• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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35: The Wrath Of Tiger Claw

We open to a shot of Karai who was looking over the city during a stormy night, she looked at a photo of her mother which was only showing the half of it, and remembered what Leo and Spike said.

"Karai don't do this. Splinter, he's your father, your true father!" Leo begged as lightning flashed once more.
"What is it that troubles you Karai?" Shredder asked walking up to her.
"I wanna know the truth, the truth about my mother. About Splinter." She demanded.
"You know the truth daughter, Hamato Yoshi took your mother away from you." Shredder said as thunder was heard once again.

They heard the door open suddenly and found Tiger claw was alive, he now had an eyepatch cross his left eye and had bit mark on his ear.
"I have returned." He announced.
"Tiger claw.." Shredder said slightly surprised while Karai looked shocked.
"How?! You were eaten by a giant alien worm!" Karai asked really shocked.

"And you believe such a thing could contain my hate? My hate is what saved me, i tore my way out of the belly of the Kraathatrogon. As i battled through the army of the Kraang, across an Alien world that would drive lesser men mad. Until finally back here, back to my enemy's!" Tiger claw explained as he walked up to them and made a bow.
"I would have my revenge against Splinter, and those wretched reptiles, and those who trapped me in that worms belly. " Tiger claw said with hate.

"I will grant you this wish." Shredder told him.
"What? It's because of him that Splinter, Spike and the turtles are still alive in the first place!" Karai said not liking this.
"Karai you will go with Tiger claw. Destroy Splinter and the turtles, at any cost." Shredder ordered as ominous music played..

Spike and the others were currently in a restaurant and Mikey got in a fighting pose.
"I've put up with you guys for a long time, but this is about to get real!" Mikey said seriously as Donnie and Raph were on the other side.
"You don't want this kind of pain Mikey." Raph warned.
"Big talk for a guy with such limited vocabulary Raph." Donnie mocked which made Raph push him away.

Spike was having some popcorn watching the thing and gave Leo some.
"Are you sure your ready?" Leo asked taking some of it.
"It's not gonna be easy guys." Spike warned.
"Are you two kidding me? I was born ready!" Raph said confidently.
"Okay Mr Murukami." Leo said looking back at him.
"One Pizza Gyoza, coming up. " He announced which made them all look at it in delight

Murukami tossed it in the air and Donnie jumped up to it, but Mikey jumped up and pushed him away trying to grab it himself, but Raph did the same and tried catching it in his mouth, but Mikey grabbed his legs and slammed him on the floor which made all of them dogpile on top of eachother, the dumpling was about to reach Mikey's mouth until Spike caught it with his mutant arm.
"Hey!" Mikey said annoyed.
"Too slow guys." Spike teased as he ate it much to they're annoyance.

"What happened to all that popcorn you had?" Raph asked confused Spike pointed over and they saw Leo was finishing it up.
"Don't worry guys, we ordered more plates for us." Leo said as Murukami brought some more plates for them.
"My restaurant was never that popular until i invented these for you." Murukami said holding one out, Spike and the others took each piece away and started eating the ones on they're own.
"I'm so making this a recipe when i get back home." Spike said in delight as he kept eating. Donnie finished up his and looked back and saw Leo looking out a window.

"He's still bruiting." Donnie said concerned.
"He's thinking about her. About Karai." Raph told him
"Master Splinter is the father of Karai. How could she still wanna be with the Shredder?" Leo asked annoyed.
"Don't worry Leo, she'll come around, it just takes time for her to see these things." Spike said finishing his up.

"Well i don't trust her, not for one second." Raph said as Mikey took his slice.
"Your right Raph, you shouldn't trust anyone." Donnie said with a smirk. Raph tried to eat his piece but saw it was gone, he saw Mikey eat and and it made him mad, Raph lunged at him and started beating him up again. Leo simply sighed as they kept on fighting.
"Don't worry Leo, we'll find a way, i promise.." Spike assured as he looked out as well.

Karai and Tiger claw were currently moving through the rooftops again trying to find Spike and the others.
"Having a hard time keeping up girl?" Tiger claw mocked.
"I was taking it easy on you since you have one eye and no tail." Karai teased which annoyed him.
"You think your clever? Your a fool!" Tiger claw countered.

"I'm a fool? You faced the turtles and Spike before and lost, what exactly is your grand plan for revenge here?" Karai asked impatient.
"To destroy warriors such as these, you don't strike at their limbs, you go for they're heart." Tiger claw said with a growl.
"And what does a cat know with an over grown heart?" Karai asked again.
"Why do you think the Shredder sent you with me?" Tiger claw asked and the realization hit her.

"Because i know them, i know the places they go, i know they're weakness.. they're friends, April O Neil, and Casey Jones." Karai explained.
"The riders of the worm, they will all pay for what they did to me.." Tiger claw said menacingly.

Murukami was in the shop and sweeping things up until a shadow passed by.
"Hello? is somebody there? Leonardo? Spike?" He asked before a shadow loomed over him and he saw Karai and Tiger claw towering above him.
"Not quite." Karai said with anger, she knocked the broom out of his hand and pinned him to the wall.
"The turtles and Spike." Karai demanded wanting to know where they are.
"I don't know what your talking about.." He said nervously.

"Lying will only make this worse, Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello and Spike. Where do they live?" Karai asked with anger.
"I do not know! Please.. please!" Murukami begged which had her soften her look, she sighed and let go of him.
"There is no honor in this." Karai said walking off, Tiger claw growled and towered over him.
"I did not come here for honor.." Tiger claw said as he brought out his claws..

Spike and the others were heading back to the lair until Mikey realized something.
"Guys, stop!" Mikey warned which made them stop.
"What's wrong Mikey?" Spike asked concerned.
"I feel like i forgot something, something important, it's right on the tip of my tongue!" Mikey said in fear, Spike rolled his eyes as he figured what this could be while the others suggested things.
"Did you forget the extra bag we left at the shop?" Spike asked annoyed and Mikey gasped in realization.
"Yes! That's it! We have to go back!!" Mikey shouted as he ran off and Spike slapped his face while all of them groaned in annoyance.

Spike and the others made it back to the place, but they saw there were claw marks over the walls.
"Whoa.. what happened here?" Spike asked worried.
"Mr Murukami!" Mikey shouted as he saw him cowering behind the desk.
"Mr Murukami! It's me Mikey! Are you okay?!" Mike asked worried.
"What happened here?!" Spike asked helping him up.

"Ugh.. they came looking for you. They wanted to know where you lived, but i didn't know.. they asked about your friends, to my shame, i told them everything i knew.." Murukami said regretfully.
"Who did this?" Raph asked upset at this.
"The girl.. and a growling man.." He said in fear as Spike and Leo looked at the markings.
"Tiger claw is back! And he's going after April and Casey!" Leo said seriously which made them all gasp.

"We need to save April! And Casey.. you know time per minute" Donnie said raising his finger up.
"The girl has gotta be Karai Leo! I told you.." Raph said before Spike shut him up.
"Enough Raph, you always pin the blame on Leo, can't you just share the blame instead of pushing it off shamefully?!" Spike asked in anger which made him flinch.

"April's not picking up her T phone she always answers!" Donnie said worried.
"We'll split up, Me, Donnie and Spike will go to April's place, you and Mikey get to the ice ring and warn Casey." Leo instructed and that had Raph and Mikey run out.
"Why wouldn't she answer her phone?" Donnie asked worried.
"Don't over think it Donnie, come on." Spike said as they started.

April, Casey and their other friend were just walking out of the movie theater and April was going on about how amazing it was.
"I just don't get why our date had a third wheel attached to it." Casey said referring to the one behind him.
"Hello? I'm right here." She said annoyed moving past him.
"That's the problem!" Casey pointed out.

They kept moving for a moment until April's head went off again.
"What? What's wrong?" Casey asked worried.
"We're being followed" April said looking around.
"What?" She asked confused.

"Okay, whatever it is we split up and lead it away from the third wheel here. Plan?" Casey asked seriously.
"Plan." April replied and they ran off.
"Guys, am i missing something?... Well that's just great.." She said crossing her arms.

Casey went back to his home to get his gear and April was currently being chased by Karai again. Casey went into an alleyway and hid behind a dumpster and looked around.
"Yes! Coast is clear. Casey Jones can't be caught." Casey said seriously, he suddenly heard a growl and saw Tiger claw above him.
"Oh.." Casey said shocked as he lunged at him.

Casey was knocked down to the ground for a moment as Tiger claw walked to him, Casey opened his eyes and pulled out his shocker which made him scream in pain, Casey took out his roller skates and went behind him.
"Come no Tiger dude, let's see what you.." Casey said right before Tiger claw stood up and growled with anger.
"Got? You know what, on second thought, i don't need to see what you got!" Casey said in fear as he tried escaping him.

Kirby had gotten out his phone and was trying to call April.
"She's not answering, she always answers." Kirby said getting really worried.
"That's what i said!" Donnie pointed out.
"She might be in trouble, we have to find her!" Spike said worried as well.
"He's right, Kirby said she went to the movies, that's where we start." Leo instructed and Spike started heading in that direction.

Karai landed on another rooftop and saw April running down the streets. April continued to run right until she landed in front of her.
"O neil." Karai said raising her hands up.
"You wanna do this Karai, fine! But i'm warning you, i've been training with Splinter big time, and i'm ready to kick your butt!" April said seriously as she held out her weapon, Karai simply stood up and didn't do anything.
"I didn't come to fight, i came to talk." Karai explained which shocked her.
"Oh.. well i've been trained in that too." April said still confused on this.

Casey was still trying to run away from Tiger claw as he kept on chasing him.
"You know, part of me always wanted to fight a man eating tiger, you know any real ones?" Casey joked as he dodged another attack.
"You think this is some sort of game?!" Tiger claw asked in rage.

"Whoa, yes! Keep away from one eyed freaks! Or we could play a game of crush the cat! Later!" Casey shouted as he pressed on a button and a car lowered down blocking Tiger claw's path. Casey kept on climbing up the shafts but Tiger claw used his jet pack and flew on over to the top. They both got onto the top and Tiger claw drew his sword.
"If i wasn't about to die right now, this would be so cool!" Casey said in fear and amazement.

Karai and April were currently on another rooftop with Karai explaining herself.
"All my life i've been raised to think Shredder was my father, that Splinter was the enemy. So when Leo and Spike told me Splinter was my true father, i refused to accept it, but now.. i'm having doubts about Shredder's honor." Karai explained.
"Really? Doubts about the evil leader of the evil ninja clan?" April asked sarcastically.

"Yes, even now, Shredder has sent Tiger claw to destroy the turtles and Spike, he's trying to use me to set a trap for them. But.. i can't.. even if it means betraying Shredder." Karai explained more which confused her.

Casey screamed as he went onto another rooftop still being chased by Tiger claw.
"Taste exploding pucks!" Casey shouted as he threw some at him, but that barely faced him and he kept chasing him.
"Whoa!" Casey screamed as he slid right into a green house.
"Okay Cat man dude, you wanna do this? Let's do this!" Casey said as he took out his bat.

Casey kept on trying to hit him with his back, but Tiger claw kept backing away from each attack until he grabbed the bat and threw it aside, Casey jumped on a table and leapt on over to the bars and tried attacking form above, but it was blocked once more and Tiger claw grabbed his leg and dangled him over the air.
"You will pay for what you did to me! The suffering you caused, the pain i endured!" Tiger claw said with malice.
"Your not still mad about the whole worm thing are you?" Casey asked nervously.

Tiger claw growled in rage and threw him off the roof, Casey used his skates to slow his fall down until he landed on a dumpster again. Casey groaned weakly and held his hand out and pressed a homing button on his phone.

Raph and Mikey made it to the ice ring, and Raph was looking annoyed as Mikey kept on sliding around the ring like nothing was wrong, Raph's phone suddenly went off and he picked it up.
"Casey? Casey! Casey answer me!" Raph said trying to get a response.
"Somethings wrong Mikey, what do we do?" Raph asked as he leaned over next to him.
"I know exactly what to do!" Mikey said which annoyed Raph.

"We use our phones to triangulate the positions of Casey's T phone by bouncing a locater signal off the satellite" Mikey suggested which surprised Raph.
"That's.. actually a good idea, it's like we're in a completely different world or something.." Raph said shocked.
"You can also track pizza delivery that way, Booyakasha." Mikey said dramatically.

Spike, Leo and Donnie were at the theaters now, but they found no one so far.
"Where are they?" Spike asked as he looked around, Donnie looked on another rooftop and saw April talking with Karai.
"There she is! Come on guys!" Donnie shouted as he and the others went over.

"Get away from her!" Donnie said with anger as they marched to her.
"Leo, Donnie, Spike, wait! You have to believe what she has to sat!" April defended.
"What do you mean by that?" Spike asked curious.
"I believe you both.. i believe that Splinter is my true father." Karai said sadly which shocked them.
"Really?" Spike asked shocked as he felt something was off here.

"I believe that she believes you." April said to them
"I believe.. April." Donnie said which made Spike slap his face again. Leo and Spike looked at Karai who looked hopefully, they both decided that she might be honest.

"This is.. this is great! I knew you'd come around, we'll take you to the lair, to see Master Splinter." Leo said grabbing her hand and they walked off.
"I don't know about this.. i sense somethings off.." Spike said feeling suspicious of this.
" Me too.. but Raph's not gonna believe this.." Donnie said nervously which made him chuckle a little.
"Just imagine his reaction, let's just go." Spike said as he followed them.

We cut back to the lair where they had just told Raph everything.
"I don't believe this! What have you guys done?!" Raph asked in rage, Mikey ran over to Casey who looked extremely injured.
"Casey!" April said worried and she and Spike came up to him.
"What world do you live in, that you think it's okay to bring the princess of the Foot clan to our lair?!" Raph asked furious at him.

"What happened to Casey?" Leo asked worried for him.
"Tiger claw threw him off a building. And you just brought partner and crime home for dinner." Raph said pointing at Karai.
"Shredder lied to me, i didn't know!" Karai said in defense.
"Did you know i'm about to stick this sai right up.." Raph said before Spike knocked them away. While they were arguing, Karai backed up and activated a homing device that gave Tiger claw her location.

"Raph enough, Karai says she believes us, so it's best we give her that chance." Spike argued pushing him back, Raph scoffed and put his weapons away.
"Fine, but if she ends up betraying us, don't say i didn't tell you so!" Raph countered.
"Enough!" Splinter announced and they saw him looking over them, his vision cleared up and he saw Karai next to them.

"Miwa.." Splinter said in shock.
"Splinter.." Karai said with a bow, Splinter smiled for a moment before he started walking off.
"Come with me." Splinter asked which confused her, but she did so anyway, Raph was about to punch Spike's shoulder until he grabbed Raph's hand with his mutant arm and twisted it in response.

Karai followed Splinter into the dojo and saw the large tree that had grown inside, she saw Splinter near a family photo and walked up to him.
"I retain very little from my old life, but this i will never let go, my daughter.." Splinter said as he handed her a photo, the photo showed her mother and Splinter when he was human which completely shocked her.

She looked over and saw a family photo of when she was born.
"I.. i can't believe it.. your telling the truth.. all these years Shredder has been lying to me.." Karai said horrified while she backed up.
"I thought you believed us Karai? Did you.. did you lie?" Spike asked feeling betrayed as he and the others heard all of it.
"Father.. Spike.. what have i done?!" Karai asked horrified, Tiger claw was following the homing signal and growled in rage.

Tiger claw landed on the floor and looked around.
"Reptiles, where are you?" Tiger claw said as he sniffed them out and saw the manhole cover.
"Underground. In the sewers!" Tiger claw said with anger.

"You had to see it with your own eyes, you had to learn the truth for yourself." Splinter said to Karai who was still in shock.
"You knew.. you knew i was lying.." Karai said regretfully.
"No doubt Shredder's forces are on they're way." Splinter said seriously.

"Karai, why? I thought you said you'd trust me, i thought we were friends!" Spike said upset at her.
"I'm sorry Spike.. truly.. But i need to get out of here now, i can lead Tiger claw away from here!" Karai said in fear.
"Well what are we waiting for?! Let's move!" Spike shouted as he and the others ran off as fast as they could.

Casey was still out of it while April looked over him.
"Do you think he's gonna be okay?" April asked worried as Splinter walked in.
"Ugh.. April.. why'd you have to bring Irma again? She's so nasty.." Casey asked weakly as he was finally waking up.

Spike and the others were making they're way through trying to lead Tiger claw away, Tiger claw growled with rage and followed the homing device, they all came into an open area and all stopped to think of a plan.
"Well princess, you got us into this, where to?" Raph asked still upset at her. Karai was breathing heavily trying to think of something.

"I.. i don't know.." Karai said in fear.
"It'll be alright, we just need to think of something." Spike assured trying to find an idea.
"Everyone stop! I know exactly where to go!" Mikey said confidently which confused them.
"I feel scarred.." Donnie said really confused.

Mikey had led the others into a meet house where everything was frozen, Tiger claw growled in anger as he looked around for them.
"I can't smell you, but i can hear you." Tiger claw said with anger, a shadow passed by him and he turned around.
"Show yourselves!" He shouted with hate. Spike snuck by behind him and vanished again.
"They're stalking me.." Tiger claw told himself, he took out his sword and began looking around.

Spike jumped out of the shadows and kicked him in the face which made him cut apart a piece of meat.
"Are you afraid to face me?!" Tiger claw asked before another hit greeted his face.
"Are you afraid to fight me?!" Tiger claw asked again, his ear twitched and this time he caught Raph by the leg and threw him down and caught his weapon. He saw Spike and the others using the pieces of meat to vanish and sneak across the place.

"Let us finish this." Tiger claw said as he backed into the kitchen, Spike drew his sword and all of them walked into it as well. The lights suddenly flickered on and off and they vanished before him as they turned on again. Tiger claw growled and he was greeted by a strong punch to the face from Spike's mutant arm again. Tiger claw growled and stood up.
"So, you are a real dragon? I have seen many things, but a real dragon isn't one of them, i hope you don't disappoint me." Tiger claw said gripping his sword.
"Well i assure you i won't!" Spike said seriously drawing his own.

Spike and Tiger claw screamed as they clashed swords with eachother, Spike backflipped over another slash from him and he delivered an uppercut in response. Raph and Leo appeared from the shadows and started fighting him to, he blocked an attack from they're weapons before he used his strength to throw them across the room. Donnie landed on the table and swung his staff at him, but Tiger claw grabbed it with his mouth and threw Donnie down as well. He was about to stab him until a chain wrapped around his arm, he saw Mikey holding him back against the saw and he tried breaking free.

This led Raph and Spike to jump into the air and continue to attack him, Spike ducked under a slash from his sword and he grabbed his hand before freeing Raph's sai from it.
"Here you go." Spike said handing Raph his weapon.
"Thank you." Raph said before they charged at him again.

Tiger claw saw Leo on the top of the lamp and saw he was about to strike, he used this to cut himself free from the chain and Mikey went flying into the freezer again. Spike and the others kept on trying to fight him, but he was strong and knocking him all down. Raph and Tiger claw glared at eachother before Mikey came back in and saw he was knocked down too. Mikey screamed as Tiger claw grabbed him and pinned him down.

Leo tried attacking him one more time before Tiger claw delivered another strong punch to him and sent him against the table, Tiger claw held out his sword in his face and Karai landed down.
"Karai, would you like the honor of finishing him?" Tiger claw asked him, Karai closed her eyes before having a serious look.
"I have no honor, but that's about to change!" Karai shouted drawing her sword.

She proceeded to deliver a strong kick which knocked him out of balance, Karai lunged in the air and tried attacking him again, but he grabbed her sword and held her against the saw. She used her reflexes to recover from it and land back on her feet. She tried to attack him again, but Tiger claw had enough and punched her to the wall and knocked her out.
"Karai!" Spike shouted with horror as he picked her up and looked at them.
"If you value her life, do not take another step." He warned as he pressed another button.

This activated a grinder right next to him and Spike and the others hesitated to rush in.
"Just as i thought." Tiger claw said as he put her over his shoulder.
"Karai!!" Spike shouted in horror as he escaped through a window.
"Guys! We have to save her!" Spike said worried, but he saw Mikey was badly hurt again and the others were helping him.

"Wow.. i think his shell was knocked lose.. we have to get him back to Master Splinter.." Donnie said as his body was badly bruised again.
"Karai.." Leo said worried with Spike looking down regretfully.
"I still don't trust her." Raph said upset at them.
"Are you kidding? She saved us!" Leo said in anger.
"What is wrong with you Raph? It doesn't matter if she was raised by Shredder, she chose to save us, she wouldn't fully be on her side if she did. You need to learn to open up Raph." Spike said crossing his arms, Raph looked down feeling ashamed as Spike and Leo looked back worried for her.
"We'll save you soon Karai, i promise.." Spike swore as he hoped he can save her soon..

We cut back to Shredder's lair where Tiger claw explained everything.
"She has betrayed you Master Shredder. She fought alongside the turtles and dragon." Tiger claw said as Shredder looked over the city again.
"Tell me the truth! Splinter is my father isn't he?!" Karai asked with rage. Shredder didn't respond and he walked down over to her.

"Yes. Hamato Yoshi is your true father." Shredder answered which shocked her again.
"What?!" Karai asked as she looked down on the floor in disbelief.
"Tiger claw, take her away!" Shredder ordered. Tiger claw grabbed her shoulder and we cut to her being thrown in a prison cell and saw them walking away.
"No, no what are you doing?! No!!!!" Karai shouted with horror as she was left alone..

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