• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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66: The Moons of Thalos 3

We open to another shot within space as we see what looks like a mine field around the area, 3 strange ships materialize into the air and begin flying towards the Triceriton ship for an attack. The commander begins to fire at the ship along with the other two and they start to do some damage, they fly right above the central room and the ship get's a good scan of them.
"You sluggish fools! Stay alert! The Salamandrians slip past you like Slitherfish!" Mozar ordered to the other soldiers.
"Captain Mozar sir, scanners are picking up an incoming ship." A Scanner reported as they pull up footage of the Fugitoid's ship flying into the sector.
"I know that vessel, it's the Fugitoid ship! Squadron three, blast them out of the sky!" Mozar ordered to the other soldiers. The leader of the squadron nodded in response and he and the ships started firing on Spike and the other's.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Spike said annoyed as the alarm went of.
"Those ships! They're Triceritons!" Leo said worried as the place was shaking around.
"No kidding, and there's like a gajilion of them!" Raph said annoyed while Donnie was worried.
"Professor! What do we do?!" Donnie asked worried before Psiona slapped him across the face.
"Get ahold of yourself! This is not the time to panic!" Psiona shouted slapping him multiple times with each word.
"Everyone hold on! We're taking evasive action!" Honeycutt warned as the ship was flying around even faster now.
"Here we go!!" Jaqueline screamed as the ship was dodging more laser's from them.

"What are you waiting for Gunner Zork? Blast the Fugitoid to pieces!" Mozar ordered once more and Zork complied.
"I think we're almost out of this!" April said hopefully, but Zork began to fire at the ship shot at a good spot of the ship and hit it in the back of it and it started to go spiraling down to the ship.
"Or not!" Casey shouted with fear as they were circling around from the damage.
"Or i recommend we take crashing into the lethal, crushing gravity of that gas giant. Philosophically" Honeycutt suggested as the glass was cracking.
"What is that supposed to mean?!" Donnie shouted in fear at that remark.
" IT MEANS WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!" Honeycutt screamed in fear as all of them screamed with terror as they started to fall into the icy looking planet.

The ship was spiraling out of control and everyone was flying around the ship because of it.
"Hold on son!" Psiona screamed as she grabbed him in the air and held him close with Jaqueline.
"We're gonna be okay! I know it!" Jaqueline shouted as all of them continued to scream with fear, Raph screamed as he went flying onto the cracked screen.
"I hate space! I hate it!! I REALLY DO!!" Raph screamed even more, the ship continued to fall through orbit past the Salamandrians that were still fighting and headed right to them.
"Collision course red!" The captain ordered as the ship hit one of their own and began to fall with them.
"We're going down! Brace yourself Lieutenant!" The commander shouted as they continued to fall into the planet.

The ship fell through the Planet's atmosphere and they seemingly crashed on an icy world that was frozen over entirely. Everyone groans with pain as they come out of the ship to get they're bearings.
"Let's never do that again.." Spike said weakly rubbing his head in pain.
"Agreed.." Psiona replied trying to look around the place.
"Where are we guys?" Raph asked worried as they looked around the planet or moon they were on.
"Whoa! Temperatures on this moon are less then negative 180 degrees Celsius!" Donnie said worried as all of them shivered.
"Great.. a cold blooded reptile on a planet like this.." Spike said holding himself close.
"Don't worry Spike, we're gonna be fine i promise.." Jaqueline assured holding him close.

"Are Spike and the other's gonna freeze?" April asked worried looking at Honeycutt.
"No, they're suits permeate a warm invisible force field, like a secondary skin. Cozy right?" Honeycutt asked looking at Mikey.
"Uh, i'm pretty sure my shell froze to my butt?" Mikey asked not feeling something there.

They all went to inspect the damage that was made, and they saw a large hole in the ship meaning they're in deep trouble.
"What's it looking like Fugitoid?" Leo asked worried looking at the damage with him.
"If i had to categorize our situation, i would fall between probably doomed, and unequivocally doomed." Honeycutt said with worry.
"Wait, so no power? We won't be able to charge our suits!" Raph said with fear hearing that news.
"And worse, we only got a couple hours of oxygen and heat left." Donnie added looking at his timer.
"You don't.. have to make this worse Donnie.. Dragons are already cold blooded..." Spike said shivering to himself.

April heard a small little squeal and saw a strange looking alien landing on her helmet.
"Wow, aren't you a strange little one? There's life on this planet guys!" April informed which caught they're attention.
"Nonsense, this moon is made of methane ice. No life can survive here, beep!" Honeycutt beeped which made Donnie take out his scanner.
"Now let's see..." Donnie told himself as he went to scan the area and found something.
"Yes! Irrilium metal! Lot's of it! And it's about 10 klicks away, ooh and it looks refined too!" Donnie explained which gave them all hope.
"Excellent work Donatello! We could use that metal to patch up the ship!" Honeycutt suggested as someone was watching over them from far away.
"Good, let's find that metal quickly, i don't want my son to freeze to death, i don't want anyone to freeze." Psiona said seriously getting ready to move.

Far far away from the ship, the Salamandrians who crashed down to the planet as well were looking over them.
"There they are! The ones who rammed our vessel!" The commander said with anger looking down at them.
"Yes, and they're heading towards the Irrilium." The female one said making a strange roar.
"We must capture it before they do!" The commander ordered as she went up to him.
"Let us destroy the interlopers and take the Irrilium for ourselves. They destroyed our chance of glorious battle!" She said clutching her fist.
"Still when i gaze upon them, i see their courage. Other's would have despaired, but they go on as comrades. I can respect them." The commander said turning to her.
"No! You know that is not the Salamandrian way Commander! They must be destroyed!" She said with rage not wanting to hear this.

Spike and the other's continued on through the harsh blizzard that was happening, and Spike and Psiona's senses went off warning them of something.
"Mom, did you feel that too?" Spike asked worried looking up at her.
"I did too, be on your guard son, they may not be friendly." Psiona warned as she turned her metal arm into a sword again as they came upon the place where they detected the Irrilium.
"There, the Irrilium is somewhere on that peak!" Donnie announced as they were right at the foot of the place.
"How are we gonna get up there?" Jaqueline asked curiously trying to find a way up the long cliff.
"Everyone, my sensors are telling me we're about to be visited by.." Honeycutt said right before the Salamandrians from before emerged from the top and ran down to them with rage.

"Whoa! What the heck?!" Casey asked shocked as they saw what they looked like.
"Neutralizers!" Leo said in realization as they looked similar to him.
"No, they're Salamandrians!" Psiona corrected growling with anger.
"You downed our ship, dishonored us, and now you will fight us!" The woman said with anger drawing her blade.
"Wait, wait wait wait! We are all honorable beings here! We did not intend to damage your ship. Please, we can help one another in this desperate plight." Honeycutt offered which made them look at eachother.
"It is true we are all trapped, Cooperation is survival here. But you are.. outworlders.." The commander said making another growl.

"Everyone is an outworlder, on a world that is not they're own." Honeycutt pointed out as Raph went up to the female.
"Listen sister! We don't want to fight you! Your clearly out numbered here!" Raph mocked looking at her.
"Number's mean nothing, i do not fear you or your friends, not even the Bringer of Death." She said looking at Psiona who she recognized from legend.
"I respect that, a real warrior shows no fear." Psiona said with a smile.
"Not bad." Spike said impressed crossing his snake arms again.
"Look we're all cool here! Look, put her there bro." Leo offered putting out his hand which offended them.

"We offer your peace, and yet you extend the hand of combat?!" The commander asked with rage which shocked them.
"Wait what?!" Jaqueline asked shocked hearing this.
"Aw yes i should have warned you, for them, the hand extending gesture means.." Honeycutt explained before the commander shouted something.
"Attack!!" The commander ordered which made the two of them attack them all.

Spike took out his plasma sword again and began slicing down each blast easily.
"I did not want to fight! This is all a misunderstanding!" Spike shouted slithering around the place at fast speeds. The woman jumped in the air and clashed with Spike's blade, and they held eachother back.
"Those who dishonor us shall be destroyed!" She shouted with rage as she tried to sweep his tail, but Spike quickly backflipped away and kept slashing at her sword.
"That's some imagination sweetheart!" Raph shouted with rage joining in with Spike while he hissed at her like a snake again.
"We didn't dishonor you! We did not mean to!!" Spike shouted as they tried to stop her. Psiona held up her energy shield and blocked the commander's blasts.

"I've always respected your kinds honor, but simple gestures like this is stupid! You jump to conclusions too fast!" Psiona shouted as she slashed her arm blade at him.
"And i've heard about what you've done Bringer of Death, i'm surprised you haven't destroyed the Triceritons for what they've done, i thought you had honor!" The commander shouted as they clashed with eachother's swords. Jaqueline made a battle cry and joined in the fight and twirled her hammer around.
"There's more to honor then just being attackers!" Jaqueline shouted as she hit him in the chest and sent him flying back a good distance.
"Well, i suppose i'll have to intervene." Honeycutt said disappointed right before April was slammed into him." Oh dear!" Honeycutt shouted in shock trying to get back up.

"You okay April?" Raph asked helping her up. The warrior interrupted them and did a high jump over to the ledge and that angered Raph even more.
"That's it, your going down!" Raph shouted with rage as he jumped in the air to her.
"Bring it on!!" Spike screamed as he flipped into the air to her to, Spike and Raph slammed they're weapons on the ground and began clashing with her once again. Raph tried to deliver a strong punch to her, but bent her back right under the punch and dodged it before using some shoulder armor to deliver a strong hit to him sending him back.
"Raph!" Spike shouted with worry as he and her now clashed swords again.

"Ugh.. never been hit like that before.." Raph said shocked as Donnie tried to stop her, but she kneed him in the stomach and he got a good look at her.
"It's kinda.. nice.." Raph said impressed as she glared at him which shocked him again. She made another roar and proceeded to attack him once again as Spike was slithering into battle to help.
Leo was in battle with the commander and was having a tough time holding him back.
"Discussion follows dishonor!" The commander shouted as he disarmed Leo and slammed him into the others, Spike and Psiona were the only ones still standing as Raph was thrown to the pile too.
"I am a pacifist. But even pacifists have to stand they're ground once in a while!" Honeycutt shouted as he took out some arm cannons and began to fire at them both.

The woman made another roar while dodging the blasts and threw a weapon at Honeycutt which he barely dodged and it hit one of the walls. The device beeped for a few seconds right before it exploded and sent a rubble tumbling down on all of them.
"Brace yourselves!!" Psiona shouted as she used her shield to protect them all as it landed on all of them. The Salamandrians were the only ones left as the rubble covered all of them up.
"Raagh! We must dig them out of the rubble and resume the battle. It is a dishonorable death." The commander ordered about to dig them out.
"No, let them freeze. We must hurry to the irrilium." She said refusing the current order, and they both ran off quickly.

It was a little bit of time after they left and they were all finally getting out of the rubble, Psiona punched her fist through the ice and clawed away the rubble on them.
"Ugh, i hate bombs." Psiona said annoyed climbing out of the rubble with the other's.
"Yeah.. it puts too much pressure on you.." Jaqueline said a little tired from all of this.
"Don't worry guys, only a minor inconvenience." Honeycutt assured helping the other's out as well.
"Ugh, minor? I think even the foot will give them trouble.." Spike said rubbing his head from the pain.
"We gotta keep going guys, there's not much heat left! Come on!" Leo ordered as they tried to catch up with all of them.

Everyone quickly made they're way through the ice peak trying to get the metal they need before they freeze.
"I've been thinking. Those Salamandrians need the Irrilium too." April suggested which made Honeycutt push them forward.
"Another reason to hurry people!" Honeycutt encouraged quickly walking ahead with them.
"Hey Casey, Spike, uh.. you think a turtle can like uh.. date a newt?" Raph asked nervously looking at them.
"Dude.. what?!" Casey asked right before he laughed extremely hard at that thought.
"Uh you know maybe these Salamandrians aren't so bad like.. the lizard girl is cool." Raph said in defense as Leo came up behind him.

"You really are low on oxygen Raph, what are you gonna do, ask that giant newt out on a date?" Leo asked sarcastically moving in front of him.
"Well i mean.. i don't know..." Raph said a little embarrassed by this.
"Hey, if i can date a Dream Beaver, i'm sure you can date a newt, she just needs.. convincing, that's if she's willing to listen." Spike said patting his back with a little smile.
"Thanks Spike, maybe i could.." Raph said hopefully still in awe of what he saw from her.

"Whoo! The Irrilium isn't to far ahead! And i was right, the metal's completely refined!" Donnie said in relief as they were being watched by the Salamandrians from above.
"So they survived. The robot stated our collision was an accident. Perhaps we need not be enemy's." The commander suggested again.
"Commander G. Throkka do not be foolish, they are clearly working with the Triceritons." The woman said once again.
"We do not know that, the Bringer of Death is with them, she is an infamous figure to them." Throkka countered making another roar.
"They fought you 7 against one, they are cowardly dishonorable fools!" She shouted again still not taking any of this.
"Come, we will reach the Irrilium far faster then they will." Throkka ordered as they started moving ahead once again.

"So what happens if the aliens make it to the Irrilium first?" Donnie asked worried as they turned another corner.
"I got the answer. We take em down, Goongala style!" Casey said confidently which shocked Raph a little.
"Whoa, hold up. Let's cut the Salamanders a break, they think we're the bad guys right? What if we could convince them to work with us, to find that metal stuff together?" Raph asked hopefully.
"I don't think they'd listen Raph, especially after Leo's offensive hand gesture." Jaqueline replied still not thinking it would work.
Guys come on, maybe there is hope, there has to be another way." Spike said standing next to Raph.
"We won't survive if we don't get the metal first, we'll try and convince them if we can." Psiona said seriously marching forward from the other's.

Spike and Raph looked at eachother and both agreed on the same idea.
"We gotta try this.." Raph said as they took out they're weapons.
"Come on.." Spike said as he coiled around Raph and he stabbed his weapons on the sides of the walls and climbed above them.
"It might be our only chance Spike." Raph said seriously as they climbed above the others as they continued on.

Psiona and the other's continued moving through the peak just until April noticed something.
"Guys, hole up, where's Raph and Spike?" April asked worried as they saw they weren't here.
"Oh no, i bet they went off to talk to Raph's girlfriend!" Leo said annoyed slapping his face.
"Love can do many things Leo, you should know that." Jaqueline pointed out as she knew of his weird relationship with Karai. Donnie gasped in shock as they were surrounded by creatures from before.
"I've got a bad feeling about this.. Yeah.. we're in trouble!" Leo said worried as they were surrounded by huge creatures that lived in the peak.
"Everyone run!" Psiona shouted as she barely avoided an ice blast which froze Donnie.
"Donnie, no!!" Mikey shouted in horror as he was frozen solid.

The Salamandrians continued moving through the peak and were almost at the top.
"Lieutenant Y' Gythgba, we are getting close to the Irrilium." Throkka explained making another roar.
"And now those creatures are surely frozen." Gythgba said right before Raph and Spike flipped in the air and landed down in front of them.
"Are you sure about that?" Spike asked smugly getting in a defense pose.
"Impressed right?" Raph asked hopefully at Gythgba.
"No, but i respect your tenacity you two." Gythgba said holding out an arm blaster.

"Wait, before you blast us, hold up, we could work together as a team, a unit!" Raph offered backing up a little.
"We didn't want to fight you back then, Leo didn't understand space gestures, we want to get off this planet just as much as you do." Spike added standing close to Raph while Throkka thought it over.
"Your bravery speaks of heroic hearts strangers." Throkka said a little impressed.
"But you are in our way." Gythgba said before she fired her a shot at them, but they saw she shot the ice right below them.
"Oh come on!" Spike said annoyed as the thing began to crack.
"That is not good teamwor.. ah!!" Raph screamed as they both went falling down from the cracked ice with them looking down.

"Interesting you chose to shoot the ice and not the strangers." Throkka said a little surprised at this.
"There is no significance to my... look!" Gythgba shouted as more of those creatures emerged from the ice and roared at them.
"Ice dragons!" Throkka said with fear as the creatures lunged at them.

Psiona and the other's were still fighting off the ice dragons quickly while Honeycutt thawed out Donnie.
"Who knew dragons were on different planets then just Equestria!" Psiona said impressed shooting another down.
"Guess dragons come in many forms, not just religion and legend huh?" Jaqueline asked barely avoiding another ice blast from them. Leo was trying to shoot down the dragons that kept emerging from the ice and they were starting to be overwhelmed.
Throkka and Gythgba tried to fight them off too, and were trying to hold them back, but Throkka was snuck up by one of the dragons and was frozen solid by it. Gythgba was trying to take another one down right before she saw Throkka was frozen too.
"G' Throkka!" Gythgba shouted with horror right before she slashed another dragon's head off, she tried to go up to save him but was knocked down by one of the dragons tails.

Raph and Spike had recovered from the fall finally and just got back to the cliff.
"Hold up, are those?!" Spike asked shocked as they saw the ice dragons roaring at her.
"Leave her alone!!" Raph shouted with rage as they jumped on the dragons head and smashed through them, Spike drew his plasma sword again and sliced another one down while Raph smashed through the rest of them and Gythgba looked impressed a little.
"Strangers." Gythgba said drawing out her arm blaster.
"Don't shoot, don't shoot!" Raph begged right before she shot her blaster, but she didn't hit him, and instead shot one of the dragons that were behind him.
"Huh, thanks." Spike said gratefully turning to her.

"You both truly are nobol creatures." Gythgba said with a smile looking at Raph directly.
"My name's uh.. Raphael, this is Spike." Raph introduced having a nervous look on her.
"I am called Y' Gythgba." Gythgba replied looking at him directly.
"Nice to meet you." Spike said with a smile as he knew where this was going, but decided to play along with it.
"I got an idea, back on Earth there was this painting of this beautiful women in art and stuff? So how about we call you.. Mona Lisa?" Raph suggested which gave Spike a little smug.
"As you please Raphael someday, our noses will meat in the flesh.." Mona said with a smile putting they're tail behind him and touching both his
" Ooh la la Raph." Spike teased as Mona pulled away from him and he was super embarrassed.
"My nose.. will be ready.." Raph said embarrassed blushing heavily.
"Ya did good buddy." Spike said patting his back before they went to help Throkka.

"So uh.. what are we gonna do about your pal?" Raph asked worried looking at him.
"Perhaps if i use a low output.." Mona said as she activated a device to scan something.
"Yes, i believe he will be out in no time at all." Mona assured looking at him.
"Well that's a relief to know.." Spike said still a little nervous about what she meant earlier.

Psiona and the other's were still fighting the other ice dragons while Honeycutt still was thawing out Donnie.
"How's it going Fugitoid?!" Leo asked worried shooting down more of the dragons while Psiona breathed fire on them all.
"Donatello if almost fully thawed out, although i think his face seems to have melted as well." Honeycutt reported as Donnie was starting to move his face a little.
"Guys, brace yourselves!" Jaqueline shouted as she and the other's were surrounded by even more of them. But blaster's suddenly went off and shot all of them down, they looked above them and saw Throkka and Mona with Raph and Spike who had allied themselves together.
"Leave them alone!!" Spike hissed drawing his plasma blade and they charged at the dragons.

"Whoa! Raph and Spike are with the bad guys?!" Mikey asked worried pointing at them.
"No, i don't sense bad intentions, they may have actually convinced them!" Psiona said surprised before she punched another dragon away from her without even looking. Spike and Mona both used they're blades to slash down another dragon while Raph crushed another one of them.
"We're friends now Mikey!" Raph shouted as they fought alongside the other's.
"Maybe a little more then that for Raph.." Spike said shooting down more with Jaqueline.
"What is that supposed to mean Spike?" Jaqueline asked a little worried before she smashed another with her hammer.
"It's a long story.." Spike said shaking his head as this was tough to explain.

Leo and Throkka stood by eachother's sides and were taking the dragons down together now.
"I am Commander G' Throkka!" Throkka offered shooting more of them down.
"That name's cool and all, but i've got something even better, how about.. Laser Lizard!" Mikey announced which made the two of them glare at him.
"No no G.I Newt.. Nah.. oh wait.. Sal Commander!" Mikey announced which made them look at eachother.

Raph, Mona and Spike finished the last one by slashing through it's head and crushing it's head, finally finishing them off.
"Finally.." Spike said in relief breathing heavily from the battle.
"Is that all of them?" April asked hopefully looking at the remains of them.
"I think so.." Psiona replied turning her arm back to normal.
"I won't offer my hand, but i will offer my friendship." Leo said respectfully, Throkka put his fist together and Leo had to copy a gesture of peace that meant they were allies now.
"That's a relief to know, come on guys, we're not to far now.." Spike said slithering ahead with them.

They all continued moving closer to the source and we're just on top of it.
"Okay closer, closer... there, that satellite! It's made of Irrilium!" Donnie said in relief as he and the turtles went down to it before Honeycutt recognized it.
"That's no satellite! It's a Triceriton space min!" Honeycutt said worried which freaked all of them out.
"If we could deactivate it, we could use it to fix our ship right?" Leo asked hopefully as they slid down to them.
"Hmm.. let me see.." Honeycutt said as he did a scan of the thing to find it's trigger points.

"The Irrilium is perfect, it even contains a Dark Matter regulator." Honeycutt said getting the readings of it.
"We gotta hurry, i'm getting short on power and... oh nol.." April said with fear as they were surrounded by even more of the ice dragons.
"There are too many to fight!" Honeycutt said worried as they were all surrounded once again.
"I got a plan, come on!" Raph said with anger.

We all cut to them screaming with fear and running with the Mine across the peak while running from the dragons.
"Look out guys!!" Spike screamed as he barely avoided another ice blast, but this caused Honeycutt to slip up and they began to tumble down an icy slide with the bomb sliding with them.
"Don't let it go off!" Psiona shouted as she tried avoiding the sharp icicles.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed as he and Jaqueline were slashing through more of them.
"Come on, we're almost there!!" Jaqueline shouted as they reached the end of the slide and ran off even faster.
"The Ships just up ahead, hurry!" Donnie shouted running away from the ice dragons who were trying to freeze him again.

"Back off my son!!" Psiona shouted with rage as she shot more of them down with rage. Spike slithered as fast as he could while carrying the bomb with Raph, Mona and Throkka, but the dragons were gaining up on them.
"Casey, give me all your photon pucks!" Donnie instructed as he got an idea, Casey held out all his pucks and gave it to Donnie who started planting them on the ground.
"Great idea dude!" Casey shouted as he twirled his sticks around and slammed against they're heads while Jaqueline smashed at them.
"Now run you moron!" Donnie shouted as he activated the bombs.
"Brace yourselves!!" Jaqueline shouted as the pucks went off and made a huge explosion together. This caused the entire cliffside to collapse beneath them and all the ice dragons went tumbling down into a hole.

"We're almost there, come on!" Honeycutt shouted as the ship was in the distance.
"We may be.. too late..." Leo said weakly as his power was going out.
"Leo, oh no!" April said worried as she had to help him now.
"Just a little further!" Psiona said trying to move to the ship, April put Leo and Mikey down as they're suits were running out of power.

Honeycutt used a laser to cut through the mine and looked inside of it.
"Excellent, the Dark Matter regulator!" Honeycutt said in relief as he saw it inside there.
"Come on, let's get it out!" Psiona said trying to disarm it quickly.
"Oh no.. this is it.. the big freeze! We won't make it through this red! We're not mutants!" Casey said with fear as his timer was running out.
"Warm blooded or not, we're in trouble professor!" April said worried trying to make him hurry.

"Please don't pressure us!" Honeycutt said as they managed to cut it out right as Throkka fainted from temperature.
"Throkka!" Mona shouted with horror as she tried to help him.
"Oh no.. Spike.." Jaqueline said weakly as her power was going down too.
"No! Jaqueline!" Spike shouted with fear as Psiona was trying to install it in the ship.
"Come on, come on.." Psiona said to herself as she and Honeycutt tried installing it. Donnie's timer finally went out and he groaned in pain as he started to faint too as well as April and Casey. Spike was breathing heavily as his timer was going out too as well as Raph's.

"Raphael, Spike!" Mona said worried as they were leaning against the old mine.
"If this is it.. i'm glad i was able to help you out.." Spike said weakly about to pas out.
"Mona.. i wish i could tell you.. how i feel.." Raph said shivering to himself.
"Raphael, believe me.. i.. know.. you... both showed me it.." Mona said weakly as she began to pass out too.
"Jaqueline.." Spike said sadly right before he passed out too finally running out of time..

Spike and Raph groaned with pain as they opened they're eyes, and they could see Mona and Jaqueline looking above them.
"Raphael, Spike, please wake up." Mona begged as they we're finally waking up again.
"Mona?" Raph asked in relief before he gave her a hug.
"Jaqueline!" Spike said in relief as well as he hugged her too.
"Spike!" Jaqueline said holding him close not wanting to let go.

"Ugh.. what happened?" Mikey asked weakly as he finally woke up with Throkka.
"You guys okay?" April asked worried as Throkka looked around the ship.
"Hopefully one day, we can repay your kindness." Throkka said gratefully looking at all them.
"Yes, one day.." Mona said with a smile as she grabbed Raph's hand and he smiled nervously before she looked at Spike.
"Spike, you fought with honor on that moon, you showed courage alongside Raph, i hope that you and i can fight again one day together, as brother and sister." Mona offered holding out her fist like how Throkka did which made Spike sigh in relief.
"Absolutely, i look forward to it Mona." Spike said as he did the hand gesture with her.

Honeycutt and Psiona walked through the doors to announce something.
"Alright guys, the ships are repaired, and they're ready to go." Psiona reported smiling at them.
"And not to be rude, but we have Triceritons to catch up with." Honeycutt added walking through Raph and Mona.
"Mona look, what i'm trying to say is.. uh.." Raph said nervously before she shushed him.
"Let show you Raphael, in my own language.." Mona said sweetly as she brought him close to her and kissed him off screen while Spike and April laughed at this.

"Well, that's another couple to my shipping list.." Spike said pulling out a small piece of paper he had.
"Shipping list?" Jaqueline asked curious looking at it.
"Yeah check it out." Spike said with a smug as the list had a few options of the questionable, believable, and real couples on the list, and now Raph and Mona were on it, while people like Leo and Karai were in the questionable part, and Donatello, April and Casey, were in the "Cringe" line of it.
"Welp, looks like me you, Raph and Mona are the only good couples here huh?" Jaqueline asked teasingly.
"Absolutely." Spike replied as they kissed eachother too which made them look away too.

Mona and Throkka had finished up with their business with Spike and the others' and they began to leave on the ship, Mona gave Raph and Spike one more look before she took off through the stars.
"Goodbye Mona Lisa.." Raph said sadly looking through the void.
"It's okay Raph, you'll see her again, she's a good sister, and i'm happy to call her that." Spike said with a smile looking through the stars.
"She's an honorable warrior son, they both are, just like you." Psiona assured giving him another hug with Jaqueline.
"I hope so guys.." Raph said hopefully a little unsure still.
"Triceritons are like millions of Astro miles up ahead. But with a little luck, we can catch up." Donnie said hopefully as the ship began to power up.
"Let's go guys!" Spike said seriously as they took off through the cosmos once again..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! I think we can all agree that Raph and Mona were the only good couple were in the 2012 show, they were really cute with the time they had together and it never felt forced or cringe like the other's. I think Spike and Mona having a sibling relationship will work out the best, i know they didn't have much time to talk, but i'll try and find scenes for them to talk together and bond more. This was a nice episode for Raph to get someone, and i hope you liked it too. Also i think i may skip over the Weird World of Wyrm, despite it being a fun episode, it was filler and didn't happen at the end anyway, so we wouldn't be missing much. But i would like to call out that Wyrm not only reminds me of Discord, but he reminds me of Caine from Digital Circus now, wonder if there's some inspiration there, anyway, i hope you liked this and have a nice day!

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