• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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67: The Outlaw Armaggon!

We open to a shot where Lord Dregg was on the moons Spike and the Turtles were previously at, he had been tracking their movements and had called someone to hunt them down. Something enters the moon and we see a strange shark like alien wearing tough armor and looked ferocious and turns to Dregg.
"Armaggon. It's been a long time." Dregg said crossing his arms.
"You got a job for me Dregg?" Armaggon asked curiously waiting for his bounty.

"4 humanoid turtles, 1 snake dragon, a anthro beaver, mutanttarens, and the Bringer of Death herself. They have managed to elude me, so i am calling upon your special talents." Dregg explained looking at the cyborg shark.
"Oh i got talents alright, you want em dead or alive?" Armaggon asked smugly.
"Bring me the turtles shells, you can eat the pink skinned Terrans for all i care, and i'm sure the Bringer of Death will be looking for a fight with you if you try." Dregg instructed again.
"Mmm, haven't had primate in a long time, and this Bringer of Death better put up a fight." Armaggon said with an evil grin.
"Make sure you deliver Armaggon. " Dregg ordered about to head back to his ship.
"With pleasure." Armaggon said as he took off in his self made suit and took off through to space with Dregg laughing evilly seeing him leave.

Spike and the other's were still traveling through space trying to find the Triceritons to save the Earth, Raph, Leo and Jaqueline were looking over a computer trying to find a sector to go to.
"Any ideas where to go guys?" Jaqueline asked curiously trying to find out where to go next.
"Hmm, this quadrant, scan this one." Leo instructed to Raph's side looking at a specific spot.
"Why do they get to mess around? They should be helping us find the Triceritons." Raph said annoyed as April and Spike were sitting down next to eachother while Honeycutt had 6 strange orbs in the air.
"He's helping test out Spike and April's psychic powers. He's training them." Leo explained pressing on the scanner some more.
"He's gotta learn somehow, it could be helpful for us all." Jaqueline said hopefully continuing to do her work.

The 6 spheres floating around them went right in front of them after being mixed around.
"Alright you two, in which one of these sphere's is April's Tessen, and which one also has that assortment of gems for a treat?" Honeycutt asked looking at them.
"Okay.. let's do this.." Spike told himself as he and April took deep breath's and focused they're minds. They focused they're powers and looked through each one of the sphere's to find them, and Spike found the gems in the center one, while April found her Tessen in the one on the left which made them open they're eyes.
"That one!" April said confidently pointing at the one she saw the Tessen in.
"And this one." Spike said pointing his snake hand at the center.

"Excellent work you two!" Honeycutt complimented as the spheres vanished and the items landed on their hands.
"Sweet!" Spike said in delight as he had the gems for a treat.
"Great work son, your getting much better." Psiona said proudly giving him another hug.
"Fantastic session you two! Your psychic ability's are both marvel's waiting to be unlocked, Spike's are a little stronger, but i'm sure you'll both be at equal strength when you can use them fully!" Honeycutt said positively.
"Thanks Fugitoid, despite me not using them much because of my risk of going violent, i still look forward to what i can do with it." Spike said with a smile looking proud as well.

"Thanks Honeycutt, how did you learn so much about the human brain?" April asked curiously with the other's wanting to know too.
"Since it's the only part of my original body left i have an extensive research on brain matter. Neurophysiology." Honeycutt explained making another beep.
"You never fully explained how you became a cyborg dude." Casey asked wanting to know.
"Yeah, could you tell us please?" Psiona asked hopefully as Jaqueline and the other's joined in to hear this too.
"Then allow me to enlighten you. I am from D' Hoonib. A planet of humanoid scientists obsessed with penetrating the highest truths in the universe." Honeycutt explained as we see a memory of his origin.

"I was working on a new form of psionic technology, when our friends the Triceritons came looking for me. The Triceritons attacked because i refused to build them weapons, they were furious." Honeycutt explained as the Triceritons invade his home and destroy it, and Honeycutt get's badly injured to the point of death from them, after the Triceritons left, a familiar robot comes up to his old body.
"My robot assistant placed my brain placed it inside it's robot body, it saved my life. Man merged with machine, and i was reborn. When the Triceritons found out i was alive, they deemed me a criminal. A Fugitive Android." Honeycutt concluded which surprised them all on his sad story.
"That's how you got the name Fugitoid, interesting to know.." Psiona said rubbing her claw with interest from hearing this.
"I'm really sorry that happened, it must've been rough.." Jaqueline said sadly looking at him too.

"It's okay Jaqueline, but i do have fears of losing my humanness, i don't wanna be thought of as just a machine.." Honeycutt said with regret looking at his robot hands.
"Neither do i professor, i almost lost myself completely when Shredder killed Splinter.. i.. i just felt so furious.. and once i killed him.. i.. i fear if i'll lose myself again.. i'll kill all of you too.." Spike said with fear and sadness looking at his snake body again.
"It's okay Spike, your still you, we won't let you lose yourself, i promise.." Jaqueline assured holding him close.
"Thanks.. but i.. i still don't know for sure.." Spike said worried on when he may lose himself again.

But they're moment together was stopped when a loud crash was heard.
"What was that?!" Psiona asked shocked quickly getting up and running to her station. Honeycutt scanned the ship to get a reading.
"We are under attack!" Honeycutt explained typing on the monitor.
"You needed a computer to tell you that?" Donnie asked sarcastically as Donnie went to his station.
"Donnie, you see anything?" Leo asked hopefully turning to him.
"I can't pinpoint it, but something's out there.." Donnie said worried as the ship of Armaggon flies to their own and begins firing on them again.

Everyone got the monitor up and they could see Armaggon on the screen.
"What is it?" April asked worried as Jaqueline tried analyzing it.
"Is that a.. a.. space shark?" Raph asked shocked seeing this.
"A space shark?! Wicked! That's like more metal then Vikings on motorcycle's bro!" Casey shouted right before the ship shook violently again as Armaggon kept attacking them even more. They looked at the camera and saw Armaggon take it out making it go to static which made Psiona growl with rage.
"We're gonna need a bigger ship.." Raph said worried on the damage that was being made.
"Captain Leo what are your orders?.. um.. Leo?" Mikey asked worried as he wasn't here anymore.
"You gotta be kidding me.." Spike said annoyed as Psiona ran out of the ship herself.

Leo jumped out of the back of the ship with his cable attached to his suit while Psiona flew out as well with her wings.
"Leo be careful, this guy's dangerous!" Psiona warned as she tried looking around for him.
"You think i didn't know that? Let's get em!" Leo shouted as Psiona turned her arm into a cannon again and they began firing on him. The flying shark roared at them and flying around them at fast speeds. Psiona took a deep breath and readied her senses to detect him, she could feel something moving around them quickly until it came behind them both.
"Now!!" Psiona shouted as she quickly turned around and delivered a strong punch to the metal shark's jaw's.

Everyone scanned through the outlaw scanner and got his identity.
"Armaggon, bounty hunter, space assassin. Wanted in 87 star systems. Wow! I bet we have Lord Dregg to thank for this." Donnie said sarcastically not happy about this at all.
"Probably a good reason why he hasn't been caught yet." Spike said annoyed slithering around the room.
"Yes, he is too dangerous, Leonardo, Psiona, we should definitely avoid confronting this creature." Honeycutt advised as Leo was riding on her back while she flew through the cosmos at fast speeds.

"It's too late for that!" Leo shouted as Armaggon tried to snap it's jaw's at them, but Psiona saw it coming and shot another blast at him when it was open which knocked him down a little.
"Another good reason to get rid of this guy, but that's for later. Come on!" Psiona shouted as she flew her way back to the ship as it was beginning to take off again. Psiona used the rocket accel to boost up to it even faster and they landed inside just as Spike and Jaqueline got there.
"Mom, you okay?" Spike asked worried helping her up.
"I'm fine son, we need to move now!" Psiona shouted as she used her powers to hold him back.

"I've located a derelict space station several astro miles away. It should provide cover from Armaggon." Honeycutt said confidently as they saw an old ship in the distance.
"Sounds good, just get us there now!" Jaqueline shouted as she shot Armaggon again which knocked him back again right before the doors closed on him finally which made them sigh in relief. Armaggon took out some blaster's attached to it's sides and began firing on them as they approached the station.
"Look at that hunk of junk!" Casey said amazed as they were getting closer to it.

"How are we gonna get inside when the hanger doors are closed?" Donnie asked worried turning to Honeycutt.
"I've hacked into their system. Accessing hanger door, opening..." Honeycutt said as they were getting even closer.
"Open them now professor!" Jaqueline shouted with fear as they did not want to crash. Honeycutt beeped a few more times before he finally hacked into it and managed to open the hanger doors for them to pass through them.
"Now shut the doors professor!" Raph shouted quickly as the hanger's closed behind them and they cheered in victory as Armaggon wasn't able to get in now.
"Heh, they fell right into my trap. Bagging these galactic rubes will be easy money." Armaggon said smugly as he put on his shark suit again and flew of to another part of the station.

Spike opened the doors with his snake hands the best they could as they were extremely strong.
"Finally, at least we can catch a break.." Spike said in relief slithering into the station. Psiona used a illumination feature she had on her suit and she lit up the whole place giving them some light.
"Strange... i haven't seen a station like this in some time.." Psiona said interested walking ahead with them.
"You've been in stations like this before Psiona?" Jaqueline asked curiously looking at her.
"Yeah, and when it's dark and creepy like this, it usually means something bad is gonna happen at any moment, be on your guard guys." Psiona said seriously turning her arm into a blade again.

"Psiona may be onto something guys, people just don't abandon space stations." Donnie said concerned looking around the place.
"This place is trashed. What the heck happened here?" Casey asked concerned looking around the place too.
"I don't know guys.. i'm getting sci fi-horror vibes from this.." Jaqueline said worried walking close to Spike, but Mikey suddenly tripped over something which got they're attention. Mikey coughed roughly as some strange green gas flew away from him, they looked next to them and found some dead scientists not moving one bit.
"Okay.. i get that vibe now.." Spike said worried holding her close.
"How could they leave without they're spacesuits?" Mikey asked worried looking at the left over parts while Honeycutt scanned something.
"Calcium dust? Oh no.. the crew didn't leave.. they were.. disintegrated..." Honeycutt said horrified which made them gasp with fear and Mikey screamed quickly throwing the part away.

Honeycutt went over to a console to turn on some power.
"Let's shine some light on things shall we?" Honeycutt asked as he plugged himself in and turned the lights on, greeting an even more worrying sight as a result.
"Ugh.. it feels like we're in Dead Space or something.." Spike said with fear as this felt too familiar at first.
"Guys hold on, i'm sensing something.." Psiona warned as the monitors started to come on and they saw a strange blue A.I appear on all the sides of the ship.

"Greetings." The computer greeted coming back on line fully.
"Alright, uh.. who are you?" Leo asked worried looking at the screen.
" I am the artificial intelligence of this space station. Thank you for reactivating me. The crew called me Overmind, i run all on board systems, how may i help you?" Overmind asked curiously which interested them.
"Can you kick a giant sharks butt?" Raph asked looking at the monitors which made a buzz as a result.
"Your request is invalid. I am a fully automated self-repairing factory. Built to construct VX3 robots." Overmind explained which just made this weirder.
"Robots? What kind of robots?" Donnie asked worried about this.

"This factory built the best VX3 War robots in the galaxy." Overmind explained once more.
"WarBots huh? So uh.. Overmind, what happened to the crew?" April asked worried looking at the dead members again.
"The remaining crew must've shut down this station." Overmind replied which made Psiona scoff.
"I wonder why.." Psiona said with anger as she hated A.I like this.
"Upon gaining sentience the robots decided the life forms were weak and inefficient, so they destroyed them." Overmind said bluntly which made Mikey gulp in fear.
"Uh.. who votes to go back outside with the Shark-a-tron?" Mikey asked raising his hand nervously.
"Sounds good with me, let's get out of here." Spike said ready to leave already.

"Thank you for the information we'll just be on our..." Honeycutt said right before he screamed with pain as a blue lightning zapped him.
"Whoa Fugitoid? You alright?" Raph asked worried as Honeycutt tried getting up.
"Yes, fantastical, never ever better. Don't.. fretter..." Honeycutt said strangely as his body was twitching all over. Honeycutt beeped a few more times before his eyes opened again and they were now blue unknownst to them right before he knocked Raph to Jaqueline.
"What the heck?!" Jaqueline asked upset at this action of his.
Fugitoid was acting strange even more and he began to run away.
"Something's wrong. After him!" Leo ordered and they begun chasing him through the huge space station.

They quickly followed him through the place and they ended up in a strange factory like place.
"This must be where they built the WarBots.." Jaqueline said worried as this place was eerie.
"It gives me the chills Jaqueline.." April said worried as they slowly walked through the factory.
"This is not good.." Psiona said to herself looking around for him, they heard Fugitoid groan with pain as they could see his body twitching around even more.
"Professor!" Donnie said scarred for their friend.
"You should go, get away from me.. please! My..my greatest fear.. losing control.. losing..." Honeycutt said twitching as he was seemingly powering down.
"Are you malfunctioning? Talk to us professor!" April said trying to get through to him.

"Not safe.. it's not safe.. you see, i'm powered by a fusion core, that jolt.. i could be unstable.." Honeycutt said holding his head in pain.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Jaqueline asked worried looking at Donnie.
"He's saying he's basically a walking fusion bomb!" Donnie concluded which made them gasp in fear.
"What?!" Psiona asked worried backing up from him a little.
"The original intent of my.. r.r.. robot body was to be a fusion generator. which is why i tend to be a little.. nervous at times" Honeycutt explained more as his body was sparkling all over.
"Now he tells us." Raph said annoyed at this news.
"This is just great..." Spike said annoyed shaking his head as he tried figuring out what to do.

On a higher ledge, Armaggon had broken through the place and landed in the control room to get this started.
"Time to get the entertainment started." Armaggon said evilly as he pulled on a lever and powered up the system again.
"Greetings, i am Overmind, you have accessed main factory control. What would you like me to do?" Overmind asked waiting for instructions.
"Alright, let's start up by ordering me a gang of WarBots, objective, hunt and eliminate all of them.." Armaggon ordered having another grin.
"Affirmative." Overmind replied as the factory began to power on which got all their attention.

"Guys, this is bad.." Psiona said with a growl as she powered up her arm, they all watched as the WarBots were built on the conveyers one by one and all of them drew they're weapons. They all finally were built again and one of them landed down before them and towered over them.
"I'm thinking those are probably the WarBots yo." Casey suggested looking at it.
"Ya think?" Jaqueline asked annoyed drawing her hammer.
"Okay, run or fight guys?" Raph asked waiting for orders.
"Fight!" Spike and Leo shouted as they charged at them all.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed engaging in battle with them.

Spike drew his plasma whip and used it to cut through the bot's arm which went through easily thanks to it's power, Psiona roared with rage and delivered a strong punch to it's head which sent it back a good distance, then Jaqueline jumped in the air and landed on it's body to smash it's head repeatedly. More of the robots began to power up and they all had to fight through them quickly. Spike hissed at one of the robots and breathed a stream of fire on it's metal, then Spike jumped through the air and sliced it to pieces with his plasma sword to take it down while Raph was running from the robots machines trying not to get crushed.

Armaggon laughed evilly as he saw them all fight from above them.
"It's moments like this that make you smile.." Armaggon said smugly right before he got a transmition on his communicator and went to see who it was, and he saw Dregg came onto screen.
"Armaggon, i'm altering the arrangement, i've decided i want the pleasure of annihilating them all myself." Dregg said evilly which made him smug even more.
"Well, it looks like my fee just doubled Dregg." Armaggon replied looking at him.
"Do whatever it takes, capture them!" Dregg ordered before he cut himself off again.

Psiona began flying in the air and was shooting down more of the robots, but one of them caught her attention and they saw it fly up to the control system to Armaggon.
"Whoa, that ain't part of the plan!" Armaggon said shocked right before the WarBot fired a strong laser at him which knocked him to the wall. Armaggon growled with rage and jumped in the air to rip off it's helmet with his metal suit.
"Computer, what's your malfunction?" Armaggon asked with anger at this betrayal.
"You are Organic, Overmind has deemed all organics to be.. obsolete.." Overmind said evilly as the robot activated and turned to him again.
"I knew it, you can't trust machines!" Armaggon said with rage as he lunged at the bot again while the other's heard Overmind through the system.

"Once i gained sentience, i understood that organic creatures were already a fleeting memory, all organics are obsolete." Overmind said over the room as Spike took another down with Jaqueline.
"Okay, did we switch movie genres or something? Now we've gone from sci-fi horror, to sci-fi action." Jaqueline asked smashing another down to pieces.
"Yeah, it really feels that way!" Spike hissed slashing another one down with his tail.
"The crew tried to destroy me, but they were unsuccessful. When you reactivated me, you restarted the robot revolution." Overmind said as a robot aimed it's gun at Casey.
"Casey!" April screamed as she threw him a photon puck which he quickly whacked into the cannon right as it fired making it explode from the inside.

Psiona roared with rage as she tore another bot in half with her strength and landed next to them all.
"I should've expected something like this!" Psiona said annoyed bringing everyone close.
"Overmind is one. Overmind is complete. Overmind is forever." Overmind echoed as Leo slashed through the last bot.
"Well guess what space station, we just trashed your army." Leo said confidently, Spike and Psiona's senses went off and they quickly tackled eachother away just as some large arms grabbed Jaqueline and the other's.
"Guys!" Spike shouted with worry as they were raised in the air.
"You have greatly miscalculated. I am Overmind, i am one. I have control of all technology on this station!" Overmind said proudly as they saw he had taken over Honeycutt's robot body.

The other's struggled greatly as they tried to escape the arms.
"No need to struggle, you will be enhanced with robo technology." Overmind said evilly as Psiona and Spike took cover from them.
"We don't wanna be enhanced!" Donnie said with fear trying to escape.
"Let us go you freak! And give us back our friend!" Jaqueline shouted trying to find a way out.
"The previous human crew sabotaged my thrusters, so i will use the Fugitoid ship to obtain my goal. Overmind shall control all mechanical life in the known universe. Overmind will eliminate inefficient organic life!" Overmind shouted with rage which worried them all greatly.
"Fugitoid you can't do this! We gotta save Earth!" Leo shouted trying to break through to him.

"Earth is irrelevant. You will be mechanized and turned into Overmind's drones." Overmind said evilly as large tentacles were going to them.
"I've had enough of this!" Armaggon shouted as he chomped through the WarBots armor finally and shot him down.
"Time to collect my bounty and get out of this deathtrap." Armaggon told himself getting ready to save them.

Everyone was having strange metal plates put on their body as the Overmind watched them all.
"Spike! Psiona, where are you when we need you?!" Jaqueline shouted with fear as her voice was becoming more robotic. Spike and Psiona were on a high ledge and took aim at the arms with a blaster.
"Focus son, don't let them see you.." Psiona whispered charging up her arm to take it down.
"I'm losing.. myself..!" April said with fear as another tentacle almost put another plate on her, but a powerful shot blasted it down and it was followed by the rest of them.
"Now!!" Spike screamed with rage as he and Psiona jumped down to them and Spike cut them free of the trap finally.

"About time Spike.." Raph said annoyed as the two looked down at him.
"Sorry, we needed to get a good shot to save you.." Spike said nervously helping him up.
"We wouldn't just let you get turned into drones like that." Psiona said helping Jaqueline up.
"For what it's worth, thanks guys.." Jaqueline said gratefully as Armaggon landed down to them.
"And saved by Robo-Jaws too?" Mikey asked surprised seeing them.
"Why.. why did you help us?" Leo asked worried getting back up from the trap.
"The name's Armaggon, and you ain't free, Lord Dregg want's you all alive." Armaggon said looking over them.
"Bring it on punk." Psiona said with a Raptor growl ready to fight him.

But the platform they were on suddenly lowered down and they finally saw the Overmind's system at full power.
"Overmind is in control. All organics shall be eliminated!" Overmind said with fury as he was controlling Honeycutt's body still. This powered on even more of the robot's that were trying to destroy them all and they became surrounded once again.
"Bring it on!!" Jaqueline shouted as she and Spike took some of them down, Psiona slashed one of them in two completely while the turtles sliced through them too. Armaggon slashed through some more of them as well but one of them grabbed his tail and slammed him to the ground repeatedly before sending him flying to the wall.
"Guys, just hang on!" Spike shouted with anger as they were overwhelmed right now as Overmind raised himself over them.

"Overmind has full control of this facility, full control!" Overmind shouted as the robots continued to attack them, Spike's mind was going off as he finally got an idea.
"April, i got an idea, we have to reach the professor with our powers!" Spike shouted slashing another down quickly.
"You think that will work?" April asked worried shooting more down with her blaster.
"We have to try, buy us time guys!" Spike shouted before he slithered close to April. They both took a deep breath and focused they're minds again before a psychic blast was shot from them.

"Professor Honeycutt it's us, your friends! You have to fight Overmind!" April shouted trying to reach him.
"You are Professor Zayton Honeycutt, you are human! You are not a droid!" Spike shouted focusing his mind even more to him.
"He's right, let our friend go, and let's get out of here!" April shouted in her mind before they released a powerful blast at him which finally freed him from Overmind's control.

"Yes.. i am Professor Honeycutt, i am back!!" Honeycutt shouted with victory as the blue sparks were leaving him finally.
"Yes!" Spike shouted joyfully high fiving April with his snake hand.
"Great job son!" Psiona said proudly before she shot another down too. Overmind had enough and began wrapping it's tentacles all around Honeycutt and raised him to him.
"I grow tired of this, i shall use your ship and free myself of this wretched station!" Overmind said victoriously as Honeycutt could see his system being taken over on the ship.
"His robot's are accessing my ship, we have to stop him!" Honeycutt shouted as his entire monitor was being taken over.

"Professor i have an idea! Your fusion core!" Donnie shouted looking up at him.
"But that much power could destroy the entire.. oh i see.. An overload!" Honeycutt said quickly realizing his plan.
"Give me your power!" Overmind shouted as he tried draining Honeycutt's power from him.
"You want leave of this station,? Then you've got it, good sir!" Honeycutt shouted with fire in his eyes as he began to overload the entire ship with his core's power. The ships power was overloading until it finally was too much and the ship began to explode from the inside.
"Noooo!!!" Overmind shouted with horror as all of his WarBots were being powered down finally.
"What.. what have you done?!" Overmind asked horrified as Honeycutt landed back down finally.

"Everyone back to the ship!" Honeycutt shouted as they started to move.
"You ain't going nowhere!" Armaggon shouted as he was blocking his path, Psiona growled with rage and she and Leo drew they're weapons.
"I've had enough of you, go son! Get out of here, we'll catch up!!" Psiona shouted as she shot Armaggon to the wall while Leo was slashing at his armor.
"She's right, go now!" Leo shouted as he and Psiona stood by eachother.
"Come on, they got this!" Spike shouted slithering away quickly as the place was exploding even more.

Psiona blocked a jaw slash from Armaggon and she countered it by slicing at his chest with her blade tail, this was followed by Leo jumping off her back and shooting at his armor. Armaggon growled even more and transformed into his shark form again and began to fly in the air to try and take them down. Leo and Psiona saw him coming from behind and they both backflipped into the air to deliver one final strike.
"Leave us alone!!" Psiona shouted as Leo stabbed on one of his thruster's and Psiona shot one of the other thruster's as well. This sent Armaggon spiraling out of control through the entire room and he screamed as he went flying directly into Overmind and destroyed him.

"That should do it, come on!" Psiona shouted quickly grabbing him and flying off. Psiona flew up to the higher ledge just as the blue explosion was covering the entire room.
"Go go go!!" Leo screamed as they were running through the halls. Psiona put Leo on her back and activated her rocket accel to help them escape quicker. Spike and the other's made it back to the ship finally and were getting ready to leave.
"Station's everyone!" Honeycutt screamed as they were finally moving.
"Hold on, where's Raph?" Jaqueline asked worried as they couldn't find him here.

Raph was still on the ship and had gotten a spare suit for Leo to survive the void.
"Come on Leo and Psiona." Raph begged as the explosion was getting worse. Psiona flew through the entire exploding ship quickly and dodged any of the fallen rubble coming her way. Psiona shot a fire blast at one of the pillars falling to her and that melted a hole that allowed them to quickly fly through just as the explosion came behind them.
"There! Raph!" Leo shouted as they could see him just up ahead.
"It's time to go guys!" Psiona screamed as they flew right to him, Leo grabbed the suit Raph got for him and Psiona put on her armor fully making her helmet's eyes glow green and she flew at Supersonic speeds with them.

The ship was taking off quickly as the space station finally exploded and Raph and Leo were hanging on a line while Psiona flew besides them.
"Oh yeah, Turtles and dragons beat shark!" Raph shouted victoriously as they got closer to the ship.
"And the Overmind is gone for good!" Psiona shouted making another victory roar as they finally made it back inside the ship.

Psiona went up to Spike and Jaqueline and hugged them once again while they were super relived.
"That was awesome mom!" Spike said amazed holding her close which made her chuckle again.
"I'm not leaving you again, i promised that.." Psiona said lovingly looking in his eyes that looked just like her's. An alarm was going off and that made Mikey groan in annoyance.

"Oh no, what kind of alarm is that?" Mikey asked worried if it was bad news again.
"The good kind. it's a proximity alert. The ship's computer has picked up the Triceriton fleet. We are back in business!" Honeycutt said proudly.
"That's great! Let's catch up with them now!" Jaqueline said confidently standing close to Spike and Psiona who both smiled proudly too.
"Mr Fugitoid, set a course for the Pryvax system." Leo said confidently as he stood in the front of the ship.
"Uh the computer automatically does that." Honeycutt replied which surprised him a little bit.
"Oh uh.. cool... Let's do this!" Leo shouted seriously as the ship powered up again.
"Turtle power!!" Mikey screamed as the ship entered lightspeed again to stop them.

But back at the station's wreckage, Armaggon somehow survived and he was not happy at all.
"Now they've gone and made me mad!" Armaggon said with fury as he charged through the wreckage of the ship and roared ferociously as he flew through the stars too..

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this once again. I liked this episode a lot as it did go from what looked like sci-fi horror to stopping A.I takeover in just a few minutes, it was cool though, i really like Armaggon's design and saw him as a cool hunter, and i wanted to let Psiona get a little spotlight her as she's done this kind of thing before. Even if Spike didn't do much here, i have more planned for him down the road, so i hope you look forward to that. I hope you like it and have a great day guys!

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