• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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64: Annihilation Earth

We cut to a flashback of the moment Spike and Raph fought Zog.

"Previously on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." Raph narrates as we see the shot of Zog throwing the device into the air.
"No!!" Spike shouts with rage as he and Raph throw a ninja star at the the device to destroy it right after it sent out a shockwave before landing down sighing in relief.
"You fools!" Zog shouted with fury.
"I'm sorry we lied to you Zog. But we can't let you invade our world!" Raph said regretfully.

"I'll squash you both!!" Zog shouted charging to them, they both screamed and flipped over him which caused him to tip over the fence and was barely hanging on.
"Zog! Zog! Take out hands!" Raph shouted holding hand out with Spike's.
"You don't have to stay loyal to the empire, there's more to life then just being a soldier!" Spike shouted trying to save him too, but Zog was just to far gone.
"Long live the Triceriton Empire." Zog said before he finally let go and he began to fall.
"No! NO!!!" Spike and Raph shouted with horror as he falls down the large height, which killed him as a result..

We now open to Spike and the other's within the Shellraiser, Psiona and Jaqueline were at the lair tending to Slash and Rockwell while the other's got done explaining this to April and Casey.
"Whoa! That Triceriton sounds so cool! I wish i could've fought a real life dino dude!" Casey said amazed while having his usual smug.
"Pssh, you wouldn't have lasted a single minute." Spike said casually smirking at him.
"Spike's right, he would've beaten you down into a puddle within 5 seconds." Raph agreed high fiving Spike.
"Whatever guys, Casey Jones eats dinosaur meat for breakfast!" Casey said confidently which made Spike shake his head.
"Whatever you say dude." Spike said shrugging his shoulders.
"Ugh, i'm just amazed there are more aliens out there in the universe other then the Kraang." April said worried about this topic.

"I hate to break up this conversation, but someone's been following us for the last 5 blocks." Donnie warned as they look in the camera and see someone turning their corner and following them.
"Weird, maybe the sight of a giant subway car got his attention?" Spike suggested.
"I don't know about that Spike.." April said worried as they looked into the camera. The car goes to the side and they look in the driver's seat to see a Kraang droid!
"It's a Kraang!" Casey said in shock as the droid has sunglasses on him.
"Stay on him Leo!" Donnie instructed as the car went in front of them.

The car turned a few different corners while Leo drove after him, but when the car drove into an alleyway, it was gone somehow.
"What?" Spike asked in shock as they got out to try and find him, but April notices something on the wall.
"Check it out. Turtles and Spike, 3117 Bayfront street, midnight." April said as they saw the drawing on the wall.
"How does that Kraang know my name? They always call me a dragon?" Spike asked worried on this.
"What's that supposed to be? His logo?" Mikey asked looking at the chest piece on the bottom.
" It's a Chess peace, a Bishop." Leo said as they all looked at the symbol with concern and interest..

Spike and the other's made they're way over to Bayfront street to meet this droid.
"For the record, i still think this is a bad idea." Raph said suspicious of this still.
"That droid seemed very smart for a Kraang, something's up." Spike said suspicious of this as well.
"Spike's right, this isn't something we can ignore, and i'm gonna get to the bottom of it." Leo said seriously.
"Dudes, this is the same meat warehouse where we fought Tiger Claw! Come on i know a back entrance!" Mikey said seriously as he led them to a place to sneak inside.

They were within the same freezer they fought Tiger claw before now, and they could see the strange droid waiting for them. Spike's senses were telling him something was different, that this droid wasn't here to fight. Spike was about to head on down while the other's wanted to ambush him. But Spike stopped them and made motion signs with his snake hands to wait for his signal, they all looked concerned on this, but decided to let him try and talk it out.

Spike looked down at the droid and decided to make his presence known, Spike jumped down from the top bars from the ceiling and landed down before the droid.
"You wanted to see me and some friends?" Spike asked keeping his guard up while the droid didn't look afraid.
"I am not here to fight you, i have come to talk Spike, son of Psiona." The droid said speaking perfectly English, but they were all caught of guard when he mentioned Psiona.
"How.. how do you know my mom's name?" Spike asked as his hands hissed at him.
"We go way back, are your allies here too? I need to talk to all of you." He asked once again, Spike looked at the others from above and told them to come down and they all did so but kept they're weapons drawn.

"Who are you?!" Leo asked keeping his blades up.
"Turtles, refrain from fighting, believe me when i say, i am not your enemy." The droid said showing he meant no harm.
"Should we trust him guys?" April asked concerned on this.
"If he know's my mom, he may be an ally, let's just hear what he has to say." Spike suggested which they all reluctantly agreed to.
"Alright, who are you? Why do you want us here?" Raph asked still not trusting this guy.

"My name is Bishop, as i am known for on Earth." Bishop introduced.
"But you look just like a Kraang!" Casey pointed out still not sure about this.
"I am the one who created this body, the other Kraang copied me, i am a member of the Utrom tribe, a once small group of Kraang defectors, we broke away from the Kraang hive mind many centuries ago." Bishop explained showing him his brain which looked far different.
"Fascinating, it makes sense the Kraang share a hive mind. A really stupid hive mind." Donnie mocked interested with this.

"What do you mean by.. a once small group?" Spike asked curious on this too.
"That is a talk for later, but i have broken my Utrom code not to interfere with Earthly matters, the Triceritons are coming." Bishop said seriously which worried them all.
"What? That's impossible, we stopped the beacon, they shouldn't be.. right?" Spike asked getting scarred about this.
"No young Spike, they are coming, and they are carrying enough fire power to destroy the entire Solar System." Bishop said dramatically which made them more worried.

"Can you repeat that last part please?" Mikey asked scarred of this news.
"The news get's worse, the Kraang have finally fixed the Technodrome, and are about to invade once more." Bishop explained going over to a large chunk of meat.
"You got any more terrible news or is that it?" Raph asked sarcastically.
"If the Triceritons arrive when the Technodrome rises, they will home in on this planet, and annihilator it." Bishop said slicing the meat to bits in an instant.
"Sorry i asked.." Raph said in fear regretting this question.

"Bishop, why do the Triceritons hate the Kraang?" April asked curious at this.
"For millennia the two species have fought over Dimension X. The Kraang used their intelligence to battle their strong foe, while the Triceritons relied on brute strength and cunning, it seemed the Triceritons were winning." Bishop explained as we see a flashback of the brutal war they fought in.
"But the Kraang used the most powerful weapon in the universe, a Black Hole generator, that wiped out the Triceritons entire planet. Only a single Triceriton fleet survived, they vowed vengeance." Bishop finished as the Triceritons were furious with losing their home as we cut back to normal time.
"The Battle may have ended, but the war has not. It still ages across Dimension X, now, shall we begin?" Bishop asked taking off his glasses.

Psiona and Jaqueline were in the lair with Leatherhead looking over Slash and Rockwell's bodies with concern.
"They took quite the beating, but they should recover shortly. They're lucky to have survived a Triceriton." Psiona said concerned checking on them.
"Psiona, you said you know the Triceritons, how well known are you within Dimension X?" Jaqueline asked curious with Splinter and Leatherhead interested too.
"I was unable to get back to Equestria for many decades, and during that time in making the Kraang pay for what they did, i encountered them too. Even the Kraang fear them for what they're capable of, and i am known as one of the strongest warriors within Dimension X, even other planets and species know about me up there. I'm known as the Bringer of Death, and believe me, i am feared by many throughout the universe.." Psiona said seriously with them looking concerned.
"Fascinating, you are a special one Psiona, but i must ask, how was it you were able to come to this Dimension, and go into that hibernation state?" Splinter asked curious on this.
"It's a long long.. LONG story, i had allies in Dimension X, i just hope they're alright." Psiona prayed as they all went out of the lab.

"We're back everyone! And we brought a new pal!" Mikey announced as Leatherhead saw Bishop enter, Psiona's eyes widened in shock seeing him.
"Kra.. Kra.. KRAAANG!!" Leatherhead shouted with rage beginning to charge at him, but Psiona held him back.
"Wait Leatherhead stop! He's not like them! I know him!" Psiona shouted which surprised all of them.
"Hold on.. you know him?" Jaqueline asked shocked looking at Bishop while Leatherhead finally calmed down.
"I do not trust him!" Leatherhead said with rage looking at him.
"Well you gotta trust him for now, he's totally cool. He's gonna help us fight the Kraang." Mikey assured patting his back with Spike comforting him too.

"Psiona, it is a relief to see you are okay, you have had us all worried for years after our last encounter together." Bishop said walking up to her who was shocked to see him here still.
"I am.. glad to see you too Bishop, i'm sorry i haven't been seen lately, but i found my son again, he was taken by the Kraang to this dimension, and i finally met him some time back.." Psiona said hugging Spike close to her.
"The Utrom council is aware of this, and we couldn't be happier to have you two reunited. When Spike was captured by the Kraang, we were about to launch a strike to save him, but the turtles beat us to him, after all we've been through, we weren't gonna let someone close to you perish by their hand." Bishop said looking at Spike.

"Wait.. you were gonna save me from when i was held captive? But.. how do you know about that? How do you two know eachother?" Spike asked looking at them both with the other's interested too.
"Your mom made quite the stir within Dimension X Spike, she and i were friends for some time, while i'd like to explain more of this, i'm afraid we do not have the time." Bishop explained with Psiona looking concerned too.
"What is this about guys? What's going on?" Psiona asked looking at them.
"It's a long story, but i've got a plan to stop this." Leo said as they went into the lab.

Spike and the other's made their way to discuss a plan on how to take this Technodrome down.
"Alright, here's the plan. Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Spike and Leatherhead, you take the sub and stop the Technodrome before it launches. And if it does launch, Jaqueline, and the rest of us will take take it out in the turtle blimp." Leo explained putting some paper on a chalk board for context.
"The Technodrome? Leonardo what is going on here?" Splinter asked worried about this.
"You just have to trust me when i say that the whole world is at stake. And only we can save it." Leo said with a serious tone, Splinter thought about this for a moment before deciding.
"Very well, go then, i will tend to Slash and Rockwell, if you need me, i will stay close to the Cheese phone!" Splinter said seriously.

We cut to a shot of the Technodrome underwater after it was brought down so long ago.
"Finally, after 2 Earth years of repairs, miscalculations and general mad talk. The Technodrome is ready to fly once again! Voila!" Sub prime said confidently as he pressed on a button which started to activate the Technodrome, but something went wrong and the device powered down which worried them.
"What is that which is known as the problem Kraang Sub prime?" Kraang prime asked upset at this.
"Oh, just a sec oh gloated one! Just gotta give her some more juice! hehehe..." Sub prime said laughing nervously before going to fix the problem.

Spike and the group he was assigned to went into the sub while Psiona and the other's flew into the sky, Bishop was on Psiona's back as they looked over the place.
"It's hard to believe we're doing this again huh?" Psiona asked looking at him.
"It is, i am glad to do this with you one more time, even if this is our last fight, just know i am glad to have known you are okay." Bishop said gladly looking at her.
"I know it won't be our last fight, let's do this." Psiona said seriously.
"You really think Spike and the other's can take this thing down?" Jaqueline asked worried on this.
"We have to trust them Jaqueline, we can't let them invade again." Leo said seriously as they had bombs strapped to the bottom of the blimp as a plan of attack.

Spike and the other's swam through the water and came upon the Technodrome, they all got out of the sub and began swimming to the thing quickly. More droids flew through the dark halls right as the hatch opened up and Spike and Raph landed down having white eyes again.
"Alright, let's go." Spike said seriously drawing his blade.

Kraang sub prime was about to finish the repairs with Kraang prime being impatient.
"Kraang sub prime will get this baby started, in two shapes of a tentacle!" Sub prime said nervously as he went to the console and finally was able to activate the Technodrome. The weapon glowed bright pink once again and they laughed evilly as the device powered on.
"Yes, i did it i rule!!" Sub prime said victoriously.
"The Technodrome.. Rises!!!" Kraang prime said evilly as the device was floating out of the water. Psiona and the other's were waiting in the sky and watched with horror as they saw the thing rising from the ground.

"Oh no.." April said in horror seeing this.
"It's.. huge..." Jaqueline said in horror as she never saw something this huge before.
"That is so awesome... and terrifying!!" Casey said with horror as the thing began to rise up to them, Psiona growled with fury as the thing rose all the way to them.
"I'll make sure that Prime goes down for this, for all he's done to this world." Psiona said with rage.
"And Sub prime will pay for betraying us." Bishop added as the thing began to power on, showing it's huge ginormous eye in the center.
"Raph, Spike, you guys have 2 minutes to blow that thing before we do!" Leo shouted as they all looked up at the device.
"Back off man we're heading to the core now!" Raph shouted from the other side.
"We won't let this thing rise! Come on!" Spike shouted as they ran through the halls.

Spike and the other's went through the halls and saw some lasers as a security system.
"Heads up guys!" Raph warned as he and Spike jumped over them, but Mikey was too late and got his foot caught in it making the alarm go off.
"Mikey!" Spike said annoyed as they saw the defense systems beginning to emerge from the walls. Spike hissed with rage as he and Leatherhead teamed up and smashed through the strange drones, they had tentacle arms that would zap a person hard to take them down. Spike flipped over the arms of the robots and sliced them apart while Raph stabbed them and then stabbed the alarm system.
"Finally, i can hear myself think again." Raph said in relief of this.
"Where to Leatherhead?" Donnie asked turning to him.
"This way!" Leatherhead shouted pointing ahead of the halls.

They all ran through the halls again and were taking down more of these security systems, Spike latched his snake hands onto some of them and crushed them with his strength, he then sliced some apart with his tail, but they're fighting was stopped when they saw 2 Biodroids marching to them, Raph and Mikey screamed in fear as they quickly turned tail and ran.
"This way, this way!!" Mikey shouted running past them.
"Wait up!" Spike shouted slithering after them, but they were stopped when they saw a familiar two headed robot dragon on the other head making them scream even more.
"Okay that way, that way!" Mikey shouted turning around again, they all tried to escape, but were soon cornered by the droids.
"Turtle, dragon and alligator mutants. You will raise that which is known as, four limbs." A droid warned aiming their weapons at them.
"No retreat.. no surrender!" Leatherhead shouted roaring with rage, he was about to attack them until a droid zapped him with a taser making him scream in pain.
"Leatherhead!" Spike shouted with worry as they all were cornered here.
"Now this is definitely bad!" Raph said worried as they raised their hands with fear.

Sub prime was waiting within the core of the room ready to invade until a droid came up to him.
"Kraang Sub prime, that which is known as a balloon, is heading for that which is known as.." A droid said before Sub prime stopped him.
"Oh, just spit it out already!" Sub prime shouted with annoyance.
"Okay, look!" The droid said pointing to the camera, and they could see the blimp heading to them with the bombs on it.
"You gotta be Kraanging me!!" Sub prime shouted with annoyance right as the blimp rammed into it and made a huge explosion, the explosion was strong enough to open a hole to the device, and sent it tipping downwards making it vulnerable.

"Yes! I told you it'd be enough to bring down the ship, Casey Jones, knows explosives!" Casey said confidently.
"Come on, let's save Spike and the other's!" Jaqueline said seriously as they flew down with their bat wing devices.
"Let's go!!" Psiona shouted with rage as they all flew into the ship and were immediately greeted with multiple droids firing at them all. Psiona roared with rage and turned her arm into a cannon again and began to fire at them while they all landed on the ground, Bishop jumped off of her and flipped over some gunfire, he did a backflip to take a droid down with his leg before kicking another down and flipping over more gunfire to take down another. Jaqueline smashed another's head down with her hammer and twirled it around to deflect the gunfire away back at the droids.
"Where to Bishop?" April asked looking at him.
"This way!" Bishop instructed running through the halls with the other's following behind.

Sub prime was typing on the device trying to repair the ship until they saw Spike and the other's being brought into the room.
"Hello Sub prime, glad to see you again.." Spike said sarcastically with his hands hissing at him.
"Well if it isn't the turtles and dragon, and that stupid alligator thing that shouts Kraang! All the time." Sub prime mocked looking over them.
"Welcome Earth creatures, you are about to enjoy that which is known as, the invasion of Earth!?" Kraang prime said before they both laughed evilly just as Psiona and the other's arrived, Psiona was taking aim at Kraang prime right before her and Spike's senses went off warning them of something.

They're laughing was stopped when they heard they're alarms go off warning them of something.
"What now?!" Sub prime asked annoyed as he went to check on it, he turned on the camera to get a view of the planet's orbit, and they all looked scarred when they saw the Triceritons had finally arrived.
"The.. the.. Triceritons?!" Kraang prime asked in fear as a ship was being dethatched.
"Not the Triceritons! Not here! Not now!" Sub prime shouted in fear as the thing was breaking through the atmosphere.

The people were all looking concerned until all their systems were hacked and the leader came on screen.
"Greetings sub life forms of Earth, I am captain Mozart of the Triceriton Empire." Mozar introduced as he was everywhere on the planet.
"Let it be known that your planet is infested with Kraang, an insidious alien species bent on mutating Earth into their own home world. We Triceritons will eliminate these hideous aliens, freeing you of their vile plans." Mozar said as Splinter was watching this at home too along with Kirby who looked horrified.
"Unfortunately, your planet will be annihilated as well, that is all. And please, have a nice day." Mozar finished as he finally cut off the system with everyone looking horrified.

"Holy chalupa! It's actually happening! double invasion!" Donnie said with horror.
"Well that's just great!" Spike said annoyed at this, Psiona roared with rage as she and the others finally jumped in the scene to save them.
"Spike, catch!" Jaqueline shouted throwing him his plasma blade.
"Thanks!" Spike shouted as she and Spike took down more droids together, Leatherhead roared with rage and went to attack Kraang prime while Bishop pinned Sub prime down.
"Get off my Robo back!.. Bishop?! You filthy Kraang!" Sub prime shouted with anger as he looked down at him.
"I am an Utrom, just as you once were brother, or should i call you.. Sub, sub prime?" Bishop mocked repeating Psiona's insult.
"Don't call me that, you and Psiona know i hate that! AH!!" Subprime screamed as he tried escaping.

"Turtles, Psiona, hurry! Get to the hanger!" Bishop ordered turning to them.
"Got it, come on son!" Psiona shouted dragging him with her.
"Come on!" Spike shouted as they ran all the way to the hanger where dozens of ships were lying around.
"It's too late to blow this thing, pair up and grab a ship!" Leo ordered as he and Raph went into one, Spike and Jaqueline got on Psiona's back while Mikey and Casey got into another, and Donnie and April got into one as well.
"Let's get out of here!" Jaqueline shouted as Psiona flew out of the hanger and headed towards the massive ship above the Technodrome.

"Mom, what's the plan?!" Spike asked as she flew high into the air.
"We take down what ships come our way, all of you hang on!" Psiona shouted as she activated her armor and it formed around them, as well as the energy shield she made before.
"Let's go!" Jaqueline shouted as they flew through the skies.
"They're not just targeting the Technodrome, they're targeting the city!" Leo shouted as he locked onto them.
"Then push this thing faster Leo!" Raph shouted as they flew after the ships.

A squad of ships were flying away from the ship and the leader ordered something to the other soldiers. The ships began to fly backwards and flew to them.
"Brace yourselves!" Jaqueline shouted as they began firing at them. Psiona turned her arm into a cannon again and began firing at the ships to take them down.
"Get off our planet!!" Psiona shouted with rage as she was taking multiple down at once. Mikey cheered with joy as he and Casey's ship flew to the sun to blind the ships following them.
"And sensei says video games are useless! How else would i have learned to do.. this?!" Mikey shouted as the ship did a U turn and went right between the ships to destroy them.
"This is the coolest thing ever!!" Casey shouted with amazement as they flew through the skies.

Bishop and Leatherhead had just gotten out of the ship and saw the massive battle with the Triceritons and Kraang who could not invade now.
"They made it! But the Technodromes still flying!" Raph said as they saw them on the screen.
"Not for long it's not! Look!" Leo said as they saw the Triceritons damaging the ship badly, two ships flew behind Donnie and April and they tried to escape by flying around the Statue of Liberty, while they managed to destroy them, their ship got hit too and they began to fall through the sky.
"We've been hit! Grab onto something!!" Donnie shouted as April screamed in fear and grabbed his body which kinda made him happy about that. The ship was heading right towards a roller coaster and they both screamed in fear as the ship crashed onto the coaster, and flew off the ramp and crashed down to the floor.

Donnie and April groaned with pain as Bishop and Leatherhead ran up to them.
"My friends, are you okay?" Leatherhead asked worried for them.
"I've always.. hated roller coasters.." April said holding her head in pain.

The Triceritons within the ship were just finishing targeting the Technodrome.
"Captain Mozart, we have the Technodrome on target!" A soldier reported coming onto the screen.
"Excellent, destroy it. And unleash the Heart of Darkness upon the city, we will make sure the Kraang never take this world again, by annihilating it." Mozart ordered with a serious tone.

Spike and the others were still fighting off the ships until they all saw them begin to retreat.
"Look! They're leaving, we won!" Mikey shouted in victory right before they saw something huge at it's center.
"Oh no.. we need to move! NOW!!" Psiona screamed as she was flying away as quick as possible.
"What's it doing?!" Jaqueline asked in fear as the hatches were opening up, and all of them were watching with shock and fear as the thing aimed for the Technodrome.
"The Triceritons are powering up! We're toast! TOAST!!!" Sub prime shouted with horror as Kraang prime was scarred too. The ship powered up a devastating blast and it shot a huge beam right towards the ship which the other's barely dodged. The Beam went straight to the ship and the two aliens screamed in horror as the blast hit them and killed them both, and the blast was so powerful it was able to destroy the Technodrome for good.

The blast was strong enough to knock Raph and Leo's ship while Psiona flew away from the blast as fast as she could.
"Look out!!" Spike screamed as the purple gas barely hit them and they flew high into the air. Raph and Leo groaned with pain as they recovered from the impact.
"Did we.. make it?" Leo asked as he finally got up.
"I think so, at least the Technodrome's down, maybe the battles finally over." Raph said in relief. They opened the ships hatch and saw the remains of the ship sinking down back into the water as it could not recover from this.

Leo's phone suddenly went off and he went to check it.
"Dudes dudes! There's a ship holding some kind of energy strings! It's carrying some kind of giant thingy!" Mikey said in fear.
"Your not making any sense Mikey!" Leo replied before he looked up and saw the Triceritons carrying something, Psiona looked even more horrified as she knew what this was.
"Oh no.." Psiona said in horror as this was really bad.
"It looks like some kind of weapon! Oh man guys, i think they're heading for Washington Square!" Casey said as they got their coordinates.
"I got this G! Aw yeah! Turtle spaceship power!!" Mikey shouted with joy.
"Wait! Don't!! It has a..!!" Psiona warned right before an energy shield hit the ship and they began to fall.
"They have forcefield awesomeness!!" Casey shouted in fear as they flew to the city.

"Mayday mayday! We're going down dog!" Mikey screamed as the ship landed right between two buildings slowing it's fall, Psiona and the other's landed down next to them to make sure they're alright.
"You alright guys?" Spike asked worried as they got out of the ship.
"We're fine.. thanks.." Casey said as Spike helped him up.
Leo got out his phone and called April.
"April, i need you to gather all our friends, i'll text you a place to meet up, cool?" Leo asked looking at her.
"What's the plan Leo?" Raph asked turning to him.
"The plan is that we'll need all the help we can get." Leo said seriously as this wasn't something they can do on their own.

The ships finally landed down on the city and placed the device on the ground as nighttime had fallen. More soldiers beamed down from the ship and placed a device in the generator and began to power it on.
"Those Triceritons are scientists. Their job is to program the black hole generator." Bishop explained as he and Psiona stood with the other's.
"Oh right, those are the soldiers!" Donnie said worried as they saw even more here.
"So many of them.." Spike said in fear about this.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll make it through this.. we got too.." Jaqueline said with hope hugging him close as the other's arrived.

"Oh no, look!" Donnie said with fear as the device was about to be activated.
"For the Triceriton Empire!" The soldier said as he activated the device, it sent a shockwave through the whole city which shut all it's power down.
"They're draining the city's power supply to power up the weapon!" Donnie said with worry while Psiona growled with rage.
"We need to stop them, or this world is doomed!" Psiona said seriously getting ready to fight.
"Alright team, this could be our last battle, are you ready?" Leo asked looking at all of them.
"Let's go." Spike said seriously as he slithered ahead with the others.

He and the other's tried to sneak past the guards, but Mikey was too close to one and stepped on ones tail.
"Earth creatures! Attack!!" The soldier yelled firing at Mikey who rolled out of the way. Spike deflected the blasters with his plasma sword as Bishop landed near him and Psiona.
"Take out their weapons!" Bishop instructed, Spike nodded in understanding and used his blade to cut the weapons down. Casey took out more explosive pucks and threw it at them, but the weapons didn't hurt them at all which made the dinosaur ram right into Casey which sent him flying into Raph.

Bishop was firing at the soldiers and almost got shot down, but Psiona jumped in the way and saved him just in time.
"I thank you my friend." Bishop said gratefully as she turned to him.
"Bishop, head back to Dimension X now! Warn the Council of what's happening! Send any soldiers i freed from control! Go!" Psiona shouted shooting another down that almost hit Mikey.
"Understood! Be careful Psiona!" Bishop shouted as he began to leave to get help.

A soldier was about to fire at Psiona until a star flew right at the device and stopped it, she looked over and saw Splinter and their allies had arrived.
"We heard you needed some assistance." Splinter said as Rockwell and Pete flew in as well.
"Splinter!" Spike and Leo shouted with relief.
"And reinforcements, yes!" Raph said with hope, a car went flying in the air and crashed straight into another soldier knocking that one down. April and the other's rolled in as Slash, Muckman and Mondo had arrived to help too.
"You guys ready for this?!" Spike shouted drawing his blades.
"Let's go!!!" Psiona roared as they all charged at them.
"Booyakasha!!!" They all screamed as they engaged in a last stand.

Donnie flipped over another soldier and Leatherhead roared as he lunged at him to knock him down, Slash and Spike took down another one together.
"It's good to fight with ya Spike!" Slash shouted as he threw him into another soldier, Spike hissed at the warrior and used his venom to take him down.
"Always a nice time to team up!" Spike shouted as they all fought the warriors while the scientists worked on the devices.
"Goongala!!" Casey shouted as he threw more pucks at them, but they didn't work once again and the soldier roared at him.
"Maybe i need an upgrade!" Casey said with fear as he tried to escape.

"April look!" Jaqueline shouted as they saw him being chased down.
"Casey!" April said with worry. She picked up one of their blasters and shot at the soldier right in the head which saved Casey.
"Awesome save guys, thanks!" Casey said gratefully.
"Don't lose focus guys!" Jaqueline shouted hammering another down.
"Cowabunga!!" Mondo shouted as he skated into the scene dodging gunfire.
"It's time for Mondo Gecko to open a can of..." Mondo shouted right before he ran into another soldier, they all looked at him with disgust and began stomping on him.
"Mondo! Stay away from my pal you alien freaks!" Muckman shouted as he lifted tons of trash into the air about to attack, but he screamed with pain as more soldiers shot him down.

Splinter ran ahead to more soldiers and drew a rope, he jumped in the air and wrapped his rope around multiple weapons at once, he slammed down on the ground and used his ropes strength to knock them down too.
"We must stop the blackhole generator before it is triggered!" Splinter shouted as Muckman recovered in the background.
"Slash, Leatherhead! Take that weapon down, now!" Leo ordered, Leatherhead roared as he charged at another one and held it back.
"Destroy the weapon!" Leatherhead shouted as Slash charged in, Slash roared with rage as he jumped in the air and slammed his weapon on the device.
"Not even a scratch!" Slash said shocked before he saw something in the center, he roared again and began slashing at the device repeatedly to try and destroy it.

"Great Scott! More are about to be beamed down!" Rockwell said worried right before more came down right behind him and knocked his helmet off him and destroyed it.
"No! You vile extinct..." Rockwell said with rage right before the soldier threw a device near him. This trapped him in one of those bubbles like Zog was before and it hung in the air, even more soldiers came down too with these same devices. One threw a device at Slash which trapped him in the device too.
"No! Dino freaks!!" Slash said with rage as Mozar himself arrived.
"This battle is over, you have all lost!" Mozar mocked as Leatherhead and Jaqueline got trapped in one too.

"Jaqueline!!" Spike said with horror as he tried holding them off too.
"Leatherhead!" Mikey shouted with fear, he flipped over a soldier and tried to attack Mozart before he grabbed him with one hand.
"Foolish little one, you are coming with me!" Mozart said as he began to leave with him.
"No!!" Psiona shouted with horror as she shot another one in the head.
"Mikey! No!!" Spike shouted with horror as he was beamed away with him while even more arrived.

Casey tried to escape too but was trapped within another bubble as well.
"Casey!" April shouted trying to save him but Raph tackled her down.
"I'll come back for you Jaqueline, just hold on!" Spike shouted as they were being overwhelmed.
"I know you will, get out of here now!" Jaqueline shouted trying to escape.
"Retreat! Everyone retreat!" Splinter shouted as they all began to run away with what allies they had left. Donnie was about to leave until he saw one of the devices on a fallen soldier.
"This little baby might come in hand.. ow!" Donnie screamed as he almost got shot down, he quickly made his way to escape while taking the device with him while all the soldiers kept firing at them.

Mikey was brought on board the mothership and he screamed in fear as he was carried within the bubbles too.
"Captain Mozar sir, you have captured an Earth creature." A soldier said as he walked up to him.
"A mutant species of somekind, rare to the planet." Mozar said holding out Mikey.
"I used to think dinosaurs were cool, but not you guys! Why are you doing this dudes?! Why can't you just leave Earth alone?!" Mikey shouted with anger.
"Why? Because of the Kraang, they want it as a hiding place from Dimension X, a backdoor, where we Triceritons will not detect them. So we will simply destroy your planet, and all of the Kraang hiding there!" Mozar said confidently.

"But we don't want the Kraang here either! Why can't we all just get along?!" Mikey asked scarred of this.
"The decision has been made by the Triceriton emperor, it cannot be changed." Mozar explained, Mikey clutched his fist and punched the center of the device to free him, he tried to attack Mozart but was grabbed by the other soldier.
"Get off of me dorkasaurous!" Mikey mocked trying to break free.
"Should i take him to the brig sir?" He asked curiously.
"No, ready the Psionic extractor." Mozar ordered which horrified all the soldiers who heard it.

"The Psionic extractor?! But sir, we only use it on our greatest war criminals! It is too horrible and cruel, even for the likes of.." He said with fear hearing this before Mozar stopped him.
"Silence! do as i command!" Mozar ordered, he sighed sadly and turned to the other soldiers to prepare the device.
A picture came on the screen and Mikey saw what looks like is gonna happen to him.
"Wow.. that looks like it's really gonna hurt.." Mikey said with fear seeing this.
"More then you could possibly imagine. Creature" Mozar said menacingly.

Spike and the others retreated into the city which was badly damaged in the invasion, Psiona landed down on a rooftop with the others as they tried to come up with a plan.
"We gotta go back for them sensei, we can't just leave them there!" Leo said with worry turning to him.
"And what about Mikey? What are they gonna do to him? Probe him?!" Raph asked scarred of the thought.
"No.. i know these monsters.. it may be much worse.." Psiona said with fear knowing this.
"The first thing we must do is destroy the Black hole machine, that is the priority. If we cannot stop this weapon, the entire world is doomed!" Splinter said seriously.
"But how are we gonna stop it? We still need to get Mikey back even it's destroyed." Spike said with worry barely being seen by another ship.

"Go then, April, Psiona and I will stop the Triceritons and rescue our friends." Splinter instructed landing down to them.
"What? By ourselves?! Your uh.. kidding right sensei?" April asked nervously.
"There's to many of them, even i can't face them with these numbers." Psiona said worried about this.
"We will ally ourselves with someone even more powerful then the Mutanimals." Splinter said which concerned them.
"Who sensei?" Leo asked worried on this.
"... The Shredder." Splinter answered which made them all gasp in shock.

Mikey groaned with pain as he finally woke up on the ship again, he was strapped to a table and Mozart ordered the soldiers to activate the device.
"Hold up dino dudes, let's talk about his! For real though!" Mikey said in fear as a sharp device was in front of him.
"This machine will drain all your knowledge of Earth and the Kraang. And in the process your psyche will be sliced, diced, chopped, and removed from your puny brain." Mozart said with malice which made him more scarred.
"I don't have the biggest psycho! But i like what i got.." Mikey said with fear.
"Activate the extractor!" Mozart ordered the soldiers, the device began to spin around and move even closer to Mikey who was terrified right now.

Mikey screamed with fear as the device locked onto his brain, but when it hit him, he suddenly found himself on a massive trip and laughed like a maniac.
"Wow! so cool! Look at that! It's like a triple alo bro! Whoohooo!!" Mikey cheered as this feeling was amazing, but he was laughing like a maniac to the soldiers which confused all of them.
"Turn it off! Turn it off now!!" Mozar ordered which made a soldier shut it down finally while Mikey breathed heavily as his pupils were much larger.

"Aw, dude!! Why'd you stop?! That was better then a hundred million roller coasters in outer space!! Can i do it again?! Can i?! Please?!" Mikey begged moving all around him.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up!! What knowledge did you extract?!" Mozar asked furious as Mikey was on his head.
"Very little useful information sir, the only thought the creature seems to have is for a substance called.. Pizza." The soldier explained.
"Aw, destroy the pathetic alien!" Mozar ordered begging to leave which had a soldier grab Mikey snapping him out of his state.
"Whoa whoa whoa, hold up! I know stuff!" Mikey begged holding back their weapons.
"You know nothing." Mozar mocked marching away.
"I know all the secret bases the Kraang hide in dimension X!" Mikey shouted which got his attention as well as the other soldiers.

April, Splinter and Psiona made they're way to Shredder's lair and snuck their way inside. Psiona kept her guard up as she knew they were being watched. Psiona sensed something right behind her and knocked the guy away as it was revealed to be Bebop who turned visible again.
"Aw man, how'd you know where i was?!" Bebop asked annoyed as more soldiers came to them.
"I have my senses pork!" Psiona taunted as they stood besides eachother.
"Bad move you three, breaking in here, are you desperate?, or just fools?!" Tiger claw asked drawing his gun towards them.

He shot his gun at them and they all quickly ran away from the fire.
"We're not here to.. whoa!" April shouted in fear as Rocksteady appeared behind her.
"Ha, is Rocksteady too late for party time?" He asked as he tried attacking April with his horn, but Psiona charged in the battle and hit him with her metal arm in the face.
"Back off freak!" Psiona shouted knocking him down.
"We have not come to fight you!" Splinter shouted while dodging more gunfire and whacking Tiger claw in the body and held him back.

"Foolish move bringing a cub here! Even if you have a cyborg dragon with you, you will all fall!" Tiger claw mocked as Psiona fought off Rocksteady.
"Stop!" Shredder ordered as he appeared behind Splinter.
"I wish to know why Hamato Yoshi has come here, perhaps to end his miserable existence?" Shredder mocked drawing his blades.
"Our feud is meaningless in this invasion Saki. The world will soon be destroyed, will you sit by and watch? Or will you help us save it?" Splinter countered as more ships flew over the building.
"What have you done with Karai?" Shredder asked holding his blades at him.

"We searched for her, but she is gone, vanished from the city." Splinter said sadly which made him mad.
"You lie!" Shredder said with rage drawing his other blades.
"He's not, we tried finding her, she isn't here!" Psiona shouted pinning Rocksteady to the wall.
"They're both right, and if the Earth blows up guess what? You'll never see her again, so maybe you can do the right thing for once in your evil life! Even be a hero for a change, that is, if you still love Karai." April mocked still not sure of this at all. Shredder looked at them all and growled in frustration as they had no choice but to do this..

Spike led the other's to where Mikey's ship crashed as it still looked functional.
"Here it is! Still looks functional!" Spike shouted slithering to it.
"Wow, not a bad park job either." Donnie said impressed seeing it.
"Come on, let's get it." Leo said as they went inside and activated it.

"The mothership is approximately 100,000 miles from Earth, roughly half the distance from the Earth to the moon." Donnie said as Spike tried getting it moving.
"Good to know, let's try and get there quickly." Spike said seriously as the ship began to move.
"Alright, let's go!" Leo shouted as the ship took off into the skies and began going into space.

Spike screams as they all go past the atmosphere and fly at fast speeds into space and were floating in the air in the ship.
"Turtles and dragons were definitely NOT meant to go to space! " Raph said right before he puked from the lack of gravity.
"Hold on, let me turn on the artificial gravity.." Donnie said as he finally put the gravity back on which made them all fall down.
"Dear Celestia.." Spike said in shock as they saw the mothership just ahead of them.
"The mothership!" Leo said with anger as they flew to it.
"Okay but where's Mikey?" Raph asked getting back up.
"I'm detecting a unique life signature coming from the closest craft, that's gotta be him. And check it out, i think i finally figured out the cloak on this baby, haha! They'll never find us now!" Donnie said as he turned the ships cloaking device on.

But that didn't work as they could see the ship clearly from the ship.
"Idiots! They think they can hide from us! Tragic mistake." Mozar mocked as Mikey was being held captive still.
"HA! My brothers are gonna come to rescue me, and kick your dino butt back to the stone age! That's right, straight back to the 1960's!" Mikey taunted trying to escape once again.
"We shall see, commander Zorith, launch another squad of fighters. Sargent Zark, activate the plasma cannon." Mozar ordered which made them do their jobs.

Ships began to detach from the ship and flew towards Spike and the others.
"Guys, i think they see us!" Spike shouted as they flew towards them.
"Floor it Leo, go go go!!" Donnie shouted as they flew through the void even faster. The ship flew around in the cosmos and was trying not to be shot.
"How can they see us Donnie?!" Leo asked trying to escape them.
"Let me text them and find out, i have no idea!!" Donnie shouted with frustration.
"Look out!!" Spike shouted as he and Raph tried firing at the dozens of ships flying around them. Raph screamed with rage as he flew the ship right into another one, he then repeatedly slammed his fist into the console which made the Stealth ship punch the other one too before destroying it finally.

"Look out Leo!" Donnie shouted as they kept flying away from multiple ships at once.
"Would you just let me fly?!" Leo asked frustrated trying to avoid them all.
"This is crazy!!" Spike screamed as Leo flew through all the ships, but they all gasped in shock as the thing began to activate the plasma cannon that destroyed the Technodrome.
"Donnie!! Get us out of here!!" Spike screamed in fear as the beam powered up.
"Hold on!!" Donnie screamed as he held out the device from earlier and activated it which beamed them away right before the ship was destroyed.

They all screamed as they appeared right on the ship which shocked them all.
"We're alive!" Leo said shocked and relieved at once.
"You snagged a teleporter? You mean we could've just beamed here?!" Raph asked frustrated with Donnie.
"There's only one charge and i.. oh man we're in trouble!" Donnie said in fear as multiple soldiers surrounded them.
"Celestia damnit!" Spike said annoyed at this.

Mozar marched over to them and held up Mikey who was relieved to see them.
"Guys that was awesome! Thanks for the sweet rescue! So who's gonna rescue us next? April, Casey? Jaqueline?" Mikey asked hopefully.
"Eh..." Spike said nervously trying to give an answer to this.

Back on Earth, Psiona and the others had allied with the foot finally, and were making they're way back to the generator. Splinter landed down on one soldier and got him distracted enough for Shredder to slice off his weapon. Shredder then delivered multiple strikes to him and knocked the guy down. Psiona slammed another Triceriton through a wall with rage to take it down.
"We're close, come on!" Psiona said as they ran through the streets back to the device.
"Um, whatever we do, we better do it fast!" April said worried as the Triceritons finished repairing the device from the damage.
"The timer is prepared, this planet has mere nextons to live." The scientist said sinisterly.
"We must not waste time master, we must... oh no.." Tiger claw said worried as even more beamed down.
"Everyone get ready." Psiona said turning her arm into a blade again and growled with rage as this was their last chance.

Spike and the others were brought down to their knees and was held captive.
"Captain Mozar please, don't destroy the Earth, our world has so much potential!"" Donnie begged trying to stop him.
"Humans of your world are as thoughtless as the Kraang, they pollute the planet, erode it's ozone willingly, and they don't even need mutagen to do it! Escort them to the airlock and be done with them!" Mozar ordered.
"You don't know that! There's always people willing to save this world! People like us, humans that care for the world! The people that do this are nothing but greedy bastards who don't care for the world! There are people who care, do not do this!" Spike shouted trying to break free from them.
"Even with the people who want to save it, they are always outnumbered by the ones who want to destroy it slowly, they are powerless to stop them, just like you are with us." Mozar mocked which made Spike hiss with rage as he was losing it again.

"You can destroy us Mozart that's okay, but i'm asking you one last time before i take this whole ship down. Let the earth survive, or be destroyed!" Leo warned not playing around with this anymore.
"Empty threats.." Mozar mocked, A soldier grabbed Leo's soldier and he and Spike had enough, Spike breathed a stream of fire on a soldiers face and Leo went to grab one of their devices.
"No! Stop!" Mozar shouted right before Leo threw the device on the shield which opened up a hole that began sucking in the soldiers within the room. Everyone screamed with fear as they almost got sucked out, but Mozar wasn't going down and he tried to take Mikey with him through the void.
"No you don't!" Spike shouted as he threw his snake hand to Mikey who caught it, he then took one of the devices from Mozart and held it up.
"Guys check it out! Booyaka..." Mikey shouted as he activated the device and beamed them back down to Earth.

"Sha!!!" Mikey finished as they all got teleported to Earth again and they breathed heavily for a moment.
"We made it.. we actually made it!" Spike said amazed getting back up, but they're relief was stopped when they barely avoided another blast and saw Splinter and the other's fighting off the Triceritons.
"Come on! Let's save our friends!" Leo shouted as they ran into the field as Psiona shot another one down.

"Jaqueline!" Spike shouted with worry as he stabbed the device on the ground which finally freed her.
"Spike!!" Jaqueline said in relief giving him a hug.
"Son!" Psiona shouted running up to him and hugged him too.
"It's good to see you guys, come on! We have to stop them!" Spike shouted regaining focus on the fight.
"I'll get you guys out in no time!" April shouted as she smashed the device containing Casey and freed him.
"Yes, thanks April, you rule!" Casey said gratefully.
"I'm getting the rest of you out!" April shouted as the soldiers kept fighting them off.
"No! There's no time!" Rockwell warned as there was very little time left.
"Just go April!" Slash ordered as they need to hurry.

A soldier charged at them but Tiger claw shot his ice guns at him to knock them down.
"Quickly, run!" Tiger claw shouted before he fired back at the soldiers. The device was getting even closer to going off and Shredder stabbed a soldier's weapon and Splinter knocked him down as the device beeped even faster.
"Hurry Saki! We have no time!" Splinter shouted as he got up from the attack with Shredder glaring at him. The device was counting down even faster and Splinter ran to it, Splinter held out his hand and tried to stop it.. but something stabbed him right through the chest..

"AH!!!" Splinter screamed as everyone stopped their fighting and saw Shredder.. stabbed Splinter through the chest and Splinter fell to the ground.
"NO!!!" ALL of them shouted with horror, Spike breathed heavily with rage as his mind snapped from seeing this, it felt so much like what he saw before, it triggered him again and he made a loud shriek of rage.
"YOU MONSTER!!!" Spike screamed with fury as he slithered directly to him and stuck out his large fangs, Shredder didn't even have time to react before Spike came in and bit down hard on his neck, injecting a huge amount of venom into Shredder's body. Shredder screamed with pain as he fell onto the ground barely moving while Spike hissed at him with rage with the other's being shocked deeply.
"Son!!" Psiona shouted as she brought him to her to make him stop, the device was beeping slowly as they all realized they're time was up, and Splinter's eyes finally closed for the last time.
"NO!!" Spike screamed in terror as the device finally went off.

Loud alarms were heard as the ground began to shake violently, the ground began to crack roughly as the device floated into the air and had a strong pull to it.
"Spike!" Jaqueline shouted as she held him close as it was pulling things into it. The device began to expand throughout the sky making it even bigger and making the force stronger.
"We are doomed!!" Bebop said with horror as the Triceritons teleported away.
"Hold me comrade!" Rocksteady shouted with fear as they held eachother close before they screamed in terror as they were sucked into the black hole along with Fishface and Rahzar.
"Master Shredder! What have you done?!" Tiger claw asked furious as he could barely speak.
"The Earth can be destroyed for all i care.. at least i finally made that dragon.. the monster he knows he is deep down.. all this did.. was make his downfall go further.. " Shredder said making one more evil laugh before he finally died from the venom.

Spike and the other's went over to Splinter's body and began to cry heavily over losing him.
"Splinter.. i'm so sorry.." Spike said with huge regret crying heavily over this.
"Splinter..." Psiona said with regret as she began to cry heavily from this as well, Spike held her and Jaqueline close as they looked in the sky. The black hole began to expand even more and all the people of Earth began to see it's destruction, and they all screamed with terror as they were being pulled in, even Splinter's body was being pulled in as they saw all their friends being sucked in to their destruction. But before they were sucked in themselves, something bright began to cover their eyes and they saw a large ship landing down to them, the doors opened up and they saw a strange robot of some kind.
"Hurry! We haven't much time!" The robot shouted trying to make them get in.
"Should we trust him?!" Donnie shouted as they tried going inside it.
"Do we have a choice?!" April asked marching to it.
"Come on!!" Psiona shouted as she grabbed her son and Jaqueline and ran inside it with the other's.

The force of the black hole became so strong it began to pull in the entire ocean and the city along with it and the rest of the world too. The Triceritons were looking down at the planet as the device grew even more.
"Long live the Triceriton Empire!" Zorath shouted with victory.
"Long live the Triceriton Empire!" They all shouted as they teleported away from the world and escaped it's destruction.

The robot flew the ship from the planet as fast as they could as the Black hole got so big it began to suck the entire planet into it, breaking it apart to pieces.
"Everyone hold on!" The robot shouted as he powered the ship up to make it fly even faster, the black hole finally got so strong it sucked the entire planet into it, and every poor person on the planet too, the Black hole began to disappear for a moment right before it made a large explosion and everyone screamed in fear as the shockwave hit the ship making it come to a halt.

Spike breathed heavily as they couldn't believe this, they could what's left from the world outside.
"Did that just happen?!" April asked in horror seeing the outside of the ship.
"The Earth, Splinter.. everyone.. everything.." Leo said with regret as the remains could be seen in space.
"Gone.. lost forever in an infinite gravitational singularity.." Donnie said with horror and regret.
"Billions of people.. trillions of innocent lives.. they're all.. they're all.." Spike said with tears in his eyes as he couldn't finish that sentence.
"It's okay son.. we're here.." Psiona assured holding him close crying about this too.
"At least we're still alive..." Jaqueline said hugging him too trying to comfort him.

"Seeing your entire world be pulled into the singularity of a black hole, is rather distressing. Can i offer you some hot cocoa?" The robot asked holding one to Mikey who gladly took it.
"Dude, who are you?" Mikey asked looking at him as we see the robot's face.
"I am professor Honeycutt, and you my friends are about to embark on a wonderous adventure." Honeycutt introduced which confused them all.
"What are you talking about?" Spike asked confused looking at him while Casey looked amazed.
"This.. is.. Awesome!!" Casey shouted with amazement as the ship began to fly away from the remains of their destroyed world, beyond the known universe...

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! And that's a wrap on season 3! Like i said, this is my favorite finale of the show, it really had high stakes as the characters were really pushed to the ground with this. It set up some really cool space adventures in season 4 which i always love to see. This is only the start of their space adventure, and let's see what's to come of it! Hope you all liked it and look forward to more!

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