• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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62: The Foretold Trap

Raph groans in pain as he wakes up in a place he doesn't know.
"Where am i?" Raph asks as his voice echoed in his head, he holds his head in pain as he tries to remember what happened.
"I can't remember.." Raph said holding his head before he sees himself in a cell of sorts.
"How did i get here? No doors or windows.." Raph said with worry trying to find a way out, but something started to happen, the bricks on the walls started to move all around him, opening up a hole of sorts which revealed to be a furnace of sorts which made things heat up in here.
"Things are getting hotter.. there's no.. way.. out.." Raph said weakly as he passed out again still not knowing what's happening..

6 hours earlier..

We cut to a shot where Donnie was in his lab trying to figure out the brain worm once again.
"How's it going Donnie? Any luck?" Raph asked as he, Spike and Splinter were hoping for good news.
"I've been able to sympathize the neurotoxin based on your blood sample." Donnie explained holding out another DNA sample.
"Ooh pretty, you think it'll work on Karai?" Mikey asked looking at the orange jar.
"This could save her right?" Spike asked hopefully too.
"We're about to find out.." Donnie said as he put a single drop into the vile, they all waited for a few seconds hoping it would work, but the liquid turned black and burst out of the vile making it a failure.

"Oh..." Donnie said frustrated that they failed again.
"Another failed attempt.." Psiona said sadly that this didn't work.
"Donnie, you tried your best buddy. Even if it totally sucked." Mikey said trying to help him, but Donnie slammed his fists on the table in frustration.
"It's useless! I'm not even close! I can't do it! This brain worm is impossible!" Donnie said frustrated on all of this.
"So.. we may not be able to.." Spike asked not wanting to finish that sentence.
"I'm.. afraid so.. i don't think there's anything i can do.." Donnie said sadly which made them all look regretful.

"I know how hard you and Spike have tried Donatello, but somethings are just beyond our control, at least i have you all." Splinter said as he and Spike went out of the room.
"Sorry Spike.." Jaqueline said with regret as she followed him for comfort.

Leo and the other turtles were getting out of the lab, but Leo wasn't wanting to give up.
"Donnie, you know how much this means to sensei." Leo argued coming up to him.
"Leo, Spike and i are trying as hard as we can, we've had to multitask with Spike's mutant form too, i think it's getting worse.." Donnie said with worry looking at a picture of Spike's brain.
"Well, can't you two try harder or something?" Leo asked hopefully which made Donnie snap hearing this.
"Try harder?! Spike and i always have to find the solution! Your the leader Leo! You find the answer! Or what about Raph?!" Donnie shouted with frustration looking at him.
"I've got an answer for ya! Karai's a lost cause!" Raph shouted with frustration.
"Don't say that!" Mikey shouted as they all started to argue as one of their T phones went off.

Donnie noticed the phone go off and went over to pick it up.
"Um April, now is really not the best time..." Donnie said nervously as the other's argued in the background with Psiona about to shush them.
"Donnie, i need to talk to you about something important, alone. I need you to meet me.." April said on the other side before Splinter shushed them all as he and Spike walked in.

"What is going on here?" Splinter asked upset at this arguing.
"We heard you from the dojo." Spike asked curious as well, Donnie looked at the others and didn't say anything.
"Nothing guys, i'm heading out, April needs me." Donnie said heading to the exit.
"Your needed here now Donnie! Donnie?" Leo asked as Donnie got in a small vehicle they had and drove off.
"Donnie!" Leo shouted as they all saw him leave.
"My sons, you cannot drive eachother apart, in times like these, unity is important. do not forget the most basic lesson, an effective team thinks as one." Splinter advised.
"You won't solve anything unless you work together, trust me guys, i know." Spike added as this is something he's seen before.
"Come on son, let's see if we can find this out on our own.." Psiona said as she and Spike went back to Donnie's lab to try and find something.

Donnie drove through the streets at fast speeds heading to where April told him to be, he went into a sketchy alleyway and got out trying to call her.
"Donnie.." April whispered which got his attention.
"April!" Donnie shouted in shock as she was near a hatch.
"The Kraang are back." April said seriously opening a hatch that brought out a pink light behind her.
"We gotta tell the others!" Donnie said about to call them.
"There's no time! They're about to get away, we gotta move!" April shouted running inside the place which made Donnie go after her.
"April wait! What.. what the.. AHH!!" Donnie screamed as something caught him off guard and the hatch traps him inside..

Splinter was in the dojo, walking on a little wheel he had to concentrate.
"Sensei, i just want you to know, i'm not gonna give up on Karai, or Spike, no matter what." Leo said seriously which made him stop walking for a moment. Splinter walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder for comfort.
"Could maybe.. the ancient scrolls work on her, the Healing Hands? Or Spike and Psiona's powers? Perhaps combining them together can free her." Leo suggested which might work.
"Hmm.. it is possible, but i am not certain even i have the ability's. Psiona's power is strong yes, but with her son more venerable, it could come at a cost to save her.." Splinter said with concern as he looked at his scroll.

Spike and Mikey were in the kitchen playing with Ice Cream kitty, Spike needed time to think as this situation was extremely tough. They were playing a card game and the cat got the edge on him.
"That makes kitty here the winner." Spike said playfully rubbing his head.
"No fair! Where'd you get a Gallopop?!" Mikey asked frustrated at this, and the cat made a funny response.
"You be a snoozer, you be a loser." The cat meowed with subtitles being seen to translate.
"Burn!!" Spike said laughing hard at this which made Mikey get upset and he tried getting the card back until his phone went off with Donnie on the screen.. with the time Big foot kissed him as a photo.

"D, what up dude where have you been?" Mikey asked casually which got Spike's attention.
"Is everything alright?" Spike asked hoping to get something too.
"Hey Mikey, meet me at Murukami's, he's made this special Pizza Gyoza you gotta try dude! And listen, you can't tell the other's, he only has a sample for you and me." Donnie said strangely which got Spike's attention.
"That kinda makes me feel bad... okay i'm over it! See you soon!" Mikey said hanging his phone up.
"Mikey wait, wasn't Donnie going to meet April? Why would he be at Murukami's and not mention she was there with him?" Spike asked as this wasn't right.

"Probably was too afraid to hide his date, see you later dude!" Mikey said going out of the kitchen.
"Mikey wait!" Spike shouted trying to make him stop, but he was already gone making Spike groan in annoyance while the cat meowed some more.
"How much you willing to bet to say Mikey's gonna get in trouble?" Spike asked looking at the cat.
"I'd say... 20 bucks." The cat meowed again having subtitles on screen again.
"Sometimes keeping focus is hard with this, so you wanna go at a round?" Spike asked holding up a card with his tail.
"Sure!" The cat meowed holding out another set.

Mikey proceeded to head over to Murukami's, he slid down the stairs above the building and entered the place.
"Mr Murukami, what up?!" Mikey announced going to the new food.
"Greetings Michelangelo, these are for you, each one has a unique mixture of cheeses and.." Murukami said right before Mikey ate them all instantly.
"Aw yeah! That was aweso.. oh! ooh!" Mikey said in pain as his stomach grumbled roughly and his body felt weak.
"What's happening?!.. ugh.. poison" Mikey said in pain as he fell on the floor as Murukami walked up to him.
"Do not worry Michelangelo, it is not poison. Simply chemicals to give you a nice, little.. nap.." Murukami said as his vision was starting to fade.
" Evil.. delicious.. but evil..." Mikey said in pain as he passed out from the chemicals..

April had walked into the lair and announced her presence.
"Hey guys! Guys?" April asked looking around the room. Spike and Jaqueline came out of the kitchen while Raph and Leo and Psiona came out of the dojo too.
"Hey April.. where's Donnie?" Leo asked curiously not seeing him here.
"Um.. i don't know." April answered confused on this.
"I thought you and him were meeting somewhere?" Jaqueline asked worried on this.
"I haven't seen him all day." April said as Leo's T phone went off now and Mikey was on the picture with a text saying the Kraang are back.

"It's Mikey, he says he's spotted a Kraang and followed it down to an old warehouse." Leo reported which shocked all of them.
"That shouldn't be possible, the Kraang are stuck in Dimension X now, they shouldn't be back!" Psiona said frustrated to know this.
"They can't just have appeared like this.." Jaqueline said with interest on this.
"This must be a Kraang sleeper cell." Leo said putting his phone away.
"Then let's tuck em in and say goodnight!" Raph said bashing his fists together.

"Doesn't this whole thing seem weird?" April asked sensing somethings off.
"She's right, Mikey went out an hour back and hasn't come back, and just before that Donnie said he went to meet her somewhere, somethings wrong." Spike said worried on this too.
"April and Spike are right. If she did not call Donatello, then who did?" Splinter asked suspiciously.
"I was thinking the same thing, it could be a trap! Okay April, you stay here with Spike, Jaqueline and Psiona." Leo instructed looking at her.
"Stay here? Forget that! I'm coming with." April said putting her purse down.
"I'm coming too, something's wrong, i'm not just gonna stand around." Spike said slithering up to them
"Okay but stay close!" Leo said as they started to leave.

"Be diligent, i sense something dire on the horizon!" Splinter warned as they left them alone. Psiona's senses were going off which meant something was wrong.
"This isn't good guys, i'm sensing something bad is coming too.." Psiona said worried holding her head.
"It could be a trap to lure them somewhere, we gotta be careful with this." Jaqueline said worried on this.
"Be careful son.." Psiona said with worry as her senses were warning her of something..

Leo, Spike and the other turtles made they're way to the warehouse, the lights were off and they all kept they're guard up while sneaking around.
"Mikey! Donnie!" Leo said with worry as he saw them tied up.
"Guys! Thank goodness! Hurry, get us out of here!" Donnie said worried trying to escape.
"Hold on! We got you!" Raph said as they landed down and ran to them until April and Spike sensed something.
"Guys wait! Somethings wrong!" Spike warned as his head hurt again.
"Wait guys, don't!" April warned as they tried touching them, but they were holograms and they vanished which surprised all of them, a mic suddenly went off and they heard a familiar voice on screen

"Well i was expecting only Leonardo and Spike, but having the rest of you here made it so much easier." Karai said as she mimicked Donnie's voice and she and the clones were standing above them.
"Karai?" Leo asked in shock seeing this.
"You did this?" Spike asked shocked as they had the holograms near them.
"Cool right? With just a little staging i managed to capture you all. Baxter Stockman managed to hack into your T phone signal, and he loaded them into his mousers. It was my idea to use these holograms." Karai said as the holograms faded away.

"Now that i have all of you, Splinter will have no choice to fight me, for your lives!" Karai said sinisterly.
"Free our brother's now!" Raph demanded drawing his weapons.
"Do not make us fight you Karai!" Spike shouted getting ready to fight too.
"I'm afraid that's not happening Raphael and Spike, my friends won't allow it." Karai said as Rocksteady burst down some crates and they saw all they're foes surround them.
"Greetings little ones!" Tiger claw said menacingly smashing his fists together as they all landed down to them.
"Aw sewer apples!" April said annoyed drawing her weapon.
"I knew something was off!" Spike said seriously drawing his katana.

"Aw yeah! It's on like King Kong!" Bebop shouted throwing another blast at them, Spike slithered out of the way and tried fighting off Tiger claw who was firing multiple blasts at him, Raph was hit hard in the head by Rocksteady which knocked him out, Leo was trying to fight Rahzar too but Rocksteady came in and April was trying to fight off Fishface but was being overwhelmed.
"April there's to many of them, get out of here! You've gotta warn Master Splin.." Leo shouted trying to hold Rahzar back before Raph was thrown into him and knocked him down, Spike was jumped by Rocksteady and was kicked hard in the body which knocked him to the wall making him drop his weapon.

"Not so tough are you snake?" Rocksteady taunted bashing his fists together, Spike tried to get up, but was hit in the head again knocking him down even more. April tried to escape the place, but was jumped by Karai and was knocked down.
"If it isn't the little wannabe Kunoichi, always trying!" Karai mocked before she kicked her in the head to knock her out.
"April!" Leo shouted with worry right before Rocksteady ran into him knocking him down. Raph tried a last attempt to escape, but was hit in the head by a hammer from Rocksteady and was knocked down. Rocksteady laughed evilly as Raph passed out from the pain as they marched to him..

Raph groaned in pain as he finally woke up from that memory.
"Now i remember.." Raph said in pain getting back up as a camera was watching him.
"Greetings turtles, it's time to play a game, each of you has been placed in a room with a unique trap." Karai said as she was watching the 4 in separate cameras while April was tied up behind her.
"Doesn't seem like your style Karai." Raph replied looking up at the camera.
"Oh we all had imputes. Isn't that right Xever?" Karai asked turning to him.

"I helped design yours personally Raphael. Everyone loves baked turtle.." Fishface said sinisterly.
"Oh i will stick my foot up your..!!" Raph warned before Karai stopped him.
"Raphael, your in the first trap. Properly called the Hot Head. Can you figure a way out?" Karai taunted as Raph kicked the wall in frustration.
"Hello Leonardo and Spike." Karai greeted as they woke up within the same cell.

"Karai?" They both asked at once trying to find a way out.
"Welcome to the courage slayer! To save your brother's you'll have to face ninja blades as skilled as your own." Karai said as a device emerged from the ceiling and began to lower down.
"Which isn't all that formidable, so i cranked the speed up to 100!" Karai taunted as the blades emerged from the device and spun around at fast speeds.
"Karai! Don't do this! This isn't you!" Spike shouted as they tried to escape.
"Oh but i do Spike, your mind is said to be vulnerable right now. Let's see if this will break you!" Karai mocked as they both tried to escape.

Donnie was freaking out as he was strapped to a chair with a helmet full of dozens of wires attached to it.
"Donatello, are you smart enough to beat the Brain Boggler?" Karai taunted again as he found himself in a video game like place.
"Connect the pieces to make the blocks disappear, make a mistake, and you get zapped!" Karai said sinisterly as Donnie got crushed by a block and was electrocuted on the outside.
"Get zapped enough times, and you'll truly know what it feels like to be brain fried!" Karai taunted again.
"Ahh, cheers Karai, another excellent villain pun!" Fishface said impressed with this which annoyed Rahzar.
"Stop kissing butt!" Rahzar mocked which offended him.

Mikey woke up with a gasp as he found himself strapped somewhere too.
"Last we have the Flush O Matich. Once the tanks are full, the flush valve will open and dump mutagen all over your poor little Michelangelo!" Karai mocked as Mikey tried to escape.
"First up, gross! Second, who came up with the lame name?" Mikey taunted which offended Bebop.
"Blame Rocksteady i mean Steranko, and that name was tight!" Bebop said offended at this.
"Figures, you guys have no imagination! I mean if i were an evil villain, i'd try to come up with something cool like.. The Flush of Fear, the Toilet of Terror, Ooh! The Dump of Doom!" Mikey said dramatically.
"I told you that name needed some work!" Bebop shouted turning to Rocksteady.
"Kinda liking the Dump of Doom, it's nice!" Rocksteady said impressed.

"Good luck Turtles and Spike, and good riddance!" Karai finished coming off the mic.
"Let them go Karai! Your under the control of a brain worm, Shredder's using you!" April shouted trying to escape her chains.
"Lies! The only thing greater then watching the turtles demise is for Splinter to bare witness it! Right before i finish him off!" Karai said with anger with April looking worried.

Psiona, Jaqueline and Splinter were in the dojo again, and Psiona was really getting worried for her son.
"Son, where are you?" Psiona asked worried trying to get his location with her powers.
"You think they're in trouble?" Jaqueline asked worried for him.
"They may be.. my senses are going off, something is wrong.." Psiona said trying to locate him until the Cheese phone went off. They went over to the phone for Splinter to pick it up.
"Mushi Mushi?" Splinter asked waiting for a response.

"Splinter!" April said on the other side which worried him.
"April?! What is wrong?" Splinter asked worried with Psiona and Jaqueline worried to.
"The turtles and Spike are in a trap, but so are you!" April warned which shocked all of them.
"What?!" Psiona asked with horror hearing this.
"But, how is that possible?!" Jaqueline asked worried until someone else came on the other side.
"Hello Splinter." Karai said from the other side.
"Miwa?" Splinter asked in shock hearing this.

The blades were cutting through the walls while Spike and Leo were still trapped.
"Leo! What do we do?!" Spike shouted trying to avoid the blades.
"I don't know! Where are the others?!" Leo shouted with worry looking around.
"We're here! On the other side!" Raph shouted from the other wall.
"Raph! You can hear us?!" Leo shouted holding his ear on the wall.
"Where are you?!" Spike shouted trying to find him.
"I think your both above me!" Raph shouted as Donnie screamed from being electrocuted again.

"Donnie!" Spike and Leo shouted with worry as they heard him breath heavily.
"Leo! Spike! I can hear you through the vents! I'm in some kind of trap!" Donnie shouted trying to escape too.
"Dudes, i'm on my back! I don't know where anyone is!" Mikey shouted trying to find them.
"We gotta help eachother, work together!" Leo shouted as more furnaces appeared in Raph's room heating the place up even more.
"Oh that's not good.." Raph said with fear seeing the room get even hotter.

Rocksteady was marching through the sewers on patrol waiting for Splinter. Rocksteady heard a loud growl of rage and turned around aiming his weapon in a dark tunnel, the growl was heard again as a pair of green eyes open and streams of fire begin to come from the creature.
"Nyet!" Rocksteady shouted with fear as he was hit with a massive fire blast that knocked him to the wall. Psiona emerged from the darkness and growled with fury, she grabbed him by the neck and turned her arm into a blade.
"Where is my son!?" Psiona asked with fury as Splinter and Jaqueline came out too. Bebop tried to attack Splinter, but he was able to sense him and send him spinning around.
"This is for my boyfriend!!" Jaqueline shouted with rage as she hit him in the head with her hammer and knocked him out. Psiona growled with more malice as she slammed Rocksteady to the wall even more, she had enough of him and threw him across the tunnel hard which made a loud crash to knock him out.
"Come on, i sense him this way!" Psiona shouted as they ran through another tunnel to find them.

Raph was banging his fists on the wall trying to escape this room of his as even more heat was coming into the room.
"Leo, Spike, what do we do?" Raph asked worried breathing heavily from the heat.
"We need some serious sciency stuff Donnie!" Leo shouted as the blades were lowering even closer to them.
"And we need them now!" Spike shouted ducking under the blades.
"I can't think, if i make another focus i'm gonna get zapped again!" Donnie said with fear as he tried to escape the blocks, but was soon crushed again which shocked him once more.

"I'm about to double mutate! I'm scarred of what i'm gonna turn into!" Mikey shouted in fear as the tanks were rising even more, and he had a horrific thought go through his head of seeing himself as a girl.
"Ahh!! Get me out of here!!" Mikey shouted with horror trying to escape.

Psiona, Splinter and Jaqueline managed to make it to the place Spike and the others were being held at, Psiona sensed something coming from behind her and immediately slammed her metal arm against Rahzar who tried attacking them.
"You'll have to think harder then that freak." Psiona mocked throwing him into the water.
"You two save Spike and the other's, i'll deal with her." Splinter ordered getting in his fighting stance.
"Got it, come on!" Jaqueline shouted as she and Psiona went to save them, Tiger claw tried to stop them, but Psiona was not having it and knocked him down with rage.
"NEVER get in the way of a mother and her son!" Psiona shouted knocking him out while Splinter went to fight Karai.

Raph groaned even more as the heat was too much.
"I'm finished guys, i'm baked turtle.." Raph said weakly about to pass out. Mikey screamed in fear as he was about to be mutated again, but just barely got a drop away from him.
"It's impossible dudes! I don't even have a way out!" Mikey shouted in fear as Donnie was shocked once more before he finally got something.
"Guys listen! It's very possible all the mechanical electronics and circuits are tied to eachother!" Donnie shouted as Spike and Leo crouched down even more.
"Of course! Leo come on! We can get out of here!" Spike shouted as he went under the device.
"Good idea!" Leo shouted as they held the thing back with all their strength.

This made the device drill itself into the floor and they screamed as they fell below the room and ended up in the furnace room.
"Raph!" Spike said with worry as he and Leo picked him up.
"Are you okay?" Leo asked worried as he was barely awake, Raph weakly gave a thumbs up as a response.
"We gotta get out of here! Any ideas?" Spike asked looking around, the walls shook violently all of a sudden which surprised them.
"What is that?" Leo shouted in fear as the walls shook even more, until the wall besides them was burst down and it was revealed to be Psiona and Jaqueline.

"Mom! Jaqueline!" Spike said in relief as he went to give them a hug.
"Son/Spike!" They said at once as they returned it while the heaters went off finally making Raph sigh in relief.
"How did you guys find us?" Leo asked worried helping Raph up.
"We got the call from April, Splinter's fighting off Karai the best he can, we went to help you!" Jaqueline answered looking really worried.
"What? Splinter's fighting Karai? By himself?" Spike asked worried on this.
"I know it's worrying, but i know he can handle it, we have to get the other's out." Psiona said trying to find the other turtles.
"Karai's still under control, i won't let that brain worm harm her anymore!" Spike shouted with anger as he began to slither off to where Splinter was.
"Spike wait!!" Jaqueline shouted right before he jumped off the ledge to help Splinter.
"Son!" Psiona shouted with worry as she tried to go after him.
"He'll be fine! Come on! We gotta help the other's!" Leo shouted as he went to help the others too.

Splinter was fighting Karai on the platform again while April was watching.
"Come on Splinter, you can do it!" April encouraged as she picked her chains locks to free herself.
"Karai!!" Spike shouted with anger as he jumped off the ledge, they both looked above them and saw Spike land down between Splinter and Karai to stop this.
"Spike! Your okay!" April shouted in relief.
"Impressive Spike, seems you escaped the trap! You really are lucky!" Karai mocked as she tried attacking him, but Spike coiled around her body and Splinter held her hands down.
"Miwa, do not make us fight you!" Splinter begged trying to hold her back.
"You do not want this! I know you Karai, fight it!" Spike shouted as she tried breaking free.

Karai only hissed like a snake in response and finally broke free from Spike, she turned her hand into a snake hand again and they watched as she transformed into her snake form once again, really showing her and Spike's similarities.
"You both have no choice!!" Karai hissed towering over them, Spike's own snake hands hissed as well as Spike got ready to fight.
"Remember who you are Karai!" Spike shouted as he and Karai charged at eachother with Splinter by Spike's side.

Spike and Splinter dodged Karai's snake hands and Spike wrapped his tail around her arms and pulled him to her, Splinter joined in and delivered multiple strikes to her chest which sent her flying to the console, this activated some switches and it caused the water below them to start draining. Karai hissed at Spike who hissed at her back as he tried pushing her down.
"Karai, break free from that brain worm! You know you wouldn't want to hurt us!" Spike shouted trying to get through to her.
"Stop lying! I know what i want!!" Karai shouted as she lunged at them again.

Psiona punched down another wall to try and get to the other's.
"What the?" Leo asked in shock as they saw Mikey tied up.
"Guys! Help me!" Mikey shouted in fear as the tanks were full and he was about to be mutated.
"Hold on!!" Jaqueline shouted as she broke his shackles to free him right before he was mutated. They all quickly got to the top of the room as the mutagen flooded the bottom afterwards.
"We gotta get to Donnie!" Leo shouted looking upwards.

Donnie was running through the game grid trying to escape this place.
"No!" Donnie shouted in fear as another block landed on him and he got zapped once again just as Psiona and the other's got into the room.
"I'll cut you lose!" Leo shouted about to slice the wires.
"No! The helmet is totally wired! If you try to free me, you'll fry me!" Donnie shouted in fear before he was zapped once more which worried them all.

"What do we do?!" Jaqueline shouted with worry trying to find an idea.
"Don't worry guys i got this! I got like 50 puzzle apps on my T phone!" Mikey assured as he grabbed the helmet and began to get zapped. Donnie screamed in fear as a block almost crushed him again right before a giant hand knocked it away, Donnie looked above him and saw a huge version of Mikey towering above him.
"Mikey!" Donnie shouted in relief as Mikey made a deep laugh from the game, in the real world, Mikey was being zapped violently as he finally ripped off the helmet and freed Donnie finally,
"Mikey.. your awesome!" Donnie said in huge relief looking at him.
"Yeah, i was born with naturally rare awesomeness. "Mikey said right as he fell over from all the sparks.

Spike and Splinter were still fighting Karai as the other's were finally free.
"Surrender my daughter! You are defeated, my sons are free!" Splinter argued facing against her.
"They'll come for you too, you won't stand a chance! Please!" Spike begged trying to help her.
"I'll never surrender to you two! Never!" Karai shouted as she lunged at Spike and knocked them both into the draining water.
"Spike!" Splinter shouted with worry as he could see their tail's within the water.

Karai was lunging at Spike from multiple directions within the water, Spike kept his guard up and knocked her away while trying to stay in the surface. The water was draining fast, and he needed to get out of here. Splinter finally had enough and began to use the Healing Hand technique to try and save her. Karai lunged at Spike from the water and pinned him to the wall, Spike tried to escape from her grasp as she kept trying to bite at his neck.
"I need to snap her out of it! If i have to sacrifice myself to save her.. so be it!" Spike shouted within his mind as Karai lunged at him one more time, Spike opened his eyes and had a serious face right before he ducked under Karai's attack within the water. Spike hissed at her from the side and swam upwards at fast speeds which made them go flying out of the water an into the air.
"You are Miwa, you are Hamato Yoshi's daughter! Remember yourself Karai!" Spike shouted as he put his hands on her head, Splinter kept preparing the technique as they were falling to the ground, Splinter's body glowed brightly and finally got ready.
"I love you my Miwa, my daughter!" Splinter shouted as he placed his fingers right on Karai's head, Spike's eyes glowed white as well as he tried using his powers to break her free. Karai hissed with pain as the brain worm within her was overwhelmed by the power within her mind making it vanish.

Karai screamed with pain as her arms coiled around her while Spike and Splinter landed down.
"Karai!!" Spike shouted with horror as she was about to fall of the ledge, Karai screamed as she was knocked over the ledge and almost fell into the water, but Splinter tried to save her by grabbing her hand, but the water pressure was to strong and it caused Karai to be pulled into the water.
"No!!" Spike shouted with terror as they saw her fall in and vanish within the pipe.
"Miwa! No!!" Splinter shouted with horror too as April held him back from going after her.

"Your victory has come at a price Yoshi san!" Tiger claw taunted as he was about to fire at them, but Psiona flew down and knocked his gun out of his hand.
"Sensei! Spike!" Leo shouted as he and the other's went down to them.
"Get away from my son!" Psiona shouted with rage as she delivered a strong punch to him which sent him flying out of the area.

Spike groaned with pain as he held his head from that move he did.
"Spike! Are you okay?" Jaqueline asked worried helping him up.
"I'm.. okay.. my head.. hurts.." Spike said holding his head from this while trying to hold back his tears from losing Karai.
"It'll be okay son.. what matter's is your okay.." Psiona said picking him up to hug him.
"I take it all of you are safe?" Splinter asked worried feeling really upset from this.
"What happened sensei?" Leo asked worried for him.

"She forced me and Spike into combat, but the healing hands i used were meant to help her, not harm her. I fear.. i will never see Miwa again.." Splinter said with regret.
"Never give up hope, that was the greatest lesson you taught me as a kid sensei." Leo assured patting his back.
"He's right.. we'll see her again.. one day.." Spike said weakly trying to get back up too, Splinter looked over all of them and smiled gratefully to them.
"Come, let us go home.." Splinter said getting back up.
"Son, are you alright? I'm sensing your heads in pain.." Psiona asked worried looking at him.
"I'm fine.. my mind is still in tact, it doesn't feel as weak anymore in fact.. hopefully i'll be fine.." Spike replied rubbing his head with his snake hand.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll find a way, maybe Karai can help one day when we see her again.." Jaqueline assured helping him up as they began to leave.
"Yeah.. one day.." Spike said hopefully as they all went home..

Within another part of the sewers, Karai groaned with pain as she finally got out of the water she fell into, Karai breathed heavily as she finally began to cough out the brain worm and threw it out as it hissed at her, Karai crushed the thing finally and breathed heavily as she was finally freed, wondering where to go next..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! I did like this episode as it gave a tough challenge for the turtles, but what's also sad is that Karai wasn't seen again until the second half of season 4, it was sad we didn't see her much after this, but it was nice that Karai is free now. She'll tie into Spike's mind later down the line, and i'll make sure it's not forgotten, i hope you all liked this and look forward to more!

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