• Published 2nd Nov 2023
  • 2,560 Views, 500 Comments

Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

  • ...

73: Trans-Dimensional Turtles

Spike and the other's were still traveling through space right now after getting the 2nd black hole piece, they were glad to finally have the thing and they needed just one more to completely destroy it, even if Spike's head is hurting a lot right now, they needed to destroy it before the Triceritons can use it.

Casey, April and Mikey were trying to sleep right now after all the hard work they've been doing, but Mikey was suddenly kicked off by Casey who was moving around in his sleep, Mikey groaned while feeling really tired and made his way back to the bridge.

Spike, Psiona and Jaqueline were trying to help with the coordinates of the ship while everyone else was doing they're part, Mikey was tiredly walking into the room which Honeycutt noticed.
"Hello Michelangelo, I'm surprised your still awake," Honeycutt greeted while he was really tired.
"Isn't it the middle of the night? Or whatever you call it in space?" Mikey asked opening his eyes finally.
"It's like 2am back on Earth right now if you wanna know." Jaqueline said looking at Earth's time right now.

"There's no time for rest now Mikey, there's one last piece of the Black Hole generator left, and we've got to find it!" Leo said seriously moving along with his job.
"We can't let them get that weapon, we aren't gonna let that happen again!" Spike hissed while holding his head again.
"Can't we just destroy the pieces we already have? I mean what are they gonna do with one stupid piece?" Raph asked not really worried about it.
"Well what if they figure out a way to replicate the technology Raph?" Donnie pointed out which was a true thing.
"You should not underestimate them Raph, you know how strong they are." Psiona said with a growl turning to him.
"Donatello and Psiona are right, the machine must be destroyed, every last piece of it." Honeycutt said in a stern tone.

But they're talk was stopped by something they weren't aware off, the alarms were going off suddenly and the area around them began to shake violently.
"What is this?!" Spike shouted trying to keep his balance.
"What's going on professor?!" Leo asked worried as well while Honeycutt tried to pinpoint the problem.
"It seems to be some kind of hyperspatial trans-mat, trying to home in on 5 targets!" Honeycutt said looking at Spike and the Turtles.
"You 5!" Honeycutt declared which worried them, everyone screamed with fear as a portal suddenly opened up beneath them and they screamed as they fell through it and disappeared.

"Son/Spike!!" Psiona and Jaqueline shouted with terror as Honeycutt tried to find them.
"Well.. that's not good.." Honeycutt said not knowing what to do.
"Honeycutt.. where is Spike and the other's?!" Jacqueline asked worried and breathing heavily.
"I uh.. don't.. know.." Honeycutt admitted, Psiona suddenly lunged at him and pinned him to the wall and looked worried.
"WHERE'S MY BABY?!" Psiona roared with fear and anger while shaking him like a maniac.

Spike and the Turtles were screaming with fear as they went spiraling around in a dimensional vortex, they're vision finally came to focus as they found themselves falling into a strange world that looked hand drawn, everyone screamed with fear while they all fell out of the sky and landed on a rooftop roughly.
"Ugh.. what.. was that?" Spike asked rubbing his snake hand, but his focus soon came to his hand as he just realized something.. he looked like he was in 2d..
"Guys, where are we?" Leo asked worried as all of them were finally getting up and they all gasped with shock when they saw how they look now too.
"I think i speak for everyone when I say.. Holy Sewer cakes!!" Mikey shouted with terror as they were in a completely separate reality!

Everyone was looking around this place with complete shock as this was like nothing they've seen before, ever.
"How is this possible? Where are we?" Leo asked trying to process what's going on.
"Oh no dudes, I think we're in Pittsburgh!" Mikey shouted with fear looking around the weird world.
"The world is so flat! I can't even see my own butt!" Raph shouted not seeing the rest of his body.
"It's like we entered a cartoon world!"" Spike shouted looking at his snake hands which looked weirdly animated when moving around.
"I think we're in some kind of alternate reality!" Donnie theorized trying to figure out what's going on.
"Hold on.. if we're in an alternate reality.. then doesn't that mean.." Spike asked realizing something.

His thoughts were proven right when some strange shadows emerged from the water tower, and all 5 figures suddenly landed down to confront them, and they all had a look of shock as they were.. an alternate version of Spike and the Ninja Turtles!
"Are those guys.. us?!" Donnie asked in awe seeing the.
"No way!" Raph shouted not believing this.
"Why am I a wolf mutant?" Spike asked pointing at his 87 self who was a green and purple wolf mutant.
"Why am I a snake mutant?" 87 Spike asked pointing at him( Haley Joel Osment), Leo looked at the alternate Donnie and saw he had a weapon of sorts.

"It's a blaster! Get him!" Raph shouted drawing his weapons which made Spike hiss at them.
"Oh nuts! It's not a.." 87 Donnie said trying to talk them out of this.
"Take em down!" Leo shouted as the entire group charged at eachother. Spike whipped a snake hand at his other self and he ducked right under it with swift movements.
"Whoa! Calm down dude!" 87 Spike shouted while Spike was pushing him back.
"Why do you sound familiar?" Spike asked knowing he heard this voice somewhere else.
"We don't want to fight you!" 87 Leo shouted while clashing with the normal Leo.
"Well you shouldn't have aimed a laser at us!" Leo shouted while both Raph's were fighting against eachother too.

Raph sweeped his other version's legs and pinned him to the ground.
"Talk! Who sent you?! The Triceritons?!" Raph shouted looking down at him.
"Get off of me you crack shelled imposter!" 87 Raph shouted before he punched his knee which gave him the moment to escape while both Mikey's were amazed with eachother.
"Totally radical! Your just like me dude!" They both said at once while high fiving eachother before the other turtles backed against them.

"I'm telling you, this isn't a weapon! It's a portal projector!" 87 Donnie said holding out the device.
"It's not meant for shooting people dudes!" 87 Spike shouted backing up to the other's as well.
"Yeah right, I've heard that one before." Spike said crossing his arms.
"And how do we know your not a Kraang?" Donnie asked not believing them.
"That's why we brought you here, Krang! He's causing trouble in our dimension, and yours too!" 87 Leo said pointing at the group.
"Krang's like trying to destroy both of our realities dudes, we just don't know how, you gotta believe us!" 87 Mikey begged while looking at them all.
"We promise we don't mean any harm to you guys." 87 Spike said raising his hands.. or claws that looked razor sharp like Shredder's own blades.

"That's why we called on you Poseurs.. I mean Turtles for help, did i say poseurs? Oops." 87 Raph mocked which annoyed them a bit.
"Poseurs? You guys don't even fight with your weapons! How can your Spike wield a Scythe and not fight with it?! And what's with the initials on your belts? Lame!" Raph mocked looking at they're belts while seeing 87 Spike had a Scythe on his back.
"I only use this for real deadly situations!" 87 Spike said in defense holding it up while his wolf tail wagged around.
"Dude, I have a plasma sword that I often use with 2 other blades I have back home.
"I think I'm gonna like putting more crack's in this imposter's shell." 87 Raph said looking at Raph's crack before going to Donnie.
"And you, Gap Teeth, why do you sound so weird?" 87 Raph asked recalling his voice.
"Me sound weird? Heard yourself lately?!" Donnie asked marching to him before 87 Leo stopped them.

"Hey hey hey hey! Come on guys, take it eas.. whoa!" 87 Leo shouted right as a powerful blast blew through the wall which almost hit them and a strange figure jumped in the air.
"It's him! He found us!" 87 Mikey said with fear as the strange figure landed down.. and was wearing a weird costume that was really weird to look at, and they saw a Kraang in the chest.
"What the @##% is that?!" Spike swore while the thing charged a blast at them
"Language dude!" 87 Spike shouted before they were all blown off the rooftop and landed on the streets of the city which scarred the people there, the strange figure landed down to the streets.

"So you allied yourselves with your dimensional counterparts, eh?" Krang mocked while waving it's tentacles around.
"It's Krang!" 87 Donnie shouted getting back up.
"This loser again?" 87 Spike asked drawing his weapon.
"Whoa, what's with the gross man baby body?" Mikey asked looking at his suit.
"This will be the last time I have to look at you disgusting Turtles and Wolf Dragon! The Kraang are letting me go home! I just have to make a few amends, and Dimension X, here I come!" Krang shouted opening up another Kraang portal.
"Not so fast Krang!" 87 Leo shouted as his group drew they're weapons.
"Turtle Power!!" 87 Spike screamed before all the 87 group charged at Krang.

87 Leo drew his swords but didn't even use them, instead he kicked his legs forward which made Krang back up into a cracked floor which made fall backwards, 87 Spike breathed a stream of fire on Krang's suit to stun him for a moment just as 87 Raph cut open a Fire Hydrant which sent a huge amount of water to him and knocked him far away, 87 Mikey took out a rope of sorts and wrapped it around a street post to make him trip over it too.
"Wow.. this is just.. lame.." Raph said not really impressed with it.
"At least that version of me can breath fire." Spike said watching his wolf self " fight" Krang off.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed while he and his 87 self tried to attack, but Krang's suit shot a blast with it's eye lasers and knocked them back to the group while Krang laughed evilly.
"My Dimensionizer will wipe out all of your worlds!" Krang mocked before he ran to the portal and escaped into it leaving the group behind.

"Oh great, now we're stuck in this dimension, probably forever." Donnie said holding his shoulder.
"Give us a break.." Spike hissed while shaking his head again.
"I've still got my Portal Ray! The one I brought you here with! All we have to do is hone in on Krang's dimensional coordinates and.. yeah!" 87 Donnie said getting the location of where Krang is, he raised the device up and shot a blast into the streets which opened a portal to they're dimension.
"Wait what? how does that work? That doesn't make sense!" Raph asked looking at the portal.
"You'll find Donnie knows how to make pretty much anything with what he can find." 87 Spike said casually moving his claw around.
"Come on guys!" Leo shouted which made Spike and his group run into the portal.

The portal opens up in they're dimensions New York and all of them scream as they come falling out of the portal into an alleyway.
"Yes, we're back in New York City!" Mikey shouted really happy to be home.
"And we're 3d again! Thank Celestia I looked really weird back there." Spike said in relief as the 87 gang was walking through the portal too.
"I can't believe that we're back.. in the past!" Donnie said amazed to see their old home.

"Dudes, look at us! We're like.. more solid or something!" 87 Mikey said looking at they're 3d bodies.
"This is totally amazing!" 87 Spike said looking at his furry claws and snout.
"What's going on Donatello?" 87 Leo asked looking at him.
"Well, we came from a 2 dimensional reality, into a 3 dimensional one! It's like science fiction!" 87 Donnie theorized amazed with this world already.
"Hey guys, now that we're here.." 87 Raph said high fiving his version of Mikey.
"Pizza Time! Far out!" 87 Mikey shouted eager to try it out.
"Wonder what this dimensions Pizza tastes like!" 87 Spike said eagerly ready to see too.

Their dimensions pizza guy was just about to head out to deliver the pizza he had and got on the car, the 87 gang was about to go and get some before the normal gang pulled them back.
"You can't do that dudes!" Mikey warned pushing them back into the alley.
"Why not?" 87 Leo asked a bit upset to hear that.
"Because we have to be secret here, we have to live in the shadows like.. you know, real ninjas." Raph mocked looking at their alternate selves.
"Aw, totally lame." 87 Spike said upset to hear that.
"Come on team, let's find this Krang before he blows up the planet!" Leo said seriously which made the entire group start moving through the rooftops once again.

"So how are we gonna find him Donatello? 87 Leo asked as they jumped over another large ledge while Spike flipped in the air with his 87 self running on 4 legs.
"He's close, as long as Krang is carrying portal tech, I can track him like Michelangelo sniffing out pizza! Or Spike sniffing out bad guys!" 87 Donnie said confidently.
"That's the power of a wolf nose dudes!" 87 Spike said sniffing around the air which weirded Spike out a bit.
"Wonder how long he's been in that form?" Spike asked as the group continued to move through the city.

Everyone kept moving through the rooftops until they were coming upon a news building.
"I think I found him! Up there! On the channel 6 building!" 87 Donnie said pointing at the building, Leo took out his telescope and looked all the way at the top and saw Krang on the structure.
"I see him! It looks like he's planting some kind of bomb! Probably the Dimensionizer thing!" Leo said seeing what's happening far away.
"Okay guys here's the plan, the Donatello's and Spike's will disarm the weapon, everyone else, take down that creep! Turtle Power!!" 87 Leo shouted while his gang drew they're weapons before a record scratch was heard with Leo stopping this.
"Whoa whoa whoa, hold up with the Turtle Power for a second. You don't give orders to my team okay? I'm the order guy, this guy!" Leo said pointing at himself, but the other's didn't listen and they all quickly pushed him aside and ran to the rooftop without a second thought.
"Sorry dude!" 87 Spike shouted climbing to the top with his claws while Leo was frustrated.
"I'm the order guy.." Leo told himself before he took out a grapple and flung himself upwards to the building.

Krang was just finishing up with planting the Dimensionizer and activated the device, he landed back down on the roof and activated the portal and was about to go through it again until 87 Leo jumped in and kicked him down like how he did before.
"Aw not now! Not when I was about to unleash my master stroke!" Krang said annoyed before he turned to the weapon and saw both Spike's and Donnie's were trying to disarm it.
"Keep away from that Dimensionizer freaks!" Krang shouted with rage, he took out a strange chip of sorts and put the thing into a hatch on his arm which somehow began to grow the suit to being extremely huge.
"Holy Chalupa!" Mikey shouted with fear as the enlarged Krang towered over them all now.
"Great, now we have to deal with an even bigger idiot." Donnie said annoyed as Krang flexed all over.
"How are the people of this world not seeing this?" 87 Spike asked confused.

Krang tried to stomp down on the group which made all of them roll out of the way while Donnie was trying to hurry things up.
"Grab it and go!" Donnie shouted as Krang was turning over to them.
"Look out!" Spike shouted right before Krang shot a laser blast at them which they barely dodged but but down the antenna of the building.
"Raphael, heads up!" 87 Donnie shouted throwing it to they're version of Raph
"Give me back my Dimensionizer!" Krang shouted trying to crush them with his large fist. The robot's head suddenly bloated up right before they saw a huge missile come out of it.
"Mouth missiles! Look out Mikey!" Mikey shouted saving his 87 self from being hit from it.
"Thanks Michelangelo!" 87 Mikey said gratefully before they avoided another fist smash and ran away from more lasers.

Krang tried to crush them with his giant suit and both Spike's were rolling out of the way of his attacks.
"Let's see how you handle against me!" Spike shouted before he wrapped his snake arms around both the mech's arms to stop him.
"And me!" 87 Spike shouted before he made a huge leap into the air and started to fall right to him, the 87 Spike made a battle cry while he raised his leg forward preparing a strong kick, Krang screamed right as 87 Spike kicked him in the face which sent his suit off balance and it crashed down on the building.
"Nice work alternate me!" Spike said high fiving his alt self.
"Cool move with your snake hands bro!" 87 Spike said amazed while both groups down at Krang with smirks while cracking they're knuckles, Krang chuckled nervously before they all started punching and stomping on him to knock him down.

"Ahh! Stop it!" Krang shouted finally recovering from the attack and his robots head raised up to fire another blast which got the group off of him just as his suit shrunk back down.
"Annoying reptiles! It doesn't matter! You won't disarm it in time!" Krang shouted before he ran off at fast speeds and took off in the air, he activated the portal and threw it just ahead enough so he could fly through it.
"Real Raph is on it!" 87 Raph shouted throwing a hook with a rope at Krang's leg to try and stop him, but he went through the portal just as the hook reached it and it vanished which left them alone.
"Well, at least we have this Dimensionizer thing." 87 Donnie said putting the device on the ground.
"How is that making things better?" Spike asked looking down at it.
"Whoa, this looks like some kind of anti matter weapon! If this goes off, it could wipe out our entire dimension! We gotta defuse it back at my lab now!" Donnie said worried while the others gasped in shock hearing it.

With the Dimensionizer in they're hands, the 2 groups all made they're way back to their lair, Spike was pretty nervous about going back to they're home since they're in the past, but it may not be as bad when they get there. Spike and the groups both finally made it back to they're old lair and were quietly sneaking around before Raph turned to the 87 group and made hand signs.
"Would you fine gentlemen kindly wait out here for a moment, and keep quiet, or i will strike you repeatedly in the face and bodily regions." Raph threatened with subtitles on screen which annoyed the group.
"Did anyone else see those subtitles?" 87 Spike whispered to the group who shrugged in response.

Spike and the others made they're way into the lair and looked around the place with awe, it's been so long since they were last in this place, and seeing it after the Earth was destroyed felt so.. relieving..
"Home.." Spike said in relief to see this place again, but a familiar figure had seen them come in and came up to them.
"Back so soon? You just left to patrol the city." Splinter asked which made all of them look amazed to see him.. alive.
"Sensei!!" They all shouted with joy before they came to give him a hug.
"Is.. everything alright?" Splinter asked worried to see them like this.
"Definitely Master Splinter. It's just.. really amazing to see you!" Leo said glad to see him here, but Splinter looked confused as he saw something else. The camera pins to the right just enough for them to see.. the 87 Leo who completely ignored Raph's threat along with the other turtles.

"Whoa dudes! This liar is totally rocking! Check out that pinball, totally radicall!" 87 Mikey said amazed taking a skateboard and he zoomed around the place.
"Totally beats our own lair for sure!" 87 Spike said amazed at this place too.
"What did we tell you guys about waiting outside?!" Raph asked annoyed with them ignoring his threat.
"What is going on here?! Someone explain, now!" Splinter ordered slamming his staff down which silenced them all.
"Wow your Splinter is kind of strict, and tall too!" 87 Leo said amazed seeing they're Splinter.
"Donatello?" Splinter asked upset seeing him and his other version going to the lab.
"Yeah um, they were transported here from an alternate dimension sensei. Along with this weapon we have to defuse, like ASAP!" Donnie said bringing his other self into the lab quickly which made Splinter upset a bit more.

"Cowabunga!!" 87 Mikey shouted skating around Splinter for a moment.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted as well skating alongside him.
"I call pinball!" 87 Raph declared moving to the machine.
"Okay, don't we have a little Anti Matter weapon to deal with here?!" Raph shouted annoyed going up to him.
"Ah, the Donatello's will take care of it, lighten up little man." 87 Raph said brushing it off while Leo was a bit annoyed at this.
"Leonardo, I would like to speak with you in the dojo, now." Splinter ordered which made him follow him while Spike saw his 87 self watching Tv, so he decided to ask a bit more about him.

"So.. how long have you been with these versions of the Turtles?" Spike asked sitting down next to him.
"About 5 years at this point, got sucked into their world after Krang tried using a strange device to teleport himself into other reality's, but it malfunctioned, and that's what made me end up with them, and I didn't have a current way home so, they took me in, helped me become a ninja, and I've been living a great life without Twilight, even if I miss her a lot." 87 Spike explained flicking the channel with his claws, Spike felt a bit bad to here that, especially knowing he's spent 5 years away from home.
"Hey, you had it easy. For me, I was kidnaped by the Kraang and taken to this world, I was gonna be an experiment if the guys hadn't found me, I've been living with them for 3 years by now, I'm only 15 and so much has happened.. from me meeting my mom.. to helping save Earth multiple times, and traveling through space to stop evil aliens from destroying Earth.." Spike said looking around the liar with relief, he's just glad to get to see this place after so long.

"You know your mom too huh? My mother was taken to my dimension by complete accident, from what she told me, she ended up there after dozens of dimensional interferences caused by the Kraang. The reason I was found and raised by Twilight in my dimension was because she was sucked into a portal that teleported her far away from our New York, she had to do what she can to survive years on her own while trying to find a way home. Eventually though, she and I reunited during one of our battles with Kraang and Shredder, she helped us take them down and she started to live with us too, it was the only time after I ended up in that world where I felt like my family was really whole, even if we haven't made it back to Twilight yet.." 87 Spike said as his wolf ears went down a little.
"You have that portal gun thing, can't you find Equestria's coordinates with it?" Spike asked concerned at this.
"Donnie's trying, but Equestria's a bit harder to pinpoint then we first thought, that's not counting on which universe too, I saw one universe that had a version of us who was fighting alongside 5 other ninja with elemental powers, I think the fire ninja was a snake or something like you, I heard something about him.. vanishing through time with his master I think? I don't know, the point is that we've just had a tough time trying to find our way back to my Equestria, but I'm sure we'll find our way back home soon." 87 Spike explained looking at the channels.

"You.. really think our homes can accept us, even after what we are now?" Spike asked looking at they're mutant forms.
"I questioned that for a while too. There were times I went berserk and attacked my brothers.. but with plenty of time and help from them.. I learned to control my form, and I've rarely had an incident where I've went crazy again." 87 Spike said looking at his wolf claws.
"How did you end up as a wolf mutant anyway? I got mutated into a snake when trying to save my friend Karai, we've had a lot of trouble finding her after she went missing, and I've struggled with keeping my mind in check, she may be the only one how to help me, and if we don't find her again soon.. I don't know if I'll be myself anymore.." Spike said with fear looking at himself, reflecting on how he literally sliced off Mozar's arm.
"Got mutated during a mission that involved Krang stealing more supplies of mutagen, the reason I got mutated into a wolf specifically was because I had a wolf friend named Emily, we both got mutated during that incident, and not only did I become a wolf hybrid, but she got mutated into a beautiful wolf girl, and as time passed.. we sorta.. hehe.. started to date eachother.." 87 Spike said showing him a photo of him and this Emily, she was a brown and black wolf girl that looked like they're version of April from when he last saw her in that portal, and she looked as beautiful as Jaqueline.

"Heh, guess we both got great girlfriends huh?" Spike asked laughing a little at that.
"Totally, there were a lot of people that were jealous of that." 87 Spike said laughing at that too, they soon stopped laughing after that talk and Spike asked him once more thing again.
"So.. how did you manage to control your form? You've lost your mind a couple times too right? How did you do it? For me.. I'm on the verge of losing my own sanity.. and I.. don't know what I'll do if I lose myself completely.. I already killed some people after losing myself.. I don't know what'll happen if I can't.. come back.." Spike asked holding his head again as it was still hurting which made him look concerned.
"You want my advice Spike? You need to focus your mind and powers into it directly, I may not have powers, but something tells me you do. You shouldn't be afraid of what's to come if you do, you just need to be in the moment, and let your fears go, move past them, and maybe that will help you finally control yourself." 87 Spike instructed which made him surprised at his wise words.

"Didn't know you were one to be wise like Splinter.. thank you.. I'll try with what I can.. maybe I can finally shift back into a dragon too.." Spike said looking at himself.
"Hey, it takes time to learn it buddy. You'll get the hang of it." 87 Spike said patting his shoulder which made him smile a bit.
"Thanks, didn't know I needed advice from an alternate version of me.." Spike said chuckling at this which made him chuckle too.
"Wouldn't be the first time, to be honest, we've done this before. And the other version of you I saw was like a cyborg.. dinosaur mutant? Dude looked like he was straight out of a comic book, it was really strange." 87 Spike said casually which confused him.
"Wait.. what?" Spike asked confused at that, but they're talk was stopped when they heard Donnie scream with fear which concerned them.
"Donnie!" Spike shouted with worry which made all of them run to the lab.

"What is it Donnie?" Raph asked worried while they were pacing around the room.
"This is real bad guys! It's really bad!!" Donnie said freaking out at this.
"The weapon is linked to two other identical bombs, and they're set to go off in 9 minutes!" 87 Donnie said really worried.
"What?!" Both Spike's shouted with horror hearing that.
"Where are the other ones?" 87 Raph asked worried with this.
"We believe at least one of the bombs is in your dimension!" Donnie said getting in the coordinates.
"They're gonna nuke our world bros! totally bogus!" 87 Mikey said with fear hearing this.

"That's not gonna happen, you guys helped us and now we're gonna help you!" Leo said seriously looking over the group.
"Donnie's, uh.. what do we do?" Leo asked turning to them.
"Well, we attuned my portal to track down the other Dimnesionizers." 87 Donnie said taking the gun and starting it up.
"And the first one.. is here!" 87 Donnie said shooting a blast to they're dimension's Channel 6 building.
"Whoa dudes there it is! On top of the same skyscraper, in your dimension!" Mikey said worried to see this.
"Go, do what needs to be done." Splinter said to both groups, they all turned to him and gave a respectful bow as this may be the last time they see him if they fail.
"Thank you Splinter." Spike said gratefully turning to the portal.
"Alright team, let's do this! Turtle Power!" 87 Leo shouted confidently while marching to it.
"Enough with the Turtle Power already. Let's just go!" Leo said annoyed moving to the portal himself before he turned to Splinter one last time.
"Good bye sensei.." Leo said sadly before he jumped through the portal himself.

Everyone traveled through the gateway with no problem and landed down on the other side, but this wasn't they're New York, it was somewhere else, a Kraang base.
"Oh no. And I was having such a great day.. okay not really" Donnie said annoyed seeing multiple droids surrounding them, Including Sub Prime... again.
"You gotta be @#$%#@# kidding me." Both Spikes said at once annoyed to see this.
"Hands in the air Turtle and Dragon freaks! We've got you surrounded, I hacked your stupid portal, and brought you here! Why? Because I'm awesome!" Sub Prime shouted firing some lasers in the air.
"Kraang Sub Prime?" Mikey asked shocked to see him.

"No, Megan Fox. Oh wait I forgot, your the dumb one." Sub prime mocked as a droid took the portal gun.
"Hey!" 87 Donnie said angry at the droid.
"I set put your hands in the air!" Subprime ordered again which made them all put they're hands up to stall for time, Krang had marched through the room and pushed the droids aside to meet up with Subprime.
"Subprime you blithering idiot! I told you not to bring the turtles and dragons here!" Krang said annoyed at the groups.
"Where the heck is here anyway?" Raph asked looking around the base.
"Your in my domain now mutants... the Technodrome!" Krang announced while he laughed like a maniac as the camera zooms out to show a very different Technodrome compared to the ones they've faced before.

Spike and both groups were surrounded by the droids but both had an idea on how to escape.
"You did good cousin! We banished you, because your a screw up, but you made up for it! Welcome home!" Subprime said giving him a hug.
"Thank you Subprime, just wait till the rest of my plan unfolds!" Krang said evilly as Spike and his group drew they're weapons and began trashing the droids apart while the 87 group just watched them do it.
"We're going to blow those turtles and dragons to smithereens!" Krang said as Spike sliced a droids head off easily which finally got their attention and they saw the droids were down.
"We already deactivated one of your Dimnesionizers Krang!" Leo said holding his sword ready to go.
"And we're gonna disarm the rest! Turtle Po.." 87 Leo shouted right before Leo looked at him with fire in his eyes.
"Ahem.. sorry. Get em?" 87 Leo asked nervously.
"Get him!" Spike hissed before the groups lunged at them all.

Both groups were fighting back against both droids and leaders, the Leo's fought against Subprime while both Spikes were tearing the droids apart with they're hands easily.
"Get the portal back!" 87 Leo shouted holding a buzzsaw back.
"We only have 5 minutes to disarm the rest!" Leo reminded holding the attack back.
"Leave this to the real Raphael!" 87 Raph shouted flipping over a couple droids himself.
"You gonna shoot another fire hydrant at them or what?" Raph mocked taking another apart, Spike hissed at more droids and was tearing them apart with his jaws, he ripped one droids head off easily and the other Spike tore through one easily with his sharp claws. 87 Raph was charging at a droid too and pulled some pizza out of nowhere, he then slammed it against the camera and droids face while eating one like it was something he did before, the droid wasn't faced by it and almost fired at him until Raph jumped down and tore it apart easily before turning to him.
"Where the heck did you get pizza?" Raph asked confused seeing that.
"Give me a break." 87 Raph said brushing it off.

Krang just dropped in between the two which made them roll out of the way just as the portal gun slid over to 87 Mikey.
"Back off, ugly Kraang dude!" 87 Mikey shouted while dodging more saws from Subprime. Leo ran in to block one of Subprime's attacks and they're Leo and Mikey's came in and tackled him down freeing 87 Mikey.
"Got it, heads up D and Spike's!" Mikey shouted tossing them the portal device.
"Alright, back to our home dimension!" 87 Donnie shouted finally opening another portal, they all ran through it just as the bad guys were chasing after them.

The group finally emerged back in the other turtles dimension in the weird 2d style once again.
"Whew, finally! Back in the real world!" 87 Mikey said relieved as they were on that world's channel 6 building., and they could see the device at the top of the tower.
"Now let's just keep it from blowing up." 87 Raph said as both Donnie's and Spike's were climbing up to it.
"On it!" Donnie said quickly climbing up.
"Give us 5 seconds!" 87 Spike said reaching to it, but a familiar sound came behind the group and they turned around to see Subprime and Krang had came after them here!

"Anywhere you go we follow freaks!" Subprime said evilly right until something powered down.
"Yes! 2 Dimensionizer's down!" Donnie shouted holding the device up.
"Like Spike said, 5 seconds!" Spike said high fiving his 87 self.
"It doesn't matter! there's still one in the Prime Turtle Reality! If those turtles are destroyed, then so are you!" Krang threatened pointing at them all.
"Donnie's, Spike's get to the third reality!" Leo ordered as they charged at the group, 87 Donnie locked on the reality and the gun just powered up.
"There!" 87 Donnie shouted before he shot another portal below them.
"Let's go!" Spike shouted before the 4 of them all jumped into the portal to stop the device.

The world suddenly becomes like a strange black and white comic book, the pages flipped over and the frames on the screen show where the groups end up, the portal opens up above a rooftop and everyone screams while they all fall straight through it.
"Wow, what kind of dimension is this?" 87 Donnie asked amazed looking at the strange comic book style it has.
"It's like we're in a power pony comic, it's awesome!" Spike said pretty amazed to see it.
"Krang said this was the Primary Turtle Reality. Maybe it came before both our worlds." Donnie theorized looking around this world.
"That does explain the black and white theme this world has to it.." 87 Spike said looking at how they're in color while this world isn't.
"Channel 6 must be this way." 87 Donnie said pointing ahead a bit.
"Cool then, let's go!" Donnie shouted before they all started moving along in this strange reality.

The 4 of them continued to flip over the rooftops as the pages flipped to each panel to show where they're going, but a familiar figure had seen the 4 of them moving along and ominous music played while they hurried up. The 4 of them continued to run to the building right before some strange ninja stars was thrown right to them which they barely dodged.
"What the..?" Spike asked taking one of them as a souvenir. They all look to their side and to their shock, they see 5 figures in black and white, it was the Prime Versions of Spike and The Ninja Turtles.
"Whoa.. the Prime Turtles.." Donnie said both amazed and nervous seeing how scary they looked.
"Why am I a cyborg?" Spike asked looking at his Prime self who was towering over them all, he was just as tall as Psiona and looked like an experiment gone wrong.

"Uh.. hey there guys.. we were just.." 87 Donnie said right before the Prime Raph raised it's weapons.
"They aren't friendly right now! We need to go!" 87 Spike shouted running on 4 legs again.
"Let's move guys!" Donnie shouted before they all quickly ran away with the Prime Turtles following them.
"Why are these guys attacking you? Didn't you say you did this before?!" Spike shouted as he could see his Prime version had wings and was flying after them.
"I don't know! They may not recognize me right now!" 87 Spike shouted while they flipped through the comic panels quickly and barely avoided Prime Leo slashing at them.
"There it is!" 87 Donnie shouted as they finally reached the Channel 6 building. They all quickly climbed to the top of it and grabbed the device and deactivated it just in time.
"Yes!" Spike shouted in victory as all of them faced with the Prime Turtles.
"See you guys in another Dimension! " 87 Donnie shouted before he activated the gun and opened up a portal for them to finally escape, leaving the Prime Spike and Turtles confused on what just happened.

Spike and their group had finally made it back to the 87 world after deactivating the device.
"Come on guys, we're good to go!" Donnie assured while the other's were still fighting against them.
"Aw yeah, we outie!" Mikey shouted with joy right before both groups kicked Subprime and Krang down. 87 Donnie shot open another portal so they could escape.
"You can't escape so easily freaks!" Subprime shouted before he pressed on a button that hacked into their portal.

The portal had been altered once again and Spike and the other's had emerged back into the Technodrome once again after just escaping it.
"Oh no we're back here?!" Mikey asked annoyed seeing the familiar place.
"You gotta be kidding me." Spike said annoyed as Krang and Subprime emerged from the portal behind them.
"Ha, welcome back, heinous reptiles!" Krang mocked as they towered over them all.
"Your not going anywhere as long as I have this baby!" Subprime said holding out the device which made 87 Spike make a wolf growl seeing that.
"I can hack your portal all day long!" Subprime shouted right before Spike threw a ninja star at it to finally shut that thing down.
"Aw.. Kraang.." Subprime said annoyed seeing this.
"Thank you." 87 Spike said relieved that that's gone.

"It's over! We stopped your little scheme! We deactivated all your Dimensionizer's! Your finished!" 87 Leo said confidently.
"That's right pink dude, you can't blow up our realities anymore!" 87 Mikey said with victory, but Subprime looked really shocked to hear that.
"Blow up... realities?!" Subprime shouted with shock before turning to Krang who looked very nervous.
"Oh boy here we go.." Spike said with a smug knowing where this was gonna go.
"You've been trying to wipe out dimensions, we've been trying to mutate for thousands of years?! ARE YOU INSANE?!" Subprime shouted furious with his stupid plan.
"Well.. you did say wipe out the Turtles and Dragons at any cost.." Krang said really nervous about what's to happen.
".. Yeah he's screwed." 87 Spike said while pinching his snout at this.

"This is why I banished you to Two Dimensional Earth in the first place.. "Subprime said before he began to smack him all over.
"Because your an idiot! A moron! A dingleberry! So you know what?! I'm kicking you back!" Subprime shouted as the portal back to the 87 world was right behind him.
"Oh no.." Krang said with fear right before he was finally kicked down by him and was sent flying into the portal.
"Not agaaaaaaain...!!" Krang screamed before he finally was banished back to that world for good.
"I've had enough Turtles and Dragons for a millennium!!!" Subprime screamed before he tried to crush the 2 groups with his mech.
"Let's take this wad of chewing gum down!" Leo shouted to the whole group.
"With pleasure!" Raph shouted while everyone drew they're weapons and made a battle cry while falling down to him.

Both Spike's landed behind the robot as he was firing at the groups who were supporting eachother, Spike grabbed 87 Spike's hand with his tail and they both made a battle cry while Spike twirled him around at fast speeds, 87 Spike drew his scythe and began to slash at Subprime and was thrown to him to knock him back a huge distance.
"Great move Spike!" 87 Spike shouted while running around him one 4 legs again.
"I've had enough of this dweeb!" 87 Leo said ready to finish this.
"Turtle power!!" Leo shouted before 87 Leo tried slashing his swords at him, but Subprime blocked each slice and that made the sword break apart.
"That's not good.. " 87 Leo said worried before he used what's left of the swords to block another attack, Leo rolled under him and Leo jumped on the back of the suit to finally finish him off.

"What are you doing.. oh!" Subprime shouted before Leo grabbed him and ripped him out of the suit.
"Spike, catch!" Leo shouted throwing him to both Spike's.
"This if for capturing me and my mom you freak!" Spike hissed before he wrapped his snake hands all around Subprime and squeezed him very tightly. Spike hissed at Subprime before he threw him far into the air to finally finish him.
87 Donnie held up the portal gun and shot another blast right below him that led to the Prime Reality.
"No! I hate black and white!!!" Subprime shouted before he finally fell through it, and was defeated finally, for good.
"Good riddance freak." Spike said glad that monster was finally gone.

"Well that wasn't such a chore now was it?" 87 Raph asked glad that's over, the groups finally calmed down and looked to their other selves.
"Leonardo, thanks. For everything." Leo said putting his swords away.
"No, thank you. Without your help, all our reality's would've been doomed." 87 Leo said thankfully as well.
"Take care Spike." Spike said giving his 87 self a hug.
"You too Spike, I know you'll regain control of yourself soon, count on it." 87 Spike said confidently as 87 Donnie shot out another portal that led back home.
"I will, take care of yourself." Spike said as they all bowed in respect for eachother.
"Come on ninja's, let's go home." Leo said as all of them finally went back home, finally glad that this was done.

After that mission, the 87 gang went back to the city to hang out after winning that day.
"Feels great to be back home." 87 Donnie said as they all took a slice of pizza.
"Yeah, especially after that mess." 87 Spike said glad this is over too, but they're little peace was stopped once again when they noticed something happen below them, a portal opened up on the streets of the city and everyone watches as a familiar monsterous worm comes through the portal and begins to attack the people.
"Hey do you guys see that?!" 87 Leo asked looking at the monster.
"We all do Leo." 87 Spike said sharpening his claws.
"Whoa dudes, a giant freaky worm!" 87 Mikey said shocked to see this.

"I bet that pesky Shredder and Krang are behind this!" 87 Donnie said seriously looking over the monster too.
"You know what to do guys, cowabunga!!" 87 Spike shouted as all of them jumped off the rooftop and landed on the worm and began riding across it while it flailed around, but something pierced straight through the monster's insides and they all were shocked too see a sword tear through the monster.
"What the?" 87 Leo asked shocked as the sword tore through the monster and killed it, a familiar growl was heard and a monsterous claw emerges from the guts of the monster, and it was revealed to be.. Tiger claw.
"Um, I think things just got really bad bros!" 87 Mikey said a bit worried as he roared at them all.
"It doesn't matter what we face, bring it on!!" 87 Spike shouted as all of them proceeded to engage in battle with him as they're theme song played...

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I was really looking forward to this one for a while, I had a lot of fun making this chapter and thought it was a great time to write. I'm releasing this one before the Cosmic Ocean because I think there's a lot more to this one then that other then them getting the 2nd piece and fighting Armaggon again.

While i do love this episode a lot, a complaint I have with it was that the 87 world didn't look like the original, if you compare the 87 world from this episode to the original show, or the season 5 finale, there's a clear difference, I know it may be just because of the budget, but I still feel like it didn't look like the original world despite it being a while since I've seen this version of the Turtles.

I did want to include both versions of April and Casey in this, but it has been a very very long time since I last watched the 87 turtles, and I hardly remember how they act like, I'm probably gonna rewatch the show to refresh myself, especially for when i get to a Spike in the 87 Turtles story, so sorry for those who wanted both Casey and April apart of this, as well as Psiona and Jaqueline, but there was already a lot i had to do with this one. btw Haley Joel Osment is the VA of Sora in Kingdom hearts, so we got both Sora and Riku interacting in this episode too lol.

I think this chapter will help set up things that I have planned for the 87 story, while I know they've crossed over with the Prime and 2003 Turtles before, there isn't a timeline on if they met the 2003 Turtles before or after the 2012 ones, because the Prime Turtles might've recognized 87 Donnie and Spike if they did, unless it's been a really long time since they last saw them. But anyways, I just wanted to do this episode first since I know a lot were looking forward to it, but I'll do the Cosmic Ocean soon so don't worry, thank you all for reading this and look forward to more!

Comments ( 16 )

It was a good crossover ep for the 80s and 2012 Turtles to meet. And now two alternate Spike's have met. The 87 Spike gave Snake Spike some good advice on how to control himself. And with any luck he'll be able to switch back and forth like Karai in no time. And excellent voice to give 87 Spike.

"Didn't know you were one to be wise like Splinter.. thank you.. I'll try with what I can.. maybe I can finally shift back into a dragon too.." Spike said looking at himself. "Hey, it takes time to learn it buddy. You'll get the hang of it." 87 Spike said patting his shoulder which made him smile a bit. "Thanks, didn't know I needed advice from an alternate version of me.." Spike said chuckling at this which made him chuckle too. "Wouldn't be the first time, to be honest, we've done this before. And the other version of you I saw was like a cyborg.. dinosaur mutant? Dude looked like he was straight out of a comic book, it was really strange." 87 Spike said casually which confused him. "Wait.. what?" Spike asked confused at that, but they're talk was stopped when they heard Donnie scream with fear which concerned them. "Donnie!" Spike shouted with worry which made all of them run to the lab.

A Spike who ended up in the Extreme Dinosaurs universe? Not gonna lie, I definitely want to see that!

P.S. Fingers crossed that April and Casey 1987 will appear in Bebop and Rocksteady's trilogy!

I see that Ninjago reference too.

Where is chapter 72

Wouldn’t it be the other way around?

I’m certainly impressed with your choice for spike’s voices in these stories. Out of curiosity, who out of these choices would voice Spike in the 2003 iteration?

1) Jason Marsden
2) Tom Kenny
3) Rino Romano
4) Scott Menville
5) Khary Payton
6) Carlos Alazraqui

Hello, l recently read your fanfic, l missed a lot and wanted to ask who Jacgueline and Psion are, and also about Spike, has he grown to the height of Smolder and what has he learned?

Could you tell in which chapter Jacgueline and Psiona appeared?

Jaqueline is Spikes GF, she's a Dream Beaver that first appeared in the episode, In Dreams. She's more of an anthro beaver that resembles April's old design from the 87 show, and Psiona is Spike's mother, who appeared in the chapter A Long Awaited Truth which is right before In Dreams. in this story, Spike's mother was captured by the Kraang and taken to dimension X, she escaped after she was experimented on and became a cyborg dragon with psychic powers, she had psychic powers before she was captured but was taken by the Kraang because of that very reason, she worked alongside the Utrom during her time in Dimension X, and spent decades building up her name to be known throughout the universe while trying to find her way back, and Spike is a snake mutant like Karai and got mutated during Vengeance is Mine, it was to help add in more drama and suspense to give Spike more to do, he got way more stuff to do when season 3 started, this is just to answer your question, to be blunt, Jaqueline is Spike's Dream Beaver Gf, Psiona is Spike's cyborg mom who sounds like Ahsoka Tano, and Spike is a snake mutant who is taller then even Donnie is, also he's voiced by the same guy who played Riku in Kingdom Hearts, and he's 15, hope you found this info helpful.

Aww... And I was hoping for an accidental trip to Equestria.

I said I'd release chapter 2 soon, I was just wanting to do this one sooner, pls stop thinking it, it will come soon.

Have you ever thought of doing a crossover chapter with wildcard25 and there equestrian ninja girls stories, if not well think of as food for thought it would be a trippy chapter.

No offence but writing is pretty terrible, the story concept is great but use some with the writing

I can understand you may not like how I write my story's, but this is just how I do it, if you don't like it, that's okay, this is how I'm doing things right now, but I can understand you not liking it

Finally caught up

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