• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 4,742 Views, 120 Comments

A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

  • ...

Chapter 10 - A Different Kind of Scare

End of October, 1004 A.D. (After Discord)

“Aaapplejaack! We were goin' tah dress as the three best known monsters in films! We got our costumes already made an' everythin'!” The older mare looked to her pleading sister briefly before returning to the barrels of apples before her.

They were sitting inside of the barn, preparing for the Nightmare Night Festival that would take place in town a week later.

“Ya know Ah can't watch y'all on Nightmare Night; the mayor went an' asked that we help with the festivities. Maybe Granny Smith can help ya.” As Apple Bloom perked up and trotted toward the farmhouse to try her puppy eyes on the matriarch of the family, Applejack tried to pick up her pace for sorting apples to be used in the apple bobbing game.

Once the farmer had four barrels' worth of good apples, she went to check on her brother who was making sure the pumpkins were coming along properly; since it was a large order, Sweet Apple Acres paired up with other local vegetable farmers to get the amount needed, making it a smaller chore to check on them than apples.

“Howdy Big Mac, how's it comin' along? They growin' big enough?” The red earth pony smiled briefly and puffed out his chest.

“Eeyup.” The mare smiled back as she nodded as well.

“Good. Ah gottah head intah town, Ah'll be back later.” The farm mare tried not to be too enthusiastic about going into the dress shop to check on the costumes on order after having checked with her brother and turned to head into town.

While the stallion was planning on a simple costume of a cape and top hat, the orange mare had requested the local seamstress' help with a scarecrow outfit; something that required she go in for a fitting to be sure of the measurements.

Applejack was pleased to have another reason to visit the fashionista but was nervous about being measured since she wasn't petite nor was she lacking in muscles; being an earth pony meant she would never be petite and working as one of two able bodied ponies on a large orchard meant she would never lose her stronger than an average stallion's muscle. The farm mare wasn't sure what kind of physical type the unicorn preferred but knew she would praise stallions for their strength to get her way.

(Maybe getting' ah full body costume is ah bad idea...)

The orange mare made her way through town, noting with approval the various decorations that were being set up for Nightmare Night. She paused only for a moment before entering the dress shop, the tinkle of the bell alerting the owner of the latest guest.

“I'll be right there!” Applejack smirked as she could barely see into the back room where designs and half-finished work scattered about.

“Take yer time, it's ok.” Rarity glanced towards the front lobby with a pleased smile at the voice she recognized and subconsciously sped up her work; after settling on what projects could be done when she stepped into the lobby with a grin.

“Darling, I wasn't expecting you until later; did you finish your work early?” Applejack couldn't hold back a smile of her own at the sight of the fashionista with the design ideas for her costume in grip of light blue magic.

“Ah did, just had tah check the apples we're gonnah use. So we just need tah get a new measure then Ah come back in a few days tah make sure it fits?” The gray-white unicorn flashed the other a smile at the understanding and pleasant tone, a relief from the short and tense tones of those unwilling to wait for their orders placed at the last moment.

Rarity cast her mind to find another reason aside from costume designs for the farmer to visit longer and found herself looking at the cup of tea that was left by her workspace, empty of it's content.

“Would you like some afternoon tea before we discuss the designs?” Applejack smiled softly and nodded before following the unicorn to the kitchen as she levitated the designs to a counter where they would be out of the way.

The two sat at the round table in a pleasant silence, something that was broken by the fashion mare who wanted to know more about the farm mare across from her.

“Darling, how is the harvest going?” Rarity was flattered to note that Applejack seemed to have been in a daze as she gazed back, returning from her musings with a quick blink.

“Hmm? Oh, well we've got ah lot of the buckin' done, just another two orchards left or so. Then comes makin' cider an' preparin' all the apples for the winter...” The gray-white unicorn stared at the other mare who was nonchalant about what was left to do, listing the chores rapidly as it had had always been the same every year.

The unicorn knew that farming was hard but it sounded as though it was constant work.

(Oh my, and it is! Why, I was positively exhausted those few times I helped and they were daily chores, not ones that changed with the seasons! And Applejack is an important part of our town! It wouldn't be prudent if she were to fall ill like before or if something worse happened...)

“GASP!” The orange orange mare sat up further from yet another daze that she went into as she realized Rarity became lost in her own world, trying to figure out what was wrong.

“What? What is it?!” The prim mare held a hoof to her muzzle at the sharp pain she received when thinking of a Ponyville without Applejack in it; realizing her sudden movement and gasp set the other on edge, Rarity waved a shaky hoof before turning to fetch the cups of tea by hoof instead of using magic.

“O-Oh, it's nothing to fret about dear, I just -remembered the tea...! It sounds as though you're always busy, do you ever get a chance to have fun?” The fashionista tried to assure herself that the farmer was taking care of her health as she set the two cups of tea onto the table, wearing a shaky smile to seem like nothing was wrong.

(Now, why would she be askin' that? Don't get yer hopes up Applejack, she's probably bein' sociable...)

“Of course we have time tah have fun, we just gottah make sure we get our work done first. Like Nightmare Night, we're going tah be helpin' with the festivities but then, towards the end, we get to have fun too... Would, would ya like tah spend some of yer evenin' with me after I finished helpin'?” Rarity paused in midst of sipping her tea and gazed curiously at the slightly blushing mare.

“I'm afraid that my schedule is simply too busy to allow me to go about on such an... interesting... holiday.” The orange earth pony raised a brow at the phrasing and tried to dismiss her disappointment at the loss of more time with the unicorn.

“Alright... Ah guess if yer real busy, we best get tah work on my costume... It won't be too much trouble would it?” Rarity became flustered at the shortening of time spent together and frowned briefly at the feeling of already missing the orange mare; she didn't like the holiday in particular due to the massive orders of costumes she got every year, but wanted to spend time with her friend.

“Ah, but, we do have some time to perhaps finish our tea...!” Applejack shook her head as she gulped down the remainder of her cup and stood.

“Nah, it's alright; I understand needin' tah get to work. We better get on with it...” The gray-white mare sighed softly before rising as well and leading the way to her work room.

“If you insist darling, we'll just get those measurements and I'll have it done in no time.”

“About that... Do ya think we could just, go without the pants?” Rarity paused and looked in shock at the other who also stopped in her tracks.

“What?! But that ties together the entire design and completes the ensemble! You simply mustn't-”

“Now, Ah just don't think Ah should restrict mah movements with some fancy-smancy pants, that's all.” Rarity fell silent as she stared incredulously at the other mare who had seemingly gone from being pleasant of the possible designs to stern and stubborn (admittedly traits of the whole Apple family but it had been going so well earlier).

“Fine. Let us look over the designs and we can be on our way.” The unicorn started to walk once more with a huff while Applejack flicked back her ears at such a dramatic turn from the pleasantness of just moments ago; not wanting to make more of a fuss, the earth pony followed in silence to the next room.

The conversation about the designs were brief, while no comments were made on the lower half. Once Rarity ascertained through short questions and answers that nothing else was wrong with the costume, she levitated a measuring tape over along with a pad of paper and pencil to write her findings down. Applejack fidgeted in place briefly before being glared into standing still and mentally debated if she should try and do anything to change her physical shape; after realizing it would be lying to do so, she sighed softly and stiffened her gaze onto the far wall.

(Hmph! Honestly Applejack, you liked the designs not even two days ago when I first presented the ideas.... Why the sudden change...? What's this?) Rarity paused in her measuring at the almost drastic change from the numbers used for the Grand Galloping Gala dress. (It's certainly not fat... In fact, there isn't an ounce of fat on her... It’s certainly a strong form...)

“Darling?” Applejack blinked out of her fixed indifference and tilted her head towards the designer.


“... Have you been working out?” The farm mare gritted her teeth at how quickly her worries of changing physique were proven valid.

“No, not really; Ah've been just, workin' on the farm... Maybe ah little more than usual, but Ah haven't had time tah go tah the gym to workout.” Applejack tried in vain to control the blush spreading across her muzzle, something that was not lost to the unicorn who's mind started to wonder as she pondered the reason behind it.

“Oh, I, I see... You've just, hem, grown in strength since the Gala. I will need to update your measurements I have on file.” Rarity watched intrigued as the orange mare barely moved her head as she nodded in understanding, her blush covering her ears and the top of her neck at this time.

(Ah said ya didn't need tah do the pants, why are ya measuring my hind-legs anyways?!)

“Rarity, why are ya measuring mah, mah legs? I thought we weren't gonnah do the pants...” Rarity tittered as she levitated the yellow measuring tape to get the most accurate numbers.

“Darling, since you've added more muscle mass since the last session, I have to be sure of what has to be changed if I am to make any other ensembles for you...” Applejack bit her lip as she tried to get back to her previous indifference to fight the growing blush and intense squeezing of her heart at knowing that the unicorn will know exactly what her contours were like.

Rarity tried to be quick, realizing that her friend was extremely embarrassed and not sure why; it was the farmer who had seemed unconcerned before of their state of dress, and measuring wasn't that much different than walking around with no clothes on.

Once the task was done, the unicorn turned to the desk and pulled over the needed files to update them; since Rarity wasn't watching, Applejack slumped in place, trying to calm herself from having been in such close scrutiny of the mare of her dreams and the worry that her physique was lacking in any way to the prim unicorn. When Rarity turned back to the farmer, she missed the sudden re-composure and straightening of the orange mare who tried to appear indifferent once again.

“Well darling, I should have this finished in just in time for Nightmare Night. You can come by later to pick up the costume.” The orange farmer could see that the fashionista was already thinking of her next design work and nodded mutely before heading out.

“Sure thing sugarcube, Ah'll see ya later.” Rarity nodded and waved a distracted hoof in farewell, pencils and paper floating around her as she started to work on all the costume orders she had to finish before the festivities.

Using her magic to manipulate the various objects and tools of her trade was almost automatic, allowing Rarity's mind to wonder at what was going through the blonde's head.

(Honestly, why was she so upset that I was trying to be sure of how well the design would fit? Though she is more fit...and strong...and graceful in a manner of speaking and... I-I better not become too distracted myself, these orders won't wait for anypony.) Rarity shook her head to rid herself of sudden images of Applejack in various moments of grace and strength, trying to focus on her work instead.

(Really though, when she first asked me for a costume for Nightmare Night, she was quite clear in that she wanted to be a scarecrow; not some half finished work... I'll show her just what the true design will look like and she'll accept that she was wrong before and be grateful, indeed.) With a determined frown, the fashionista returned to her work with a fever, wanting to get as much done before the deadline as possible.

Applejack tried to keep her thoughts from focusing too much on her secret crush, though her subconscious made plans and ideas to get the fashion unicorn to have fun on Nightmare Night. She used work as a means to keep her thoughts from getting too far, making it so she was able to sleep well the night before the big day, devoid of any dreams about the gray-white beauty.

The orange mare hadn't heard from the fashionista in the days before, and since she didn't want to disturb the mare, hadn't tried to find out what the progress was on her costume until the day it was needed. As Applejack stepped inside the boutique, it was to her great unease to find Rarity still in a state of extreme busyness, rushing about the store with rolls of cloth floating behind her.

The dress maker noticed the latest visitor and barely paused a moment to wave a hoof to a nearby stand in the front lobby.

“Ah, Applejack, darling, your ensemble is finite. If you would please check to be sure everything is in order?” The farm mare raised a surprised brow at the almost dismissive tone and glanced to where she was directed, finding the shirt and hood requested along with blue pants that was certainly NOT requested.

“Rarity, what's this? Ah said Ah didn't need pants...” The unicorn paused her in mad dash around the store to look over with a blank gaze while the earth pony merely looked at the outfit.

“But it helps bring the whole piece together!”

“Yeah, but it ain't gonnah help me none when Ah gottah move around tonight.” Rarity's gaze slowly lost it's blankness as she grew frustrated with the farmer's stubbornness.

“Darling, you have worn a dress that was more restricting of your movement not even six months ago, pants won't change a thing.” Applejack frowned worriedly, knowing that she was still embarrassed by having been measured for the pants and the heightened sense of being near the gray-white mare did not help her composure.

“Yer real busy an' Ah didn't want ya tah have to work even more on my costume when ya got more orders than you can take care of; ya didn't have to do this.” The unicorn stomped a hoof lightly as all pretense of indifference was gone, stepping closer to the other mare as she glared.

“It was no trouble at all and I want you to have the best costume I can make!” The orange mare opened her mouth to make a retort when she started to become lost in the fiery gaze of blue eyes, something that wasn't often seen; just as she was about to say something that probably ruin her attempts at subtly or even hiding what she felt for the unicorn, a loud crack of thunder rang through the room as lightning flashed just outside the window.

Realizing how close they were to one another and how close she was to saying something that is harder to forget or ignore, Applejack leaped backwards, knocking into the stacks of cloth and materials the seamstress had set aside causing them to tumble to the ground and almost completely bury the earth pony.

At the sudden sound as well as movement from the mare she was rather close to, Rarity also jumped back in fright; though she was mindful of her surroundings and delicate stacks nearby, bumping into only a few of them before settling down and glancing towards the window to find the source of the thunder.

As the unicorn shook her head confusedly at the lack of storm clouds that would have produced such noises and made sure that there was nothing out of place before gazing towards the other pony, whom she was surprised to find slightly buried under multiple rolls of fabric.

“Applejack, darling, are you alright!?!” A light blue hue surrounded the various materials as they were levitated up and back into place, showing the orange mare who sat up groggily with a hoof to her temple.

“Hoo doggy, wha-what happened?” Rarity rushed to the orange farmer's side and helped her up while Applejack shook her head to clear it before focusing how close the two of them were and leaned back slightly.

“That's what I would like to know darling, why did you jump back like that? You're usually much more composed...” The orange mare frowned as she thought about how she's been acting and shook her head one last time as she stood, smiling briefly at the other mare.

“Ah suppose Ah usually am; sorry sugarcube, guess Ah've been ah touch nervous lately... Thanks fer the outfit, Ah'll get out of yer mane.” Rarity watched curiously as the earth pony shrugged on the shirt and adjusted the hood with slight difficulty, hooves not being as agile as magic, becoming slightly annoyed at the ignoring of the last article before taking pity on the attempt of dressing.

After pausing at the blue glow that fixed the hat, Applejack dipped her head in farewell before heading out for the night. Rarity watched only for a moment longer before turning back to her work, determined to not worry about what and why Applejack was acting like she was.

Applejack spent the evening trying to make sure everyone had as much fun as possible, refreshing and refilling the various stands that she was in charge of. She especially had to check on the apple bobbing station, since the bucket was tall enough that the foals who ran amok on this particular night risked falling into it and potentially drowning if they were weak or weighted down enough.

What was truly interesting to see was Pinkie Pie dressed as a giant chicken and running around with a train of foals behind her, all clamoring for candy. The hyper mare was known to do this, especially on a night where ponies gave out candy willingly, so this caused no alarm to anyone she passed. Shortly after the giant poultry went on her merry way, Applejack noticed from the corner of her eye that Twilight and Spike were walking up in their own costumes and turned to face them.

“Happy Nightmare Night, Applejack.”

“Howdy Spike, hey Twilight! Nice costume.”

“Thanks, I'm a dragon!”

“She means me Spike.” Twilight shot her assistant an annoyed glance before looking at the farmer with an unsure grin.

“With that beard, Ah recon' yer some kind of country music singer.” The lavender mare's face fell at these words, something Applejack didn't notice as she tried to get the usually reclusive mare to enjoy more activities with others.

“While y'all are here, would you feel like bobbing fer an apple?” The orange earth pony waved the apple bobbing station before noticing that Derpy Hooves made a wild dive into the barrel and latched onto an object that remained stubbornly in place, making her fall in in order to yank on what she caught only to find it was the chain to empty the tub.

The three friends watched as Derpy frowned guiltily at having wrecked the game while the water drained away before Twilight's attention was grabbed by the mayor in a clown costume, calling for all the kids to make the trip to the Nightmare Moon statue to drop off their candies to appease the evil spirit.

While the farmer was usually rather level headed, she was rather superstitions; working on the farm and with ponies that had abilities she didn't fully understand meant that the little oddities earth ponies thought of usually were to be followed to the letter, least the harvest and any other things went badly for them. Knowing that the kids went to appease the evil spirit put Applejack at ease; even if they had actually fought Nightmare Moon, evil spirits were another thing entirely.

Having spent several years with Pinkie leading the charge for candy meant that she wasn't too shocked at the rushing of the kids and large poultry half an hour later. What was a shock was the sight of a dark chariot flying through the skies towards town square, seemingly chasing after the group. Applejack's stations were placed a block or two from the stage and dancing area, where she heard screams of terror before they fell silent while thunder and lightning rang over head briefly.

The orange mare frowned worriedly but couldn't leave her position, only able to ask what happened from ponies who stopped by the next hour as they kept a fearful eye out for what they claimed was Nightmare Moon.

Just as the orange farmer gave in to her curiosity and locate the source of trouble, she came across a pegasus dressed in a dark flight suite with thunderbolts that connected the hood with the body of the suite who was in the midst of laughing hysterically. Granny Smith, who had been watching the kids along with Pinkie Pie, shook her head at the display before turning to head back home.

“Have ah nice night Granny...” The older farmer glanced at the younger with a frown before smiling.

“Ya'll are too gosh darn hyper fer my ol' bones, an' it's past mah bedtime! Be good now, ya hear?” The orange mare shook her head at the assumption that she needed reminding of how to behave before agreeing anyways.

“Yes Granny,” Applejack smiled at the older mare before trotting up to the pegasus on the street.

“Rainbow, what are ya doin' in the middle of the street?” Rainbow Dash could barely stand as she looked to the scarecrow farmer with a grin.

“Ha ha, oh er, heh heh, nothing. I've got some pranking to do, gotta go.” At the word 'pranking', Applejack became suspicious and stopped the prankster who was about to fly off by stepping on her tail, preventing her from getting away.

“Whoa nelly.... What pranks?” The orange mare's eyes shrank to slits as she glared at the pegasus, her unease growing at the tenseness of the mare before her.

“Oh, er, just some pranks.” While Dash tried to appear nonchalant, Applejack had started to look around the area, wondering what the brash mare was using to prank others and found a dark gray storm cloud nearby.

“Rainboooww...” As Applejack growled her annoyance, she had slackened her grip subconsciously on the prismatic tail giving Rainbow Dash a chance to pull away into the sky.

“What's wrong, scared of a little thunder you scarecrow?” Rainbow smirked at the blushing earth pony and flew off before Applejack could collect herself and retort or retaliate.

“That Rainbow, Ah'll have tah get her good next time...” The scarecrow turned and went back to the market, having forgotten about her search of truth in lieu of finding the pony responsible for giving her a fright earlier in the night, grumbling all the while.

Just as the orange farmer was a few steps away from her station, Pinkie and her battalion of foals ran past, shouting about the terrors Nightmare Moon was getting up to. Applejack watched in stunned silence before noticing that Pipsqueek (a new colt in town, or so she gathered from the hundred word a minute speech the giant poultry gave earlier in the evening) was hanging over the lip of the wooden barrel, dangerously about to tip in.

“Whoah, careful there partner!” Applejack set the young colt down with a smile, something that was returned briefly before he started to run off for another part of the game area.

(He really oughttah be careful when bobbin' for apples; Pinkie should keep a close eye on him... Where is that mare anyways? She ran by not too long ago, sproutin' that hooey about Nightmare Moon. How in the hay is Nightmare Moon even back? Did Luna have some kind of problem? Was it the evil spirit of Nightmare Moon...?) The orange mare shook her head and turned to check on the various games only to come face to face with the Alicorn Princess herself.


(It IS Nightmare Moon! She's too close, Ah can't do anythin'!) The usually strong-willed mare crouched lower as she tried to quickly come up with a plan of action, trying to fight her body's reaction of fear of spirits that she wouldn't have the ability to fight normally.

“Applejack, the Princess is looking for a little advice on how to fit in around here...” The librarian’s voice cut through the earth pony's plans as she crouched lower to be heard.

“Fit in, really?” Twilight deadpanned the farmer who chuckled nervously before standing and facing the Princess of the Night.

“Ah mean, that's easy; all ya gottah do is have the right attitude.” The scarecrow could see that the lunar princess didn't believe her and stepped closer to emphasize her point.

“Loosen up a bit, be positive, play ah few games an' have some fun.” At each description of how to have the right attitude, the dark-coated Princess grew more confused before gaining the chance to ask for clarification.

“Fun? What is this fun, thou speakest of?” Applejack couldn't believe her ears, nopony didn't know about fun. She waved a hoof to the nearest game, a spider tossing one which was being run by Cherry Berry who was dressed as a giant bee for the night.

The orange mare then spent the next ten minutes along with Twilight to try and get the navy-blue Princess to lighten up and enjoying herself, which worked rather well. The other townsfolk were nervous at first, but slowly warmed up as they saw how hard the Princess was trying to fit in.

Things were going so well that Applejack couldn't hold back her feeling of foreboding, and when the Princess rushed off to save Pipsqueek from falling into the barrel of water and apples, the ominous feeling doubled, leaving her to frown after the quick thinking and moving Princess.

“Hey gals, anypony seen Pip? We lost him the last time we had to run- Backa! Ahh, Nightmare Moon is gobbling Pipsqueek, everypony run!” The farmer could only watch stunned as everything escalated quickly into ruin, from Princess Luna becoming frustrated at the worried and frightened tones of the others to magicking the toy spiders in an effort to 'gain more points' to the crowd panicking and running in fear.

By the time the lunar princess got everyone to calm down, the decorations were in ruins and Luna became so frustrated by the holiday that she decreed it to be banned. As the dust settled and ponies realized there wasn't any danger, the farm mare looked to the librarian in disappointment.

“Shoot, we had everythin' goin' our way; Luna was happy, everypony in town was happy, now look at them...” Twilight frowned thoughtful before deciding on her next course of action.

“It's not over yet!” Applejack was curious about the exclamation, wondering what else could be done in such a situation.

“What are ya goin' do?”

“I'm going to do what I do best: lecture her!” Applejack rolled her eyes as she shook her head in amusement, silently agreeing that it was one of the lavender unicorn's best talents. The farmer watched the other run off to find the Princess of the Night before taking in the scene before her with a frown.

As she began to try and clean up the area she was supposed to be watching, the orange farmer noticed the trio of Crusaders were muttering among themselves on the edge of the street. The older mare quietly made her way over, curious as to what was going on now.

“I don't know, Rarity was acting really odd...” Sweetie Belle frowned thoughtfully while the young pegasus waved a dismissive hoof.

“Yeah, but she didn't say you had to go back yet right? Then we're fine still...” The two friends looked to the third who slumped in place as she added her own two bits into the conversation.

“Even if Nightmare Night is cancelled now...” At these dejected words, the older sibling stepped into view with a small grin, surprising the trio momentarily.

“Ain't nothin' tah worry about, night's not over yet; we've got the best mares for the job on the case! But what's this about Rarity?” The trio shared unsure glances before turning to the older farmer once more.

“She's been cooped up in her workroom and has been muttering to herself about, uhm, pants...” The young unicorn scuffed a hoof along the ground, her sister's odd behavior baffling her even more than usual. Applejack sighed as she held a hoof to the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes at what the cause of the drama was this time.

“Alright girls, run along an' Ah'll go check on Rarity. Ah don't want tah hear any complainin' when it comes time fer y'all to head on home though.”



“Sure thin' Sis'!”

Applejack watched a moment longer as the trio ran off towards the stage where a group was starting to form, listening to Zecora talk about going back to the forest to appease the spirit of Nightmare Moon. With a smile at their antics, the scarecrow went further into town towards the local dress shop and source of her recent troubles.

(Why do Ah gottah like the most prissy and dramatic mare in town? Nothing's simple when Ah gottah talk with her and she can make ah mountain range out of ah pile o' dirt... Better get ready, Ah bet she's gonnah make ah big ol' fussy when Ah get in...)

The orange farm mare stepped through the door, the light bell sound going unnoticed as the seamstress muttered angrily to herself, drawing a soft sigh from the new visitor.

“...I work my hooves to the bone but does she care? Nooo, mustn't have wear the outfit as planned, Celestia forbid she dress properly even for a ridiculous holiday like today... “ The annoyed words continued, drawing an eye roll from the farmer before she cleared her throat to announce her presence.

“Hehm-hem...? Rarity, ya back there?” Gray-white ears twitched at the southern voice while the unicorn stiffened in the middle of the workroom. Applejack trotted softly into the room as she looked over the many half-finished works and the various sewing tools held in a light blue sparkling hue before settling two paces away from the other mare while Rarity continued to work.

“Is, uh, is everythin' alright sugarcube?” The fashionista felt her heart pinch at the uncertain tones, causing her to furrow her brows briefly before staring blandly at the earth pony.

“Why wouldn't it be?” The orange mare tilted her head and was about to point out obvious facts when the unicorn cut her off, her face slowly clouding over in anger.

“After all, it's not as though one of my good friends decided that the plans for a costume -something she requested mind you!- made together was no longer good enough for the planned activities, leaving the undesired garment behind like so much trash when it's maker tried -in vain obviously!- to make the absolute supreme costume on this drivel of a holiday! Good gracious, completely and obviously not so!” Applejack deadpanned the other mare who stared back with light pants of frustration.

(…. An' this is the mare Ah can't help but like...?) Before the simple-loving mare could make any move or comment, Rarity levitated her couch over and fell backwards onto it with a hoof against her temple.

“Oooh! I know the truth, don't deny it! You always thought that my designs are ridiculous and never had any intention of taking advantage of something I poured all my efforts into, much like I do with everything I make! Something you wouldn't know or care about when it comes to make others present their best hoof forward! Oooohhhho-ho-hoh woe is me-he-he-heee.....” An orange hoof rubbed at a similar colored forehead, it's owner already getting a headache just from the teaspoon worth of drama the gray-white unicorn was currently spewing, knowing that much more could (and would) be on its way unless she head it off early.

“Rarity, ya know it ain't like that...” The farm mare trotted closer to where the unicorn lay on her back, hoof over her eyes in a dramatic fashion.

“Ah just don't like wearin' somethin' on mah back legs, it would just get in the way of anythin' Ah do on an' off the farm. How easy do ya think it is tah buck somepony who was rude to ya an' yer friends while wearing tight, form fittin' pants?” The fashion mare's cries lessened to sniffles at the reminder of how Applejack stood up to the 'royalty' on their last trip to Canterlot, with the drama-queen glancing towards the other mare who stared back blandly.

The orange earth pony was glad she did have a proper excuse for why she has never liked pants, knowing that she now had the biggest 'tell' when it came to hiding anything. It didn't help that the biggest reason was just how much detail and attention went into making pants and what it helped to cover; knowing that the fashion mare was paying so close attention to that area made the earth pony blush just thinking about it.

“Ah said Ah didn't want the pants an' tried to prevent ya from making 'em so it wouldn't have caused so much trouble... Are ya really that busy that ya can't come out and enjoy some relaxin' yerself? Ah night off sounds like just the thin' ya need right now...” With a few last sniffs, the unicorn sat up and tried to straighten her mane which had lost some of its luscious curves at the dramatic flaring.

“I suppose it would be hard for one to, erhm, 'buck', a pony with tight fitting clothing, but I could have loosened it so it wouldn't get in the way! As a matter of fact, I had already used this in your ensemble, but you never even tried it on!” With a huff and crossing of hooves, Rarity turned her muzzle away with eyes closed in annoyance; since she wasn't watching, the unicorn didn't notice the earth pony's frantic glances as she tried to think of more reasons for not wanting to wear the pants while grimacing at how the unicorn seemed determined to focus on the pants and not potentially taking the night off.

“Rarity, Ah've grown in strength, ya said so yerself; what do ya suppose Ah use the most when doin' work on the farm? Mah back legs; meanin' that they would have gotten ah lot bigger an' use tah bein' without some fabric restrictin' them...” The gray-white mare slowly turned back towards the other, finding the farmer with a slight blush on her muzzle at how the topic seemed to remain on the costume and her hindquarters in particular.

“Look, Ah'm real sorry that ya thought Ah didn't like yer designs; Ah do like 'em. It's just, ya know me, Ah like simpler things... You seem busy, so Ah'll just head on back... See ya around Rarity.” Applejack gave up trying to reason with the drama-queen, not wanting to become too upset at the implied reasoning. Rarity watched slightly surprised at the suddenly crestfallen mare trotting out of the boutique with the blush still firmly in place on her orange muzzle.

Once the door closed behind the farmer, Rarity huffed once more in annoyance, not having gotten a chance to respond to the quiet and almost dejected tones of the other.

(Really, was it too hard to wait for me to say something? What was taking me so long to answer anyways...? Perhaps-? But no, I simply must get back to work, all that noise from town square does not help one focus on important client orders.... Though I may be able to stop by for a short while... Just to see how well my work came out, of course!)

Applejack had just returned to her place by the games, intending to repair what she could only to find that everything was already back in place along with a few rainbow colored mummies who seemed to be unable to get out of their bonds. She took a quick look about her, noticing that there seemed to be more decorations than before but shrugged and went to check on her apples, finding them in proper condition. Before she could ask anypony else what had happened, a giant white chicken ran up to her with a gleeful shout.

“Hey AJ! I hope you have lots of yummy apples left! Everyone is going to be coming back soon!” The farmer raised an inquisitive brow before adjusting her hat and pointed behind her to a bucket full of Sweet Apple Acres' best, having just finished checking them for dirt and bruises.

“Shoot, Ah got plenty of apples.” Applejack watched curiously as Pinkie suddenly gasped and stood on her hind legs, gazing at the surrounding area with a hoof shading her eyes.

“Wait a second! Where's Rarity?! She made lots of awesome costumes, shouldn't she be out here having fun too!?” Applejack's face fell at the mention of the fashionista before becoming embarrassed again, remembering how she seemed unable to prevent the topic from being about pants and why she wouldn't wear them as well as being unable to get the gray-white mare out of her shop.

“Oh, uh, she said that she was busy with work an' couldn't make it.” Pinkie tapped her chin at the explanation before smiling once more.

“Oh, ok. We'll just have lots of fun and then bring her candy later!” The orange mare chuckled at the suggestion but nodded all the same before going to make sure the stations she was watching were well stocked, trying to get her mind to think about anything else aside from prissy mares who loved to cause a fuss over anything.

It was to Applejack's great surprise when the kids returned from their trip to the forest in high spirits, with Princess Luna, Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Zecora following behind them with smiles of their own. The children were able to play various games for a short while longer, but it was soon time for them to head on home and enjoy the candy they had remaining. The older sibling made sure that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle knew to head home for the night, Scootaloo having disappeared as the orange mare walked up.

Once she knew that there were no children to watch for, Applejack felt it would be fine for her to leave the station and watch the band perform on stage for a short while. What wasn't expected was the presence of a unicorn that wore no costume and was in a huff about it.

“Had I the proper time, I would have an ensemble of properly grandiose magnitude....” The orange farmer tried to hide how her heart jumped in joy before smiling shyly to the unicorn.

“He-hey Rarity, Ah thought ya were busy?” Rarity blushed briefly as she glanced to the opposing side before answering.

“I managed to set aside some time to be sure of how convenient and functional my designs are in the field.” Applejack couldn't hold back her grin and nudged the other mare with her shoulder.

“... I'm glad yer here. Did ya want tah try one of the Apple family specialty Nightmare Night treat: apple fritters?” Rarity smiled in return and stood, causing the farmer to stand as well.

“That sounds lovely darling.” The orange mare could barely hold back her large smile as she led the way to where a small pile of food rested on a table. The two friends enjoyed the rest of the night together as they browsed the vendors set up for the festival, taking part in some of the games and trying out some of the sweeter treats made for the night of frights.

They were able to stay up to watch the last performance of the night, a tune that fit the events of the night perfectly and paid homage to the visiting royalty. When it came time for the two friends to turn in for the night, the farm mare escorted the fashionista home, pleased with how it turned out.

(Ah guess that's the reason why Ah like her so much... She can surprise just about anypony when she decides tah not be so dramatic...)

Author's Note:

Edit:... :rainbowderp: Huh? I didn't put an author's note here? I must correct this!

Thanks goes to Gwg and my new extra proofreader, Nebulae, for checking through this and making sure it's the best it can be (though please mention if you find any mistakes, I like to fix them).

Things are going to start picking up in the story in the next few chapters, better hang on to your socks! ... Well, eventually they will be blown away, I have to write the chapters before I can positively say for sure. :twilightsmile: