• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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21: Karai's Vendetta

In the Shredder's lair, Shredder was holding up one of the Kraang aliens he had taken from the docks for interrogation.

"Why were you hunting the turtles and dragon?" Shredder asked holding him up. Karai was near one of they're old bodies.
"They don't talk much outside of they're little houses." Karai said knocking on the droid. Shredder slammed the brain inside and it started to activate the drone. It tried moving around, but the robot didn't have any arms or legs, the alien then tried started to speak to them through the robot.

"Kr.. Kraang is lacking the knowledge to answer the questions that the one known as shredder is asking of Kraang." The droid replied.
"Do they all speak like this?" Shredder asked confused.
"Even if Kraang is possessing the knowledge, the one known as Shredder, will never be getting that knowledge from Kraang." It replied again.
"You didn't have any other plans for today did you?" Karai asked him.
"Let's try again." Shredder said as he held a blade by the aliens face.

"Why were you hunting the turtles?" Shredder asked in anger.
"The ones known as the turtles are protecting the life forms needed by Kraang. The ones known as April O Neil, and Spike" It replied in fear. Karai came up and held her sword by the alien's face as well.
"What do you want with Spike?" Karai asked threateningly.

"They are the ones known as the ones, they are the link which is missing in the plan which is the plan of Kraang, even one of them will let us proceed the plan of Kraang." It explained.
"So this April O Neil is at the center of everything, and Spike's almost like a backup." Karai said interested.
"Then perhaps we can use this girl to draw the turtles out of hiding. Karai, find this girl, and bring her to me." Shredder said looking at her, Karai smiled and started to walk out of the room..

April and Spike were currently training in the dojo again trying to land a small hit against Splinter, the other turtles were fighting against eachother while Spike and April missed him once more, he then re adjusted they're positions to be correct.
"Thanks." Spike thanked before they looked at the others.

"What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do?" Raph asked while he faced Mikey, Raph jumped in the air and tried to stab Mikey, but Mikey bent down and used his legs and sent Raph flying back.
"Booyakasha! You got faced! thought you had me, but i faced you like a trombone. wah wah wah" Mikey mocked as he made a horn sound before Raph got back up and grabbed Mikey's neck.
" Playtime's over tough guy." Raph said as he held Mikey into the air while he was demanding to be let down. Raph told him to move his stubby toe and only then was he let down and Splinter walked up to him.

"Michelangelo? Why did you give up so easily?" Splinter asked concerned.
"You shouldn't let his words get to you Mikey." Spike added as he helped him up.
"There was nothing i can do." Mikey said in defense.
"There is always something you could do, observe. Raphael. kannuki jime!" Splinter announced and Raph looked a little scared.

Splinter stood next to him with his arms crossed behind his back, Raph went to try and pick him up, but he was proving to be difficult.
"The key is to unbalance your opponent." Splinter explained while Raph struggled to lift him.
"But how?" Mikey asked confused.
"Wait for it, in 3..2..1.." Spike counted down with his fingers, Splinter then turned around and gave Raph a lick across his face extremely grossing him out, Splinter used this and tail whipped Raph to the ground while Spike laughed at this.
"Owned!" Spike said bringing his hands down at him.
"You see? There is always a way, and you need to take a bath." Splinter said looking down at Raph.

Everyone was in the living room again doing they're thing, Spike and Raph were feeding the turtle Spike before they both noticed Leo and Watching watching more Space heroes again. This episode showed them having two newbies going down on a mission but were caught by some aliens, the captain said they can't go on them if they keep needing help, but they weren't experienced enough and they two members were killed.

"Wonder who those two in the footage will be referred too today?" Spike asked as he figured out that these weapons kinda foreshadows what's to come in their next mission.
"Hey guys, guess what April and I have been up to." Donnie announced coming out of his lab.
"You finally realized your being a creep around her?" Spike suggested and the others chuckled at that.

"No! we've been analyzing sewage." Donnie corrected sounding a little annoyed.
"Who says you don't know how to show a girl a good time?" Raph teased as Spike kept eating more pizza.
"I'm making this a food item when i get back home." Spike said as he wrote down it's recipe.

"April and I were going through some files on the Kraang storage device. we found out they're using the special process to change Earth's water into Kraang water" Donnie explained as they were now in his lab again.
"They've already started the process. We found a low concentration of Kraang chemicals in the sewage." April said as they saw a strange looking glass of water.
"And i take it that's a bad thing?" Raph asked crossing his arms.

"Watch what happens when i dip this slice of Mikey's shrimp and sardine pizza, into pure Kraang water." Donnie said as he dipped it into the jar and the pizza slice completely dissolved and Mikey screamed in horror.
"How do you sleep at night?!" Mikey asked in anger before coming down again.

"Presently, there's only a tiny bit in the water supply, but the concentration of it is increasing, which means.." Donnie said before Mikey finished.
"Every slice of pizza in new york will be destroyed?!" Mikey asked in horror and Spike sighed.
"Not just that, but along with anyone else who uses water, like us for example." Spike explained.
"I don't wanna live in a world without pizza!" Mikey said horrified as he dragged the covers off the jar but accidently splashed it over.

"Look out!" Donnie screamed as they saw the chemicals land on Aprils arm. All of them screamed in terror as they thought something bad would happen, but thankfully nothing did.
"Nothing happened to you.." Donnie said amazed.
"Maybe it's because she's not made out of pizza." Mikey said before Spike kicked him in the crotch once again in annoyance and he cried in pain again.

Donnie looked at his monitor and there was a device going of.
"The scanners located the facility, transferring the water supply, which is right here. We gotta stop it!" Donnie said pointing at a specific spot.
"Looks like we gotta mission, you coming April?" Leo asked curious.

"Sounds like a blast, but unfortunately it's on the bottom of the east river, and equally unfortunately, i have an essay due. Plus, i wouldn't mind a little human food " April explained.
"Pizza's human food." Mikey said holding out a slice.
"Not the way you eat it." April replied before she started to walk out.

"Whoa whoa whoa wait, your going topside?" Donnie asked worried as he tried going across the desk but fell on the ground in response.
"You got your T-phone right?" Donnie asked getting up.
"Donnie, don't worry, i'll be fine." April assured before she started walking off again and held her arm while doing so.

"So donnie, how are we gonna get out there?" Leo asked curious.
"That lab's probably extremely deep." Spike added.
"Don't worry guys, i've been working on something that is pretty awesome!" Donnie assured as he motions to a large device.

We cut to all of them in a giant mechanical turtle that they are currently using to swim underwater and all of them were panting in exhaustion.
"This... is not.. awesome.." Raph said annoyed as all of the turtles were on exercise bikes, and Spike was running on a built in treadmill.
"Seriously Donnie? A submarine powered by bicycles and a treadmill?" Leo asked annoyed as all of them were trying to keep going.
"You know what would have been more efficient? Swimming!" Raph said annoyed.
"I hate you sometimes Donnie.." Spike said as he kept on running.

"Hey pipe down guys, kinetic energy is the only way to charge the engines., which should be done, right about.. now." Donnie said as he flipped a switch, the boosters on the outside of the sub powered on and it now took off at fast speeds. All of them sighed in relief as they could rest now.
"I need to hit the gym soon.." Spike said in exhaustion.

"Were almost there, up Periscope." Leo said pointing out his finger, a periscope came from above him and a toilet flush sound was heard while Leo looked annoyed. While they were looking around, Leo saw what looked like a large sea monster and Leo gasped in shock.
"Uh donnie? Any chance this Kraang facility looks like a giant see monster?" Leo asked worried as the creature swam around.
"Oh that's not a mutant, based on the physiology, i'd say the Kraang brought him here from Dimension x." Donnie said in observation.

"How is that less horrifying?" Leo asked scared at that news.
"It's not i just like to be accurate." Donnie replied.
"Well whatever it is, it looks like it's guarding that." Raph said as they all saw the underwater lab they need to go to.
"Let's keep it quiet on this one guys." Spike said as the lights go out and become red as all of their eyes are pure white.

April is walking through the streets once again to get some food with Karai watching her from above. April goes to the place she wants and sees a vending machine with various food suggestions.
"Huh, this is new, what is this thing?" April said as she looked at each one.

"Oh that's how you order." Karai responded as she walked up to her and inserted a token into the machine.
"They have these in Tokyo." Karai explained as she pressed on a button. and a wooden object came out.
"You give this to the chef." Karai said holding it up.

"Oh, thanks." April said as she looked at it before pressing on the Pizza dumpling button and it came out as well.
"Mind if i join you?" Karai asked her.
"Sure, why not?" April replied as Karai looked at her with a smug.

April and Karai had went into the restaurant to greet Mr. Murukami
"Hi Murukami-san!" April greeted.
"April-chan! How are you?" Murukami asked as the two sat down. April placed the object with a pizza symbol on it and she rubbed it.
"Ah, Pizza gyoza." She said in realization.
"Hai. Chou oishi." April said respectfully.

"You speak Japanese?" Karai asked curious.
"I picked up a few words from.. my brothers." April replied.
"Brothers? Tell me about them." Karai responded.
" oh you know, just crazy.." April said before Karai finished.
"Animals?" Karai asked which shocked her a little.

"Pretty much.." April said a little nervously.
"Although i've never heard of Pizza gyoza back in Tokyo." Karai said with interest.
"That's because Murukami invented it. You should try one." April advised.
"That sounds great. You should try some of mine." Karai said holding out hers.
"Done." April said with a light chuckle.

Murukami rubbed it but had a look of shock.
"Hai.." he said as he went of before Karai turned to her.
"What's your name?" Karai asked curious.
"I'm April, you?" April replied.
"my name's Harmony." Karai lied as the two waited for their food.

The mutant monster was swimming around the lab but soon noticed the turtles approaching, Spike shot a beam from the machine and the monster got distracted and swam after it for a bit. Inside the lab, two drones were currently talking with eachother.
"Kraang should increase the molecular conversion of that which his water." The drone said to the next. It walked up to a lever and pulled it which started to release more chemicals into the Earth's water, the turtles snuck up behind them and watched from the sub.

"We gotta get in there before that sea monster comes back." Leo told them.
"How are we gonna get past those guards?" Mikey asked as they saw the whole room had them inside.
"We make them come to us." Spike replied as he and Leo both got the same idea. The sub swam down to the side a little to some rocks, Donnie pressed a few switches and the sub's mouth opened up and it picked some of them up. The sub swam over and used the rock to block one of the tubes spreading the chemicals into the water.

"Kraang, there is a blockage which is preventing the flow of that which has been blocked." One said to the other.
"Kraang must come with Kraang to dislodge the blockage. that needs dislodging" The other one replied. It opened a hatch and the two drones fell into the water and landed on the ground.
"But water gives Kraang's membrane, wrinkly fingers." The other told it as they flew up to the rocks and tried to start dislodging them while Spike and the others were above them.

They opened a hatch and they all landed down inside the lab with water splashing around the floor a little.
"That could've gone worse." Spike said as he brushed off his mutant arm.
"Well we're in." Donnie replied as they saw the sea monster outside the window.
"And that thing is back, how are we gonna get out of here?" Raph asked a little upset.
"We'll worry about that later, right now we got bigger fish to fry." Leo said as they started running through the halls.
"I don't think we're gonna find a bigger fish then that." Mikey joked pointing back at the window which they all groaned at.

"So what brings you to New york?" April asked as Karai was fidgeting with some chopsticks.
"I'm with my dad, he's here trying to close an old deal. And to help out a new friend" Karai said refereeing to Shredder and Spike.
"Oh, what does he do?" April asked curiously.
"He's in kitchen utensils, knives mostly." Karai informed. Murukami had finished up their food and brought it over to them.

Karai made a thank you in Japanese and April did the same the best she could.
"All right, let's see what these pizza potstickers are all about." Karai said as she took a piece with her chopsticks and ate one.
"Mm, best dumpling ever!" Karai said in amazement.
"I know right?" April said in response.
"Now you try mine." Karai said pulling over he bowl.

"What is it?" April asked curious as she took a spoon full of it.
"Suppon nabe." Karai replied as she blew on the soup." Turtle soup." Karai finished and April gasped in fear.
"Karai..." April said in realization as she looked at her.
"In person." Karai replied as April dropped the spoon and tried to leave.

"Uh, i gotta go.." April said before Karai grabbed her purse.
"I was thinking you'd come with me April O Neil. My father would love to meet you." Karai said sinisterly as she pulled April to her,.
"Let go of me!" April said in anger, Murukami came in and splashed a bowl over Karai's face which freed her thankfully.
"I am so sorry!" Murukami lied as April pushed mass him and ran outside, she looked around and saw April was running a fair distance away, April was panting as she took out her T-phone and called Donnie.

Spike and the others had arrived at the lab and were on a high ledge.
"Okay, we have to be quiet." Leo instructed as he was ready to fight.
"Do you have to say that every time? We're ninjas, we know how to be quiet" Donnie asked annoyed before his T-phone went off with a loud ringtone which shocked all of them.
"And you couldn't put that thing on silent during missions? How do you watch movies then?" Spike asked annoyed while he slapped his face.
"That is embarrassing." Mikey said with a smug.

The droids started firing at them and they all screamed as they split up with Donnie grabbing his phone.
"April, hi! This is not a great time!" Donnie shouted as he flipped over the lasers.
"Donnie, Karai's after me!" April replied as she was still running.
"What?! Oof!" Donnie grunted as Leo tackled him to the ground before some lasers hit him.

"Karai's after April, we gotta help her!" Donnie said worried.
"And who's gonna help us?" Leo asked as they flipped over some lasers some more.
"April, i'm sorry but we can't get there. but don't worry, you just stay calm.. AND RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" Donnie shouted in fear. April hung up her phone and kept running with Karai following after her, she looked ahead and saw a pizza guy with a bike.

"Is that Pizza for O Neil?" April asked quickly.
"Nah, it's for umm..." He responded as April got on the bike and started it up.
"Hey, what are you doing?!" He asked as April drove off at fast speeds.
"I'll bring it back, i promise!" April shouted and drove off, Karai saw this and smirked as she got out her own bike and drove on after her as well.

April continued to drive and had to stop at a red light, she looked around and sighed in relief as she thought she lost Karai, but she heard some noise and looked behind her and saw Karai chasing after her. April quickly stepped on the lever and drove off again which almost made some cars crash into eachother with Karai following after once again. April quickly moved around some more cars hoping to lose her, Karai came up to the side and knocked her off into a sidewalk which almost hit a few people. She quickly turned a wall with Karai still following, but she then saw a large truck ahead. April closed her eyes and started driving even faster and managed to slip past just in time as we cut back to the turtles and Spike.

"Donnie focus! April can take care of herself." Leo assured as Spike jumped in and slammed the robots head against the wall and crushed it.
"Against Karai? Are you kidding?! I gotta help her!" Donnie said in fear.
"Your not gonna be much help if you get shot in the head." Spike said as Donnie barely dodged another laser.
"Whoa! Good point!" Donnie replied as he drew his weapon.

Leo slashed through some more drones with Donnie whacking an alien into a few more robots, Mikey sweeped they're legs and Spike jumped in and sliced them into pieces with his sword,
"And that's a twofor! And Thank you, and thank you.." Mikey said as two drones were behind him, Raph and Spike jumped in and stabbed them in the heads.
"And thank you." Mikey said pointing at them.

"How many times do we have to tell you? No celebrating until the fight is over!" Raph said annoyed as he poked his head multiple times.
"How many times i told you? I assumed it was over?" Mikey countered as he poked him too which Raph responded by crushing his finger.

"Children, children! We have to go!" Donnie said joining in.
"Um, have you forgotten about something called completing the mission?" Leo reminded referring to the lab.
"But April's in danger!" Donnie said with worry.
"If we leave now, the kraang will poison New york, including April .
"You need to trust her on knowing she'll be okay." Spike added trying to calm him down.

"Think Donnie, how do we take this place out?" Leo asked looking around.
"Well uh, the chemical is highly explosive." Donnie suggested.
"How do you know that?" Mikey asked coming up to him.
"Don't answer that Donnie, we all know he won't fully understand it." Spike said which Raph nodded in agreement.
"Hey!" Mikey said offended at that remark.

"It's mainly because of that sign." Donnie said pointing at a warning sign.
"Raph, do you think you can get this blaster open for me?" Donnie asked holding up a gun.
"With pleasure!" Raph said drawing his weapons.
"But before you do, be careful you don't!" Donnie shouted as Raph ripped the top out and Donnie sighed in relief.

"Oh good, we're still alive. Now, i'll short out the power supply and leave it by the chemical tanks. It'll overheat, and the whole place will go boom!" Donnie explained.
"All right, victory dance!" Mikey said in victory as he danced like a game character.
"Mikey!" Spike and the others shouted in rage with white eyes which broke him out of it.
"Or.. maybe later." Mikey said ashamed.

Donnie turned on the device and he started to run as the others gave him a boost up, he latched the gun onto the device and landed down.
"There, in about 90 seconds the whole place is gonna blow." Donnie explained getting out his phone.
"All right, let's move." Leo told them.
"April, what's your status?" Donnie asked worried.
"Could be better!" April shouted on the other side.

"Don't worry, we're on our way. We'll be there soon." Donnie told her.
The hatch below them opened up and the sea monster from before emerged and roared at them while they all screamed in fear.
"Actually, it might be a slight delay." Donnie corrected as the monster started to attack them.

They barely avoided another attack from the creature and started attacking it on its neck. Raph almost got eaten by the monster but Donnie saved him just in time.
"We only got 30 seconds before that blaster explodes!" Donnie said pointing at it as Mikey got knocked onto a higher ledge.
"Uh guys, any bright ideas?" Leo asked as he dodged another attack from the monster.

"Well let's see, we're cornered by a giant amphibious sea monster in an underwater base that's about to blow up, i'm out." Donnie replied.
"I got one!" Spike shouted as he and Mikey jumped in the air and held a chain around it's neck, the monster started to thrash around like a bull with the two hanging on with the others cheering for them. Spike jumped off it and hit a button which closed the hatch on it's neck which stopped it for now.
"That should hold it, let's get out of here!" Spike shouted as they started to run out.
"That was fun!" Mikey said as he was about to dance.
"Mikey, that victory dance better not last for more then 4 seconds!" Donnie warned, Mikey danced for just a couple and ran out as well, the device finally exploded which destroyed the lab finally as Spike and the others just escaped.

"Huh, that wasn't such a chore now was it?" Raph asked trying to get some water out of his ear.
"Honestly feels like a Tuesday at this point." Spike replied.
"Great, now we can get back to April... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Donnie asked annoyed as he saw the monster was still alive.

April was still driving through the streets with Karai running on the rooftops. She took out a ninja star and threw it on the windshield, April turned down an alleyway and Karai was just behind her. The turtles were trying to swim with the monster gaining on them.
"Donnie, can't you make this thing go faster?!" Leo asked annoyed looking at him.
"Of course i can." Donnie said as he pressed a button which powered the engines.. but they fell off and took off at fast speeds with the others looking out a window.
"Wow, that is fast." Mikey said impressed.

"Leo, permission to hit Donnie across the head for not tightening them?" Spike asked looking at him.
"Permission granted." Leo said as Spike grinned and made a hard slap across his head.
"Ow! Just paddle faster!" Donnie shouted to the others, the turtles got on their devices again and ran as fast as they could.
"Feeling the burn!" Mikey shouted as the monster was almost at them. Donnie screamed as he saw the monster at the window, it hit the sub across the head and latched onto the sub with everyone looking in fear.

"That's it, it's got us. We're gonna die!" Donnie screamed in fear... but all they hears was whale sounds and what sounds like.. mellowing?
"Ugh..." Raph said in disgust as the monster was hugging the machine much to their disgust.
"What the hell?" Spike asked disgusted while Mikey almost puked.
"Hey, we're not that kind of sub!" Mikey shouted, Leo just pulled a hatch and the machine pulled out a couple bombs and blew up on the monsters body, and they swam off with the monster looking sad from it.

Karai had caught up with the bike and saw it was empty, she heard April behind her who tried hitting her with her helmet, but Karai dodged it and cracked her knuckles.
"You've got guts, let's see if i can pound that out of you." Karai said menacingly, April then pulled out her new metal fan and got in a fighting pose.
"A Tessen? Beautiful, unassuming but very powerful. In the right hands." Karai said with a smug smile.

April proceeded to slash at her but Karai kept on dodging each move and she flipped April over her on her knee, April quickly got up still in a fighting pose. Karai held out her fan and threw it away. April tried to punch at her again, but she kept moving across each attack like it was nothing before April kicked her in the face, but Karai brushed it off.
"Good one." Karai said with a smirk.
"Glad you enjoyed it." April said with anger.

"Now it's my turn." Karai said as she got in her pose and April charged at her, but Karai kicked her to the chest and pinned her to the wall, Karai then proceeded to punch at April from multiple angles until she was almost defeated, April tried to fight her off but Karai grabbed her and karate chopped her chest and knocked her down. But April was still not giving up. Karai delivered another kick which knocked her onto the sidewalk.

"What makes you so special?" Karai mocked as she kicked her to the ground again.
"Your the center of an alien conspiracy, protected by mutants and a dragon who they're also after to make a mutant warrior out of, and trained by a great ninja master. Why?" Karai asked before April grabbed her head and tried dragging her down.
"I don't know! I'm flunking trig, my friends are mutants and a dragon who was taken from his home, and aliens got my dad!" April shouted as Karai bent her down and twisted her hand.
"And i lost my mother!" April shouted in anger which shocked her.

"What? You lost your mother?" Karai asked in shock.
"The key is to unbalance your opponent." Splinter's words echoed as April remembered his advice, April grabbed Karai's collar and threw her down the subway stairs which was a good distance.
"Not bad for a nobody.." April said weakly as she walked off, Karai put her hand against a wall and heard the bike drive off while she looked concerned.

The sub had just gotten back to the lair and they all got out instantly.
"Come on April, come on April.." Donnie prayed before April picked up.
"Hey Donnie." April replied which relieved him.
"April, your okay! You hear that guys? My sweet princess is alive!" Donnie said in relief.

"Did i mute that?" Donnie asked as the others slapped they're faces.
"This is so cringe..." Spike said annoyed.
"Let's agree that you did." April replied.
"You got it." Donnie said still relieved as we cut back to the lair.

"And then when her guard was down, i f lipped her down the subway steps and bolted." April finished as they all listened.
"That is awesome!" Donnie told her.
"Nicely done!" Spike said with a thumbs up.
"You rock!" Mikey said as well.
"Kick butt!" Raph said in agreement.

"Impressive April, you used your training well. and fulfilled the most important goal of the ninja: To come home alive." Splinter told her.
"Thank you sensei, looks like i can take care of myself after all." April said confidently.
"Yes, and no." Splinter replied.
"Huh?" April said confused at that.

"Karai may have failed this time, but if Shredder wants you, he will stop at nothing to find you. And with the Kraang after you as well, the wisest decision is for you to remain here, in the sewer, with us." Splinter advised with the others listening as well.
"What?!" April asked in shock.
"Oh that's great!" Donnie said out loud which annoyed all of them.
"Uh i mean.. oh that's horrible... that you know your life as you know it is over and uh..." Donnie said trying to find his words again.

"I can't stay down here, what about school? What about my friends, everything?" April asked worried as she sat down, Spike sighed and stood up and came next to her.
"April, i know this is hard, believe me, i wanna go back home too, but if i leave this world with the Kraang still active, Equestria might be next, i'd be putting everyone in danger if i go back right now, until this is all over, we have to stay here and make sure they're done with.." Spike said sadly as he regretted telling her this.

"I'm sorry April, but Spike's right, this is the only place your safe until the Kraang are stopped." Leo said as April sighed again.
"So once we stop them, i can have my life back?" April asked looking at him.
"Yes." Leo responded crossing his arms. She thought about it for a moment before looking serious.
"Let's get started." April said seriously.
"We'll stop them soon, i promise." Spike assured as they all looked at eachother knowing they have a tough task ahead of them...

Author's Note:

Hey guys, hope you liked this new one! Merry christmas to you all and i hope you have a wonderful holiday! It's still around 6:00pm where i'm at, so it's christmas for me still, i hope you all have a great time with your family's and get great stuff!

This is my first story to cross 100k words, and it's only gonna get bigger as it goes on, thank you all for reading it to this point so much!

I'm gonna skip over Pulverizer returns, because i don't think there was that much important plot to it, this is what i meant when i said i'm gonna skip over some filler episodes, episodes like that aren't really that interesting to me, and episodes in season 2 like the one with the wasp or Mazes and mutants, aren't that important to the plot. They're fun to watch, but during the story season 2 is telling an important story with the mutants, i'll add them into the story once i'm done with the plot stuff maybe, but i still have a lot to work on. But i hope you all liked this chapter and look forward to more!

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