• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

  • ...

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6: Metalhead

We open to a building where gunfire is heard from the inside, Spike and the turtles are currently fighting off the Kraang again after they did another stake out and finding them in this place, Spike and the others have they're weapons out and are trying to dodge the gunfire.

"Keep moving, don't let them surround you! Failure is not an option!" Leo told them as Spike kept dodging more lasers, he had been getting better with acrobatics thanks to Splinters teachings, so this is something he's a little better with now.

"Technically failure is always an option." Donnie said before Raph interrupted." You know what else is an option? Slapping you!" Raph warned. Spike growled with anger as he faced the Kraang again, he kept developing a hatred for them, and he won't let them get away easily. They dodged out of the way and Donnie hid behind a crater.

"Mikey! On your right!" Donnie warned." Your right or my right?" Mikey asked before he looked to his right and nearly dodged more gunfire, Donnie leapt into the air and tried to hit a robot with his stick, but it did nothing.
"Are you kidding me? I hate this thing!" Donnie said annoyed, the robot was about to fire, but Spike sliced the thing in half with his own sword with anger.

"Why not add a blade extension or something? Aren't you a genius? Just attach a sharp metal or something when we're done okay?" Spike asked, Donnie blinked in surprise as that was a good idea. More gunfire was being shot and they dodged it again. Leo jumped on a wall and leapt at another one and sliced another robot to pieces, a alien brain escaped in the process, Raph ran up a metal wall and backflipped onto another robot and stabbed it in the shoulders.

"Kraang the present is being a positive time to be the testing of the new energy cannon" A bot suggested, more robots opened a hanger door and it revealed a large cannon that looked new.
"Oh come on!" Spike said with anger.
"Everyone stand your ground!" Leo ordered, they saw the cannon was charging up and Leo quickly backed off.
"On second thought run!!" Leo shouted as they dodged an energy blast and everyone was screaming, Donnie ducked his head but the blast burned off his stick.

"Oh come on!" Donnie said annoyed.
"Dude your weapon just exploded!" Mikey pointed out, Donnie dodged another blast and hid behind a crater.
"How am i supposed to fight advanced alien technology with a stupid stick?!" Donnie asked frustrated.

Spike and the others continued to slash through more bots as best they could, but they started to become surrounded as the cannon started to charge again and everyone got in they're stances ready for the next attack.

"Kraang, destroy the ones who call themselves the turtles when that which is the signal is the signal given by me!" A robot ordered, Leo noticed a forklift behind them and pulled out a shuriken, Leo made a precise throw and the shuriken went across a couple walls before hitting the start button of the machine.

The machine drove forwards right to them and they watched as it comically ran over all of them including the cannon while they watched with smirks, more of the alien brains came out and started running away, Spike and the others went out a nearby window and got outside.

"Dumb luck." Raph said annoyed that it worked.
" Wasn't luck my friend. And dumb had nothing to do with it" Leo replied.
"It was skill." Spike finished and Spike and Leo high fived at that.

"Hey, give me a hand with this." Donnie asked as they saw he was trying to drag something out.
" A hand with what?" Leo asked.

Spike and the others were dragging a deactivated robot through the alleyways.
"Why are we doing this Donnie?" Spike asked.
"Don't you wanna understand how these things work?" Donnie replied.

"I know how they work, you hit em until the brainy toy surprise pops out." Raph explained.
"Or slice them to bits until they stop moving." Spike added. Mikey opened a manhole as Raph was dragging the piece to it.

"That's your problem Raph, you never think things through." Donnie said as he threw it in but it didn't go down.
"Was that supposed to fit?" Raph asked, Raph made a straight face at Donnie who didn't respond. Spike got an idea and jumped in the air and delivered a ground pound to it and jumped off just as it fell down the hole.
"There you go, let's hope this is worth it." Spike said as he and the others went down again.

Spike was eating some pizza as he and the others watched Donnie study the thing.
"This technology is lightyears advanced of anything i've ever seen! Do you know what this is?" Donnie asked as he took out a piece.
"I believe that's some sort of power device or something, i saw that back when i was still being held captive." Spike suggested as he looked at it.
"Fascinating.." Donnie said as he observed it, Splinter came out with another stick and walked to Donnie.

"Look Spike's, Donnie's got another stick to break." Raph joked and Spike chuckled.
" Wonder how many jokes that's been made before?" Spike asked as he took another slice as it was good pizza.

"With all due respect sensei, i can't keep fighting alien technology with a 6 foot staff. I was hoping to upgrade my weapon" Donnie explained.
"Hmm, a 7 foot staff. interesting" Splinter observed.

"No i meant using modern technology." Donnie corrected.
"Ahh, a solar powered staff." Splinter said interested.
"I'm serious sensei" Donnie told him.

"I know, and yes, you may upgrade your weapon" Splinter told him
"That's totally unfair! You can't just.. what did you just say?" Donnie asked

"Ninja's have improved they're arsenal for centuries, we are masters of adaptation." Splinter explained.
"That is great! Cause with this technology, i will be invincible!" Donnie said excited
"Wait, so we can make upgrades to our weapons? Even develop new ones?" Spike asked shocked.
"Yes, if you have ideas, it's best to let them come to life Spike." Splinter explained, Spike simply finished his slice and went up to Donnie.

"Dude, with this, we can make stuff that can kick those robots butts!" Spike said excited with Donnie just being equally excited.
"Remember you two, combat is not a video game." Splinter told him as Spike and Donnie were dragging the thing away.
"That's it! I'll turn combat into a video game! Thanks sensei!" Donnie thanked.
"This is gonna be so rad!!" Spike said in excitement as they closed the doors.

Spike and Donnie set the thing down on a table discussing on what to do.
"Alright Spike, what ideas to you have in mind?" Donnie asked.
" I got plenty, with this tech we can start by improving our weapons, then we develop new ones!" Spike told him
"Exactly! What should we make? Plasma swords, multi shot shuriken's?" Donnie asked, Spike got an idea and pulled out his sword, they both smiled as they looked at eachother.

"You thinking what i'm thinking?" Spike asked with a smirk.
"This, is gonna be.. awesome!!" Donnie shouted as he and Spike went to work and came up with different ideas on what to use with the tech they had, if Spike was gonna get home, he was gonna have to use they're own tech against them.

Spike and Donnie are currently holding blueprints for what should be made, they got out some welding tools and got to work and large sparks were lighting up the room.

It took a few hours for them to develop, but Spike held out his sword and they both smiled at it's new form.
"It's like a sci fi weapon in real life!" Donnie said excited.
"Those bots, have no idea what's coming." Spike said as they looked at it.

Leo was watching his show Space heroes again but was interrupted when loud metal clanking was heard, they watch as a metal robot came out of the lab and it said" Take me to your leader".

"Leo, it's for you." Mikey said uninterested
"What is this thing?" Leo asked as they looked at it.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, and Raphael" Donnie said while Raph looked offended.
"This is the future of ninjutsu." Donnie said as they saw a metal robot that was.. half Donnie's own height..
"I always thought the future of ninjutsu would be taller." Raph said uninterested

"Aw, he's so cute!" Mikey said as he scratched it's chin, it triggered something as it held out a huge amount of weapons from every part of it's body surprising the turtles.
"He doesn't like being tickled." Donnie told them. Mikey was still making funny faces while Donnie held a remote.

"Isn't it cool? I reversed engineered it from the Kraang droid." Donnie explained.
"Okay.. why?" Leo asked confused
"So the drone can handle the dangerous stuff while we stay out of harms way" Donnie explained

"Oh i get it. this is for wimps to afraid to fight." Raph said annoyed
"No it's for wimps to smart to fight.. i mean.." Donnie backpaddled trying to find the right words.
"Ohh! Let's call him Metalhead! Why you ask? Because it's got a head made of.." Mikey explained.
"We get it." Leo said annoyed.

"I don't need a toaster to fight my battles for me." Raph said annoyed as well
"This is ridiculous Donnie, it takes out the whole point of being a ninja." Leo told him
"It's exactly the point of being a ninja we adapt." Donnie replied back. "Now watch this, attack the drone, give it all you got." Donnie asked them

"You sure? I don't wanna break your toy." Leo asked.
"I do." Raph said pushing him out of the way, Donnie activated the thing and Raph charged at it with anger, Raph pulled out his weapons and leapt into the air, he charged down with anger, but with a simple button movement, the robot grabbed Raph's weapons, and slammed him to the ground in front of and behind him.( Basically like the Hulk's Puny god.)

Leo and Mikey decided to attack as well and they were slashing they're weapons against Metalhead with all they're might but it was having no affect, the robot grabbed they're weapons again and slammed them together and slammed Mikey and Leo against they're heads, he stepped on Leo's foot and he screamed in pain as Metalhead then kicked him sending him flying back, Donnie dodged Leo as he hit Raph to the ground again, the robot then turned to Mikey who screamed as he delivered a strong punch to him sending him flying as well.

" I kicked your shells. And i didn't even have to use the laser cannon! Face it guys with this thing i'm invincible!" Donnie told them

"Okay we get it, what about Spike? What's he got now?" Leo asked.
"Oh ho ho Leo, the ideas that kid has, it's made something truly special." Donnie said excited.
"What ideas?" Mikey asked.
"I think you all like it." Spike's voice is heard as they see him come out of the lab.

"You missed me kicking they're shells out dude, it was awesome!" Donnie told him and they all groaned.
"To you maybe but not us." Raph said annoyed as they walk up to him.
"Okay Spike, what do you got?" Leo asked.
"Let's show you my upgraded sword first." Spike said with a smile and he pulled out the blade, they watched in amazement as it was now shown to have a red metal like structure, with cackles of electricity flowing through it.

( Spike basically has a sword thats like the Murusama from Metal Gear Rising, but not directly.)

" Whoa! That looks totally!" Mikey said in amazement.
"Awesome? I know right?! The tech they had allowed me to upgrade this, cool right?!" Spike asked as he swung the blade around and red cackles of electricity flew by it.

"That is impressive Spike, what else you got?" Leo asked as Spike put it away.
"I also got these new metal claws that will help for when climbing walls and for stronger punches." Spike explained as he showed them two silver metaled claws that fit Spike's hands, they looked really well made..
"Alight i'll admit, these will be helpful for future battles." Raph said impressed
"With Metalhead and the new weapons for Spike, we'll be one step ahead of the Kraang!" Donnie said as he saw Splinter walk in.

"Sensei, i was hoping i could take metalhead out for a spin? As well as letting Spike test out his upgraded weapons?" Donnie asked.
"You may" Splinter answered.
"That's totally unfair! You can't just... wait what?" Donnie asked

"You and Spike have created these new weapons, we must see how well it works." Splinter said as he patted Metalhead on the head, he asked to see Spike's sword and he showed him it.
"This blade was already a fine weapon, both then and now, but this will prove useful to you Spike, use it wisely." Splinter said as he looked at the metal.
"Thank you sensei. i will." Spike said gratefully as he put the sword on his back.

"Remember Donatello, this is a test only, do not take it into combat" Splinter ordered
"No problem sensei." Donnie said with a bow as Splinter walked away
"Your taking it into combat aren't you?" Raph asked.
"Totally!" Donnie answered as he chuckled again.

Spike and the others are running through the rooftops again trying to reach a place that April went to during the day, they all landed on the ground quietly.
"Wonder how affective my blade is now?" Spike asked as he looked at it.
"Something tells me it'll be really affective." Raph answered, they heard metal footsteps and saw land on the ground loudly, Spike shook his head while the others looked annoyed.
"Really should thought this one out with Donnie.." Spike thought as he looked at it.

"Should we double back? I think there's a car alarm he didn't set off?" Leo asked
"I kinda like it. It goes nicely with all the sirens and cries for help." Raph said as he pat it on the head, Donnie was in the lair watching it from a camera.

"Oh come on, you guys are just jealous, cause your out there in the cold, while i'm in here having Mikey's last slice of pizza." Donnie teased.
"Hey!" Mikey shouted, he tried punching the thing but it hurt his hand." Ow!" Mikey said in pain.
"Hello?" A voice asked.
"Guys quiet, somebody's coming." Leo ordered, they tucked down quietly while the robot kept making creaking sounds as it tucked down as well.
"Guys its me!" The voice called out again, they looked over and saw it was April.
"April!" Leo said as they all made they're way down.

"Guys! I was just looking for you." April told them, they head a sound of a whistle and they saw Metalhead land in the dumpster nearby, Spike and Leo slapped they're faces in embarrassment from the loud noise.
"Something's gonna go wrong.." Spike said as it came out of it.

"Still it's stealthier then the real Donatello." Raph told them.
"What the heck is that?" April asked looking at Metalhead
"It's Donnie's latest." Brilliant" creation, Metalhead" Leo introduced.
"Catchy name huh? My idea." Mikey told her, April looked at it confused.

"Oh sorry April, i'm still getting used to the controls." Donnie said through a megaphone which hurt they're ears.
"Turn the volume down dude!" Spike said annoyed.
"Sorry, Megaphone button got stuck." Donnie said embarrassed.

"Guys we gotta do something, the Kraang are gonna poison the city's water supply with mutagen!" April warned them, Spike growled in anger as he gripped his sword
"The whole city will become a disaster area!" Leo said afraid of that.
"There will be mutants everywhere!" Donnie said in shock.
"Wow, think of all the friends we can make!" Mikey said excited, Mikey slapped his face in annoyance.
"They won't be like you guys Mikey, we gotta hurry!" Spike told them and they agreed to that.
"Let's go!" Leo ordered as they ran through the alleyway.

"Yeah the Kraang won't stand a chance!" Donnie said before Leo stopped him" What?" Donnie asked.
"Donnie, we need you to stand back, Metalhead is just too clumsy, it'll get in our way." Leo told him.
"Clumsy?" Donnie asked as he knocked over a trash can and looked at it.
"I did that on purpose to emphasize my point" Donnie defended.

"Your not coming Donnie." Leo told him again, Spike sighed sadly.
"I'm sorry Donnie, i know we worked on this thing, but it's too loud and will blow our cover, we need to be careful on this, I'm really sorry." Spike explained before he and the others ran off leaving April alone with him, April patted him on the shoulder and his head slumped down sadly.

Spike and the others headed back to the warehouse from before, they snuck in through an air vent and climbed on the metal poles at the top and looked down below.
"Looks like a Kraang picnic down there." Leo observed.

"Ready to bash some bots?" Raph asked.
"Destroy some droids?" Leo asked.
"Slice them to bits?" Spike asked gripping his sword.
"Clean some closets?" Mikey asked, they all looked at him confused on what he just said.

"Umm, i meant to say crush some Kraang?" Mikey asked, Spike and the others jumped down and sliced apart a droid with ease.
"Wow, this thing really is strong!" Spike said impressed at it's new strength, more droids aimed at them before Mikey jumped down.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted as he landed on them and punched them repeatedly, Raph grabbed him and dragged him off with the others.

Spike and the others peaked they're heads from a wall making they're way closer to more droids. They heard a sound behind them and saw a droid from before, they looked nervous and looked behind them and saw more droids aiming they're weapons and started firing at them.

They screamed as they tried to avoid dozens of blasts coming to them as they hid behind some barrels, April and Donnie were watching from the rooftop as they saw the gunfire light up the windows, Donnie kept staring at her.
"Oh look at her, she's so beautiful,. On this monitor she can't tell i'm staring.." Donnie said before she looked at him.
"You do know that's not muted right?" April asked, Donnie screamed and fell backwards in embarrassment.

"Of course! If it was muted you couldn't hear me joking .." Donnie said before he slammed his head on the controller in embarrassment before he pressed another button.
"Gees i hope she bought that." Donnie hoped as he pressed the Megaphone button.
"That's the Megaphone Donnie." April told him.
"I know!" Donnie said before Metalhead shut it's mouth.

"So how do you think the fight's going?" Donnie asked, a cannon blast almost hit them and knocked them back and destroyed a ledge as an answer.
"They're everywhere! Run!!" Mikey shouted while screaming.
"Not great!" April answered.

More droids were firing at them as they tried finding cover.
"Leo! We're running out of.. room!" Raph said as they ducked behind some crates.
"We're trapped!" Leo said with worry, Metalhead jumped through the rooftop and landed on some droids striking a weird pose.
"What is wrong with your hands?" Leo asked.

"My hands aren't on my hips?" Donnie asked.
"Nope" Spike answered shaking his head.
"Sorry, forgot to press B" Donnie said before Metalhead did what Donnie asked again, Metalhead was surrounded by droids as they tried to fire at him rapidly, Spike and the others watched as the blasts have no affect, they looked at they're weapons confused.

"Now it's my turn!" Donnie said as Metalhead turned his arm into a gun and started firing at multiple droids.
"You want some of this? Woo!" Donnie shouted as Metalhead fired more down, Donnie pressed another button and Metalhead shot a rocket fist out and it was remote controlled as Donnie smacked down more robots before it returned to it.

"Hey Raph, how's it feel to by shown up by a toaster?" Donnie teased, Raph didn't say anything and Mikey chuckled.
"Burn!" Mikey replied.
"Yeah, i thought that was a good one." Donnie told him.

"No Donnie, behind you!" Spike warned.
"Oh right" Donnie said as he used a flamethrower and knocked down more droids behind him, a droid looked at him before getting an idea and powering down as the brain in the chest walked out. Donnie then fired more lasers at the droids barely hitting Spike in the others.

"Watch the friendly fire!" Leo said annoyed. Donnie kept firing lasers all around the place, but he fired at some explosive barrels and it caused an explosion and it knocked Metalhead back and the antenna fell out.
"No! I lost the control signal!" Donnie said trying to get it to work.
"What's that Kraang doing?" Donnie asked as an alien Kraang crawled on it's head and latched onto it and it's eyes turned pink.

"Uh oh! Guys, if you can hear me! You might wanna run!" Donnie warned as they saw Metalhead walk through the fire.
"Oh no.." Spike said in fear as they were backing up, Metalhead turned his arm into a gun again and prepared to fire.

Mikey screamed in terror as Donnie tried figuring something out.
"No no. Oh come on! Maybe if i can override.." Donnie said as he tried pressing more buttons before Splinter stopped him.
"Donatello, the time for games is over." Splinter told him. Donnie looked at the controller before slamming it on the ground.

"Your right, my brothers and Spike need me!" Donnie said determined.
"Wait! here!" Splinter said throwing him his staff, Donnie bowed in respect before running out of the lair.

Leo and the others were currently trying to attack Metalhead with everything they got.
"He's gotta have a weak spot!" Leo said as they attacked more.
"This always works!" Mikey said before he tried kicking him between his legs but it hurt his foot.
"Ow! Well usually.." Mikey said in pain moving his toe.

Metalhead knocked Leo and the others into a corner while Spike was hanging from a high place while he was distracted.
"Now Kraang will destroy you, which one wants to be destroyed first by Kraang?" The droid asked.
"Me!" Donnie shouted before he jumped through the roof and made a pose landing on the ground.
"Donnie! Banging entrance dude!" Mikey said glad to see him.

"You guys deal with the droids, Spike and i will handle Metalhead." Donnie told them, they nodded before charging at the droids leaving Donnie alone with the robot.
"It is the maker of the tech, which the tech that was of the Kraang." The robot said, Spike held out his sword and began to make his sneak attack.

Metalhead fired his rocket fist at Donnie who used his staff knocking it back at his face, Donnie tried striking it with his staff multiple times which did nothing, Metalhead turned it's arm into the blaster again before Spike screamed as he jumped down from the ledge and sliced it off the robot in anger.

"Not on my watch!" Spike said holding out his sword with anger. Metalhead opened it's eyes and fired a grenade at them which they barely dodged.
"Why did you put that feature in?!" Spike asked annoyed.
"I had too many ideas!" Donnie replied as they hid behind a barrel, they noticed the bomb hit a metal structure which they noticed could fall on him.

"That might work." Spike said with a smile, they both got the same idea and looked at him.
"Hey Kraang! The one who is called your mother wears the boots that are combat!" Donnie insulted.
"You are being the one who people call a coward!" Spike yelled.

"The comment that is made by you two shows the ignorance of Kraang" It said as they groaned.
"Just come and get us!" Donnie shouted, Metalhead fired more eye grenades at them and they dodged them and they exploded behind them and, Spike and Donnie flipped over the robot as the metal structure proceeded to fall to where Metalhead was, Spike and Donnie closed they're eyes bracing themselves.

They opened they're eyes and saw Donnie's staff had impaled Metalhead through the chest and Spike laughed.
"Booyakasha!" They both shouted victorious.
"Sounds weird when they say it." Mikey said weirded out.
"Sounds weird when you say it." Raph replied

"That which is know as revenge will be called on those who call themselves the turtles, and that which is known as the dragon will be re captured by Kraang once again." The robot said before the brain on top screeched and tried to attack Donnie, Spike growled in anger before he used his sword and sliced the guy in half.
"That's for Metalhead." Spike said in anger.

"Nice going you two" Mikey said proud of them.
"Way to go guys." Leo told them.
"Yeah not bad, except for the part where you build the thing in the first place." Raph said as he kept listing.
"Hey, i was only taking care of my sword and new claws." Spike defended.
"Yeah we get it!" Donnie replied as Donnie looked down a little.

We cut back to the lair where Donnie was sitting alone while the others were playing an arcade.
"What troubles you Donatello?" Splinter asked walking up to him.
"This is all my fault sensei.." Donnie said sadly.
"You are responsible yes." Splinter replied.

"Yeah.." Donnie said sadly looking down.
"Responsible for destroying the mutagen, responsible for saving the people of this city, responsible for defeating advanced technology using only ingenuity, bravery, and a stick." Splinter explained, Donnie smiled as he stood up.
"Thanks sensei, maybe your right." Donnie asked.
"I am." Splinter replied.

"I guess with proper training, there's nothing better then a wooden stick." Donnie said before he looked at his new one, Raph was getting mad at Leo as he lost the game again in the background.
"Except a laser guided missile launching wooden stick" Donnie said as he slammed it on the ground, it suddenly started to shake violently and they all noticed it in fear.

"Donnie!!" Spike said in fear.
"It's not supposed to do that... RUN!!!" Donnie shouted, Spike and the others screamed as they tried to avoid the weapon about to go off.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this new chapter! As for details about Spike's upgraded sword, i figured it would be best for it to be upgraded at one point instead of him having two like my last story, and do not worry, Spike will not be OP and become arrogant with the thing.

it is deadlier yes, and it looks like the Murusama from MGR. but it's not that powerful. I'll have it become stronger over the seasons but for now it'll just be like that, and Spike's new claws will be used in future chapters to be better used. I hope you don't mind his little upgrade, and i'm still working out on how his character should be, this is only ep 6, so i'll think of something, thank you all for reading this chapter, please leave suggestions on any ideas you may have for this story, and i hope you have a great day!

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