• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 4,745 Views, 120 Comments

A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

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Chapter 24 - Staying over in Canterlot

June 12th, 1005 A.D.

“Come on! Don’t you want to see your marefriend?!” Rainbow Dash floated over the orange earth pony, whining as she flung out her hooves. “She’s been gone for a while, and now she can’t even make it back for Twilight’s birthday let alone come back for a quick visit for you!”

Applejack continued walking through the orchard. Glancing up at the pegasus, she shook her head, bemused. “Dash, we ain’t tied at the hip. We both have jobs tah do.” She shrugged, barely feeling the weight of the cart she was pulling along. “She sent everyone a letter. We know she’s ok.” Emerald orbs peeked to the brown stetson where a stash of letters were kept.

“Oh come on AJ! Wouldn’t it be nice to visit her in pony?” The cyan mare continued following her friend. “Besides, it’s Twilight’s birthday today, we’d be missing a pony for the party!”

“Alright, now Ah see yer point.” The farmer paused, frowning thoughtfully, as she shifted in the harness. “Tell ya what: Ah’m near about done with the day’s chores since we got so much done these last few days-”

Dash snorted with a wide smirk. “Riiiight. And it has nothing to do with how you can’t visit a certain frou-frou-y unicorn, huh…?”

“Don’t know what yer talkin’ about…” Applejack murmured, keeping her gaze firmly on the ground as she felt her muzzle half scrunch in amusement and in the lie. “Look, since Ah’m nearly done as it is, and could probably go visit her with the rest of the gang.”

“Suuuure you don’t know what I’m talking about…” The pegasus’ smirk grew. She pumped a hoof, nudging the other mare with her left one. “Now we just need to get Pinkie on board and it should be a piece of cake to get Twilight to agree. Meet us at the library A.S.A.P.!”

Applejack stopped, looking up with a bemused scrunch of her face, only to find a trail of rainbow colors as the pegasus took to the skies. She shook her head, letting the motion knock off her hat. She caught it in her hoof upside down where it showed the letters stashed there. The blonde pulled them out, flicking each one open and rapidly scanning their contents.

Hello darling!

Even as I write this on the train to Canterlot, I feel the ache of missing you deep in my center. But I simply cannot let that sale escape! And one can always use a new view of the world to find what is in fashion.

Caring and missing you,


Darling, you simply won’t guess what happened the other day! I was enjoying one last cup of tea when I came across Fancy Pants and Fleur Dis Lee! Two of the most to-do ponies in Canterlot! And I was invited to join them for the derby! This is my big chance to gain more customers and clients! To build my name in Canterlot! Wish me luck hun!

Hugs and kisses,


I can barely have time to write this note, I’m so busy! Know that even as I ‘hobnob’ with the elite, my thoughts and heart is with you darling! XOXO ~ Rarity

The farmer twitched her nose in thought, piling the letters back into place and resettling her hat. Would be nice to see her, make sure she’s takin’ care of herself right… Nodding sharply, the mare picked up her pace, heading for the barn. Two quick ties undone and she was free of the cart. She made sure it was securely put away before going for the kitchen, sticking her head in and locating the older earth pony.

“Granny, me an’ the girls are gonna head out of town, fer Canterlot. Not sure if we’re stayin’ longer than tonight.” Applejack kept her voice even.

Bright orange orbs found no specks of uncertainty in the younger mare’s. Granny Smith tilted her head with a half-smile. “Ya go find yer girl, we know yer’ve been missin’ her somethin’ fierce.”

“Thanks Granny.” The orange pony ducked inside, giving her grandmother a quick kiss on the cheek, before heading for town. We’re a-comin’ Rares. Hope yer ready for it.


The night sky shone clearly, even with the capital lights shining brightly. The castle was also lit up as the scheduled events started to draw to a close, despite the disruption earlier. Guests that were in the garden party that evening were being escorted out, though six particular friends were allowed to stay behind with a couple of guards to watch over them.

The unicorn wore her best outfit, designed to impress the high class ponies of the capital. She tipped the wide brim hat back, breathing a sigh of relief that the evening was finally over. She felt a warm presence holding up her left side. Glancing to the side, she found pleased green eyes watching. Smiling back, she was about to speak when a different voice caught her attention.

“It was very nice to meet everypony this evening.” Fancy Pants stood nearby, grinning. “I’m sure you must have to go back soon, to a very lucky special somepony…?” He teased, raising the brow over his monocle.

Rarity tilted her head, grinning in return. She looked at the mare beside her, finding the earth pony smiling neutrally, eyes nearly shut as she stared to the right, away from the the two talking ponies. Gray brows twitched in thought. Deciding rapidly, the fashion designer smiled wider and leaned into the orange pony.

“Yes, I do believe she is rather lucky.” The unicorn nosed along the strong orange jaw. “Luckily, she couldn’t stay away and has come to visit while I stay in Canterlot.”

The stallion raised both brows, though his smile showed his overall emotional status. He switched the majority of his gaze to the earth pony instead, reaching out a hoof. “Ms. Rarity seems like a wonderful mare; I hope you both take care of one another.”

“Ya can say that again!” Applejack happily shook the offered limb. Letting go, she leaned into the slimmer body beside her. “Ain’t gonna let anythin’ happen to her. She’s a special kind of gal.”

Rarity tittered, waving a hoof towards the farmer. “Oh you! As if I wouldn’t do the same for you.”

Fancy Pants laughed as well, nodding once more to each and taking his own leave. As he was heading out, Applejack continued to lean into her marefriend.

“Thanks Rare…”

“Hm? For what darlin’?” The timid tones made the tailor glance towards the earth mare, gaze soft. She found a tipped over hat blocking the emeralds she knew were there.

“Well, fer… fer sayin’ Ah’m yer marefriend to them high falootin ponies.” Applejack went still at the hoof pushing her hat up. Peering up, she found inviting pools of sapphires waiting to capture her gaze.

“Darling, you are important to me, more than whatever they think.” Rarity placed her hoof on the orange shoulder as the group of friends started to follow a guard inside. The other pony merely nuzzled the unicorn appreciatively.

After a few moments of muted talking from the rest of the group, Applejack spoke up from the back. “Sure was nice of the Princess to let us stay fer a few more days.” While the statement was directed to the purple unicorn in front, she turned to look at the one beside her, teasing glint in her eyes as she continued. “Bet yer just dyin’ to get back to yer fancy tower room huh Rare?”

Rarity smiled daintily and leaned closer to her marefriend, gaze drooping. “Maybe so, but I certainly wouldn’t mind ‘roughing it’ if I had somepony to help warm me up…” She watched her marefriend squirm under the look and laughed internally.

The earth pony couldn’t hold the teasing gaze as her ears burned. Dropping her gaze, she nudged the pale-gray shoulder with her own, feeling her muzzle twitch. It wasn’t long before she felt a nose touch her neck, placing a tiny kiss there.

“Darlin’, you needn’t worry about that sort of thing if you do not want to… I am merely teasing.”

The warm whisper set the farmer at ease, even as the group continued to talk with the guard about sharing rooms. The topic set the farmer on edge, though she hid the discomfort behind a mask of neutrality. This didn’t go unnoticed by the unicorn however, who focused her sights on the mare.

“Applejack, what’s going on…? What’s wrong darlin’?”


The unicorn raised a brow, unimpressed with the short answer. “Let’s try again. What’s wrong Applejack? And it is not ‘nothing’.”

The farm pony shrugged, chewing on the words she wanted to say. Checking that they were mostly alone, or at least ignored, the orange furred mare mumbled soft enough for the mare beside her to be the only listener.

“Ah’m a bit confused, on a couple of things.” Applejack shrugged again, face scrunching painfully. “Almost everyone talks freely ‘bout when two ponies… lay with… each other… It just don’t feel right. Ain’t it supposed to be special?” She shifted, growing more rumpled as she continued to talk. “... Then there’s just… Ya didn’t tell the others the truth at first? Why didn’t you just say ya were hangin’ out with these upper class ponies?”

The topic of intercourse and how it embarrassed the farmer amused the tailor. Her giggles subsided however when it came to the second half of the conversation. She cleared her throat, the weight of uncertain green eyes dragging down her euphoria from earlier.

“Darlin’... Talking about…sex...” she lowered her voice for the single word, realizing how on edge her marefriend already was, before continuing at more normal levels, “is not something usually done in respectable places, but among friends and sometimes even family, especially special someponies, the conversation can be spoken about. If you do not wish to, I will not bring it up unless needed, alright?” Rarity gazed questioningly to the other mare, only to slump at the much firmer stare. She sighed, rubbing at her forehead tiredly. “Please, can we talk about the rest of that later…? It’s rather late, and I fear what being tired could do to our words.”

Applejack also sighed, turning away. “Alright… Fine… But Ah still want to know.”

“I know darlin’... I know…” Rarity looked forward, face tight, as she ran through her reasonings and saw their foolishness.

The apple seller laid a peck to the unicorn’s face, dashing into her guest room afterwards. She pushed her hat firmly down her face, red burning across it. She didn’t take in the wondrous bedroom, flopping onto the large poster bed instead, hat still firmly in place.


“Thank you SO much for being so accommodating!” Rarity practically cooed as she leaned towards the stallion wearing a white coat and tall chef's hat. They stood in the middle of the castle kitchen, ponies bustling around them.

The blue furred cook smiled brightly, levitating over a commonplace picnic basket. “Its our pleasure to help those visiting the castle! Besides, some of the most scenic views are on the castle grounds, and our guests often request special picnics made for the day.”

The fashionista tittered, waving a hoof to the worker, as she took control of the basket. Looking over her shoulder, she fluttered her lashes with a small grin. “If you would be so kind as to let the others know should they inquire as to where we have gone, that we have a lunch and potentially supper already planned?”

“Of course!” The stallion assured, writing the note down as he turned back to his work.

Rarity hummed happily as she carried the food back down the halls. Her sights were attached to each tapestry and picture that hung on the tall walls, noting the style changes and colors used. Barely watching where she was going, the unicorn managed to reach the third dining room, which was a much smaller and intimate location for guests to eat at. Standing by a large glass covered window was the blonde mare, her mane down and hat in hoof. Sapphire orbs took in the solid lines and muscles of her marefriend before high stepping over the rest of the way.

“Good morning dear!” The unicorn gave the orange cheek a loving peck, taking in the scent of apples and flowers. “I hope you slept well!”

The earth pony grunted in the back of her throat, gaze still firmly staring into the distant fields and mountain ranges. The persistent pale-gray nose eventually tore her sights away from the distance lands to the mare beside her as it traced along the strong orange jawline. Finding the fashion designer in high spirits softened the tension she had felt from the evening before.

“Ah guess. Did ya get some nice beauty sleep? ‘Cause ya look right as rain and… and…” Applejack tilted her head towards the affectionate muzzle, smile growing, “and as pretty as the winnin’ rose at a competition.”

“Oh darlin’! Practically a poet, you are.” Rarity teased, moving the caress to instead firmly kiss the other mare. Once that was done, she pulled back far enough to show off the basket on her back. “I thought the castle and surrounding city may be a bit too stuffy for you, and have found a solution! We will find one of the multitudes of parks and enjoy a nice relaxing time together. How does that sound dear?” The mare smiled wider, though the neutral face looking back didn’t reassure her.

“...Sure sugarcube.” Applejack replaced her hat back onto her mane and looked in the direction where they had stayed the night before. “Should Ah put my mane back or…?”

Rarity ran a hoof through the golden locks, humming lovingly. “If it’s not too much trouble, could it be loose like this…?” The fashion designer was finally rewarded with a true smile, one that warmed the previously unfocused emerald orbs.

“Ah think Ah could do that…” The orange mare held out a hoof, taking the moment to nose the length of the light-gray neck and chin. “After you sugar.”

Holding back a high pitched giggle, the unicorn wrapped her hoof around the other’s and lead them outside. Remembering the majority of the city layout from her time there the past week, Rarity took them through the castle gardens first on the way outside, aiming for a side exit to avoid the crowds. She smirked, pleased, when she found the farmer was properly enraptured by the spectacle of plant life and creatures they had at hoof. Due to the extremely early hour, most of the creatures were asleep, not that it mattered since the duo remained quiet as they walked by.

Once they were outside the walls, Applejack, looking and feeling rejuvenated, leaned towards the pale-gray mare with a smirk. “So tell me, how did ya wake up before the birds Rares? Ah’d have thought you’d still be asleep until noon at least!” She chuckled at the mental image and the half-form plans she had to wake up said sleeping mare.

Rarity tittered dismissively, nose going into the air. “Honestly! One must always be ready for a sudden engagement or early event! We cannot simply allow the day to go to waste!” She lowered her muzzle, burying it into the warm pulse at the joint between orange head and neck. “Besides, I knew you would be awake already and wanted to surprise you. It HAS been a week since we saw one another after all.”

Whatever tension was left in the earth pony released at the touch and comment, allowing the stubborn mare to tilt her chin down, holding the gray muzzle in place and peeking out of her right eye to the other mare. “Shucks Rare… That’s real nice of ya. Ah couldn’t really wait tah see ya either; part of why Ah tagged along really.” The farmer grew bashful, letting go of her prisoner and staring, blushingly, to the sky.

“And I’m rather grateful you did, darlin’, I truly am.” Rarity smiled, eyes half lowering, as they continued walking through the now waking streets of Canterlot.

Some of the ponies they passed recognized Rarity and greeted her warmly as the couple trotted by. When they realized the fashionista was walking with her marefriend, half of the snobbish ponies became offended, though Applejack’s laughter at their reactions helped to soothe the hurt Rarity felt at their reactions. Jet Set and Upper Crust, already seemingly subdued, tried to grow haughty only to be put back into place by both mares in rapid succession.

The rest of the upper class citizens seemed willing to accept the fashion unicorn’s decision and congratulated the couple. These words were accepted with blushes and bashfulness. After the third such comment, Rarity had taken to murmuring reassurances into the orange ear.

“See darlin’...? They are now incredibly jealous that I have YOU. Another perfect example of how I wouldn’t trade what we have for somepony who lives in Canterlot.”

Finding the usual freckles get lost in a wave of red, the unicorn smirked teasingly, titling her head away before nuzzling the now apple red face. “I bet that’s also why you wanted to come and check on me, wasn’t it? To see the ‘competition’.”

Applejack opened then resoundingly shut her mouth, lips almost tucked in as she kept quiet. Her silence didn’t stop the fashion mare from laughing at the reaction and conclusion.

It didn’t take much longer for the couple to reach their destination. Beyond the last row of housing, the road led into a garden on the edge of the cliff where one of the many waterfalls met to tip off the side of the mountain. It was full of other couples enjoying the warm and sunny day. There were a few trees placed in strategic locations that filled out the ‘garden’ while hedges helped shape the location.

The farm mare scrunched her face at the superficial feel of the place. She inhaled slowly, settling herself and preventing any sort of comment to focus on the unicorn beside her. “Where did ya…?”

“Oh not here darlin’. While on a cruise, I had spotted a much more suitable location for us to enjoy.” Rarity beamed at the other before starting off once more, this time leading them along the edge and down a slope to another plateau.

This one had more naturally occurring trees and bushes growing along the edge of a miniature waterfall while the one from the level above spilled in front of the view, creating a perpetual rainbow. There were less open space for picnics, but for the two mares willing to rough it, the spaces between tree roots was just big enough for the duo to cuddle close, facing the water cascading down and along side them.

The unicorn looked expectantly to her marefriend, gaze half lidded, as she waited for a response. Orange hooves rushed forward, encasing the unicorn and holding her close. The scent of apples, flowers and grass invaded the pale-gray nose. It was just as quickly taken back as the earth pony moved to lay on top of her hooves, face turned aside.

“Rarity, this is just… beautiful. Really, this here is one of the nicest places ya could have taken me in the city. And a picnic is much better than some of those other dates we tried...” Applejack kept her voice even even as her heart sunk. “But… Why did ya go an’ lie to the others?!” She didn’t wait for a response, instead leaning forward with her eyes closed. “Ah didn’t say anythin’ when we first got there an’ you was talkin’ about yer cat bein’ sick. And even Ah could tell that you were all dressed up for somethin’.”


“Ah ain’t done!” The earth pony lowered her head away from the loving touch, closed gaze starting to water. “It’s… It’s like ya like drama, even if ya have to make it out of thin air! Just-just like that movie we went an’ saw!”

Rarity’s head snapped back as though struck. Eyes wide, she leaned back slightly in shock. Spotting how tightly the apple seller was biting her lips to hold back more scolding, the tailor moved back up against her mare, hooves reaching out to hug the distressed pony. The contact mussed her specially coiffed mane, sending it over her face as she hid between the purple strands and the orange coat on her right. Nose pressed against the heavily breathing orange side, the unicorn angled her muzzle downward to allow her words to escape the cocoon of hair.

“You mean ‘Already Missing You’ don’t you…”

“Yeah, Ah mean that already missin’ ya film! Ah just- Ah just don’t get why you’d lie about somethin’ so simple! And would ya lie about -”

A fierce nip stopped the farmer from completing her sentence. Shivering at the teeth gripping her side, she looked to her left, eyes wide as she tried to not budge lest something worse happen. She found one burning sapphire peeking out from under purple locks.

“Don’ph you dare phink I would lie pho you!” Rarity gave the orange fur in her mouth a tug, minute growl in the back of her throat. Seeing that she had the full attention of the bright green gaze, she released the side, staying close in case it required immediate action. “Yes, I lied. But I did NOT lie to you. If you would be so kind as to remember the notes I made sure to send EVERY DAY.” The fierceness never left the fashion designer’s eyes, even as she kept her voice low. “I merely was trying to not hurt Twilight’s feelings while still maintaining a presence at the most to do event of the month. I was trying to balance work and social life.”

Applejack frowned, side twitching at the bite that had just occurred. “More like balancing yer old friends with new fancy-shmancy new ones.”

The unicorn growled louder and moved her pearly whites back to the solid farmer’s side, allowing the mare to feel her breath against the target. The blonde stiffened with a nervous intake of air. Rarity fought against the urge to smile at the reaction and continued to look menacing.

“And WHAT did I do when confronted with the question of who you all were by the so-called ‘fancy smancy’ ponies?” There was no response from the other mare, as her sights shifted anxiously between her side and the mare threatening it. Feeling her total control of the conversation, Rarity finished the train of thought. “What did I do?! I claimed everyone as my friends! AND I even confidently stated how we are dating! When it came to the important things in my life, I. Did. Not. LIE.”

The burning anger washed away in the silent seconds after the reminder. Growing tired of being extra fierce, the tailor ducked back into the orange side, moving her muzzle down so the threat of a sharp reminder wasn’t there while taking comfort in the steady heartbeat of the other pony.

Applejack shifted, uncovering her forehooves as she kept staring at the mount of purple. Inching the right hoof to the two pale-gray ones, she spoke with a calm, low tone. “Ah… Ah was worried that you’d try an’ make drama for our relationship when it didn’t need it…” The gentle hoof touch to the unicorn’s right forehoof forestalled any interruptions. “Ah see now Ah was wrong to think that of ya. What we have, it is important to you…”

The orange hoof moved from it’s place on top of light-gray to brush back the purple mane, uncovering a single sapphire orb that was on the verge of tears. The earth pony kept her hoof on the left side of the mare’s face as she curled around to bring her muzzle closer.

“Can ya forgive me…?”

Rarity leaned into the hoof, allowing more of her own face to pull away from the warm side, closing her eyes with enjoyment. “Hmmm…. I suppose I must, if only to continue getting these lovely hoofstrokes. It is rather soothing to feel you comb through my mane.”

The apple seller smiled, heart uplifted. She moved a little more, completely freeing her left foreleg which snaked around the pale-gray shoulders and brought the unicorn closer, her right continuing its passage through the purple rivers.

“Yeah…? Ah kind of like how ya would call me darlin’... sayin’ it just like that. Sounds kinda different than when ya say ‘darling’.” The southerner was careful to pronounce the original version as close to her marefriend’s accent as she could.

The fashion designer tilted her head, brow furrowing. “I don’t do that, do I?”

“Eeyup.” Applejack nodded as she resettled closer to the mare. “Also… also kinda nice when ya… feel around the bottom of my chin…” She half-pouted, gaze turning away shyly. The breezy laughter caused her to look back, center heating softly.

“Yes, I suppose I can see that…” Rarity demonstrated her understanding by complying with the ‘liked’ motion. By moving up to rub under the orange chin, she drew closer, almost laying in front of the farmer with hooves going to circle the strong neck.

The blonde shivered in delight at the feeling. Once it was done, she moved to rest her own head on the pale-gray shoulders, keeping her hooves around the unicorn’s head and upper neck. Feeling emotionally exhausted and lack of sleep from the previous night catching up to her, the farm mare began to half-close her eyes, smiling happily.

“Thanks fer takin’ us to this place Rares…”

“Hmm, if we are to keep mentioning things we like, I must say… When you call me like that, so familiarly…” The purple maned pony nuzzled the hooves holding her head tenderly. “It really sings to my heart… Though, darlin’, are you quite alright?” The more awake statement roused the other.

“Hm? Oh, uh, heh, Ah may have been fibbin’ a little bit when ya asked if Ah slept ok…” The earth pony chuckled sleepily, watching for the inevitable reaction.

Rarity delivered, as expected. She lightly swatted the orange pony, teasing scowl in place. “Honestly! And you were upset thinking I would lie to you…!” Finding only more tired laughter waiting for her performance, the unicorn lowered her voice. “But if you feel relaxed enough to rest now, please darlin’, feel free. I believe our food can remain ready for us later.”

A light snore was the answer to the mare’s statement. Smiling tenderly, the unicorn set a cooling spell on the basket to insure the safety of the food as well as a bubble of protection against bugs and other creatures, and leaned into the embrace, her own gaze drifting closed.


The couple slowly woke back up from their morning nap. The first thing the fashionista checked on was whether their food was safe or not. Seeing the light purple hue still in place, she settled back into the warm hooves holding her. I don’t think I’ve had a better sleep in weeks… Almost as relaxing as a massage at the Spa… Sighing happily, she snuggled deeper into the orange chest.

The body shook as laughter raced through it. A southern voice whispered from near the light-gray neck, sounding much more awake now than before. “Enjoying the pillow there sugarcube?” Another shake traveled over the orange barrel. “Sure glad ya like it. Though now Ah’m mighty hungry… What kind of food ya got over there?”

Bright blue orbs re-opened and swirled to the wicker basket. With barely a thought, it lifted into the air and drifted closer to the two mares.

“You know, I’m not fully sure what was packed myself.” Rarity shifted in place so they both could face the basket, bringing their muzzles closer inadvertently. “Why don’t we find out together…?”

Applejack smirked back, barely having to shift her head to be within kissing range of her marefriend. “Sounds like a plan sugarcube…”

Sharing a quick kiss, the duo ate each piece of the picnic together, sharing bites at times. They steadily worked their way through the multiple dishes stashed inside. The sun was barely past the midway point in the sky when they finished the last of the dessert. Fighting the pull to return to sleep, they put everything back into the wicker container, stretching their limbs. If the stretches brushed against an orange or light-gray body, no mention was made of it, though the amount of ‘accidental touches’ did rise after that point.

They walked close to one another as they went back up to the city above. Glancing to the other garden section, they found a majority of the couples there had switched out with other ponies. They laughed at how long they had been asleep, nuzzling once more. Struggling to keep their light hearts and hooves from floating away, the couple kept going, back to where, roughly, they knew their friends were. The warmth they felt stopped much more thought than that, lost as they were in each other’s eyes.

The royal gardens were completely awake by this point; birds, mammals and flowers were in as much motion as they could be, though they seemed to visit a spot in the center of the gardens. Birds swooping down, chittering happily, caused the farmer to look up, following their path with a questioning brow. She turned her head, smile widening briefly.

“Looks like these here gardens are as awake as we are now, did ya want to go lookin’ around?”

The fashion designer cast her gaze over the lush greens and vivid spots of colors that the animals and plants presented, coming back to a stop on the orange mare beside her. “Hmm, while I would say it pales in comparison to you, darlin’, I wouldn’t oppose it.”

Applejack chuckled. “Uh-huh. Whatever ya say sugarcube.” She pulled the slimmer mare along, deeper into the hedge maze. They trailed after some of the birds, slowing when they came to each corner so as to not surprise whatever was on the other side.

On the last corner, reaching the center of the gardens, the two mares peered around the short wall and stopped, trying to understand the sight they had found. The earth pony’s brow furrowed deeply, while the unicorn put both hooves to her mouth to prevent the happy squeal from escaping.

Laying in the middle of the open field were two pegasi, the yellow and blue coats contrasting each other brightly. Rainbow Dash rested her head on her forehooves that were stretched out in front of her, tilted to have a perfect view of the mare beside her. Fluttershy sat beside the usually brasher mare, her own forehooves crossed in front of her while she excitedly looked at the birds that flew down to visit. The yellow ears were upright as teal orbs were easily visible for a change, while the cobalt mare’s own gaze was half hooded, a rare tender smile in place. Various critters and exotic animals walked around the field, often stopping by the animal caretaker while checking the other pegasus curiously.

After a few more seconds of watching the two pegasi relax in the sunlight, Applejack finally tugged her marefriend’s hoof, drawing them away from the view. Any time Rarity opened her mouth to comment, an orange hoof stopped her while teasing green orbs promised they would talk soon. Reassured, the tailor held back her excited giggle, feeling a thrill similar to when she was a school filly. With each step away from the scene, they picked up their pace, morphing into a full run by the time they got within sight of the doorway. The stoic guards didn’t seem to mind the two mares rushing inside, eyes scanning the area for potential dangers.

They dashed to the side of the door, out of view from the outside. Standing on their back legs, they panted from the sudden run, ears twitching to pick up every sound otherwise. Finding no outcry, the pair looked to one another, grins languishly forming before they broke out into a flurry of giggles. Applejack stood on the side closest to the door, right hoof half restraining the other as they tried to ‘hide’. Once they were sure the two pegasi hadn’t noticed them, they dropped back to all fours, still giggling.

“What was all that about, do ya think?” Applejack swiveled her head in place, trying to keep a look out while talking with the other mare. The high pitched coo brought her entire focus back to the unicorn however.

“Awwww! Darlin’, can’t you just see it?!? They are so adorable!!!” The last word was drawn out as Rarity squished her cheeks, eyes misting over. Finding a bland expression on her marefriend’s face, she dropped the hooves to deadpan the earth mare. “Really honey? Can’t you see the LOVE blossoming in our friends?!”

“Love? Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash? Ah dunno…” The farm mare scratched the back of her head, muzzle scrunching up.

“And WHO was right about Twilight and Pinkie Pie getting together?” The designer leaned forward, eyes narrowing, as she poked the orange barrel. “And on the very eve that they had even gotten together no less!”

Applejack held up a hoof, smirk growing. “Alright, alright, maybe ya have a point.” She chuckled, pushing the hoof that had previously been jabbing at her back down to the ground. “Ah ain’t gonna argue with ya about this time…”

“Of course!” Rarity stuck her nose into the air, leading the way further inside. “All my ideas are great! And utterly correct!”

This declaration caused the other mare to bark out a laugh. Raising a challenging brow, the orange pony kept her voice teasing. “Oh, sure, so that there date idea of goin’ river raftin’ was one of yer greatest? How long did we get lost for after SOMEpony lost the map?”

“It is not my fault that someone doesn’t know how to read maps correctly or the local environments.” Rarity huffed, cheeks puffing out with a dab of red covering them.

“Suuuure… And goin’ to the county fair dressed up to the nines is perfectly normal too, right?” The blonde smirked, eyes shining in memory. “Did ya ever get that mud out…?”

“Excuse me?” The unicorn stressed the words, head snapping to view the other with disbelief. “It was not my idea to go to the fair. And the dress I wore was perfectly acceptable for the occasion. It was YOU who couldn’t… what was it called? ‘Hog tie a hog’?” The pale-gray mare teased back, her own smirk growing. “Which lead directly to SOMEpony splashing the ‘mud’ all over my new dress as I was performing my sacred duties as a special somepony to cheer for their marefriend.”

The apple seller laughed as the memory came into greater focus. “That’s right! Ah plum forgot that part! Yer face was great! Mud drippin’ down, pretty blue eyes all wide and shocked!”

Rarity snorted. “And YOURS was just as delightful. Mouth open, that lovely frantic glint to beautiful emerald eyes… Before turning completely into mirth as you laughed right in my face!”

“Yeah, and ya went and got me back right away didn’t ya? Took a nice big hoofful of mud and painted my own face with it.” Applejack threw her head back as more laughter broke free, her smile almost hurting her face as it pushed the limits of how wide it could go.

“Oh? Oh yes?!” The unicorn inflated, aggravation and joy warring across her face. “That’s not the only idea that has completely fallen flat as we try to find common interests! How about that time you thought it would be ‘fun!’ to explore caves with nothing but a single rope to help us back up into the world!”

“Or how ‘bout that time ya thought we could check out the new late night pub in town and then got right mad when another mare was talkin’ to me?”

“I didn’t realize it was a specialized establishment and she was from out of town! She didn’t realize you belong to ME.” Rarity stomped her hoof, heat shooting out of her nose at the reminder. “What about your idea to visit the poetry club? You even fell asleep after the second performer!”

The country mare was quick to retort, her laughter echoing in each word while there was a permanent undercurrent of joy lacing the unicorn’s. Lost in memories and teasing one another, the couple didn’t watch where they traveled, letting their hooves and moods drive them forward without a care. Their argument could be heard corridors away as neither thought about their current high classed environment. When they passed the royal audience chamber, their ‘fighting’ caused an extra curl of a regal smile as the solar Princess identified who the speakers were.

The fighting would have continued for several more hours had the farmer’s stomach not decided to remind its owner that their last meal had been just after noon, and without a proper breakfast that morning. The duo went quiet at once, rapidly pinpointing the source of the growling. The silence that followed seemed to ring in everypony’s ears. A few guards, concerned at the sudden lack of voices, checked on the two. They found both standing stock still in the middle of the hall, faces burnt red and ears flat.

A younger guard, wings twitching at the motionless sight, trotted up, trying to announce his presence with his hoofsteps and a polite cough. “Are you two alright?”

Applejack ducked her head, pulling the stetson down, while Rarity smiled stiffly to the stallion.

“Oh, uhm, we’re fine, thank you.” She coughed as well, trying to sound more even toned. The effect was broken when another rumble came from the farm mare on her left. “Er, perhaps, could you tell us where the closest kitchen or place to get some sort of meal is…?”

The guard relaxed, pleased smile on his face at being able to solve an issue. “Oh yes, of course. The kitchens, which are open at all times for guests in the castle, is back this way.” He turned in place, pointing past where his partner remained on guard. “Go down three halls and take a right. The entrance is right there. Someone should be able to help you get some sort of food ready.”

The farmer lifted her hat, face and emotions back in control, as she smiled to the guard. “Thank ya kindly. We don’t wanna bother anypony though; we’ll see what we got goin’ on.” She held out a hoof to her marefriend, leading the way in the direction they were told.

The duo couldn’t meet one another’s eyes as they fought breaking out into hysterics at their own behavior. After chewing silently, the unicorn couldn’t hold back from commenting.

“I hadn’t expected us to become so lost in, ehm, ‘one uppping’, each other for bad ideas.” She nudged the apple farmer. “Another example of the Apple heated responses?”

The orange mare rolled her head, smile finally breaking free. “As if ya didn’t give just as much as Ah gave.” The couple shared another smile and quick kiss as they continued on their way.

Once they arrived, they found that most of the staff was doing minor maintenance for the kitchen. Spotting the orange and pale-gray mares standing in the doorway, the head chef stopped his surveillance and trotted over.

“Greetings! How can we help you today?” The stallion smiled brightly, gaze switching between the two.

“Well, we don’t want tah mess with anythin’, we were just hopin’ to get some grub.” Applejack playfully nudged the unicorn who choked up at her wording. “If yer doin’ other things, we could just use a bit of yer kitchen to cook somethin’ up.”

Rarity stared confused at the earth pony, unsure if such things were allowed. Before she could comment, the chef mused half to himself and half to the mares.

“Not usually allowed, but I don’t see why we can’t allow you to use the kitchen.” The stallion escorted the two to an out of the way corner. The rest of the staff watched from the edge of their eyes as the couple checked the layout.

“Thank you sir, we appreciate it.” Rarity smiled at the chef before turning to beam at her special somepony. “And what shall we be making then darlin’?”

The farm mare paused, closing one eye and scrunching her mouth in thought. “We huh? Guess we could make some good old fashion Apple meal; Ah could teach ya some new tricks to cookin’...” She nuzzled the pale-gray cheek, smiling when the fashion mare cooed happily.

“Thank you!” Rarity made sure to give a long, loving kiss to her mare before starting up her magic, prepared for anything.

“Right! Let’s get down tah business!” With fervor in her gaze, spurred on by her marefriend and hunger, Applejack began to half-shout commands to the unicorn as they got to work.

Together, they set out to create the most home cooked Apple meal they could, finding the absolute best ingredients in the choices available to them. The green gaze had an eye for detail that the fashion designer was especially proud of, as each plate and course was an artwork onto itself, a prime showing of traditional close-knit family meals. Before long, the rest of the cooks had gathered to watch, taking mental notes and awing at some of the more dramatic pan flips and balancing acts the earth pony and unicorn took together.

Once it was done, servers stepped up and bowed. The lead waiter stepped a little more forward, head still tilted towards the ground.

“If madams would like, we can take these to a private table, the main dining hall or even your quarters on your behalf.”

Rarity leaned back into the orange side, left hoof going to hide her shocked expression at the watchers. Applejack stood firm however, face proud while keeping her body curved so her special somepony could lean into her while still facing the staffpony head on. She tipped her hat, head staying upright.

“Thank ya for the offer. Ah ain’t too sure where we were gonna eat all this…” She peeked back to the wide blue gaze questioningly.

The unicorn stood up straighter, clearing her throat as her mind scrambled. “Oh yes, uhm, perhaps somewhere private? But nothing large, it would just be us two.”

Applejack looked back to the staff, nodding once with a grateful smile. They watched the dishes being loaded up while the lead waiter directed them to a balcony. The chef who had allowed them to stay stepped up next, eyes bright.

“If it’s ok, we would like to get some of those recipes for later use?” He pointed to his fellow cooks who held up notepads. “We managed to catch some of them, but direct note taking works best.”

The farmer chuckled, growing bashful at the praise the different chefs heaped on her. The unicorn smiled at the attention and turned about, eyes trying to search for the piles of dirty dishes they had created. Instead, she found very little to clean as the other staff members already sorted out most of it and the duo had cleaned as they went, wanting to use as little of the equipment as they could. By the time she realized this fact, the rest of the dishes were finished and put away. She twirled back, mouth opening to question the apple farmer, only to find herself silenced by a loving kiss.

The earth pony beamed at the pale-gray mare, taking hold of the unicorn’s hoof. “Come on, sugar, they’ve got all our grub set out an’ ready for us.” She nodded towards the now sparkling clean counter space. “Ah was gonna offer to clean up, but they already beat us to it. Ready to go?” Bright emerald orbs shone happily, melting away the remaining confusion the other mare felt at the rapid turn of events.

“Yes, of course darlin’. Always ready when I’m with you…” Rarity tucked her head back into her now favorite crevice of jaw and neck lines, trotting along at an even pace as they went to their seats.

The view beyond the railing was just as beautiful as the one they had found under the main waterfall garden. Low laying hedges drew and attracted the eye, drawing it along swirling lines and over sets of flowers and art. The meal they crafted only moments ago was set up on the table in the middle of the balcony, with the few extra dishes placed on trolley carts nearby.

The warm sunlight set them at ease as they enjoyed the meal they had created together. Time disappeared quickly, though they merely turned to enjoy the setting sunlight and gardens as it fell slowly into slumber. It was as a cool breeze caused the unicorn to shiver that the couple thought to return inside. They only needed a small refresher about where their rooms were before setting out, as always glued to one another’s side.

The first guest room they arrived at was the earth pony’s. The duo stood in front of the door, hardly paying attention to the guard who kept an eye out for trouble, as they stared silently at the fixture. Applejack shifted in place, feeling the pressure build up, only to notice the pale-gray side moved in tandem, fur brushing against hers. She looked to the thoughtful tailor, single brow raised.

“Rares…? Sugar…?” Both eyebrows twitched when the soft call received no response. Trying again, she spoke louder, pushing back against the trim gray side. “Rarity, darlin’?”

The use of ‘darling’ was enough to jolt the unicorn into awareness once more. Straightening, she looked at the mare beside her, blinking sleepily. “Hm…? Sorry, hun, what was that?”

Bemused green eyes rolled at the tepid answer. “Ah was tryin’ to ask if there was somethin’ wrong.” The farmer moved closer, whispering into a pale-gray ear. “It’s just a door, ain’t gonna hurt nopony.”

Rarity humphed playfully, letting her mane swish out and smack the apple seller as she moved. “Of course not! I was merely contemplating how cold my room was the previous night compared to our lovely picnic this afternoon.” Spotting the nearby guard shifting, more of his attention to the mare’s complaint, she glared with her right eye, sending him back into attention. Unfortunately, the subtlety was lost on the honest earth pony.

“Huh? Ah’m sure we could get somepony tah help with that. Wouldn’t want ya losin’ sleep over a bit of cold.” Applejack nosed along the light-gray jaw, only to notice the tense muscles. Pulling back, she looked into a steady deadpan. “Wha…?”

The unicorn turned her deadpan into a scrutinizing look, moving to nose under the orange jaw and nipping lightly at the joint. The orange mare eeped, giving a start, but managed to remain mostly in place.

“Darlin’, I’m sure something that had taken place this afternoon could help keep me warm.” Rarity waited a few more seconds, trailing along the jawline up to the twitching orange ear. “I’m sure I could find somepony to help me.”

Bewildered and slightly scared green eyes scanned the hallway, connecting with the apologetic guard who twitched an ear to the earth pony’s room. Blinking rapidly, she moved her gaze back to powerful sapphires, gulping rather loudly in the silence.

“Did ya want to cuddle inside…?” Applejack asked timidly. She was rewarded with a brilliant smile.

“Why thank you darlin’! I would love to stay for a little while longer!” Rarity trotted forward, letting herself in and glancing about the room.

The farmer’s main attention was on the fashion tailor, though this time she actually did look around her room, noting the high quality of the furniture placed specially around the space. It was when the trim fashionista rested on the fourposter bed that Applejack couldn’t hold back any more. Making sure the door was firmly shut, she quickly made her way to the bed as well, stopping just on the edge.

“Rarity, what in the hay was that about? An’ all those-those b-bites!”

The unicorn turned in place, one hoof supporting her head while the other rested between the two ponies. “Well, I… I simply realized that I had the best sleep while in your hooves, and wanted to… experience it again.” She looked away, worried frown slowly forming on her muzzle. “I’m sorry if it seemed a touch over dramatic; I wanted to be sure you understood without me flatly stating it.”

There was no response from the edge of the bed. Instead, the mattress sunk under extra weight that shifted closer to the unicorn. A hoof lifted up the waiting gray, setting in on orange shoulders while the strong limbs encircled the trim barrel.

“Ya’d sure make things easier if’in ya just asked to cuddle some more.” Applejack whispered, her head set right beside her marefriend’s. “Come here ya goofy mare…”

Rarity giggled at the playfully angry tone and complied, moving into the familiar place inside warm hooves. She used a touch of magic to move the blanket from under them and set it over top, covering their forms while giving herself space to breathe. Applejack laughed at the action, sinking her nose into the apple and lavender scented mane under her. The extra warmth sent them to sleep quickly, wide grins plastered on their faces. The guards took note that the two stayed in one room instead of separate rooms this time, and informed the two royals of the change.

Applejack found herself slower to wake up, an unusual weight in her hooves and against her chest. The scent of apple and lavender reassured the earth pony. Smiling widely, she snuggled the warm presence closer to herself.

“Hmm… darlin’, I don’t know if we could stay in bed much longer…”

The blonde pony wasn’t shocked to hear the pleased whisper. Her grin growing further, she continued to hold the other mare close, nose burying into the purple mane. The unicorn giggled at the touch, struggling to move her limbs to tickle the other but failing as they instead tightened their own hold.

“Suuure sugarcube, yer really convincin’ me there…” Applejack chuckled, keeping her gaze shut tight.

Rarity grinned against the orange belly, letting her teeth brush the strands there. The motion caused both mares to shiver, one at the touch and the other at the results she had caused.

“Need I remind you of my own determination…?”

Applejack stood up suddenly, hooves going to either side of the pale-gray mare as a heavy blush came to her own face. “Eeeeenope!”

The fashion mare laughed at the drastic move and stayed in bed, watching her marefriend hop down to fetch her hat. She methodically got up, making sure she held the green gaze with the motion. She flicked a hoof through her mane, trying to resettle the style.

The farmer waited until the mare was done before starting to head outside. The guards didn’t seem to care about both stepping out, appearing unfocused while at attention. The orange mare was grateful for this disinterest, as she felt her cheeks still heated from the realization they had spent the night together, even in the most innocent manner.

The duo trotted along the corridors, trying to find any sign of the others and whether they were also awake. When they arrived at the dining room the group had used before, they found it was still empty. A guard stationed at the door noticed the hesitation and spoke up.

“The rest of your party has not yet arrived, though breakfast has been made if you wish to eat at this time.” His gaze stayed firmly forward as he recounted the news.

The couple shared a look, assessing the situation. It was the tiny grumble of the farm pony’s stomach that decided it in the end. They turned back to the guard and nodded once, stepping inside with a grin. Once they were past the threshold, one of the cooks from the other day stepped up with a bow of his head.

“How could we help you today?”

“Y’all don’t have to get too fancy, just a good ol’ breakfast works for me. Some eggs, toast with apple jelly, hay strips and good ol’ orange juice would be real nice.” Applejack mused as she held out a chair for the unicorn who shook her head bemused.

“Honestly darlin’...” Rarity turned to smile at the staff member. “I would appreciate some toast as well, a single egg sunny side and a cup of the same to drink, if you would be so kind.”

“Of course.” The stallion dipped his head once more and trotted away.

After the apple farmer took her own seat, the pale-gray mare leaned on the table between them, grin smug. “Somepony seemed rather hasty to leave the room this morning…”

The target of the smug look shrugged, gaze shifted to her left. “Ah dunno, seemed kind of… wrong… to spend the night in the same room… and bed…” The furniture was whispered, eyes scrambling to be sure the other attendees weren’t in hearing range. “Especially when yer datin’ the pony ya shared it with.”

The fashionable unicorn sighed, relaxing her smug stance into one of understanding and adoration. “Oh sugar, it’s perfectly fine to be with somepony for the night, intimately or not. So long as the relationship is comfortable with it. I rather enjoyed it, did you…?” She peered out from under her bangs, voice just as soft.

Applejack sighed, slumping forward. “Yes… yes Ah did.” She shrugged once more. “Guess Ah’m fine with it, jus’... ain’t never done it before.”

“Oooh, darlin’, I know.” Rarity reached out and put a comforting hoof on one of the orange ones that rested against the table. “And we can move as fast or slow as you want, when you want.”

“Uuuggh, the lovebirds are at it again!”

The husky voice cut into the bubble surrounding the couple. As they looked up and around to find the source, they heard another, softer one scold the first speaker.

“Yeah Fluttershy, I know, I know…” Rainbow Dash came up beside the apple farm pony and pushed her hat down on her face, scuffing it playfully. “I’m just messing with them! Ain’t that right Applejack?”

The farmer straightened with a large grin. “Sure ya are! As if you wouldn’t know about being soft or carin’ towards somepony else.”

“Wha-?” Dash leaned back in her chair, eyes wide and frantic. A red hue slowly spread across the blue muzzle as the cerise orbs determinedly looked anywhere but at the canary-yellow mare sitting beside the fashionista.

“Oooh, but it was so precious!” Rarity leaned forward once more, teasing smile showing she caught the train of thought from her marefriend. “The way you two were yesterday! Sitting so closely, watching the animals around you!” The last part was half-directed to the pegasus next to her, in a much less playful manner.

Fluttershy eeped, moving into her well known position of hiding behind her mane. Rainbow grew more hysterical, hooves crossed.

“I wasn’t-it wasn’t- Look! I was tired ok?! I had been practicing some really-really radical tricks and stunts, a-and I had to lay down! R-right Fluttershy?” The prismatic mare finally looked to the other pegasus, pleading. The bush of pink mane moved in affirmation, shrinking back when Dash exclaimed happily. “There! See! Totally normal! I mean, I guess it’s fine either way but you’re wrong so yeah.”

The couple laughed at the blushing cobalt pony who slumped lower into her seat with a grumble. When the door opened, displaying the large quantity of food (more being made once the cooks were alerted to the extra guests present), most of the conversation shifted into friendlier topics, ones that didn’t send either set of ponies into blushing embarrassment.

Applejack noticed the remaining ruffled feathers on the brash mare next to her and smirked, leaning over. “Oh come on, after all that teasin’ ya were doin’ of me an’ Rarity, or how ya tried to ‘help us together’, you’d think you’d be up for a bit of fun yerself.”

“Well, that’s not what is happening and I don’t need help with anything anyways, so there.” Dash crossed her hooves once more, chin tucked into her chest in a half pout.

“Sure don’t sound like it. Ah know why we were late gettin’ up,” the earth pony pointed sharply at the amusement she saw build in cerise eyes, “it ain’t like that! Cuddling can take up a lot of time if ya don’t pay attention. Did ya find somethin’ similar…?”

“NO! Ugggh! Lay off it!” The cobalt pegasus shot up from her seat, startling the rest of the ponies at the table. She stomped over to the unicorn and pointed to the orange mare. “Go tell your marefriend to knock it off!”

“What-?” Rarity could barely question the pegasus’ actions before she was pushed gently from the chair by insistent blue hooves.

“And I’m not sitting next to her anymore either! You go there! And tell her to stop being annoying!” Rainbow didn’t look at the laughing farmer, focused instead on the place beside the animal caretaker. Once she had successfully moved the fashion designer, she plopped into the seat, hooves once more crossed firmly in front of her.

“Rainbow…! That wasn’t very nice…” Fluttershy tried to scold the bolder mare from behind pink bangs which dampened some of the already weak edge of her words.

“No no, it’s ok darling.” Rarity daintily took the now empty place beside the farmer. “I can understand that it takes a special temperate to be with this prickly pony.”

Applejack scoffed even as she received a loving peck on the side of her cheek from the fashion pony. Before anyone could comment further, the doors opened once more, letting in Twilight and Pinkie Pie who trotted very close together. The group all gave the couple varying ranges of greeting, while the farmer and speedster focused on the chef who came into the room from the opposite side, knowing there are more to serve.

“Howdy! Good timin’ on yer part, our friends just got here!”

The staff member nodded, smiling. “Yes, there is a special spell that alerts us to more guests entering the room that may need assistance.”

“Probably. They are just as cuddly as these two.” Dash jerked her hoof to the couple she sat across. Sitting back with a smirk, she moved her hooves to rest behind her head. “They’ll probably want just as much as we got, nice balanced meal kind of thing.”

“Yer just as cuddly Dashie Washie.” Applejack muttered, grin amused, especially as the pegasus sputtered annoyed.

“Darn it AJ, knock it off!” Rainbow growled. As they stared each other down, they noticed how quiet the rest of the room had gotten.

The apple seller tipped her ears back at the sharp blue gaze staring back at her. “Er, what’s wrong Rare? Somepony mess up yer plate?” Applejack tried to search the gaze and noticed the subtle flick towards the recently arrived couple.

The orange pony scrunched her own sights, trying to find what she was supposed to understand or comment on. She gave up, leaning into the pale-gray shoulder. “Shucks, Ah guess it’s some kind of shampoo or somethin’. Did ya want to get some too?”

Rarity sighed, hoof scrubbing her face. “No darlin’, I don’t believe it’s a shampoo. There can’t be such a special kind of shampoo that can rejuvenate a pony so thoroughly.” She leaned further into the orange mare, sighing once more.

Applejack exhaled, eyes looking to the ceiling. “Look, Ah’ll figure out what it was an’ let ya know, alright?”

“Promise…?” The unicorn pouted lightly, left eye closed as she peeked to the other.

“Yes, yes, Ah promise.” The farm mare slung a hoof around her mare’s shoulders.

They laughed, watching Twilight and Pinkie Pie react together as they enjoyed a late brunch. Princess Celestia managed to stop by, giving her greetings and birthday wishes. Applejack half-paid attention to the conversation, realizing once again that it was Twilight and Pinkie’s anniversary.

Shoot… Ah bet Rarity’s already waiting for somethin’ for our second month's anniversary... Taking a moment to tease her marefriend, the orange mare went back to her thoughts. Ah better plan somethin’ real special for her… What to do, what to do…

Staring at the fashion designer, the earth pony twitched her nose thoughtfully. The action caused the target to notice and land a solid smooch to the orange muzzle. Applejack woke back up to her surroundings and found they were on the train, sitting on one of the couches while the others sat in their own pairs.

“You seemed rather distracted darlin’...” Rarity stared deep into the green orbs. “Is everything ok?”

“Sure, sure…” Applejack waved a hoof, smiling. She leaned back, peeking from over her nose. “So Ah bet yer already have all them important anniversary ideas in yer mind, how you want them to go jus’ right.”

The unicorn pulled back, both hooves pressed under her chin. Her eyes lit up, shining brightly as the memories surged. “Oooh! I’ve always wanted just the sweetest little dinner, with candle lighting, and soft tunes going on in the background.” She tilted her head, growing thoughtful. “As a filly, I was always partial to the Platinum Ponies. Now I would say the sounds of Trot Legend ‘are where things are at’.” She curled her hooves in quotation marks, smiling to the other. "Though as you recall, our first month's anniversary featured a few things we both enjoyed."

“Uh-huh… Knew it…” The earth pony smirked as she leaned back even more, letting her hat drape over her eyes. "An' yeah, we did. It was a nice evenin'."

Rarity huffed playfully, crossing her hooves in front of her. “Yes, yes, the silly little mare has her silly little dreams. And I haven’t even mentioned the ones for other important dates I had always envisioned!”

A soft kiss calmed the pretend anger, especially as it moved from the top temple to the jawline.

“Yeah, and if ya didn’t dream, ya wouldn’t get very far in yer fashion world. Ya need those dreams. Ah’ve always loved how ya can dream…” The blonde pony wrapped her hooves around the other pony. “And we’ll be seein’ about how to get them dreams comin’ true.”

The unicorn raised a brow, curious to the wording, but merely snuggled closer, enjoying the safety she felt there.

“Whatever you say darlin’... Whatever you say…”

Author's Note:

Thanks to Gwg and Shutup868 for reviewing and editing it. This is edited by half the editing team, so if there's a few mistakes, we're sorry. Please feel free to point out any mistakes you notice. Or just any sort of comment, especially if you like what you are reading!

Thanks and enjoy the story!

EDIT:...... sorry about how the story was in bold. all fixed now though!