• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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39: Within the Woods

We open to a flashback of the night New York was taken over as April narrated over the whole thing.

"I'll never forget the night we left New York City.." April narrated as the scene where they escape plays out.
"This is so metal!!" Casey shouted as he ran over Kraang Prime again. All of them had gotten into the van and quickly escaped as she roared at them.

"The Kraang defeated us.. Spike was mutated into a snake creature a few weeks before it happened.." April said as we see the scene of him being mutated into a snake happen once more and he screams in pain...
"Then he and Leo were badly injured by the foot.. And Master Splinter is.. gone.." April said sadly as the memory's played out..

"We lost.." April said with regret as we see them arriving at a farmhouse in the middle of an open field.
"We had nowhere left to go, so we came into the old farmhouse i grew up in. Miles away from the city, a place we could all be safe in.." April said regretfully as all of them got out.

"The first thing we did was take care of poor Leonardo and Spike.." April said sadly as they carried they're bodies inside. April put Leo in a bathtub with some fresh water while the others looked at him.
"This'll keep him hydrated, help him heal faster.." Donnie said worried as they all looked at him.

"After we took care of Leo, we put Spike in a bed to rest, he was just as hurt as Leo was, and passed out from the pain.." April said sadly as they put him in a large bed, Donnie brought in a bunch of heaters for him to keep him warm.
"He's a cold blooded reptile, it's best he stays warm to stay safe.." Donnie explained as Spike was on the bed completely unconscious..
"Raphael keeps a constant vigil over them, waiting for them to wake up.." April narrated as Raph watches over them at night..

We see Mikey humming a tune walking over to some chickens.
"Michelangelo goofs around a lot, but he helps with a lot of chores around the house." April narrated as Mikey gave them some food, but all of them looked at him in a strange way.
"Back off chickens, that's all i got! Easy.. easy.." Mikey said backing up before they all lunged at him and he screamed in fear.
Help! Ahh!!!" Mikey screamed as the chickens chased after them by a barn.
"But mostly he goofs around a lot. Donatello built a lab in the barn, trying to create a mutagenic medicine to heal Leo and Spike, while also working on a Retro mutagen for Spike.." April narrated as he failed once again.

"One last drop and i think i've done it.." Donnie said as he put a drop in a vile which blew up a bunch of smoke in his face and Casey laughed hard.
"This baby's gonna need a lot of work.." Casey said getting under it, but the truck tipped over and crushed him with his legs flailing around with Donnie laughing in a mocking way..

"And then there's me April O Neil. I spend most of my time training with the turtles, and writing in my ever expanding journal. I miss New York, my sensei, my dad.. Hopefully Leo and Spike will recover and we'll all go home soon.. if there's even a home to go back too.." April narrated as she's on a swing outside the house drawing in a journal over what happened.
"But life as Splinter would say, must continue on.." April said sadly as she finishes her drawings..

April was now currently training with Raph and the others, April was getting better at fighting and was using this to improve her skills. April threw her fan around and engaged with Raph as Casey and Donnie watched.
"Goongala!!" Casey shouted jumping in the air and twirling his stick around and proceeded to fight Donnie, Donnie twirled his staff around and they clashed eachothers sticks.

"You gotta be quick to be training with the ninja's!" Raph mocked as he fought April, Raph sweeped her legs and thought he won, but April landed on the ground safely and delivered an upper cut to his chin and knocked him down.
"I'm almost a full on Kunoichi!" April said as Raph's eyes were twirling around.
"Aw yeah! Gotta be quick if you wanna be hanging with the ninja's dog!" Mikey said casually.

April looked over and saw Casey and Donnie fighting still.
"Sweet moves Donnie!" Casey said as he threw his stick behind him and took out a slingshot.
"Eat this!" Casey shouted shooting a few rocks at him.
"Ow! Cheep shot!" Donnie said annoyed, he threw his stick to him and tackled him to the ground and April ran up to them.

"Okay you two, enough! You guys are like a bunch of caged animals." April said annoyed making them stop.
"We're just blowing off a little steam red." Casey said as they got up.
"Yeah, things are kinda tense lately, right old friend?" Donnie asked clutching his head.
"You got that right, old pal!" Casey replied elbowing his chest.

"We're all just a little frustrated April. No offense, but we're turtles. We don't belong in a farmhouse, we belong in the sewers." Raph said looking around.
"Okay not entirely accurate, but uh apropos." Donnie said in agreement.
"Yeah that's all good, but like Splinter would say, we must accept the hand that the universe has dealt us." Mikey said imitating Splinter's voice.

"Wow, that's deep yo." Casey said impressed.
"Master Splinter's gone Mikey, and Spike and Leo may never wake up. The universe has dealt us a terrible hand." Raph said frustrated as he walked back into the house. Raph was watching over Leo once more and was gonna rotate into Spike next.

Heavy breathing is heard as someone groans in pain, a pair of eyes open up and he sees a ceiling while everything hurt.
"Where.. am i?" Spike asked in pain as he finally woke up. Spike looked around and saw he was in a bed of some kind in a old house, there were heaters over the room, most likely to keep him warm?
"What.. happened?" Spike asked weakly as he slowly brought his arms from underneath the covers. He gasped in shock as he saw his hands were still snake hands and looked below and saw he was still a serpent..

"I'm still a snake.. but where am i?" Spike asked as he tried climbing out of the bed, he fell over the ground making a thud noise and he groaned in pain again. Spike tried getting up the best he could despite his body hurting all over. Spike carefully slithered over to the door and opened it with his tail. He fell on the ground again as his body was still in pain. Raph heard the noise and quickly came to check what it was and saw Spike trying to move.

"Raph? What happened?" Spike asked weakly trying to move.
"Spike? And Leo too?! Guys! Guys! Get up here!" Raph shouted which got the others attention. The others came up and saw Spike near the tub where Leo was waking up.
"Leo, Spike?" Donnie asked shocked as Spike tried moving.
"Hey guys.. "Leo said weakly.( Seth Green)
"How's it going?" Spike asked as well.( David Gallagher)

"Leo! Spike! Your back!!" Mikey said in relief giving them a hug which hurt them. Spike made a hiss of pain which made him back off.
"Where are we? What happened?" Spike asked in pain still trying to move.
"Take it easy guys, let us get you out of here." Raph said as he and the others helped Spike and Leo out.

Spike and Leo were on the couch being informed on what happened.
"So we've been here for 3 months? We've been out that long?" Leo asked in shock.
"You both had us worried sick.. Raph barely slept" April said worried as Donnie checked Spike's snake jaw and examined his fangs and forked tongue.
"Eh it was nothing." Raph said casually as Donnie closed his jaw letting Spike speak.

"Doesn't that mean i'm like 14 now? Man i can't believe how fast time's flown while i've been here.." Spike said shocked trying to process this.
"Yeah, your birthday passed by a couple months back, we couldn't celebrate it since you were out cold, but i promise we'll celebrate it when your better okay?" April asked hopefully.
"I guess.." Spike said still thinking over this.

"So like, why do they sound different? Spike's voice is far deeper then it was before." Casey asked curious.
"They both sustained damage to their throats, and pretty much everywhere else for that matter." Donnie explained as Leo groaned in pain while Spike tried fighting through it.
"Here take some more of special patented mutagen medicine, is should patch you up in no time" Donnie said pouring some on a spoon and giving it to them.

Spike almost puked and the same happened with Leo.
"That tastes like it's supposed to come out of us and not in.." Leo said in disgust.
"I think i'll stick to regular soup and other stuff to help me recover.." Spike said trying to get that taste out of him.

"Don't worry guys, first thing tomorrow, we're gonna start training again, i'll help Spike get used to his new form, just you two and me." Raph said confidently.
"I do need to recover.. and get used to this still.. first thing tomorrow then.." Spike said still hesitant on this.

We cut to the next day where Raph was taking Spike and Leo for a walk to get their strength back.
"Come on guys you gotta build up those muscles, you've gotten weak. Especially you Spike, you need to learn to use this snake form of yours and learn to fight with it." Raph encouraged as Spike was weakly slithering up to him.
"Don't rub it in us.." Leo said weakly before he fell over and that got their attention and saw his knee was in pain.

"I don't think.. i don't think we'll ever be the same again..." Leo said in pain.
"i think he's right.. you all weren't mutated like me, this.. this is different.." Spike said sadly looking at his reflection.
"Don't talk like that guys. That's not the Leo and Spike i know, come on guys, you should at least start walking properly." Raph encouraged again. Leo grunted in pain again and he took out some of the medicine Donnie gave them.
"You need some Spike?" Leo asked holding it out to him.

"No thank you, i'm sticking to noodle soup and other stuff." Spike said in disgust backing up.
"Understandable.." Leo said as he took another gulp and groaned in disgust. Leo's vision was blurry as he could barely see Spike and Raph.
"Leo? You okay?" Spike asked in a deep voice with Raph walking up to him.
"Oh man.. i'm gonna.." Leo said right before he puked on the floor much to their disgust.

"You okay guys?" Raph asked worried.
"I think it's that medicine Donnie gave us, i'm not feeling too good.." Leo said weakly.
"Can we go back to the house? I feel like i'm gonna pass out.." Spike said weakly as well.
"Your right, maybe this wasn't a good idea so soon, come on guys." Raph said helping them move again, unknown to them, the vomit Leo puked up had some mutagen cells in it and it deepened into the plants below and a pair of green eyes emerged in the darkness..

Spike and Leo were sitting down in the living room with April bringing them some drinks.
"I just can't stop thinking about Master Splinter, maybe he's not really gone.." Leo said worried.
"I saw it happen before i passed out, Shredder threw him down a drain pipe.." Spike said sadly.
"Maybe Leo's right though, i mean Splinter was a great ninja master." April suggested.
"The greatest in the century.." Raph said crossing his arms.

"Hey dudes! The Show's starting!" Mikey announced looking at the Tv right before the houses power went out.
"Aw man, you gotta be kidding me!" Casey said annoyed.
"It's just a blown fuse, i'll fix it in two shakes of a turtles tail." Donnie said walking off.
"You guys don't have tails!" Spike pointed out while Mikey cried sadly about his show.

The fire in the chimney was currently blowing until a strange wind put it out. Donnie took out a flashlight and looked at it.
"Spike? Do you think you can light this up again?" Donnie asked turning to him who looked worried.
"Sorry, i can barely slither properly again, i don't know if i can.." Spike said regretfully.
"Don't worry Spike, i'll get some more firewood." Raph assured right as Donnie's flashlight went out and he tried turning it on.
"Are you kidding?!" Donnie asked annoyed.

We cut to outside of the house where a wolf howled in the night sky, a axe appeared on screen as we see Raph cut up some wood until he heard a strange sound pass by him.
"What was that? Who's there?" Raph asked being on his guard, he looked through the empty field of forest trees until a dear just appeared in front of him.
"Just a dear, phew.." Raph said in relief going back to his work.

"Easy Raph don't get paranoid.." Raph told himself right before he heard something behind him and screamed in fear as a huge monster came behind him, it wrapped it's vines around him and knocked him out as suspenseful music played..

Mikey was currently taking a deep breath before he screamed.
"Raph! He's been gone for hours! Raph!" Mikey screamed again as Spike and the others looked around.
"Raph! Can you hear us?!" Casey shouted worried for him.
"Don't you think he'd answer us?" April asked him.

"All right we split up, April and Casey, you take that way, Donnie and Mikey you take that way." Leo instructed pointing in different directions.
"Split up? Are you local homey?" Mikey asked shocked.
"April and Casey go off alone? Together?!" Donnie asked shocked as well.
"Mikey and Donnie, you take that way." Leo said once more as he and Spike moved away a little.

"What about you guys?" April asked worried for them.
"We'll wait here in case Raph comes back, we're not in the best condition right now.." Spike said as his body still hurt, he and Leo sat down near the stairs and watched the others go off.

"I've always hated the woods at night. When i was a kid, i was sure monsters were gonna come out and eat me." April said worried as she and Casey walked away, April screamed in fear as a branch fell down in front of her and they saw a bat fly out of a tree.
"Relax, no monsters here red, unless you wanna count Casey Jones." Casey said as he made a wolf howl before April punched him.
"Nice.. good arm.." Casey said rubbing it in pain as a vine moved suddenly while they left..

"So what's the deal red? You've been as cold as ice to me since we left New York?" Casey asked as they passed by a scarecrow.
"That's not true it's just.. what do you want Casey? Our family is gone, most likely mutated, Spike's a snake mutant now and is really injured, New York is alien.." April said right before her head hurt again and she clutched it in pain.

"What is it? You getting bad vibes again?" Casey asked worried.
"I.. i think.. something's watching us, come on.. let's keep moving.." April said concerned as they continued on being on their guard.

"Raph! Raph! Ugh.. i don't know D, you think he's lost? Maybe he got eaten by a rabid squirrel?!" Mikey asked worried as he and Donnie walked on their own now.
"I don't know about that, what i'm worried about is because Casey and April went off on their own alone.." Donnie said worried handing Mikey a flashlight.
"Why? Did they forget to bring a compass?" Mikey asked confused.

"No genius. What happens when two teenagers who like eachother go out into the woods alone." Donnie asked him again. Mikey thought about it for a moment until he heard a noise and saw two ugly looking squirrels which scarred him.
"They get eaten by squirrels!" Mikey said in fear.
"You know what, forget i said anything." Donnie said annoyed walking off again.

"Hello, what's this?" Donnie asked shocked as he and Mikey came upon and old looking shack, ominous music played as the door slammed itself closed over and over again..
"Let's check it out.. you first." Mikey suggested which annoyed Donnie. They opened the door as they looked into the dark room.

"Uh, hello?" Mikey announced as they walked inside. Mikey moved his flashlight around and he saw tons of saws and other types of gear, Donnie looked around some more until he found something shocking, he saw the medicine he made on a desk surrounded by 4 candles.
"Ahh!" Donnie screamed as Mikey grabbed him and shut his mouth. Mikey was frozen in fear as he pointed his flashlight to a strange sleeping plant creature.
"Uh.. hello?" Mikey asked nervously, the creature woke up and roared at them as it had a familiar red mask on and they screamed in horror.

The monster roared at them and tried to attack them, the two ran out of the shack in fear right as some vines held the creature back from attacking them, Mikey gasped in fear as they realized who this is.
"I think it's Raph!" Donnie said in shock.
"He's all leafy and weird looking, like a salad!" Mikey said scarred.
"Something must have infected him." Donnie said worried.

"What? Ahh!! Holy Chalupa!!" Mikey screamed as a vine trap caught him and restrained him entirely.
"Hold on! I'll cut you down!" Donnie said taking out his staff as a huge figure towered above him..
Mikey was muffled and tried warning him of the mounter behind him., Donnie turned around and screamed in fear as the monster punched him to a tree.

Donnie regained focus and saw a huge vine monster with a bag on it's head marching to him as suspenseful music played as he threw a pitchfork at him.
"Donnie!" Mikey screamed in fear right as the monster pushed him out of the way. Donnie tried removing the pitchfork but watched in horror as the monster was towering over him.

April and Casey were walking nearby and they heard Donnie scream in horror.
"That's Donnie!" April said worried as the two ran up ahead, April continued to run ahead until she noticed Casey was gone somehow.
"Casey? Casey, this isn't' funny!" April said looking around.
"AHH!!" Casey screamed as April turned around and saw the monster pinning him by a tree.
"Oh no.." April said worried as the monster lifted him up.

"Let go of me!" Casey demanded as he tried breaking free, the monster turned its head around and he saw a single eye in the bag. April screamed in anger as she whacked the monster with one of Casey's sticks and set him free. The bag fell off the monster and they saw it trying to hide it's face. April took out her fan and threw it at the monster's head, but it barely did anything as it rose up and ripped it out.

April screamed in fear as the monster wrapped its vines around her and she saw her fan right next to her.
"Goongala!!" Casey screamed as he jumped in the air and hit it with his bat. Casey tried swinging his bat at the monster again and again giving April the chance to grab her fan, Casey swung at him one more time before the monster caught it.
"Aw man!" Casey said in fear as the monster picked him up and threw him to a tree and knocked off his mask.

"Casey!" April shouted worried as he was knocked out, the monster marched over to her now wearing Casey's mask and was holding a pitchfork. April screamed in fear as she tried to outrun the monster, the monster continued hunting her down as she ran through the woods, April thought she lost him until she ran right into it and whimered in fear.

Leo put his sword in the ground as he and Spike tried moving still.
"Come on Leo, they could be in trouble, i'm sensing somethings off." Spike said worried.
"Come on, he's right, stop whining and get up.." Leo said weakly as he tried getting up. They heard April groaning in pain and saw her trying to get to them.
"April, what's wrong?!" Spike asked worried as she looked hurt. She tried getting to them until a vine wrapped around her leg and started to drag her.

"leo! Spike! Help!!" April screamed as she was dragged into the darkness.
"April!!" Spike screamed in horror as he tried to move, but his body still hurt badly and almost fell on the ground. Leo tried to move as well, but his knees still hurt badly and he fell on them with Spike and him looking on..

"Come on Leo.. we can save them!" Spike said weakly as he tried slithering more.
"I i just don't know if we can Spike.. look at us, we can barely walk. You could barely slither before the invasion happened, and now everything's just.. awful." Leo said weakly sitting down, Spike sighed sadly and sat down next to him.
"I don't know if it'll ever be the same Spike, look at us, we can barely move now, we lost our friends, and our home may be gone forever.." Leo said sadly as they looked at their state.

"I know it's rough for us, i'm still trying to process that i'm a mutant now, and being out cold for 3 months really didn't help. It's like my body's entirely different now.." Spike said looking around the place with regret.
"You shouldn't have come to help me Spike, all that did was get you injured badly too, it's just made things worse for us.." Leo said still in pain.
"And what? Leave you to fight the Foot clan alone? You could have died if it wasn't for luck. I wasn't gonna let one of the first friends i've had since i came here leave me like that." Spike said trying to stand up.

"Even with our combined strength, we still lost to the Kraang, what point is there if it was all for nothing?" Leo asked upset on all of this.
"Ugh.. because there's always something worth fighting for, my friends never gave up when all hope seemed lost, and i'm not gonna give up either.." Spike said as he finally stood up and pushed through the pain.
"Heh.. i guess it's true.. we stopped the Kraang once.. and we can do it again if we try harder.. hopefully.." Leo said trying to get up as well.
"There's always a way Leo. I may not be used to my new body, but i'm still willing to save our friends, are you with me on this?" Spike asked him. Leo pushed through his pain too and grabbed his swords, he put on his mask finally and turned to him.
"Let's take down this monster.." Leo said seriously as the two proceeded to hurry over to the others who were in trouble.

Spike and Leo hurried through the forest as fast as they could, they could still feel pain in they're bodies, but was willing to push through them to save the others. They could hear screaming and knew they were close, Spike and Leo both agreed to lure him out.

The monster who Mikey deemed The Creep was about to feed off of Mikey's mutagen like he did with Raph, until it heard a scream.
"Help, help!" Leo screamed which got it's attention.
"Anyone there?" Spike screamed hoping it would work, the monster stopped what it was doing and walked out.
"Leo, Spike.." Donnie said worried as they were left alone.

The monster walked out of the shack with a pitchfork in its hand, it looked around trying to fine the two until a ninja star hit its head. It saw Spike and Leo march up to it looking furious with it.
"Give us back our family freak." Leo demanded.
"I'll burn you to ash if you don't right now.." Spike threatened as his snake hands made a loud hiss, the monster marched to them and Leo drew his swords while Spike got in a fighting stance the best he could.

The monster swung the pitchfork at them and they rolled out of the way, Leo clashed his sword with it while Spike wrapped his tail around the pitchfork, he used what strength he had to rip it out of his hands and disarm him. Spike made another loud hiss and he and Leo started to attack it. Leo ducked under another attack and swung his sword at it which knocked off Casey's mask.

Leo took some heavy breathes before trying to attack it again, but it wrapped its large hand around Leo's head and lifted him in the air and he saw it's ugly face. The monster roared at him and proceeded to slam him down over and over and threw him to the ground.
"Leo!!" Spike shouted with worry as he was on the ground in pain, the monster turned it's attention to him and roared at him as well. Spike felt something in him snap as his mind suddenly was overcome with rage.

"Leave my friends alone!!" Spike shouted as he made another loud hiss. The monster tried to punch him again and Spike slithered under it and whipped it in the face with his tail, Spike took a deep breath and breathed a big gust of fire right in it's face and it roared in pain. Spike pushed through what pain he had and coiled the monster to restrain him.

"Spike!" Donnie shouted which got his attention as he saw he and the others were freed.
Spike quickly used his strength and tried throwing the monster to the nearby tree and slithered up to him while breathing heavily.
"How do we stop this thing?!" Spike asked worried as the monster got up and roared at them.
"I don't know! Bar the doors!" Donnie shouted as they all grabbed the tools in the shack, Spike came inside the place and they closed the door and barred it up. Casey drew his stick again and they looked around waiting for it to strike.

They heard no noise for a brief moment until the monster suddenly burst through the wall besides them and they screamed in fear. Casey made another wolf howl and tried whacking the thing again until the monster crushed his hockey stick.
"Aw dude!" Casey said annoyed.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed as he whacked him over and over again and kicked him in the face, everyone got more tools from the shack and Spike used one to cut off the monsters arm with the others violently attacking it until it stopped moving.

They all took heavy breathes as it didn't move, but it's eyes glowed green again and it ripped out the weapons attached to it and knocked them down, Spike and Leo watched as the monster took up its arm and re attached it onto him.
"You gotta be kidding me!" Spike said annoyed keeping his guard up, the monster punched them back to the shrine he had with the medicine and they noticed it. The monster made a roar as they saw it, Spike got the idea and grabbed it.

"You want this! Well come get it!!" Spike screamed as he tried escaping it.
"Casey grab the chains!" April instructed as Casey saw the chains nearby. Spike was ducking under each attack it threw at him as it tried getting the medicine back, Spike was Leo with the pitchfork and threw it to him, Leo screamed in rage as he stabbed the weapon through the glass and shattered it..

Spike whipped the thing to the tree and Casey and April wrapped the chains around it and the tree to stop it from moving.
"That's what you get for messing with my mask freak!" Casey said angry at it.
"That should hold him, now come on, we gotta get him back to the lab." Donnie said ready to go.
"Do you really think you can save Raph?" Leo asked worried.
"Honestly, i don't know Leo, i just don't know.." Donnie said worried as they looked at the monster..

A soft groan is heard as a pair of eyes open up and it sees Spike, Donnie and April looking over him.
"Yes!" Donnie said in victory.
"Raph! Your okay!" Spike said in relief helping him up.
"What the heck is going on?" Raph asked confused looking around.

"Crazy swamp monster sucked out your mutagen and turned you into a plant! It was wicked due." Casey said sounding a little excited.
"But i used this I.V tube to drain all the mutagen out of The Creep and back into your body, cool right?" Donnie asked holding it up.
"Cool, thanks Donnie, so what happened to the monster?" Raph asked curious.
"He's nothing more then a plant now." Spike explained showing him the case of its remains.

"Donnie worked all night to save you. Leo and Spike never left your side." April said as Raph saw Leo sitting down.
"That's what brothers are for." Leo said with a smile.
"It's only best we returned the favor for looking out for us." Spike said proudly.
"We gotta heal up guys, and take back the city." Leo said confidentially.
"One day we will guys, and when that happens, we'll be ready for it.." Spike said seriously as all of them looked at eachother ready to face what comes next..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this, and so begins the farmhouse arc, this is only eight episodes, but i really liked them for what they did. I decided to change up Spike's voice because he's getting a lot older and is probably at an age where his voice can change. David Gallagher by the way is the VA of Riku from Kingdom Hearts, and i know that sounds silly, but if Spike's voice can get as deep as it is in G5, i wouldn't be shocked if he at least sounded similar to Riku when he got older. Also Seth Green is Leo's VA who played him for the rest of the show.

I'll make sure Spike learning to use his body is properly developed and doesn't feel like it was just added for forced drama, i just hope you liked this and look forward to more!

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