• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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34: The Lonely mutation of Baxter Stockman

Stockman was currently working in his lab with the mutagen collar still around him, he was working as fast as he could because he's on a time limit.

"Baxter Stockman, i ordered you to make me a mutant army. And you give me this?!" Shredder asked in rage throwing him some photos, he picked one up and saw one of a mutated duck.
"No no don't you see? It swims, flies, and knows Tai Kwando it's a triple threat!" Stockman said nervously right before Shredder sliced the photo to pieces.
"And it.. quacks?" Stockman said in fear.

"Can it Stinkman, this is the last time you mess up." Rahzar said growling at him.
"Mess up?! Look at you Rahzar, your twice the dog.. uh man you were before." Stockman said getting really scarred, Rahzar was about to lash out at him before Shredder stopped him.
"No Bradford, i have a more suitable fate in mind. You have failed me too many times." Shredder said menacingly.

"No! I mean.. please master Shredder, i got plans. Huge plans, mutant pigs and Rhinos" Stockman said before Shredder tossed over the lab stuff in rage.
"Pigs?!" Shredder asked with fury.
"And.. Rhinos?" Stockman said nervously.( Really was foreshadowing here)

Shredder looked at him with a glare before holding out his button.
"What are you doing? No! The mutagen?! You can't! I wouldn't be of any use to you as a mutant! Please don't!" Stockman begged before Shredder pressed the button. The lights on him beeped making Stockman scarred.
"I am not a man of mere threats." Shredder said with rage.
"Bet you'll become an even bigger freak them me Stinkman." Rahzar said with a grin.

"There's nothing wrong with threats!" Stockman said in a high pitched voice, he tried taking the thing off and touched a fly in the process. Stockman freaked out as the device beeped thinking it was the end, but nothing happened yet.
"Yes, yes! Oh thank you, thank you thank you.." Stockman said in relief.. but it was cut short when the vile around him finally exploded, Stockman was freaking out as the mutagen covered his whole body and the fly could be seen on his broken glasses...

We cut to Donnie and Spike who were currently working on the Retro mutagen still with April sleeping on the desk.
"Almost got it.. almost got it.." Donnie said carefully pouring a vile into a glass.
"Please let this one work.." Spike begged hoping they got it right this time.
"Are you two done yet? We've been up for like a million hours." April asked tiredly.

"Sorry April, this is just something i've been at for hours, i can't let Kirby stay a mutant forever." Spike said determined as he poured another vile in a glass again.
"He's right April, we'll finally be able to turn your dad human again. Now, we're adding a sample of your DNA, so brace yourself." Donnie said nervously as they put a single drop into the purple liquid.
"Thanks Celestia we got all those canisters from that base.." Spike said thankfully.

They put a drop on a small pad and got out two microscopes.
"Okay mutant cells, please turn normal.." Donnie said as they looked into it. They could see the mutant cells moving around for a bit until finally they returned to normal.
"We.. we did it.. we did it!!" Spike said in victory which got April's attention.
"We rule!!" Donnie said giving him a high five.

"You two did it?! You really did it?!" April asked amazed.
"Did what?!" Leo asked curious as they saw him and the others come into the room.
"We finally made it, Retro mutagen you guys! The key to turning Mr O Neil human again, and maybe even reversing Spike's mutant arm and turning Splinter back too.." Donnie said as Spike looked at his mutant arm again, he had had this for months now at this point, and while he still misses when it was normal, he'd be lying if he said he didn't find it a great use for when in combat.

"Human once more? Save April's father first, and then i will consider it." Splinter said walking off while Spike looked at it.
"Well what about you Spike? You wanna take it to reverse your arms mutation?" Raph asked curious, Spike thought about it for a moment, while this was an opportunity to become normal again, this was one of very few batches they had, and they can't risk losing more time.
"We need to save Kirby first, and if we have any left, i might think about it, there's still a lot we need to do after we save him." Spike explained which had them understand it.
"Sure thing Spike, thanks for helping me make this batch." Donnie said gratefully.
"No problem Donnie" Spike said with a smile.

"Can you guys make more of this stuff?" Leo asked curious.
"Yeah, but it took us 10 canisters to refine just one tiny dose of retro mutagen. And we don't have any left, but at least we can find your dad and change him back." Donnie said to April.
"I'm just... i'm just speechless! Thank you so much guys, your the best!" April said gratefully and she gave Donnie a kiss on the cheek and gave Spike a hug.
"No problem April, we'll find him soon." Spike assured while Donnie fell face flat on the desk which made him chuckle.

We cut back to Stockman's lair as he had now had the head of a fly mutant along with wings of a fly.
"What am i?! I'm nothing anymore! I'm a freak! I'll never be taken seriously as i scientist!" Stockman said making some buzzes in the process.
"But wait.. wait!" Stockman said looking at a chalk board, he took out a piece and wrote over it.
"Yes.. yes! Stockman DNA, combined with pure strength human DNA. I'll be normal again, better then normal, twice them the man Stockman was" Stockman said looking at a plan he had.

"Stinkman! Where are you? I wanna see what you turned into." Rahzar announced coming into the place with foot bots. Stockman crawled around the place to set a trap, he ripped out a cable and turned off the lights which got them all on guard.
"Scarred to show yourself Stinkman?" It's not like you can get yourself much uglier!" Rahzar insulted as Stockman crawled on a wall. The lights continued flashing and Stockman used the shadows to appear behind the footbots and rip them apart.
"Show yourself mutant!" Rahzar demanded, Stockman crawled across the ceiling and threw up some gross liquid on Rahzar which burned his skin. Rahzar groaned in disgust and saw Stockman flying out of the window and made a growl of rage.

We cut to where April's mutant father was, he was currently trying to find some food as he bit into a woman's neck on a billboard while Spike and the others found him.
"Dad.." April said sadly.
"Alright April stay back, we don't wanna rile up your dad like last time." Leo said as he hung upside down.
"But i can help, i can calm him down." April countered.

"Last time you tried that, he took you to his nest, and tried to feed you dead rats." April pointed out.
"Good point." April said in agreement.
"Don't worry April, i'll try using my powers to calm him down, let's just make sure nothing bad happens." Spike prayed as he took out a grapple hook and launched off with Leo.

Stockman was flying through the sky until he heard Spike and the others speak.
"It's the turtles and dragon! Now, with my new power, i can squash them like bugs!" Stockman said as he flew over to where they were.

Spike and the others were quietly crawling over to the sleeping bat with Donnie taking out the needle, April was watching over until she heard a buzz noise, the same noise crept behind Donnie which freaked him out causing him to drop it, Kirby woke up suddenly and quickly flew off.
"Dad, no!!" April shouted as he flew off.
"Dang it!!" Spike said really annoyed.
"Guys.. is that?" Mikey said pointing at the top, they saw the mutant Stockman land on the top looking down at them.
"Give me the Retro mutagen, now!!" He said with anger which shocked them all.

"Another mutant?!" leo said in shock as he crawled on the board
"Retro Mutagen.. mine!" He shouted as hu lunged to it.
"No, get your claws off it!" Donnie shouted as they all jumped onto him, the weight was far too much and that caused the vile to go flying off the ledge.
"No!!" Spike and Donnie said with horror, the vile continued flying down until it landed on the glass and shattered.

Stockman flew over and grabbed her.
"April!" Donnie shouted as he flew over them.
"Let me go you ugly germ farm!" April shouted as she kicked him in the face, she was about to fall until he grabbed her again.
"Silence!" Stockman said with rage.

"I know who that is, It's Darek Stockboy!" Raph mocked again.
"Baxter Stockman! Come to my lab, you will make more retro mutagen, or the girl, mutates with me!" Stockman said as he started carrying her off.
"No!!" Spike screamed in terror as she was taken away.

"Wow.. we REALLY messed that one up." Mikey said in shock.
"I only have one vial left, it'll take months to synthesize more.." Donnie said worried.
"Don't worry Donnie, we'll get her back and make her dad human again." Leo assured.
"Let's get back to the lab, we need to think of something." Spike said as they started moving once again.

"Aw man, save April and Mr O Neil, but what about you or Splinter?" Donnie asked worried.
"What about me and Spike?" Splinter suddenly asked which spooked him.
"Oh um.. hey sensei.." Donnie said nervously.
"You don't have to explain, he already knows everything." Spike explained.

"Yes, i do know, you must split up to rescue April and find her father." Splinter said walking up to them.
"I'm sorry sensei and Spike.. this is all the retro mutagen i have left.." Donnie said with regret.
"I may not be human, but i am fortunate to have my humanity, save Kirby." Splinter instructed again.
"I may still have a mutant arm, but i've come to terms with it by now, it's gotten us out of tough situations before, getting rid of it now would be a bad move on our part." Spike said looking at his arm once more.
"If your certain Spike, i'm sorry about what happened to you still, at least it's not a full mutation. Let's just try and find out what to do.." Donnie said as they walked out and Splinter looked at a photo of his family again..

Leo was swinging his swords around in the living area until Casey stepped in with his gear.
"Alright, who's the slapshot goon that kidnapped April?" Casey asked looking around.
"Long story Casey, we need your help, and yes you'll get to whack someone with your hockey stick. Probably more then once." Leo assured and he chuckled.
"Yes!" Casey said in victory as Raph came up with a rope.

"So, you me and Spike are bat rangaling to night Mikey." Raph said casually.
"Aw yeah! You know what that means right?" Mikey asked excitedly as Spike rolled his eyes.
"Please don't, that costume sucks." Spike said annoyed, Mikey took out a smoke bomb and suddenly appeared in his moth outfit again.
"The return of Turflytle dogs!" Mikey said pointing at them.

"You annoy me and Spike to no end." Raph said walking off.
"Let's just get this over with." Spike said annoyed as well.

We cut back to Stockman bringing April to his lab and he put her on the ground.
"Stay!" He ordered.
"Baxter, you don't have to do this, Donnie can help you! He can make more retro mutagen, it'll only take a few months.. i mean hours!" April explained.
"If he fails, i'll have a backup plan." Stockman said as he got out a rope.
"So do i." April said seriously. She took out her metal fan and hit him across the face, she tried to run for it until Baxter landed in front of her again.
"No escape!" Stockman shouted a he lunged at her.
We cut to the streets again as we see the mutant Kirby flying through the sky again. Spike and Raph had they're bat gear on and activated the wings.

April was now tied up and was lowered over the mutagen.
"You go here, i press a button, you fall! And i jump in, and you and me will become one!" Stockman monologued as he flew around.
"Baxter listen to me, dropping us into a batch of ooze isn't going to save you! You gotta trust me on that!" April begged.
"No! This is the only way, only way! I cannot trust anyone to help!" Stockman said as Leo and the other two snuck in, a fly flew around Casey and he smashed it making a loud noise which got Stockman's attention.

"Turtles! You tried.. yes.. tried to sneak in, no retro mutagen, no trade!" Stockman said evilly.
"I got your retro mutagen right here!" Casey announced as he played his hockey stick like a guitar. Stockman threw up some of the acid liquid on the rope and it started to snap and he lunged at them. They all screamed as they engaged with him.

Casey and Leo proceeded to fight off Stockman as Donnie went to save April, Casey landed on top of him and tried holding him down. April whimered in fear as the rope continued to lower. Casey repeatedly punched him in the air while Stockman tried shaking him off.
"Baxter stop! Let us help you! We don't wanna hurt you." Leo said as he dodged some more acid shots from him. Casey jumped into the scene and threw a barrel at him, but that only hit the tank and Casey snapped his finger in annoyance.
"Well, Casey does." Leo corrected himself.

"Um guys..? a little help here?" April begged as the rope got weaker, Donnie jumped on over to the tank and tried climbing to the top.
"Not fast.. enough!" Stockman said as the rope snapped. Donnie lunged at her and tried to save her, but their hands only brushed over and she continued to fall.
"April!!!" Donnie shouted with horror as she fell in and was submerged in it...

April's body floated in the tank while everyone watched in horror.
"To become one!!" Stockman shouted as he tried flying in.
"Eat it bug!" Casey shouted as he threw his stick over to Stockman, this stopped him from falling in and Casey jumped over and tackled him down. Leo and Donnie crawled up to the top saw bubbled popping up.

"Is she?" Leo asked worried, the bubbled got bigger and they watched in horror as she landed down, but when the mutagen cleared.. she was completely fine..
"Nice catch Donnie!" April said annoyed while she got up.
"Your okay! But how did.. gasp! Your immune to mutagen! That's why your DNA worked to create the retro mutagen!" Donnie aid amazed as Stockman flew over them.
" I'll devour you all! I'll drink you like blobs of delicious silk!" Stockman said evilly.

"Ah help me buzz buzz!" Mikey shouted as the bat Kirby chased after him.
"Stop saying buzz buzz or i'll buzz up your mouth!" Spike said annoyed as they chased him.
"We got him on the run Leo! Get over here before we let him eat Mikey!" Raph said in his T phone.
"We're really considering it by now!" Spike shouted as he flew after him.

"No problem we are on our way!" Leo shouted as they were holding Stockman back.
"Get your claws off of me!" Donnie shouted in disgust, the wall suddenly burst over and they saw Rahzar with foot bots.
"I heard you say retro mutagen! I can become human again?!" Rahzar asked in shock.
"On second thought, we might be a little late!" Leo corrected and he hung up.

"Bring me that vile!" Rahzar ordered and the bots charged at them again.
"Time to go!" Leo shouted as he pushed them away and took out a smoke bomb, he used the smoke to slice apart the robots apart and they fell down again. Rahzar appeared behind him and knocked him back and Leo now engaged with him while Donnie held Stockman back.

"Back you hideous bug!" Donnie shouted with anger.
"Give me retro mutagen!" Stockman said with rage.
"Get off of him!" April shouted as she joined in, she kicked Stockman off and slashed at him with her fan, Stockman was about to inject himself with the vile until Casey shot a robot head at him and knocked it away.
"We found April's dad, let's get out of here!" Leo shouted as he grabbed the vile and they started escaping.

"No escape! No escape!" Stockman shouted as he flew out the window.
"Get me that vile before Stinkman uses it! that retro mutagen belongs to me!" Rahzar ordered again.

Leo and the others were driving in the Shellraiser at fast speeds as Stockman flew after them.
"It's gaining on us!!" Casey shouted looking at the screen.
"Firing garbage cannon!" Donnie shouted while blasting garbage at him.

"Take a right!" April instructed and Leo did so.
"Now left, down this way!" April shouted as Leo roughly turned the van again.
"How do you know?!" Casey asked holding onto a wall.
"I just know, told you i get certain feeling about things. Faster Leo, make a right!" April ordered and he did so once more.

Mikey was screaming as he continued to be chased by the mutant Kirby.
"Ah!! Kirby bat wants to suck my turtle blood! Help!!" Mikey screamed as he tried flying away.
"Maybe we'll let him get just a little taste?" Raph teased with Spike chuckling at that.
"Raph. Spike!" Mikey said annoyed.
"We're kidding dude!" Spike shouted as he and Raph knocked Kirby to the rooftop.

The monster groaned in pain as it couldn't move, Spike and the others got out a tarp until they heard a voice.
"Wait! Let me talk to him!" April said as she climbed up.
"Go ahead April, you are his daughter." Spike agreed letting her do it.

The mutant Kirby looked up at them in fear as April walked up to him.
"Stay calm dad.. we're here to help you.. just stay calm.. calm.." April assured which finally calmed him down, Spike came up to him and rubbed his head.
"We're here for you Kirby." Spike said softly.

"Sorry this took so long Mr O neil, just a quick spray on your skin, and you'll be good as new.." Donnie said right before it was snatched by Stockman.
"I have it, mine, mine!" Stockman said flying off.
"Oh no you don't!" Spike said with anger as he activated his wings again and chased after him. They heard footbots again and saw them in wing suits flying through the air.
"Flying footbots!? Dudes, this is getting out of control!" Mikey said in fear.

"Let's move guys!" Leo ordered as he jumped on a bot and sliced through its head.
"Now let's get that vile back!" Leo said as he took control of it.
"April, you and Casey stay foot and keep an eye on your dad!" Donnie instructed as he went off again. April looked at Kirby and crossed her arms.

"You getting one of those feelings again?" Casey asked her.
"Nope, just a bad idea." April said with a smile.

Stockman was trying to open the vile right now, but it was proving to be tough.
" Childproof cap!" Stockman said annoyed.
"Let that go!!" Spike screamed as he came into the scene, he delivered a strong punch with his mutant arm once again and that knocked the vile away, Raph swooped down and grabbed it.
"Nice hit Spike!" Raph complimented, Spike tied Stockman up with a tough rope and held him down.
"Thanks! Let's get this to Kirby!" Spike shouted as he took off again.
"No, that's mine!!" Stockman screamed with rage as he tried breaking free.

The footbots appeared from the shadows and tried taking it from Raph, Leo used the bot he was controlling and landed down on the one who took it and sliced off it's arm.
"Ha, you like that?!" Leo asked as he flew off, the vile kept on falling in the air, Stockman broke free and tried to grab it, but the mutant Kirby came into the scene and knocked him away.

"Yes! Get him dad!" April encouraged as the bat Kirby roared with rage.
"So.. we're like riding your giant mutant dad? This is so weird!" Casey said in shock, Spike flew down over to the vile and grabbed it.
"Got it!" Spike shouted as he was trying to avoid Stockman again.
"Give me that vile!" Stockman said right before Spike turned around and kicked him in the face again.
"Eat it you gross bug!" Spike shouted as he took a deep breath and breathed fire around the area.

"Ah!! It burns!!" Stockman screamed as he tried putting the fire out. Kirby roared flying down to him and knocked him out of the sky. Spike was suddenly ambushed by the bots again and they knocked the vile out of his hand.
"Let me go!!" Spike screamed while he started tearing them apart.

The vile started falling again and everyone tried catching it but slammed into eachother, the vile sadly shattered again and the liquid sprayed over the post.
"No!!" April shouted with horror, she forcefully took control of Kirby and made him fly down, there was only a few drops left until the last one fell, April flew into the scene at the last second and a single drop hit his head which amazed them all.
"Now!!" Spike shouted as he and Raph came in with a tarp.

They ran into him and covered him up with it, they heard screeches as they saw April and Casey crawl out, Kirby continued to scream as the tarp ripped open, and thankfully, it was Kirby's normal human head again.
"We did it!!" Spike said in victory while all of them cheered.
"Dad! I can't believe it!! I missed you so much!" April said in huge relief and she gave him a hug.

"April? What happened? Where am i? And why am i.. nude?" Kirby asked looking around which shocked her.
"Gross." Spike said with a chuckle.
"Dude when you hear about this you are gonna laugh so hard!" Mikey said excitedly.

"You did it Donnie and Spike, your the best!!" April said as she gave Donnie another kiss on the cheek and hugged Spike again.
"No problem April, i promised i'd fix this." Spike said with a smile.

Leo was looking over the sky with a telescope trying to find Stockman.
"No sign of Stockman fly.. Add him to the list of stray mutants running around New York" Leo said looking around. Mikey was about to monologue again until Spike stopped him.
"If you say buzz buzz again Mikey i swear.." Spike warned, Mikey looked down sadly before he turned to them.
"Don't.. don't.. don't!" Raph warned.
"Buzz buzz dogs!" Mikey joked.
"That's it!!" Spike screamed as he and Raph tackled him to the ground and was teaching him a lesson.

Leo and the others were now in the lair again explaining what happened.
" I'm sorry Master Splinter, i wanted to change you back. But i swear, if it's the last thing i do i'll.." Donnie said before Splinter put his hand on his shoulder.
"Do not fret my son, i am contempt with what i have become. I have no place in the human world any more, this is my home, and you five are my family." Splinter said looking over them and Spike smiled as he was glad to know he saw him like a son.

Stockman was captured by the foot clan and was dragged to Shredder's lair again.
"Well look at you Stinkbug, i'd squash you right here, but Shredder has other plans for you." Rahzar said as Shredder walked up.
"I have one last mutant i want you to create, or i will pluck your wings like the lowly insect you are." Shredder threatened as Rahzar threw over some trash.
"Yes.. Master Shredder for your generosity.." Stockman thanked as they looked down at him in disgust..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this new one! I think we can all agree that Stockman becoming a fly monster was a really cruel fate honestly, i'd say it isn't as cruel as what happened with him in the 2003 series, but it's still cruel. I just hope you all are liking what's shown so far and look forward to what comes next!

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