• Published 19th Nov 2013
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A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - Lying Greed

Mid September, 1004 A.D. (After Discord)

Discord, the lord of chaos and spirit of disharmony; a being who wouldn't tell the whole truth of anything even if it saved his life, and who thought of nothing of other's needs or wants, only what he would enjoy or want. His reign over Equestria left the citizens traumatized by different means; either one was forced to become act like their opposite selves, forced to live through nightmares of their greatest fear, or just having to live with the chaos caused in the wake of Discord's control.

The next few days were spent in self-reflection or enjoying the company of a special few; but for the Apple family, chores came first no matter what. Their very livelihoods rested on the success of their harvest, so even as they tried to deal with the after affects of the one day of Tartarus.

A certain orange with blonde mane earth pony threw herself into the chores, dreading the afternoons that were spent in quiet thought.

It was normally a quiet family but this quiet was filled with sadness and realization of personal faults. Applejack didn't want to dwell on the lies she's told in that one day and the lies she's told herself and others the past few months; it was an uncomfortable thought, one she hoped to avoid by exhausting herself with her chores. What she did accomplish was the faster finishing of not only her chores but those of her brother and sister as well, leaving only the option of heading home.

As the physically exhausted mare entered the farm house, she found her grandmother wide awake and rocking gently in her chair. Upon the farmer's entrance, bright orange eyes lifted to meet the green as the elder mare smiled sadly.

“Hey there sweet pea.”

“Howdy Granny, can't sleep?” The sad smile widened as Granny Smith shook her head.

“No sir-ie, can't git ah wink of shut eye proper after tha' there fellah came through...” Applejack nodded slowly as she went and sat by the older mare, thoughts on her own nights of tossing and turning only to wake up out of breath and a blush across her muzzle due to the subject of her dreams.

“Now Ah know y'all had a tough ol' time with tha' mish-mash Discord, but Ah learned somethin'... Ah don't want tah be so old that Ah can't do nothin' with mah grandkids an' their firneds.” Applejack blinked at the sudden strength in the older mare's voice and looked to find determination in her granny's eyes.

“Ya do things with us already Granny...”

“Now don't ya go back tah lying!” Applejack flinched at the accusation and began to tear up, the idea that she was still lying even to her family hurt her deeply.

“Ah don't need ya tah try an' save mah feelings... Oh sugar pie, Ah don't mean it in ah bad way, ya jus' gottah remember not tah go tellin' half-truths tah save ponies' feelings, it don't help none.” Granny Smith patted an orange shoulder as Applejack tried to remain strong.

“Lot's ah ponies see all this as nothin' but as troubling as a bear in a bees' nest, but Ah see it as ah learnin' time fer everypony; even fer y'all.” Applejack's head snapped up and searched the room to find who else the older farmer was talking to; upon seeing Big Mac, Applejack relaxed slightly.

While she wanted to remain strong for the family, it was alright for the stallion to to see her like that; he was there when the accident happened after all.

“What'd ya mean Granny?” The red stallion asked quietly from his place before the two mares; since Discord was defeated the normally reserved stallion hadn't spoke at all, which had been worrying the others greatly.

“Ah mean tha' we can grow an' git better now tha' we know our faults. Even though you young'uns have more time, Ah won't slow none an' Ah'll try tah git movin' more.” With a resolute nod, the elder mare made her slow way into the kitchen where she started to clean and gathered ingredients for a supper for the family, even if it was only the afternoon.

Applejack turned to her brother and guessed what was now on his mind.

“Yer not just a dumb workhorse Big Macintosh; an' bein' quiet is somethin' you've always did.” The stallion gave his sister a small smile nodded in her direction.

“Yer not ah liar either; you just want tah protect others, even from themselves.” Instead of the relieved smile Big Mac expected he noticed with a frown how Applejack seemed to sink lower with distressed flat ears.

“Yes Ah am.... Ah've been lyin' tah mahself an' to others for ah while... But Ah'm gonnah change that.” Applejack sat up straighter as she became resolute about fixing her lies.

At Big Mac's curious brow Applejack shook her head no.

“Ah can't tell ya or anypony else about it until Ah tell the one pony it matters tah.” The stallion nodded slow before patting his sister's shoulder and heading to the fields to see what else needed to be done.

Granny Smith smiled from her place in the kitchen, glad that her grandchildren were heading down the path of becoming a better pony; she knew something was going on with the orange farmer and was pleased to hear that she was going to stop trying to lie to herself and the world about it. After all, the old mare may be getting on in age but she still had her keen sense for those kinds of things.

“Now once Apple Bloom comes on back from helpin' those friends of hers we'll be right as rain in a thunderstorm!”

Applejack left the house not long after her brother and went west to the furthest point in the orchard away from her home, Ponyville and her current troubles, to a hill that showed the lay of the land both in the orchard and of the lands beyond. She didn't visit the hill with only a few special trees on it often, especially after discovering how her talent and future rested with the farm; but every so often, when times got hard or when memories of the past haunted her, the orange mare came there to think and sort out the different feelings and ideas.

Today, her mind was focused on only one thing: Rarity of the Carousel Boutique. Applejack had excused her interest in the unicorn with wanting to be friendly and trying to understand her despite their differences; fixing the Boutique was being 'a dependable and loyal friend' same as she would do for anypony else. Except that it wasn't the same; the farmer had been worried at first, about whether any old stallion would do a proper job of the repair or not. Even after doing a complete renovation of the dress shop Applejack had felt a pang of loss at having finished, since there wouldn't be an excuse to visit and help.

A pain which grew as the mare thought of the current status of their friendship.

(Ah... Ah like her an' Ah don't want tah fight about who's fault it is that the girls keep runnin' off... Oh, that's why it hurt so much when she said we aren't raisn' our trees or kin right... If that's how she thinks, Ah guess it's hopeless from the start... She wouldn't want some farmer anyways... Rarity probably wants hoity toity noblepony tah sweep her off hooves... Not some dirty down tah earth earth pony who don't know anything about that kind of life...)

Applejack spent the rest of the afternoon on the hill, watching the sun move and the natural movement of the plants around her.

Rarity was laying on her red fainting couch as she stared into nothing. She was in her inspiration room, trying to remind herself of some of the good she does in the town; normally the fainting couch was in the foyer, but she didn't want to see any gems least she remember.... Him....

He was the greatest and largest of his kind, the likes that Rarity had never seen before. His beauty unparalleled as was his worth, or so it appeared. The gray-white unicorn had been so distracted, so obsessed, with his outward appearance that she hadn't seen what was on the inside: a lump of rock, it's value almost nothing.

The unicorn was so distressed to learn that she had misjudged so badly that she now doubted the worth of everything around her. She couldn't stand to look at any of the so called gems in her work room nor in the store front and spent most of her time looking at nothing as she thought of what had happened.

(I was so very unlady-like, fighting my friends over trivial objects and laying claim to things that I had no claim to... So uncouth in my actions.... I was greedy and took no heed to what the others needed from me.... Surely I am not this badly behave normally...? Surely not...

I've only made requests, never demanding help. I cannot help that the Boutique was in need of repair this past summer and finding a good repairpony is so hard to find...If my friends offer help, then it is not being greedy to ask for more help later on... Or try and find things to fix so that I can keep asking… For... Help...

Oh dear.... I think I have been dreadfully greedy of dear Applejack.... Making her come by so very often to fix MY store and doing very little in return. I even accused her of teaching Apple Bloom the wrong sorts of things and implying that dear little Apple Bloom then taught Sweetie Belle those when I knew that my little sister already knew how to cause trouble.... )

By this point the fashionista was biting on her right hoof as she thought of the past few months and her actions during that time. Her gaze wandered over to the window where she found herself looking to the west and part of Sweet Apple Acres.

(Oh, what have I done? Due to my petty reasons I have ruined a positively blossoming friendship in the heat of the moment. I shall have to fix this at once! I shan't allow any more hard feelings be between the two of us any longer. I'm off and I have just the outfit for a day at the farm!)

With new resolve coursing through her, the unicorn put on her new sun hat with matching scarf and walked through her shop without pausing a moment to look at anything on display. As she opened the door, the fashion mare noticed that it was slightly off it's hinges from having a large boulder forced through it twice.

(Hmmm, perhaps...? No, I shall leave that decision to Applejack if she wants to help or not.... What should I tell her? How can I make it up to her for all of my past discrepancies....?)

The gray-white mare walked through the slowly filling town as more ponies came out from their stupors and tried to return to their normal behaviors. The street was slowly coming back to life as ponies resumed their lives though not enough to hinder the unicorn in her progress or for her to miss the pink earth pony who was trying to speak with a dark coated stallion who brushed the friendly mare aside.

Rarity frowned at the behavior and quickly trotted over to her friend just as Pinkie Pie was muttering about the stallion.

“What a grumpy mean pants, no party invite for you Mister Red Meany.” Rarity frowned slightly at the second name the pink mare stated but pressed forward all the same.

“Pinkie darling, is everything alright?” Pinkie quickly changed gears and gave the unicorn a large smile and hug.

“Yepperoinie! It's wonderful-tastic! But you're not happy... What's wrong?” The hyper mare's face fell at the melancholy of the unicorn who briefly considered dismissing the concern before remembering exactly who she was speaking to.

“As you may recall, Applejack and I are not on the best of terms right now... But I want to make it up to her, what do you suggest darling?” Pinkie brightened at the chance to make two others happy at once and answered without a moment's hesitation.

“A party! There's all sorts of parties for any occasion; 'I'm-sorry-we-fought' parties, 'please-be-my-friend-again' parties, 'I-really-missed-you-and-we-should-totally-be-marefriends' parties -” Rarity felt the rambling was getting too far and put a gentle hoof onto the pink muzzle to stem the flow of suggestions.

“Thank you for the suggestions but I do believe that some of those party ideas do not apply to Applejack and my hopefully renewed friendship.” The pink pony merely continued to grin at the other mare who contemplated on some of the first few suggestions.

“Though I suppose that a party may be a good idea... Oh! I've got it!” Rarity's eyes lit up and she grew excited to the point of almost stomping her hoof against the ground when she realized how she must seem and used the hoof to rest against her throat as she cleared her voice of over-excitement instead.

“Hum hum.... Darling, I know you love to throw parties, especially for birthdays, but perhaps I could plan Applejack's birthday party this year? You may, of course, help with supplies if you want. I wouldn't even know where to begin to get half of the party supplies that you use for each of our birthdays.” Rarity smiled at the bouncing party mare who was nodding faster than she was bouncing.

“Ohhh! Applejack's gonnah be so super surprised! Just remember, her birthday is September 19th!” Rarity gave the excited mare a gentle smile and waved goodbye as she continued on her way.

Pinkie quickly about-faced and went back into the library in order to get a real smile from her own marefriend; she realized that that's what the day was missing and was determined to get more real smiles from others.

The gray-white mare soon found herself on a familiar dirt road before the Apple's home; nervousness preventing her from continuing.

(I said such awful things about the family. What if Applejack told the others and now they all hate the horrible pony I've been and banned me from the farm, never again to taste any of the lovely apple flavored treats that are old family recipes...?!)

Before the dramatic mare could further contemplate her excommunication from the farming family, Big Mac came from the fields where he had just finished all the rest of the chores for the next few days (his sister having done the majority of the chores earlier in the day).

“Howdy.” Rarity gave a start as she snapped out of her imagining and turned to face the stallion with a small blush at having been caught just standing there.

“Oh, hello Big Mac... Have you seen Applejack around by any chance?” The red earth pony frowned in thought before nodding with a serene face.

“Eeyup... This way.” big Mac nodded towards the west field and soon left at a steady trot to lead the unicorn there.

“Oh thank you ever so much...! I was worried that she was avoiding me because of our argument...” Big Mac raised a brow at this news; while fighting with the frou-frouy mare seemed like something Applejack would do, he hadn't heard anything about it.


“Oh, so she's not avoiding me but merely out this way?”

“Eeyup.” Rarity raised a brow at the short answers but was glad that it was just a coincidence that the orange mare wasn't at home.

“Is it far?”

“Eeyup.” Rarity sighed at the news but held firm; she was going to fix this even if it did mean a lot of walking. The unicorn remained silent for the rest of the fifteen minute trip which impressed the stallion as he expected more complaints or even whining from such a high-society mare.

They soon reached the hill where Applejack still sat staring out at the lands that she would most likely never visit since she was so very tied down to the farm and Ponyville. While Rarity paused at the sight before her Big Mac continued until he was next to his sister who sedately looked to him in question.

“Yer friend wanted tah see ya.” Applejack frowned, most of her friends wouldn't stay that quiet if Big Mac was leading them and it was unlikely that Fluttershy had came out considering what Discord did to each of them.

As the orange farmer turned to see her other visitor, Rarity managed to focus on the other mare and expressed her amazement.

“This is just lovely, I didn't know that there was such a view on your land!” Applejack scuffed a hoof on the ground while the stallion left to give the two privacy.

“Yeah, it's a special hill... Where my family all planted their first tree...” As Applejack saw that she had the unicorn's full attention, she continued on.

“Ah... Ah come tah think about things here... It's, ah, the farthest point in the orchard from... From everything.” Rarity slowly walked up to the orange mare and sat facing the view Applejack had been enjoying before she came by, the orange mare continuing to watch her visitor.

“I think I may know of one thing that has caused you to seek refuge from your daily troubles...” Applejack tensed slightly as she turned to face the view wondering if Rarity somehow realized how the farmer felt for the unicorn.

“I don't want to fight about why the girls have been misbehaving.” The farmer tried not to be obvious in her relief and happiness as she heard that sentance; Rarity didn't want to fight, perhaps they could be friends again at the very least.

“I realize that it is the girls' choice for how they behave and I'm sure the Apples raise wonderful ponies... They did raise you after all and anypony who is fortunate enough to be your friend is lucky indeed...” Applejack could feel the blush spread across her muzzle at the praise; Rarity peered at the other mare from under her eyelashes and made her final plea.

“I would be entirely grateful if we could be friends again Applejack... I wasn't thinking clearly when we had found the girls in Apploosa and I took advantage of your generosity... Please, may we be friends once more and is there any way I can repay your kindness?” Applejack nudged the unicorn with her shoulder as she smiled bashfully, earning a small smile in return.

“Shucks Rarity, Ah'd like that. Ah don't know about all that luck though... As fer payin' me back for helpin', ain't no need for that.” Rarity sat up straighter with a larger smile as she stomped a hoof in pretend indignation though her next plea was sincere all the same.

“I insist darling; anything at all that I can do for you. Lovely cooked meals, helping around the farm, foalsitting the Crusaders when you're busy, trip to the spa or maybe watching a play... Anything at all.” Applejack had been shaking her head in refusal at the offers until she heard the last ones when she frozen in thought.

(Maybe if Ah show her how Ah can be a proper mare she might start likin' me back... Maybe there is some hope after all...)

“Alright sugarcube, if'in you insist, we can go to ah play.” It was Rarity's turn to freeze in place; she had suggested the last two things in an attempt to show the full spectrum of what she was willing to do in order to return the help given. She hadn't expected the farmer to actually want to try it.



“A play?”

“Yep, any play ya want.”

“Like an actual play, with binoculars and orchestra and everything?” Applejack tried to keep her face calm as she mentally started to worry about how complicated it was starting to sound and they haven't even choose what to watch yet.

"Yep, like the very same. If ya let me know ahead of time, Ah'll take the day off so we can go visit ah city that has 'em if ya can't find one here.” Rarity tried to contain her growing excitement; none of the others were interested in seeing a proper play and she hadn't wanted to go by herself the first time.

Under her growing excitement was concern; Rarity knew Applejack didn't like frou-frouy or overly complicated things and so she was worried about why the orange farmer would want to go to a play.

“Alright darling, if you really want to...” At the firm nod from the other mare, Rarity allowed herself a smile.

“Then I shall take care of it all, don't you fret!” Applejack's face fell as she heard this and tried to intervene.

“Hold on a cotton pickin' minute, Ah can do that-”

“Nonsense! I must once again insist. I shall let you know when I've found a suitable play and make all of the arrangements.”

(Shoot, if she's settin' up the whole thin', then Ah'll just have tah pay real good attention tah the play to impress her.)

“Alright sugarcube, if ya insist... Was there anythin' else ya needed?” Applejack frowned when Rarity flinched slightly and wouldn't face her at the question.

“Sigh, what's wrong Rarity?” The unicorn shook her head and managed to smile weakly in an attempt to reassure the earth pony.

“Nothing darling.” Applejack rolled her eyes before sternly looking at the fashion mare.

“Ya know Ah can help an' Ah like helpin' ya. Ya don't have tah 'repay' me for it or nothing; just tell me what's wrong.” Rarity's eyes flinched downward as she couldn't face such honest caring with her mind weighted by guilt.

“And that makes you a much better pony than I. I, who represents generosity, greedily taking advantage of my friends...” Applejack frowned in concern and sat closer to the distressed mare; the farmer wasn't sure how a pat on the back would be received and timidly patted the unicorn, worried that the hoof would be shrugged off.

Applejack froze for a moment when the reassuring hoof was rewarded with Rarity turning and embracing the still dirty earth pony while giving into her tears. The orange mare soon returned the embrace as she rubbed the gray-white back and tried to sooth her friend.

“Oh sugarcube, yer not like that... That's Discord's work talkin', none of us ever thought of ya like that. You may be fussy an' like makin' things complicated, but you don't take advantage of us, not when we help one another willingly no matter what... What's wrong then? You know Ah can fix just about anythin'.” Rarity had frowned slightly at being called 'fussy' but knew that she could indeed be like that and made no comment on it; after hearing Applejack's offer of help once again the unicorn gave the mare holding her a squeeze before taking a step back to face the farmer properly as she asked for help.

“It's my door... After forcing the.... Boulder... Through it twice the frame has become bent....” Rarity trailed off as she saw the smile the earth pony had at the mention of the boulder.

“I fail to see what's so funny about being unable to close my front door...” Rarity huffed as she stuck her nose in the air as Applejack tried to hold back her laughter.

“Oh yeah... Heh heh... Wasn't, wasn't it called... heh heh heh... Tom? Phhhfff....” Applejack was now using both hooves to try and keep her laughter in.

“Hmph! I'll have you know that that is exactly what I want from my future special somepony.” That sentence killed Applejack's laughter as she became concerned as to what the unicorn wanted from her potential lover.

(If she's only lookin' for fakes then she'll never be happy! They'd all be like that Blueblood fella; which, now that Ah am thinking about it, shouldah gotten a visit from Bucky McGillicuddy and Kicks McGee for that night....)

The farmer frowned at the fashionista and tried to keep her voice from sounding extremely annoyed.

“Ya want ah fake worthless lump of ah pony for yer special somepony?!” Rarity looked at the orange mare with a gasp at how shallow Applejack thought she was.

“No! Goodness, I've already learned my lesson from 'Prince' Blueblood. I meant that I would want somepony who is a true gem, with worth beyond measure and a beauty that shows throughout.” Applejack's frown lessened as Rarity's grew; once the unicorn had finished explaining, the earth pony found herself at a loss and in the wrong.

“Oh.... Sorry for think' it was somethin' else.” Applejack dipped her head while resting her hat over her heart to show her sincerity.

Rarity eyed the mare before nodding curtly.

“You are forgiven so long as you never speak of it again.” Applejack smiled as she put her hat back in place and nodded.

“Speak of what now?” The fashionista frowned slightly and was about to remind the orange farmer when she noticed the teasing in her green eyes and smirk; Rarity gently shook her own head and stood, finding to her surprise that hours had past since she had left her home.

“Thank you darling. I shall see you later then? To fix my door?” Applejack smiled as she also got up.

“No reason why Ah can't get it now; all the chores are done for a while so Ah have time tah help.” Rarity smiled in return and nodded as Applejack took the lead out of the orchards.

“That sounds marvelous darling.”

Applejack wasted no time in getting the tools and redoing the front door; luckily 'Tom' never made it past the front lobby and none of the other doors were damaged.

The two mares parted that day on good terms and Rarity promised to find a play for them to watch before harvest which Applejack was grateful for. When their younger sisters found the two mares later that evening, it was in better spirits than before; they were so pleased with their day that neither Applejack or Rarity felt the need to question where the young fillies had been that day.

For the next few days Rarity felt greatly inspired for a new line winter line, highlighting the greens and new growth of spring time with mostly emeralds that had seemed so very hypnotizing on a hill facing west.

Applejack spent the next few days realizing how much she had already came to like about the unicorn and why Twilight and Pinkie being together had made her edgy; they had only heightened her awareness of the unicorn and showed her a glimpse of what could be.

Something that still didn't seem likely no matter how many schemes to prove how the farmer could be a proper pony she came up with. Applejack tried to recall the list of things Pinkie and Twilight had did that Rarity was impressed with and made extra plans based on that.

After all, no longer lying to herself meant that she no longer had the excuse to do things half way, even if it did seem unlikely.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay, wanted to make sure this passed inspection before posting it.

Yep, another taste of Discord. I believe that just about everyone was affected and wanted to show it for each of my stories. At least they learn a lot about themselves and others from it.

Next update should be sometime in the week of the 12th to 18th. What do you think so far?

Sorry if it seems offensive about the Apples' accent, but I believe in writing it out so the readers can hear it clearer. And Granny Smith is just about impossible to understand on a good tv show day :raritywink: