• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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8: Never Say Xever

We open to a shot of New York where the camera zooms to a building with a clock on the top, we cut inside the building where the Shredder was looking over the city.

"Hamato Yoshi's disciples are turtles?" Shredder asked as Chris was bowing behind him as Xever came into the room.
"And yet they somehow managed to beat you?" Shredder asked in anger.
"Not just turtles, man sized turtles, trained in ninjutsu. And i almost had them." Chris explained

"Till you led us into their trap, if you'd let me take them down when i wanted" Xever said annoyed.
"Then we'd never find Hamato or capture that dragon!" Chris argued back.
"Silence!" Shredder ordered as he came walking down to them.

"You were such a promising student." Shredder said as he pulled out one of his blades and held it by his neck.
"I expected much more of you" Shredder said in disgust.
"Sensei, give me another chance. I will not fail you again." Chris begged, Shredder thought for a moment before pulling away.

"No you won't. Xever your in charge" Shredder explained and Xever smirked.
"I will not take orders from gutter trash!" Chris said annoyed.
"Is that so?" Shredder threatened as he brought out his blades again.
"Unless you want me to master." Chris said backpaddling.

"I've already put word on the streets to watch for the turtles and dragon, and when i'm find them, i'll peel them out of they're shells and drop them on your knees." Xever said with anger.
"destroy the turtles, capture the dragon and bring him to me." Shredder ordered.
"Yes Master Shredder" They both said at once before they got up and left

We cut to the rooftops at night where Spike and the others were currently running across them once again, Leo leapt down to the streets and peeked around a corner and saw April walking ahead
"You guys wanna speed it up a little?" April asked annoyed.

"Are you saying turtles are slow?" Donnie asked offended
"That's a hurtful stereotype." Mikey said a little hurt as he and Raph were near the Movie theater .
"Trust us April, we are better off keeping a low profile." Leo told her.

"You've seen a couple people freak out easily from the others, just imagine what happens if they see a real dragon with a bunch of giant mutant turtles." Spike told her as he landed on the sidewalk.
"Sorry guys, i'm just so excited to get you guys out of the sewers for the change" April explained.

"What are you talking about? We go out all the time." Raph asked confused.
"She means when it comes to not having our other missions Raph." Spike explained.
"Exactly! You guys are gonna be doing something else besides hitting people." April explained.
"Aww.." Raph said disappointed.

"At least i can finally interact in a non violent way with others outside of the turtles and Splinter finally." Spike said as he had been doing that pretty much since he got broken out of his cell.
" Don't worry guys, your gonna love this noodle place i found." April explained
"And your sure we'll be welcome?" Donnie asked nervously.

"Oh yeah, Mr. Murakami doesn't care what you look like. In fact he won't even know what you look like, he's blind." April explained and they all looked interested.
"Awesome!" Mikey said eagerly before Raph smacked his head while Spike was shaking his head in disapproval .
"I mean.. for us obviously." Mikey said nervously.

The 6 of them had just arrived at the shop but to they're surprise they saw a bunch of thugs fighting inside.
"Oh no!" April said in worry as they ran up to it.
"Who are those creeps?" Donnie asked with the others wanting to know.
"The Purple Dragons, they think they own the streets around here." April explained and Spike growled in anger.

"I'm not gonna let people like them harm others, especially with a name like that!" Spike said as he was ready to fight, they could hear the fight go on inside and were outside the door.

"So much for not hitting people tonight." Leo said sarcastic, Raph grinned as he said that.
"Oh well." Raph replied as they burst inside with they're stances.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted, the thugs stopped what they're doing and looked at them confused.
"All right let him go, you don't want any trouble" Leo warned.
"We on the other hand do!" Raph threatened.

"Whoa those guys were serious! They really are giant turtles, and they have and actual dragon!" A thug said pointing at Spike.
"You've heard of us? Dudes we're famous!" Mikey said excited before everyone looked at him with anger.
"That's bad!" Donnie told him
"Remember what Splinter told us dude." Spike reminded and Mikey chuckled nervously.

"Whatever you are, this neighborhood is our. So why don't you slither back to the ocean you came from?" The leader asked
"Actually we're water turtles." Donnie corrected before he went on to explain some random stuff much to everyones annoyance.
"Get em!!" The leader ordered, a guy with a hammer growled and ran on the desk counter to Leo, he tried to attack Leo but he dodged it and Mikey came in running up Leo's arm and he delivered a roundhouse kick to the guy. The guy quickly recovered before charging at Raph who dodged his attacks and broke his nose with just his finger.

Spike then came in and grabbed the guys arm before using his strength and he lifted him in the air before slamming his back on his knee and the guy screamed in pain. Donnie and Mikey were knocking another guy back and forth while Mikey was looking at a bowl of noodles and Donnie punched him in the chest and the guy fell down.

April was crawling on the floor avoiding the fight and found Murakami on the floor and she grabbed his shoulder to help him out of the restaurant while the others fought on. Spike was dodging a large thugs attacks by backflipping onto different tables, Spike then grabbed his wrist and twisted it and kicked him in the face and Raph punched the guy in the back knocking him to a wall.

Spike had went on to help Leo who was fighting the leader, Leo knocked a knife out of the guys hand and Spike snuck behind him and used his metal claws to deliver a strong punch to the guys side and he went flying to a wall, Leo came up to him and held him by the arms ready to punch him, Spike was right behind him making sure nothing would go wrong.

Leo flinched as he saw the guys fear and realized he wasn't worth it, Spike saw this too and they both agreed to let him go much to his surprise.
"Get out of here." Leo threatened
"And change your gangs name, it's an insult that believe me, if any other dragon knew about this, they'd burn you to ash." Spike warned and he scoffed before going to the others.

"Come on let's go! This ain't over Greeny!" The leader warned, Spike grabbed a nearby pot and threw it at the guys head and knocked him out of the place.
"Try us!" Spike shouted as the guys ran off.
"Greeny, really? I wonder how many brain cells he took to come up with that." Donnie mocked.
"Probably less then Mikey uses on a daily bases." Spike joked and Donnie chuckled at that.
"Hey" Mikey said offended as Raph walked up to Leo.

"You just let them go?! What the heck was that?!" Raph asked mad at Leo.
" They weren't exactly a threat, they had enough." Leo explained.
"Dude! They were beating up a blind guy! There is no enough! Now they'll think we're wimps who don't have the guts to finish the job!" Raph argued.

"Trust me Raph, there are other ways to solve things, proving yourself to guys like them, are not the ones you want to see the approval off, believe me.. i've had experience.." Spike explained, Raph was trying to think over on what Spike meant as April came in with Murakami again and Donnie made some awkward exchanges with eachother while the others looked weirded out.

"My friends, i am indebted to you. Please, allow me to make you a meal, free of charge." Murakami offered
"Sounds great to me." Spike said while the others smiled.
"What is your favorite dish?" He asked, the other looked at eachother before deciding on one thing.
"Pizza!!" They all shouted.

They watched as Murakami made a dish using his amazing skills, it was like he was a ninja but used the skills for cooking, he then placed out a few plates of food for all of them.
"Pizza Gyoza" He introduced.
"Pizza Gyoza?" April asked confused, everyone took out a pair of chopsticks before taking a bite themselves, the dish was so good that Spike started to have tears in his eyes while the others fell out like a cartoon before appearing back somehow.

"Wow!" Raph said amazed.
"This is delicious!" Spike said as he took another one as the other gave they're compliments as well.

"Uh Mr Murakami, do the Purple Dragons come around a lot?" Leo asked and he sighed.
"Yes, they demand protection money, but i refuse to pay. They will surely return." Murakami said in fear.
"Well they wouldn't if someone had finished the job." Raph said looking at Leo who sighed sadly, while that was happening Mikey quickly took the rest of Leo's food much to his surprise and Mikey chuckled as he finished it.

We cut back to the lair where everyone was doing they're thing, Spike was reading a comic book while he overheard Leo and Raph argue about Leo letting the thug go and argued with Mikey and Donnie.

"Ugh! The point is we can't go soft on them!" Raph shouted.
"To show mercy is not soft, it is a sign of true strength." Splinter said as everyone saw him walk in.
"But sensei, they're criminals, this is war." Raph argued.

"A Daimyo of the 16 century once said, in times of peace never forget the possibility's of war. In times of war, never forget compassion." Splinter explained, Spike smiled as he liked that quote.
"I'm guessing that guy lost a lot of wars." Raph joked, that got Splinter mad as he suddenly held out his staff at Raph's chest much to his surprise.

"You see? Mercy." Splinter said before he hit him hard on the shoulder.
"Ow! Okay look, compassion is great. But the Purple Dragons are not going to leave Murakami alone." Raph argued.
"So we'll track down the Dragons and make sure they got the message. And if they didn't we'll make sure to deliver one" Leo suggested before bashing his fists together." Special Delivery." Leo said with a smirk.

"Was that supposed to sound tough or stupid?" Raph asked confused.
"I think it's meant to be tough dude." Spike replied as he put his comic away.
"How are we gonna track someone down when we can't talk to anybody?" Donnie asked, they all looked at eachother and thought of something.

A guy was outside a shop sweeping a floor before he felt something on his shoulder and turned around to see April.
"I'm looking for the Purple Dragons" April explained.
"I don't know what your talking about." He said clearly afraid, April looked around before bringing her face closer.
"Don't worry, i can protect you. i'm an undercover cop." April explained.
"You look like your 16." He replied observing her, April thought of something before getting an idea.

"I know, i'm really good at this." April said before she accidently knocked over some fish.
"Let me see a badge." He asked.
"Are you crazy? I can't carry a badge, that would blow my cover." April explained while the guy scratched his head.
"I suppose that makes sense..." He replied and April smiled at that.

April explained to everyone on where the Purple Dragons were supposed to be, and they were on another rooftop with the moon right behind them.
"April said this was the place." Leo said as they were above a Tattoo shop.
"Cool, can we get tattoos? I wanna get one of my face, on my face." Mikey asked waving his head up and down showing a familiar design before coming back to normal while the others were just silent.

"I know, i just blew your minds on that." Mikey told them.
"You know they use needles for that." Donnie explained.
"And it's supposed to be painful." Spike joined in before they heard a door open.

"Can it dorks! There he is." Raph said as they saw the leader walk out of the shop, he made sure no one was following him as he walked down the streets while Spike and the others jumped on more rooftops. They stopped at a Fortune Cookie place where the leader went into a garage door while they all watched from a rooftop striking ninja poses.
"Got you." Spike said with a smirk before they all hoped over to the place.

Inside the leader was walking past his group before he went up to Xever and Bradford.
"We saw that gang of turtles and that dragon you were looking for. And we'll tell you where, for a price" He offered, they looked to they're left and they saw Spike and the others crash through a window shattering the thing with serious faces and drew they're weapons.

"Freeze dirtbags." Leo ordered, Xever and Bradford walked past the guy and they just realized them.
"Uh oh." Leo said in surprise.
"Of course they'd be working for them.." Spike said annoyed, Mikey went on to call out on Chris being his ex friend and the other guy next to him.

"The names Xever. So don't forget, i'll write it on your shells with.. these." Xever said as he held out a pair of knives. Spike and the others engaged in battle with them once again, Spike was facing the muscular one once again, he tired to attack Spike with a axe but Spike sliced the thing to pieces with his sword much to his surprise, Spike delivered a roundhouse kick to the guy and it sent him onto a hook which moved him right onto the Cookie maker machine.

Leo was fighting the leader again as he dodged a knife slash and jumped behind him and kicked him to a wall and held a sword by his neck.
"Your making me sorry i let you go." Leo threatened. Xever was running up to him from behind and surprised Leo and slashed him hard enough to send him down the stairs and onto a crater. Xever jumped down all the way to Leo who was able to dodge roll out of the way, Xever leaped over the machine and repeatedly hit Leo on his head stunning him for a brief moment.

Raph screamed as he came in and tried tackling him, Xever grabbed Raph and threw him to a wall which Raph landed on with his feet and jumped back to the ground and pulled out his weapons. Leo came behind him with his swords pulled out and Xever grinned as he readied his blades as well.

Donnie and Spike were engaged with Chris again as Donnie was trying to swing at Chris with his staff with all his might, but Chris was able to dodge them all and grabbed him by the neck, Mikey saw this as he was on the machine and tried to attack him with his chains but Chris grabbed it much to his surprise and pulled them to him. He jumped off the ledge and slammed them to the ground hard.

"Guys!" Spike shouted in anger as he took out his sword and jumped off the ledge and tried to slash him, Chris dodged him and barely missed his slash as the sword cut part of the machine apart, Chris looked at his sword and recognized it.

"Is that my sword?!" Chris asked in anger as he tried delivering a punch which Spike backflipped over and landed a good distance away.
"Yeah, so what? It's not like you've been using it!" Spike countered as he charged up his gloves and delivered a strong punch sending him back, Chris growled in anger as he looked at him.

Before they could continue they saw more foot soldiers crash through the walls and they started to become outnumbered.
"Turtles fall back!" Leo ordered/
"We're giving up? Again? Are you kidding me?!" Raph asked in anger.
"Yes, it's all part of my hilarious, let's live routine!" Leo shouted as he and Raph jumped to the higher areas and grabbed the bars on the top.

"There's a time for everyplace Raph, but we need to move now!" Spike shouted as he jumped out of the window with the others following him.
"Hey! Stay and fight you cold blooded cowards!" Xever shouted in anger as the others had escaped once again.

Spike and the others made they're way back to the lair to rest, but they all were feeling upset because they couldn't beat them, Raph sighed and went to punch a dummy.
"Man, could that fight have been any more embarrassing?" Raph asked as he punched the thing in anger.
"Sure, we could have been hit in the face with pies." Mikey replied.

"We were fighting on a fortune cookie machine dude, that wouldn't have been possible." Spike said annoyed, Raph growled in anger as Leo sighed and stood up.
"It's called fighting smart Raph. The Purple Dragons have Bradford and Xever on they're side now. Last time we barely beat those guys." Leo pointed out.

"Yeah, because they're the ones willing to fight to the finish. The only way to beat them, is to be just as ruthless as they are." Raph argued, Splinter had walked in and joined the argument.

"Raphael, this Xever can cross lines that you won't. This may make him dangerous, but it does not make him strong." Splinter explained as he walked up to them.
"But Xever wins fights, isn't that what matters? And he never shows anyone mercy." Raph countered as he crossed his arms, Leo was thinking to himself as he tried to think of something. Spike sighed and got up.

"Raph, it doesn't matter whether or not he won, what Leo is wanting to do is make sure we find the best option to beat him. Remember what happened with Spiderbites a few weeks back? We needed to find the best option to take care of that situation as well." Spike pointed out
"That was different Spike, that guy was a selfish jerk who didn't care for anything but money. How can that be similar?" Raph countered, Spike sighed and begun to explain.

"It doesn't matter who the people we fight are Raph, we won't always beat everyone on the first try, it takes more then brute force and aggression to win one." Spike countered again.
"Spike is right again Raphael, you can't beat every new enemy we come across so easily, it takes time and thinking to win a fight, even in a life or death situation. This will most likely happen again in the future, you need to consider the foes we face." Splinter said as he put a hand on his shoulder as he was left to think about it. But it couldn't last long as they heard they're phones ring and got a message.

"Guys, it's April, she said something's wrong, we need to meet her at the noodle shop now!" Spike explained as he read his message.
"We'll think this over later, Let's move!" Leo ordered as he and the others ran out of the lair once again to see what's wrong.

April was pacing back and forth in front of the place with concern, Spike and the others had made they're way to the place and landed on the ground.
"April what's wrong?" Leo asked with concern.
"It's Murakami." April said with worry, they entered the place and found that he wasn't there.

"Someone took him and left this." April said as they showed them a letter, Spike took the letter and put the knife away for later and began to read it.
"No more running, if you want the old man, meet us on the roof of the fortune cookie factory." Spike read as the others looked at it.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's bust in there and rescue Murakami." Raph said ready to go.
"Not so fast, think Raphael." Leo told him.
"Those two words don't go together that well." Donnie joked while Spike laughed a little.

"This is obviously a trap." Leo warned.
"Well what choice do we have?" Raph asked as he didn't care.
"Maybe we do need to think like Xever." Leo suggested much to Donnie's confusion.
"I know. But Xever crossed the line dragging Murakami into this. He's gotta learn that we can cross the line too. No more Mr. Nice turtle " Leo explained as he crossed his arms.

"Normally i'm not one to cross the line like this, but dragging him into this is the last straw." Spike said with anger as Xever kidnapping him was more then enough.
"Yes! I never liked Mr nice turtle!" Raph said cracking his knuckles.

Spike and the turtles quickly made they're way back to the tattoo place again and they were on the rooftop again.
"Okay he's strong, so speed and stealth are essential. Okay everyone know the plan?" Leo asked as they all nodded.
"Mikey?" Leo asked looking at him.
"Yes." Mikey replied but they all weren't convinced.

"Are you sure?" Leo asked again
"Yes." Mikey replied again.
"Tell us what it is then." Spike said with a smirk, Mikey tried to think of it but he couldn't remember a single word.
"Um.. maybe we should go over it one more time?" He asked embarrassed, they sighed in frustration as they proceeded to explain to him again on what the plan was.

Chris was just leaving the place as he locked the door, Raph jumped behind him ready to fight, Chris was about to jump at him but Leo jumped from the building and pinned him to the ground. Spike and Donnie came in with some ropes and tied him up while Leo taped his mouth up. They placed him on a lid and Raph came in with a trash can and slammed it down and they chained it together and placed a lock on it.

"Gentlemen, welcome to the other side of the line. " Leo announced.
"Now i'm definitely gonna need a Tat." Mikey said before Raph smacked his head again.
"Twilight definitely would NOT approve of this, but he went too far now." Spike said as he and Raph and Mikey grabbed the can.

"Dang, this suckers heavy." Raph said as they accidently dropped the thing and it slammed against a wall and heard him groan in pain.
"Sorry!" Mikey shouted.
"Don't apologize to him." Raph replied.
"I.. mean.. sorry i didn't drop you harder!" Mikey corrected.
"There you go." Raph said with a smirk.

Spike and the turtles were making they're way to the factory while Mikey and Raph were rolling the trash can to irritate him.
"You okay in there?" Raph asked sarcastically, they only could hear his muffles as they continued rolling.
"Good." Raph said with a smirk as they kept moving. They made they're way to the factory again but found Murakami was strapped to a post on the roof hanging in the air with Xever on the top.

"Dude, Xever's a jerk." Mikey said upset. They carried the trash can to the rooftop and placed it down and saw Xever and the gang on the other side.
"We're here Xever, not let the noodle man go!" Leo ordered.
"Sorry, there's been a change of plans." Xever said with a smirk as more foot soldiers came from behind them and held out they're weapons.

"Actually, there's been another change of plans." Leo countered as Mikey and Donnie lifted the can revealing Chris still tied up.
"I love it when a change of plans comes together." Donnie said as he patted his head.
"You let our friend go, and we'll let your friend go." Leo offered, but Xever simply laughed and said that he wasn't his friend, he then went over to start cutting the rope holding Murakami while they held him over the edge.

"Uh.. we're not kidding man, okay, stop or we'll toss him!" Leo warned.
"Go ahead, it'll save me the trouble" Xever said before he made another slice and was almost through, they were cornered as they had no choice but to place him back on the ground.

"That's what i thought. Attack!" Xever ordered as the ninjas jumped at them with they're weapons. Spike and the turtles fought them once again. Spike was surrounded by multiple ninjas with they're weapons out.

One attempted to slash at Spike with a sword but Spike backflipped over the guy and grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground. another with a spear jumped in the air and tried to stab him but Spike dodge rolled out of the way and sliced the thing in half with his own sword. He held out the knife he got from earlier and threw it at one ninja and hit him in the leg before going over to finish him off and he knocked him off the rooftop and took the knife back.

"I like this knife i'm keeping it." Spike said before he went to fight the others again. Xever held out multiple knives and threw them at Leo and Raph who were on a billboard but were able to dodge them. Xever then looked at Spike and threw more knifes at him but he deflected them by twirling his sword around at fast speeds deflecting them all much to his surprise.

"Impressive, no wonder Master Shredder wants you. And the fact that you stole that sword from Chris, makes it even more believable!" Xever said as he drew his weapons and engaged in battle, Spike was blocking his attacks with his sword and was trying to deflect them the best he could. Spike then dodge rolled to the side and jumped into the ledge and knocked down more ninja's with his skills. Spike then charged up his claws again and jumped into the air and delivered a huge ground pound which shook the roof and knocked the ninjas off balance.

Xever was about to attack him again but Chris grabbed his hand after he broke free.
"How could you be so sure they were bluffing?" Chris asked in anger.
"I wasn't." Xever replied with a grin, Chris growled before he joined in as well.

Spike and the others kept trying to fight off the ninjas but more and more kept coming until they were surrounded.
"All right, let's settle the score pond scum." Chris said with anger.
"We're the ones who didn't want to throw you off the roof!" Donnie shouted. Chris and the ninjas all charged at them as they slip up to cover the work.

Spike used his claws to slash through the enemy weapons as he backflipped onto a ledge before he flipped into the air and delivered another spin attack and knocked more ninjas off the roof. Spike was breathing heavily as he was starting to feel tired, but he couldn't rest as he saw Chris and Xever had knocked the others down and they walked up to them.
"See Bradford? That is how you catch turtles, now to filet them." Xever said holding out his knife.

"You never would have caught them without me" Chris argued, the gang leader was watching from atop in concern as he looked over and saw Leo's sword before deciding to help them and threw Leo his sword, Spike had finished his recovery and smiled as he made that decision.

"Now if you'll excuse me, i'll cut some turtles into pieces." Xever said before Leo held out his sword with Spike standing besides him.
"We don't think so!" Leo shouted before he and Spike backflipped in the air and delivered two separate slashes to the boards holding a water tower, the boards fell apart and the thing tipped over and washed them all away. The rope holding Murakami snapped but Mikey jumped down and was able to save him just in time.

"I got em!" Mikey shouted.
"Nice save Mikey!" Leo said as the others started to help him up.
"Don't look down Murakami, or.. don't listen down." Mikey said as they helped him up. Leo saw the thug on the rooftop looking nervous before he ran off while Leo smiled as he respected his decision to help.

They all made they're way to the noodle shop again after saving Murakami.
"Accept this as a token of my gratitude, Pizza Gyoza!" Murakami said as he held them out another batch.
"Awesome thanks Murakami!" Donnie said amazed as they took it.

"Your welcome turtle-san and dragon." He said before they all bowed right as they realized something.
"Wait.. how did you?" Donnie asked in surprise.
"I do have other senses, touch, smell." He explained, the others looked at Mikey before he cringed in embarrassment

"You don't think we're weird and scary?" Leo asked surprised.
"You saved my life, who am i to complain?" He asked, Mikey smiled before hugging him as he smiled at that as well.
"That seems fair to me." Spike replied as the others laughed at that

Spike and the others had made they're way to the lair again as Donnie was trying to give April a dumpling and was able to convince her, and she quickly took the rest much to Donnie's disappointment. Spike was sitting next to Splinter as he told them things.

"You boys showed your strength today." Splinter said as he was proud of them.
"Yeah but we almost got beaten." Raph argued.
"Your strength was mercy. That is why the Purple Dragon helped you." Splinter explained as he drank some of his tea, Spike and Leo smirked as they looked at Raph.

"Well? Say it." Leo teased.
"You heard Splinter Raph." Spike teased as well and he groaned.
"Okay, okay, you were both right." Raph said annoyed.
"See? That wasn't so." Leo said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Leo's wimpyness wasn't totally useless." Raph mocked.
"Oh ho, i'll show you who's wimpy. No mercy!" Leo shouted before he jumped at Raph and tackled him to the ground while Spike was laughing all the while.

Back at Shredder's lair, Xever and Chris were on they're knees while Shredder was mad at them.
"This is unacceptable." Shredder said mad at them.
"Humble apologies, Master Shredder." Chris begged.
"I swear, next time we will.." Xever said before Shredder stopped him.

"Enough!" Shredder shouted as he got up from his chair and walked down.
"I shall deal with Hamato Yoshi's deciphers and capture that dragon myself." Shredder said in anger as he walked out of the room..

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter! I know Spike doesn't feel like he's part of the story that much asides from some extra dialogue. but i'm trying to find the right moments for when he should be more active in the story. So i hope you are okay with it, thank you all for your patience on this chapter and hope you look forward to the next one!

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