• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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18: Cockroach Terminator

It had been a few days since Leatherhead sacrificed himself to save all of them, Spike still felt upset from this, Leatherhead was one of the few people who he felt can understand him with the situation he's in, he have not been horribly experiment on like he did, but he and Leatherhead got along almost like best friends, and having him disappear into Dimension X like that was like a gut punch to him. Spike doesn't care how long it will take, he will find his friend one day, and he'll bring him home safe and sound.

Spike and the others were in the kitchen waiting for dinner to be ready.
"Come on Leo i'm starving!" Mikey said getting impatient, Leo had just put some soup in a bowl and handed it out to them.
"Yeah boy! Ramen!" Mikey said as they started eating some of it.
"Earth food is just as amazing as Equestria food." Spike said in delight as they kept eating away at it.

A small cockroach started to the table, it had a camera strapped onto it's back and looked at each of them, Leo and Mikey both had a look of surprise, Spike just casually waved at it, and then it went up to Raph and he saw it on his chopsticks.
"AHHH!!!" Raph shouted as he screamed like a girl.
"Roach! Roach!" Raph shouted in fear as it landed on the table, Raph took out his weapon and screamed as he tried to stab it.
"Holy cow!" Spike shouted as Raph kept trying to kill the thing while it crawled away, Raph screamed as he chased him and Donnie came into the room with a computer.
"Stop, stop! You'll smash him!" Donnie said to Raph.
"That's the idea!" Raph said in anger as the Roach went up to Donnie's hand and crawled up to him.

"You can't smash this roach okay? He's.. special." Donnie said as he rubbed the thing, everyone looked weirded out by this.
"Very special." Donnie said holding it up to them.
"Earth never fails to surprise me with how weird this place can get." Spike said looking at it.
"If you think that's weird. Never watch the Dragonball Evolution trilogy, that trilogy sucks!" Mikey said as he looked like he was traumatized mentioning it much to Spike's confusion.
"You needed like 100 therapy sessions from Donnie after watching those god of cringe movies." Raph added in.

"Moving back on topic.. why is he special Donnie?" Leo asked curious.
"Because i outfitted him with a remote-controlled camera helmet!" Donnie explained pointing at it.
"Well that explains why your special.." Leo joked and Spike chuckled.

"We can send him into TCRI and spy on the Kraang, the camera allows us to see whatever the cockroach sees." Donnie explained as they all looked at the camera and see Raph scream again.
"AHH!!!" Raph screamed as Spike and Mikey laughed at that.
"You scream like a girl!" Spike said pointing at him.
"That is awesome! Big tough Raph's scared of cockroaches!" Mikey said while chuckling.

"I am not!" Raph said annoyed.
"Oh really? Let's go to the video!" Mikey said as he replayed it." This is my favorite part right here!" Mikey said as the camera pauses on Raph screaming again.
"Donnie, can i get this on a T-shirt?" Mikey asked looking at it.
"I'd pay 50 bucks for one of them." Spike said still laughing from this.

"You wanna see my favorite part?" Raph asked looking at Mikey, he then grabbed Mikey and threw him over the table making a loud crash.
"We're going to spy on the Kraang.. with a cockroach!" Donnie announced while it made a squeal.
"Best idea i've heard from you all week!" Spike said as he liked this idea.

Spike and the others were in the shellraiser in the streets, Donnie sent out their little spy-roach to gather any info they can get.
"Come on roach number one make papa proud." Donnie said as he used the camera on the roach, the roach used a Buzzsaw that was attached to it, and it made it's way inside. It crawled around and saw a couple Kraang robots.

"Kraang has been a diet known as gluten free. Kraang has already lost 13 Kraang units of weight." The robot told it.
"Good for him i guess." Spike said confused on that, the roach climbed up to a higher ledge and looked down near a ledge and saw two droids near a picture of the Earth.
"Wait, what are those guys talking about?" Leo asked pointing at them, Donnie zoomed the camera in and they proceeded to listen.

"That which is known as the next phase of the Kraang invasion to the planet known as Earth will soon begin." It said to the other.
"Next phase, that doesn't sound good." Leo said in concern
"That which is known as the laser drill will drill a hole in the planet known as Earth. That is a hole that is 30 miles deep in the Earth." The other explained.
"Doesn't that go down to the planet's core?" Spike asked concerned, Donnie downloaded the footage into his phone.

"Whoa whoa, they're going to pour a hole into the earth?" Donnie asked in fear.
"I'm guessing that's bad?" Leo asked.
"Well unless you think the city needs a giant lava fountain." Donnie said looking at him.

"Yep that's bad." Leo said looking at the photo.
"If your a dragon that's not much of a problem." Spike added.
"Goodbye harsh winters." Raph said as well.
"Lava surfing rules." Mikey added as well.

"It definitely doesn't Mikey, we have to stop this." Leo said determined, Donnie shushed them and they kept listening.
" to execute the plan the Kraang needs to possess that which his known as the diamond lens to make the work of the drilling of the laser drill." The droid explained some more.
"What does that mean?" Raph asked confused.
"They need a diamond lens to make their laser drill work. now shh!" Donnie shushed as they kept listening.

"Kraang is already on their way to that which is called the laboratory that is having the lens that is needed by Kraang." The robot said again.
"What?" Raph said confused again and Donnie sighed.
"One of them is going to go to the lab and get it!" Donnie explained again.
"Which lab?" Raph asked again.
"Maybe if we listen they'll tell us!" Donnie shouted pulling his arms out, the control moved too much and the roach went falling into a tank of mutagen and the camera went to static.

"Oh great!" Spike said annoyed.
"Thanks a lot Raph, we lost the signal!" Donnie said looking at him. The roach was being mutated as it went through the tank, it's metal parts merged with it and it grew inside and made a roar. It crawled out of the tank and knocked a barrel over which some droids noticed. The camera merged with the roach's eye and it scanned the two robots. In two swift moves, it took down each of them and the brains went away in fear.

The roach scanned through a wall and saw more droids coming in, the roach used it's saw and opened a path through a wall to escape, it turned it's head around and saw the shellraiser. Donnie was working on the plans from the Kraang trying to find out what to do.
"uh huh, i think i found the diamond lab. Now it's a little blurry but maybe we can follow it to the laboratory." Donnie said showing them it.
"We don't have much time till the Kraang drill fires, let's go!" Leo shouted as he and Spike went to the front.

Spike took the wheel again and Leo sat next to him as they started to drive, but not too long after, something big made the van shake.
"Ka thump? That's a really bad sound." Donnie said concerned .
"It sounded more like a ba-dump." Mikey corrected.
"I heard a flap." Raph said with his arms crossed." Flap?" They both asked before he smacked them across their faces.
"Flap." Raph said again with a smirk.
"Let's check what happened." Spike said as they went to the door.

They walked out and found the thing they ran over, they looked over it and looked in disgust.
"What is that?" Leo asked confused.
"Ugh, it smells like a butt sandwich." Mikey said disgusted, Spike and Raph gagged as they looked at it..
"Oh, oh dear. Would you look at that? Hideous, and beautiful." Donnie said poking at multiple parts of it.

"What is it?" Spike asked worried.
"It's my spy-roach." Donnie answered and both Raph and Spike looked shocked.
"Your what? YOUR WHAT?!" Raph asked horrified.
"That things huge!" Spike said as he backed up.

"He must've been exposed to some mutagen, you see how the nab helmet merged with his exoskeleton. The only time a mutant like this happened was when Spike's metal claws merged with his arm, we have never seen matter and inorganic matter fuse in such an amazing.." Donnie said before Raph stopped him.
"That's great Donnie, we can discuss this more when we're driving away at a thousand miles an hour!" Raph said in fear really wanting to leave.

"Come on you big baby, what are you worried about?" Mikey asked teasing him again." We creamed it with our van, it's not like it's gonna get up and come after us!" Mikey mocked.
"Uh, guys?!" Donnie said in fear and they looked and saw he was being held down by the monster, it picked him up and Donnie screamed in terror. The monster used it's camera and looked at them.

"Or.. maybe it can.." Mikey said afraid.
"Ahhh!!!" Raph screamed in fear, the roach threw Donnie to the side and started marching to them. Raph screamed and got into the van, it kept marching to it until Spike, Mikey and Leo jumped in the air to stop it. They all tried to stop it but it still marched to the van.

"This things tough!" Leo said while they were struggling.
"Naturally. Cockroaches are among the most resilient life forms on the planet." Donnie explained.
"And the grossest." Mikey said in disgust, it then wacked Mikey into the wall and he fell into a trash can." Sensitive roach." Mikey said through the can.
"Where's Raph?" Spike asked worried before he came out with a weapon.

"Eat hot man hole cover!" Raph shouted as he shot a manhole at it, the three of them got out of the way as it hit him on the face, Raph screamed in anger as he kept firing at him and it deflected each one. Raph closed his eyes and hit the thing one more time in the face and knocked it out. Raph closed his eyes and saw it was down until it twitched.
"Oh no!" Raph said as he screamed in anger and kept firing at it again and missed multiple times.
"Whoa whoa! Easy Raph, i think you got him!" Spike said trying to make him stop.
"Okay.. okay.." Raph said calming down, he suddenly shot the thing one more time and hit the thing right in the nuts.
"That thing is not having kids..." Spike said feeling bad for it.

"What do we do with it?" Raph asked worried.
"Forget the roach! We've gotta stop the Kraang before they destroy the Earth." Leo explained while they got in the van.
"Leo's right, we gotta go." Raph said in agreement.
"You just wanna get away from that thing." Mikey accused.
"It's that so wrong?" Raph asked annoyed pointing his arms at it, but they all saw it was gone somehow.
"Oh no! It's gone! Come on guys we gotta move!" Raph said pushing them in and Spike started driving the thing again.

Kraang droids were at the lab and two of them were carrying the lens.
"The box which contains the lens is heavier then Kraang thought." One of them said while carrying it.
"There's the van!" Donnie said as they stopped a good distance away and they looked through the camera.
"They must have picked up the lens." Donnie said in observation.

"Ram that sucker!" Raph said to Spike. Spike stepped on the peddle and drove the van at fast speeds. The van was starting to drive but the robots saw the van coming right to them and Spike knocked the car down a great distance, the robots got out and held out they're weapons.

"Halt Kraang!" Leo said with anger
"The halting of Kraang is not a thing that the ones who are the turtles and dragon will be doing to Kraang." One of them counted.
"Wrong!" Leo said before he tried adding more of it and Spike rolled his eyes annoyed.

"Which do we save first? The world or the English language?" Donnie asked curious as Raph dragged the box to them.
"I got the lens!" Raph told them. The Roach mutant jumped out of the air and landed on one of the robots crushing it. Raph screamed in fear and hid behind them, the roach twisted it's neck and held out a gun and started firing at them.

The Kraang droids were firing at it trying to put it down but it had no effect, Raph ran away in fear and the roach raised it's gun and shot all of the bots down.
"Mikey Donnie, you take the roach, Raph, Spike, your coming with me." Leo told them.
"Raph? Raph!" Leo shouted as he wasn't in sight.
"You gotta be kidding me.." Spike said annoyed, Raph was hiding behind a wall in fear.

"All right, roachie, time to meet your maker!" Mikey said twirling his weapons.
"Wait, isn't that me?" Donnie asked confused.
"Exactly, go get em tiger." Mikey answered and pushed Donnie over to it. The monster grabbed Donnie's face and threw him to the side with aggression. Spike and Leo were trying to get the thing to the van, but more droids with wings came in from the skies and stopped them, one of them opened the case and got the lens and flew off

"Oh no the Kraang has the lens again! Oh!" Mikey shouted as he was knocked away by the monster. Leo and Spike were running down an alley trying to avoid more gunfire.
"Raph where are you?!" Leo asked as they kept running.
"This was funny at first, but now it's annoying!" Spike said annoyed as they kept moving. The roach approached the van and scanned it and found Raph hiding behind it.

"Why did it have to be a Cockroach?! Why did it have to be a Cockroach?!" Raph asked himself, the monster moved the van over and Raph screamed in fear as he saw it.
"That is a big Cockroach!" Raph said terrified of it, Donnie jumped in the air and wacked it hard and caught it's attention.
"We're not done with you yet spy-roach!" Mikey shouted as he started to spray it. Mikey kept spraying at the thing while Donnie hit him a few more times with it's weapon, Donnie hit him one more time and Mikey sprayed it again and it was squirming on the ground.

"Yes! Nail him Mikey!" Donnie said in victory. Mikey shook the can again and was about to spray it.. but he was all out.
"Uh oh.." Mikey said in fear, the roach got up and was about to fire at them again.. until a truck appeared out of nowhere and ran the thing over.
"How's that grill taste bug?" Mikey asked in victory. The roach was still alive and put it's hand on the front, the driver screamed in fear and bailed out and the truck kept driving at high speeds and into a wall and it exploded.

"Yeah, woo hoo! Now where's the Diamond?" Donnie asked holding his hand out.
"Raph lost it." Spike and Leo said at once, Spike had the robots head in his mutant hand and crushed it in anger.
"Where were you?" Leo asked annoyed.
"I was busy.." Raph said in defense.
"Busy cowering in terror." Leo finished as Leo put his sword away.

"We have to find that drill before the Kraang cracks open Manhattan like an egg!" Leo ordered again and they started moving again, Raph sighed sadly and followed them. The van drove past the street with the fire and the monster emerged from it with it's red eye glowing with rage as it marched forward.

"You blew it Raph, you gotta get your head together." Leo said while Raph was thinking to himself.
"Your fear of this thing is causing you to slip up, we can't afford that right now." Spike said while he kept driving.
"I know. this stupid phobia is gonna end up getting this whole team killed.." Raph said in frustration..
"Listen i'm.. i'm sorry guys.." Raph said to them and Spike sighed until Donnie talked to them again.

"Guys, here's a map of known Kraang facilities, and here's a map of the vault lines in New york city. Now if the Kraang are going to drill into the Earth's crust.. then this is where they do it." Donnie explained as he showed them an intersection of the markings.
"All right guys, we gotta little more time left before the Kraang start drilling." Leo told them and Raph thought to himself more.
"We still have a shot at this guys, let's not waste it!" Spike said as he stepped on the speed.

The van drove through the streets some more, but in the sewers, the monster was waiting for them and saw the van coming right to it. The van passed over a manhole cover which was opened. they started to hear strange sounds which they confused that.
"What's that sound?" Raph asked confused.
"I don't see anything outside.." Donnie said looking at the camera.

"Uh oh, he's back!" Donnie said as he saw him beneath the van.
"What?! Where?! Where the heck is he?!" Raph in fear looking around before he looked down.
"He's underneath the van! HE'S UNDERNEATH THE VAN!!!" Raph screamed in fear as he jumped in Donnie's arms. The monster sawed through the thing some more until he made the van come to a halt.
"He cut the drive shaft?!" Raph asked terrified.

"How in Celestia's name does he keep finding us?!" Spike asked frustrated as he got out of the seat.
"Hmm.. well he could be using the homing signal i set up so Spy-Roach could find his way back to the van." Donnie suggested.
"There's a homing signal!?" Leo asked really mad as they all looked at him.
"What the hell dude?!" Spike asked mad as well.
"Dude even i would have turned that off." Mikey said as well.

"Well excuse me Mikey i've been a little distracted." Donnie said annoyed before he typed on his computer.
"Maybe i can use the signal to tap into his camera.. to see what he's seeing." Donnie explained pulling up some files.
"None of this makes sense. why is he so mad at us?!" Raph asked frustrated.
"Aaaand.. got it!" Donnie said pressing a button, the camera showed them a repeat of Raph attacking the thing back at the kitchen.
"Oh.. crud.." Raph said in realization.
"Talk about irony.." Spike said in surprise.

"I don't think he's mad at us, i think he's mad at you." Donnie said as the footage was on all the screens.
"Wow, that stinks for someone who's afraid of roaches!" Mikey teased again.
"Irony got it, thanks, now are there any more surprises?!" Raph asked annoyed. A saw suddenly emerged beneath him and he looked horrified.
"HE HAS A SAW?!" Raph asked in fear as he dodged some swings at him.
" THE COCKROACH HAS A SAW!!" Raph said pointing his hands at it.
" WHAT THE HELL?!" Spike shouted in horror looking at it. Leo came behind him and used his sword and sliced the thing off making it spit out black stuff.

"Not anymore. Donnie, the rest of us will keep the roach busy.." Leo explained before Raph stopped him.
"We will?!" Raph asked in fear.
"Yes! You gotta fix the Shellraiser fast, like yesterday fast!" Leo ordered as they went outside.

Raph was cowering in fear as they looked around.
"Hey Spy-Roach, Raph's out here. Come and get him!" Leo announced .
"Really? Your using me as bait?!" Raph asked annoyed.
"Yep." Leo replied, the monster stepped out from under the van and towered over them. Spike and the others dragged Raph away while he was screaming in fear. The monster turned down a path and saw Raph screaming in fear as he was alone. Spike and the others came down with a trash can and slammed it on him, Mikey slammed the can on, Spike punched the thing with his mutant arm, and Leo slammed his head against it. They were all knocked back again as the thing broke free again.

Raph screamed in terror as he started running away.
"Not afraid. not afraid.." Raph said to himself as he slid over a dumpster which the monster knocked over.
"Scratch that! Fully afraid!" Raph screamed as he kept running, Raph jumped over some wet cement and kept on running while the roach followed him, Raph ended up in a dead end and heard a loud crash and started cowering.

"I'm sorry i tried to smash you okay? I'm sorry. i learned a very important lesson. I'll never be cruel again! Just leave me alone!" Raph said in terror.
"One one condition." A deep voice said in response.
"Ah! Anything!" Raph said in horror.
"Be good to Michelangelo." The voice told him.

"Ahh.. what?" Raph asked confused and opened his eyes, and behind him was just... Mikey teasing him again.
"Let him read your comics once in a while." Mikey said in a deep voice. Raph turned around and saw him and gripped his fists in fury.
"MIKEY!!!" Raph shouted in anger as he kicked him very hard in the shell and Raph tried to beat him up.

"Ow! So much for learning your lesson!" Mikey said as he hid behind Spike and Leo.
"You honestly deserved that." Spike said annoyed at his constant bullying.

"Nice job Raph." Leo said patting his back.
"What are you talking about? Where's the bug?" Raph asked confused. Leo turned his head around and they saw the thing had been covered by the cement.
"Ha! Stuck huh? not so tough now are you roachie? your just a.." Raph said before his head suddenly came off revealing nothing inside.
"Hollow shell.. what the?" Raph asked confused as they looked at it.

"He must have molted" Leo said as they looked down.
"They molt?!" Spike asked in shock.
"Yeah, roaches shed their skin when.. they get.. bigger.." Leo said as he saw something.
"Mother of Celestia.." Spike said in horror as he saw it too.
"Dude.. your not kidding.." Mikey said looking at it as well and they all looked horrified.

The monster now had white skin and it's arms had grown long and slimy while they looked terrified, it was by far the most disgusting mutant Spike had ever seen, and he doesn't think anything can top it.
"A Cockroach.. why did it have to be a Cockroach?!" Raph asked again as wings emerged from it's back and it started to fly
"Aaand it flies.." Raph said as it looked at Raph.
"Well we're ******" Spike said in horror.
"Run!!" Leo shouted as they ran away with the monster chasing them.

They were all screaming in terror as they ran through the streets to the van but Raph accidently tripped over, Raph screamed in terror as the monster grabbed him and took off.
"Raph!!" Spike shouted in terror as he was being taken. The monster flew through the air and gave Raph a long disgusting lick on his face and Raph almost puked , the monster dropped Raph into a dumpster and he quickly got out of it, another cockroach came by and Raph screamed as he tried to smash it, the monster flew down and roared at him, Raph screamed and ran off.

"Start the engine! Start the engine!!!" Raph screamed as they got in the van.
"Donnie, did you get this thing working!?" Spike asked getting in the drivers seat.
"We got bigger problems, we gotta stop that drill!!" Donnie said as he showed them they had started drilling. Raph went into the camera and saw it was on screen, he groaned in disgusted before he started firing at it with rage but the shots bounced off of him.
"What the?!" Raph asked in shock. The monster roared and opened the doors but Mikey delivered a kick and knocked it back, Donnie slammed a tank on the ground and Spike drove the thing at fast speeds.

"I had my chance, and i didn't take it.. i just.. couldn't do it.." Raph said frustrated.
"Look on the bright side, in 15 minutes we could all melt in a fountain of lava.. okay that sounded brighter in my head" Mikey said as Donnie typed on the computer again.
"The laser drill is just past the front gate, Kraangdroids are everywhere. Hope you've got a good plan." Donnie told them

"We're gonna ram through the gate and we'll go through there." Spike said with anger.
"Works for me!" Donnie said in agreement, Leo looked over and saw Raph was looking down ashamed of himself.

"Uh oh.. we got company.. again.." Donnie said annoyed as the monster was on the camera, they suddenly felt a large thump from the van.
"What was that?! Where is it?!" Raph asked in fear as they looked around, they heard more stomping for a moment until the monster opened the hatch from above, it grabbed Mikey and he screamed in fear as he took off.
"He's got Mikey!" Donnie said as the camera had it's footage.
"We have to do something!" Leo said to the others, Raph sighed and stood up.

"I'll stop it." Raph told them.
"You don't have to do this just to prove your not afraid." Leo said worried for him.
"I am afraid, but that's why i have to do this.. i'm coming Mikey!" Raph said as he opened a hatch and jumped through it, Spike pulled a lever and lights turned on in a room Raph was in.

Mikey was still being held by the monster as flew after the van, Raph twirled his arm around a wheel and the van turned around and Raph went out of the thing on a bike.
"Hey! You up there! You looking for me?!" Raph asked in anger. The monster threw Mikey down to the van and he quickly got inside and it drove off.

The monster roared at Raph and he quickly proceeded to drive off, the monster took out some bombs from it's chest and started throwing it at Raph who was trying to dodge them. Raph then pressed a button and a shell from around the bike closed above him making him be unseen to the monster who couldn't find him. Raph grinned for a moment until he accidently knocked over some trash cans, the monster saw this and started chasing him again.

He took out some more bombs and threw them at Raph again, Raph grabbed a trash can that had some on it, and he threw it right at the monsters face and they exploded and he went into a wall. Raph turned around and revved the engine before he drove off again, but the monster was still fine and got out and roared in anger.

The van was charging to the Kraang location at fast speeds while the Kraang looked at the map.
"The laser drill just passed the 500 meter mark." One said looking at it.
"Those known as the turtles and dragon are approaching." Another said as the van was driving up fast, the gates started to close and the robots held out their weapons.
"All right guys get ready, we're going in. " Leo warned them, Spike stepped on the gas and the van kept running over some more robots, they managed to reach the door but they had gotten to close and it completely stopped the van and all of them got slammed on the ground a bit.

"Are we in?" Mikey asked weakly.
"No, Raph! We're stuck! It's up to you get to the drill!" Leo said as they couldn't move.
"I'm on it!" Raph shouted as he drove faster, the monster was flying in the skies and landed in front of him.
"This is either gonna be really cool.. or really painful" Raph said as he pressed a button and made the thing go faster. The monster and Raph screamed at eachother as Raph came close to him, the bike drove right above the monsters face and went flying off over the van and gate and it landed on the ground.

"Okay, it was both.." Raph said weakly as he got up and saw the drill. Raph went over and punched a robot's head and looked at the map.
"The laser drill is at 400 meters from the Earths core." One of them explained.
"Not for long!" Raph said in anger as he jumped over to the drill and climbed on top of it. Raph heard another thud and saw the monster was behind him again.

"You've gotta be kidding me!!! All right insect, you think i'm scared of you? I aced your butt twice already, you wanna go for number three huh? Do ya! Come and get me!" Raph shouted as he threw the helmet he had at him and it was knocked far into the sky.

Raph lunged at the monster and it started to fly in the air as Raph repeatedly punched it with anger and slammed it on the machine which moved it a little. Raph and the monster butted heads with eachother before the monster kneed Raph, Raph then bit the monster in it's leg and it roared in anger before Raph uppercut it

The monster recovered and hit Raph back once again, the drill kept going and it was getting closer.
"The laser drill is at 300 meters." The droid said again. They kept on fighting even more as the clock counted down.
"200 meters." The robot said again. Raph screamed in pure rage and delivered another punch to it and knocked it off.
"100 meters." It said again, Raph jumped down and used his weapons to rotate the drill away from the ground and Raph ran along the ball until he was near the laser, he ripped it out and the monster saw him.

"Drill this!!" Raph shouted as he moved the laser to the monster and he kept firing at him until the monster exploded completely, Raph then drilled on the ground a gain and knocked the machine off balance, the helmet came back down and Raph caught it before he got back on his bike and drove off. Raph ran over some more droids and the gates opened.
"Way to go Raph!!" Spike shouted as he started backing up and Raph got back in the thing, the van turned around and it drove off leaving the day saved. The robots ran back to the place until the camera saw a small egg which contained just the head of the monster, which was still alive..

Spike and the others got back to the lair and Spike was congratulating Raph.
"You did a great job Raph, you really saved everyone, you did amazing" Spike said high fiving him.
"He's right Raph, you faced your fear and saved the city. Not bad for a Wednesday." Leo said impressed.
"Faced my fear? I conquered my fear! i looked my fear in the eye, and zapped it into a blimp!" Raph said amazed as he put Mikey down who he grabbed while explaining.
"You really did a great job, here's to hoping we don't see that thing again!" Spike said in victory.
"You said it!" Raph said in agreement.

"So your not afraid of Cockroaches anymore huh?" Mikey asked putting his arm over his chest.
"Nope." Raph said casually
"Good good.. then you won't mind the one i just slipped into your shell.." Mikey teased and Raph's eye twitched. Raph screamed in terror as he ran around with the others laughing at this...

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this one! This is one of my favorite episodes honestly, because it's constantly funny with the jokes of Raph being scarred, i was really looking forward to this chapter and couldn't wait to make it. Hope you liked this chapter and look forward to more!

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