensure the safety of our home!"

Vegeta nodded and watched as the first bits of energy came into the area around them, as the Spirit Bomb phased into existence above Kakarot's head and quickly grew to the size of the other Sayian's body, though he figured that this had to be from those they had rescued from inside Super Buu. When the energy from Bulma's group arrived the sphere enlarged a little bit more, though it appeared that the people of Earth were starting to raise their hands as well, thanks to Mr. Satan's 'request'. The main reason they knew that the Earthlings were helping them was because King Kai allowed them to hear something that was being broadcast from the planet, which was the people of Earth chanting Mr. Satan's name as they raised their hands to the sky.

As Kid Buu was forced into the ground once more, however, Vegeta watched as the Spirit Bomb started to swell up and rapidly increased in size, almost looking like a light blue sun by the time all of the energy from Earth had finished merging with the original ball.

"So that's what they were planning," Applejack commented, though she smiled for a moment when she saw the large ball of energy form above Goku's head, while at the same time feeling the power that it contained, "That should be more than enough power to beat Kid Buu."

"Let's make sure that he gets hit with it," Rainbow replied, to which she and Applejack burst into the air and headed towards where their opponent was standing, who was having trouble keeping up with their speed and power.

The girls flashed into the area surrounding Kid Buu and punched him a few times, though while he was in a daze they both grabbed onto onto of his arms, heaved him backwards for a moment, and then tossed him in the direction of the Spirit Bomb. The instant Kid Buu was in the air, and had regained himself after traveling away from where the girls were standing, he noticed that neither of them were coming his way again, though that was seconds before he noticed that the area around him was getting brighter. Kid Buu turned around and spotted a massive sphere of energy coming right towards him, to which he held his hands up and braced himself against the energy that threatened to overtake him... while at the same time attempting to avoid being pushed back towards the ground.

Rainbow and Applejack watched Kid Buu and Goku duke it out for a few seconds, their energies pushing the Spirit Bomb between them, before it actually started heading towards where Goku was floating, but neither of them were particularly worried about this development. Vegeta, who was watching Kid Buu the entire time, realized something almost immediately and conveyed the third wish to Dende, where he felt the reply happen. Rainbow and Applejack landed on the ground, directly in a diagonal line with both Kid Buu and Goku, before they stood beside each other and raised their one of their hands into the air, Rainbow using her right hand while Applejack used her left hand. Together the two sisters called upon their energy one more time and merged it into a large ball of ki energy, one that they had seen their father use when he blew up a planet... though their ball looked more like a sun than the Spirit Bomb did.

Once the sphere was complete they pushed the sphere into the air and it went flying towards Kid Buu's backside, who barely had time to shift the right side of his body towards them... to which they trapped him between their attack and the Spirit Bomb, where Kid Buu's left hand was resisting the power of Goku's attack and his right hand tried to resist the attack the girls had created.

Vegeta smiled as he watched the display of power going on in front of him, Mr. Satan, the dog known as Bee, and the original Majin Buu, because Kid Buu was trapped between the Spirit Bomb and a Sphere of Destruction, though there was nothing he could do to escape from his fate. As the two spheres drew closer together he could hear Kakarot saying how he would have loved to fight Kid Buu again, as a good guy, and that if such a thing were to happen he would gladly await that day with a smile on his face, which made Vegeta chuckle for a moment. Not a few seconds after that Kakarot's energy returned in full force, allowing him to go right into his Super Saiyan state and further empower the force he was using to push the Spirit Bomb... though this time it had the effect that they were all waiting for.

Kid Buu was forced to watch as the two spheres of energy continued to pull closer to the center of his body, though the moment his hands slipped into the spheres, however, he could feel the two energies tearing away at his arms. Kid Buu screamed as the two spheres finally collided with each other, with him at the center, though that was the last thing he did as the spheres detonated their payloads. That was swiftly followed by a massive explosion happening between where the girls and Goku were standing, one that rippled through the air and shook the entire planet... but when the smoke finally cleared, however, everyone smiled as they discovered that Kid Buu had been completely erased from the universe.

Goku smiled as he powered down to his base form and landed beside Vegeta, who was smiling after all the effort everyone went through to save everything they cared about, before they looked at the sky for a moment. The two of them then watched as Rainbow and Applejack surrounded themselves with their auras before they were concealed from view, though when the energy disappeared the duo discovered that the sisters had powered down as well, as they were wearing their gi and not the godly getup they had been wearing during their fight with Kid Buu. Vegeta noted that both Rainbow and Applejack looked a little exhausted from their ordeal, which made sense considering how much of a strain using that type of energy must have put on their bodies, but he was glad to see that they were fine.

Everyone also had to laugh when Mr. Satan asked if Kid Buu had finally been defeated, though he did share the good news with the people of Earth while the true heroes relaxed for a moment... though they all knew that they would have to go back to Earth and do one thing to ensure that the Earthlings forgot what had transpired since Babidi put his terrible plan into action.

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