• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 4,745 Views, 120 Comments

A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

  • ...

Chapter 20 - Finding out

First Week of April, 1005 A.D. (After Discord)

The sky was clear, allowing the bright sunlight to warm up the land below to an even temperature. A few clouds, the only ones allowed to remain, drifted across the open air. Resting on one was a dash of blue and rainbow hues. The lazy pegasus rested her head on both forehooves, gazing down at the world below. Cerise eyes flickered over the walking dots of color, ears tipped forward in eagerness. Her wings, powerful and strong, twitched at her sides, itching to drop into flight.

A blot of straw gold and orange drew Rainbow Dash’s attention. Applejack’s relaxed muscles showed no concern, which was odd considering her destination was a high maintenance, stressful unicorn’s boutique. Humming thoughtfully, Dash propelled herself forward with a flap of her wings. As she trailed the farmer, movement at the dress shop caught her focus. The pristine and prim mare had been waiting for her visitor and pre-emptively opened the door.

AJ tipped her hat slowly, her smug happy smirk visible even to the pegasus in the sky. Their voices were lost in the gentle breeze but Rainbow could easily imagine the southern drawl greeting. The soft red blush and fluttering eyelashes the greeting received was not.

“Huh…?” Dash leaned closer, unconsciously using her wings to bring her within hearing range.

“... darlin’, it means so much to me that you were able to visit, and so soon after the last time.” Rarity’s words, sweet and smooth, caused the apple farmer to turn color of the fruit she sold. Rainbow frowned, gaze switching between the two mares.

“Shucks Rare, it ain’t no problem. Ya just need some paintin’ done, right?” Applejack smiled, cheeks still a little red, as green orbs followed the slimmer unicorn who started to walk away.

Rarity nodded and tilted her head, letting her mane flick then bunch back into it’s curl, trotting around the side of the building. Dash traced the farmer’s line of sight and raised both brows in surprise at where they were focused on.

“Yes, that’s right. My boutique has just withered away, darlin’, and most of the outer walls need a serious repainting.” The unicorn trotted over to where a stack of paint cans rested. On the ground beside the cans was a tray and wide headed paint brush. The light-gray mare levitated the lid off one of the metal cans, displaying the color underneath.

“So, ya want me to paint the whole place pale-purple?” Applejack slowly walked after the unicorn, eyes finally leaving the prim form and checking on the cans in front of Rarity.

Rainbow sat up in her cloud, ears standing rigid as a thought appeared in her mind. It’s sooo perfect… The pegasus plopped back down and tightly gripped the cloud in her hooves. Blasting into motion with a strong beat of her wings, she did a tight controlled circle. On the down portion, she made sure she was aiming properly for the task. Thrusting the cloud before her, even as she went at speeds that would normally tear the cloud apart, Dash smashed into the apple farmer.

The impact of the cloud hitting and exploding against orange fur, as well as the heavier impact a second later, caused Applejack to fall forward into the pristine unicorn with a shout of “Woah!”. Rarity, barely alerted that something was wrong by the sound, tripped forward into the paint cans, knocking them over and spilling their contents onto pale-gray fur and grass. As the dust settled, there was an uncomfortable silence while the three mares assessed what happened.

Rainbow couldn’t hold back her laughter, her position hovering in the sky giving her an easier view of the results. “Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…!”

The harsh laughter jolted Applejack to her senses. Scrambling to her hooves, she searched the area, trying to understand what happened. “Rarity! Are ya ok?!”

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!” The shrill scream made two sets of hearts drop and the rest of the neighborhood to pause in their hoofsteps.

Dash twirled upright, laughter barely echoing away, while floating closer with a concerned frown. She was a few feet above the ground, but was still pushed out of the way by frantic orange hooves. The pegasus turned to watch with surprise as AJ rushed forward, her fur pale and pupils shrunk to pinpricks.

“Rarity! Rarity, what’s wrong?”

Rainbow tried to assure the farmer only to be steadily ignored.

“Come on AJ, it’s just a joke. Look, see?” Blue hooves waved to the unicorn who started to shakily stand up. “Rarity’s standing and everything… She’s just a little-”

“PURPLE! My lovely, fabulous coat is PURPLE!” Rarity dramatically swirled, hoof pointing to her right side and underbelly where the paint was dribbling down. Half of her face was also splattered with the color. The unicorn tried to desperately swipe at her eye that was closed to protect it from the paint but couldn’t as her forehooves were covered as well.

Rainbow used both hooves to stop any other sounds from escaping her muzzle. They dropped slightly in bewilderment when AJ slowly reached out and wiped away the paint from Rarity’s face. Under the purple was firetruck red.

“Ah think purple rather suites ya. However, Ah bet if you go an’ visit that spa in town, ya can wash the paint out real quick.” Applejack smirked softly and nudged the barely white left shoulder with her nose. “Ah’ll get started on this here paintin’.”

While the two mares smiled warmly to one another, Dash stared intensely. She lifted a hoof to cut into their little pow-wow when a quiet scolding voice called out to her.

“Rainbow Dash, did you just push Rarity into the paint?”

Cerise eyes, squinting in preparation of a lecture, turned away from the spectacle and found a pair of teal orbs staring firmly back. Fluttershy wore a severe scowl as she walked over. The blue pegasus dropped to the ground with a shrug, head facing away to avoid meeting the gaze.

“It was just a little prank.”

“You know how Rarity is about her physical appearance.” The canary mare shook her head and continued past the other pegasus. When she stopped besides the others, Fluttershy tried to look at the distressed unicorn from below, peeking through her pink mane. “Uhm, we can go to the spa together… If you want… that is…”

The two mares, flustered and blushing, broke their staring contest and beamed gratefully at the shy pegasus. When Rainbow saw how AJ’s gaze moved past the mare in front of them to the pegasus waiting behind, she grimaced and tried to laugh off the attention.

“Heh heh heh, well, I’ll let you girls go and do that…”

“Rare, Ah’m sorry that this happened. Ah’ll fix it, honest.” Applejack didn’t move her sharp gaze from the brash prankster, keeping her on the ground through will and determination alone.

“Nonsense darlin’. I know it’s not YOUR fault.” The elegant voice drifted closer, pulling RD’s gaze from the iron in green orbs to cold steel in blue ones. “I know exactly who is at fault. I merely hope that someone trustworthy, brave and wonderfully considerate would address the matter.”

“Shucks Rarity, don’t ya worry none.”

Rainbow scrunched her face and took a single step back. Rarity and Fluttershy continued their walk past the anxious pegasus. Once they were beyond hoofreach, the blue mare stretched her wings, preparing for flight. Before she could flee, there was a fierce tug on her tail.

“Oh noph ya don’ph.” The muffled voice caused RD to look behind her at what held her tail. She found sharp iron orbs waiting to trap her once more.

“Oh heh heh he-hey Applejack. I heard you had a lot of painting waiting for you, so I’ll be leaving you to it.” Dash tried pull her tail free only to have the strong earth pony pull her close to the earth. “Uhh, why don’t you let me go?”

“No phay.”

“What? Why?”

Applejack rolled her eyes and continued to pull the pegasus to the ground. “Wphy did ya go an’ do phthat?”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and dropped down. As soon as all four hooves touched the earth, the orange colored mare spat out the tuff of rainbow strands. Dash spun to face the farmer head on, shoving her muzzle into the personal space of the other mare.

“I did that because somepony was being lame and spineless.” The pegasus shrugged. “And because it was a funny prank.”

The earth mare winced. “What do ya mean, ‘lame an’ spineless’?”

“AJ, it’s so obvious that even I could see it from miles away.” Rainbow sat back and crossed both hooves in front of her. “You’re completely crazy for Rarity.”

The red blush, heavy and covering her whole face, was enough of an answer. The pegasus drooped before shaking her head dismissively.

“Completely head over hooves for her and haven’t said anything to her.” A blue hoof reached out to poke at the orange barrel. “That’s why you’re being lame.”

“Oh yeah? What do ya suggest then? Goin’ right up to her an’ askin’ her for a date?” Applejack snarled, thrusting her own face forward. “Ya know that ain’t what she’d like.”

The pegasus snorted and leaned her head backwards with a sneer. “And you are just going to take that kind of answer? Guess you are spineless.”

Dash prepared for the physical retribution. It never came. Hearing a soft thud, Rainbow peeked out of tightly shut eyelids and found the farmer had taken a seat as well. She had pushed down her hat and wouldn’t meet the cerise gaze.

“Ah used tah use that as an answer.” Applejack turned around, slowly straightening the mess the ‘prank’ had caused. “But now, Ah ain’t gonna use excuses.”

Rainbow floated up and trailed after the orange mare. She hovered over her friend, worried about the ease of agreement. “Aaaand not telling her is not using excuses how…?”

“Dash, Ah’m settin’ up the whole thin’. The kind of situation that Rarity likes readin’ about.” AJ poured the contents of one of the tipped over cans into the tray. “Ah just need time; without a featherbrain pegasus tryin’ to prank us all the time.”

“Just trying to prank you? No way!” Dash waved her right hoof with a wide grin. “You weren’t making any sort of progress, just making googly eyes at her while she wasn’t looking. I figured if I made the right kind of, uh, ‘situation’, you’d make some kind of progress.”

The brash words, said with complete confidence, surprised the earth pony into staring at Dash. She blinked slowly. The orange mare used the hoof that still had purple paint on it to wipe her brow, leaving a wide streak behind.

“Sugarcube, Ah wouldn’t have thought ya wanted to help with ‘mushy stuff’ like… like love one pony feels fer another.”

Rainbow shifted in place, looking to the sky briefly as she rubbed the back of her head.

“Yeah well, I want to help friends not make a mistake they’d regret for a long while after…” Rainbow looked back at the orange mare to notice the bemused flinch. When AJ stayed silent, the pegasus continued. “So look, Rarity hasn’t noticed the looks you’ve been giving her.”

“... Maybe not, but Ah’m doin’ fine an’ Ah got a plan.”

“Maybe, maybe not. What if your ‘plan’ takes too long? What if she decides to leave, go find somepony else that is willing to be… honest with her.” Dash stressed the word, watching her friend closely for a reaction. She got one immediately. Applejack stepped back with pain written over her entire face. The wet sound of a hoof landing into a liquid broke the sudden tension as both mares looked to the orange back left hoof to find it turning a pale-purple. The farm mare sighed and shook the hoof lightly, trying to clean it without touching the mess.

“Ah know Ah wasn’t honest about this for a long time Rainbow…But Ah’m goin’ to fix it all by early next month.” AJ resignedly set her hoof down and faced the pegasus with a half-scowl. “Ah’ll be flat honest with her.”

“And if it doesn’t work…?” Rainbow barely spoke, unwilling to hurt her friend but feeling the pressure to ask.. “... What are you going to do if she doesn’t accept it…? Run away…?” You going to repeat an old lesson AJ…?

The farmer shrugged, eyes focused on the ground. “Then Ah’ll accept it an’ help her anyways. Can’t help how Ah feel but Ah won’t run no more.”

“Good. Don’t want to have to chase you down again.” Dash turned around in the air, laying on her back with forehooves behind her head. Applejack laughed lightly and shook her head.

“Ah know. Ah won’t be leavin’.” The farmer adjusted her hat as she went for the brush laying on the ground. “Bet ya never ran... Too loyal for it huh? Ah was sure lucky y’all had the sense tah find me when Ah ran. Might have kept running otherwise.”

The pegasus scrunched her muzzle, dropping her hooves to cross them in front of herself instead. She stared at the sky, eyes unfocused as she muttered. “I did run before… Took me a long time to come to my senses.”

“... Ya ran…? From Fluttershy... or somepony else…?” The southern drawl floated up, causing blue ears to twitch. Dash didn’t look, her limbs tightening for a second.

“Yeah… I ran. From everyone. Now I’m going to make up for it. And I’m going to make sure one of my best friends don’t have to do something similar.” Rainbow Dash tried to put the bravado back into her voice and faced the earth pony once again. “Got that?”

Applejack returned the beaming grin of the pegasus’. “Got it sugarcube.”

Rainbow leaned in, her smile and mood lifting as she shifted the topic. “Alright. So what’s this ‘plan’ you had to win you the prissy unicorn over?”

The other mare laughed. “Well, shucks, if we’re gonna talk ‘bout this stuff, might as well help me get this here paintin’ done faster while we talk.” Applejack tossed up the brush to the waiting pegasus who groaned at the mention of work. Dash held the brush in both hooves and sighed.

“Alright, alright… Get talking already.”

Ponies along the street couldn’t help but stare with dropped jaws at the purple, pale-purple and light-gray colors. The sharp contrast to the usual was so strong that the canary mare beside the unicorn got no attention. Though she certainly was the focus of the fashion designer who was bemoaning her fate.

“Oooh, I just know that this will take several HOURS to clean out of my fur!” Rarity’s forelegs twitched as they continued walking, her voice taking on a higher pitch with each word. “By the time I’m back to my fabulous self, the painting will be done! And I shan’t have done anything for the day!”

“Oh, uhm, if- if you have a lot of dresses to finish, I can try to uhm, help.” Fluttershy peeked from under her mane and scowled thoughtfully at the unicorn’s sudden distraction.

“Oh, yes, dresses… Well, I’m sure there are dresses that could use some attention.” The unicorn blushed, turning away from the pegasus beside her to hide the sight even as it burned on her ears.

Fluttershy saw the red and scrambled her mind to think of what caused the reaction. Not, uhm, not dresses… What is back at the boutique? Uhm, dresses… Gems… Uh, food… maybe, neighbors? We did leave Applejack and Rainbow Dash back there… Uhm, maybe the others?

“Were you hoping to catch the others before they left…?” Fluttershy came to a jarring halt when she saw the shock and wild gaze of the unicorn who had pulled to a rearing halt. “... Rarity…?”

“Wh-what makes you think I was hoping to catch somepony’s attention?” The pale-gray mare dug at the ground, pulling teal anxious eyes to the action.

“W-well, it, uh, it seemed like you were hoping to go back soon and, if it wasn’t dresses, then it would be a pony… that you… were… hoping to meet…” Fluttershy trailed off uncertain, fear causing her to crouch closer to the ground. Rarity checked their surroundings and stooped to meet the shyer mare’s gaze.

“Darling, could we perhaps talk about this elsewhere…?” The unicorn did another sweep of the street. “There’s nothing to be worried about, please get up.”

The pegasus nodded and shakily stood back upright, trying to keep up with the other’s speed. It was unusual to the more lady-like mare, and caused Fluttershy to have trouble breathing. As she half-jogged alongside her friend, the caretaker took mental notes on the distraught unicorn. Even though they had picked up their pace from leisurely walk to nearly running, there hadn’t been a change in the shallow breaths the fashionista was taking as they traveled. Nor was there much change in how shaky the mare was from before to now. Fluttershy knew she wasn’t a professional doctor, but she wasn’t sure she liked what the signs were saying.

“Uhm, do- do you feel dizzy or does your head feel funny…?” She tried to question the other mare. Rarity gulped, her eyes shifting.

“Perhaps…? Why…?” The unicorn’s voice trembled.

“Well, paint fumes often can cause dangerous side effects if inhaled for long periods of time.” Teal orbs turned back forward, zeroing in on the spa tent in the distance. “We should try to wash off that paint as fast as we can.”

Rarity glanced to her paint splattered form with a confused frown. Fluttershy noticed the slow down and reached out a hoof, pulling the designer along until they were running at the same speeds once again.

Together, they burst through the doors of the Ponyville Day Spa. Aloe and Lotus Blossom were standing by their front desk, going over their scheduling book. Hearing their door open in a rush, the twins turned to see who arrived. While the two mares tried to catch their breath from the almost run, the spa ponies loudly gasped and swarmed their best customer.

“Oh no! We fix this mess right away Miss Rarity!” Aloe cried out before gently tugging on the pale-gray hoof that was only slightly covered with paint.

“Do you want to join them Miss Fluttershy…?” Lotus dipped her head respectively. Fluttershy was surprised at the sudden focus but nodded slowly in acceptance. “This way please.”

The pegasus trailed after the workers, hearing the faint echoes of the fashion mare explaining what happened. The canary mare bit her lip, not very pleased to hear how exactly Rainbow Dash pushed one mare into another to lead to the paint falling over. When they arrived in the main bath area, they found Rarity was already in her own tub with Aloe mixing shampoo into her fur. Lotus started to draw her customer a bath as well, without the multitudes of shampoos.

After being situated, Fluttershy watched from behind her mane as they focused their attention on pulling as much of the substance from gray fur. The water quickly turned murky and they transferred the unicorn into a new, clean tub. Rarity’s coat still held a pale-purple in its depths, leading them to do another round of soaking to pull it from her fur. Rarity stayed quiet, staring remorsefully at her coat. The shy pegasus didn’t like the slightly lost tint in sapphire orbs and spoke up.

“I’m sure that they will be able to get the color out of your fur in time to go and, uhm… see Applejack?” Fluttershy’s voice got softer with each word, uncertainty ringing through it.

At the mention of their earth pony friend, Rarity gasped and spun in place. Her hoof shot to her mane and tried to get it under control. The move, and loss of one limb that had been helping her stand upright, caused the usually elegant mare to slip and fall under the soapy water. Fluttershy half-rose, mouth dropping open, only to pause when the gray muzzle reappeared from the watery surface with a couple of sputters.

“R-Rarity?! Are you ok…?”

The other mare peeled away the few strands that blocked her vision and scowled at the water. “D-darling, I am fine. But what makes you think I am hoping to meet Applejack?”

“O-oh, uh, well, it doesn’t seem like you would want to talk with the pony who made you fall over…” Fluttershy dropped her head with ears flat against her skull. Rarity saw the move and reached out a hoof that barely had any purple tint left in it.

“I do not blame you in the least…” A splash brought teal eyes back to the unicorn who stared pensively at the wall in front of the duo. “And I suppose… I have not hidden who I was hoping to speak with very well at all.”

The two paused when the spa twins returned bearing towels on their backs. With wide smiles and assuring hooves, the two earth ponies pulled the relaxing mares from their baths and dried them off, moving to the mineral baths next. The twins added a few extra bottles of minerals to Rarity’s bath to take out the very last parts of stain while Fluttershy’s got a little less, considering pegasi nature.

Once they were alone to soak, Rarity gustily sighed, making Fluttershy immediately concerned. She watched her friend sag down before standing upright once more.

“There… There is a specific reason why I was hoping to talk with… with Applejack…” The unicorn blushed and looked at her hooves under the water. The usually shy mare stared thoughtfully at the signs.

“... I… want to get to know her more… Become, uhm… better friends with her.” ‘Friends’ was stated with a deepening of the red on her cheeks and a stutter to find the correct word.

“Friends…? Aren’t you already friends…?” Fluttershy put her forehooves closer under the water, unwilling to make an assumption but couldn’t fight the growing suspicion. Rarity nibbled on her lower lip, eyes circling the spacious room.

“Well, more like, closer ‘friends’. Uhm, ‘special friends’ perhaps?”

The canary mare’s eyes widened at the implied kind of friend the fashionista was hoping for. Her own muzzle felt warm. “O-oh, so, like a… a ‘special somepony’?”

Rarity’s whole head and neck burned bright red. Her ears flattened while more of her lower lip was chewed on. Slowly, she sank down into her tub, until her eyes and ears were the only things left visible. Fluttershy stood up further, leaning in her own tub to watch the unicorn.

“I-I-I didn’t mean to upset you!” The shout, barely above a whisper, caused pale-gray ears to twitch in her direction. A series of bubbles floated up with blue eyes scrunched closed. Rarity dipped down entirely, disappearing under the water briefly before popping up with a hoof at her temple.

“Oh, you’re right darling! You are so right!” The dramatic unicorn leaned backwards, most of the red gone finally though it was replaced by a painful frown. “You didn’t upset me, I just- I just can’t take it anymore!”

Fluttershy froze, eyes wide and muscles tense at the near shout. When Rarity started to loudly exclaim, the nervous pegasus flinched but continued to listen nonetheless.

“Yes! Yes, I now hope to find a special somepony in the local farm mare!” The dramatic mare switched hooves, covering her eyes. “I… I can’t help it… I just… love that mare… Have you ever felt like that…? Helpless to your feelings…?”

Blue eyes, desperate and watery, stared deeply into teal ones. Fluttershy tensed, ears flat as she felt more connected with her friend than ever before. She reached out a hoof, barely stretching far enough to put it on a tense gray shoulder. Rarity leaned into the touch, closing her eyes at the reassuring pat.

“I… I do know what it’s like to be helpless to your feelings for your friend…” The pegasus closed her eyes briefly. When she looked at the other mare beside her, she wore a weary smile. “I don’t find it weird or think it’s bad that you like mares, and your best friend at that. It can be tough. If… If you need to talk to anypony, I can help you…”

Rarity looked up with a warm smile, her gaze filling with water. “Thank you darling… I would like to talk, if that’s ok.”

“Of course, anything for a friend.” Fluttershy smiled warmly and resettled in her bath. The water felt better now that both mares were more relaxed. Rarity even and laid down in her tub, her grin bashful.

“Well… It started, I suppose last summer when she would always be there to help…”

Applejack set her brush into the empty paint stained tray. Rainbow hung limply in the air, a frown tugging at her muzzle. She dropped the brush in her hooves into the tray as well, much rougher than the other mare. It splattered lightly, landing on the orange stained purple earth pony. Sharp, scolding green eyes stared at the pegasus, making Rainbow bashfully rub her mane.

“Eh heh… Sorry about that.” Dash watched her earth bound friend roll her head along with her eyes with a half-smirk. “You sure you’re going to wait here…?”

“Eeyup. Won’t feel right if Ah just left.” Applejack tipped her hat back with a half smile. “Ya can head on home. Thanks for listening sugarcube.”

The pegasus dropped lower with a twirl of her eyes. “Yeah, because listening to you ramble on about how you helped and totally didn’t say anything to your crush is sooooo interesting.”

The two mares laughed lightly. AJ shoved at the floating mare before flipping the paint lid back into place. With a solid smack, she resealed the container and set aside the remaining paint. Rainbow shook her head and looked around the area. When she caught sight of yellow and pink, she gave the earth pony a playful salute and zipped off.
Applejack placed all the empty canisters to the left of the door while setting the few remaining supplies along with the tray and brushes to the right. The sun was well across the sky by this time, causing the apple farmer a moment of worry.

Sure hope she don’t take her usual couple of hours at the spa. Though me an’ Dash did take a while to finish paintin’...

“Darlin’! You needn’t have waited for my return!”

The earth pony sat up with a grin. She turned to face the streets and saw the pristine pale-gray coat trot her way. The grin widened at the fact there was no sign of the purple tint in the fur. Green eyes traveled up from the trim barrel to find a tender gaze waiting for her.

“Shucks Rare… Didn’t want tah just leave without sayin’ nothin’.”

The unicorn beamed her appreciation and took in the entire sight. The walls of her shop were masterfully finished and the earth mare before it almost blended in with the background, since her forehooves and parts of her face were splattered with paint.

“Oh dear! You’re a mess! I simply cannot have the hero of my day be filthy while we have lunch!”

“Lunch…?” Applejack tilted her head in bewilderment while Rarity trotted forward.

“Come along please! I may not have all the finer shampoos spa does, but I do have a few things that should help you immensely.” Rarity didn’t allow the farm mare’s confusion to slow her down and waved her inside the boutique. While she longed to physically pull on AJ’s hoof, the fashionista had only just finished her spa treatment and didn’t want to do a repeat.

The still dirty mare dutifully followed after her crush, blush heavy on her face. She tried not step all over the carpet and got a little distracted, falling behind slightly.

“Applejack…? Please come along. I promise I won’t peek during your bath.”

Neither mare looked at the other even with the light teasing tones. Once they reached the bathroom, they stood side by side, staring at the white tub. Rarity coughed demurely and walked forward. She picked up a few of the bottles in her magic and turned to look at the blonde.

“I would suggest using these to help get that paint out.” Rarity set the bottles on the rim and turned on the water. “I’ll get a meal started as thanks while you wash up. See you downstairs darlin’...”

“Alrighty… Thanks Rare…” Applejack tried to keep her gaze focused on the tub and not the form trotting by. “Ah’ll be down before ya know it.”

Both mares stayed tense as they worked apart. The earth pony tried to not think of how she was using Rarity’s things to wash up and rushed through the cleaning. When she went back downstairs, she found the unicorn was intently focused on cooking.

“Lookin’ good there Rarity.”

The husky tone, sending chills down the tense spine, caught Rarity off guard. She found the mare in the archway with a half smirk, trying to pretend the miniscule jolt of surprise never happened.

“T-thank you darlin’. I know it’s not Apple Family cooking, but it does have its own merit.” Rarity stood stock still as the stronger earth pony stepped closer, her smirk growing teasing and almost- sensual? Who is this mare?! Surely not the same one we chased into the desert! All thought stopped when Applejack leaned forward.

“Well, even if it ain’t apples, still seems mighty fine to me.” Emerald orbs lost their teasing gleam, turning focused and serious. “Rarity, Ah wanted to- to ask ya somethin’... Would ya-”

A loud knock, preceded by a tingle of a bell, cut off the earth pony’s question.

“Oh, uhm, I, well, I don’t have any appointments today. Let me see who it is and we could-”

“Rarity?” The young voice, not yet mature enough to deepen, made the two ponies pause. “Rarity, I wanted to see if I could help with anything today. Are you there?”

“Oh, uh, back here darling!” Rarity tore her eyes from the shocked earth pony beside her.

Once the drake poked his head into the kitchen, the unicorn gave him a tiny wave and brought the now finished meal to the table.

“I must say, it’s a surprise to see you today Spike. Especially since you just visited me a few days ago.” Rarity moved to follow her cooking, leaving AJ to stand anxiously by the counter.

“Yeah, but it’s ok. Twilight said I could… help out… today...” Spike’s reptilian gaze followed the movement before noticing the spot of orange with a frown.

“Welp, sounds like ya got plenty of help now. Ah’ll just mosey along…” Applejack tried to exit through the back door but got caught in wide sapphire orbs.

“Nonsense! While I wasn’t expecting more help this afternoon, I simply can’t pass up this opportunity. Unless you had other pressing matters?” Rarity’s gaze, full of desperation, showed the truth behind her nonchalant attitude.
The apple farmer sighed and nodded. Once Rarity turned to fix the plates, the earth pony stared apologetically to the young dragon. Spike turned away with a harrumph and went to the table.

“So, what’s all this?”

The fashion designer smiled at the curious lad.

“Well, as part in thanks for helping me paint,” another smile, soft and tender, went to the earth pony, “and as a service in exchange, I’ve made today’s lunch.” She reached out a hoof and rubbed the top of the drake’s head. “But there’s plenty of food for all three of us. Let’s go ahead and start, shall we?”

AJ chose the seat to the unicorn’s left and Spike sat on the right. As they ate, Rarity turned hopefully to the orange pony. “What were you saying before darlin’?” She rested her head on bent fetlock, eyes dropping to half mast as she looked to the other mare.

Spike looked back and forth between them, eyes unsure and suspicious. The apple seller coughed into her hoof before using it to draw tiny circles on the table.

“Well, Ah was… Ah was…” Emerald orbs flicked towards reptilian green then to the table. “Ah was gonna ask if ya wanted… to come on a campin’ trip me an’ Apple Bloom do every year.” Applejack finished in a stronger tone than what she started with and glanced to the purple dragon watching her. “You too Spike, if yer free the last weekend of March.”

At the mention of outdoor activities, Rarity went still, eyes wide with cup barely staying in hoof. Spike locked gazes with the blond for a few more seconds before pouting at the table.

“Twilight has something planned…” He mumbled, sneaking a peek to the unicorn.

Rarity was in her own little world, sight unfocused and her right eyelid twitching every two seconds. Applejack reached out timidly, gaze melting into one of affection. She grabbed hold of the frozen pale-gray hoof and gave it a squeeze.

“Rarity? Sugarcube? Ya still with us…?”

Spike stared shocked at the display and gave a tiny jump when it worked. Rarity took a deep, uneven breath and smiled to the earth pony, covering the orange hoof with the other gray one.

“As… lovely… as that sounds, I’m going to have to, uh, think about your offer. It just sounds so… dirty… and unrefined…” The prissy unicorn shuddered.

The action made the more outdoorsy pony chuckle, earning a scolding glare from the lad that went unseen. “It ain’t that bad, just a bit of dirt and nature. Never hurt nopony.” AJ gave the other’s hooves another squeeze. “Don’t ya worry, Ah understand that ya don’t want tah go.”

The blond pulled away and quickly ate her meal, leaving a stunned designer that jolted back to her senses a moment later. Casting the mare a worried frown, Rarity daintily ate her own food, not noticing Spike’s rapidly growing concern.

After they were finished, the tailor led the way to the showroom. She pulled out some of the requested dresses meant for earth ponies, looking to the farmer with a grin.

“I just need to make sure these fit properly, if you would be a dear?”

AJ rolled her eyes and set her hat aside. “Sure. But Ah don’t think ya can say all earth ponies are the same build.”

Spike watched the unicorn for clues on how he could help and was dumbfounded by the appraising and pleased scan Rarity gave her impromptu model.

“Yes, I would be hard pressed to find anypony with quite your physique.” The designer snapped her eyes from the muscled body to meet curious emerald orbs. “However, these are for other rodeo mares who are putting in an order from Dodge Junction.”

The two mares went silent as they thought about the town. Spike, now holding a measuring tape and pincushion, could feel an invisible bubble engulf the two ponies. Feeling unbalanced and excluded, he coughed and tried to speak up.

“So, uh, Rarity, what kinds-”

“Did you talk about me- me and my work, that is, while you were there?” The pale-gray mare’s voice spoke up, uncertain but with an undercurrent that promise wonder or pain depending on the reply. Spike blinked, gaze flipping between the others, while he scrambled for a way to cut in.

“Ah might have. Did more thinkin’ than talkin’, but Ah reckon Ah mentioned yer work.”

The purple drake rolled his eyes with a sneer. He grumbled to himself how he often recommended the fashion designer’s work. Rarity floated over more supplies and the original designs, her gaze focused on the dress as she murmured her appreciation.

“Thank you darlin’... Nice to know I was on your mind, even for a short time.” She released the nonessential bits into Spike’s waiting claws. The boy tried again to get attention from his crush. He gave a little jump, eyes focused on the unicorn.

“You’re always on my mind!”

Neither mare acknowledged his exclamation. Applejack stared deep into sapphire oceans and her voice came out at the same level the unicorn had used. “Well, ya were on my mind an awful lot while Ah was gone…”

Spike open and shut his mouth silently. He held the supplies in his grip tightly while his heart pinched at the warmth in the two mares’ shared gaze. The lad shuffled forward, reaching out with a claw to poke at Rarity’s side. When she slowly pulled her blue gaze from the apple green to focus on the slit green waiting, Spike furrowed his brow in concern.

“You’re always on my mind Rarity…”

The unicorn smiled tenderly and rubbed the top of his scaly head. “That’s sweet…” As the hoof dropped away, she looked up at the mare on the pedestal who was watching the youth with sorrowful eyes. They flicked back to the unicorn, mellowing out and scrunching into a half-smirk that held slight melancholy. “It truly means the world to me that I am in the thoughts of others…”

The mares stared at one another, forgetting their current purpose. Spike’s lip trembled as he clutched his arms closer to his barrel. Rarity’s words, addressed to the entire room, felt focused. Directed solely to her model. The sphere was back in place, the young dragon’s attempts to break in a tiny blip in their attention. He looked once more to the farmer and fashionista before sighing. Resisting the urge to throw the things in his grip, he set them down near the tailor and left, not bothering to remain quiet.

Only when the door set off the chime twice as he shut it behind him did the ponies return blinking back to their surroundings. Rarity twirled to face the entrance but frowned in confusion when she didn’t see anyone there. She checked where she had last seen the drake and found instead the pile of tools. Applejack gustily exhaled, drooping in place before shoring up what strength again.

“I wonder what happened…?”

“Ah… suppose he remembered somethin’ he had to do. Did… Did ya want to find him? Or Ah can go an’ try to find him, check on how he’s doin’...” The orange pony tried to keep her voice level while staring at the far wall. Can’t believe Ah forgot ‘bout Spike being here… Gonna have to talk to him about the whole thing...

“Perhaps… Oh, but uhm, if we could get these adjustments finished first…?” Rarity bit her lip thoughtfully, gaze on the door while guilt filled her heart. We should make sure the poor lad is ok… I hadn’t meant to be so focused on A-Applejack… But I don’t want to stop here…

“If… If ya say so sugarcube.” AJ straightened and faced properly, awaiting for the adjustments the dress needed.


The evening was just starting when the apple farmer finally finished helping the fashion designer. Her heart was both heavy as a stone and light as a feather. The flowery fragrance remained in her nose, tempting her to return for a dinner with the pale-gray unicorn. The stubborn earth pony shook her head with a snort, clearing her mind and nose.

Eenope. Ah said Ah’d check on him, an’ Ah’m gonna… Even if it don’t help much.

Applejack slowly trotted through the emptying streets, her destination the tree library in the distance. She could see lights in the upper tiers and her mind was tied for relief and anxiety. The farm mare kept an even pace, though her hooves wanted nothing more than to head on home for some rest. When she came to a stop before the doorway, AJ had to take another deep breath to steady her nerves.

“Here Ah go…” She reached out and knocked solidly. When she heard no reply, the earth pony tried again with a half-frown.

It was another few minutes before there was any sound on the other side. Applejack released her scowl and tried for a more neutral expression. The door was covered with a light mulberry hue before opening without a sound.

“Hello?” Twilight peered out with a bewildered expression. Noticing the apple farmer waiting there, she brightened. “Oh, hello Applejack. Is something the matter?”

“Howdy Twilight, Ah was wonderin’ if Spike was here?” AJ’s words drew an anxious frown from the other mare.

“Oh. Well, yes, he is here. But uhm, I don’t think he wants to talk with anyone right now…” Twilight turned her gaze to the stairs, brows furrowing. “I could check with him if you want.”

“Ah’d appreciate that Twilight, thank ya kindly.”

The lavender mare waved the farmer inside. She then went upstairs with a brief smile to the waiting pony. Applejack smiled back until the other pony was gone from view. She then sat down and looked at the ground. It wasn’t long when Twilight came back down, her magic holding up a small note. When the librarian noticed the confused face waiting for her, she grimaced and held the note forward.

“He didn’t want to talk…” Twilight stared at the note and sighed. “He asked me to give you this. Was there anything else I could help with?”

Applejack grabbed the note with her mouth and half-grinned apologetically. “Nah, thanks Twilight. Ah’ll just- head on home.”

The unicorn waved goodbye and walked her friend to the door. AJ tipped her hat in farewell and walked quickly through the town. She barely smiled greetings to all the other citizens who walked by, though she didn’t stop to talk with anypony. The note was held by the very edge of her teeth, unwilling to ruin it before getting the chance to read it.

When the blonde returned home, she stopped just inside the doorway and spat out the note. She opened it, taking a deep breath and looking at what was written. The script was very neatly done, showing the experience and practice the author had.

(I’m calling off the deal. It doesn’t matter now. Don’t try to talk with me or make a new deal. May the best match for Rarity win. Which means me. I’m still going to win.)

AJ exhaled gustily. Her neck, feeling the heavy weight of guilty thoughts, bent down to the ground. Gosh darn it Spike… Ah hate doin’ this to ya, but… Ah love that mare. Drama an’ all. Ah’ll leave ya be… But ain’t gonna give up on her…

“Applejack! Tha’ you sweet pea?! Soup’s on!” The elder farmer’s call sounded from the kitchen.

Apple green eyes crawled along the familiar furniture and found the silhouettes of her family waiting in the other room. The warmth and happiness they radiated banished the guilt that plagued Applejack’s mind. Feeling better, even if it was just for the moment, she straightened up and crumpled the note. As she walked through the door, she took a shot and landed the paper into the wastebasket in the corner of the kitchen.

“Howdy y’all. Smells real good Granny, thanks. Sorry Ah wasn’t here to make it myself.” The blonde rubbed the back of her head apologetically as she took a seat near her older brother.

Granny Smith beamed at the oldest granddaughter as she brought the soup over to the table. Once she was close enough, Big Mac stood up and reached over to help move it to the center. While he started to dish out the vegetable soup, the granny focused on AJ.

“Don’tcha worry none, young’un. Ah ain’t done yet! Ya had some real important help to give tha’ real fancy friend o’ yers. We were able tah get through a day without ya hoverin’ like ah bird in th’ corn field.”

Applejack chuckled and nodded, smiling when her brother hoofed over a bowl. The rest of the evening went smoothly, family helping keep the darker thoughts at bay until the farm mare was able to use logic to fight them herself.

The purple dragon was not able to fight off his depressing thoughts. He was curled up in his room, a nest made from the power pony blankets. With the extra privacy, nopony else heard his whimpering sobs as he cried himself to sleep.

Author's Note:

Another chapter, ever closer to ... :raritywink::ajsmug:

I don't like Spike. I don't. But even I felt a little bad for him considering what has been going on. Not too much though. Just a little. Enjoyed the chapter? (Hate the interruptions?) Please comment, fav and/or thumbs up!

Thanks to my editing staff for their work on making this readable and utterly enjoyable; good work Gwg and Shutup868!

Thanks to my two patreons for supporting my writing: Gwg and Shutup868. Want to support my writing? Want to see more time dedicated to writing and faster updates? Consider becoming a patreon!

Thanks for reading, see everyone in the next chapter.