• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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47: Vision Quest

Spike was outside the farmhouse with his mother once again, he was wanting Psiona to show him more of what he could do with his Psychic powers, since he's a snake his body isn't as tough anymore, so he needs to find alternatives. Leo went out to hunt which concerned him because his knee's still injured, but Spike's body is mostly healed up, the only difference now is that he has a large scar that goes across his underbelly because of the Shredder, it'll probably heal over time, but it's now a battle scar he has.

"So any lessons i could take here mom?" Spike asked as they stood in front of a few objects that were larger then the others.
"Yes, we are gonna try and focus on telekinesis, where you lift objects up with your mind.." Psiona instructed as she raised up her hand and used her own powers and raised a large desk up with ease.
"How long have you had to develop your powers?" Spike asked amazed as she put it down.
"Decades at this point son, you've barely tapped into your potential, it may be harder since your a mutant now, but i promise you'll get it right soon." Psiona assured smiling at him.

"Thanks mom, it's just.. all of this is something i can't believe is happening still, meeting you, being mutated.. having to deal with the Kraang, it's something i don't think Twilight and her friends could do.." Spike said as he sat down next to her.
"I know, i can hardly believe i'm with you again after all this time, i always feared that i might never find you, and we may never be with eachother again.." She said with sadness and had a tear going down her eye.
"Yeah, it's been an interesting ride that's for sure, and something tells me that stopping the Kraang won't be the end. We still have to find a way to return me to normal, take down Shredder for good, and find a way to get us back home.." Spike said as he reflected on the journey he's had so far.

"Our lives are full of unexpected turns son, to me, it's best we just make the most of what we have, and look at the future with hope. We will return to Equestria again one day son, but it won't be goodbye to our friends, they'll be able to come with us whenever they want, and with what we've been through. I'm only fascinated on meeting your friends, and seeing how they are.." Psiona said rubbing his head which made him chuckle.
"Yeah, it's never the end, even if our story is complete, there's always room for more.." Spike said as they looked over the farmhouse together..

Jaqueline was with the other turtles and was about to train with them some more.
"All right team, if you can clobber some Kraang, you can crack logs, Jaqueline, your up." Raph instructed looking at her.
"Aw yeah, ninja training, farmhouse style!" Mikey said excitedly holding a block of wood. Jaqueline started to pull off some new ninja moves that Spike taught her, and jumped in the air and twirled around before falling down and straight up ate the bark like it was pizza.

"Not bad, a little salty somehow though." Jaqueline said casually as she made a loud burp which disgusted a few of them.
"Nice one!" Mikey said giving her a high five.
"All right, your turn April." Raph said turning to her.

"Sure you don't want me to soften it up for you red?" Casey asked holding another piece.
"Just hold it in place, wouldn't want to miss and wipe that smug grin off your face." April said getting into a stance.
"Oh snap!" Mikey said shocked at her insult.
"Remember, it's not just physical strength that breaks the wood, it's also inner strength." Donnie instructed.
"I got this." April said confidently right before she kicked Casey in the face and sent him to the ground.

"Oh! I wish i could see that in an instant replay!" Donnie mocked as Spike and Psiona came up to the others with Spike holding his T-phone.
"I did, i'll send it to you now!" Spike said as he caught the image and just sent it to him.
"This is gonna be my wallpaper." Donnie teased as he put his away. They heard groaning and saw Leo coming up to them looking hurt.

"Leo! Are you okay?" Spike asked worried as they all checked on him.
"Dude what happened to you?" Mikey asked worried for him as well.
"I had a realization in the woods.." Leo said as they all tried helping him up.
"Going off in the woods alone with a bum leg was a bad idea?" Raph asked as they held his arms.

"No, it's just what i need, what we all need. We're so caught up in T-phones, junk food, and Tv that we've become at odds with nature. A true ninja must become one with it to master himself." Leo explained.
"Whoa dude, you leave Tv out of this!" Mikey said pointing at him. Psiona looked at Spike and saw his condition, he was still not used to his snake body and needed to get used to it, Psiona thought about it for a moment and decided it was a good idea.
"Even Master Splinter did it. He said only when you become with nature can you become one with yourself." Donnie quoted pointing his finger up.

"I agree as well, i think this would be a good chance for my son to get used to his body, he was out of it for months right? He needs this as well." Psiona said looking at him who was a little shocked.
"Are you sure mom? What about you? Won't you be worried?" Spike asked as he was trying to think this, she smiled softly and leaned down to him.
"Of course i will son, as a mother, i will always worry for you. But i know you can handle yourself at your friends sides, i love you, and i want you to become the dragon your meant to be." Psiona said giving him a hug which he returned.
"I.. understand.. thanks mom.." Spike said gratefully holding her close.

"Then it's settled, we'll spend three days and practice awareness in the wilderness, only living on what we can forge." Leo instructed.
"Three days? We're gonna live like animals! Ahh!!" Mikey screamed running off near Casey and April.
"I think Leo took a few too many kicks to the head." Casey joked to her.
"No, Leo's right, camping sounds fun, i'm tired of being stuck in the farmhouse." April said ready to go with them.
"I'm sorry April, this trip is ninja's only." Leo said as Spike slithered off with the others.

"But, i'm almost a full on Kunoichi!" April argued getting annoyed with them.
"Almost!" Raph mocked which made her upset, Jaqueline came up to Spike and gave him a hug.
"Be careful Spike, it's gonna be tough out there.." Jaqueline said as he returned it.
"Don't worry, i promise i'll come back safe. I still have a lot to show you about my home." Spike assured as she kissed his cheek.
"I know, see you soon Spike." Jaqueline said letting go of him, the others were chuckling at his romance with him and he rolled his eyes.
"At least i got a girlfriend, weirdos." Spike mocked slithering off with them.

Spike was gathering the supplies he needed for the journey, he finally picked up the sword he stole a year back at this point and put it on his back, despite him not being able to have proper hands, he thinks he can find a work around with it because he's way more fluid.

"Okay, i'm all for getting tuned in with nature, but those two are gonna be getting in with eachother." Donnie said as he saw April and Raph outside.
"You need to learn to let it go, we have to learn to leave our worries and fears behind, plus Spike's mom and Jaqueline will be here too, so i don't think we have much to worry about at all." Leo said as he put his stuff away and went out the door.

Spike and the others had now left the house and were in the woods for their training.
"We've mastered our weapons, stealth, and hand to hand combat. But we haven't achieved the very first of the 18 ninjutsu disciplines. The Seishin syuyou, or spiritual refinement. All true ninja's must master it." Leo explained as they kept moving.
"Hey, who says i'm not spiritually refined.." Mikey said before he made a burp which annoyed all of them.
"Okay, you win, let's get refined." Mikey said as they began they're training.

We cut to another montage of them in their days in the woods, Spike and the others were on different trees meditating and taking deep breaths, Mikey tried blending in with squirrels.. which didn't work. They carried they're supplies across a river which let Spike find out he could contain the water in his snake hands for later use, which was interesting. Raph was able to make a fire for them in the middle of a rainy night, even if Spike could easily do it with his fire breath, they were all happy that he did it. Donnie and the others balanced themselves on rocks and stroke ninja poses again, Spike learned to balance himself on his large tail that gave him extra height over the others. And finally for Spike, he learned to latch onto other objects with his snake hands like a grapple which proved to be useful for reaching higher areas.

They were all on top of the trees again until the sky suddenly turned dark and Mikey saw a vortex appearing in the sky.
"Ahh! It's happening!" Mikey screamed right before he fell off the tree and landed on the ground with the others going down as well.
"Whoa.." Leo said in shock as he saw the same dear he saw from a few days ago.

"It's the same dear, i think it's been following us.." Leo said as it was moving all around them.
"It's probably laughing at the 4 dumb turtles and snake lost in the woods." Raph mocked.
"Actually, in the Shinto religion, deer's are considered the messengers of the divine.." Donnie said as they saw the dear had become a tall mutant like creature. Spike slithered in front of the others and came to it.
"You wanted us to all come out here, why?" Spike asked looking at it, the creature didn't say anything and vanished right before they're eyes shocking all of them.

They were all now at a fire and were roasting over some leftovers they had to eat, they were all starting to feel tired as they were feeling like they weren't getting anywhere. But they're thinking was stopped when the fire turned blue and they all gasped in shock as it started to form into something, it became a spiritual version of Master Splinter.
"Master Splinter!!" Spike and the others said at once.

"Are you like.. a ghost?" Mikey asked worried for him.
"My spirit has become detached from my body, but my body still lives." Splinter said looking over all of them.
"Your.. alive?! Where are you sensei let us help you!" Leo begged standing up.
"We need to make sure your safe!" Spike said worried as well.
"You cannot yet, there is much you must over come. If you cannot find your inner spiritual strength, you will never stand a chance against the Shredder." Splinter explained once more

"But, Master Splinter my leg injury it's.. it's physical.. until i heal.." Leo said as Splinter put a hand on his shoulder again.
"We choose what holds us back, and what moves us forward. You will all learn this, each of you must journey out alone, to face your spiritual adversary.." Splinter said looking at all of them.
"Raphael, your temper is like a fire that you must focus for power." Splinter said to Raph.

Michelangelo, your mind is overrun with distractions, learn to be strong and calm like the forest. " He said once more before turning to Donnie.

"Donatello, you rely too much on your mind, and not on your body. You must learn to be strong like the mountain." Splinter said before going to Spike.

"Spike, your new body is swift and fluid, like all snakes, you must adapt and use it to your advantage. Your mind is strong willed and unique, use what your mother has given you to face your doubts." Splinter said before finally turning to Leo.

"Leonardo, you must learn to be the leader in both body and spirit. Be like the wind, let nothing weigh you down. Sleep now my sons, for your your greatest trials await on the spiritual train. For the challenges you face there, will be just as deadly as the threats you face in the real world. Be warned.." Splinter said as he vanished in front of them..

We cut to the next day where Spike and the others were still thinking on what Splinter told them.
"Whoa, that was deep.." Mikey said amazed getting up.
"So we all need to go out alone?" Spike asked turning to Leo.
"He was quite clear on what we need to do, it's time we begin ninja's." Leo said as we cut to a new montage.

Spike and the others began to forge armor for each of their journeys, Spike got himself a sick samurai like armor with black and red color schemes, with a dragon symbol on both the chest and helmet. He got his own extensive blades that were like Shredders, only these ones lit themselves up with Spike's green fire. This armor was perfectly made for Spike's snake form, and he was proud to be wearing it.

"Each of us will forge new armor and weapons before we journey on alone, where we'll be challenged in the spirit realm. The place where the unreal becomes real, and we'll meet our ultimate fate. Leo narrated as all of them put on their own mystic forest gear, Donnie now had a mask with a new axe attached to his stick, Raph had a white hood over him and had blades that lit on fire as well, Mikey covered his body up with tough wood that was made for better stealth, and Leo got himself his own set of bows and arrows to go with his swords.

Spike and the others were now standing against the others with white eyes as they had a large flag that had symbols on it that represented the spiritual plane in front of all of them.
"This is it guys, we're going off alone." Spike said seriously looking at all of them.
"This is gonna be tough, the things we're gonna fight, are gonna be just as tough as the Shredder." Raph said turning to Mikey who was trying to eat pizza, before he threw it away.
"Hope you like pizza you magic dear!" Mikey shouted to no one specifically.

Leo closed his eyes before they all looked at eachother.
"It's time. Good luck everyone. Kentou o!" Leo said bowing in respect.
"Kentou o!" Spike and the others said at once before they set out to fight alone..

We cut to Leo walking through the forest when it's extremely foggy, completely alone. A shadow suddenly passed by him and he gasped in shock, he looked around before the strange deer suddenly appeared behind him. Leo gasped and turned around only to see it was a normal one.
"Wait!" Leo shouted as the dear started running off and Leo chased it through the fog until he somehow appeared on an old bridge.

Leo looked around and saw there was no way back until he saw the mystical dear right in front of him again. The bridge began to shake a lot and Leo almost fell off until he caught one of the ropes barely and pulled himself up. A shadow passed by again until he saw a foot bot land right on the bridge.
"Foot soldier?" Leo asked in shock as it jumped away, Leo took out an arrow and kept his guard up.
"Was it real?" Leo asked himself right before he heard a noise behind him and shot the arrow, but he saw the foot bot was flying down to him and he barely avoided more ninja stars being thrown.

Arrows flew down at him as the bot jumps in the air and slashes down at him, Leo looked behind him and saw there were even more.
"Okay not cool.." Leo said as he was surrounded by the bots on the bridge within the thick fog.

Spike found himself within a crystal cave that felt familiar to him, he and the others were now on they're own and had to do this by themselves.
"This is strange.. how did i get here?" Spike asked himself as he tried moving through the cave. it was full of pink, blue and red crystals and they all were all around him like he was contained.
"It's almost like the one back in Equestria when i mined them with Rarity.." Spike said to himself as he slithered through the cave trying to find a way out.

A shadow suddenly passed by him and he gasped in shock.
"Who's there?" Spike asked drawing his sword with his tail, another shadow passed by him and he turned in that direction too. Spike's senses suddenly went off as he felt something about to attack him from behind. Spike hissed and delivered multiple slashes to the one behind him and he saw it was a foot bot he just tore apart.
"Foot bots? Here?" Spike asked in shock as he heard something land behind him.

He turned around and saw even more foot bots surrounding him and they're eyes glowed red once again.
"This must be the trial, let's do this then!" Spike said determined as he drew his blades from his arms and they lit on green fire and all of the bots charged at him with Spike screaming with rage.

We cut to a cave where there was a large pond in the middle of it, Raph emerged from the water and looked around the place.
"So much for finding a hidden pirate ship, a waste of time." Raph said annoyed as he swam to the floors, he climbed up and saw there were dozens of torches being lit behind him.
"Somebody's gotta be here keeping those torches lit." Raph said looking at them. A foot soldier suddenly emerged from the shadows followed by even more of them.
"Aw sewer cakes.." Raph said annoyed as he was completely surrounded.

Donnie was currently on a high mountain within the heavy fog.
"For all i know this isn't even the right direction. Boy i really miss GPS guidance right about now." Donnie told himself as he was trying to get across it.
"Whoa! What the?!" Donnie shouted in shock as the mountain shook suddenly, he looked up and saw there were foot bots with hammers above him.
"Your gonna bring the whole mountain down!.. Unless.. you don't care what happens cause.. your an apparition from the spirit plane!" Donnie said in realization of what they were.

The bots slammed against the mountain even more making the thing shake violently. Donnie screamed as he barely avoided a huge rock slamming down on him and watched it fall off the ledge and into the abyss, Donnie looked up and saw the foot bots charging at him.
"I hate being right.." Donnie said with a nervous chuckle..

Mikey was in a foggy forest area as he was jumping around the trees trying to find his way. Mikey was moving around some more until something suddenly hit him.
"Who's there?! Gah!" Mikey shouted as the thing hit him again.
"Come out!" Mikey demanded as he heard something move behind him.

He heard something twitch and threw a ninja star at it until it was caught.
"Your camo is weak dog!" Mikey taunted until he saw dozens of red eyes on top of eachother stare at him.
"Whoa.. either i'm wrong about the camo.. or i'm about to fight a ten eyed monster!" Mikey said in fear. The fog cleared up and it was revealed to be more foot bots and they drew they're swords from on top of eachother.
"Oh! I was wrong about the camo!" Mikey screamed running away.

Leo was still on the bridge and was fighting off the bots.
"Keep em coming, i can do this all day!" Leo said as he shot more arrows at the bots and they disappeared once they were hit. Leo ducked under a sword slice and hit the things legs with his arrow before shooting the thing down as well.
"That's it? I still got more arrows guys." Leo said looking around for more. Leo gasped as the bridge was starting to snap.
"No, no no no no!" Leo shouted as the bridge completely snapped, Leo screamed in terror as he almost went falling into the abyss.

Leo was able to save himself by grabbing onto the rope and barely survived and landed on the side of a wall. A foot bot looked around until Leo grabbed it and sent it flying off the ledge.
"Not as tough.. as i thought.." Leo said to himself as he climbed back up.

Mikey was running through the foggy forest and made a battle cry as he was fighting off the bots by jumping from tree to tree. Mikey finished off the last bot by grabbing it's back and flipped downwards until he slammed it on the ground and it disappeared for good. But he was attacked again suddenly and pinned to another tree. The fog rose up and it was revealed to be Rahzar.

"Been a long time." Rahzar said menacingly.
"Oh man, Rahzar?! Good dog.. Easy.. maybe i have a bone for you.." Mikey said in fear as he snarled at him.
"Oh you have many bones i can feast on.." Rahzar said with anger as he charged at him as we cut to Raph back in the cave fighting off the bots.

Raph ducked under another torch and slammed his Sai in it's face before kicked it away.
"I would've been way more into this quest if i knew i'd get to slap some foot around" Raph said excited as more jumped down behind him. Raph ignited his flamethrowers and incinerated the bots in an instant. A bot came from behind him and tried to attack from behind, but Raph grabbed the torch and aimed his arm at him before firing at him as well.
"Yeah!" Raph said in victory before he saw something come from the water.

"Huh?" Raph asked shocked before he suddenly saw Fishface jump from the water and tried to attack him too.
"Fishface? Here?" Raph asked in shock as he turned to him.
"That temper fizzles fast under water doesn't it?" Fishface asked before he jumped in the air and screamed as he tried attacking him.

We cut back to Donnie fighting off the bots as he barely avoided even more falling rubble.
"You wanna bring half the mountain down?!" Donnie shouted before he jumped in the air and slashed at them with his axe.
"Fine with me!" Donnie shouted as he slammed the axe down as well and more foot bots went tumbling down by the falling rocks.
"Ha! Hey this Seishin Syuyou is way easier then i thought" Donnie said confidently right before a fist smashed through the rocks.
"We're just getting started.. Let's just see how quick your thinking is, when i smash your head into the rocks." Tiger claw said as he appeared from the fog and growled with anger.
"Tiger claw?! No your just a spirit too! You can't be real!" Donnie said right before he was punched down by him.
"Did that feel real to you?" Tiger claw asked mockingly.
"Absolutely.." Donnie said weakly.

Spike slashed his blade through another's chest and breathed fire on another group of bots.
"Bring it on punks! Your nothing new to me now!" Spike shouted as he blocked a sword swing and pushed the bot back, Spike hissed again and delivered a tail whip on the bot and sliced off it's head before it turned into smoke again. Spike finished off the last group of bots by shredding them apart with his fire blades.
"I can see why Shredder likes these blades." Spike told himself as he put them away.

Spike took some heavy breaths and looked around the crystal cave trying to find a way out. Spike looked ahead and saw a path leading somewhere else.
"That might be it.." Spike told himself as he slithered over to the path and hoped to find his way out. Spike went through the tunnel and thought about his journey, and what he's been through. It's something he never thought he'd find himself a part of, but here he is, facing a trial that's either life or death..

Spike walked through the tunnel and suddenly found himself within an open area, Spike looked behind him and suddenly found the way he came in was gone.
"Great.." Spike said annoyed as he tried figuring out his surroundings.. but the thing that made him realize something is what he was on, it was a smooth crystal floor with a familiar shape.
"Is that.. the crystal heart?!" Spike asked in shock as the camera zooms upwards and he's revealed to be on a large crystal heart like the one Sombra tried to steal.

"Why.. why is this here?" Spike asked looking around the place.
"Feels familiar? Doesn't it Spike?" A familiar dark voice suddenly spoke and Spike's pupils narrowed.
"No way.." Spike said in fear as he turned around and saw none other.. then King Sombra, he laughed menacingly and the walls began to light on fire.
"Been a long time, hasn't it you little brat?" Sombra asked as he marched over to him.

"Sombra?! You can't be here! You were defeated back in Equestria! How are you here?!" Spike asked in fear backing up.
"Yeah? Well this place isn't Equestria is it?!" Sombra asked mockingly as he shot a powerful energy blast right at him, Spike screamed in fear and barely avoided it as it made a large explosion on the wall behind him..
"Celestia help me.." Spike said in fear as he drew his sword and faced against him.

Leo was climbing up a mountain after recovering from that bridge attack and was looking around. Leo looked ahead and saw the dear from before looking at him.
"What is it? What is your lesson?" Leo asked curious about it.
"Lesson?" Shredder asked suddenly and Leo turned around and saw him right behind him.

"You've already failed." Shredder mocked.
"Shredder!" Leo said in shock as he drew his large blades.
"You were to weak to stand without your master." Shredder taunted as Leo charged at him. He blocked his swords with his blades and quickly went behind him.
"You can hardly stand at all!" Shredder mocked kicking him in his injured knee and Leo screamed in pain.

Mikey screamed as he was barely avoiding more slashes from Rahzar.
"Hey! Pause, pause!" Mikey begged as he was barely blocking his slashes.
"Give me a second spirit dude!" Mikey shouted as he held his arms back.

Donnie screamed as he slammed his axe on the ground and that made the ground Tiger claw was on collapse. Donnie thought he was done until Tiger claw flew above him and laughed like a maniac and went behind him and grabbed his axe before swinging it at him.

We cut to Raph fighting Fishface as he was being dragged under the water and pinned to the floor, he was thrown upwards before Fishface repeatedly attacked him over and over until he sent him flying out of the water and went over to the wall nearby.

Leo was still trying to fight off the Shredder as they kept climbing to a higher ledge on the mountain. Shredder roared with rage as Leo blocked another attack. Leo backflipped into the air before jumping high and trying to deliver a ground slash on him, but Shredder side stepped out of the way before grabbing his sword. Leo tried using his other one before Shredder grabbed that one and disarmed him to and pushed him back, Shredder slammed the swords on the ground before marching back to him.

Rahzar growled at Mikey as he leapt at him and went into the fog and Mikey was looking around with worry.
"Okay Mikey, what did Mikey say? Be still, and calm like the forest." Mikey told himself as he tried focusing before a thought of Ice cream kitty appeared in his mind.
"Not now kitty, i need to focus, if i concentrate, i can beat him. Focus.. focus..." Mikey told himself as he closed his eyes and heard the wind blow by him.

A single drop of water fell of and went straight onto Rahzar as he hid in the fog. Rahzar roared at Mikey as he appeared from above him and tried slashing him, Mikey kept his eyes closed and kept on dodging each slash from him. Mikey opened his eyes finally and screamed with rage as he stabbed his weapon on Rahzar's snout, before flipping him backwards and cutting him down and finally making him disappear.

Donnie was tumbling down the mountain as he was having a tough time. Tiger claw laughed evilly again before he slammed the axe against the wall again sending more rubble down which cracked the entire mountain. Donnie opened his eyes and found himself barely alive as the area was almost collapsed and he saw Tiger claw not to far away.
"No.. i gotta stand my ground. Immovable right?" Donnie asked himself as he put on his mask. Tiger claw lunged at him and they started to push against eachother aggressively.

"And they say your the smart one? I'm twice your size, and three times your strength. You will fall!" Tiger claw shouted pushing him back.
"Be strong, like the mountain." Splinter's words echoed as Donnie held him back. Donnie grunted before he stepped on Tiger claw's foot and screamed as he threw Tiger claw off the ledge. Tiger claw screamed as he went flying into the abyss and was defeated as Donnie stared down below not saying anything..

Raph got up from the attack and took a deep breath.
"Breath Raph, Splinter is right. I need to concentrate, and focus my anger.." Raph told himself as Fishface emerged from the water.
"Sharpen it.. give it form.." Raph said as he put his hands together before drawing his blades and lighting them on fire.
"Ready for another swim? I bet your toys don't work so well under water." Fishface taunted marching up to him. Raph turned around and slashed his blades before screaming with rage and charging at him, he stabbed him right in the chest and laughed confidently as he disappeared as well.
"Eat it!" Raph said in victory.

"Your wounded leg is like a ball in chain. Dragging you down to defeat." Shredder taunted as Leo tried getting up, Leo twirled an arrow around before he tried stabbing him right as Shredder grabbed his arm. He kicked Leo in the leg before smashing his fist down at him and kicking him even higher to the top. Lightning flashed as Leo was on the ground.
"Shredder is right. My injury is always gonna hold me back.. i can't win.." Leo said defeated right before he heard the dear again. He looked up and saw it floating in the air and went down and looked at his knee and Leo finally realized it.

"Unless.. the pain is just in my mind. It's just an excuse, it's not real!" Leo told himself right before he heard more thunder and saw Shredder was huge and towered over him. The dear appeared in it's spirit form and turned to him as lightning flashed all over, it's body turned into a spirit again and it went into Leo as he kept his eyes closed.
"It is time we end this, turtle" Shredder mocked drawing his huge blade.
"I agree." Leo said turning to him and having white eyes and looked really mad.

Shredder roared and slashed his blade on the mountain before Leo landed on it and ran upwards, Leo flipped onto his armor and jumped in the air before Shredder grabbed him with his huge hand. Leo had had enough and aimed his arrow right at him, Leo finally finished him off by shooting him straight into his eye. Shredder roared with pain as he finally disappeared and Leo landed back on the ground and smiled confidently before picking up his swords.
"I beat you on the spirit plane, and one day, i'll beat you in the real world!" Leo said confidently as he put them away.

Spike was knocked to the wall as he was really struggling against Sombra.
"You said you were a ninja? That is ridiculous! Look at you freak! Your nothing more then a snake now!" Sombra mocked as he blasted Spike to the wall again and Spike groaned in pain trying to get up.
"You always needed someone by your side. Whenever your alone, you can't handle yourself! It's the very reason your here in the first place! If you weren't such a coward, and accepted your nothing, you could still be with your nothing friends!" Sombra mocked as he summoned a huge scythe and tried slashing Spike with it.

Spike slithered out of the way as the fire was surrounding the entire room with the Crystal heart being right below them. Spike thought to himself and knew Sombra was right, if he hadn't gone out there in the Everfree by himself, he never would've been captured by the Kraang, he would still be home, with his family, and would be without all of this..

But that's when Spike realized, it's what made him who he was, if he hadn't.. he'd never have met Leo and the turtles, Splinter, April, Jaqueline.. and his mother. Him being alone only made him more friends as he had even more then he did back home. Spike hissed with rage and got back up and looked at Sombra with white eyes.
"You may be right, if i stayed there i wouldn't be here now. But that's also where your wrong, i became stronger to protect my friends, i found my own mother, and even if i'm a snake, i'm still a dragon deep down." Spike said with anger as he drew his sword with his tail again.

Sombra scoffed mockingly and tried slashing at Spike even more, Spike jumped over the scythe and slithered over it.
"Your friends make you weak! You wouldn't have beaten me without they're help! If you weren't lucky, you would've been crushed by my hoof! and thrown into Tartarus! What makes you think, you can beat me alone?!" Sombra asked with anger as Spike clashed his sword with Sombra's scythe. Spike put his tail onto the crystal ground as the fires started to surround the whole cave.

"Because i've got friends, even if i die, i'll at least live on in they're memories. Unlike you, you have no one, and when you die, your stories will be forgotten, and you'll never be mentioned again, you'll just be an alone monster who was just another one of the many failed monsters who tried conquering my home. And if i see you in the real world.." Spike said with anger before he extended his fire blades and knocked the scythe back shocking Sombra.
"I'll make sure your dead for good!" Spike hissed as he slithered at him and jumped in the air.

Sombra jumped at him with anger as well and charged a final blast, Spike drew his sword and lit it with his fire breath and watched as Sombra shot it. Spike twirled it all around with his tail before deflecting it away with ease.
"No!!" Sombra shouted with anger as Spike made another loud hiss
"This.. ends.. now!!" Spike screamed as a white flash was seen right as he slashed at Sombra, he had a face of complete shock as Spike landed on the ground with white eyes as Sombra was in the air. His head started to slide off and it was revealed Spike cut off his head completely and it and his body fell to the ground and disappeared making Spike the winner.
"I beat you by myself that time Sombra, and i'll do it again if you come back, you monster.." Spike said seriously and retracted his blades as the fires started to go out and his vision faded to white..

April, Casey, Psiona and Jaqueline were back at the farmhouse waiting for the others.
"You think Spike's okay?" Jaqueline asked worried looking at Psiona.
"I hope so.. i really do.." Psiona said holding her hands together in a praying way.
"If you knock me into the mud one more time red.." Casey mocked as he faced her again.
"Oh? And what are you gonna do about it?" April asked right before she kicked the board and cracked it in half.

"Finally! Yes!" April said in victory as Spike and the others were coming back. Casey had a look of shock as he saw all of them..
"What? Nothing to say? Didn't think i could do it did ya?" April asked as Psiona and Jaqueline saw them.
"Spike?" Jaqueline asked in awe.
"Son?" Psiona asked amazed as well, this confused April and she turned around and looked shocked and saw them in they're new gear carrying large flags, Spike held one that was the symbol of a dragon as his eyes were pure white like the others.

Dramatic music plays as they walk up to them and they look at them with amazement.
"What happened out there?" April asked amazed with this.
"Son.. is that really you?" Psiona asked in amazement and he only nodded in response.
"It's time, we're going to New York.." Leo said seriously as all of them stood together, ready to take back the city...

Author's Note:

Hey guys, i hope you liked this one! I figured Sombra would be the best one for Spike to face as i think it would've made it interesting, making Spike face him by himself and proving himself as a real warrior. I loved this episode and wanted to make sure Spike feels just as awesome as the others were, i enjoyed the farmhouse arc a lot and was glad to have it, while it is a shame the farmhouse isn't seen after the next episode, i enjoyed it for the time we had. I hope you all liked what this chapter had and look forward to them returning to New York!

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