• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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45: Race Against the Demon!

Donnie, April and Casey were currently driving at night in the party wagon again with Donnie annoyed.

"Ahem? So why am i always the one stuck in the back filled with groceries?" Donnie asked annoyed.
"Somebody has to make sure the eggs don't break dude." Casey mocked.
"We don't even buy eggs! We have chickens! I know what your up to Jones, you always get to drive! I wonder why.." Donnie pointed out.
"Well, maybe because a giant turtle driving a hippie bus seems a little suspicious!" Casey shouted which annoyed April.

"Guys! I'd just like to have one peaceful trip to the store without you two tearing at eachothers throats." April said annoyed at them which shut them up.
"Now that's better, peace and quiet." April said relieved as they pass through the streets, but something behind them turned they're lights on and a strange car started chasing them.

The car sped up through the highway and went in front of them before backing up behind them making them all yell.
"A little chip n chase huh?!" Casey asked getting mad at this guy.
"Just pull over Casey, get out of the way!" April said annoyed once more.
"Nobody pulls Casey jones off the road!" Casey shouted as he slammed the van against the car. The person inside laughed like a maniac before slamming against the van and knocked them all off balance as the guy got away.

"Ugh, everyone okay?" April asked as Donnie had some steak on his head.
"Nobody forces Casey jones off the road huh?" Donnie mocked taking the thing off. Casey slammed the wheel in rage making the car honk each time he did so..

Spike and Jaqueline were outside the house feeding the chickens again, Spike finally got the hang of his snake hands, and despite his body still hurting from the Shredder, he's been getting better each day.
"You wanna know something about you that reminds me of something?" Spike asked as they got done feeding them.
"What's that Spike?" Jacqueline asked as they looked at eachother.
"You remind me of Princess Luna back in Equestria, she had a similar ability to go into ones dreams as well, only she didn't.. you know.." Spike said referring to what she can do.

"Oh right, the Princess of the Moon! You know, hearing all this about her makes me want to meet her, i feel like i can learn some things from her." Jaqueline said positively.
"I'm sure she'll gladly teach you some things, i'd think you two would get along well." Spike agreed as the two started to head back, but as they kept moving, Jaqueline's head started to hurt again as she started having flashes, she saw what looks like a car driving at fast speeds, she winced in pain again as she saw what was inside the car.. it was a horrific mutant creature and that made her gasp in shock..

"Jaqueline? What's wrong?" Spike asked worried as she breathed heavily.
"Spike, somethings wrong.." Jaqueline said worried just before they heard a honk and saw Casey and the others get back, the van looked roughed up right now.
"Casey? Donnie? What happened here?" Spike asked worried as they all got out.
"Some punk in a fast car knocked us off road, i swear Casey jones almost had him!" Casey said frustrated as Donnie came out with the bags.
"Yeah well you didn't! Can you help me with these groceries now?" Donnie asked annoyed.
"I'll get em.." Jacqueline said with worry as she thinks that ties into her vision..

Psiona and the others were in the room watching Mikey's show until the news came on about a reckless driver.
"A Word of warning for those planning on driving tonight.. stay home! Reports are coming in of a mysterious driver running people off the road." The woman said on Tv.
"That's considered breaking news out here?" Raph asked confused.
"If it's trouble, i won't mind putting that punk in his place." Psiona said turning her arm into a cannon again.

"It was him! That's the maniac who nearly trashed us!" Donnie pointed out as they all walked into the room.
"You ran into that maniac?!" Leo asked in shock.
"More like he ran into us! Over and over, we gotta get back out there and teach that guy a lesson!" Casey said frustrated with him.
"Just tell me where to find this punk!" Psiona said with anger ready to kick some butt.
"Calm down mom, we need to find out how to catch him first." Spike assured walking out to the barn. Jaqueline had a look of worry as she knew this wasn't a normal driver, and it could tie into the mutagen they lost from the frogs recently..

"Hey armpit, hand me the 1/4 inch socket." Casey mocked as they were working in the barn.
"Sure thing barf a roni." Donnie mocked handing him the wrench as he, Spike and Jaqueline were working on the car.
"How much longer until this thing is ready Casey?" Spike asked as he screwed some stuff in.
"Shouldn't be too much longer, hand me that screwdriver please." Casey asked and Spike did so.

"Guys, i'm not sure about this, i sensed something off about that guy, he was frantic, crazy, it felt.. not human.." Jaqueline said worried as she knew this would be dangerous.
"Well if anything, we should try this thing out, wanna take the seat with me buddy?" Casey asked Spike.
"Sure thing, we gotta find out what this thing is.." Spike said as they finished up with the car.

Spike was in the car with Casey and Jaqueline as Casey was taking the front wheel, Psiona and Donnie were far off waiting for the speed test.
"You guys ready for Casey Jones and his snake-dragon bro and his beaver GF to break some speed records?" Casey asked on his T-phone.
"We're ready, on my mark.." Donnie said before Mikey took it and blew his tongue at him.
"Go!" Mikey announced and Casey stepped up on the speed and they cheered in joy.
"This is awesome!!" Spike shouted as they went faster.
"This is crazy!!" Jacqueline screamed as the car went past them and Donnie stopped the watch.

"Amazing!" Donnie said shocked at his speed
"Casey's car is light speed yo!" Mikey said amazed as well.
"You two knuckleheads actually pulled it off. I'm almost impressed." Raph added.
"Are they.. coming back?" Psiona asked as the car was still going off.
"They aren't stopping aren't they?" Donnie asked as she was right.
"Doesn't look that way.." Raph said looking ahead, Psiona growled with rage and turned her arm into a cannon again and shot a blast off the cliff in frustration shocking them all as the blast made a large explosion off the cliff.
"At least let me join in! I gotta make sure my sons safe!" Psiona said with anger which made them all back up from her in fear.

Casey was still driving the car at fast speeds.
"Casey, shouldn't we be going back?" Jaqueline asked worried as they kept going.
"Casey doesn't need a stopwatch to tell this things fast! Best way to use this is to stop that road creep!" Casey said determined.
"Casey, Jacqueline said he's not normal, we could get into trouble!" Spike said trying to make him stop.
"We deal with this stuff all the time Spike, this shouldn't be anything different!" Casey shouted as he sped things up even more with Spike and Jaqueline looking worried.

They kept going all around the highway looking for this guy, but they didn't find him anywhere and Casey was annoyed.
"What a drag! The minute your actually looking for a maniac they're nowhere to be found.." Casey said right before they saw the car go by them.
"That's him! Let's go!" Spike hissed as they sped up even more. They sped up right next to the window and looked inside until they saw a light flash and saw the driver was a mutant and they all screamed.
"He's a.. mutant?!" Casey asked in shock.
"I knew there was something wrong with him!" Jaqueline said pointing at him.

"You! Your that kid that tried to stop me last night! And i see you have some freaky friends as well!" the driver said as they sped against eachother.
"Speed demons king of the road baby!" The monster shouted as they were about to approach another car.
"Casey! Look out!" Jaqueline shouted pointing at the car.
"Got it!" Casey shouted as he pushed the driver right out of the way as the car passed with the old woman not reacting to it at all.

"No! You rats! I'm gonna smash you all!" The driver shouted shoving the car against them.
"Every stinking humans going off this road for a wild ride, yeah!" He shouted as they turned another corner. Casey tried shoving at the driver again, but the car was even stronger and knocked them off balance again.
"Not cool!!" Casey shouted as the car went spinning right onto a bar.
"I think i'm gonna be sick.." Spike said as he tried unbuckling himself, Casey slammed on the wheel again in rage as they lost them, the van pulled up with April and the others getting out and Psiona landed on the ground creating a crater.

"Casey, Spike, Jaqueline are you three okay?" Raph asked as they ran up to them.
"Are you okay my son?!" Psiona asked worried checking if he's okay.
"I'm fine mom.. just.. dizzy.." Spike said trying to regain focus, Psiona growled with rage knowing her son was almost hurt.
"That punk is gonna pay!" Psiona said as she looked over him.
"Dudes! What happened to your sweet ride?" Mikey asked looking at the car.

"It was that maniac, he's not normal, he's a mutant!" Jaqueline explained and they all looked shocked.
"Whoa, a mutant?" Mikey asked in shock.
"You totally ditched me! I could have helped!" Donnie said upset at Casey.
"That guy challenged me, it's the code of the road man! Mano-a-mano!" Casey said crossing his arms.
"Come on, let's get this scrap heap back to the house." Raph said ready to go.
"I got it." Psiona said as she went over to it and lifted it up with ease and started to fly off which shocked them all again.
"Your mom is scary at times you know that Spike?" Leo asked him.
"Given what she can do, i won't be surprised when we see more of her.." Spike said as they were about to get in, but Mikey saw something on the ground.

"Hey guys, check this out.." Mikey said about to touch it before Donnie knocked him away.
"Don't touch that! It looks likesome kind of.. mutagenic fuel. Fascinating.." Donnie said as he put the thing in the vial.
"There must be mutagen still out there.." Donnie said as they looked at the trail..

They all made it back to the house as Psiona was waiting outside for them and April came out with Leo.
"Casey! Are you okay?" April asked worried coming up to him.
"What happened?" Leo asked worried.
"Speed demon 2, Casey jones, zip." Donnie explained.

"You went after that guy?" April asked upset at him.
"The cops can't catch him. And someone's gotta take that mutant down!" Casey said determined again.
"And that mutant's gotta be Casey jones right?" April asked annoyed.
"That's right red, and i'm making sure to have help doing it." Casey said referring to Spike as they went to the barn again.

Casey was under the truck working on it with Spike besides him ready to hand him some parts.
"So, you ready to handle the problem with that clutch?" Donnie mocked walking inside.
"I found part of the problem, hey Mikey! Keep your chickens out of the farm man!" Casey shouted as he pulled one out and it ran off.
"I swear Psiona is gonna roast some of them for dinner if they don't!" Spike shouted as well.

Donnie went back to working on the sample he found and Casey rubbed his back ashamed, Spike stood back and let them handle this out.
"Listen Donnie.. i'm sorry i went after speed demon without you.." Casey said sadly.
"It's fine. Me and the guys have been making our own plan to bring that freak down." Donnie said not even looking at him.
"Donnie, you and i know the hot rod is the best chance we got. We need to team up on this." Casey said as Donnie sighed again.
"I don't know.." Donnie said unsure of this.

"I need your sweet scientific genius don.. please?" Casey begged in a singsong voice and Spike chuckled a little.
"All right, i have an idea, a crazy, awesome idea!" Donnie said as they looked at the car.
"Let's do this!" Spike said twirling a wrench around.

Upbeat music plays as the three open the basement and look at the old Kraang ship, they all went to take out multiple parts of the ship and used that to make new engines, an A.I computer, some boosters.. before the three took an energy drink to keep going, before they finished all of it.
"This. is. amazing!" Casey said amazed as they look at the high tech car.
"You never cease to amaze me Don, we did a job well done!" Spike said proudly.

"Yeah i know guys, and it's almost ready. I just have to figure out the problem with the artificial intelligence for the onboard computer system. " Donnie said getting in the car with the two watching, unknown to them, another chicken walked into the farm and started coming up to the mutagen, it knocked it over and started to drink it..

"Here chicky chicky chick.. oh snap!" Mikey said in shock as they all saw he got into the mutagen.
"Are you kidding me?!/ Holy Toledo!" Spike and Donnie said in shock, the chicken turned around and they saw it's brain had become huge...
"Oh not again Mikey!" Donnie said annoyed as the thing jumped down.
"Just what i need! Another mutant!" Casey said annoyed as well and Spike hissed in annoyance. The chicken got into the car and started typing on the keyboard.

"Whoa! What's she doing?!" Mikey asked surprised as they saw the computer with it's equations.
"It's.. it's communicating with us! Those are complex equations! Maybe we don't need an artificial intelligence, maybe we just need.." Donnie said before Mikey announced.
"Dr. Cluckingsworth, M.D!" Mikey announced.
"Uh yes, maybe Dr. Cluckingsworth.." Donnie said annoyed.

"So um.. doctor? Can you interfere with the hot rods computer?" Donnie asked going up to him. the chicken made a cluck sound in response and started typing on the computer.
"Awesome.." Spike said amazed as they watch it work.

They were all outside the barn again with Psiona, Jaqueline and the other turtles waiting with them.
"All right Donnie, what are we doing here?" Leo asked curious.
"I give you.." Donnie announced as the car turned on, it slowly came out of the barn and showed off it's high tech upgrades. Spike and Casey were in the front as the Doctor was in a cage.
"The Turtle Racer!" Donnie announced.

"So your co pilot.. is a chicken?!" Raph asked confused on seeing her.
"She's the on board navigator" Spike explained looking at her.
"You guys really think this.. car is gonna stop that maniac?" Leo asked confused.
"With this baby, Casey jones and Spike can't be beat!" Casey said confidently again.

"Son, are you sure about this? You almost got hurt last time, and your still recovering from your wounds.." Psiona said with concern.
"Don't worry mom, Casey and i have a plan, but we're gonna need you help. Do you think you can be in the air for surveillance?" Spike asked curious, Psiona sighed as she knew they needed to take this guy down.
"I'll alert you when i see him." Psiona said seriously.
"Let's all be careful okay?" Jaqueline asked worried for them.
"Don't worry, we got this!" Casey said giving Spike a high five.

Spike and Casey were now on the road again with Jaqueline next to them as Leo and the others were following them, Psiona was high in the skies making sure to keep a look out.
"All right, we got the plan down right?" Leo asked from his phone.
"As long as you can keep up in that thing!" Casey joked.
"Let's do this!" Spike said as the car started driving off faster.

The chicken clucked again and typed on the computer.
"What's wrong doc?" Casey asked worried as they look on the screen and it said" Speed demon is approaching". Psiona looked ahead and saw the car driving at fast speeds again.
"Guys! It's heading right for you!" Psiona warned using a built in communicator she had in her metal arm. Right on cue, the car was driving to them at fast speeds.

"Guys look out, here he comes!" Casey shouted as they all got ready.
"Here we go again.." Jaqueline said with worry as they got closer to it. The mutant laughed like crazy as he charged at them.

"So you wanna play chicken eh?!" Casey asked with anger and the chicken looked offended at that.
"Sorry doc." Casey said as they rev upped the engine and started moving faster. They were about to collide with the monster and they all got away as the car drove off again, Casey turned around and they went after them.
"He's doing it again, he's ditching us!" Raph said annoyed at this.
"Nope! This time it's all part of the plan!" Donnie assured looking on.

Spike and the others continued to chase the guy as he continued driving faster, Spike stepped things up and the car came right across the window again.
"I'm gonna splatter you across the road! I'll grind you im my grill like the bugs you are!" He shouted as he slammed against them again.
"This'll slow you down freak!" Casey shouted as he pushed on a button and that shot a large cork out to the front of the road and made a large explosion, the guy screamed as he slowed down and they passed him.
"Take that monster!" Jaqueline said confidently as they drove off with the three laughing in victory.

"Psiona, now!" Donnie shouted from the van.
"Got it!" Psiona shouted as she activated her rocket wings and they flew down to the ground at fast speeds, the maniac was about to go after them again before she landed on the ground making a large impact, the guy screamed again as Psiona growled at him.
"This, is for my son!" Psiona shouted as she readied herself, the car drove at her even faster and attempted to ram her, she closed her eyes and waited for the right time before her senses went off letting her know now's the time. Psiona screamed with rage as she grabbed the thing with her arm completely stopping it.
"What?!" The monster asked in shock as she looked him directly in the eye.
"Your drive is over!!" Psiona screamed as she picked the thing up and threw it across the road.

The car slammed down on the ground and continued to flip over to the wall as the mutant driver went flying out the window, it continued to flop over until it crashed into the wall and completely stopped. Psiona growled with rage as she went over to the driver and grabbed his throat.
"You better explain yourself punk!" Psiona said as she readied her fire breath, but to her shock, she didn't see a mutant, it was a regular human again and he looked terrified.
"Who.. what are you?!" The guy screamed in fear, Psiona let the guy go as she was shocked to see him.
"Your.. not a mutant?!" She asked as the guy ran away screaming in fear.

"Then.. if he's not a mutant.. then that must mean.." Psiona said in realization, she turned around and looked at the car with shock. She saw the car was behind her, and found out the car itself was a mutant. The car roared at her before it started to shift, she watched in horror as the thing grew huge metal arms, it's back turned into large spiked legs and the hood turned into a monsterous looking demonic head and he roared at her as it towered over her.

"You think you can stop my fun?! I'll show you a thing or two mom!" Speed demon said as it turned it's arm into a cannon and aimed it at her. Psiona screamed as she dodged the blast and saw it make a huge explosion.
"Your the mutant?! You took over that guys mind?!" Psiona asked as she got in a fighting stance herself.
"That's right! It was me all along! I am the Speed demon!!" He screamed as he started firing at her like a maniac and she was flipping across the gunfire.

Psiona took out her communicator to warn the others.
"Guys! The driver isn't the mutant! It's the car itself! It turned into some kind of.. giant robot!" Psiona shouted as she ducked under a huge missile which made a large explosion.
"What?! How can that be?!" Donnie asked as he and the others were shocked at this news.
"It's a transformer?!" Mikey asked horrified at the news.

Spike was still driving with Casey and Jaqueline and they were shocked as well.
"Mom! Be careful! We're on our way!" Spike shouted from his T-phone.
"Casey, turn this thing around!" Jaqueline shouted to him.
"Got it!" Casey shouted in response as he made a U-turn and took off back to help her.

Psiona activated her wings again and took to the skies avoiding his gunfire.
"What's the matter mommy?! Scarred to fight me?! I thought you dragons were supposed to be tough!" Speed demon shouted as he shot a missile at her, she used her psychic powers to move the thing out of the way and lowered it down to the ground far below.
"I am a fighter! You do not know what i've been through!" Psiona shouted as she flew around the area at fast speeds.

"Oh right, your the mother of that little snake freak! Some mother you are for letting him become a mutant! I don't know why he bothers calling you his mom!" Speed demon insulted as he turned his arm into a blade saw and tried slashing at her, Psiona's pupils narrowed as she heard those words, she made a loud growl of rage as she was insulted like that.
"How.. dare you insult my son like that?!" Psiona screamed as she had enough and landed on the ground making the ground shake violently.

"Oh, struck a nerve did i?! I'm surprised you have any given what a freak you are now!" He mocked again as Psiona charged at him with rage.
"I may be a freak, but i'm still.. a.. dragon!" Psiona screamed as she readied her metal arm and delivered a strong punch in his face and sent him back a great distance. He quickly got up and laughed like a maniac again.
"Oh that's cute! No wonder your kinds considered a myth! I'll make sure you stay that way!" He shouted as he turned his arms into more guns and fired lasers at her. Psiona backflipped across each one, going from the wall next to her, to flipping over some more, and sliding under them, she growled with rage and jumped in the air and slashed at him with her own tail.

"Then you clearly don't know why my kind is considered a myth, cause if we were real.. we'd be almost impossible to take down!" Psiona shouted as she readied her arm cannon and raised it upwards to the cliff.
"What are you?!" Speed demon shouted right before she shot a blast at the top right above him, this caused a huge pile of rocks to start tumbling down. Psiona took a deep breath and closed her eyes before raising her hands up, she opened her eyes once again and they glowed in a pure white as she had an aura around her, the ground around her shook as her powers became stronger. She shot a telepathic wave at the rocks and they completely halted in the air.
"Let's see what you can do punk.." Psiona said in a ominous voice as she raised her hands forwards. The rocks turned to the Speed demon and started flying at him with incredible speeds.

Speed demon screamed as he continued to be hit repeatedly over and over by each and every rock. Spike and the others were coming up on her and saw his mom fighting off Speed demon.
"Whoa! What's she doing?!" Casey asked amazed at her powers.
"She's my mom, she's got psychic powers like me, activate the boost!" Spike shouted to Jacqueline.
"Activating the mutagenic boost!" Jaqueline replied as she pressed on a button, a small thing of TNT went right behind a doctor and exploded making her cluck in shock, that made her lay a mutagenic egg and it went straight into an hole right below her.

The egg fell into the engine and dissolved and made the entire thing glow, the device on the car beeped and Casey pushed on the button. This made the car do a sonic boom and they all screamed in amazement.
"This is crazy!!" Jaqueline shouted as the engine was sparking all over.
"This is awesome!!!" Spike screamed as the car got even faster.
"Goongala!!!" Casey screamed as he drove the car straight towards the robot.

Psiona felt them about to hit her and she looked at him one more time.
"Sayonara freak!" Psiona shouted as she backflipped right over the car, she leapt down and quickly grabbed all four of them in slow motion, Speed demon screamed as the car went slamming right into him and he was sent off the cliff, Psiona put them down and charged up her arm cannon to max power.
"I'll be back!!!" Speed demon shouted as he fell down, Psiona growled with rage and shot the blast straight to his chest, it impaled him right through his whole body leaving a large hole completely obliterated, Speed demon screamed as he exploded over the ledge and his parts went flying all over finally destroying him...

"Good riddance monster." Psiona said as she blew away some smoke from her cannon and turned it back to normal.
"Mom! That was awesome!!" Spike said as he gave her a hug with the others cheering for her.
"That was the coolest thing i've ever seen!!" Casey said completely amazed at her powers.
"I knew you were strong, but that was incredible!" Jaqueline said hugging her too as she was breathing heavily.
"Thanks, that takes a lot out of me.. i'm just glad that monster's gone.." Psiona said in relief as the van came up to them with Leo and the others getting out.

"What happened? Is the freak gone?" Raph asked worried as they all came up to her.
"It's gone, we did it guys.." Psiona said taking heavy breaths.
"Hey! We couldn't have done it without Casey and Spike and Donnie, this plan of theirs is what helped us take it down!" Jaqueline said proud of them.
"Yeah! That idea was wicked!" Casey said giving Donnie a high five.
"I told you, i had a crazy awesome plan!" Donnie said as the two laughed at eachother. Spike looked at his mom with interest as that kind of power was crazy.

"Mom.. how are you so strong? That was insane.." Spike asked a little worried for her.
"I spent decades within Dimension X son, i've had plenty of time to develop my powers.." Psiona said getting up.
"Do you think.. i'll get that strong? Even.. like this?" Spike asked looking at his snake body.
"One day you might, but it always goes to how you use it.. it can either save others.. or destroy them.. And i've seen many things in Dimension X.." Psiona said looking down at him.

"What kind of things mom? I've only been there for a bit, and i saw some crazy stuff, but what about you?" Spike asked worried.
"Let's just say.. there's more to that place then meets the eye, and i have made a few friends in it.." Psiona said as she remembered who her own friends were, and they were an interesting bunch..
"Do you think we'll meet them one day?" Spike asked curiously.
"Maybe one day son.. maybe one day.." Psiona said as they all watched Casey and Donnie high five eachother in victory. Unknown to them, when Speed demon exploded off a cliff, a bird was flying by during that moment with a fish, and the mutagen was splashed all over it...

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this, i plan on having the Croaking out soon, i'm just putting the finishing touches on it, i'm sorry i was absent for the past few days, i got sick after i posted the Rise TMNT teaser, but i'm back and feeling better. I have some other stuff to do today after i post this, so i might have the Croaking come out tomorrow, but i'll release it soon i promise.

I know it was weird having Spike's mom face what was basically a transformer, but you gotta admit it wasn't as weird as whatever the hell happened to Donnie in the original, he did not deserve that. I also wanted to show off more on what she can do and hint at more stuff with her in the future, so i hope you don't mind. I just hope you all liked this and look forward to more!

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