• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Prelude: The Power of Ki

A month had passed since Champa and Vados had paid Beerus and his daughters a visit, though the God of Destruction was pleased with the knowledge that his brother had yet to return. Whis had resumed training Rainbow and Applejack, showing them some of the lower level moves that he had taught Beerus so long ago, and now no longer used, to which he always gave them a light smile whenever they did something right. When they messed up an attack he simply had them repeat it, though if they failed it one too many times he'd have them both run laps around the planet before they picked up the attack again. There were also occasions where Beerus would show them a few combinations he used in battle, against the enemies that could actually entertain him, though it would take some time before they got anywhere near mastering his moves.

Beerus had to admit it, the girls were definitely learning to the best of their abilities and were growing in strength with each passing week, though at the moment he knew that they were just as powerful as the people of Planet Lu'zar and those were some of the weakest people he had fought in a long time. Despite the fact that their strength was slowly growing each week, thanks to only three days of training each week, they were still making progress, which he could be happy with. Even with the progress that Rainbow and Applejack were making there were some bumps in the road, as he, Whis, and Chronoa had noticed Rainbow's anger rise whenever she consistently failed to hit her target, resulting in the same lightning blast that was released when her hands finally struck her target.

The three of them agreed that she was constantly manipulating her ki, still on accident due to her anger, and that they needed to teach her to control herself, least she accidentally hurt her sister one day. In order to counter the anger inside Rainbow, and calm her down, Chronoa had come up with two methods to help her; one of which was the art of meditation, which she taught to both of the girls so they would be on the same page, while the second was to hand her a book that she had discovered. The book, titled Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone, was actually another item from Universe Thirteen, as she had spotted it one afternoon when it was heading for the Time Nest and had stopped it in its tracks.

At first she had been confused as to why a book would have been thrown out of its home universe, but when she noticed that Rainbow calmed down when she started reading it she decided not to question it... though she did request that it be given back one day so she could have someone make up some new stories for her, just so Rainbow didn't get bored of reading the same book over and over. The moment Rainbow finished the book she handed it back to Chronoa, though not three days later it was returned to her with the promise that more would be heading her way in the future.

Applejack, on the other hand, used her free time to either meditate along side Whis, and occasionally her father, or get in some extra practice with her dummy, so she could be prepared for whatever was thrown at them.

Beerus watched them with a look of pride in his eyes, because no matter what he or Whis threw at them, in regards to their training, they always managed to eventually come out on top, which was always followed by Whis telling him it was like history was repeating itself before his eyes. Beerus remembered all of his training sessions, where he overcame whatever Whis could throw at him, and guessed that the girls really did take after him, even if they didn't know it. Even Chronoa was impressed by the amount of progress they had made in getting through the basics of what Whis and Beerus had to offer them, knowing that the road was going to get tougher when they were older.

Even after a month of training and meditation Beerus had no idea if either of the girls were ready to begin learning about ki and how to use it in battle, but considering the pace they had already set for themselves he guessed that it was only a matter of time until they eventually reached this spot. Once the fourth week since Champa's visit had finished the group of five retired to the dining room for the evening meal, though this time Beerus had something that he needed to tell the girls.

"Is something on your mind dad?" Applejack asked, as she had noticed a look on her father's face that she hadn't seen for some time, which caused everyone else to stop and look over at Beerus.

"There's something that you and Rainbow need to know," Beerus replied, setting down his own utensils as he looked across the table and stared at both of the girls, "All three of us are quite pleased with the progress that you have made over the last five weeks, baring my brother's interruption anyway, and we have all reached the same conclusion; its time that you begin to learn how to manipulate and control your ki."

"That's so awesome!" Rainbow exclaimed, clearly pleased by the idea of being able to learn and control her ki, something that had been bothering her every time she accidentally blew something up with the lightning that gathered around her hands, which was generally a rock that was sitting behind her target.

"Indeed it is," Beerus said, having already known ahead of time that Rainbow would enjoy the opportunity to get her ki under control, "but we will not be practicing on this planet."

"Really?" Applejack asked, noticing that Rainbow looked a little disappointed at the mention of not practicing near their home, "Then where will we be practicing?"

"I asked Chronoa and Whis to check with the Supreme Kai and see if there was a planet void of life nearby," Beerus answered, to which Whis summoned an image of a brown planet that appeared to be mostly made up of earth with a few rivers dotting the landscape, "Now then, this planet does have oxygen and everything else that's essential for breathing, so that's something we won't have to worry about. Nor will we have to worry about wild animals trying to eat up or locals trying to kill us... this planet is pretty much a dead planet that I'll get around to destroying. Until that day comes we have free reign to practice there, all thanks to Chronoa explaining to him why we needed a spare planet to practice on."

"He's just happy that you'll eventually get around to obliterating it once we're finished training there," Chronoa said, though secretly she was pleased that Beerus had acknowledged her part in all of this.

"If he says so," Beerus commented, before letting out a sigh as the girls faced him, "Tomorrow morning we'll head to our personal training grounds, thanks to the Supreme Kai, and then we'll start teaching you how to manipulate your ki. Of course we'll have to start with the basics, just like we did with hand to hand combat, but based on what we've already seen you should be able to grasp the basics with ease... then we'll get to move on to the fun stuff."

What he was referring to was getting the girls to develop their own techniques using their ki, because at their current level it would take them ten to twenty years before they were ready to learn even one of his techniques. He was sure that Rainbow would enjoy his more powerful techniques, but right now neither of them were ready for something so powerful and destructive. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day, because they would be able to get a glimpse of the power that had to be sleeping inside both Rainbow Dash and Applejack, allowing them to shape their training accordingly.

Once the evening meal was over the girls brushed their teeth before doing whatever appealed to them, which meant that Rainbow could read her books while Applejack meditated, but after some time they grew tired and returned to their rooms, where they wished their father, Whis, and Chronoa a goodnight before heading to bed. Neither one of them noticed Whis and Chronoa talking to each other as they closed their bedroom doors behind them, though they were asleep the moment their heads touched their pillows.

When morning arrived Beerus and his daughters were eager to meet it, as the three of them were busy tearing through the morning meal mere moments after Rainbow and Applejack left the washroom. The three of them were excited for what the morning would bring, because the girls were finally going to learn to tap into their ki and potentially learn some interesting techniques of their own. Whis stood nearby, watching the three of them eat while he patiently waited for their last arrival to arrive, though Chronoa had promised to arrive before the group departed for the planet that the Supreme Kai said that they could practice on.

Both Whis and Chronoa agreed that the girls needed more than martial arts training, which was why they had agreed to teach them the things that Beerus would not teach them himself, though they decided to wait until after the girls went through some ki training... especially considering what Rainbow could do when she was angry.

Once Beerus and the girls were done with breakfast they immediately headed to the washroom and cleaned their teeth, which was something that Whis was usually forced to tell Beerus about after a meal, though the attendant was happy to see that the girls were having a positive effect on his Lord. The trio came back out a few minutes later and the group retired to the room where Whis usually shared the news with Beerus, though in the last month they had added a few more chairs for both of the girls and Chronoa. It had become a room where they generally gathered so the girls would know what was going to happen that day, though seeing how they already knew what today's plan was they were merely waiting for Chronoa to arrive... though while they waited Rainbow took out her book and continued from where she left off.

Not a few minutes after the girls got settled Whis heard a knock on the door, though this time all four of them walked to the front of the temple to meet their guest... to which everyone, excluding Whis, was surprised to find someone else standing beside Chronoa. The person happened to be around the same height as Chronoa, though he had purple colored skin, lighter than the color of Beerus' skin color, and a white mohawk. Rainbow and Applejack assumed that this had to be the Supreme Kai that everyone had mentioned the previous day, though they gave him a smile anyway.

"Good morning Lord Beerus," the Supreme Kai said, offering Beerus a bow as he spoke, as he already knew that it was unwise to anger the God of Destruction... no matter how small he might have changed in the last five weeks.

"Likewise Supreme Kai," Beerus replied, nodding his head for a moment, before turning his attention to Chronoa, "I take it you invited him to join us on our outing?"

"Actually, I politely asked her if I could come along," the Supreme Kai commented, though as he said the words he turned his attention to Rainbow and Applejack, "I had heard that you were raising two girls as your daughters and that they had already met the God of Destruction from Universe Six, so I decided that it was time that I met them for myself... and see if they take after their father."

"I see," Beerus said, waving a hand to the girls, despite the fact that the Supreme Kai was already looking at them, "These are my daughters, Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Girls, this is the Supreme Kai of Universe Seven."

"Please, call me Shin," the Supreme Kai said, reminding the girls of their first meeting with Chronoa, "we can save the titles for when they are much older and know more about how the universe works."

"If you say so," Beerus commented, turning back to Whis and beckoning for everyone else to join them, "Well then, gather around Whis and we'll begin the journey to Planet Meka... where I'm sure we'll all have some fun."

Rainbow and Applejack immediately moved to Whis' side, eager to visit the planet where they would be training with their ki, where they smiled at their father and waited for the others to join them. Chronoa smiled and walked up beside the girls, already glad that she had taken the day off from her duties to watch over the girls on the first day of their ki training. Shin looked at them for a moment, marveling at the odd family that the girls already had with Lord Beerus, his attendant, and the Supreme Kai of Time, before smiling and joining them. Whis then tapped his scepter on the ground, to which he summoned the bubble barrier around them, before they disappeared into thin air and began the journey to their destination.

Not twenty minutes later they began their descent to the planet's surface, to which Rainbow and Applejack discovered that they were in what appeared to be some sort of mountain range at the moment. Whis repeated what he had done on Planet Lu'zar, keeping the bubble around them until they were through the atmosphere, though this time the bubble didn't come down until they landed in a clearing that had been made by someone. The girls assumed that one of the adults had done the work that surrounded them, which would make things much easier for their training, and they both grinned as the bubble finally touched the ground, to which it came undone.

"So girls, this is where we'll be practicing with your ki," Beerus commented, looking around the area and finding a decent spot where Whis, Chronoa, and Shin could stand while he taught his daughters, "First we'll start by having you feel for the energy that's inside your body, though once you have a firm grasp on it we'll shift to teaching you how to float and fly. Once you have done that we'll see about the offensive capabilities of ki."

Rainbow and Applejack nodded and stood in front of their father while the rest of the group moved off to the side, though once they were out of the way the girls closed their eyes and focused their thoughts. It was a lot like when they meditated, only this time they were actively looking for their inner ki so they could do what their father wanted of them. They both took into consideration that their father had said that their first lesson in manipulating ki was to fly, which meant that their hooves needed to leave the ground and that they needed to float for some time before they succeeded. It truly wasn't hard for the girls to find their inner ki, not when they had several meditation sessions during the last month, though once they had their hands on their ki they had to figure out how to apply it to flying.

"I'm impressed that they managed that on their first try," they heard Shin comment, though that only served to confuse them and lead to them opening their eyes... to which they discovered that they were staring into their father's eyes.

Both of the girls looked down at their hooves and found that they were no longer standing on the ground anymore, which immediately told them that they had succeeded. Of course they also knew that without their meditation they wouldn't have been able to do this on the first try, though they had to wonder how difficult the following lessons would be.

"It is impressive." Beerus said, though that was when a grin appeared on his face, "though now that you have a grasp on floating in midair, rather nicely I might add, I want you to move around for a few minutes and observe the area. When Chronoa tells you both to return I want the both of you back here, where we'll discuss the next lesson."

Actually manipulating themselves in the air took them a little bit longer than actually learning how to float in the air, but after a few minutes of experimenting, and avoiding hitting their heads on the ground a few times, they managed to get the hang of moving around and started to explore the area. There wasn't much in the immediate area for them to see, especially when the entire place seemed like one large mountain range, but they spent their time slowly flying around the area in a circle. They had been told that the planet was essentially void of life, which appeared to be true seeing how there were no animals or people, but the trees that were scattered throughout the planet provided them with what they needed to survive.

Eventually Chronoa called them back to where their father would be waiting for them, though when they returned to the area, and started to land, they found that Shin was standing where their father had previously been standing... to which they turned towards their father with confusion in their eyes.

"Shin here has requested that he be the one to start you off in learning offensive uses for ki," Beerus told them, though they could both detect a hint of annoyance in their father's voice, which told them that he had really wanted this to be about the three of them, "Apparently I am 'too destructive' and that I would 'destroy' this world with a single ki blast... though I think someone is seriously overstating my abilities when I'm at one percent of my full power."

"I am fully aware that you would not intentionally harm your daughters," Shin commented, though the way he was looking at the girls made them think that he had to be somewhere around their father's level of power, while at the same time he gave them both a smile, "I am fully aware that the two of you have some connection to your inner ki, thanks to what I just witnessed and the meditation that Chronoa told me about, but I want to see how well you are at replicating what I show you."

Shin held his right hand out and beckoned for the girls to pay attention, though after a few seconds they watched as a small sphere of glowing energy appeared in the space above his hand. Not a few seconds later Shin held out his other hand, to which the girls noticed that the same glowing energy was wrapped around his left hand. It reminded them of what their father had done when Whis was taking them away from Planet Lu'zar... before he destroyed it before their very eyes.

"To my left you'll notice that my ki is surrounding my left hand," Shin told them, moving his left arm a bit to show them that the energy was moving with his body, before holding his other hand out, "while in my right hand I am manipulating my ki into a spherical shape. This sphere is referred to as a Ki Blast, which is one of the most common moves that people can learn when they manipulate their ki, though sometimes people only fire one sphere while others tend to fire, say, between ten to thirty in rapid succession. Truthfully, firing these in rapid succession never works, but that doesn't stop the various warriors and fighters of the universe from at least trying it out on their opponents."

Shin then concentrated for a moment and the energy surrounding his left hand disappeared, though that was followed by the sphere growing just a tiny bit. With that done the Supreme Kai turned around and hurled the sphere at the mountain side, though it ended up making a small hole in the rocks once it had exploded on impact. It wasn't as impressive as what their father did, blowing an entire planet to pieces, but it was the second time they had seen someone manipulate their ki in such a manner and they were glad that Shin had showed them something.

"That's basically what I had in mind for this particular lesson," Shin said, turning back to face the girls, "Just focus on your ki, like you did to achieve flight, but this time let it pool into your hands and replicate what I did with my left hand. Once I am satisfied with your progress we can see about shaping ki spheres and throwing them at the mountain side, just like I did with mine."

Rainbow and Applejack nodded their understanding, though this time they decided to stand a few more paces apart from each other so they didn't interfere with each other's practice. It was easy for them to access their ki again, thanks to their previous training, though the harder part came when they had to actually direct their ki to their hands. It took them roughly ten minutes before they managed to get even a faint outline to appear around their hands, though they eventually lost the energy and were sent back to square one.

Over the next hour they worked on calling forth their ki, taking a few moments every now and then to watch Shin repeat the process for them, though both of the girls smiled when the faint outlines finally had a little more added to them. It was a sign that they were getting better at this, though they already knew that it would be some time before they were able to replicate what Shin had done. It actually annoyed Rainbow that they could master the art of flying rather easily, but when it came to creating ki around their hands they had to actually work for it. Applejack, on the other hand, didn't seem to mind not getting the lesson right in the first hour they had spent, as it allowed her to know what they might have done wrong and how they could fix it.

Eventually noon was upon them and the girls were forced to take a break, to which they walked over to where their father and Whis had been standing, where they noticed that a small area had been cleared away and a picnic area had been set up in its place. There was a small container sitting near Chronoa, who was actually busy pulling out a variety of sandwiches, drinks, fruits, and vegetables, just to make sure that everyone had a little bit of everything. Both Rainbow and Applejack picked up some water and a sandwich as they sat down, though they both noticed that their father was already digging into whatever Whis had brought for him.

"I am impressed by your skills," Shin commented, though he sat down next to Chronoa while he spoke, "it usually takes most people a few days to get even the faint line of energy you girls achieved today, though I can see that, with enough training and practice, you'll both begin to develop your own abilities."

"Or sooner if we could get a hang of the basics," Rainbow said, once again sounding annoyed that she and Applejack couldn't get something done on their first few attempts.

"Come on sis, there's nothing wrong with putting some work into our training," Applejack replied, tearing into one of the apples that had been unpacked and laid out for them to take, "I mean, its not like everyone here is expecting us to get everything right the first time we attempt something."

"We got flying done pretty easily," Rainbow threw back, turning her gaze to her sister, "and, as Shin said, manipulating ki into our hands is basically the same thing as how to fly, though instead of sending our ki to our feet we're supposed to send it to our hands. One would think that sending our ki in a different direction wouldn't be this hard for us to do."

"It good for you to practice this lesson, as it teaches you how to properly channel your ki," Whis commented, causing the girls to look at him again, "Think of it this way, in a couple of days you both will likely have a level of control over your ki that most children your age won't have... save for some exceptions here and there."

Beerus could tell that Rainbow was expecting to be able to do something with her ki on her first few attempts, likely because she thought that being the daughter of the God of Destruction meant that she should be able to do things that other children her age couldn't do. He was somewhat pleased that Applejack was taking the practice seriously, and not getting upset that they couldn't complete what Shin was telling them, because she appeared to be some sort of balance for her sister... just like sometimes Whis was his own counter. Rainbow, on the other hand, decided to ignore what Whis said and returned to the area where she and Applejack had been practicing not ten minutes ago. Chronoa and Shin started to get up to bring her back, but this time Beerus held up a hand and stopped them in their tracks, because he sensed that something different was going to happen.

Rainbow let out a sigh as she brought her hands together, though she decided to keep the palms from touching each other while forming what appeared to be some sort of triangle with her hands. Beerus and the others could tell that she was accessing her ki, this time allowing her anger to help her channel her abilities, because this time a faint aura wrapped around her body for a moment. A few seconds passed before they saw the beginnings of a ki sphere between Rainbow's hands, though she remained standing in her current position as she channeled her energy into whatever she was doing. After about a minute Rainbow decided that she had enough and pulled her hands apart, though the action caused the energy to expand and take the shape of a lance, much to the surprise of everyone else.

Beerus stared at the glowing weapon that was made of energy, which seemed to crackle as if it was actually made of lightning, before Rainbow grabbed it with her right hand, spun it around one time, and then hurled it at the area where Shin had thrown his own sphere at earlier that morning. The instant the energy weapon made contact with the rocks it created a small crater around it, roughly the width of three Rainbow's, before it detonated and tore a chunk out of the mountain side. Beerus was impressed by the amount of power such a small attack could cause, though anyone else that saw that would simply think that it was to be expected of one of his daughters.

Once the attack was finished Rainbow fell to her knees and started to sweat, which were the telltale signs of someone using too much of their energy, so Beerus merely sighed and called the training off for now. There would be other days for the girls to properly learn how to harness their inner powers, though he had the feeling that it would be some time before either one of them could attempt something like that again... without becoming exhausted anyway. Still, he knew that Whis and Chronoa had some things they wanted to teach the girls as well, so it was for the best that they held off on ki training for a day when they weren't busy with whatever the two hand planned for them.

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