• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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59: Tales of the Yokai

We open to a shot in the woods of Japan Spike and the others found themselves in, they were running from the ninja's trying to escape them.
" Ninja's!! AH!!!!" They all screamed in fear as they ran away from them.
"Where are we?!" Leo asked shocked as they were surrounded by a ton of them.
"Not where, but when are we?" Donnie corrected.
"Not our normal time period that's for sure." Spike hissed getting on guard.

A ninja yelled with anger and threw a chain at Leo's sword, Leo was pulled down and kicked away with the others engaging in a fight. Spike hissed at the ninjas and flipped over shuriken's thrown at him, another threw it right at Spike's head, and Spike quickly pulled his plasma blade and sliced it in half. The ninjas were out numbering them as one of them cut off Donnie's wizard beard.
"These guys are good!" Donnie said in shock as Raph was being overwhelmed by a group of them, Psiona roared at some more of the ninjas and caught some of their fists and twisted them, she sweeped the ninja's legs and threw him into the others just as Leo saw a Shuriken with a familiar symbol on it.

"They're not just ninja clan, they're Hamato clan! Splinter's clan!" Leo said in realization.
"But the Hamato clan doesn't exist anymore right?" Raph asked shocked before a ninja head butted him and twisted Raph's arm making him scream in pain before he was kicked back.
"Well they clearly do here!" Psiona shouted backing up to the others.

"What the?! What creatures are these?" A ninja asked in shock.
"They are Yokai.. they will curse us all!" The other said as they spoke in Japenese.
"What is going on here?" A familiar voice asked which shocked them, the ninja stood aside and found a familiar person walking up to them.. Oroku Saki.
"Yokai?!" Saki asked shocked seeing them.
"Shredder?!" Leo asked shocked as well.
"Shredder..." Psiona said with malice seeing his face.

"This cannot be.." Saki said in shock as they all got in a defensive stance.
"I will make you pay soon Saki." Psiona said with rage as Mikey took out a smoke bomb and threw it down making all of them vanish before them.
"Saki san, what were they?" A ninja asked confused on what was happening.
"I do not know, but i will find out!" Saki said seriously as this wasn't to be ignored..

Spike and the others hopped through the trees after barely escaping Saki and the Hamato ninjas.
"Whoo, close call dudes! Awesome save by Mikey!" Mikey said proudly as Psiona flew above them.
"Why was he there? And not with that burnt scar on his face? I'll gladly make sure he has it next time i see him!" Psiona said with rage as she was still mad at him for mutating Spike.

"Oroku Saki was a part of the Hamato clan, before he became the Shredder." Donnie explained which meant one thing.
"So that means we're nearly 16 years in the past. But why here? Why now?" Leo asked confused at this.
"Who cares? 20 bucks says it's all Renet's fault. She doesn't know the first thing about time travel." Raph accused annoyed with her still.
"Don't blame this on her Raph, she's still an apprentice, believe me, they do a lot of things to try and solve their problems, without their master's knowing." Spike said as she reminded her of Twilight in a way.
"Yo guys check it! That's Splinter's old dojo right?" Mikey asked as they all saw an old looking dojo with the Hamato clan symbol on a flag.
"I think it is.." Psiona replied as they all went to find out any info they could.

We see a shot of a photo of an old warrior with a familiar blade that Spike has, and we see Saki explaining this to his master.
"I saw it with my own eyes, they were.. small green men in strange costumes, one of them was a snake creature, and the other was a large dragon with advanced tech, they may be the Yokai of legend." Saki explained which interested the master before the laugh of a familiar person was heard.
"Yokai? Your imagination has grown wild Saki! Small green men? A snake warrior? A living dragon? Spirits? Monsters? Your head has always been in the clouds brother." Yoshi said walking into the room with a familiar fan.( Isn't it weird that they kind of made him a jerk in this scene? Really shows how Splinter matured after all of this.)
"Whoa.. human Splinter.." Leo said in shock seeing how different he looks.
"It's so weird not seeing him as a rat.." Spike added still amazed seeing this happen.

"Do not be to dismissive of the supernatural world Yoshi. There are many dimensions, many beings, that permeate what we call reality." The master advised which made him feel bad.
"My apologies father. Please, continue Saki, let us hear more of this interesting tale." Yoshi encouraged which annoyed Saki a lot.
"Do not mock me Yoshi, i know what i saw!" Saki said upset with him before they heard they're master cough for a moment.
"Some legends say, that when the Yokai arrive, tragedy is sure to follow." The master explained which concerned them both.

"Dude, these Yokai sound like trouble." Mikey whispered which made Raph smack his head quietly.
"He's talking about us genius." Raph said annoyed that he didn't figure that out.
"Yokai are mythical Japenese monsters." Donnie explained which interested Psiona a lot.

The master left the room with some of the ninja's leaving Saki and Yoshi alone.
"I tell you Yoshi, we all saw them." Saki argued as they prepared to spar.
"Reminds me of the Yokai friends we invented as children, remember Saki?" Yoshi asked getting in a fighting stance before they proceeded to spar roughly which made all of them watch in shock.
"You never listen to me! Just like.. Tang Shen!" Saki argued kneeing Yoshi in the chest knocking him back for a moment.
"Yet again you speak of Shen?!" Yoshi asked upset as he was dodging a lot of strong kicks.
"You care nothing for her, only for the clan, only for yourself!" Saki shouted as he jumped in the air and delivered a roundhouse kick which made Yoshi duck under, Yoshi sweeped Saki's legs and grabbed his body before throwing it behind them making them all flinch seeing that.

A bowl rolled over to the side as Saki tried to get up.
"That is not true brother! I have always been there for you." Yoshi said as he offered to help him up, but Saki knocked his hand away and he growled with anger before he saw Spike and the others quickly closing the doors.
"What?" Saki asked shocked as they all quickly ran off and the two followed them, but they saw no one there which concerned them both.

We now cut to a nighttime shot as Spike and the others were trying to rest and think about what to do.
"Ugh, we haven't had any real food in days.." Mikey said as he fell down a tree branch.
"Turtles can't live on berries bros, i'm feeling weak.." Mikey said crawling to Raph who pushed him back.
"Is Renet ever gonna find us and bring us home? Seriously, i hate time travel!" Raph said annoyed which Spike agreed to.
"They always lead to confusing events.." Spike said slithering next to him.

"I've been giving it some thought, kinda seems weird we're at this exact point and time right?" Leo suggested which was a good fact.
"Well, the odds of us in this exact time are like 879 Quintillion to one. If we're here for a reason, what is it?" Donnie asked curiously.
"I don't know, but i got a bad feeling we're gonna find out.." Psiona said worried as this was not a good spot right now..

We cut to another shot as we see a Hamato Yoshi and a young Tang Shen on a bridge within Japan near the dojo.
"Beautiful night isn't it?" Shen asked with a smile looking at the stars.
"It's nights like this i realize how lucky i am, to have you, and little Miwa." Yoshi said as they looked down at a newly born baby.
"Yoshi, let's leave this place, i've always wanted to visit America. New York City.." Shen asked which made Yoshi sigh in response.
"Shen.. i have.. many responsibility's, you know this. With father being here, the dojo.." Yoshi replied which upset her a little.
"The dojo. When are you going to leave this life? This is the last clan of it's kind." Shen said turning away from him.
"And that is why it must endure. Must i explain this again?" Yoshi asked looking over another side of the bridge.
"Ninja's have no more place in this world! Besides, you must decide, this is no world for Miwa, if she ever followed you." Shen said beginning to leave with her.
"Shen.. Let me walk you home.." Yoshi begged not wanting to leave her.
"I can take care of myself.. I always have" Shen said as she left him alone making him sigh sadly.

Spike and the others were still at the fire and Mikey's stomach began growling again.
"Ugh i'm so hungry.." Raph said falling on his back.
"I'm fine, i can endure for months without needing food, staying in Dimension X for that long does stuff to you." Psiona said before she burped up some green fire again which surprised them.
"You sure you didn't eat anything on the whole time travel?" Raph asked still suspicious of where she went when they were in the time loop.
".. only some fruits that probably were still fresh.." Psiona said in defense again which just annoyed him even more.
"Wonder what kind they were, or who.." Raph whispered to Leo who was just as suspicious on this but decided to leave it alone.

Shen was walking through the forest with Miwa until she heard noises suddenly and saw Raph and Mikey arguing again.
"Guys.." Spike whispered which made them stop as they all saw Shen with Miwa.
"Yokai!" Shen said in fear as Miwa began to cry which alerted Saki.
"It's okay! It's okay we're not gonna hurt you!" Leo said nervously trying not to make something bad happen.
"Yeah we're friendly Yokai!" Raph said in defense too.
"We promise we won't hurt you.." Psiona assured as she was a bit scary looking for Shen.

Saki ran through the forest quickly and saw Shen surrounded by them. Saki screamed with rage as he jumped in the air and slashed at them from above. Spike drew his sword which made Shredder gasp in shock seeing it's blade.( Spike had two different swords during this thing, never hurts to have a spare.)
"That blade! The sword of Miyamoto Musashi! Where did you get it?!" Saki asked with rage as they clashed swords with eachother while the others hid behind the trees.
"I was worthy enough to carry on his legacy!" Spike countered backflipping away and trying to hide from him.
"He passed long ago! And a whelp like you doesn't deserve the weapon of such a warrior!" Saki shouted as Spike was blocking more sword swings from him.
"Sorry, but i won't let a hate filled person like you take it! I know your trying to trick her, and there will be consequences for it!" Spike shouted as he tail whipped him back to Shen who was confused on what Spike meant.
"Son, come on!" Psiona said as she quickly grabbed all of them and took off to the skies at fast speeds, Saki tried throwing a Kunai at her back but Donnie knocked it away just as they vanished again leaving the two alone.

"Are you alright Shen?" Saki asked worried rushing up to her.
"Yes, thanks to you." Shen said gratefully looking at her child.
"I would never let anything hurt you. I... over heard your conversation with Yoshi. It is futile you know, he will never leave the clan." Saki said as Shen calmed Miwa down.
"Perhaps you speak the truth..." Shen said still unsure of this.
"Shen, take me back. I will take care of you and Miwa, we can go to New York together. The three of us, i am a different man then the one you once knew, believe me.." Saki said softly giving a small kiss on her forehead which made her smile a little. But Yoshi had saw all of this and growled with disbelief as he ran off, Spike and the others quietly hid in the trees as they saw the whole thing happen.

"Whoa, you know Oroku Saki's kind of a good guy right?" Mikey asked curious looking at the others.
"Are you crazy? He's a total creep!" Raph said not convinced with him.
"He's trying to trick her, i know how this game works." Spike said seriously as his snake hands hissed again.
"Maybe we should take Shredder down." Leo said crossing his arms which concerned Donnie.
"If we interfere with history, Splinter will never move to New York and buy 4 baby turtles, thus leaving a small purple dragon in the hands of the Kraang for awful experiments, which will make him and his mother to never meet eachother." Donnie explained which worried them all.
"Or have a special Dream Beaver break away from her brothers to learn what love is like.." Spike added really worried on this.

"But we already interfered with history, Shredder just saved Tang Shen from 6 monsters. Us!" Leo pointed out which got Donnie worried.
"Wait a second.." Donnie said as he took out his phone and saw a photo of him, Spike, April and Casey together, with Casey disappearing from the screen.
"Casey's photo is disappearing! Like we never knew him! Time is already being altered.." Donnie said scarred which worried them even more.
"Oh man! It's just like that one movie! We're doomed dudes! Doomed!!" Mikey said dramatically which annoyed Raph.( I think we all know what movie he's talking about.)
"Get a hold of yourself man! We just gotta make sure that Tang Shen, doesn't like Oroku Saki!" Raph encouraged which they all agreed to.
"We have to convince her that he's the evil jerk we all know and hate. So history stays on course." Leo explained to all of them.
"Let's try to be polite with her, she's a kind soul.." Psiona said as she didn't have any evil in her.

Saki and Yoshi were sparring with eachother in the dojo again as Yoshi was really upset at Saki for last night.
"I saw you last night with woods with her brother! What did you say to Shen?!" Yoshi asked really angry with him.
"Her concern isn't of yours Yoshi!" Saki countered taking his other sword from him.
"Shen is my concern Saki." Yoshi said still ready to fight. Saki charged at Yoshi with both of the wooden swords and slashed at him, Yoshi blocked a sword swing with his elbow and kicked him back, he then grabbed his sword back and kicked him away again giving him his sword again. They both got super furious with eachother as they delivered a final slash to eachother which made they're master pin them down with a nerve attack.
"Enough!" He shouted stopping Saki from trying to fight more.
"End this now, you are brothers. Act like brothers." He instructed as he left them alone to try and talk it out.

Spike and the others saw Shen walking through the forest again and knew it was their chance.
"Here she comes.." Leo whispered to the others, Shen walked through the place some more until Donnie and Raph landed in front of her and freaked her out.
"Tang Shen!" Raph said holding up his arms which scarred her and she tried to escape, but the others landed behind her too.
"Tang Shen, please calm down!" Spike begged trying to show he doesn't mean harm.
"We come in peace!" Donnie said trying to help her. To calm her down, Mikey slid in front of her and hummed a familiar tune and did some funny dance moves which actually entertained little Miwa.

"It's okay Tang Shen. We promise we won't hurt you." Mikey assured which finally calmed her down.
"Are you aliens or Yokai?" Shen asked looking at all of them.
"We're um.. friendly Yokai, Shen. We need to talk to you." Donnie replied really needing to tell her this.

Shen led them to her home so they can all talk about what's happening.
"I moved here to be closer to Yoshi, i've that Yokai are always hungry, so that's why i made a meal which all kappa love." Shen said as she was making some food, Psiona was looking over little Miwa and trying to play with her.
"Your a cute one aren't you?" Psiona asked with a smile letting her play with a flower she got for her.
"My grandmother told my a story of a kappa, who came out of a river as a young girl was fetching water. the Kappa terrified her, but the girl always carried cucumbers with her to ward of Yokai. The Kappa was so thankful, it told her of a great hurricane that would devastate her village. It saved her people." Shen explained which interested them.
"That's right, and we wanna save you Tang Shen." Raph said as this could convince her.

"Which is why we um.. Kappa have come to talk. We also bring you dire news." Donnie explained as Mikey had the cucumbers.
"You can't leave Hamato Yoshi, he's a good man, Oroku Saki is evil." Leo explained which she refused to believe.
"No, Oroku Saki is a good man.." Shen said not liking this, Psiona sighed and walked over to her with Miwa.
"He may look like it, but i sense hatred from him, even if he's focused on his ninjutsu to raise a family, i know he'll always choose you and your child over the dojo. I wouldn't let my son get harmed by him, and i don't want that to happen to your child too.." Psiona said handing her Miwa.
"Your.. a mother as well." Shen asked curiously, Psiona nodded and looked to Spike who smiled nicely.
"He's a smart boy, a mother always looks out for their kin, no matter what species they are. A child always should have a family to raise him the best they can, and i won't give mine up.." Psiona said giving Spike a hug.
"And i won't let that happen to my mom either.." Spike said softly holding her close.
"You are a kind mother, i can tell you've been through awful stuff, but i still see you show love for your child.." Shen said as she saw the scars she had on her body.

"Follow your heart Shen, you know who's the right man." Raph encouraged while they all looked at her.
"Please, let me make you some more cucumbers.." Shen said as Mikey ate them all. Donnie gasped in shock and took out his phone.
"Um.. Leo?" Donnie asked worried as they saw April disappear too..
"No.." Spike said in horror as this can't be happening.
"What's the plan now?" Donnie asked concerned with this.
"The only noble thing we can do now is finish Shredder. Spike, you make sure Splinter's safe." Leo instructed and Spike nodded in understanding.

We cut to night time again as Saki had gathered the ninja's for a special meeting, he stood on top of the clans symbol with a torch in hand.
"The Hamato clan has gotten weak! It is rotting from the inside! The Foot was the oldest of all the clans! But it was wiped out by Hamato Yuta! When he slayed it's master, Oroku Kaiji, my father!" Saki explained which made the ninja's gasp in anger.
"I was adopted by the Hamato clan as an infant, raised by my enemy in ignorance! I will have my revenge on them all!" Saki swore as he threw the torch on the clans symbol and lit it up in flames. Shredder took up some sharp claws and held up a flag with symbols on it with all the ninja's bowing in respect for him. But they saw something and drew they're weapons as they saw Psiona and the other turtles looking down at them with white eyes again.

"Yokai. finish them quickly! I have business to attend to." Saki ordered as the ninja's drew they're weapons. Leo and the others landed down and drew they're weapons too with Psiona snarling at them with anger, they looked at eachother for a brief moment before charging at eachother making battle cries to finish the job.

Yoshi and Shen were standing outside the dojo discussing something right now, Spike snuck his way back to the place and waited for something to happen.
"I am sorry Shen, you and Miwa are my life. Without you i am a shadow." Yoshi said with regret.
"Yoshi.. i understand your loyalty to the clan.." Shen said looking concerned.
"Father is growing worse, the dojo is all we have left.." Yoshi said sadly which had Shen put a flower on his hand.
"We have so much more then that Yoshi." Shen assured which had him hold them close.
"My love for you and Miwa burns in my heart, brighter then all the stars in the universe." Yoshi said before a familiar voice came in.

"Pathetic. I will not abide by this dishonor!" Saki said with anger as he held out three long claws on his fists.
"Saki.." Shen said with regret as he was not having it.
"Shen, i ask you one last time. Make the right choice." Saki demanded not wanting to do this.
"I have already made it." Shen said walking behind Yoshi who kept his guard up.
"Take Miwa and go Shen." Yoshi instructed as this was leading to a bad place.
"But Yoshi, Saki please! You are brothers!" Shen begged not wanting this.
"No. We were never blood!" Saki said with rage which saddened her.
"Shen.. go." Yoshi ordered again which made her have no choice but to leave.

"How can one love and hate someone so fiercely?" Saki asked drawing out his blades.
"If your desire is to fall by my hand brother, so be it." Yoshi said putting his hands behind him. Saki roared with rage and slashed his blades at his hands, but he had braces around them leaving them unharmed. Saki tried stabbing Yoshi repeatedly which made Yoshi punch him to the wall and knee him in the chest before Saki recovered and slashed at a pillar continuing to fight him, Spike knew this was his moment, and prepared himself.

Mikey and the others laughed crazily as they surrounded the ninja's to scare them. They kept laughing as a ninja was wacked by Mikey's weapon and they saw Psiona and the others rising on the pillar with Psiona going on top of the fire.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey said with all the chains around his arms.
"Kappa!! They will steal your soul! RUN!!!" A ninja shouted in Japenese again throwing Mikey a cucumber which he ate again.
"I'm starting to get a taste for these things!" Mikey said in delight as Leo hung above them.
"That's right ninja's! We Yokai will steal all of your souls, through your butt!!" Leo shouted mimicking an evil laugh as Raph snuck behind them to take them down, they all screamed with fear and ran off making Psiona chuckle in response.
"Through your butt?!" Raph asked disgusted as they slid down.
"What? That comes from real Japenese legend. Come on let's head for the dojo!" Leo ordered as they began to run again.
"Let's hope my son can hold his own till then!" Psiona shouted running with them quickly.

Saki and Yoshi slammed through the halls and fought with eachother through the paper walls.
"We were raised together Saki! To not make me fight you!" Yoshi begged holding back his arms.
"How could i not? After so many lies! So much Dishonor!" Saki countered which made Yoshi hit him in the stomach again before throwing him behind him again like before.
"You only dishonor yourself! Always jealous, always scheming! Always filled with hate!" Yoshi shouted which angered him even more as Saki slashed at him even more. Saki slashed at a candle which had the tip land on the ground which started to create a fire that started spreading through the dojo.

Spike saw the fire happening and knew he had to act now.
"Now!" Spike shouted to himself as he slithered up to walls and crashed through right to where they were fighting, Spike hissed with rage and knocked Saki a good distance away from them with Yoshi seeing him.
"Who are you? Are you a Yokai?!" Yoshi asked getting in a defensive pose.
"I'm here to stop Saki, i'm here to help you!" Spike shouted before he ducked under another slash from Saki and threw him to Yoshi, who kicked Saki into the dojo.
"Very well, help me take him down!" Yoshi shouted as the two engaged with battle with Saki.

Psiona and the others were heading to the dojo as fast as they could to save Yoshi.
"Guys, look! Fire!" Mikey shouted as they saw it from the distance.
"Hurry!" Psiona shouted taking off at fast speeds.

"Please brother! Do not make us do this!" Yoshi begged as Spike coiled around his arm and twisted it, Yoshi grabbed his arm and threw him to the wall, Saki quickly recovered and roared at them both and tried slashing them. Saki grabbed Yoshi by the arm and slammed him to where they're master sat as the fire was covering the entire room. Saki tried clawing at Yoshi on the ground but Spike helped him up and slashed at him with his sword.
"Your mind is overflowed with anger! It will lead to your downfall!" Spike shouted as he let Yoshi grab his tail and he twirled him around to make a combo move.
"Saki, this whole place is coming down!" Yoshi shouted as Spike backflipped next to him and hissed at him.
"Then the three of us shall perish! Especially you Yokai!" Saki shouted as he slashed at him even more, Yoshi saw the sword on the ground and drew it to even the odds.
"No, it will just be you! And i.. am a dragon!!" Spike hissed as his fire was swelling up inside him.

"Tang Shen!!" Mikey shouted with worry as they saw her running into the building.
"Don't!" Psiona shouted as she tried stopping her.
"Wait!" Raph shouted right before the rubble blocked the door.
"Son!" Psiona shouted with horror as they may be trapped inside.
"We have to get in there!" Leo said with worry before he heard a baby crying and saw Miwa under a stool.

Spike, and Yoshi clashed with Saki trying to take him down as the fire burned through this place. Spike coiled around him again and threw him behind him, Yoshi then ran to Spike and he gave him a boost in the air to give him a stronger air slash, Psiona and the others were trying to get the rubble out of the way to save the others. Saki grabbed Yoshi's sword and threw it down and jumped in the air about to finish him before Shen ran inside.
"Please stop!!" Shen begged, but that got her caught right in the blow as Saki slashed right at her which Spike and Yoshi both saw with horror.
"No!!!!" Yoshi shouted with horror as he and Shen got buried under rubble.
"Shen!" Saki shouted with horror before Spike pushed him out of the way who looked furious.
"Out of the way! Now!!" Saki ordered drawing his blades, Spike breathed heavily and had enough with him.

"You monster!!!" Spike screamed with fury as he took a deep breath and shot a fire blast at his head. Saki screamed with pain as the fire covered his right side which made him run out of the dojo in pain.
Saki breathed heavily as his face was now revealed and had an awful burnt scar to his face and some of his arm. He heard a baby cry and saw Miwa was alone and crawled up to her, he got rid of his blades and picked her up.
"You will be mine to care for little one. I will call you.. Karai.. dragons.. they could exist.. and they could be useful to me.." Saki told himself as he started to leave with her.

Spike breathed heavily as he started to cry seeing this all happen.
"Spike! What happened?!" Leo shouted with worry as they all came into the place.
"I saw it happen, he.. he killed her!! I couldn't.. i couldn't do anything.." Spike said with huge regret for this.
"Son.. i'm so sorry.." Psiona said with regret hugging him close while Leo and the others dragged away the rubble, they gasped with shock as they saw Shen's dead body and looked away with remorse with Spike crying heavily. They quickly got Yoshi's body and dragged him out of the place and only had the small flower that was Miwa's.
Yoshi groaned with pain as he finally woke up, he gasped with horror as he saw his home up in flames, and only had the flower that was from his family.
"SHEN!!!!" Yoshi shouted with horror and regret as he began to cry heavily. Spike and the others looked extremely regretful as they all quietly left him alone to process this with Spike feeling the most regretful for all of it.

Spike and the others had another spot in the woods again, Donnie looked at his photo and saw April and Casey were back making everything normal again.
"Everything's back to normal, finally.." Donnie said a little relieved on this.
"At least we know how Shredder got that scar.." Spike said as he couldn't believe he was the one who caused it.
"It was his punishment son, you did what you could, what matters most is that Yoshi is alive, and you are too." Psiona assured holding him close.
"Yeah, but must i remind you all that we are still stuck thousands of miles from home, and sixteen hears in the past!" Raph said throwing some bark down.
"Might as well get used to it guys, maybe being a Yokai won't be so bad." Mikey said trying to lighten the mood a little.

Thunder was suddenly heard again and they gasped in they saw Renet finally find them and saw her go through another time door.
"Yes! Finally i found you." Renet said in relief which made Mikey hug her.
"Renet!" Mikey said in relief.
"Heh, it's good to see you too Mikey." Renet said patting his head.
"Where the heck have you been?! We've been stuck here for days!!" Raph shouted still upset with her.
"It's not my fault, seriously i spent the last like 6 months trying to hunt you guys down." Renet said in defense.
"6 months?!" Psiona asked in shock as that was shocking for all of them.

"Why? Of all times, why did we come here? Of all places?" Leo asked confused at all of this.
"It was the scepter, it brought you here, to make sure Splinter survived." Renet explained showing them the scepter.
"Wait.. it was always meant to be this way? We were always destined to travel through time and save sensei's life?" Donnie asked really confused.
"And i was meant to give Shredder his scar, and see Shen's death?" Spike asked in disbelief of all of this.
"Ugh, can you just take us home now, my head is starting to hurt." Raph asked annoyed from all of this.
"No problem. Future New York, here we come." Renet said as she raised her scepter and it glowed brightly.

They all went through another time door and jumped through back to the moment they left New York.
"Home.." Spike said in huge relief glad this was over.
"Will we ever see you again Renet?" Mikey asked looking at her.
"Let's hope not." Raph said exhausted which annoyed him a little.
"Maybe some day Michelangelo." Renet said as she kissed his cheek again which made him faint again and she began to leave.
"Goodbye Turtle and dragon warriors! See you in history!" Renet shouted as she finally left them alone, back in their own era.
"Thank goodness this is all over.." Psiona said in relief holding Spike close to her.
"Let's go home guys, it'll be good to see Master Splinter." Mikey said as they all looked at the view.
"Yeah..it will.." Spike said to himself as he still was trying to process all that happened with him during this..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! Like i said, this is my favorite episode of the season, because it really helped flesh out Saki and Yoshi before they were sworn enemy's. It was sad that they had to end up like this, but it was Saki's own actions that caused it. This probably will affect Spike in a way and i'll try to make sure this drama isn't forgotten about, as well as his mind being at risk. I just hope you all liked this and look forward to more!

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