• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 4,745 Views, 120 Comments

A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

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Chapter 19.5 - Trying to run from the competition

-Right before the group gets the letter in Ponyville-

Applejack rubbed her right foreleg with her left, shifting in her train seat. She couldn’t look at the window on her left as guilt continued to fill her mind. Cherry Jubilee sat across from her, smiling indulgently before waving down a waiter.

“I think my friend here needs a glass of cherry soda. I’ll have one as well, thank ya kindly.”

The waiter dipped his head, short brown mane bobbing, as he grinned. “Right away Miss Jubilee.”

Cherry winked gallantly to the youthful stallion before turning her smile to the apple farmer. “Now, why don’t ya tell me what’s on your mind? Can’t be that letter, we made sure it went straight on to Ponyville.”

AJ shook her head, mouth set grimly. “Nah, it ain’t that. The letter should be fine. Maybe.” She hung her head with a sigh. “It’s more of what they’ll say an’ think. Ah was the most dependable of ponies. Now… Ah’m leavin’ them.”

The older mare leaned closer with a disbelieving brow raised. “You sure ‘bout that sugar? If ya only leave to make extra bits, then you’d be returning likitysplit. I think that it’s more who says and thinks you’ll not be comin’ back that’s really making ya worried.”

The blonde tensed, eyes going to the window before returning to the ground once more. She shrugged, keeping silent. Cherry Jubilee chuckled lightly, reaching out to pat reassuringly on AJ’s shoulder.

“Don’t ya worry none sugar, I’m not here to judge ya.” Jubilee switched seats to be next to the dejected mare. “I want to help somepony else not make the same kind of mistake I did when I was a young thing.”

Applejack peered curiously to Cherry Jubilee. She didn’t speak, her eyes shouting for an explanation.

“Why, back when I was younger, I had this here friend. He was gallant, brave, and had a true heart.” Cherry glanced over with a jolly glint though it had a watery sheen to it. “A kind heart. We had grown up together. I was the pretty farm gal and he was the strappin’ stallion who wanted to bring peace to the world.”

The apple farmer frowned at the phrase and opened her mouth to question it. Her shock was quickly noticed by Jubilee who laughed.

“Sugar, I don’t mean to say there ain’t peace in Equestria. Their majesties do a fine job protecting our land. But there are still a few pockets of unhappiness here and there. Locations that need a firm but kind hoof to lead it to a better place. And he was going to be the one to do it.” The mare sighed, staring at the opposing wall. “And I was… I am just a little town farmer. Packing up a farm to move is as easy as picking up every bit of sand from the desert. Before long he was gone, and I’m still on the family farm, doing what I can to expand the business.”

The red maned farmer looked to the other side of the compartment, eyes glazing over with memories. The ponyvillian waited patiently before realizing that Jubilee had gotten lost in thought. She coughed lightly and returned the reassuring pat.

“Ya never tried to find him? Talk with him?”

“No deary. I’m just a farmer. He was destined to go to the frontiers, protecting ponies from harsh conditions and creatures meaner than you shake a stick at. I figured we were just too different. ” Cherry turned to face Applejack head on once more. Her previously jolly eyes were filled with melancholy. “Sound like a certain somepony?”

Applejack sighed. She stared out the window, not seeing the desert but instead a fashion boutique with all the lights slowly turning on in the setting sun.

“Ah… Ah hadn’t said anythin’ to her yet. We are pretty different. She’s… She’s a fashion designer. Real high class gal, ya know?” AJ gestures to her own form, tiny frown growing. “And... Ah’m not. We’re as different as two mares can get. And Ah’m not even sure if she likes mares.”

Cherry began to rub the tense orange back, leaning close to catch the low, anxious explanation. AJ turned to the other pony, face pinched.

“She’s always been impressed with them highfalutin stallions from Canterlot. Ah had hoped tah show her that there’s more to a pony than looks. But Ah couldn’t.” She stomped a hoof down, scowling at the floor. “Ah couldn’t even manage to get any of the bits like Ah promised mah home town. Made all these big empty promises. An’ now Ah’m gonna let down my town, my family, and can’t show her my few good points.”

The older pony nodded slowly, eyes closed briefly as she listened to the problem. When AJ trailed off, Cherry reached her hoof around the orange shoulders just as they started to tremble. The apple mare tilted in her seat and buried her muzzle into the other’s shoulder. Cherry reached her other hoof around to complete the hug.

“I know deary, I know. Sometimes, ya just don’t feel like you’ve got much to show off.” Jubilee held the other farmer with a kind grin. “How about this deary? You come work at my farm, earning what my other temporary help earn. We find physical activities help clear the mind, as I’m sure ya know, and we’ll talk about ways to talk with and impress this mare. Ok sugar?”

The orange mare grinned wanly. Adjusting her hat, she pulled back. “Tha’... that sounds good. Ah think… Ah’ll take a nap. It’ll take us most of the night tah get to Dodge Junction right?”

“You bet deary. I’ll wake you up once we get there. I’m sure you’re exhausted, you’ve tried hard this past week and really need a little vacation.” Cherry Jubilee stepped off the seat to return to her previous place. Once there, she kept a watch over the apple seller as she slept. Cherry’s mind ran through various ideas to help the dejected mare. There wasn’t much to do as they traveled, and she had to put most of the ideas on hold for when they arrived.

Light gray hooves trembled against the wooden platform. It was soon joined by others who waited more patiently than the light gray mare. Each mare had saddlebags over their sides and tickets in mouths.

What if the train has had an accident and cannot complete its travel?

Purple strands blew wildly in the breeze, unrestrained and unnoticed.

What if… What if the tickets are wrong!? Blue eyes, pupils wide and sharp, tried to peer over a pale-gray nose. Not seeing anything, Rarity used a touch of magic to hold her ticket and check the destination and time for the hundredth time. She sighed when she confirmed it was correct. Allowing it to dip down once more, she tensed suddenly. What if I lose the ticket!?!?!

She reached out and snagged it in her mouth, teeth trying to find a middle ground between firm and too strong of a grip. While the unicorn fidgeted with the piece of gold paper, her body shimmied from side to side as it tried to adjust the uneven saddlebags. Her mouth was paper dry and stuck firmly shut.

Feeling another presence beside her, Rarity tilted her head to look and found a large yellow spot edging closer. She raised a questioning brow, trying to appear nonchalant even as her limbs trembled with nervous energy.

“It’ll be ok Rarity…” The tiny assurance was barely heard above the general hubbub of the train station. Fluttershy finished moving closer and wrapped a wing around her friend’s shoulders, leaning closer to help give support to the wobbly frame.

Rarity felt her body flush, releasing the tension, and allowed herself to fall into the embrace. She remained silent, unwilling to trust her voice. When the train appeared, the unicorn’s body stiffened, ears and eyes trained to the locomotive. Once the ok was given for everyone to board, the fashion designer was the first to enter, running with barely constrained desperation. The socially-conscious mare didn’t even notice the surprised and shocked looks her actions received. She picked a seat by the windows on the right side of the train. The others weren’t far behind her and sat nearby. Fluttershy, looking to see how the others were seated, sat next to the designer. Rarity winced. She checked around to see who was nearby before dipping forward, ears flat against her head.

“Have… have you ever worried about a-a friend leaving you behind…?” The pale-gray mare flinched at how monotone her voice sounded but pushed on while her mind screamed that this was not a topic to discuss out in the open. “It just seems so-... so wrong that she isn’t coming back to Ponyville. The Apple family has always been there. Always…”

“Yes… sometimes, when it seems like a friend will always be there, it hurts when they aren’t.” Fluttershy leaned back into the unicorn, trying to help with more than words. Rarity closed her eyes and softly agreed.

“Yes… I hadn’t thought of how close of friends we were becoming. I hadn’t realized how close we ALL are. But this feels so much worse than when friends I used to have had to move away.” The mare shook for a second, her mind not thinking about trying to filter her words. “It’s so hard to imagine Ponyville without her…”

“I understand... It's-it's hard when a close friend leaves...” Fluttershy reached out slowly, placing an unsure hoof on the fashion mare’s shoulder. Rarity closed her eyes at the touch and avoided the searching gaze.

“I know that everyone will miss her. It’s not merely my problem… But-but she has been helping me so much with everything! Anything I had needed, she was there. How can I, how can anyone, keep going without her?!” Rarity felt her cheeks flush as she revealed just how close the two had became.

“It's hard to keep going without your good friend...” Fluttershy’s dejected tone drew the unicorn’s attention. Glancing up, Rarity found the pegasus staring at the ground with watery eyes.

Oh Rarity, you fool of a mare! So busy with your own troubles you didn’t notice that one of your close friends is also upset by this! No matter what, even if you are just devastated, you have to remember you aren’t the only pony having trouble…!

“Darling, did… did something like this happen to you before…?” Rarity stretched out her own hoof, wrapping it around the yellow one.

“Yes... A long time ago. Rai-... A very old friend left without saying anything and... It wasn't the same afterwards.” The timid pegasus hunched over. Her eyes were wide and unblinking, moving both hooves to wrap around herself.

The gray unicorn bit her lip and reached forward, wrapping her hooves around the slimmer barrel. Fluttershy unwrapped her hooves from her form and grasped Rarity, both mares beginning to tear up. The rest of the group watched with anxious frowns. The girls shared a glance before gathering and sharing a tight embrace. Even the brasher pegasus joined in with a hoof pat to everypony’s shoulders. They didn’t disturb anypony else as they had selected a compartment that was empty. It helped that it was now the middle of the day and without as many commuters to bare witness to the group of friends.

Pale gray ears twitched as the other unicorn of their group spoke up. Fluttershy and Rarity released one another, turning to look at Twilight as she called for everyone’s attention. The designer shifted and used a touch of magic to pull out one of the photos she had taken over a week ago.

I can’t believe this… It was practically yesterday when I took these...

“Ooh, ooh, me, me! Pick me!”

The hyper voice broke the staring contest Rarity had unintentionally started with the photograph.

“Yes, Pinkie Pie?”

Twilight’s calm patient voice broke through the numbness surrounding Rarity’s mind. She looked over to the lavender mare, blinking slowly as she adjusted to thinking beyond her heartache.

“We can totally make lots and lots of copies of this picture I drew of Applejack just in case somepony forgot what she looked like!” Pinkie Pie whipped out a crayon picture of the missing mare. The others leaned closer to look at the image. The tailor frowned at the basic image and peeked at the photograph in her hoof.

“Would, perhaps, a photograph work for our needs?” The quiet comment drew everyone’s wide and confused gaze. Rarity flushed at the bewildered attention, and looked to the side. “What? I needed one to show off some of my latest designs and have an example of the image before fabulosity! Purely business of course!”

The others stared for a little longer before accepting the suggestion with shrugs. Rarity levitated the photo to the stronger magical unicorn, eyes focused on the window. A flash of light later and Twilight had magically copied the photo onto the spare paper of Pinkie’s. While she passed out the pictures, the lavender mare suggested searching patterns and questions. Rarity couldn’t remove the blush from her cheeks, though luckily nopony questioned why she had packed that particular picture to pack with her other supplies.

The trip took several hours. Though to the tense mares, it felt twice as long. By the time they arrived, it was edging close to dinner time. The girls ran as fast as they could to the arena. Twilight used her knowledge of Canterlot to guess where the competition was set up. Rarity led the charge, barely hearing the directions that the other unicorn shouted behind her. Her purple mane flew wildly behind her. The high class ponies walking through the streets harrumphed at the speed of the group. For once, the fashionista didn’t care or stop to heed their words. On the train Twilight had gone over basic plans. Rarity could barely keep the instructions in mind, her focus on the picture in her magic.

Where are you Applejack…? Where are you Applejack…? Surely if she got hurt, somepony would remember… They would be able to point us in the right direction. Surely they would tell us… if something had happened...

The unicorn continued to rush around the streets only to screech to a halt in front of wide archways attached to tall circular walls. There was nopony guarding the door. Springing forward, Rarity began to wave the picture in front the few staff members who were doing the last bits of cleaning. The others of the group also tried to question everyone.

With each denial, the group of friends grew more frantic. The only other mare who was going as fast as Rarity was Rainbow Dash. The unicorn barely kept her lady-like composure while speaking to the staff ponies.

They don’t know, they don’t know, they don’t know, they don’t know, they don’t know…! Nopony knows! They don’t know anything! This is utterly useless!!

The dramatic mare flung a hoof to her forehead after yet another pony denied seeing the farmer. Shakily returning to the others, Rarity dropped beside the lavender librarian, dust and dirt raising up. She stared uncomprehendingly at the dirt on her fur until their leader called for her attention.

“Rarity…? Any luck?”

“No… nothing… Nopony knows where she is or where she has gone.” The prissy mare sighed and magically pulled out a brush, dusting off her coat. Can’t have dirty fur. Can’t have dirty fur when we find her… Have to show my best when we find her…

Twilight sighed and rested her head against the last standing table. The others joined around her, sitting dejectedly with the pictures held limply in their hooves. An earth pony mare with dark-orange fur and dark-cream color mane topped with a large cowpony hat walked up to the table.

“Hey, I've seen that mare!” Her announcement grabbed the group’s attention. They stood at attention, crowding around the mare.

“Where did she go?!” Rainbow demanded from the sky, causing Rarity’s ears to twitch at the loudness. The rest of the group didn’t seem as bothered by the volume. The staff member pointed southward, where they can just notice a dark yellow of sand. “She went to Dodge Junction with some other mare.”


Rarity’s mind exploded into an uproar, focused entirely on the phrase ‘other mare’. Faintly, she could feel her hoof resting against her cheek, keeping her head upright. What does she mean, some other mare?! What other mare!? She-she-she left with some other mare?!!? She… found somepony else… to be there for…?

“Come on girls, we’ve got to take the train again!” Twilight’s voice acted as a tether, pulling the more dramatic mares from their half-fainted states. Fluttershy and Rarity stood back up from leaning against one another, their eyes wobbling as they tried to refocus.

“Uhm, we-uh, we better hurry up…” The canary mare peeked at the gray unicorn as she fluttered her wings anxiously.

“Y-yes, you’re right darling.” Rarity kept her hoof on her temple and walked forward with each of her limbs trembling. “We’ll go and-and find… find out what is truly going on.”

Together, the five friends ran for the train station. They passed more citizens who exclaimed in outrage at being bumped out of the way by the rushing mares. The setting sun caused their shadows to run before the girls, adding extra dramatic flair in their minds. The station, considering the late hour, was just finishing rush hour time frame. Only a few ponies were left that needed to take the locomotive home. Rarity was the first of their group to start purchasing tickets.

“You there! We must have five tickets to Dodge Junction this very moment!” The unicorn stomped her hoof on the stallion’s counter with a frantic look in her eyes.

The worker was taken aback and had only started to gather the needed tickets when the rest of the group came up. Twilight, breathless but flashing a brief smile of thanks, dropped a bag of bits on the counter which helped to speed up the stallion’s movements. Rarity ripped her ticket from his hold and continued on to the platform itself.

“Geeze, somepony can’t wait for the train huh?” The raspy tone floated down from above.

Looking up, Rarity found a messy stock of rainbow strands over top of cerise eyes staring back with a pensive frown. The tailor gulped, mind racing to her previous actions, and tried to slow her breathing and heart rate.

“This is just becoming ridiculous. If we need to travel to another city, so help that mare-!” The gray mare frowned sternly, lightly stomping her hoof as the others gathered around. Her words made the other mares smile tightly.

They waited for the next train and boarded, selecting a compartment quickly and settled down for several hours of travel. Rarity, once sitting, found that she couldn’t hold open her eyes. Even as she felt everyone’s presence settling around her, the fashionista’s mind drifted away, fading into blissful emptiness.

Applejack… Come back…


The soft southern accent, along with gentle rocking, woke up the apple farmer.

“Sugar, we’re here at Dodge Junction. Time to get up!” Cherry Jubilee smiled warmly, right hoof on AJ’s shoulder.

The orange earth mare half-smirked and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Sitting up, she looked for her bags only to find them on the ground next to her.

“Don’t you worry none, I got your bags ready for ya.” Jubilee picked up her own saddlebags and lead the way outside.

The horizon was barely lit, with the stars easily visible. The small town was barely waking up. The buildings were dark, even as some of the residents were waking. Applejack tipped her hat back to help see the new location. Spotting Cherry’s form trotting through the center of town, the blonde rushed forward. The older mare looked over her shoulder with a grin.

“This here is the main street. Town’s still growing, backed by our cherry sales of course.” The cherry farmer proudly declared. She waved to the east, where small tree tops could be seen between the scattered buildings. “The farm is to the east of the town. We also own a couple of other businesses here and there.”

Applejack raised both brows, impressed with how far the other mare has taken the family business. Her green eyes followed the pale-cream hoof as it gestured to several of the buildings.

“We have one of the hotels, a bakery, and three buildings on our farm.” The two mares walked to the edge of the small town.

Beyond, over the gentle slopes, were rows and rows of small trees with tiny fruits on their limbs. Closer to the town were the three buildings Cherry had spoken of. One was a large barn with an equally tall silo near it. Another was a long, two storied house that was right next to the main farmhouse. The farmhouse showed more age than the other two buildings, though it was the same height.

The blonde farmer whistled, impressed. The sight and its differences to one she had grown up on helped to make her forget momentarily why she was there. Then it came crashing back with Cherry’s next words.

“You’ll be helping with collecting and crushing the cherries. All of our workers stay in the temporary housing.” The older farmer nodded towards the new farmhouse. Most of the windows were lit with ponies starting their day. “If you don’t mind sugar, I’ll give you the proper tour after we get your room setup. Then we can start our day!”

Jubilee tried to cheer up the other farmer who could only manage a weak smile in return. Together, they dropped off their bags and turned back around, going to every part of the farm as part of the tour. By the time that the sun was above the horizon and the other workers were already collecting and sorting the cherries, Applejack’s saddlebags were filled with packages to be shipped and she was following the cherry seller back to town. The next thing was to get a tour of the budding town, including stopping at the post office.

The apple farmer was used to being wide awake by this hour, and didn’t feel the least bit weighed down by the saddlebags. She waited patiently for Cherry to take the packages and merely grinned when they were replaced with new ones that had arrived for the local farm.

“Ponyfeathers…” Applejack pranced on her hooves and searched for the other mare. Spotting her, she quickly made her way over and tapped on the pale-cream shoulder. “Miss Jubilee? Ah gotta take care o’ nature, if’in ya get my meanin’. Ah’ll be right back, if ya don’t mind.”

“Not at all sugar. I’ll be out in two shakes of a rattlesnake's tail.”

AJ smirked at the assurances, knowing by instinct that it wouldn’t be near as fast for the other farmer to finish talking with old friends, and quickly went in search of the bathroom. Once outside, she noticed that there was an outhouse near the train station for latest arrivals. Grin wide on her face, she went in only to be rushed out by some impatient pony who rapidly beat on the door.

“Whew, some ponies…” The blonde mare pushed her way past the waiting pony with a roll of her eyes. “Sheesh.”


The high pitched voice, excitement and merriment in every syllable, called out. AJ’s ears stiffened at the sound. Oh no.. Ya gotta be kiddin’ me. It can’t be them… Not wanting to disappear on her new temporary employer, the dependable farmer began to pace in front of the post office. When she felt the weight of a pink energetic hoof point her way, even though she didn’t see it at first, Applejack couldn’t help looking up.

Rarity’s here too… Why did they have tah follow me? Ah asked them not to come…! Why does she have tah be here!?

“Oh Applejack, thank heavens!” The suave tone shot through the orange barrel.

Rarity tried to seem more at ease than what she had been for the last few hours. Flicking a strain of mane back, the gray unicorn internally blamed the sun, heat and sand for how warm her body felt and the shortness of breath. Applejack couldn’t look at the fashion designer, her own singing nerves reacting to the proximity of her crush. The rest of the friends barely noticed Rarity’s sudden behavior, but weren’t willing to let the escapee from their sight to figure out what was wrong.

“We're so glad you're safe!” Fluttershy’s words, said at an audible volume, caused the orange earth pony to look away, guilt flooding her body.

Shucks… They weren’t supposed to think Ah was in any sort of danger… What if my family thinks so too? This ain’t turnin’ out the way Ah was hopin’...

“I found her I found her I found her I found her...! Be right back!” Pinkie’s hyper chant bounced along with her, paused only when she remembered why she had to use the outhouse in the first place.

AJ didn’t watch this departure and instead began to edge closer to the post office. The rest of the group encircled her, as both a means to prevent another escape and to make sure everypony could hear properly. Rarity, her heart full of lead and lips tightly shut to prevent any other unlady-like moments from happening in front of her crush, followed behind the orange pony.

Mustn’t do anything rash… You mustn’t do anything rash… Just like how Applejack wouldn’t, right? Oooh, that mare! If she doesn’t have a very good reason for leaving m-us…! And that mare doesn’t count!

Rarity watched Applejack anxiously respond, her voice and stance utterly different than what she normally would be like. The farmer wouldn’t meet anyone’s gaze and she sounded more monotone than the dramatic mare when she’s trying to dissuade conversation.

Oh, who am I kidding?! Of course that-that ‘mare’ counts. She counts as a reason for why Applejack isn’t herself, why she left, why she didn’t come back!

“Uh, hey everypony... Uhhh, what's up?” Applejack glanced to each friend except Rarity, pushing aside the guilt to appear as neutral as possible.

Her hooves felt like pieces of boulders, heavy and stiff. Her senses sang with the presence of the fashion unicorn, though they immediately stung with guilt at the distress she could sense even from a distance. Suddenly her sight was filled with multicolored hues as Rainbow shoved her face into the farmer’s space.

“Why didn't you come back to Ponyville?”

The earth pony flicked her ears nervously. While she heard the question, her attention was on the unicorn and the pain buried deep in her eyes. It wasn’t something the rest of the girls noticed, but to one who had long stared into their depths and who memorized every facet, it was as plain as the broad side of a barn. Each of the group took a moment to enter direct field of vision of the apple farmer, which was currently looking in Rarity’s direction as she spoke up.

“Yes, why are you here?” Why didn’t you come back? Rarity wanted to pile the earth mare with questions. But her throat became stuck, leaving her only able to watch the other girls step forward to ask questions of their own. The unicorn tried to keep as still as possible, afraid that any excess motion would trigger the tears that were building up behind her eyes.

“Are you ok?”

Both Rarity and Applejack looked to Fluttershy as she stepped forward. Both felt sharp pangs in their hearts as they wanted to ascertain that for themselves of the other, but couldn’t due to how they were in full view of their friends. AJ instead bit the inside of her lip, turning her gaze from the pale gray unicorn. It helped when a pink blob jumped into the field of view.

“Do you have any snacks?” Everypony frowned in confusion before Twilight walked forward and tried to keep things focused.

“Tell us what happened Applejack!”

The orange mare couldn’t face the others, dropping her eyes to the ground while her hooves fidgeted in a desire to leave. Why did she have tah come? Why did they all have tah come after me? Ah sent them a letter! A letter that said Ah was fine! Wh-what am Ah gonna do….?

Just before the apple seller could decide on anything, the strongest being to escape, another southern voice rang out over top of the building crowd.

“Applejack? Are these some of your Ponyville friends?” Cherry Jubilee stepped out of the post office with a bright smile. Her gaze sought out AJ’s and found a desperate plea for help. Jubilee barely kept the laughter from her voice at finding such a strong and determined mare corralled by the mere presence of concerned friends.

Please please please Miss Jubilee! Help me!

Rarity, seeing a sophifiscated mare with more fashion sense than the blonde ever shown, bristled. She took a breath and plastered on a smile, striding forward with Twilight to speak with the new mare. Is THIS the mare that has taken m- our Applejack from-from, uh, Ponyville?! This is something I must see for myself!

“Yes ma’am.” The polite agreement from Twilight helped to remind the alabaster unicorn to try and keep a more civil tone.

“And you are…?”

The cold, detached tone from a usually very sociable mare made Applejack flinch. She bit her lip, looking between her crush and the mare who offered to help. Jubilee smiled a little wider and continued down the steps.

“Why, I’m Cherry Jubilee, boss of Cherry Hill Ranch.” The older farmer stopped by the fashion designer for a second, giving another extra warm smile that was received with a frosty stare. “Hasn’t Applejack told ya?”

What does she mean, hasn’t Applejack told us?! Is it a cover up? A facade to hide the true reason!?

Rarity stiffened before checking with the others that she hadn’t indeed missed any information. Applejack flinched at the drama mare’s reaction and continued to watch the cherry farmer walk closer.

“I saw her compete at the Equestria Rodeo. Never saw anypony win so many ribbons in all my life!” Cherry Jubilee stepped closer to the orange farmer with a smirk. Her eyes seemed to twinkle a little more as though enjoying a lovely joke. Applejack tried to mask her anxious gulp and subtly ask the cream-coated mare to not lead the conversation in that direction.

“Aww shucks Miss Jubilee, ya don't have tah go intah all that...” The orange pony ducked her head which was heavy with the knowledge of why she actually didn’t go back.

Jubilee walked forward, keeping the tailor in the corner of her eye, and lifted AJ’s head back up. She smiled warmly, assuring with her stare that she wouldn’t sell out the other earth pony. The grin grew bigger however when she noticed the fuming expression on Rarity’s face, something that Applejack didn’t see due to the angle.

Hooves off! She’s mine! Well, ok, maybe not quite yet, but uh, well, if I had only the chance and uh- oh dear. I… I don’t have any claim at all! And it may yet be too late! Rarity felt her indignation dissipate while she herself deflated. Her limbs shook as they lost all strength and it was only the thought of all the dirt under her getting into her fur that prevent the picky pony from dropping onto the ground.

“Aw, she's so modest! Anyways, I could always use a pony with quick hooves and a strong back. So when I heard Applejack was looking for a change of scenery I snapped her up quick as I could and brought her to Dodge Junction. Well, I'll let ya catch up with your friends; see ya back at the ranch!” Cherry Jubilee smiled and, ignoring the now anxiously sweating mare, went back to her farm. Her ears strained to catch what little conversation she could before leaving hearing range.

“Change of scenery?! What's that's supposed to mean!?” The husky voice near-shouted while the pegasus flew closer to the earth pony. Everyone else in the group watched Applejack anxiously while Rarity started to wobble in place, fury and disbelief flooding her mind.

Snap her up!?! Snap her up?!?!?! Sh-she-she-! That mare IS trying to take Applejack away! We can’t let her! I won’t let her! Even if it does mean putting myself in a VERY unlady-like position. This Cherry Jubilee may NOT have my Applejack. If she really wants just a change of ‘scenery’ then I shall take her on the best vacation she ever had in her life!

“...no big deal guys. Ah thought cherries would be a nice change from apples, so Ah took the job an' came here. That's it. End of story...” Applejack’s explanation didn’t help to settle anypony’s agitation. They merely grew more concerned as the earth pony tried to walk away.

The world seemed to drop away from Rarity’s hooves, leaving floating in a rapidly growing darkness as the phrase ‘change from apples’ started to circle in her mind. She lost track of everyone else’s presence, even as they stood next to one another facing the orange coated farmer. A nice change… Change… She doesn’t like her life in Ponyville anymore… Not her work… And not the ponies there either… The Apples ARE her family… They are supposed to be close… and yet, and yet…!

“That's it? That's a terrible story.” The high pitch voice of Pinkie Pie drifted by, barely registering in the dazed mare’s ears.

End…? That’s the end…? No… No, it can’t be… Rarity could feel her eyes glaze over with water, her whole body falling to pieces with despair. Shining blue sapphire orbs sought out comforting apple green and found them. For a second, the world vanished for the two ponies, each seeing and recognizing the pain they both had before it was gone. Guilt and shame caused Applejack to drop her sight and try to leave once more.

“Sorry but that's all there is tah tell. Thanks for checkin' up on me but y'all can go home now. Tell mah family hi an' that Ah'm doin' a-ok.” Why did Rarity have tah come? She looks like she ain’t had any sleep in weeks, red hidin’ under that make-up she wears… Why did they all have tah come? Please Rare, please go home...

“Excuse me AJ but we didn't travel all over Equestria searching for you to come home without you!”

Sky blue fur showed over top of the brim of the farmer’s hat. Knowing what her brasher friend was like, especially with that tone of voice, Applejack kept her stare forward and voice firm. “Well Ah didn't ask you to come lookin' for me. There is nothing tah tell an' Ah'm not going back to Ponyville.”

Feeling the weight of sad blue eyes on her back, AJ quickly trotted off. She barely felt the saddlebags resting on her sides as she kept her pace just below a gallop. The brim of her hat continuously threatened to fly off but Applejack made sure to push it back down just before that time.

Why in the hay did Miss Jubilee do that? She left me to talk with ‘em when she knew Ah was tryin’ to avoid it!

When she turned the corner to start towards the farmhouse, she found a tall red beehive style mane first before noting the earth pony waiting for her. Cherry Jubilee was facing towards town with a half-smirk. Catching sight of the frazzled farmer, the smirk grew until it was a full-fledged smile.

“There ya are. Did you an’ your friends have a nice little ol’ chat?”

Applejack stomped a hoof with a scowl. “Now why’d you do that Miss Jubilee? That went as horribly as a piece of cob tossed to a pack of hungry hogs.”

“That might be, but were ya able to talk with them?” Cherry shrugged before staring deeply into apple green orbs. Finding her answer there and in the pungent silence, she sighed. “Nothin’ will start if ya don’t put one hoof in front of the other.”

The blonde pouted sullenly, remaining quiet. The older mare sighed again before turning around, in the direction of the farm.

“Well, alright, but those are some loyal friends ya got there. If they were willing to chase ya all way down to little ol’ Dodge Junction, a couple of streets won’t be much of a barrier for them.”

Jubilee checked on the other mare but found she was still sulking. Chuckling to herself, she looked forward again even as she raised her voice to be heard.

“That one mare sure was a looker. I can see why she’s got you more star struck than the night sky in summer time.” The cherry farmer saw the undivided attention and wide eyed stare the statement earned. She lifted a hoof to pat at her beehive of a mane, the very soul of disinterest. “Why, I may try for her myself, if you don’t make a move to do any sort of talkin’. Purple and red go together don’t they?”

Applejack stopped. Her face wearing a deep scowl, she furiously opened her mouth to refute the older farmer only to see that joking twinkle in light green orbs. She blew out all of her anger and stress in one go and started forward again, adjusting her hat while she walked.

“Yer messin’ with me ain’t ya…?” When she saw the tiny smirk form, AJ sighed and allowed her head to drop down briefly. “That wasn’t very kind of ya… You really think talkin’ will help…?”

“Sugar, trackin’ you down from Canterlot to Dodge Junction shows they haven’t given up on ya yet. Don’t you be giving up on them either. Nor that mare of yours. Seemed right angry when I was standing close to ya.” Jubilee smiled teasingly at the look of bewilderment on Applejack’s face.

Together, the two earth ponies returned to the cherry farm. Along the way, AJ tried to pry more information of what had occurred while she was internally panicking, but Cherry was amused and silent. The other workers, a few earth ponies and some pegasi, saw the exchanges and laughed. They had each had a turn being their fun-loving boss’ target of cheering and knew it to be in good spirit.

Applejack dropped off the packages in the main house. Cherry Jubilee smiled knowingly and asked the stubborn mare to collect cherries. Most of the workers were sorting that day and the fields were devoid of beings, giving Applejack the peace and space she was hoping for. She didn’t look to the sky, wanting to avoid seeing it as part of a dejected face that would break her spirit entirely. Any time she almost looked upwards, she’d pull the stetson down to cover her eyes and keep moving along.


The fashionista followed the group, mind foggy. When they approached a dark red and cream colored hotel, a tiny flicker of anger lit inside of the alabaster barrel. She slowly woke up in time to hear how they were starting to organize rooms. Wanting to be alone to suffer in peace, Rarity spoke up with only minor hesitation.

“Then I guess I shall take a si-”

“Uhm, Rarity? Could I... Could I stay with you?”

The unicorn paused at the polite interruption and stared with mild confusion to the canary pegasus. “Of course darling. We will be sharing a room as well. And you Rainbow Dash?”

Rarity watched the sky blue mare closely, her sense of romance and drama slowly waking back up. As Rainbow answered, the pale-gray pony peeked at Fluttershy who stood by her side.

“Nah, I'll just find a nice cloud and sleep in the sky when it comes down to it.”

While most stared at the brash pegasus, Rarity looked to her left and found Fluttershy was frowning sadly at the ground. The unicorn gave herself a mental shake, taking a deep breath and releasing it along with the melancholy she felt.

Rarity, if you can pull yourself together, maybe you can help at least one friend today. But you must pull. Yourself. Together!

Once they had their keys in hoof, the group went upstairs to set down their bags. Rarity closed the door behind the duo. The soft click made the shyer mare jump in place. She twirled in place with wide eyes only to take a calming breath when she saw it was only the fashion unicorn.

“Sorry darling, didn’t mean to startle you.” Rarity tried to smile and found Fluttershy returning the weak attempt as well. “I, uhm, was merely wondering if everything is ok with, uh, Rainbow Dash…?”

When the brash pegasus’ name was mentioned, Fluttershy winced and shuffled her hooves. Rarity trailed off, her mind uncertain and still reeling from the day’s events. She stepped closer and reached out a hoof to the pegasus’ shoulder.


“Well… uhm…. I… it-well…” Fluttershy began to bend over into herself, her muzzle on fire. Rarity, seeing the bright red fur, leaned closer and woke up further from her state of numbness.


“Well, it’s an awful lot like… when Rainbow Dash…” The pegasus couldn’t help but cower further, embarrassment and depression filling her center. The other mare frowned and slid closer, fully embracing her friend.

“You know you can tell me anything dear…” At Rarity’s assurances, Fluttershy took a breath and stretched out her neck, eyes closed tight.

“It’s like when Rainbow Dash and I were fillies!”

The normal volume ‘shout’ echoed in their room. Rarity blinked a few times before her heart wrenched painfully. The other pony was shaking, her own eyes already overflowing with tears.

“Darling… You mean that when you both were younger, not only did you know one another, but Rainbow Dash left you behind?” The unicorn levitated several handkerchiefs and pressed one to the yellow cheek. “I had assumed that you knew one another before, but I hadn’t realized…”

“W-well because of some-uh, some personal reasons, she left to travel Equestria…” Fluttershy glanced to the gray pony and reached up to wipe at the tears she found under blue orbs.

Rarity frowned for a second before looking confusedly at the wetness. She reached up with her free hoof and found tears were also flowing freely from her own eyes. While the tailor used one of her spare handkerchief for herself, Fluttershy continued to explain quietly.

“It’s not exactly the same… I… I didn’t find Rainbow again until after I moved to Ponyville…” Teal orbs floated over the sparse furniture. “And she just, uhm, she appeared one day and… and said that she was living in the area now…”

“Oh darling… You poor thing... You might not have been able to find her before… But she’s here now.” Rarity held her friend as she tried to stop any more tears from flowing. “She’s… she’s here now…! But Applejack doesn’t want to be either…!”

Fluttershy’s lip trembled as Rarity broke down in tears as well and reached out with hooves and wings to embrace the unicorn. Together, the two mares sobbed, holding each other up. Their cries weren’t very loud, as they were equally conscious of the ponies in the building. Both felt like their centers were being shredded by the very ponies who wouldn’t normally leave but did. It took several minutes before either could start to settle down. Rarity, used to sudden crying sessions, was the first of the two to recover.

“F-fluttershy… Were you able to talk with Rainbow Dash…?” The unicorn tried to find a dry spot to wipe clear both her and the pegasus’ eyes. Fluttershy sniffled gently.

“Well, only-only recently… Just before we left to try and find Applejack…”

Rarity gasped, hoof flying to her mouth before dropping it to rest against her chest. Leaning forward, she rested her forehead against her friend’s whose tipped forward.

“Fluttershy, darling, I’m so sorry… At-... At least you were able finally talk about what happened….”

Fluttershy turned her head aside, closing her eyes in pain. “We, we started to but…”

The prissy unicorn gasped once more, hoof right back against her cheek. “No, surely-!” She trailed off when she saw the pegasus sadly nod. Together, they reached out for another hug.

“She-we… We started to talk about it, but had to put it on hold… Maybe, once we get back… We’ll be able to finish talking about it…” Fluttershy twitched her wings with a resigned exhale. A flash of pale blue caught her attention.

“Then all the more reason to get this over with.” Rarity weakly grinned as she held make-up in her magical field. “But perhaps not looking like we’ve spent most of the afternoon crying…?”

Fluttershy wanly smiled, nodding before swiping at her eyes. Rarity quickly covered the tear tracks and hid most of the signs of crying. Giving both of their manes one final touch up, she went slow enough to hide her shaking hoof.

You see, Rarity you fool of a mare? You aren’t the only one suffering here. At least crying has been shown to help release tension…

“There! I believe we are going to be as fine as we can be, considering… We’ll show those brash, athletic mares just who is stronger.” The tailor spared a slim smile with her friend who looked up with gratitude. Seeing the agreeing nod, Rarity lightly nudged Fluttershy up into motion.

Together with the group, they started to work on the next phase of their plan to talk with the apple farmer. They still had the afternoon to get to Cherry Hill Ranch and volunteer their services. Twilight led the group up to the farmhouse where they found Cherry Jubilee going over records in the middle of the the main room. The walls were pale cream with red trim, and all the furniture were a dark cherry tint. Jubilee was sitting by the main desk with papers shrewn about.

“Well howdy! How can I help y’all?” Cherry cast her sights over each mare, looking at Rarity the longest before coming to a stop on the leader once more.

Yes, of course, NOW you would like to be helpful… Certainly not before, when you were trying to take Applejack from where she belongs… Rarity’s teeth found they didn’t want to unclench in time to respond. The other unicorn, being in the lead of the group, didn’t notice anything wrong and spoke up.

“Hi! We were wondering if we could help with any of the farm work.” Twilight firmly stated with a polite grin.

“Oh? What kind were ya thinking of?” Jubilee shifted her sight from the lavender unicorn to the pale-gray one, brow raised questionally.

“I imagine you can guess easily why we are here. We wouldn’t want to impose of course,” Rarity spoke coolly. “But we are on a mission afterall.”

The cherry seller chuckled. She waved a hoof as she stood up. “I may have just the thing for y’all. Why don’t y’all follow me and we’ll set ya up cherry farm style!”

She’s laughing?! I, for one, do not see what is so funny about this! How can Applejack be so- so captured by her? The tailor watched with a suspicious glare, her thoughts tumbling in confusion. She tried to analyze every movement of the older mare to find the secret of why Applejack had traveled all the way out here.

Cherry Jubilee walked around the desk and signaled for the group to follow her. They trotted out to the barn and came to a stop in front of a set of lockers.

“Use the clothes in these here lockers, have to meet with safety regulations of course. I’ll go get our mutual friend and be back in a jiffy.” The older mare winked in their direction before trotting out again.

She’s so stylish! If it weren’t for her being part of why Applejack didn’t return home, I may have loved to work with her! Rarity gnashed her teeth in frustration as she opened a locker. Seeing its contents, she paused with a slow blink. Though maybe she doesn’t have all that much style…

Orange hooves stomped over the dirt. Plastered over most of the fur was crushed red and yellow cherries. The once white uniform was heavily stained. The other few workers paused, mouths open in surprise and shock.

Them gosh darn mares… Drivin’ me more crazy than a pony looking for Great Uncle Needle at the Haystack Apple Festival!

Applejack took a swipe at her face, carefully closing her eyes to avoid getting more cherries into them. It didn’t help to clear her face however. When she got to the farmhouse, she stopped on the doorstep, not wanting to dirty the floors by going anywhere near it. Another worker, edging around the stiff limbed mare, said he would get Cherry on her behalf. Applejack dipped her head slowly, her frayed nerves and gritted teeth stopping her from being her usual polite self.

When Cherry Jubilee did step outside to see her latest temporary help, she couldn’t help falling against the doorframe with laughter shaking her entire body. AJ exhaled slowly, trying not to lose her temper at a boss figure.

“O-oh sugar, ya look more furious than a hedgehog in a pillow factory!” The older mare wiped at a tear, breathing deeply to control the merriment. “Don’t you worry ‘bout that uniform, let’s get you over to the showers for clean up.”

Still giggling every few paces, Jubilee lead the way to the showers. The bathrooms had a back entrance for the workers, so they wouldn’t have to enter the building filthy after a day of work. The last few employees who hadn’t seen Applejack snuck around and chuckled from afar, earning a sharp glare from the earth pony.

“What happened Applejack?” The soft and much gentler tone brought AJ back from another round of glaring. The red-maned pony still held a twinkle of happiness in her gaze, though it was offset by her serious and concerned face.

“Them... Them gosh darn mares drive me battier than a vampire fruit bat in a vegetable market!” Applejack ripped off her cap, flinging cherry paste in an arch.

Cherry Jubilee didn’t bat an eye and started one of the shower stalls, her gentle smile never wavering. Together, they got the apron and bags off, placing them into the corresponding bins. Once the water was warm enough, AJ stepped into the stream, pulling off her hair ties and letting it cover her face.

“There Ah was, tryin’ tah get yer work done, but they wouldn’t leave me alone! I didn’t mean to pick up speed, honest!” The mostly orange farmer swiveled around to look pleadingly to the other pony. “They pested me into forgettin’ how quick my hooves were workin’! If it weren’t for Fluttershy’s shout, Ah would have pulled in yer whole store of cherries too fast for even Rainbow Dash to sort them.”

Cherry raised both brows in surprise. The pulley system was designed to be hard to speed up, and it took an extremely strong pony to make it go that fast. She took another look at the splatter from the cherries and her expression turned from shocked to highly impressed.

“So, one of them shouted at ya and you stopped…?” Jubilee hoofed over a bottle of mane shampoo, and waited patiently as AJ lathered up. As she ran both hooves through the blonde strands, Applejack chuckled briefly.

“Well, that is a funny thin’... Fluttershy don’t yell hardly ever. Hearing her yell darn near gave me a heart attack.” The orange pony waited for the soap to be rinsed out before continuing. “When Ah put on the brakes, all the cherries Ah was pumpin’ in came flyin’ at me.”

At this point of the retelling, Applejack paused, letting the water rush over her fur, pulling both fruit paste and anger from her. She peeked over to the boss and found Cherry still there with a gentle grin and body wash in hoof.

“What in th’ world were they asking you that caused such a reaction…?”

“... They… They wanted to know why Ah didn’t go back…” Aj didn’t need to see the other mare to know she was smiling in satisfaction. “But Ah ain’t ready to tell them. Ah ain’t had much time to think at all. An’... An’ Rarity…” The washing pony slowed to a halt, the half finished work started to float away in the running water.

“I told ya that they would keep tryin’. But if you really need that time to yourself to think, why don’t ya take the evening off? After supper, head on out for a walk.” Cherry dropped off a towel within hoof distance of the stall. “I’ll leave ya be. You know where to find me if ya need anything.”

Applejack watched the other farmer leave. Once alone, she finished cleaning up and dried off as best as she could. Her mane, which was thicker and took longer to dry, she left down. Leaving her hat in the room assigned to her, AJ avoided the dinner table where she heard her friends chat about what had occurred in the factory.

With everyone enjoying a meal in their homes, the orange pony found the town quiet and peaceful. Lost in thought, Applejack walked around the circumference of the settlement, adjusting to the dwindling light until the stars appeared overhead. Finding an empty spot just outside of the town, she sat down, looking to the twinkling lights far above the world.


Rarity couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t the roommate; Fluttershy was a quiet sleeper who curled up in her bed. Even the gentle night atmosphere would help the most restless sleep. But there was some sense that kept her from drifting off.

Oh who am I kidding…? It’s not a what, it’s… Applejack…

The tailor sighed and sat up. Gently setting the blankets aside, she went to the single window and looked out. Off to the right, on a smooth slope that overlooked the nearby cherry fields, was a speck of gold flowing on the weak breeze.

Is… Is that…? Can’t be… Rarity felt electricity shoot through her hooves, urging her to motion. She barely managed to keep quiet as she rushed down the stairs. Once outside, her hooves began to trip over creases unseen in the darkness as she tried to run to the hill. The surrounding area was hushed, everypony else asleep during the darkest part of the night. Stepping on and breaking one of the few sticks, Rarity stumbled to a halt a few paces upwind of the earth pony. Applejack turned at the sound, the wind blowing her mane to flow behind her. Beautiful…

The blonde went still, eyes taking in the scene before her. The fashionista stood, one hoof paused mid step, while the wind blew out her curl in front of her, adding a mysterious and almost sensual air to her. She’s beautiful… What can Ah do…? Ah haven’t been able to keep any of my promises… An’ now she’s paying the price...

“Applejack… darlin’... Why…?” Rarity found that once again, she couldn’t raise her voice above a soft volume. She inched closer, going moderately in case, like a wild creature, the apple farmer took flight once more.

“Rare… Ah… didn’t mean for everypony to get worried…” Applejack matched the sound, her eyes soft as she stepped closer to the unicorn. Neither mare noticed the cold or how the wind picked up slightly, twirling their manes around their solitary forms.

“No matter what, we would have been worried…” The unicorn continued to move forward, eyes shining in the darkness.

“We…?” The stetson-less farmer repeated, her head tilted a half inch.

“Yes, we; everyone in Ponyville… Your family, your friends, your neighbors… Me… I was worried.” Rarity couldn’t keep looking at the brilliance before her and glared to the ground. Feeling her eyes fill for the unptinth time that day, she shoved the words past a constricted throat. “I was so worried that something just awful happened to you… Why didn’t you come back!?!”

Sapphire orbs, filled with water and in pain, looked beseechingly to the earth pony. The suffering that laced the last phrase tore through Applejack’s core, leaving her breathless. She tried to take a breath, only to fill her nose with the very faint perfume the sophisticated mare wore. It… must have been a long while since she went to one of those fancy makeovers o’ hers… Because of me… Ah ain’t worth her time… She needs somepony who wouldn’t cause her so much pain.

“Because… Because y’all be better without me. Ya don’t need me messing up your life.” Unable to continue watching grief fill the unicorn’s eyes, Applejack turned in place and started to walk back to the farm. “Look, you girls go on home. Ah’ll go back after gettin’ some work done for Miss Jubilee.”

Rarity felt the numbness flood her system, threatening to overtake her body and rendering it immobile. The world around her started to crumble, merging with the darkness. She reached out with a hoof that couldn’t cross the growing distance between the two.

“N-no…! You- you stubborn mare! We are NOT better without you! Please, we came all this way…” Don’t leave me, please! Rarity’s throat finished with its threat to close up, cutting off the rest of her words. No! No, I need to say it outloud!

“R-ra….” Applejack stopped, guilt filling her veins. Her heart pounded, threatening to burst from her chest to comfort the depressed unicorn. She’s… She’s not doin’ well. She ain’t herself… Goes to show that Ah ain’t what she needs. She needs somepony who would actually be able to help her, not drag her down with failure after failure… “Sugarcube… Go on home. Ya don’t know what yer talkin’ about.”

The earth pony forced the lead in her barrel and hooftips to move and ran for the cherry farm. Her eyes streamed tears while her ears were flat against her skull, trying to ignore the wail of anguish coming from behind her.

Rarity couldn’t keep standing as she watched the blonde and orange form dash away. Her hoof continued to stretch out while her wide eyes poured with salty tears. Her pale-gray barrel landed with a soft thud on to the sand, making dust and grit to fling into the air. No! Don’t- don’t go!

“Don’t leave me! Please! I-I… I love you!” The wind, picking up steadily, tore her words away into the night. The retreating mare didn’t pause or flinch, having already traveled a great distance, fueled on by sorrow. “Darlin’, I love you…! You haven’t ruined anything-!”

Rarity cried out in agony, what little make-up that hadn’t been washed away smearing on her cheeks as hot tracks burned down the sides of her face. The dirt below her soaked up the wetness, leaving a patch of mud for her mane to stick to. Her heart crumbled in on itself, dropping down past her stomach which rebelled at the ache in limbs and barrel. It threatened to expel its contents as she started to hiccup from lack of air. The dramatic mare finally understood the heartbreak written about in the racy romance novels she kept hidden at home. And it no longer seemed half as romantic as it was soul crushing. She couldn’t move as heart, mind and voice cried out for the apple of her eye to return.

She stayed there, a half mile outside of town, sobbing her torment to the world, for hours. It drifted on the wind, haunting the settlement and causing many to have disturbing dreams that were quickly forgotten in the morning. Even after the heart wrenching cries trailed off, Rarity finally falling into an uneasy sleep, the sound echoed in Applejack’s ears for eternity.

Applejack returned to the hill long after the sobbing went silent. Finding the once-prim mare lying in a patch of wet sand, the blonde sighed gustily. She reached out with her neck, ignoring the almost completely gone perfume and soft velvety fur, to picked up the unicorn with ease. She used a hoof to help hold the unicorn on the strong back. When Rarity shifted in place, mumbling pleas for Applejack to not leave, the farmer paused, checking that the gray pony was still asleep. Realizing that the crying had exhausted the fashion designer, the earth mare felt her insides drop to the bottom of her hooves. She bit her lip to prevent anything else from being said that would hurt the unicorn as she slowly made her way back to town. It didn’t take more than a half-smile and jerk of her head for Applejack to ask the hotel desk staff which room Rarity was currently staying in. The stairs proved to be a difficult challenge but it was one the stubborn mare was willing to beat to help her crush in anyway she could.

The earth mare wiped off all the dirt that she could once she had set the unicorn in bed, but she didn’t want to risk waking the dramatic mare. She brushed a few loose strands from the pale-gray face, taking one last chance to watch her crush before leaving without alerting anypony else. AJ didn’t sleep that night, instead watching the skyline with bloodshot eyes.

Cherry Jubilee entered the room the next morning and noticed immediately the weakened state. She rushed to the orange pony, placing a hoof under her chin to make AJ face her.

“Sugar, what’s wrong? What happened?”

The despondent earth pony slowly turned to face the older mare. Blinking extra slowly, she couldn’t keep a tremble from her voice.

“Ah… Ah’ve hurt her. Ah don’t deserve her, or my family, or nopony…!”

Jubilee tugged the younger mare into a hug. She made soothing sounds, rubbing at the opposing shoulder than the one that was held against her chest.

“Sugar, what do you mean? You’re as dizzy as a windchime in a tornado. Take it slow, what happened last night…?”

“Ah… Ah went for that walk. Later on, Rarity found me an’ came up to talk.” Green orbs started to fill with water, flicking down to the ground in shame. “She hasn’t been doin’ so well. Maybe the others can’t see it, but it’s as plain to me as a snowmare’s nose to a reindeer. An’ Ah knew it was because of me.

“Ah couldn’t hold up in the competition, and Ah couldn’t face the results. Ah… Ah couldn’t go home empty hoofed. With only excuses and no bits to help anypony… Then they went and used up their extra time tah track me down. To find me. An’ Ah still can’t tell ‘em why!”

Cherry exhaled heavily, her eyes half-shutting as understanding bloomed in her mind. She shook her head slowly, looking to the sky as she tried to think of the best way to address the obvious.

“Applejack…You may think that it’s impossible now, but so long as ya don’t give up, nothing’s impossible.” The cherry farmer stared into tired green eyes. “Ya may be embarrassed by what’s happened, but you know what ya need to do… Talk with ‘em. Tell them what happened.”

AJ shuddered while her mind tried to deny the solution. She shook her head, eyes finally falling closed. A whimper started to grow in her throat.

“You’ve been hurt, an’ that nice mare you’ve got an eye on been hurt too. But really, unless ya want to regret this for a long time, yer going to have to try something…” Jubilee saw that the blonde still didn’t want to agree and tightened her embrace for a second. Releasing the stubborn earth pony, she rubbed her back for a second. “Tell ya what, head on out to collect from the fields. By the time supper time comes ‘round, know what yer going to tell them.”

Applejack drooped in place as the support walked out the bedroom door. She ran a hoof through her mane only to get stuck right away in tangles caused by the night’s wind. Ah better clean up some… It might feel like everything’s ruined, but the day has only started… The rest of the morning was used to wash up and remove the knots from her mane. Once that was done, she put her hat back on her head and headed out to the fields for a hopefully relaxing afternoon of work.

Please, Ah jus’ need time to myself… Please let the girls’ leave me alone…


The sun shined overhead with few clouds around to block it. Cherry trees swayed in a light wind and from the few workers who shook its branches to retrieve its bounty. The group of friends, their mission to terrorize their runaway friend into submission completed, were splitting up to relax for the rest of their afternoon. The cute couple left for a romantic picnic. The pegasi and remaining unicorn went for lunch at the local bakery. Rarity found herself giving the cherry tarts they had ordered the stink eye and unable to eat much.

“Uhm… Rarity… Are you ok…?” Fluttershy timidly asked from her side of the table. Rainbow looked up from her meal, crumbs dripping from her muzzle.

“Hmm? Oh, sorry darling, I was merely thinking.” Rarity used a napkin to dab at her mouth even though it didn’t require it. “I believe I shall meet you girls back at the hotel a little later, there was something I wanted to see before leaving.”

Rainbow frowned curiously at the unicorn, turning to look at the other pegasus only to find her just as confused. They shrugged and returned to their meal. The unicorn didn’t however, wanting something less sweet than cherries to eat and knowing she wouldn’t be able to enjoy the red fruit until they got their runaway friend back home.

The mare trotted quickly through the town to the fields on the eastern side. Not wanting to be seen by any of the workers collecting cherries, she slinked through some of the trees until she reached the vicinity of the one apple farmer among them. The unicorn stood far enough not to be noticed and watched the orange mare work.

Instead of the usual solid whack, AJ had to gently shake the trees, her strength being too much for the more delicate trees. Rarity found the sound unsettling, though once she watched the same motion long enough, the issue faded into the background as the tailor tried to memorize each motion the farmer took.

I won’t give up… I’ll show her how much she means to me, one way or another. Lady-like behavior or not, I will not give up!

They jus’ don’t give up…

“So, Ah’ll be getting out of your mane today. Can’t thank ya enough for lettin’ me stay while Ah got my head on straight…” AJ smiled thinly to the older mare. “Sorry my friends an’ me messed up some of your supplies.”

“Don’t you worry none sugar, so long as you’ve got your head on straight now.” Cherry beamed only to frown pensively when the apple seller seemed to be too stiff to have properly settled her heart and mind. “You sure you don’t need to stay longer?”

“Eenope.” Applejack packed up her saddlebags and made sure her hat was still firmly on her head. Those mares are gonna wreck more things if Ah don’t do somethin’ fast. Whether it’s talkin’ to them or leavin’ once again… “Ah’m sure one way or other, Ah won’t be comin’ back. Thanks again for yer help and suggestions…”

“Well, if ya say so… If y’all need any kind of help, stop on by!” Cherry Jubilee walked the younger mare to the edge of farm. Before Applejack could walk away, the older mare reached out and stopped her with a hoof on her shoulder. “However sugar, I am going to need ya to promise me something.”

“Huh? What’s that?” AJ stared bewilderingly to the other pony.

“You’ve got to promise me that you won’t give up. That yer are going to keep trying and actually talk to your mare.” Jubilee stared seriously at the apple farmer, gaze delving deeply into the uncertain eyes. “Do ya promise Applejack?”

The blonde sagged, unable to hold the look. She cast her mind and thoughts for a response, and lit up with a potential solution.

“A-alright, well, then if Ah’m not supposed to give up on getting my special somepony, then you’ve got to try again too.”

Cherry stiffened in surprise, eyebrows shooting upwards. After a few seconds, she tilted her head back and guffawed.

“There’s some of the ol’ spirit back! You’ve got yerself a deal there sugar!” The farmer pulled her younger friend close and gave her a light, friendly shake. “I’ll try again, find that stallion of mine, while you try an’ talk to your friends and the mare that stole your heart.”

Applejack smiled warmly for what felt like the first time in forever and chuckled to herself. “Alrighty then. Guess it’s a deal. Thanks again Miss Jubilee.”

“Don’t you worry none. Take care now ya hear!”

The blonde nodded goodbye, grin in place, and headed into town. There were a few other ponies out in the early morning. Applejack tipped her hat to them and continued to the hotel. With each step, she slowed down as her mind started to provide reasons to avoid explaining her actions.

Sure, Ah promised to try an’ talk with them, but those gals can be as stubborn as a bur in your tail. Ah ain’t ready tell the rest of them about my feelings for Rarity… But they wouldn’t give me an inch of breathin’ room if Ah did try tah explain… Heck, Rarity may think that it’s worse than that! She-she’s already been hurt bad, they should jus’ go home! Orange hooves came to a stop several paces away from the doorway. Apple green eyes floated upwards, imagining the alabaster mare packing up her saddlebags. Ah wasn’t able to prove nothing… Not why Ah should be pining after such a different mare, or how Ah could be any help to anypony. Ah… Ah just… Can’t.

Denial sharp and painful in her mind, Applejack turned around and ran for the train station. The early morning commuters were already waiting for the ticket booth to open for business. With each passing second, the apple seller felt an impending doom creep closer, causing her to jog in place anxiously. The other passengers frowned at the impolite actions but didn’t criticize her behavior.

Come on, come on, where’s that train? Wouldn’t surprise me if the girls got up super early to try an’ catch me…! Gotta get out of here, earn bits someplace else then finally get home… Forget all about special someponies… Especially ones that aren’t nowhere near my league…


Wind, loud and rushing, undid any mane that had been stylized that morning. Clouds of dust and sand were kicked up by the racing cart and carriage. The scenery blurred for the racers, focused as they were on their goal of escaping the pursuers and catching the pursued. Shouts, barely heard over the stomping hooves and raging wind, floated back and forth between the runners.

“Pull over!”

“Hey, cut that out! ... outrun them!”The southern accent, desperate and annoyed, echoed through Rarity’s chest, leaving piercing agony.

She… she truly does want to leave us! She doesn’t want to be anywhere near us! Anywhere near me!! How could this be?! Wh-what can we do? What should we do? Surely there’s something we can do, anything we can do to stop her! The distressed unicorn hardly felt the changes in speed or bumps in the road, focused instead on the stock of gold under a brown stetson. Even the pink pony standing beside Applejack didn’t drew much attention until it fell backwards with a distant call.

“Rarity catch me!”

The unicorn came to her senses a second later, when the earth pony was much too close to try and use any sort of magic. “Wha- Pinkie!” She was the only one of the two to scream as they tipped over the side of their cart and into open air.

The sand made for a soft landing place. The cactus did not. Nor was the rock that was hidden under a thin layer of sand. The sky and dirt was spinning, dancing around as Rarity tried to stand. Sharp pricks inside her mouth helped to focus. Turning her head, the distressed unicorn found pink invading most of her vision. Rarity chewed slightly, trying to adjust the pain in her mouth, and found she had to rudely spit to the side. Eyes widening at what had been in her mouth, the now dirty pale-gray mare flipped her hoof in a questioning manner. Pinkie just continued to grin widely, her main full of green cacti.

“Darling…” Rarity stressed the word, trying to keep a strong hoof on her temper that had long shot past boiling. “Why. Did. You. Do. That? We were catching up to her! We almost stopped her! Why did you do that?!?”

At the end of her questions, the prim pony had a hold of pink shoulders and shook them, barely restraining herself from going too far. Pinkie Pie’s smile grew larger with each shake. After Rarity stopped shaking the earth pony, Pinkie continued to bob back and forth for a little while longer. The tailor was distracted enough to get her temper back under control. The party mare continued to beam before bouncing up from sitting on the ground.

“I tooootally knew that my special little star will get little ol’ Applejack to talk!” Pinkie began to shake her mane. It didn’t work to loosen the cacti in her mane and tail, though it did help the dust to rise up and float dangerously close to the prim unicorn. “But I could just tell that you and me needed to talk aaaalll alone.”

Rarity stared wide eyed until Pinkie stretched her neck forward, invading the unicorn’s personal space. Finding the almost too wide grin to be unsettling, the tailor tried to back up but stopped when Pinkie reached out and knocked out the cactus in the purple strains.

“Talk darling…? Talk about what?” Rarity used a flash of magic to start pulling the cacti from the other mare’s mane and tail. It proved to be too much because Pinkie had shaken her head, rooting it more firmly in place, making the prim unicorn to frown nervously.

“Yepperoni! I wanted to see how it was coming along.”

“What do you mean, ‘coming along’...?” The pale-gray mare looked around at their surroundings, frowning in thought.

“Why, telling Applejack how you feel, silly!” Pinkie hopped past the dumbfounded mare. A gleeful smile still firmly in place. “That is why you really wanted to find her right?”

Rarity stared, jaw loose, before trotting after the hyperactive mare. The earth pony twirled mid-hop and bounced backwards as she looked to the unicorn. “Soooooo, were you able to talk with her?”

“I-I-... Pinkie, w-why do you think I feel any particular way for Applejack?” Rarity tried to fight the heavy blush on her muzzle, and when it didn’t work, she blamed it on the sunlight that mercilessly shined down. Pinkie stopped and looked at the other mare with a bewildered gaze.

“Well, you two are always doing stuff together right? And she drops everything to help you. Just like you always are willing to help in your own way.”

The two stood with the wind causing some tumbleweeds to drift by. Rarity couldn’t look at the confident face of Pinkie’s, and instead scowled furiously at the ground.

“... Was it always that obvious?”

“Well, duh! The readers have been going nuts for the past few chapters now.”

The unicorn stared blankly to the other mare, blinking slowly before coming to accept that it was at least very obvious. She sighed and released her tense stance, feeling relief that somepony else thought it was a worthy effort. She dropped to her knees gustily. The movement and sigh that went with it made the other mare jolt forward, hoof out to help.

“Rarity? Are you ok? Did she say something hurtful?” Pinkie’s sincere and gentle tones brought new tears to the sapphire blue orbs.

“O-oh, darling, you have no idea!” Rarity half laughed and half sobbed, looking to the blob of pink in her view. “She is just SO stubborn!”

Pinkie laughed nervously while Rarity continued to laugh madly, tears streaming down her face. As it kept going, the pink mare slowly stopped laughing and inched closer, ending with a hug to the sobbing unicorn. When Rarity managed to compose herself once more, Pinkie pulled back to check on her.

“But you’re going to keep trying, right?”

The no-longer-quite-alabaster mare gave her friend a watery smile. “Of course darling. It would be quite unlady-like to give up before even trying properly.”

“Good! It wouldn’t be a good way to end the story if we left it there.” Pinkie didn’t react to the blank face and instead turned, pulling the unicorn with her. She pointed off to the distance, where the mirage dissipated in time to show two dull gray lines set against the yellow and blue of the landscape around them. “And there lies our answer to our travel needs!”

Rarity couldn’t think of any response as she was pulled along. They arrived quickly to the train tracks and looked up and down for any locomotives. There was nothing for miles either way. Before the dramatic mare could faint from exhaustion, she felt her hoof pulled along in a strong and unflinching grip. If it weren’t for the scent of sugar and vanilla coming from the mare beside her, it would have been easy to think it was Applejack holding her hoof.

“La la la la la la la la la la….” The hyper mare’s voice broke through another daydream. “You know, I never did get an answer from Applejack about what I should name my cherry creation. What do you think? Should it be chimmy-cherry, or cherry-chunga?”

Oh, no… Oooh no… Not more talk about cherries! No, it simply can’t be!

“Oooooh, hey look Rare-bear! A hoofcar! That would be a great help!” Pinkie bounced happily, dragging the other mare along and came to a stop at the metal cart. Using a quick burst of leverage and unexpected motion, she had Rarity up on the opposing side and was soon pumping away at the lever in the center.

“O-oh, yes, I’m sure this will help, greatly…” The unicorn could already feel her muscles twitch from pain.

“You betcha! So now that we have our amazing ride! About my conundrum, should I go with Chimmicherry or cherrychunga? Chimmicherry, cherrychunga? Chimmicherry, cherrychunga…?”

Oooo…! When I get back, I must properly thank Rainbow Dash for this lovely moment… I suppose I shall have ample time to think of the best solution… Applejack will also have to suffer. But only after I finish plans to make her mine. We shall NOT have a repeat of this behavior!

Ah don’t think Ah’ll be doin’ this sort of thing again… Dumb idea… Still have to finish my talk with Rarity… Then talk with mah poor family who is probably worried to death…

The rhythmic train wheels reminded the returning farmer of when she first left her home town. Her friends were sitting around her, providing warmth and support to the still anxious mare. The lavender unicorn had professed worry for her marefriend, a feature that Applejack shared but couldn’t yet bring herself to voice.

Soon. Once Ah get everythin’ settled, Ah ain’t waiting any longer for Spike’s an’ my little competition to finish. Ah’m going to get a fancy dinner all set up and Ah’m gonna ask her to be mine.

Applejack found she was too wired to take a nap. Instead, she focused on the window, trying not to picture the prissy unicorn stuck out in the wilderness. If she ain’t back soon after we are, Ah’m gonna go and find her. Not goin’ to lose her again.

The soothing and hypnotic motion sent the returning friends into a trance, helping speed up the return trip. When the train started to slow down, the group woke up and checked on their surroundings. AJ couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped at the sight of her whole family and a few other members who were visiting waiting on the platform. It brought just a little warmth back to her heart, loosening some of the stinging clamps that had held it tight for the past few days. Applejack could tell that she would have to be among the first to exit the train.

No sooner had an orange hoof landed onto the wooden form than she was tackled into a ponypile of Apple Family members. Cries of joy, welcoming and questions rang out, muddled by the sheer amount of ponies talking at once. Applejack tried to reach and pet as many of her family as she could, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes.

“Ah’m sorry, Ah’m sorry everypony… Ah didn’t mean to scare y’all…”

“Applejaaack! Why were you gone so long! Why didn’t you come back!?” The high pitched voice carried over top of everypony else; helped by it’s location right by an orange ear.

“Ah was ashamed at how badly Ah did at the competition. Ah couldn’t get any extra bits for anypony.” Applejack felt a solid whack on the side of her head.

“Now ain’t that the silliest thin’ Ah ever heard in all mah years! Ya don’ scare yer family for feelin’ bad about losin’ a couple o’ games!” The elderly voice managed to reach past the more agile and excitable bodies that held the earth pony down. Another voice shouted to be heard, it’s younger tone helping the group to identify who spoke.

“Where's Rarity? And where's Pinkie Pie?” Sweetie Belle poked her head through the pile of pony limbs to peer fearfully into AJ’s face.

The returning mares shared uneasy glances before Applejack started to push her family members off. Free once more, she stepped closer to the young unicorn and leaned closer, placing a hoof on the thin shoulder.

“Rarity and Pinkie got separated when they were... followin' after me. They're comin' too, but it'll just be ah bit longer.” Noting the rapidly tearing gaze of the unicorn, Applejack continued on. “Don't ya worry none, Ah'm gonnah be right here waitin' fer them. Did- did ya want tah wait with me?”

When the filly nodded solemnly, the earth pony smirked and nudged her to follow. Together, they went to side beside Twilight who had already started a vigilance for the missing mares. They were joined by the others, both those who came with and those who had been waiting. During which Applejack didn’t let her hoof fall from the tiny unicorn’s back, reassuring both of them at the same time.

Hours later, a small hoofcar appeared on the horizon. The waiting crowd tensed, trying to identify the colors of the ponies riding it. Applejack gulped nervously. She could see the usual shade of purple, but it was a wild mess with bits of cacti in it and dirt throughout, something that wasn’t normal for the prissy unicorn. When the pink blur started to wave frantically, the group gave a sigh of relief.

While Pinkie Pie leaped into her marefriend’s hooves, Rarity was getting a warm welcome of her own. Sweetie Belle ran forward and embraced her left foreleg. The older unicorn stumbled to a halt, blinking rapidly at the display of affection. Spike and Applejack came next, both at measured paces so not to push the other out.

“Rarity! Thank goodness you’re alright!” The young dragon started to pat at the dirt coating the unicorn’s form. “What happened?! You uh, got just a little bit of dirt here… Let- let me uh, try and help.”

Applejack remained silent, meeting and holding the sapphire orbs. She reached out, brushing a messy strand of purple away from the dirt and sand covered muzzle. “You ok there sugarcube…?”

“I’ll be fine…” Rarity glanced downwards at the filly still holding her hoof and then to the drake who started to work on her mane. “I’ll be fine after getting a much needed spa treatment!”

This statement, much like her usual kinds, caused the filly and drake to laugh. Applejack smiled gently, though she kept a close watch on the unicorn who still had the tint of sadness in her gaze.

“If ya didn’t arrive any sooner, we would have sent a rescue party for y’all. How’d you find the hoofcar?”

“Hm? Well, I appreciate the thought, but Pinkie, err, found, the car in time for us to travel back.” Rarity lifted her left hoof which trembled with exhaustion and nerves. “But now my hooficure is simply ruined!”

Spike tried to enter the unicorn’s field of vision, a concerned frown in place. Applejack politely stepped aside, noting with a flash of interest, that Rarity followed the motion with her eyes, sadness filling it before it relaxed when the farmer stayed nearby.

“Rarity, don’t worry! If you want, I can go and schedule you the soonest appointment possible!” The purple dragon stared pleadingly to his crush, steadily ignoring the orange pony to his left.

“Oh, if you could darling, that would be marvelous.” Rarity barely finished thanking him when the lad dashed off, leaving a vapor trail behind him. Sapphire blue eyes shifted to reconnect with emerald green ones. “Darlin’... I imagine that your family will want to celebrate your return.”

Applejack peeked over her shoulder. The rest of her family were waiting out of earshot for their previously missing member to be done. Looking back, the farmer dipped her head.

“Yer right. But Ah made lots of promises that Ah intend to keep.” The apple seller tilted her head, her half smirk weary of rejection after the hurt she caused. “Startin’ with that promised dinner, if ya have the time this evenin’.”

“I would like that… Very much. We have a lot to talk about.” Rarity smiled weakly before wrapping a hoof around her sister and pulling her along. “I’ll see you later darlin’... Come along Sweetie Belle, it’s time for us to head home.”

Together, the two unicorns leisurely returned to the main parts of town. Sweetie Belle didn’t let go and often caused her sister to stumble, but Rarity could sympathize with the desire to stay close to loved ones. Everyone they walked by stopped them to ask if Applejack did return. Once they heard she was back, they rushed to the train station to welcome her home.

“Darling, I have some more things I need to get done.” Rarity made sure to look in her sister’s eyes, trying to reassure without speaking. The filly was hesitant and slowly tightened her grip on the older mare’s leg. “Sweetie, I promise, everything is fine now. I just have to get a few things done before finally getting some much needed rest.”

Sweetie Belle bit her lip, but allowed the patting to sooth her. She gave one last embrace before turning around and heading for the apple farm. Rarity also bit her lip, two instincts raging with one another; getting clean or talking with the blonde farmer. Catching sight of herself in a shop window, the unicorn flinched, pawing at the filthy mane. I am simply not presentable. There’s too much to do…

Before taking a few steps, a dashing form came to a stumbling halt in front of the pale-gray mare. Spike panted lightly as he raised a claw to hold Rarity’s attention.

“Ra- rity… I… Got… Your appointment…!” He tried to take deep breaths. “They understood the need for emergency work and are willing to help right away.”

The older mare smiled warmly to the lad. She reached out with a hoof and rubbed the top of his head briefly. “Thank you darling. That’s very sweet of you, and very nice of the twins to see me on such short notice. I’ll head right over.”

The dragon blushed and rubbed his claws together, unable to meet his crush’s eyes. He chuckled and kicked at the ground bashfully. Rarity turned and started to head for the spa, already imagining the warm water against her fur.

“Thanks again darling. I’ll see you later? I’m sure I’ll be getting work done soon.” The unicorn glanced to the lad in time to see his rapid nod of agreement. “Wonderful. Goodbye dear.”

It wasn’t long before the fashionista was soaking in a large tub with the two spa twins working the catcti from her mane. While she floated, the unicorn planned her next course of action. She didn’t accept the full treatment, which would have taken several hours, in favor of getting one last errand done before the dinner time. The twins were sympathetic, though they couldn’t understand putting off finishing the treatment. They offered their regular and best customer another time to stop by and finish the process.

Rarity felt like a new mare when she walked out of the spa building. She took a deep breath, feeling relaxed, and checked the tall clock tower that was barely visible in the distance. It was nearly six o’clock and a jolt of panic coursed through her core. The fashion designer trotted at speeds that would risk her recently restyled mane to reach the fanciest restaurant the small town had.

The building sprawled outwards and straight back, the kitchen being in the center to reduce wait time for foods while the seating was all based on the different zones, motion and age of leaves. Separating the outside world from the inner courtyard was a room of soft brown wood that had doors on both ends. On the right was a podium with a host waiting for ponies to enter, along with a few helpers standing a few paces away.

“And how can I help you…?” The well-dressed stallion mused from his station behind his podium.

“Yes, I’d like to make a reservation for two.”

“Hmm… Our next opening would be the 5th of May, at seven o’clock. Would that suffice?” The stallion lifted his record book and picked up a pen, ready to mark it accordingly.

“Hmm… Over a month away?” Blue eyes lifted to the ceiling, more plans and ideas racing through her mind. “It shall have to do. Please put it under ‘Rarity’.”

“Of course.” The host nodded briskly, jotting a few notes into place. “Your time and day have been reserved. Thank you for coming to the Spring Leaf.”

The unicorn beamed at the efficient speed and turned around, leaving the pristine wooden entryway. Now running for what she could, the unicorn went home and set a pot of water to boiling. Before she could start any other parts of the meal, there was a solid knock on her front door. Who in the world could that be…? Applejack…?

Dashing back to the front lobby, Rarity opened the door with her face set in a neutral expression only to morph into pleasant surprise when Applejack stood there, hat in hoof.

“H-howdy Rarity… Ah know it’s a little later than what normal folk would consider dinner time, but Ah had to convince mah family Ah wasn’t tryin’ to run again.” The orange mare stepped forward, placing her hat back in its place, while Rarity’s grin slowly melted into a teasing one.

“Oh…? And what about for me? What assurances do I get that you will not try to do such an awful, hurtful thing again?”

Applejack paused and stared deeply into twin oceans of blue. There, under the playful current, was soulful torment and sorrow. The apple farmer slowly inhaled, shutting her eyes to focus on gathering strength. When she looked again, most of the teasing glint was gone, replaced by watchfulness and expectation. The earth pony reached out and brushed away another strand of purple mane from blocking the unicorn’s face; a habit that was quickly growing into something done unconsciously.

“Rarity, Ah ain’t leavin’. Not unless ya want me to.”

“Don’t you dare-!” Rarity broke her composure at the thought of any reason for the blonde to leave. Hearing such a fierce and speedy denial, Applejack laughed with a warm smirk.

“Well alrighty then. How ‘bout that grub? Bet yer tired of cherries by now.” When AJ saw the look of utter agreement, she chuckled and walked to the kitchen. Reaching for well memorized locations of utensils and food supplies, she quickly had an apple themed meal ready and waiting.

As the duo sat down across from one another, Rarity spoke up, her tone light. Though the earth mare was concerned by the lack of eye contact.

“Darlin’... Is this still not the setting where you feel you can talk with me…?”

Applejack took in the dinner they had set up together. Apple cider in long flute glasses, more than one of kind of utensil, with several courses laid out and waiting for their turn. It was almost the ideal situation. But it wasn’t enough.

“Ah think… for you… Ah could get better for what Ah was hoping to talk about.” The blonde mare took a sip of her drink, pointedly not looking at the dejection waiting in blue eyes. “But tha’ don’t mean we can’t talk now about other things Ah’m sure you were wonderin’.”

Rarity straightened in her seat, gaze sharp, as she held tightly to her glass.

“Like why Ah left.”

“You-you stubborn mare..!”

“Go on home. Ya don’t know what yer talking about…”

A flash of desolation shot through the unicorn’s gaze. Applejack exhaled loudly and dropped her sight to the table in between them.

“Ah know Ah probably said some hurtful things to ya. It hurt sayin’ them. But Ah was scared…”

“Scared…?” The soft whisper, scarcely heard over beating hearts, drew the green orbs back upwards to the hopeful and weary face.

“Yeah, Ah was scared… Ah made a big ol’ promise to just about everypony. The town, mah family, you… even to myself. An’ because Ah played the fool at the competition, Ah broke near about each one of them.” AJ reached out to lightly touch the opposing hoof, her gaze turning pleadingly. “Ah’m sorry. Can ya ever forgive me…?”

Rarity felt her fur burn where they connected and couldn’t stop the tender smile that graced her muzzle. She flipped her hoof around so they were equally holding one another and reached over with her free hoof to pat the orange one.

“I forgive you darlin’. Now, let’s eat this wonderful meal you’ve created for us this evening!”

Applejack grinned in relief and took back her hoof, though her heart shouted at her for it. Together, they used the rest of the evening to talk about the minor things that had happened over the past nine days since AJ first left. It was a much lighter atmosphere by the night’s end, having laughed at the more odd and unique parts of their adventures. Rarity insisted that Applejack not help put anything away considering the walk she still had to do in order to return to the apple farm and family that waited there for her.

The two stood in the doorway, staring into the other’s eyes. Their cores were warm, even in the much chillier land compared to the desert they had been used to the past few days. Neither noticed or cared about the almost goofy expressions they wore. Both just happy that everything was going right once again.

“Well, goodnight Rarity…”

“Goodnight, Applejack…”

Nopony moved, even after saying a final farewell. Still they watched the other, mesmerized by the lights that danced over their coats. Only when a distant and a closer sound of a clock striking the late hour did they shift apart, eyes remaining stationary with their bodies moved them along.

Once Applejack was freed of deep blue refractions, she trotted along the path to home for a block until she was out of easy sight of the boutique. After which she proceeded to race through the sleepy town to the fanciest restaurant she knew. Spring Leaf… Spring Leaf, where are ya…? There ya are!

She burst through the doors and came to a stop, finding a stallion looking back unimpressed.

“Yes…?” He drew out the question, brow raised at the slightly disheveled appearance of the farmer.

“Howdy! Ah’d like to make a reservation. Whatever time an’ day is the closest if ya don’t mind.”

“I have an opening on the 5th of May, at eight p.m…?” He checked the book, making sure of the slot opening. Hearing a soft stomp, he looked back up with disbelief.

“Shoot, guess that’ll have to do. Thank ya kindly.” Applejack bit her lip nervously, not seeing the annoyance her unconscious action had caused.

“And the name for the reservation…?”

“Oh, uh, put it under Applejack, if ya don’t mind. Thanks, y’all have a nice night!” The farmer rapidly turned about and left, mind furiously working on what she would have to get done before that time.

“You as well…” The bored host made a quick scribble and shut the large book. He then signaled one of the other workers to sweep up the hallway after the earth pony had left.

Applejack didn’t stay long enough to watch this however, her hooves already racing for home. Shoot! Ah plumb forgot the time! Ah bet Granny’s waitin’ for me, ready with another lecture about worryin’ family… Worth it though. Ain’t gonna let this chance pass up again! Not gonna wait for Spike neither.

She continued to run, enjoying the mild air and moisture that came with living much closer to water sources. The night sky was still clear and while they weren’t as visible due to the multitudes of lights in the town, the stars continued to shine on the world below. AJ took in all of this as she flew over the dirt, happy and at peace for the first time in a long while.

In the local dress shop, Rarity was sitting by her window, staring westward where just the peaks of tree covered hills raised up into the sky. Above them, barely shining through the low light over top of the town, were stars in various shapes and designs. It painted a sharp contrast to the one she had just come home from. The unicorn also felt different than who she was before they went for a desert trip. There was a focus, determined edge to her. She could practically feel the clock ticking down, warning her that there wasn’t much time before something else happened.

And I shan't waste time. I won’t lose the second chance I was given. I’ll ask her to be mine alone. Mine. This one time, I will not share, I will not be generous.

Rarity stomped her hoof against the windowsill. She gave one sharp nod before magicking the window shut. Quickly setting up for the night, the unicorn went to bed feeling at ease. The tension and worry of the past week was gone, replaced by determination. The determination to put everything on the line. … Compared to some of the stallions I’ve tried to date, this is nothing. It may even turn better than anything I’ve done before. I will do it! I can feel it, I’m filled with determination!

Author's Note:

Part 2 of the Rodeo competition. Managed to write this very quickly, you guys didn't have to wait too long :twilightsmile: This means that, roughly, the last roundup episode had over 25,000 words written in shipping goggle-view. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Please comment, fav and/or thumbs up!

Thanks to my editing staff for their work on making this readable and utterly enjoyable; good work Gwg and Shutup868!

Thanks to my two patreons for supporting my writing: Gwg and Shutup868. Want to support my writing? Want to see more time dedicated to writing and faster updates? Consider becoming a patreon! Thanks and see you guys in the next chapter!