• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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42: A Long Awaited Truth

Years, that's how long she's been here, years, within this cave in deep hibernation, in a world that is not her own, separated from her own child that she worked hard to have on her own, she worked hard to keep it safe, waiting for the day he'd hatch and that she would raise him on his own, who was she? Her name was Psiona. Strange name, but that's what most described her back in the Dragon Lands, strange.

She wasn't like any normal dragons, she had a special connection with Psychic ability's and it allowed her to do things even the Dragon Lords couldn't do. She was able to tap into ones mind and manipulate them if she wished, she had telekinetic powers and could lift things in the air, and break others free from mind control.

She had always wondered why she had these ability's, she was never given a full answer on how she got them or who gave it to her, not even her own parents knew how, and this made her special to most. Psiona's life in the Dragon Lands were mostly isolated from the others, she didn't really have many to talk with because she was seen as strange within the species of dragons, even Torch himself didn't know how she got these or why.

So this mystery has been something on her mind for her entire life, and that became more and more apparent then the day she was taken away from her home, by monsters called the Kraang.. She hid her egg within the Everfree forest when she was being attacked by them, they must've come for her because of her ability's, she was able to sense it. So in a sacrifice for her childs life, she let herself be captured by the Kraang and taken away from Equestria.

And for decades she's had quite an interesting experience, for years she was held by the Kraang within Dimension X, being experimented on and even infused with mutagen, this was of a dinosaur like species, this changed her look from a mostly normal dragon, to a large muscular dragon with horns on multiple areas and heightened senses and seeing, she remembered the torture she went through under them, and even had one of her arms replaced with a cybernetic claw, even her own wings were infused with metal parts to make them stronger and more deadly.

She was wanted to be a weapon for the Kraang, so they could invade this planet called Earth and mutate it into their own, but she was not wanting to give herself up. Her anger kept building up within her as the years went by, what they did to her, taking her away from her child, and turning her into a freak, it's a hatred that boils hotter then the hottest lava their is. Using the new gifts she was given, she broke free of her cell and tore through any Kraang droids that came in her way, she spent years trying to find a way to escape, and she did one day, how so? Stay tuned..

She layed within her cave in hibernation within the forest, far away from any civilization nearby, she had managed to hoard some Kraang tech and special treasures she found during her time before falling asleep, it was a lot harder to find gold and gems within this world, as it was far harder to mine then her own, but different worlds, have different rules she supposes.

But of all the things that was on her mind when both awake and in sleep, there was one important thing, her child.. She had been away from him for years by now, decades even given how time flies within Dimension X, she missed her child so much, she had almost given up hope that she would ever meet him because she was trapped here. But there was always a spark of hope she had that they would meet eachother, one way.

She was currently asleep in her cave hidden away on a cliffside, she had been there for years alone and never really wanted to leave, she knew it was dangerous out there and it wasn't her world, dragons weren't even considered a real thing here, and it gave her more of a reason to stay, but she knew one day she needed to leave and try and find a way back home, to her child..

A shockwave burst through the forest full of powerful Psychic energy, the shockwave went through the forest and made a loud echo that flew all around it, the shockwave approached the cave as the echo became louder and louder, it went through the cave and shook everything inside it, and from it.. she heard a voice.
"No.. no.. no!!" A voice screamed which awakened something within her.

She recognized that energy.. it was similar to hers.. she thought she would never find anyone with a power like it, but if there was anyone, there was only one person.. Her body began to stir and twitch, the gold piles she slept within shook as she emerged from it, large green spines emerged from it and purple scales were being shown as well. Her wings showed themselves revealing the mix in of organic and tech that was infused on them.

Her claws began to move finally followed by a loud growl, Psiona moved them again showing her right metal claw and normal one and legs, she emerged from the gold and stood up on two legs, she was huge, she was a little taller then Leatherhead or even Slash, her body had a ton of muscle all over as well as battle scars, showing the years of battle she went through. And with her body woken up again she opened her eyes revealing they're emerald green pupils.

"S.. son?" She asked in shock as she recognized that energy, it was so similar to hers, which meant one thing.
"Your.. here? It can't be.." Psiona said to herself as she stretched out her body, she didn't think her child would ever come to this world, but if he did, then that meant one reason on how he could've.
"The Kraang must've taken you here.." She said in realization, she growled in anger knowing the Kraang found her son, who knows what horrific things they did to him, if they captured him too, he must've escaped as well, and she knew what she had to do, find him and convince him she's his mom, take them down, and find a way home.

Psiona looked at the Kraang tech she stole from her fallen victims, it wasn't like they would need it anyway. She had made herself her own warriors armor to defend herself, she was already a force to be reckoned with thanks to her upgrades, but this armor made most strong warriors in the Dragon Lands look like hatchlings. She grabbed the silver and blue armor plating on the walls and attached them to her left arms and heard them power up. She placed the tech all around the rest of her body showing the silver and blue lining from it, and she topped it off by having it form around her tail as well.

She looked at her own reflection and saw how tough she looked, she only used this strength to protect herself and others who needed it, and now that she knows her son is out there, she has to find him.
"I'll find you my child.. Psiona said determined.( Ashley Eckstein).

She marched to the cave and was blinded for a little by the sunlight, it had been a long time since she's seen a glimpse of the sun, and now she had a reason to see it again. Psiona activated her enhanced wings and they spread open, she put her knees on the ground and readied herself. And with a hard push off the ground, she took off the ground making a loud shockwave and took to the skies, and made a loud roar across the forest to find her son..

Spike was currently in the living room of the house watching Raph and Casey play a racing game, Spike couldn't really play games now because he doesn't have proper hands, so he had to watch them play, Raph groaned in anger as Casey laughed in victory over winning.
"Stupid lightning bolt and Blue shell on that bridge!" Raph said in anger tossing the controller to the side.
"This game's item balancing is absurd Raph, you should expect it." Casey said chuckling over his tantrum.

"Yeah well whatever, it's a kids game anyway." Raph said still upset as he walked off in a huff.
"That's gotta be the 3rd time you've beaten him today Casey." Spike said impressed at his victory, Casey stretched out his fingers and crossed his arms behind his back.
"I've had a few years of experience at this game, i've become a pro by now, you wanna play the next round?" Casey offered holding his controller out.
"Sorry Casey, i don't have hands anymore.." Spike said showing him his snake hands again.

"Oh right, sorry buddy. So how's your body feeling? It getting better?" Casey asked turning the Tv to another station.
"It's better, it isn't hurting like it did all the time before, and i've gotten a better hang of moving around in it, but i'm still not the best at fighting." Spike said getting some water.
"Man i can only imagine, but look on the bright side Spike, being a snake dragon means your immune to high temperatures, and is a lot tougher then normal." Casey assured as he sat down next to him.
"Yeah, but it doesn't matter on what i have if i can't use them to my best ability you know?" Spike asked as he took out some whipped cream cans for them both.

"I can understand that, you think we'll find a way to turn you back? Or what if your.." Casey asked sadly trying not to ruing things.
"It's best we don't think about that Casey.." Spike said as they shook the cans and sprayed the cream in they're mouths like most people would, they relaxed for a bit more until April came in with some news.

"Guys, stop messing around, Leo's wanting us to go out for more training today, so lets go." April said motioning them to leave and they both groaned.
"At least i'll get a better hang today.." Spike said getting up.
"But we were about to watch the newest episode of Crognard..." Casey said disappointed as they walked out.

We cut to them in the forest right now as Spike and the other turtles were getting ready for more training.
"Alright, rules are simple, we're all going to hide in places like a ninja, whoever holds that spot the longest without being spotted by me wins." Leo instructed which confused them.
"So we're playing hide and seek?" Spike asked with a chuckle.
"It's a stealth challenge Spike, we can't let our foes see us in open areas like this, so we gotta adapt and find our place." Leo corrected and Spike rolled his eyes at that.

"Whatever you say Leo?" Raph said stretching his arms ready to go.
"Alright, if any of you stay hidden until sunset, you win, everyone ready?" Leo asked getting ready himself.
"Yeah boy! I'm gonna show you all how good i am at.." Mikey said eagerly before they all heard a really loud roar which shook the forest and made the birds fly away from the tree.

"What was that?!" April asked in shock.
"Another mutant maybe? But there's been no mutagen exposures this far! What could've caused that sound?" Donnie asked looking around as everyone got on they're guard.

Psiona was flying through the skies searching for her son, she could feel his presence close by, and decided to home in on his location by using her powers, she closed her eyes and put her claw on her head and released some waves.
"Come on son.. where are you?" Psiona asked herself as she continued to fly. Spike and the others stayed on they're guard until Spike's head hurt badly again.

"Spike? What's wrong?" Raph asked as he clutched it in pain.
"Someone's coming, i don't feel an evil aura from it, but someone's coming." Spike said looking around.
"Who?" Leo asked seriously drawing his swords.
"I don't know, but this person has a similar power to me and April.." Spike said worried keeping his guard up.
"But who could have that ability? I thought you and i were the only ones who did?" April asked drawing her fan.
"Whoever it is, they may need a beatdown!" Casey said confidently drawing his stick.

Psiona was homing in on his location and finally found where he was.
"Found you!" She said looking down as she could feel him right below, she dove down through the clouds at fast speeds and saw the trees of the forest.
"Who's there?! Show yourself!!" Raph shouted as they all looked around, they heard the loud roar again and looked up and had a look of shock seeing a huge creature coming down.
"Holy chalupa!!" Mikey screamed in horror as they all screamed in fear.

They quickly went out of the way just as she landed down on the ground and created a large crater as a result.
"What the heck?!" Leo asked in shock as they all got up, they watched her stand to her feet as she towered over all of them.
"Holy cow.." Raph said in fear as she was taller then all of them.
"Is that a.. another dragon?!" Spike asked in shock as she had her armor on, but clearly resembled a dragon, they couldn't see her face as she had a helmet on, but she looked mad.
"I thought Spike was the only one!" April said in shock as they all got in a fighting stance.

"Wait, don't attack, we don't know if it's.." Leo said right before Mikey ran ahead.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as he and Casey charged to her. She looked below her and saw the two charging at her, she didn't want to fight, she just wanted her child, but if they wanted to fight, so be it.

Casey screamed as he tried whacking her over and over again, but the stick barely fazed her as she didn't look bothered by it at all.
"Your gonna need more then a stick to dent me kid." She said with anger.
"You can talk?!" Casey asked shocked right before he screamed as she slammed her claw on him and kicked him right into another tree and cracked the thing. Casey groaned in pain as he fell down. They all had a look of shock seeing her strength, but knew she wasn't an easy foe.
"You think your tough?!" Raph shouted as he charged at her too, she shook her head as she bent down from a roundhouse kick from him, and grabbed his leg before slamming him down, she then wrapped her tail around him and threw him around like the Hulk. She finished him off by throwing him right into Leo and knocked him down too.

"I don't want to fight you." She said trying to stop all of this.
"Well you shouldn't have shown up like that!" Donnie countered as he readied his staff, she shook her head and raised up her metal claw, Donnie watched in shock as it turned itself into an arm cannon and powered up.
"Stand down.." She warned as she delivered a warning shot, Donnie screamed as he barely dodged the shot, but it burned any trees it hit into ashes in an instant.

"She's tough! What is she?!" Raph asked getting up weakly, Spike could feel something familiar from her, and saw she wasn't wanting to fight.
"Everyone, stop, stop!" Spike shouted right before they attacked her again.
"She said she doesn't wanna fight us, this only happened because you all attacked her like that, so why don't we stop fighting for a moment, and try talking things out?!" Spike said trying to make them stop.
"He's right guys, she didn't attack us first, sure she looked like it, but she didn't! We should let her explain herself!" April said in defense crossing her arms.

Leo sighed and got up weakly, they were both right, they attacked her without hesitation, and got themselves hurt.
"Alright, we'll hear her out, who are you? What do you want with us?!" Leo asked turning to her who was looking at Spike. She could hardly believe what she was seeing, it was him, she could feel his energy signature and it felt like hers, even though he was a snake..

Psiona didn't say anything as she simply started walking to Spike with her shocked face still hidden, Spike was a little nervous on this as she towered over all of them, she was even taller then Leatherhead and looked extremely tough. She bent down on her knees and looked at him in the eyes.
"After all these years.. i can't believe it's you.." Psiona said with sadness as she couldn't believe this, Spike and the others were confused on what she meant by that.
"What do you mean.. who.. who are you?" Spike asked confused. She knew he needed to see it with his eyes, and knew what she had to do.

They watched as her armor powered down and they watched as she took off her helmet, all of them gasped as they saw her reveal her face, her emerald green eyes, green spine, and purple scales.
"No way/ is that?!/ it can't be../ my mind is exploding right now!!" Leo and all the others said in shock, Spike's eyes widened in pure shock seeing her, she looked like him before he was a mutant.. and it only meant one thing.
"No freaking way.." Casey said in shock getting up as he saw her.

"M.. mom?!" Spike asked in shock seeing her, she started to have tears in her eyes knowing he recognizes her. She put her real claw and caressed his face, she felt awful knowing her son is a snake..
"My son.. it's me.. i've been hoping i would meet you one day.." Psiona said starting to cry.
"No way.. it's you.. it's really you!" Spike said starting to cry as well as she suddenly gave him a hug.

"Mom?!" April asked in shock as they all couldn't believe this.
"Hold up a moment! We just got done with this sort of thing not to long ago, how do we know your actually Spike's mom? And not a Kraang mutant?!" Raph accused pointing at her, she turned her attention from Spike and looked at him.
"I would be dead if i was a Kraang mutant, i wouldn't live knowing i've become a monster to them.." Psiona said seriously which shocked Raph.
"Whoa man.." Casey said shocked hearing those words.

"But.. how are you here?! I thought you'd be in Dimension X! Or back in Equestria.." Spike said trying to process all of this, Psiona stood up and took a deep breath.
"I'll explain everything, but i think we all should find a place to talk." Psiona replied looking around.
"That sounds good with me, come on, we'll take you to the farmhouse.." Spike said leading the way with her following, the others were concerned about this but decided to follow along as well.

Spike led her back to the house and they were inside the living room learning on what happened. Everyone was feeling awkward right now seeing Spike's mom here, but were keeping they're cool. Spike handed her some tea and started to ask.
"So.. care to explain why your here.. and how you found me? Just.. who are you?" Spike asked still processing this.

Psiona sighed and began her story.
"Let's start things off first, my name is Psiona, i like you would have thought am your mother. I was captured by the Kraang and taken to dimension X when you were but an egg.." She said as we see the memories of her time there happen.
"The Kraang wanted us because of our unique Psychic powers, they were going to use me as a warrior to help their plan of invading this planet called Earth. I was experimented on, i had my own arm removed and replaced with the one you see now.. i was injected with the mutagen of a Velociraptor, giving me heightened senses and more pronounced features. My own wings were infused with high tech material and covered up entirely, and i never knew how to remove them.." Psiona said sadly as she has the memory's play out in her head.

"I wasn't gonna let them get away with what they did to me, my anger and hate for them burned brighter then the sun, and with their little" Gifts" they gave me, i broke out of my cell and fought my way out of the facility holding me, for years i searched for a way back to Equestria.. back to you.. but i never found a way.. the only way away from the Kraang was to this very planet, Earth. With no way currently back, and my body exhausted, i entered a deep hibernation state within these woods in a cave i have. And what woke me up was the feeling of your Psychic energy, it was powerful enough to awaken me, and that meant you were somehow. and i wasn't gonna let you be without me for another minute.." Psiona finished seriously as she finished her drink.

"But.. what did you do in Dimension X? That place is full of crazy stuff, what'd you do there?" Mikey asked curiously.
"Stuff that i promised to keep secret, i got my armor and tech from fallen Kraang, and made sure i wouldn't be found with them. I just didn't know what do do after i ended up here.. and for years.. i feared if you forgot about me.. or didn't care if you and i met.." Psiona said to Spike sadly, Spike felt regret for her knowing she was trapped here for so long without him. She did care for him and was always trying to find him..

"I never gave up hope you were searching for me.. there was always a thought in my mind that you were searching for me.. and i'm glad it was true.." Spike said crying as he gave her another hug.
"But.. what about you? Why are you a mutant? Did the Kraang do this to you?" She asked worried looking at his body Spike sighed sadly and explained to her on what happened. And the others filled in on what happened as well.

"So you've been like this for months.. and haven't found out how to use your powers yet?" Psiona asked trying to make sure of what she heard.
"Yeah.. i got badly injured after the Kraang invaded New York.. they took over the city.. and mutated the people.. we barely escaped, but our master was lost.." Spike said regretfully as all of them looked down.
"I'm so sorry my child.. if i had felt you sooner.. i could've saved you.." She said with regret starting to cry.

"It was a rough day for all of us, we all lost something.. We just weren't good enough to stop them.." Leo said looking down at his injured knee.
"All this time.. you were really out there.. and were searching for him.." Donnie said still in shock from all of this..
"At least your still alive.. at least we're all alive.." Raph said regretfully as well.

"We've been living here for a while to recover our strength, and when we do.. we're gonna go back and try and save New York.." April explained while Psiona tried processing this. She was finally with her son again, but the state the world is in, and how they all are now, she can't just start searching for a way home. If the Kraang mutate this planet, Equestria could be next..

"If that's what happening with you all then.. i want to help you.. i want to help my son recover and master his ability's. I wanna take down the Kraang with you and save the people. I can't just stay in my cave and do nothing.." Psiona said seriously which shocked Spike.
"You mean.. you want to stay here? With.. me?" Spike asked as she stood up.
"Of course, your my son, and i'm your mother.. your real mother. And being there for you is something i couldn't want more then ever now.." Psiona said smiling softly, Spike started to cry again and hugged her tightly with his snake body.
"Mom.. thank you.. i promise we'll find a way home.. " Spike said sadly, Psiona rubbed his head and leaned down as well.
"One day we will son.. one day.." Psiona said holding him close.

The others watched this and knew she could be trusted.
"So we have another person living here now?" Casey asked turning to them.
"Looks like it, we're gonna need more room. I'll make some arrangements for her." April said walking off.

"You really think we can let her stay Leo?" Raph asked turning to him.
"She's Spike's mom Raph, not a Kraang monster like with April's mom. She's welcome here." Leo said as he started standing up.
"Come on guys, let's leave these two alone for now, we're gonna have an interesting time ahead now." Leo said as Donnie and Mikey walked out with him looking concerned still. Spike and Psiona still hugged eachother closely, as they really needed this moment to themselves..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! I know there wasn't much to this chapter outside of explaining and talking, but i wanted to make sure that Spike's mom would be put into the rest of the show going forward, as i have plenty of plans to flesh her out as a character better and her relationship with the others. Her VA by the way is also known for playing Ahsoka Tano in the Clone wars series, and i thought it was the best pick for her. So i hope you all liked this chapter and look forward to her being in the story from here on! I think i'll head straight into Vision Quest next as i don't think there's much to be done with her with the episodes following, but i'll think of something with her after they return to New York

Oh and in case you were wondering why Raph was mad at the beginning..
He had one of THOSE moments. I hope you all liked this and look forward to more!

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