• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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56: The Deadly Venom

We open to a shot of Stockman's lab as he held out one of these strange worms that controlled Slash and Rockwell not to long back as Karai was normal again and restrained to a table.

"Karai, i'm wanting to help you, i finally turned you human again.." Stockman said making more fly buzzes.
"Stockman, if you don't let me go i'll tear both your wings off and shove them down both your mouths!" Karai threatened trying to break free. Stockman didn't listen and slowly brought the brain worm to her and she screamed in terror as it entered her.

"Did it work? I demand proof." Shredder asked impatiently.
"Yes.. master, the parasite has bent her mind to be totally obedient to you, and you alone." Stockman said as he pushed on a button that let her go and she opened up her serpent eyes.
"Karai, attack Ivan Steranko." Shredder ordered which surprised him.
"Ha, snake lady no trouble for Rocksteady, let us do this like the bruises eh?" Rocksteady asked bashing his fists.

Karai hissed in response and jumped off of Stockman's head and leapt all the way over to the side, she threw her sword at him which knocked him off guard, she then landed down and kicked him in the face.
"Big mistake! Now Rocksteady bring out the hammer!" Rocksteady shouted as he tried attacking her, but she was far too skilled for him and held the sword by his neck.
"Stop!.. You have done well Stockman." Shredder said giving him some food while walking up to her.
"But the true test remains, Karai. Destroy Splinter, the turtles, their pathetic human allies, eliminate them, and do a little persuasion to make that dragon join us, i'm sure you'd like to have someone fight alongside you." Shredder instructed.
"Yes.. father.." Karai said as she was in complete control..

We cut back to the dojo where Spike, and Leo were doing a spar against Splinter and Psiona. Psiona wanted Spike to try and get a better hang on his psychic powers so he isn't gonna focus to hard on physical combat.
"Remember son, don't attack directly, focus your powers." Psiona instructed as there were objects all around the room to use.
"Yes mom." Spike said as he took a deep breath while Leo and Splinter took out 2 wooden swords.

Spike focused his mind calmly and raised his snake hand in the air to focus his powers, he felt the objects all around the area and used his powers the best he could. The small objects began to float in the air and swirl around them while Splinter and Leo were fighting eachother.
"Good now, let's see how good your getting." Psiona said as they charged at eachother, Spike pushed his hand forward which made a few of the objects fly to her, Psiona flipped over them and even jumped right off one and backflipped behind him, Spike hissed at her like a snake again and ducked under a tail swipe from her. Spike tried focusing his powers more as he pushed his hands down and sent almost all the objects at her. Psiona moved her head away from the objects who almost hit her and crushed one with her metal claw, she then caught the rest with her own powers to stop all of it.

"Your getting better son, it really warms my heart that you've gotten so much from me.." Psiona said softly as she put the objects down and Spike slithered up to her with a smile.
"Thanks mom, your a great teacher you know that?" Spike asked looking up at her as Leo and Splinter got done as well with Leo beating Splinter because he's still weak from when Slash attacked him when he was controlled.
"I would've taught you all this at a much younger age, our Dragon Lord Torch himself said that i am something else, and i have potential to do great things, maybe even be the next Dragon lord when the time comes." Psiona said chuckling to herself on that.
"Dragon lord Torch? Who's that?" Spike asked curiously which did surprise her that he didn't know.
"You have much to learn son.." Psiona said as they turned to Splinter who was saying some strange words and making hand gestures which made his body glow brightly.

"Master Splinter, what did you do? How did you do that?" Leo asked shocked at that.
"That was amazing.." Spike said in awe as they walked up to them.
"It's a special technique known as the healing hand, would you like to learn it?" Splinter offered which amazed them.
"This would be very helpful for helping others, i'd like to learn it please." Psiona said sitting down.
"Even if i have snake hands, it still is something i should learn, please do." Spike replied sitting down as well.
"Alright, all of you, at once.." Splinter instructed as they all closed they're eyes and repeated the same words he was saying with Jaqueline and the others watching as well.

Casey and April were just leaving the theaters while talking about stuff.
"I thought a little night out would be good for me but, i still can't shake everything that's happened. At least dad's back, i just want a little normal stuff in my life.." April said as she tried finding Casey who snuck up on her and spooked her.
"Casey!" April said annoyed with him.
"The six deadly poisons was cool but i would've smashed that scorpion dude in one hit!" Casey said excitedly as he was doing some fighting poses.
"And yesterday i lost my head, and now i can't walk around because i have no head.." April said sarcastically while Casey was in his own world.
"Not listening to a single word.." April said shaking her head as they went back to her apartment with Kirby watching from the window.

"You wanna know what my favorite part of the movie was?" Casey asked as he went to get his bike.
"I don't know Casey, maybe the nonstop violence?" April asked sarcastically.
"It was the way the hero never gave up, even against all odds." Casey answered which surprised her.
"Catch ya later red, i'm sure your lose head will turn up soon." Casey joked as he clicked his tongue before driving off with April chuckling at that joke.

We cut to a nighttime view where April was seen walking around a strange fog looking worried.
"Hello? Where am i? Who's there.. show yourself!" April shouted as she could hear noises all around the place, she gasped in fear as her vision shattered around her and she saw a huge snake rise up behind her. April screamed in pure fear as she tried to run away before the nightmare finally woke her up and she breathed heavily.
"Oh.. it was just a nightmare... what?" April asked confused as she could feel something on her, she pulled up her blankets and saw dozens of small snakes hissing at her which made her scream in fear.
"April!" Kirby shouted with worry as he immediately went to help her and saw her on the ground with a snake slithering away.

Spike and Jaqueline were sitting with the others in the lair with Jaqueline feeling something was wrong.
"Hey Jaqueline, are you okay?" Spike asked worried as she held her had sensing something.
"I.. i just felt someone having a nightmare, a bad one. I think i need to see who it is.." Jaqueline said as she tried finding out who this person was.
"Help! Turtles! Spike!" Kirby shouted with worry as they saw him entering the place.
"Kirby?" Leo asked shocked as he put April on the ground.

"Snake bite, please help her." Kirby begged looking at them.
"Guys, quick, give her some space." Donnie ordered as he checked on her body.
"She's gonna be okay right Donnie?" Mikey asked hopefully as he saw she had a large bite mark on her arm.
"Oh no.." Donnie said with worry, the other's looked at Spike suddenly which surprised him.
"Hey! I may be a snake, but i would never poison my own friends, or enemy's!" Spike said in defense which did make them feel ashamed for thinking that.

Casey was driving through the streets beat boxing to himself until footbots suddenly landed all around him.
"Whoa! What the what? Footbots!" Casey said seriously as he whacked one away and tried driving off.
"Better warn the guys!" Casey shouted as he pressed on a button a few times before he saw more bots land in front of him and drew they're weapons. Casey put on his mask and shot some taser bombs at them which made them explode and Casey drove off laughing at that. Another one was charging at him and Casey took out some sharp weaponry in front of his bike and jumped off a sidewalk.
"Goongala!!" Casey screamed as he slashed it's arms apart, Casey loaded up a rocket and shot it into the air before slamming down on the bots and destroying them.
"Hahaha! Oh yeah! You better robo check yourselves before you wreck yourselves son!" Casey said in victory as he drove off again like it was nothing special.

Karai was watching the whole thing from a rooftop and decided to attack him, Casey kept on beat boxing to himself right before he heard Karai scream and saw her kick him off his bike.
"Karai right? Never really met, but i like what i'm seeing though, you got a sweet style." Casey teased.
"Oh do you like this?!" Karai shouted as she delivered multiple kicks to him and kicked him back.
"I thought you were one of the good guys! I don't wanna hurt you!" Casey shouted backing up a little.
"Oh but i wanna hurt you, slowly.. painfully.." Karai said menacingly as she drew her sword.

Karai slashed at him and Casey blocked it right before she could while she hissed at him like a snake, Casey flipped over more kicks from her until he sweeped her legs and caught her and had a smug look again.
"I'm not sure if i wanna fight you or ask you out." Casey teased again.
"Not bad Jones." Karai said a little impressed.
"I got plenty of surprises for you sweetheart." Casey said smugly.
"So do i.." Karai said before she backflipped off of him and hissed at him again.

Karai lunged her snake arms at him again and barely avoided them biting him.
"You and Spike are the same type of mutant right? I'm surprised you haven't gone after him yet!" Casey mocked as he was being backed into an alley.
"Oh believe me, once i'm done with you, he's next!" Karai countered as she tried attacking him more until Casey put his stick right in front of her neck.

"It's over Karai!" Casey said trying to hold her back.
"It's not over until i say it is!" Karai hissed as she stepped on his foot which lowered his guard, she lunged her snake hands at him again and it coiled around him and brought him to her. Karai hissed at him again and almost attacked him, before she literally brought him into a kiss which surprised him before leaning into hit before she pushed him back.

"Whoa.. that was crazy.. i mean don't get me wrong it was nice and all, but why are my lips.. num?" Casey asked confused as he was feeling strange.
"The numbness is one of the effects of my venom. Some go faster then others." Karai answered as he could feel its affects.
"First weakness, then paralysis, then.. black out." Karai explained as he was breathing heavily.
"Your the second, now i'm going to poison the turtles, one by one. Then, i'll make Spike join the foot clan, you should've tested out his own venom when you could." Karai said knocking him down as she walked off with Casey poisoned..

Spike and the other's were in Donnie's lab with all of them looking at her condition.
"How serious is it?" Jaqueline asked worried as they saw the venom through most of her body.
"It's getting a lot worse, it's not showing any signs of stopping." Donnie said worried as they saw it through an X ray.
"Bitten by a poisonous snake in her bedroom? It doesn't make any sense." Leo said trying to figure it out.
"Unless it could be.." Spike said in shock as he had an idea, his snake hands hissed at him as he knew what it might be..

"Guys, i got an SOS from Casey's bike, i'm gonna go check it out." Raph announced about to leave.
"Take Mikey and Jaqueline with you." Leo ordered
"Why?" Raph and Jaqueline asked at once.
"Because you might need backup, and i'm busy helping Donnie." Leo answered as they turned back t oApril.
"Just be careful, i've got a bad feeling about this Jaqueline.." Spike said with worry.
"I do to, you just try and help her." Jaqueline said as she kissed his cheek again before going with Raph and Mikey.

"Maybe i should've taken her to a hospital .." Kirby said really worried for her.
"No no you did the right thing Kirby.." Donnie assured as he looked in a microscope and gasped in fear in seeing something.
"What's wrong?" Spike asked getting really worried.
"Non of our anti venoms our working, if i can't come up with an antidote soon.." Donnie said worried on this outcome.
"No no! Don't think that! We have to find something!" Spike said seriously as he looked over her body and tried finding a way to help her.

Raph, Mikey and Jaqueline arrived at the place they got the signal from.
"This is the place where Casey's bike was sending off the signal, maybe we should split up." Raph suggested before they heard a strange sound.
"Dudes listen! You hear that?" Mikey asked as they saw something not to far from here.
"It's coming from over there, come on guys!" Jaqueline shouted as they quickly ran up to a large pile of trash, they pushed them out of the way and saw Casey on the ground really injured.

"Casey! What happened?" Raph asked worried for him.
"Who did this to you?!" Jaqueline asked looking at him, Casey tried answering for them, but he was to poisoned to get a word out of him.
"He's not making any sense.." Raph said with worry.
"I think he's asking you two to kiss his foot, better do what he says!" Mikey encouraged before they pushed him away.
"You do that weirdo!" Jaqueline said annoyed.
"And make yourself useful and grab those legs." Raph ordered as they quickly picked him up and got him back to the van.

Jaqueline and Mikey were checking his body until they saw something on him.
"Oh no.." Jaqueline said in fear as he was bitten.. on his butt.
"I think he's been bit! Your gonna have to suck the poison out brah!" Mikey said to Raph who was driving.
"I'm not sucking the poison out, i'm driving! You suck it out!" Raph countered with annoyance.
"What is it with these bad jokes Mikey?" Jaqueline asked crossing her arms as snakes were slithering around Casey.
"I'm sorry, sometimes jokes just relief me in times of stress!" Mikey said in defense.
"Just do it already!" Raph shouted from the front.

Mikey whimered in fear as he saw the bite mark, he was about to suck it out until multiple snakes appeared in front of them. Raph heard two screams and turned around.
"What now?!" Raph asked annoyed before he saw snakes covering both of them.
"Raph!" Jaqueline shouted in fear as she tried getting them off, Raph gasped in fear as the snakes lunged at him and they all screamed as the van drove out of control and crashed to the side making the alarm go off with more foot bots landing in front of it..

Spike and Donnie were still trying to get the poison out as it was getting even worse
"Any luck Donatello and Spike?" Kirby asked still worried on all of this.
"Nothing.." Spike said with regret as Psiona and Splinter walked into the room.
"Sensei what are you doing? You should still be resting.." Leo advised before Psiona pushed him away lightly.
"Not when April is in danger, not when i have this. An ancient poison draining technique.." Splinter said as he held out a scroll.
"I think Splinter and i can use it to stop the poison, we just need to focus ourselves.." Psiona said as she could understand the language from it.

Leo's phone suddenly went off and he quickly picked it up.
"Raph? Where are you guys? Raph?" Leo asked trying to get a response.
"Hello Leonardo, your brothers are right here, with me." Karai answered from the other side.
"Karai? Is that you?" Leo asked shocked which surprised Spike.
"Karai?" Spike asked shocked quickly slithering up to the phone as well.
"they're not in the best of health, i'm afraid that if you, Donatello and Spike don't come soon, then , Michelangelo Raphael, and Casey Jones will all expire. Come to the old abandoned station, and bring Donatello and Spike with you, especially Spike, i'll be waiting for you." Karai explained as she hung up on them.

"Karai? Karai!" Leo shouted trying to get something more.
"She couldn't have done this willingly.." Spike said in shock as he knew she wasn't like this.
"I brought her here so she could get better! I thought you could save her!" Kirby said upset at Donnie.

"Calm down you two, we have another problem." Leo said trying to stop this.
"There is no other problem! April is the only thing you all should worry about!" Kirby said getting really stressed out.
"I'm doing my best Mr O Neil!" Donnie said in defense.
"Silence! All of you! If i can focus, i may be able to get the poison out of her system." Splinter said looking at her.
"This arguing of yours won't save her Kirby, you need to let us do this." Psiona said looking at him.

"Kirby, stay here. Help Master Splinter and Psiona with all that they need. Come on guys, your with me." Leo instructed as he started to leave.
"We'll be back soon, i promise!" Spike assured as he slithered off with the others quickly.

Psiona and Splinter were now in the dojo with April on a small bed.
"Alright Psiona, repeat after me.." Splinter instructed as they both held out they're hands and closed they're eyes. Psiona focused her powers into this and repeated the words Splinter was saying and using some special hand gestures. Kirby looked at the heart monitor and it was beating rapidly with April groaning in pain.
"April, no!" Kirby said worried as they both kept repeating the words. Psiona's claws began to glow white like Splinter's as they were both putting they're powers into her body which made the monitor beat normally again.

"The poison, is it still?" Kirby asked worried for her still.
"We've stopped it from getting worse, but she is not out of danger yet." Splinter explained with Psiona looking at her.
"She needs to fight off the poison herself." Psiona said seriously looking at her body.

Spike, Leo and Donnie emerged from the water into another part of the sewers.
"This must be where we need to go." Spike said seriously as they moved through it.
"Ugh, ew this water smells extra nasty." Donnie said in disgust as it was looking strange.
"Come on, this is the way." Leo instructed as they started climbing up a ladder with Donnie feeling strange.
"Ugh.. i don't feel so good.." Donnie said weakly, Leo looked up above and his vision was blurry.
"Me.. neither.." Leo said weakly trying to move.
"I feel fine, what's wrong with you guys?" Spike asked worried as he could see them looking weak.

They were making they're way through the subway until they heard something.
"Leonardo, Donatello and Spike, sneaky coming from the sewers. How are you feeling Donnie and Leonardo? Nauseous? Dizzy?" Karai mocked as Donnie's vision was messing up.
"Ugh.. my brain is melting.." Donnie said weakly as Leo saw his head was a pineapple, and Spike was a snake completely.
"What's wrong with you guys?" Spike asked as he felt something was off with them.
"Donnie? Why is your head a pineapple? And why are you a full snake Spike?" Leo asked confused looking at them.
"I've been a snake for half a year at this point, what's the difference between me being a regular snake and a mutant one?" Spike pointed out.
"We've been.. poisoned!" Donnie said in realization.

They all were quickly running through the place trying to find the others.
"Oh.. we need to act fast!" Leo said trying to move faster.
"Come on, we can save them!" Spike said seriously helping Donnie move.

"My venom is highly toxic in any form, even in water. It seeks through the skin in seconds, Spike won't have any trouble with my poison, since he's a snake like me, it doesn't affect him." Karai explained as all of them saw her again. Donnie groaned in pain as he fell to his knees and passed out.
"Donnie!" Spike shouted with worry as he tried helping him, Leo tried to get ready to fight, but the poison was affecting him too.
"It's over Leo, you and your friends are finished." Karai mocked as Leo passed out too.

"No!" Spike shouted with horror as he tried helping them.
"It's no use Spike, my venom won't be affected by what you do, within the hour, they will all perish." Karai said walking up to him with Spike hissing at her.
"Why are you doing this?! You are our friend!" Spike shouted really furious with her.
"Friend? It was all a distraction, to catch you all of guard, put them with the others. I wanna admire my trophies." Karai ordered the bots and they quickly picked up Leo and Donnie, Leo focused his mind and tried using the healing technique they were taught.

"Karai! You are being controlled! I know you wouldn't want to hurt us, you need to snap out of it!" Spike begged as they circled around eachother.
"I feel completely at will Spike, tell me, how does it feel still being a snake, when you may have been a dragon still?" Karai mocked as more bots charged at Spike. Spike hissed at them and blew his fire at them and melted them, Spike focused his mind and started using his telekinesis his mom taught him.
"I'm still a dragon, if i was gonna become a mutant. The least i could've done before i became one was to save you!" Spike shouted as he threw more large craters at the bots and knocked them down.

"That's sweet Spike, your always so loyal, it's what made you the Spike i know." Karai said as she began shifting into her snake form.
"Karai, i don't want to fight you! I can help you!" Spike shouted as Spike and her were slashing at eachother with they're snake arms.
"Your will to protect your friends is what makes you weak!" Karai hissed as they were coiling around eachother.
"Ugh, this again?" Spike thought to himself as he's seen this same argument hundreds of times before.

"Come on Spike, you could've been home if you left the turtles and joined us, we still have plenty of Kraang tech left. We can use it to get you home, so you can see your family again, don't you want that Spike?" Karai asked as their snake hands hissed at eachother.
"I've still got plenty of stuff to do here, like saving you!" Spike countered as he was pushing her back.
"What if you go back to your home and your friends see you as a snake? Don't you wanna learn to shift back like me? I can teach you how to do it! You think everyone back in Equestria will accept you as a snake like me?!" Karai hissed as they were looking into eachothers souls.
"Well.. Twilight did have a snake phobia at one point, but she cares for me! All of my friends do! No matter if i'm a dragon, or a snake!" Spike countered as he began to charge up his powers again. Karai smirked at him again before she suddenly leaned in and kissed him which surprised him greatly.
"What... the... heck?!" Spike thought to himself as this was messed up in SO many different ways.

They stayed like that for a few moments until Spike pushed her back finally had enough.
"What.. the.. heck.. was that?!" Spike shouted looking at himself in shock to make sure nothing was done to him.
"You like that? I've been wanting to do that with you for a while, could've been sooner if you fled the city with me when the Kraang invaded." Karai teased as Spike was trying to process this.
"You do realize, that i'm technically a brother to Leo and the other's at this point right? This is not something i EVER would think to do!" Spike shouted as he already had a GF at this point with Jaqueline.

Leo heard all this arguing and finally broke free from the bots.
"Spike!" Leo shouted as he ran up to him.
"Bout time!" Spike said as he had enough of this.
"You pushed past the poison, impressive." Karai said shifting back into her human hybrid form.
"Shredder.. used some kind of brain worm on you!" Leo said trying to snap her out of it.
"We both know you never would've done this! Your being controlled Karai!" Spike shouted trying to help her too.

"Lies will get you two nowhere, i guess i'll have to finish you two off myself!" Karai shouted as she lunged at them both.
"Leo, you know what we need to do!" Spike shouted as he ducked under more of her snake arms.
"I do, follow my lead." Leo ordered as they put they're hands together. Leo and Spike both started to speak in the language Splinter taught them for the Healing hand technique, all the while Splinter and Psiona were using this same Technique to save April's life.
"What are you doing?! What is this?! " Karai asked as they're bodies were glowing brightly as they all finished the chant at once. Spike and Leo put they're hands on their bodies and they glowed brightly so they could show no resistance to this.

Karai had enough and lunged her snake hands at both of them, but Spike dodged them without even having his eyes open as they repeated the same words again.
"Free yourself Karai!" Spike shouted as he and Leo finished her off and used the technique to knock her down for good.

April's body was glowing brightly until she finally woke up, cured from the poison.
"April! Splinter, Psiona! You did it! Thank you! Thank you!" Kirby said gratefully holding her close.
"A parent does anything for their child." Psiona said softly as Splinter and her looked at them both.

Spike got the others out of their chains and put them together.
"Your coming with us Karai.." Leo said turning to her until they both saw she was gone suddenly.
"We'll find her soon, and we will save her." Spike assured coming up to him.
"I saw what happened, Karai really kissed you didn't she?" Leo asked crossing his arms.
"Hey, your her brother at this point like me, it's just as messed up for me as it is for you." Spike countered which made him flinch at that remark.
"Let's just agree not to talk about this to anyone, okay?" Spike asked wanting to never speak of this, Leo nodded in agreement and they quickly helped the others back home.

Spike and Leo took them all back to the lair and used their healing techniques to heal all of them. Jaqueline groaned weakly as she finally opened her eyes and saw Spike looking at her.
"Spike?" Jaqueline asked as Spike hugged her close.
"Your okay.. thank goodness.." Spike said in relief as they held eachother for a while.

"Man.. snake bites are the worst.." Casey said weakly getting up.
"Snake bites aren't that bad, i've been been bitten by a giant wasp, mutant dogs, Dream Beavers, squirrels." Mikey listed out.
"When did Dave bite you?" Jaqueline asked confused on hearing that.
"It wasn't really snakes that almost took us out, it was Karai.." April explained as they all got up.
"Karai's back under Shredder's control, he's the one responsible, not Karai." Donnie explained with concern as Spike and Leo walked out of the room.
"I've dealt with mind control before, perhaps i can use my powers to free her.." Psiona suggested trying to think of something.

Spike and Leo walked out to the living room to think to themselves until Splinter came up to them.
"You two should be enjoying your victory. You did a great thing tonight you two, you saved everyone." Splinter encouraged with them still feeling down.
"Not everyone, we tried getting Karai out of Shredder's control, we failed sensei..." Leo said with regret.
"That brain worm is tough to get rid of.." Spike said feeling ashamed as well.
"We saved her once Leonardo and Spike, perhaps we can save her again. And now you both show great gifts as a healer, being at the edge of your lives and tapping into a power that few martial artists can tap into. I am proud of you both." Splinter assured smiling at them both.

Psiona and the others came up to them to thank them both.
"Um Leo, Spike. We just wanted to thank you, for saving us." Donnie said gratefully.
"Yeah, you kicked foot bot butt, stopped the poison, got us out of there. And you did it by yourselves! None of us could've done that!" Raph said impressed with them.
"Your awesome Spike, you both are." Jaqueline assured giving Spike another hug which he returned.
"Your powers are getting stronger son, soon, i'm sure you can save Karai from her control, and i know you'll find a way." Psiona assured smiling at him which made them both feel better.
"Thanks Jaqueline, Mom.. truly.." Spike said gratefully as he was glad they were here.
"Your right.. maybe tonight was a win.." Leo said as they all looked at eachother hoping things would get better for them all..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this new chapter again! I know this one was a little weird and strange, but Karai did some pretty bad stuff in this episode when she was controlled, Casey hitting on her was just.. no. He's already got his eye on April, it's like.. what more does he need? And i feel like Spike would be the one to point out how messed up this whole Leo crushing on Karai thing is, because i'm sure Spike would prefer to be just a brother to her and would not be on board with this thing. Karai being messed up does hurt to watch after seeing how she was the last time we saw her, and i wish there was more to her. But i just hope you all liked it and look forward to more!

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