• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 4,742 Views, 120 Comments

A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

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Chatper 17 - Helping out the Boutique - Spike's Day

End of February, 1005 A.D. (After Discord)

Loud beating resounded in the laid back light-gray ears. Breaths, uneven and rapid, overlaid the sound, giving depth to the panic. The light outside the dress shop grew as time slowly passed, though it went unnoticed by the mare leaning against the purple door. Her wide sapphire blue eyes stared forward without blinking. Both hooves were pressed firmly against her muzzle, barely muffling the gasps.

Oh my, oh dear, o-oh… Rarity’s wobbly gaze drifted towards her fainting couch, seeking something familiar and comforting. Perhaps I should lay down…?

An image flashed into her mind, halting her weak attempt at standing. Several pillows and blankets were strewn about the couch. A blonde mane flowed over the side while orange hooves gripped the top most blanket. Rarity held back a strangled gasp, suppressing the sudden urge to check for an apple scent, as she flinched back against the door.

O-oh my goodness… Wh-what should I do…?!

“Spike! Wait!” The call echoed through the mostly empty library, causing the two purple feet to stop in their rush to the door. The lavender unicorn frowned to the dragon as she and her marefriend trotted up to the lad. “Are you sure you want to go out in this cold?”

Spike nodded firmly, eyes fixed on the door and the boutique that lay far beyond it. Twilight glanced unsure to the pink earth pony beside her who tilted her head to the left for a second before beaming widely. A single purple brow rose at the excitement shown before the unicorn flinched back as Pinkie Pie sprung forward. Whipping both forehooves downwards, a bundle appearing in her grip, the earth pony dumped it on top of the drake who stared wide eyed. Taking a single step back, Pinkie smiled at the quintuple wrapped up lad.

“There you go! You should be ready for anything that would hurt your outside at least!” The pink baker nodded solemnly to herself before giving him a twirl, setting him to face towards the door once more.

Spike found he couldn’t lower his arms as the multitudes of layers prevented the movement. Even his tail was covered, sticking straight from behind him. His head was so wrapped up that only his eyes were visible as he checked on the two mares before nodding his head as much as he could, which was just a few inches. Twilight flinched when he opened the door, allowing the frigid air to blast in, but continued to wave as he left.

“G-good luck Spike! Please be safe!” The unicorn waited until he was well on his way, plowing through the new buildup of snow, before using her magic to close the door once more. “Oooh, I don’t know about this Pinkie...”

The pink earth pony couldn’t answer and merely gave her marefriend a hug around the neck. Together, they returned to the warmth of the upstairs fireplace, minds on the young dragon and his self-appointed mission.


Come on Spike, the great and heroic dragon! Your damsel in distress needs your help! These little towers of fortifications are nothing to the strong and brave Dragon of the West! The purple and green dragon continued through the snow drifts, his overactive imagination turning it into forts and armies that tried to stop his journey. It was hard, but he managed to shift his two arms forward, using both his claws and fire to try and cut through.

The wind wasn’t very strong, though it did occasionally prevent the lad from seeing where he was going at times. The streets were almost identical, the white causing it to blend together. Only with muscle memory and strong sense of direction was the drake able to find his way to the circular building. The sight of the white and purple shop gave the young lad a burst of confidence. Surging forward, he smiled under the layers of clothes, running up to the front door. Spike couldn’t stop his momentum and instead smashed against the frame, though it was muffled by his clothing.

Leaning up against the door, he tried to hear if there was anyone moving inside. He frowned thoughtfully when it seemed like somepony was having trouble breathing on the other side. Even though the claw was also heavily layered, he raised it to knock as hard as he could.

“Rarity? Rarity, are you there? Would-would you need some help today?” Spike continued to listen right against the entry way as he shouted. Scrambling could be heard right against the door, drawing a deeper frown from the dragon.

“O-o-oh, Spike! H-hello darling! I-I’m not sure there is anything you could do…” The airy response didn’t reassure the purple drake. Rarity’s voice came from the other side of the entryway, suggesting that she had been sitting against it moments ago.

“I’m sure I can find something to help you with! Please?” Spike knocked, not wanting to give up after making the cold journey. With his ear still pressed against the purple frame, he heard the muted sigh from the older mare.

A soft tinkle came while a light blue aura encased the door, opening it for the drake, while the pale-gray unicorn tried to smile like she usually did. Something she gave up on quickly once she took in the full appearance of the lad in front of her.

“Darling, what are you wearing…?” Rarity stared pensively as she took a step back, giving the dragon enough room to enter the establishment.

Spike waddled in, arms back out from his sides, before he answered his crush with a grumble.

“Pinkie Pie wanted to make sure I was warm as I walked over.” He stopped just inside the shop, gazing adoringly to the unicorn who bit her lip at the multitudes of clashing colors.

“I suppose… we should get you out from those, erm, clothes… I’m not sure what you could do today, dear. This weather isn’t helpful to new fashions after all.” The fashion designer began to strip the layers from the small figure with magic while summoning a cup of tea from the table.

Eyeing the cup, she found it was still warm from the breakfast Applejack had made not even fifteen minutes ago. Trying and failing to hold back the blush that accompanied the thought of the farmer, the unicorn floated over the drink to warm the chilled dragon.

Spike, free of his restrictive garments, reached up with an appreciative grin to hold the beverage. He began to sip at the apple and cinnamon tea, vision traveling over the empty boutique. When he noticed the remnants of a meal on the table, he shuffled in place, red covering his cheeks while his gaze dropped to the ground.

“Were… Were you just getting up now?” The dragon’s words brought the mare back to her guest. He continued to sip at his drink, racking his brain for something he could do on such a cold day.

“Hm…? Oh, u-uh, yes, I have only just awakened, but I don’t believe there are many who would want be out in this weather…” Rarity turned towards the entrance, eyes unfocused, as she thought about a mare who came even with the weather deterring most. As the two stood in the foyer of the dress shop, pounding against the doorway pulled them from their thoughts.

“Hellooo…? Anypony home? Mail’s here!” The cheerful tone resounded from outside, though it was slightly muffled.

The tailor tilted her head curiously, not having expected more visitors that day. Leaving the dragon where he stood, she checked on her latest guest. When she opened the door, it took a moment to see past the blinding white that covered the land, but she was eventually able to see the gray pegasus who landed in the slightly cleared path.

“Hi Rarity! I’ve got your mail!” Derpy smiled breezily, reaching for the large tan sack on her back. Spotting the confused face of the unicorn, the blonde maned mailmare pushed it forward, tilting her head as well. “You know, letters? There was a build up because of the storm, so it’s a lot more than usual today.”

Rarity snapped out of her surprise and reached out with her magic to hold the large bag. She gave the pegasus a shaky grin before walking backwards into her shop once more.

“Thank you darling. Stay warm, won’t you?”

“You bet! Goodbye Rarity!” Derpy saluted the pale-gray unicorn and took off for the skies once more, saddlebags full with other letters for delivery.

After the door shut, shutting off the draft of cold air, the library assistant spoke up from his place in the middle of the room.

“So, who was that? A customer?” The lad’s tone grew hopeful towards the end, seeing a chance to potentially stay and help out. Trotting over, cup still firmly in hand, he found the refined mare opening the sack and searching its contents. “Letters? Who are they from?”

Rarity taking various messages out and rapidly glancing them over. An ear twitched at the questions, though she didn’t answer right away. She opened a few more, double checking her findings, before coming back to her surroundings.

“Hmmm…? Well, they seem to be from clients, inquiring about the latest fashions and fall line…” The designer trailed off, the phrase causing a flicker of unease to strike through her core. “Fall line… Fall line…? Fall Fashion Line!” Rarity stood up from her place beside the bag. Mane swinging wildly, her blue eyes gained a manic tint as she looked to her racks of clothing currently for sale and display.

“Uh, Rarity…? Are you ok?” Spike took a hesitant step back as Rarity dashed forward. He drained his beverage quickly, setting the dish off to the side and trying not to stand in the way of the frantic unicorn.

“O-oh my! What horrid timing! Why don’t I have it done already?! Surely I couldn’t have been so absorbed by-... No, heaven forbid!” The fashion designer ran from rack to rack, sorting through the clothes only to stop midway and check another shelf.

“Rarity…? What do you mean ‘not done’? You… You mean the Fall Fashion Line?” The dragon’s jaw dropped, shocked at the potential disaster. “I can help! Let’s, uh, let’s get everything sorted! Twilight always says to get things organized first!”

The lad rushed to the letters, opening each one and making piles of what they requested. The pale-gray mare stopped, glancing towards him, as she panted as softly as possible. Watching the serious expression on the young dragon’s face, Rarity hummed thoughtfully.

So helpful! Just like A-a-a-!… Ah-ah-aaaaaaaa… Sapphire orbs widened while she internally flailed about. The only sign of her mental panic was a nervous twitch of her right foreleg. Glancing surreptitiously to the red couch off in the corner of the foyer, the light-gray unicorn shifted in place. Spike’s call distracted her from her not so platonic thoughts about a certain apple farmer, something she wasn’t sure if she should be happy about or not.

“Rarity? I got them sorted! Are you ok?” The purple dragon checked on the mare, walking out from behind the two large piles that now dominated the center of the room. He waved a claw to gain the designer’s attention before continuing.

“There’s two kinds of requests. These ones,” another wave indicated the smaller pile, “want some lighter clothes for spring. Everypony else wants to know about your Fall Line. Did… did you really not make a Fall Line?” Spike bit his lip after his timid question. The unicorn’s bashful glance did not reassure him.

“I may have been the tiniest bit distracted this winter. Never fear! I shall, uhm, I shall… I shall go and create-er fetch, the latest designs.” Rarity’s smile was shaky as she edged backwards towards the stairs. The dragon, however, shifted in place, glancing between the small pile of letters and the tailor.

“What, uh… Can I help with the spring orders? While you get the fall orders…?” The dragon tapped his pointer claws together. The mare paused in her retreat upstairs.

“Darling, would you really? That would be just lovely! Do you remember how I have everything? My designs are in their usual place, in the top drawer in the back room. I’ll be up in my inspiration room. Thank you dear!” Rarity wasted no time in turning around completely and dashing upstairs.

Spike stayed on the ground floor, blushing furiously, with a goofy grin prominent on his face. Reaching out with both claws, he scooped up the small pile, his grin growing with each passing second.

“R-right away my lady!” Jumping into the air briefly, he skipped to the hallway. Ignoring the doorways that led to the kitchen and stairs, he continued to the last door, where the small back room was waiting.

Once inside, he dropped the multitude of letters on the table that was pressed into the right corner and turned to the drawer next to it. Memory guided his claws to the book of designs. He held up each letter and noted which they asked for, writing it onto a separate list. Soon he was neck deep in paperwork of the supplies on hoof and how much each one would cost to do. Singing softly to himself of his accomplishments, he tuned out the rest of the world, happy to help his crush with important work.

Rarity swooned in front of her inspiration door, having closed it moments ago. Her vision wobbled, drifting over the empty racks and ponnequins, before dimming around the edges briefly.

No time for yer dramatic ways sugarcube. You’ve got work tah do.

The southern accent cut through the clouds gathered in the tailor’s mind. Softly gasping, the light-gray mare stood up from leaning against the wooden frame, eyes focusing as she checked her room.

“Ap-...?!” The mare stifled her voice when she remembered how the blonde farmer had left early that morning. “Ah yes… But her words, imagined though they might be, are true nonetheless! Come on Rarity, you can do it! You must!”

She strode forward, magic surging, to grab ahold of a new sketch book and titling it ‘Fall Fashions of 1005’. The drawer that she pulled it from closed with a blue aura while she lightly stepped up to the desk by the window, using natural light to brighten the area.

“And now, for fabulosity!”


An hour later and the unicorn was surrounded by stacks of crumpled paper that littered the ground. The ponnequins on the left side of the room were bare save for samples of cloths pinned against one another haphazardly.

“Why can’t I think of anything!? Everything is but a pale copy of my previous work, something that shant be allowed in the world of fashion.” Rarity glanced to her left, spotting the old rough sketch book for previous season designs. “Perhaps I could try a common theme instead of something entirely different… Something that ties the past year together…”

Rubbing her chin with a soft hum, Rarity picked up her previous rough drafts with her magic. She flipped through the pages, eyes flickering over the images, though her speed increased with sapphire orbs widening. Her breath hitched into being held, hooves digging into the carpet below her.

No, no, surely not! That swirl of green, that bright red, those tints of yellow and orange! These were- these were my most requested designs! All based on… Applejack… The book dropped from her magical grasp. Leaning forward, the unicorn scrunched her muzzle with eyes shut tight. Why, even now, barely over an hour since she left, do I wish to see her? The thought of her muscular form toiling away in the fields no longer fill me with disgust at the dirt… But instead… I want to go and help her… I want to… I want… to… Go.

With the single word resounding in her mind, Rarity stood up, attention on the farm to the west. Leaving the mess where it sat, she trotted out the door and downstairs. She gathered an ensemble for the cold temperatures as she went, calling the pieces from where they rested all over the house.

When she arrived at the main floor, Spike noticed the sound of movement and poked his head out of the back room. Catching sight of pale-gray fur, he exited the room, and tried to get the mare’s attention.

“Rarity? Did you need something? Tea maybe?”

The fashion designer jumped at the drake’s words. In her haste, she forgot he was in the building. Turning to face the lad, she felt a pang of guilt at the bewildered face.

“O-oh darling, are you still here? You needn’t keep your nose to the grindstone.” The mare waved her forehoof vaguely. She tried to smile reassuringly to the dragon who only started to frown at the dismissive tone. “Wh-why don’t you call it a day hmm? I have a few errands I must attend to and shall be heading out.” The pathetic attempt at smiling slowly crashed at the dejected face in front of her. Her hoof dropped down from its wave.

“May-… maybe I could stay and get the supplies out for the dresses? The ones for the Spring designs?” Spike stepped closer to the fully dressed mare, tapping his claws together uneasily. “While you’re gone…”

Rarity bit her own lip at the question. Blue orbs avoided the pleading gaze, unable to withstand the guilt that came with it, as the unicorn tried to think quickly.

“Dear, I won’t know how long I’ll be gone… Are you sure you want to stay and work on the orders?” The mare fidgeted in place, leaning down as she questioned him.

“I can do it! I’ll get everything all ready for when it’s time to assemble them. I can even clean up any messes I come across!” Spike straightened up and tried to appear confident. The mare gave a weak laugh, appreciative of his attempt.

“If you’re sure dear…Though I’m not sure how much of a mess there is. Applejack was just a darlin’ and came by yesterday, helping around the store.” Rarity’s gaze floated upwards, missing the dour face the dragon wore, as she reminisced about the previous day. “I’ll just leave the spare key with you, in case you finish the prep work before I return. Thanks ever so much darling!”

The unicorn continued on her way, humming softly to herself, as she gave the foyer one last check. Magicking a small brass key from its usual hidden place behind piles of clothing and books, she placed it firmly on the table near the hallway, in plain sight of the dragon. When she saw the large stack of letters that still awaited her, she frowned before huffing, putting it out of her mind with a single thought of the bright green orbs that would be lit up with a kind of warmth. A gentle heat burned from the fashion mare’s center, filling her limbs and mind. Smirking at the sensation and how it traveled throughout her entire body, she went outside, giving one last farewell to the drake watching her form from behind.

Spike waved, though the action went unnoticed, before slumping in place. His claws dropped to his sides listlessly.

Applejack is beating me so far… But I’ll show her! I’ll show them all. Rarity’s going to be blown away when she sees what I can do while she’s gone!

The drake clenched his claws, nodding determinedly, before returning to the back room. He grabbed the list of requests and compared it to the official design list. Noting which supplies were needed, he made another list and, feeling a lot like Twilight, he went upstairs to locate everything. He searched the workroom and had very little trouble assembling everything, having helped prepare the needed materials many times before. It was only when he got to the very end of his list that he ran into trouble.

“Moderate Sap Green Neighgypt Cotton with six hundred thread count cloth? Ponies want something like that? It’s not one she normally stocks… Does Rarity have something like this?” Spike scratched at his spines, right hand holding the supply list in front of his eyes as he exited the room.

When he reached the drop door at the end of the hallway, he looked up from the list and frowned at the distance. Sighing briefly at his short stature, he began to jump for the rope that hung down, finally catching it after his third attempt. Swinging back and forth, he edged the door open. When it dropped, he curled forward, ducking as it unfolded above him. He retrieved the list from where he dropped it and climbed up the steps.

At the top, he paused, surprised at the cleanliness he found there. He frowned pensively, turning in spot and scrunching his snout briefly at all the changes he found. Boxes were labeled neatly along the walls, some identifying base types of clothes that could be re-used to save on materials. Along the right wall were personal effects and souvenirs. What drew most of his ire however, were the two shelves that stood out from their surroundings. Their precision and newness brought to mind only one possible creator.

Grumbling to himself, he did another circle, coming to an annoyed stop when he realized most of the spare materials were on the new shelf on the left. He scanned the new sharp labels and found his target to be on the third shelf, too high for his shorter form to reach on its own. Sighing, he dropped the list and turned to the nearest stack of boxes, disassembling it to build himself a temporary ladder. The dragon was used to precarious steps, using what skill he had in balance to reach to the shelf and pulling out the needed box. As it was lifted off its resting place, the drake swooned in place, trying to accommodate the sudden displacement of balance.

There was a second of him succeeding. But as soon as he shifted to head back down, the box tumbled out of his grip and sent everything sprawling. The attic filled with thunderous noise as everything crashed into each other and thumped to the ground. Spike found himself trapped under the case he was after and the one he had originally stood on. Both of their contents spilled out, meshing with others that had hit the ground harder and also disclosed their supplies.

The assistant tried to stand but couldn’t, finding himself to be too weak to fight the weight on top of him. So instead he tried to wiggle forward. This movement was both a success and failure. By scraping along the ground, he was able to get free of his entrapment. However, the slow motion had caused a chain reaction, causing other brown containers precariously balanced on one another to fall to the ground.

Rubbing the new bump on his head, Spike checked the mess he made, slouching when he noticed how it had involved the entire wall of boxes. Exhaling gustily, he squared his shoulders and reached for the fabric that brought him to the top floor, gently tugging it free from where it was buried. When the specific shade of green hit the light, the purple claw paused, green draconic slits widening as realization struck.

Spike pulled back, thinking rapidly about the last two seasons’ designs. Recalling the color schemes, he shook his head, face morphing into one of dejection.

No… It can’t be… The dragon bit his lip, holding back the mists in his eyes. He swiped at them, taking a deep breath that was shakier than what he hoped, before standing upright once more. With a lot less energy and enthusiasm than when he started, the librarian assistant began to clean up the disaster he caused. The only sounds that could be heard from the top most room were of minute sniffles and the scraping of cardboard against the ground and one another.

The sound of crunching filled the chilled air. Nopony else was out, unless it was important. Something the light-gray unicorn paid no attention to as she trotted merrily down the streets. She had a scarf, jacket, boots and furry hat that coordinated with one another. The jacket and hat were dark green and apple green respectively, while the scarf was a bright red. All four boots, which came up only to a fourth of her leg, were a green so dark it was almost black.

Rarity stood out easily from the whiteness of her surroundings. Nose raised jauntily in the air, she felt as though she were several pounds lighter, her body almost pulling her along towards the farm on the outskirts of town. Each mile she got from her boutique and the peaceful village, the warmer she felt, even though she now had to plow through more snow. The mare’s thoughts were blank, captured by a pair of bright emerald eyes. She was so lost in thought that she hardly noticed the long journey before suddenly appearing in front of the warm red barn house.

Blue eyes blinked rapidly, swirling around to take in the snow covered farm. Paths were made to each of the buildings and to each of the orchards. Smaller ones showed where the three siblings had gone for fun times. There was also a large amount of churned up snow to the south, near the barn and the orchard closest to it. Remnants of rope hung from the tree limbs while a mirror sat in a niche. Tilting her head quizzically, the fashion mare frowned, eyes coming back to the house in front of her.

Why in the world would they need a mirror up there…? Perhaps it is some farmer game that only they know of…? I suppose I shant know until I ask… Wh-why are my hooves frozen against the ground?!? As Rarity tried to knock on the door before her, she found her limbs were unresponsive. Staring at them with a wide, frantic gaze, she tried to will herself forward. Instead she found doubts and fears growing ever louder in the back of her mind.

Now now Rarity, this is certainly not the time to start doubting yourself! It is of dire need that I come by…! Utterly dire… I need the inspiration that she seems to give out freely, just like her help, and strength, and advice, and smiles… and support… and care… and hospitality… and- stop stop stop! This is not the opportune moment to think about this particular subject! I must simply go up and -

“Ah don’t know Granny, yer hearin’ ain’t what it used tah be…” The familiar southern tone broke the unicorn’s concentration as it came closer to the front door. Another voice, older and thinner, shouted from further back.

“Ah knows what Ah was hearin’ an’ Ah know tha’ there be somepony a’waiting outside! You jus’ go an’ see how right Ah am little missy.”

Soft chuckling answered the yell coming from right beside the doorway. With a loud creak, the green frame swung outwards with both top and bottom halves, allowing the warmth and light to spill out. The fashion designer felt her breath hitch at the sway of golden yellow while bright emerald orbs shone with surprise and that softness that was usually present when they gazed at the unicorn.

“Well, whaddya know Granny, yer were right. Howdy sugarcube, what’cha doin’ all the way out here?” Applejack smiled gently towards the mare who stood shocked before her. The earth pony’s gaze couldn’t help but soften, shining brightly, as she took in the appearance of the unicorn who was smiling just as warmly back.

“O-oh well I was, erhm, I found that I hadn’t much to do at my boring old shop and, remembering your own help, thought I should stop by and uh, help!” Rarity tripped over her wording as she restrained her body from fidgeting nervously. Her front hooves itched to be assured her mane is properly twirled while her face tried to break out into a heated red hue.

Applejack started to lose her smile, as she turned her gaze from the unicorn in front of her to beyond, back towards the town. Her vision darkened briefly, thoughts elsewhere, before she faced the mare in front of her again, without the grin.

“Oh. Yer… Yer not doin’ anything at your shop? No- no one stopped by?” The farmer shifted in the doorway, already feeling the blazing glare she would receive from a certain baby dragon.

The fashion mare shifted in place, her own gaze turning away as both ears flipped backwards. “Well, I did get a few visitors, but I simply couldn’t sit still. After all the help you gave the other day, it would be impolite of me to not try and repay your kindness…”

Both mares grew quiet, unable to meet the other’s eyes, as they pawed the ground. A short gust of wind made the unicorn shiver in place. Before either could comment further, a shout came from inside, shaking them from their stiffened position.

“Yer lettin’ th’ cold in ya silly fillies! Get ’er in here, what are ya thinkin’ sweet pea? How is that Apple hospitality?”

Applejack blushed at the reprisal from her grandmother. Turning her head backwards, she answered without resorting to a complete shout.

“Yes Granny!” Once she assured the older mare, the blonde farm pony sheepishly looked at the mare in the doorway, a hoof going to rub at the back of her head. “Sorry ‘bout that Rarity. Wh-why don’t ya come on in then?”

Rarity bit her lip for a second, unsure about that reaction of the orange mare, but dipped her head in acceptance. Stepping forward, she felt the warmth of the farm house seep through her clothes and bring her internal temperature back up.

Once she was inside, Applejack shut the door behind her, trying to avoid looking at the unicorn’s rear end. Rarity didn’t notice this nor the blush that came with it as she levitated her winter gear onto the nearby coat rack. As she peeled each article off, her shivering grew worse, as her body tried to adjust to the new temperature. Taking her jacket off, Rarity stood on the edge of the living room, looking at the other Apple family members who gazed back curiously. Granny Smith was in her usual rocking chair in the left corner, while Big Mac and Apple Bloom sat on the couch near the door. The tailor tried to smile through her chill, giving the family a tiny wave.

“H-hello everypony. I do hope I wasn’t interrupting a family day together. I was merely uh-” Rarity paused as she felt a thick quilt placed onto her back. She tilted her head to her right, eyes wide, to find that Applejack had taken a spare blanket and placed it on top of the cold pale-gray unicorn. When green orbs rose to meet questioning blue, the farm mare took a step back with a bashful smirk, hoof once more going to the back of her head.

“You-you were shivering somethin’ fierce.” Applejack nodded briskly before trotting over to her grandmother, who was in the midst of praising her granddaughter.

“Yer darn tootin’! That mare was gonna shiver her bones right out! Ah knew Ah raised ya right missy!” Granny pinched the orange mare’s cheeks, grinning widely.

Rarity, still by the door, shifted under the blanket as her cheeks blazed red. Raising a hoof to bring the neatly stitched cloth closer, she took another step in the room, coughing politely.

“Eh-hem, yes, Applejack was indeed raised to be very helpful. I was wondering if I could do anything to help in return? She’s just been a marvelous help to me, surely there is something I could do in thanks?” The light-gray mare smiled amorously to the blonde earth pony who chuckled at the praise.

“Shucks sugarcube, ya don’t have to go that far.”

“Not at all darlin’! I wish to return the favor and show how I appreciate your tremendous help. I shant leave until I can do something for you and your family.” The determined unicorn took another step closer, a firm glint in her gaze.

The stallion and young filly on the couch watched the two mares ‘argue’. Their heads bounced back and forth between the combatants, similar to a tennis match. They noticed an interesting smirk that hovered over their sister’s muzzle and a liveliness that wasn’t usually present in her apple green eyes. Neither had they seen the local fashionista in such high spirits when talking about helping on a farm, having been well known for NOT liking dirt or filth of any kind. The shocking fact that not only was she there to help on a farm but actually was volunteering for it prevented the two siblings from noticing much else about the unicorn.

Something that did not happen to the oldest Apple present. Granny Smith couldn’t hide her own smirk at the light pink hue on both mares’ cheeks. She also took an interest in how, with every statement, the fashion mare drew ever closer to the rough and tough blonde. Curiosity hummed through her old bones which shrilly shouted back that there was something there. Clapping her hooves together, the old earth mare shouted just loud enough for everypony to hear.

“Alrighty! We got us another hoof for this here spring cleanin’! Now missy, ya sit right here!” The two siblings on the couch snapped out of their daze at the shout and came to attention. Granny pointed to where Applejack currently resided, drawing another deeper blush from the unicorn.

“Granny! But ya can’t-” Applejack tried to take charge of the situation only to be stopped firmly by the determined old mare.

“Yesserie Ah can! Yer still too young tah try an’ tell yer old granny what tah do whippersnapper! You an’ yer brother go get all them boxes we’ve been meanin’ tah sort. Pickle pear, best come on over here too.” Granny Smith waved gently towards the filly who crept forward hesitantly with ears laid back.

Rarity watched with a brow raised as Applejack sighed and stood up. Not acknowledging the unicorn in front of her, she went upstairs with her older brother following close behind. Once they were out of the room, the unicorn walked over to her ‘assigned’ place, holding the blanket in place with a hoof.

“I don’t mean to be a bother Miss Smith, I was merely trying to help…” The unicorn tried to speak a decibel above ‘normal’ to be sure the elder could hear her properly.

“Don’t you worry none deary! Ah know what Ah’m doin’. An’ there’d be no need tah call me ‘Miss Smith’, ya can just call me Granny.” The pale-green earth pony waved merrily to the unicorn who blushed at the urging. “Now we needed tah get these here boxes all sorted, all sorts o’ things build up over th’ years. Ah need ya tah help sort out the junk intah new boxes. Same fer you half pint!” At the end of her assurances, Granny ruffled the small filly’s mane, drawing a small laugh from the two on either side of the elder.

Rarity smiled tightly at the request and glanced about for an empty box. Spotting one in the back corner, she levitated it over and placed it right in front of the three ponies. Just as she was finishing that task, a thunderous cantering came from above, signalling the return of the two oldest siblings.

Applejack and Big Mac both had two large boxes on their backs, though neither showed any strain from the weight. They went slower down the stairs, unwilling to have an accident. They sat their loads before the three waiting ponies and sat on the other side, ready to help where they could. As they opened the boxes, the family and guest got down to business, sorting and re-organizing the various things the family had gathered over the years. The only deterrent was the light green mare herself. Granny Smith constantly stopped their progress to talk about this memento or that scrapbook, even if they held potential embarrassment for any of the siblings sitting nearby.

“An’ this here is from ah family reunion back when little ‘Bloom was jus’ born. Applejack ain’t got her cutie mark yet, but that didn’t matter none tah sweet ol’ Valencia Orange or my dear Johnagold. There they are, helpin’ Big Mac with them apple fritters.” Granny Smith pointed at the picture of two older ponies standing next to a gangly Big Mac. They were smiling and waving to the photographer. “Little Applejack sure loved them fritters! They had tah keep ah constant watch for the little sneak!” The oldest mare used the hoof that was pointed at the picture to nudge the frozen mare across the way.

The action brought Rarity’s attention from the adorable picture of the blonde mare to the shell shocked present one. The paleness of the normally steady and sure farmer caused the unicorn’s teasing grin to evaporate, leaving behind a concerned frown. Reaching out with her own hoof, the tailor tried to gain Applejack’s attention. The others all watched sadly as they reflected on the two ponies in the picture.

“D-darlin’...?” Rarity’s call shook the blonde earth pony from her thoughts. Tugging her brown stetson down, the farm mare tried to keep her voice light.

“O-oh, Ah better get some more boxes, we’re near about done with this one. Ah’ll be right back…” Applejack stood up, without meeting anypony’s concerned gaze, and quickly made her way upstairs.

A weary sigh from her right pulled the unicorn’s attention briefly away from the retreating figure. Looking to the older mare, she noted how the rest of the family had grown even more depressed, though Apple Bloom’s was tinted with confusion and Big Mac with regret.

“Poor whippersnapper… Never came tah terms with losin’ them… None of us were th’ same after what happened…” The pale-green earth pony gently shut the scrapbook, patting the cover with a doleful smile.

Rarity stood up rapidly, threading her way around the stacks of boxes and shot up the stairs, taking no regard to the state of her mane or tail. In the living room, Granny Smith smiled tenderly at the pale-gray figure, nodding to herself before addressing the remaining siblings in the room.

“Ah sure hope someday y’all get somepony tah help ya like Applejack has. Maybe then yer’ll realize it ain’t yer fault.” The older mare pulled the tearful filly into her arms, patting her back while the lone stallion stared determinedly at the wall behind the two.


The light-gray mare paused at the top of the stairs, straining her ears, glancing up and down the hallway. She zeroed in on the ladder that was down on the far left, noting the small sounds of hitching breath. Slowing her frantic trotting to not scare away the target, Rarity went to the attic, searching the room as soon as she was high enough on the ladder. In the far corner was a huddled mass of orange and yellow, shivering even though the room was mildly heated. Biting at her lower lip once more, the unicorn slowly made her way closer.


Applejack startled at the voice, her heart rate skyrocketing while her breath hitched once more. She shot upright and adjusted her hat, using the motion to try and hide a swipe to her eyes.

“Sorry, uh, sugar, was just… tryin’ to find the next box…” Her wobbling speech trailed away as she felt two forehooves wrap around her barrel. Going still, the farmer slumped slightly while the fashion designer rested her head against the arched neck.

“It’s alright darlin’... You needn’t hide or lie to me about anything… I won’t leave you because you are sad.” Rarity tried to keep her impulsive and hormone driven desires at bay, wanting this moment to be about reassuring the blonde mare instead of taking physical comfort for herself. “Would you care to talk about it…?”

Applejack shook her head slowly even as she raised a hoof to hold on to the pale-gray ones that encircled her.

“Ah- Ah can’t… Not yet at least…” When the farm pony felt the other mare stiffen behind her, hooves starting to tug away, she rapidly continued talking in a stronger voice. “It’s- It’s not because of ya! Ah’ll tell ya, Ah just... can’t… right now…”

Rarity relaxed once more, pressing more of her weight and heat against the orange mare. Her center was heated as she repeated the wording to herself internally, smiling shyly at the allowance to help. The fashion mare held onto her friend longer, willing to use the chance to take in more aspects of the strong earth pony. Lost in the smell and feel of the blonde under her hooves, Rarity didn’t realize that Applejack was doing the same with the unicorn’s scent and form.

The two mares stayed like that for another ten minutes, taking in the reassurances they offered one another. It was only when the farm mare heard the light pitched tones of her sister wondering where they were that she started to break away. Taking in a deep breath, she finished wiping at her eyes as she pulled from soft light-gray hooves. She rotated in place, smiling weakly at the designer who slowly placed her hooves against the ground.

“Thanks Rare… Guess Ah needed a good ol’ hug. Better get back down there, before everypony starts tah wonder where we went.” Applejack couldn’t meet the gentle sapphire orbs though she was able to catch sight of the agreeing nod. She gave the other mare a swift hug before heading towards the drop door.

Rarity stood stock still for a moment longer, breathing deeply as she mused on the feel of orange hooves around her shoulders. Remembering where she was, she twirled about, following the farmer with a pleased smirk. Together, they went back downstairs, finding that the others had already recovered and had started to dig back into the boxes.

When they heard the two mares cantering down, they glanced up with anxious faces only to break out in smiles when they noticed how Applejack had recovered. Big Mac relaxed in his seat while Apple Bloom perked up, waving energetically towards her sister. Granny Smith grinned smugly, waving towards the pair softly as well.

The two friends trotted closer to the three earth ponies that were sitting beside one another. Big Mac had moved from his original spot to sit next to his grandmother, leaving only the seats in front of the boxes for the two mares.

“There y’all are! We were wonderin’ where ya got off to, got lots to do after all. Come on over here, fancy dresses, Ah’ll show ya another bright idea’r of Applejack’s. Jus’ the other day she thought she had tah fight the Sass Squash by her lonesome.” The old earth pony chuckled, as she swiped at her granddaughter who sat across from her. Applejack blushed and tapped away the hoof.

“Granny, ya should know that her name is Rarity… An’ do ya have to tell her about that? It was only a couple days ago…”

Rarity smiled briefly to the orange farmer, appreciative that the older farmer know and say her name properly. Though her smile turned into a teasing one as she watched the mare beside her.

“Oh? Why am I not surprised she felt the need to do it by herself…?” After a second, the rest of the older mare’s comment sank in and the unicorn turned rapidly back to Granny Smith. “What’s a ‘Sass Squash’?”

Applejack exhaled gustily, dragging her hat down, though everypony could see the smile tugging at her mouth. As her grandmother continued her chatter, the blonde mare crossed both forehooves and playfully glared at her brother and sister who laughed the hardest at her expense. Rarity chuckled as well, though it resounded differently in the farm mare’s ears. The laughter was light and like bells, a sound Applejack was more than willing to listen to all night long. Though she hoped her family didn’t learn of this fact, lest the unicorn also catch wind of it.

Rarity continued to laugh, amused by the hijinx the apple of her eye got up to. Honestly Applejack, must you do everything single hoofedly? I simply can’t leave you alone can I…? Wait, what do I mean by that?! The unicorn had a moment of panic, eyes widening rapidly as she sat up straight once more. Her cheeks blazed as she also realized how she had subconsciously leaned towards the other mare during the story.

She checked nervously to see if anypony else noticed the faux-pas and for a second thought bright orange eyes shone with smugness. A second glance showed no sign of amusement as Granny Smith continued her tale, pointing to the family members as they reenacted the various scenes. Save for Applejack, who merely shook her head bemused.

“... Betcha they were surprised at what they found in the middle of their little trap. Me, dressed up jus’ like one of them Sass Squash! Heh ha ha ha hah…! They learned the same thin’ Ah did as ah filly, sometimes th’ best time with family is any time at all.” Granny finished her tale, smacking at her knee in merriment. As she trailed off, she turned her aging eyes to the windows, a bright glint in their depths. “Gosh, woulddya look at that! Time sure runs as fast as Winona from gettin’ ah bath! Why don’t ya stay the night missy?”

Both Rarity and Applejack glanced towards the front window, shock emanating from them at the darkness they found out there. Applejack grew even more anxious, thoughts going to a particular dragon who would be upset at how long the unicorn had visited. This short anxiety was nothing compared to the alarm caused by her heart’s desire and grandmother’s next few comments.

“O-oh, I really shouldn’t bother you all. There’s so many of you living together, there couldn’t possibly be any room for a quest.” Rarity tried to keep her voice neutral, even as her heart beat loudly in her throat. Her right hoof itched to twirl her mane but she managed to hold back the nervous habit.

“Nonsense! We’ve got plenty o’ room! Why, Ah bet you and Applejack could share. Didn’t she say you two had one of them sleepunders befor’? Should be right as rain fer ya.” Granny Smith waved her hoof assuringly before getting up to pat Big Mac on the shoulder. “Why don’t ya get these here boxes put away? We’ve done ah bunch of sortin’, should be just what the cleanin’ needed.”

Before anyone could move, Applejack stood up and reached out to the elder mare in protest.

“But Granny! There ain’t much room on mah bed! What if Rarity had somethin’ important waitin’ for her at her shop? We can’t just make her stay!” The blonde farmer floundered with her words, trying to find some way around the proposed arrangements without flat out refusing them.

The fashion designer flushed at the protest. Ears tipping backwards, she suddenly found her doubts and worries back, stronger than before. Shaking off the dejected haze her mind wanted to wallow in, she stood as well, trying to smile at the farm mare.

“Per-perhaps I should indeed head home then. Ha-have a nice evening everypony… Applejack…” Rarity tipped her head towards each, ending with the orange earth pony to her left. The sight of misty blue orbs sent Applejack into a spiral of self-doubt and distress.

“Sugarcube… W-wait…”

“Now that’s one o’ the silliest things Ah ever heard! An’ Ah helped raise these three from wee babes.” Granny’s firm tone broke through the rising apprehension. All eyes snapped back to the mare in the rocking chair who in turn frowned at the two ponies by the door. “Now Ah don’t want tah hear another word against ya stayin’ the night, from either of ya. Ya hear?”

None of the others argued. Applejack dipped her head to her grandmother before grabbing a pale-gray hoof and heading upstairs. Rarity’s cheeks took on a pink hue at the touch, and her mouth popped open in surprise.


“Come on Rare, ya don’t go arguin’ with Granny Smith ‘less ya have a good strong plan. We’ll… We’ll figure somethin’ out about, uh, sleepin’ arrangements…” Applejack didn’t glance back, afraid her own blush would give her thoughts away. She didn’t release the other mare’s hoof until they reached her bedroom, with the door shut behind them.

Rarity slowed to a stop in the center of the room, hoof shakily going up to her muzzle. Her eyes took in the bed while her mind shouted at her impulsive side.

You just had to go and get ‘inspired’ from being near her, didn’t you? But nooo, what’s not a little crush without stopping by and having her family demand you stay the night? I haven’t even had the time to properly react to this new… new… change of…. heart… Rarity pulled out of her internal musings when the orange mare sighed, resting her head against the doorframe.

“Sugarcube, Ah am sorry if it seemed like Ah didn’t want ya here. Ah just know how busy you can get an’ didn’t want tah cause you trouble.” Green eyes peeked out from where the orange forehead leaned against the wooden frame. “Tell ya what, we’ll wait up here until Granny heads off fer bed an’ then Ah’ll take the couch downstairs while ya take my bed.”

“What? But heaven forbid you sleep on some uncomfortable couch while I take your only bed!” Rarity leaned back, her ears twitching as her mind fought louder with images and ideas of how to ‘solve’ the sleeping arrangements. Fighting off the blush that threatened to give away her thoughts, the unicorn stepped forward, reaching a hoof out to reassure the other mare.

“Eeenope. Ah won’t hear a word against it.” Applejack stood up from her place against the door, usual smirk back in place. Her ears twitched as they picked up hoofsteps in the hallway. “Sounds like the others are headin’ for bed now. Won’t be long before yer able tah get yer ‘beauty sleep’.” Not that ya need any…

The red hue finally broke free of the unicorn’s control at the mild teasing. She twirled her mane as she pondered about a potential hidden meaning to the farm pony’s words. Sighing daintily, the fashion mare gave in, nodding briefly before turning to take in the room once more. It hadn’t changed much from when she visited the previous summer, except that warmer clothing hung on the nearby racks. When an orange form strode past her, she had to take a deep silent breath, heat spreading from the side closest to the earth pony.

“Now Ah know ya have yer long list of things tah do before headin’ off for bed, but Ah only have a manebrush and just one mirror that you can use.” Another teasing smirk was sent towards the prim unicorn. “Unless ya wanted tah take a shower too?”

Rarity huffed playfully, casting her mind about to even the score. Batting her eyelids, she swayed closer, dropping her head slightly to give herself a pouty appearance as she tried to tease back.

“Maybe if somepony were to join me…?” The unicorn smirked as her low, tender tone caused the other mare to stiffen. She watched with bemusement as Applejack studiously avoided meeting her eyes, trotting out of the room as fast as she could without drawing her family’s attention.

“Eeeeenope…!” Applejack’s quiet but stressed refusal was barely heard by the pale-gray mare. Though Rarity did manage to catch it before the toned orange body went downstairs.

Well, I never! Was my flir-uhm, joke, that bad…? Or… does she not care for me the same way I seem to for -... Muzzle scrunching once more in anxiety, she turned towards the mirror, trying to find if there was something on her that caused that particular reaction. Now now, this is NOT the place to think about our current woes Rarity. Why don’t we just head straight to bed? We’ll think about this in the morning. Or maybe sometime this week. Or in a few weeks….

The unicorn, forgoing her hour long process for a proper rest, slipped into the twin sized bed, barely disturbing the layers of blankets on top. Every time she shifted, the strong scent of the usual occupant arose, distracting her from any kind of slumber. The prissy mare began to toss and turn, trying to find someway to lay without her mind bringing mental images of an orange body using the same bed and covers.

Rarity soon gave up the endeavor. Grumbling to herself about how the fitful rest would ruin her visage, she tried to get a cup of water, hoping to clear her mind and nose for a moment. When she reached the stairs, her ears stiffened, focusing on a muted sound coming from the floor below. The prim mare glanced along the hallway, unsure if this was a normal thing, before slowly heading towards the living room. Once she reached the midway point, she crouched lower, trying to spot what was making the whimpering. The room was empty and dark, though a spot of orange stood out on the couch facing the stairs. Worry flashed through her heart, making the unicorn almost trip down the rest of the steps. Softly trotting up to the farm mare, she jostled her with a hoof.

“Darlin’...? Darlin’, you must wake up. Applejack…?” Rarity kept her voice low, even as it grew tense with unease. The pony below her turned on her side, away from the unicorn.

“Go away… please… Ain’t nothin’ wrong…” Applejack’s voice wavered. It was muffled from being under several blankets and a pillow, but the designer could still hear the sadness dripping off each word.

“No. You are coming with me up to your bed and we shall talk about it.” The pale-gray mare hardened her heart and pulled at the weak body. Sending a flicker of magic to the kitchen for two cups of water, she pulled the downcast farmer from her resting place and up the staircase.

Within moments, Rarity had the blonde mare sitting on her bed, removing her hat and the blankets she tried to hide behind. She lifted orange hooves to hold one of the cups she had while she grabbed her own, taking a tiny sip while waiting for Applejack to calm down. When it became obvious the stubborn earth pony wouldn’t speak nor allow her sorrow to show, the unicorn sighed and sat beside her, leaning against the shivering mare.

“Darlin’... If you don’t want to talk about it, I’d understand, but whatever is the matter? Surely not what I had said earlier…?” A single ear flicking back was the only sign that the question was more important than the light questioning tone suggested. Seeing how strongly Applejack shook her head in denial, Rarity was inclined to believe it and became dejected as the only other possibility came to mind.

“Would it have anything to do with your parents…?” The answer came readily to the unicorn as the orange farmer tried to pull away, eyes shut tight against tears. “Ooh, Applejack… It’s ok to be sad… I understand if you don’t wish to talk about them at this time, but I am not letting you out of my sight now!”

Applejack stopped pulling away, turning to gaze at the unicorn in watery confusion.

“You are staying here with me and you shall allow me to hold you tight.” Rarity’s eyes widened at the implications of that statement and tried to rush on, ignoring both of their blushes. “To protect me from this, uh, filthy house! So much dirt, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a monster of some kind, waiting to rush to my beautiful coiffure and absolutely ruin it!”

The dramatic mare began to warm up to her performance, throwing her right hoof to her forehead while her left one went around orange shoulders. Leaning towards the farmer who stared on wide eyed and nonplussed, Rarity peeked through scrunched eyes.

“Save me darlin’, won’t you?”

Applejack gave the posing mare a trembling smirk before sighing resignedly. Lifting her own hoof, she grabbed ahold of the other mare and pulled the two of them into the bed, not letting go even as they laid next to one another.

“What am Ah gonna do with ya Rares? Always havin’ tah save ya. You’d be ah goner without me around.” The stout earth mare couldn’t hold back her wavering voice, trailing off into a sniffle as she ducked towards the unicorn’s barrel and holding her close. The usually prissy mare sighed once more, drawing the tearful mare even closer and rubbing her back.

“Yes indeed, utterly doomed.” Utterly doomed in how I would not be able to last a full day knowing that you were not in the world someplace. I truly have fallen for this stubborn mare… What’s a lady to do…?

The two stayed in that position throughout the night. Rarity had magicked the multitudes of blankets to cover them while she continued to hold the earth pony close. They managed to fall asleep a little after midnight, with Applejack into a fitful rest and Rarity following soon after, though hers was little better. The next morning, Applejack didn’t speak about what happened the night before, getting up and leaving the prissy mare in her bedroom as she went about her morning business. Rarity took her cue from the bashful silence, starting to go about a shorter beautifying process with the limited supplies available.

After borrowing a brush to bring her mane into some semblance of order, the fashion mare quickly made her way downstairs, desperate to get home to her usual beauty products. A firm but kind command of the elder farmer stopped her from leaving, staying for a shared breakfast instead. It had been a while since she sampled Applejack’s cooking, but it held up to the memories she had. Eating rapidly but with good manners, Rarity tried to once again escape, only to be halted by another call from Granny Smith.

“Now, y’all come back any time, ya hear? Any friend of mah granddaughter is ah friend of the family and always welcomed!” The pale-green earth pony slowly trotted over to give the unicorn a brief but bone crushing hug. Surprised and slightly winded from the embrace, Rarity smiled as she tapped the older mare’s back.

“Err, yes, thank you. Perhaps I shall be back. Thank you for having me.” Letting go, the unicorn grabbed and began to layer on her clothing, smiling at the rest of the family as they exited the kitchen. As she picked up the various bits of her ensemble, it was to her pleasure to find similar colors on the farmers’ own clothing. “It was an interesting evening. Goodbye everypony.”

“Now wait ah second! Applejack, yer gonnah let yer friend walk all by herself back intah town? Why Ah’d shudder tah think what could happen tah her, yer’ve got to with her.” Granny Smith smirked at the orange mare who blushed with a frown.


“No no Granny Smith, I’m sure there is an awful lot of work to still be done around this very large farm. I’ll be quite alright. Besides, I have to try to do some things on my own, can’t expect to be saved at all times…” The drama proned mare sighed, head tilted up as her eyes grew unfocused. “... Even if it is just so romantic…”

Putting her winter hat on with a flourish, Rarity was pleased to see her muttered words had caused a bright red hue to rest over cute freckles, while a stetson was pushed down to cover shocked green eyes. The unicorn snickered to herself as she left, heart light, as ideas flashed rapidly through her mind.

The trip back through town was just as fast as the trip out the day before. More snow had been moved out of the way, the paths now wider, but it was still early in the morning. The Apples, an old family of farmers, always awoke either before or with the sun. Yet another reason why the unicorn couldn’t wait to return to her abode. She might not be able to get more sleep, but she would be able to freshen up properly at least. She hardly paid the world around her any attention until after she entered her shop. Sitting squarely in the middle of her front table was a note, written by neat claws that had a lot of practice.

(Dear Rarity,

I’ve made lists of which designs were requested and all the supplies they need for each. On the other list is what supplies you do have. I went and made the piles in the middle of your workroom, with a note about which design each is for. I saw the mess in your inspiration room, but since it seemed like you were still working, I just straightened up as much as I could.

I left your key under the doormat, so nopony else could find it. I made sure to lock up tight when I left, since it seemed you wouldn’t be back for a long time. I did wait for you though!

If you need anything at all, please let me know, I’ll be happy to help in anyway I can!

Yours forever,

Spike The Dragon)

Setting down the note, the unicorn scrunched her muzzle as more guilt settled in her gut. She turned around, opening the front door with a flash of magic, as she retrieved the spare key. The entire time, her mind was in a tizzy, her conscious bringing back the image of the drake’s dejected form.

Oh dear, Spike worked so hard to help me and I ran off to become inspired once more… Though he has given me quite the hoof up, getting everything ready for the dresses ordered! Now I merely need to make the new designs and then it shall be nothing but creating for the next few days…! The fashion mare trotted up the stairs, keeping the note floating along beside her. Entering the inspiration room, she noticed the piles Spike wrote of. He had taken her multitudes of crumpled designs and flattened them out before setting them aside. There was a fresh stack of papers beside her desk, as well as refilled ink pots and new quills.

Hmmm, I should do something to thank him for his hard work... Perhaps we could go and fetch some more gems once Winter Wrap Up has come and gone?

Mind flickering between plans for the next few days and the latest fall fashions, the unicorn began to hash out ideas, each design dominated by the colors she had found in the Apple Family home. The small note was placed beside the workstation, destined to be forgotten until after the fashion designer finished her work in a flurry of activity. The entire time her heart and mind was filled with the memory of an apple scent and orange fur.

Author's Note:

A couple of things. First off, thanks goes to both Gwg and Shutup868 for editing and reviewing this chapter. Hopefully there are a LOT less mistakes and this should be the start of even more improvement of each chapter.

Next thing is that this chapter happens a week and a half before chapter 11 of 'A New Kind of Party'. Rarity, after spring arrives, would try to gather gems with Spike. If you'd like to see how that goes, read the chapter I linked to in order to find out. We figured, to save on time and to get to the shipping a little faster, we wouldn't be posting another 'Spike fails at attracting Rarity's attention' chapter.

There is going to be another time of double posting for Simple Life, but not right now. The next one is going to be A New Kind of Party.

And lastly, you just gotta LOVE the earth ponies who are truly in touch with the world around them. :pinkiehappy:

Comments, concerns, thoughts?