• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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22: Operation: Break out

Splinter and the ninja were all in the dojo room once again, Raph and Donnie were sparing against eachother while Spike and the others watched.

"Don't worry Donnie, i'm in a good mood today, i'll go easy on you." Raph said mockingly.
" Don't do me any favors Raph." Donnie said as he looked over to April again before regaining focus.
"Oh boy.." Spike said annoyed as he realized what he was about to do, was he always like this with Rarity? If so.. he needs to be more mature with her when he gets back.
"Um in fact, maybe this time you'll be the one who gets gone easy on me.. this time.. so.. yeah." Donnie said as he twirled his staff around once more.

"Worst smack talk ever." Mikey whispered to Spike and Leo.
"Agreed." Spike said nodding his head.
"Hajime!" Splinter announced.

Raph screamed and charged at Donnie with anger, Donnie whacked at Raph, but he ducked under it and blocked another attack with his weapon, Raph went behind him and poked him in the back before knocking him off balance and then sweeping his legs.

"Hey! I got him! April did you see?" Donnie asked looking at her who smiled, but Raph quickly recovered and used a moved that knocked Donnie into the air and on the ground, Donnie quickly got up and tried attacking him again, but Raph dodged under him and grabbed his arms with his weapons and turned him around like a puppet.
"Say hi to Mikey, hi Mikey!" Raph teased in a high pitch voice.

"Donnie, haha! amazing! I didn't even see his lips move, he's like a puppet who can throw his voice.. to himself.. wait.." Mikey said as he got confused on what he just said.
"Nice job Raph." Spike said to him and he chuckled.
"Ya Mae, Raphael that is enough." Splinter ordered while Donnie was screaming a little, Raph grabbed him and threw him to the ground and sat on his shell.
"Thanks for going easy on me." Raph teased as he patted his head and walked off leaving Donnie on the ground with white eyes.

After that next training session, they were all walking out of the dojo with Donnie still mad at Raph.
"What the heck was that?" Donnie asked upset at him.
"What? Just having a little fun. You know how much Mikey loves the Donnie puppet." Raph defended while he waved his arms around.
"Dude, April was watching." Donnie said pointing at her who was on her laptop.

"Pretty sure she liked it.. too.." Raph said as he saw Donnie had a sad face.
"Wait, you still think you have a shot with her?" Raph asked curious.
"Well.. i mean i..." Donnie said rubbing his head trying to find the words
"Wow, that is so adorable! And sad, that's sadorable. If you wanna impress April, you better leave me out of it." Raph said poking his chest and walked off leaving Spike with him who was looking down.

"Donnie, i know how it is, i had a similar crush back home, i did some of the stuff you did honestly, it's not to different." Spike said trying to help him.
"I don't know Spike, i've tried everything i know, you remember the flow chart, all my attempts of asking her out, and saw my shuddering whenever i was around her, i just don't know what to do." Donnie said a little frustrated, Spike sighed and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Donnie, i know the feeling, believe me. I got the chance a few times at home with her, but i never confessed because i was too afraid, i never found the courage to tell her before i ended up here.. i don't want the same thing to happen to you." Spike advised while he looked at him.
"I'll.. try what i can.. thanks for the advice Spike.. i'm glad to know there's someone who can relate to this.." Donnie said a little relieved.
"No problem pal, i'll help you whenever you get the chance, just try not to make it too cringe for us though." Spike asked as he walked down and sat next to April who was working on her laptop and Spike went in to help her while Donnie thought to himself.

April and Spike were working on the laptop trying to decipher a message of sorts as it made some strange music like sounds.
" Not bad, needs more drums." Mikey advised as he and Leo walked up to them.
"It's not a music maker Mikey." Spike replied as he and April kept working on it until it popped away.

"What was that?" Leo asked confused.
"I don't know, some random e-mail i got, just started playing by itself." April explained
"Sounds like some sort of telemetric Sine wave sub carrier. " Donnie suggested.
"Uh, dump that down a notch." Leo told him.

"It's an interference modulation used to encrypt covert transmi.." Donnie said before Mikey stopped him.
"Not enough notches dude." Mikey told him.
"A secret message!" Donnie explained bluntly.
"Who would be sending me a secret message?" April asked confused.

Everyone was currently passed out in the lair as the tv was at a static right now, Spike was snoring loudly as he was on the couch sleeping soundly. Donnie was still awake in his lab working on the laptop trying to decipher the message though until he finally cracked it.
"April, it's dad." Kirby said on the message and Donnie gasped in shock.
"Mr O Neil!" Donnie said in shock.

"I pray that you get this message. I've been moved to a secret Kraang facility, send help April, send help if you can." Kirby prayed as Donnie got up in shock.
"Guys, listen to.." Donnie said before he remembered Raph's words.
"If you wanna impress April, better leave me out of it." Raph echoed through his head, Donnie looked at the computer and homed in the location on his T-phone and went out.
"We'll see who's sadorable." Donnie mocked as Raph was still snoring peacefully.

Donnie went up to the surface once more and snuck his way onto the rooftops and looked at his phone, me memorized the location and started jumping across each one to the facility.

Spike groaned as he opened his eyes again, he made a yawn and got on his feet again and saw Leo as well who was looking around confused.
"You alright Leo?" Spike asked curious as he looked over the lair.
"Has anyone seen Donnie?" Leo asked curious and the others got up as well, Mikey said he had a dream where the two were rodeo detectives of some kind.

"Can it Mikey, i'm serious." Leo told him.
"Maybe he's in the lab." Spike suggested. They all decided to go into the lab and looked around for him, Mikey went over to the desk and saw the laptop on it and opened it.
"Guys, i think i figured out where Donnie went." Mikey told them as they all came up to it.
"Where?" Leo asked curious as they looked at the message.

"Oh, there." Raph said sarcastic.
"That's the secret message, Donnie must have followed it." Leo suggested.
"He might have de coded it, let me see if i can too.." Spike said as he typed on the computer for a few seconds until he got something.
"Guys, listen to this!" Spike said as they heard the message.

"April, it's dad. I pray you get this message, i've been moved to a Kraang facility." The message repeated.
"Dad?" April asked worried as they saw her come into the room.

Donnie had made it to the lab and was just outside, he looked at his phone for conformation.
"Huh, it doesn't feel like a Kraang lab." Donnie said interested. Donnie proceeded to flip on down from the rooftops and slid down a ladder, he side stepped his way into the parking lot and came to the door which had a lock on it, Donnie was able to crack it and sneak inside. He had his guard up as he looked around, a pair of purple eyes appeared in the darkness and it was revealed to be a Kraang droid.

"It is one of one of the ones called the turtles." It said aiming its gun at him, Donnie dodged it's laser fire and aggressively twirled his staff around and knocked the gun out of his hands, he then sweeped it into the air and onto the ground, he saw a nearby button and pressed it and a machine came down on the robot pinning it down.
"Looks like you could use a tune up, huh? Yeah, am i right? Who's the hero now?" Donnie joked.

"Ho-ly cow!" Donnie shouted as he barely avoided more gunfire and saw more Kraang droids with weapons.
"No response necessary." Donnie said in a high pitch voice and he ran off from the gunfire again.

Spike and the others were tracing the location of the lab as well and were jumping across the rooftops again.
"Why would Donnie try to rescue April's dad by himself?" Leo asked confused.
"I think Raph can explain this, what do you have to say Raph." Spike asked as he crossed his arms and Leo looked at him with a serious face.
"Uh, maybe it's because i told him he didn't have a shot with April?" Raph said nervously.

"What?! Why would you say that?!" Leo asked upset at him.
"Because he has no shot with April." Raph defended.
"Well yeah, but you don't tell him that!" Leo said with anger as he walked off again.
"Donnie is really trying with this Raph, and having words like this doesn't help, i've been through what he's going with, and words like that, do not help at all." Spike said to Raph as he ran off as well with Raph looking confused.

Donnie was currently taking cover from some fire, he looked at a vent shaft and another ledge and got an idea. He flipped over the car and took down a few more droids, but when he hid behind another car, a droid blasted the button from before and the platform he was on descended down at fast speeds.
"No!!!!" Donnie screamed as he fell down with it.

April was now in the dojo with Splinter once more.
"April, today i will train your mind. Close your eyes, listen to the silence." Splinter instructed as he walked around her and she did so but she opened them and looked at the sunlight in the ceiling.
"I know what you are thinking April, but it is best for you to remain here." Splinter said once again.

"Sensei, that message was from my father. I should be up there!" April said with worry.
" The best way for you to reunite with your father is to wait here. Now again, close your eyes and listen for my movement. Listen for the silence" Splinter said again.
"How can i listen for the.. silence.." April said in shock as she opened her eyes and saw Splinter was gone.
"You weren't listening." Splinter said as he was behind her.

"Listen deeply, again." Splinter instructed.
"Okay.. listen deeply.." April said as she closed her eyes, an unknown voice was heard in her eyes as distorted sounds were heard.
"Well i heard you that time." April told him.
"Heard what? I did not move." Splinter said confused.
"Then.. what's that sound? It's coming from.. it's coming from down there! Let's follow it." April said as she and Splinter walked out of the room.

"I hear nothing." Splinter said again as the place was empty.
"Really?" April asked as she looked around some more.
"Hmmm. Most curious April, it seems that your are hearing something.. i cannot." Splinter said as the room was empty with her gone as well.
"It's almost like what Spike can do.. April, April?" Splinter asked with worry as he looked around.
April was in the sewers looking around for the noise, she closed her eyes again and heard the strange noise once again.

A couple Kraang droids were walking down a hall underground, once they were far enough, Donnie landed on the ground and started sneaking around. He heard another Kraang droid approaching and slid his T-phone over to it. The droid picked it up and saw Donnie on the screen, he suddenly saw Donnie right behind it and he screamed in anger as he hit the robot to the door.
"It's for me." Donnie said with a smile as he picked it up, the brain alien woke up and Donnie quickly wacked it to a wall knocking it down too.
"And that's for you." Donnie said before he grabbed the head and used the robot to open the door into the lab. Ominous music was heard as he was in a room full of cameras with each cell on it, he looked around for a few until he found Kirby in one cell.
"Mr O Neil!" Donnie said in shock.

Donnie looked down at the computer and with a few types on it, he was able to crack it and he was able to open all the cells. But inside one of the cells was a new monster that was now freed. It leapt to the ceiling and crawled onto the bars on the top. A few droids were guarding a door until they noticed the lights in the halls all started to go out. A tail suddenly grabbed a droid and took it into the air.

"That which is the criminal has escaped! He wishes to retrieve the weapons which are of his." A droid said in shock, the monster landed down in front of the two, he completely swiped off one of their heads and crushed the other, one of the aliens screamed in fear as the monster grabbed him and completely ate him whole..
The monster opened a chest full of weapons and gear and put each one of them on and activated all of them and made a screech of anger.

Spike and the others had finally arrived at the place and were at the front door.
"Are you sure this is the right place?" Raph asked Leo. Leo looked at his phone and saw a picked lock on the ground.
"Yep, we're here." Spike said looking at it.
"Let's move!" Leo said as he opened the door.
"Yeah!" Mikey said in victory before Raph whacked him across the head in annoyance.

Donnie was in the halls of the lab looking through each cell but kept his guard up, he heard a distant noise and quickly turned around, but nothing was there right now. He looked inside another cell and finally found Kirby.
"Hello? Mr O Neil? It's me Donatello? " Donnie asked as he came up to him.

"The turtle which is the one who has gained entry has found the captive. Exactly as Kraang has planned the plan." A droid said as they were in TCRI looking over the camera system.
"Yes, the plan is going according to plan." The other responded.

"Thank goodness you've come!" Kirby said in relief as he gave Donnie a hug which confused him.
"Um.. should we go?" Donnie asked pointing at the door.
"Immediately." Kirby replied as he and Donnie went out of the door.

"I thought that you may have been able to decipher my message." Kirby told him as they walked out.
"Well it wasn't so bad, you used a basic dvd scramble algorithm, so i just.. flopped the ecm data stream." They both said at once, they suddenly heard a whoosh and looked down the hall.

"Donatello.. why are all of the cell doors open?" Kirby asked worried as he looked at them.
"I must have opened them when i let you out but.. all of them were empty.." Donnie explained as a creature rushed behind them and they heard a strange sound.
"I'm not so sure about that.." Kirby said worried as the creature went by them again.

"Okay don't worry, whatever it is, i'm sure i can handle.. AH!!" They both shouted as the monster landed behind them making an impact. The monster roared in anger and the two started backing up a little.
"On second thought sir, you might have to worry just a little." Donnie said in fear, the monster raised it's arm and started firing a ton of lasers at them.

"What is that thing?!" Donnie asked in shock as they took cover behind another wall.
"You must have accidentally released one of the Kraangs alien experiments." Kirby suggested as he dodged another blast from the monster and they started running.
"Well it looks like some family of Salamandridae, if i'm not mistaken." Donnie said in fear as they kept dodging the lasers.
"With that proboscis? It's clearly a pleurodelinae, a newt." Kirby explained as they dodged a sharp disk that latched onto the wall, the monster pressed a button and they barely avoided the thing blowing up.

"A Newtralizer is more like it." Donnie said as they started running again.
"By the way, prefer it if you don't tell Mikey i named something without him he's kind of protective on that." Donnie advised as they quickly ran off.

Spike and the others were looking around the place still looking for Donnie.
"Pretty sure Donnie took this guy out." Raph said as they saw a crushed Kraang droid.
"How can you tell?" Leo asked sarcastic.
"Only Donnie can use the environment to his advantage like that." Spike answered looking at it.
"True." Leo said in agreement.

"Hey guys, check out my ride. Whoo!!" Mikey shouted as he blinded them with the car lights as he was in one in the air. But the car flew off and almost crushed them but it fell onto the ground which opened a hatch leading deeper down.
"Nice Mikey!" Leo said impressed as they looked down.
"Sweet move!" Spike said with a thumbs up.

The four of them jumped down the hole and slid down on some ropes and came down into a secret hallway.
"Donnie must have been through here." Spike said as he saw a defeated droid near a door.
"Then he must have gone through this door." Raph told them.
"I've seen this before, hang on a sec." Spike said as he grabbed the robots head and placed it on a scanner, after a few seconds, the door opened to the next room.
"Great job Spike." Leo complimented patting him on the back.
"I've kept what i learned in check." Spike said proudly as they went inside.

Before they could go further anymore, the alarm suddenly went off shocking all of them.
"Okay, that was not on me!" Mikey defended as they looked around.

"Why is that which is called the alarm, sounding that which is called the alarm?" A droid asked from TCRI again as they looked at another camera.
"Something which is not the plan is occurring." Another responded as they saw more droids being taken down as a disk hits the camera cracking it and the monster was seen on screen.

More droids were coming down the halls to where Spike and the others were.
"We got company!" Leo warned them.
"Let's bash some bots!" Spike said with anger as he drew his red sword again, they all screamed in anger and charged at them. Spike flipped over some lasers over the walls, he then slid under one and sliced the thing in half while the others kept tearing them up.

Donnie and Kirby were still running through the halls but were soon in front of more robots with weapons.
"Other way!" Donnie shouted as they turned around, but the monster was behind them as well.

"Okay.. maybe solo mission wasn't a good idea.. i should've brought Spike with me.." Donnie said with regret. The monster raised it's weapons, and the droids aimed they're guns at it.
"Come on!" Donnie shouted as he dragged Kirby into a cell while the blasters barely hit them.
"Phew.." Donnie said in relief.

"You are aware this is a detention facility." Kirby asked which confused him.
"Huh?" Donnie asked shocked.
"You just locked us in a cell." Kirby explained.
"Affirmative.. uh.. i think i can get us out.." Donnie said turning to the door, but it was halted when the monster slammed against the door and roared at them.
"AHHH! Eventually! Donnie said in fear as they were cornered.

April was still in the sewers searching for the noise she heard, she found that some more Kraang droids were walking around which surprised her.
"Listen to the silence... listen deeply..." April recalled as she kept hearing the noise again.
"That way." April confirmed as she went into a specific tunnel and ran down it. She heard the voice once again and came into an open area which had some junk laying around as well as some Kraang droids.

April smiled and leapt down and started searching through some of it. She kept hearing the voices until she founded a strange orb of some kind which shocked her.
"The Kraang communication device which Kraang searches for is activated in this vicinity." A droid said as two of them came into the place. They looked around but found the place was empty.
"Kraang is which what they call idiotic." One insulted as they walked away, April was hiding behind a pillar with the orb in her arms and she sighed in relief.

Spike and the others had taken care of the robots and looked around the halls and found even more looking destroyed.
"I don't like the sound of that." Leo said as they heard a strange noise.
"It may be what destroyed these robots." Spike said seriously as he readied his mutant arm.
"Maybe if we ignore it it will go away." Mikey suggested as the noise was still heard again.

"Someone's not ignoring it!!" Mikey told them.
"That wouldn't work anyway Mikey.." Spike replied, they heard the noise again and suddenly found the monster from before on the ceiling, it roared at them and fired some advanced missiles at them.
"Move!" Leo shouted as they all screamed and started running.

Back in the cell, Donnie was trying to get them out.
"Okay, if i jump the resistors.." Donnie said looking at a console, but the door suddenly exploded which knocked them down. They heard grunting and they saw Spike and the others getting up.
"The door should open." Donnie said as he saw them.

"Donnie!" Raph said in relief.
"Your okay!" Spike said coming up to him.
"Mr O Neil!" Leo said relieved as well as he saw Kirby.

"Big beady eyed lizard thing with weapons!" Mikey shouted pointing down the hall, the monster emerged from the smoke and roared at them with anger.
"Donatello calls it the Newtralizer." Kirby explained and Mikey gasped.
"You named something without me?" Mikey asked before they started dodging more gunfire.
"Ahh! Look out!" Donnie shouted as they started running once again. All of them quickly went into the camera room again and Mikey looked mad at Donnie.

"You named something without me?!" Mikey asked upset at him.
"Is it really that big a deal that you name something?" Spike asked annoyed, the door was being banged on as they tried to figure something out.
"We gotta get out of this prison." Leo told them.
"Technically, it's a detention center. The difference being that..." Kirby said as Raph backed up.

"Not now Donnie.. oh.. sorry Mr. O Neil." Raph apologized.
"Glad Donnie has someone who understands him at least." Spike replied looking at them. They all gasped and saw the door behind them opened with even more Kraang droids running inside.

Spike and the others screamed as they drew they're weapons again and started tearing through them, Spike slammed his arm against on of their heads and threw it into some more robots, Spike took a deep breath and breathed a stream of fire across some more droids knocking all of them down.

"What happened to your arm?" Kirby asked as he saw Spike's mutant arm, it glowed green again and Spike delivered a devastating punch with threw some more droids into the wall.
"Got partially mutated not to long after we last saw eachother, it has come in handy though!" Spike explained as he drew his sword and deflected more laser fire into the robots again.

"Donnie, a little help!" Spike shouted as he sliced another's head off and punched the thing into the celling.
"How about some big help?" Donnie asked as he started typing on a console.
"Donnie, this isn't the time to be checking your e-mail!" Leo said annoyed as he and Spike sliced up another robot.
"I'm guessing if they had the Newtralizer locked up, it wasn't because he was their friend." Donnie explained as he slammed his hand on the button.

The door behind another droid opened up with the Newtralizer behind it. It ripped off it's head and roared at all of the droids.
"Apparently he likes trashing Kraang." Raph said impressed.
"Who doesn't?" Mikey asked in response.
"It's honestly fun at this point." Spike said as he sliced another to pieces.

The monster raised it's arms and started firing at all of them, Spike and the others took cover while the robots were all being gunned down once again.
"Yeah!" All of them shouted as the droids were all down before the Newtralizer aimed it's gun at them.
"No!!" They all shouted in fear. An explosion appears in the hall and all of them are running away from the monster, they quickly went to the lift from before and tried activating it.

"We gotta access the control panel!" Donnie said as he tried moving it.
"Got it!" Raph said as he raised his weapons before Donnie stopped him.
"Raph, i got it." Donnie assured.
"Oh really?" Raph asked sarcastic.
"Really." Donnie replied as he slammed the weapon on the button, they all screamed as the lift went up at fast speeds and they all went flying into the air back at the top again.

"Close one huh?" Donnie asked looking at Kirby. But the victory didn't last long as the Newtralizer jumped up and landed on the nearby car and roared once again.
"Are you kidding me right now!?" Spike asked frustrated as he drew his sword again.
"Let's split up. Donnie, you get Mr O Neil out of here." Leo ordered.

The monster threw more disks at them and they all jumped out of the way. Raph quickly jumped over him and leapt onto the ceiling as a tire came and hit the monster in the face, Spike screamed in rage and delivered a strong punch which knocked it to the wall for a bit.
"Honestly, i'm glad to have a mutant arm at this point!" Spike said as he got in a fighting stance again. The monster recovered and started aiming for Donnie and Kirby who were trying to escape.

"No!" Donnie shouted as he barely avoided another attack from it, Donnie got an idea and threw a smoke bomb at it which gave them the opportunity to move forward some more. Spike then got an idea and looked at Mikey.
"Mikey, listen carefully!" Spike said as he whispered his plan and Mikey smiled.
"Got it!" Mikey said with a thumbs up and the two ran off again.
The Newtrailizer was still fighting against Leo and Raph now and they were delivering strong moves to him, the Neutralizer wasn't stopping though and aimed it's weapons at the two once again.

"Enough!!" Spike shouted in anger as Spike ran into the scene, he held up two fingers again and made a battle cry and jumped into the air, and using the move Splinter taught him, he delivered a strong impact on the monsters chest which created a shockwave for a moment, the monster went flying into the walls and was trying to recover.
"Mikey! Now!!" Spike shouted looking up at another car, it's lights turned on and it started driving off a ledge.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as the car came crashing down on top of the Neutralizer crushing it.

"Mikey!" Leo and Raph said with worry as they came up to it.
"Don't worry, i wore my seatbelt." Mikey assured as he came out of the car.
"Nice plan Spike!" Raph said impressed as he gave him a high five.
"Thank you!" Spike said proudly as he laughed a little.
"Come guys, let's go home." Leo said gladly as the 6 of them walked off to the lair. After they left finally, the car started to move as the back doors opened and the Neutralizer was still alive somehow...

April was in the lair again looking at the strange orb she found.
"Hmm, interesting, but i am curious how you hear the sound. But i do not." Splinter said with interest.
"Maybe it's why the Kraang are after me, maybe it's similar to Spike as well.." April said while she looked at it.

"April?" Kirby asked as she saw Spike and the others had finally made it back.
"Dad? Dad!!" April said in joy and relief as she came up and hugged him.
"Oh dad i can't believe it! You guys saved my dad!" April said in huge relief looking at them.
"Thank you so much!" April said gratefully.

"The guy you really should be thanking here is Donnie. Seriously! You should have seen him, he was!" Raph said as he stroke a bunch of fighting posed making battle cries.
"What he's trying to say is.. Donnie went on ahead to save Kirby, and did it using really cool moves." Spike explained with a smile.

"Well.. that wasn't exactly what happened but.." Donnie said before April came up and hugged him which made him silent.
"Thank you Donnie!" April said gratefully, Donnie chuckled nervously and fell onto the ground while laughing.
"Well, we tried." Raph said as they looked down at him.
"You did great Donnie, great job." Spike said proudly as he helped him up while he was still chuckling with a thumbs up.

But back at TCRI, more Kraang droids were waiting in a line for someone, the door opened and the Shredder had walked into the room with more soldiers.
"The plan which has been set into motion, has taken the motion in which the plan has been set." A droid explained which annoyed Shredder a little.
"That alien creature of yours nearly thwarted our objective." Shredder said gripping his hand in anger.

"Kraang did not expect the turtle known as Donatello to release him. Fortunately for Kraang, the error did not prevent the planned escape of the human who is called, Kirby O Neil." The droid explained.
"The turtles and dragon have undoubtedly brought O Neil back to their lair. Soon vengeance, will be ours." Shredder said with anger.

April was currently in the dojo with her dad once again.
"It's good to have you back." April said in relief.
"It's good to be back." Kirby replied as he gave her a hug, but while he was hugging her, his eyes suddenly opened and had a serious face meaning something was wrong..

Author's Note:

Hey guys, i hope you liked this new chapter! I know Spike wasn't involved much in this episode, i could've had him go with Donnie after finding the message, but i didn't want him getting in the way of Donnie proving himself, i'm sure Spike would be alright with him trying to save April's dad like that, but still a little upset that he didn't tell the others. Regardless, i hope you all liked this next chapter and look forward to more!

Also i got a question, for the finale of the season, should i have Spike confront Shredder with Splinter, or have him go with the Turtles to stop the Technodrome? Let me know in the comments please.

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