• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 4,745 Views, 120 Comments

A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

  • ...

Chapter 7 - A Play and A Party

Mid September, 1004 A.D. (After Discord)

Planning a birthday party with Pinkie Pie was hard; normally the up-to-date fashionista had no trouble planning events or hosting parties but Pinkie was the very definition of a party animal not to mention a party-holic, often planning each one months in advance. This made it hard for Rarity to feel as though she had any say in the manner.

“You can plan the whole thing!”

“Hmmm? What did you say darling?” The pink and gray-white were in the Boutique planning Applejack's birthday party; Rarity was making a list of the supplies Pinkie had while the other was jumping around the room while explaining.

“You can plan it Rarity; I can just surprise her next year.” Rarity blinked at the earth pony who had bounced to a stop in front of her with a large smile.

“Are you sure? You have so much already...” Pinkie shook her head firmly before hopping in place.

“You said you wanted to throw her a party to show how sorry you were and it's not the same if I did everything.” The unicorn looked at her friend a moment longer before smiling and levitated her red glasses firmly in place.

“Indeed, thank you Pinkie Pie. Let's get down to it, shall we?” The pink mare clapped her hooves in excitement before taking a scroll and quill in hoof to make Rarity's list. The two friends spent the next hour of of the afternoon planning the likes of which had never been seen before.

On the other side of town, the mare the party was for was desperately trying not to dwell on a certain gray-white unicorn; or at least tried not to let it effect her work. It was barely effective, especially as Applejack asked herself of what drew her to the prissy unicorn and got lost in bright blue eyes that caused her to almost topple over when she went to buck the latest apple tree.

It was two weeks into September and some of the trees were showing the fruits of their labor early in the season. Applejack always liked the fall season, the crisp air usually cleared her mind of troubles as she worked. This time, the air did little to help as the clear blue sky only served to remind the farmer of clear orbs she was just thinking about.

(Come on now, Ah got tah focus on mah work... Even if Ah do want tah know what she looks like without gussying up...)

Just as the orange mare was going to return to work (after giving her head a firm shake) Applejack heard her name being called in a muffled shout.

“Applejack! Sis'!”The orange mare turned to find her sister running towards her with a scroll in her mouth.

“Hey there Apple Bloom, what do ya got there?” The young filly pulled up to her sister and spat out the letter.

“This just arrived for ya in the mail!” Applejack raised a curious brow at having got a letter and looked closer at it.

Before she even opened it, Applejack's heart fluttered at the sight of the highly decorated and fancy writing and ribbon; upon opening it and reading the first few lines confirmed what she had guessed, Rarity was the sender of the letter. With a deeper blush, the orange earth pony nosed open completely the scroll and read further.

[Dear Applejack,
It would be an honor if you would accompany me to the theater in five days' time. I shall meet you at the train station at 7am sharp for a trip to Canterlot where 'Oaklahoma' is currently showing. Which I hope you will find enjoyable. Please let me know if this arrangement is acceptable at once, otherwise I shall just expect to see you there. Until later,

Your friend,

Applejack finished reading with a pensive frown; having thought about it, she knew that Rarity wanted to go out on her birthday. While she didn't normally do much for the day aside from chores (her birthday being right in the middle of applebucking season), Applejack usually had a special dinner with her family once all the work was finished.

“Apple Bloom, are ya goin' intah town?” Apple Bloom tilted her head in curiosity before thinking about what she was doing that day.

“Hhmm... Well, Ah wasn't gonnah go tah town... Why?” Applejack shuffled in place before waving to her sister to follow her to the farm house.

“Ah gottah respond an' considerin' how fancily she sent it, Rarity probably wants ah letter back; she probably wants ah response quick so Ah was hopin' ya can take it to her for me.” Apple Bloom frowned at her sister who led the quick trot.

“Why don't ya go tell her yourself?” Applejack blushed even more and flinched at the question.

“Well, Ah, ah think she'd rather have the letter an' it's silly tah go mahself tah deliver it.” Apple Bloom shrugged at the argument just as they reached their destination.

Within moments Applejack had paper laid out in front of her and a pencil in her mouth; the farmer focused like never before as she wrote a response.

(Dear Rarity... Ah'd like tah go with ya on the 19th. Do you know if we'll be back before 7pm? Mah family would be havin' ah special dinner that night. Would ya want tah stay for the supper? Ah was goin' tah ask the others tah come as well. Let me know if that's ok with ya and Ah'll let Granny Smith know about the extra company. Yer... yer friend, Applejack. That aught tah do it.)

Apple Bloom watched her sister give one last flourish to her letter before neatly rolling it and deftly tied a ribbon around it before looking at the young filly.

“So... Would ya take this to Rarity's fer me?”

“Alright, alright... Ah'll take it for ya. Can I hang out in town afterwards?” Applejack nodded quickly with a relieved smile at the agreeing filly and hoofed over the scroll. Apple Bloom grabbed a hold of the short message with her mouth and quickly ran out the door to have more time for fun in town.

The older sister watched for a moment longer before realizing that she should ask her other friends quickly as well if she wanted her letter to be true.

The orange mare quickly made her way around the town, trying to avoid possibly coming across a certain unicorn and her place of business starting with Fluttershy. Going to ask them to come was also another way to check on each of her friends after the incident with Discord which she hadn't gotten a chance to since farming waited for nopony.

As Applejack walked up to the grass covered cottage she was pleased to hear the timid mare talking with her animals. The orange earth pony gave the door a few solid knocks which was answered almost immediately by a cream-yellow pegasus who was at first weary but soon became happy to see the farmer waiting by the door.

“Oh, hello Applejack... What can I help you with today? Are Mr. and Mrs. Beaver giving you more trouble?” Fluttershy waved her friend inside while Applejack merely shook her head with a small smile.

“Naah, it ain't that; Ah was wonderin' if you wanted tah come to a special dinner mah family is havin' on the 19th. Ah'm invitin' all the girls tah come, would ya be able to?” Fluttershy suddenly looked demure and scrapped a hoof along the ground, prompting a tilt of an orange head in curiosity.

“O-oh... Uhm, that sounds lovely but I, I'm busy that night... Sorry...” As the animal care-taker hunkered down in worry of the farmers reaction, Applejack merely smiled in a reassuring manner to the pegasus.

“Aw sugarcube, it's alright, Ah understand. It is ah little short notice an' all; ya have fun with whatever yer doin', okay?” The timid mare nodded her head as Applejack turned about to leave the cottage, trying to think of who to ask next.

Fluttershy made sure the orange mare was on her way before turning to Angel Bunny in concern.

“You don't think she'll be upset with me that I had to pretend to be busy that day do you? Oh, I hope not... But Rarity wants to surprise her, though hopefully it's not a startlingly surprise....” The canary mare tapped her hooves together while the white rabbit pat her side reassuringly before making a few paw signs to his owner.

“Hmm? Oh yes, I suppose it is lunch time. I'll get started on everyone's meals right away...”

Applejack, on the other hoof, wasn't worried about the time as much as she was worried about being found before completing her task.

(Ah suppose Ah could ask Twilight an' Pinkie next, they're probably together at the library anyways... Right, on to the library...! From the other side of town...)

The orange farmer tried to be stealthy yet not obviously so as she went around half of the town to avoid possibly coming into view of a certain dressmaker shop. As the large tree house came into view, Applejack couldn't help but breath a sigh of relief, she was more than half way done with her task if both mares were there.

After a quick knock (not that she was nervous about how out in the open she was), the door opened to reveal Spike looking almost expectant before turning into one of surprise.

“Oh, hi Applejack! I thought you were somepony else; what's up?” The young dragon waved a claw for the farmer to enter, while Applejack raised a curious brow.

“Who were ya expectin'?” Spike searched the area before leaning towards the orange mare with a claw to his face to help hide what he was about to say.

“Well, Twilight's been a bit stressed out with her work and Pinkie Pie hasn't stopped by for a visit yet. I was hoping that she would come by soon so Twilight would relax a little.” Applejack thoughtfully frowned before searching the area for the librarian.

“Where is she anyways?” Spike pointed to the stairs as an answer before leading the way once more, oblivious to the mare's slight annoyance at having to find the hyperactive mare in town which would raise the chances of being found by Rarity.

As the two stepped onto the second floor, it was to no surprise on either of their behalf to find the lavender mare buried in books with a scroll on the nearby table taking notes via magic. Twilight didn't notice at first when they came in and only barely heard the farmer when she announced their presence.

“Hey Twi, ya look busier than ah bee in springtime; what are ya doin' this time around?” Twilight flicked an ear back to Applejack before finishing the paragraph before her and turning to face her friend.

“Oh, hello Applejack. I'm studying the effects of a highly electric storm in a city of more advance technology as compared to one of less technological mechanisms. Was there something you needed? I'm trying to catch up with a lot of work, Spike should be able to help you if you need a certain book or something.” Applejack raised a brow at the almost dismissal from the unicorn who turned back to her scroll to check on what she had written so far.

“Well, Ah was wonderin' if ya can stop by the farm on the 19th for a special dinner mah family will be havin' but if yer real busy Ah'd understand.” Twilight turned to face the orange mare at the day she was asking about and then looked to the stacks of books around her.

“Oh! Er, ah, yes, I'm, really busy and won't be able to make it that day. Sorry Applejack... Was there anything else I can help with?” Applejack was a little surprised at the sudden change of demeanor but didn't question it, she'd seen the unicorn act oddly when it came to interrupting her studies.

“Nah, that's ok sugarcube; Ah was just checkin' anyways. Good luck with yer studies Twilight, see ya later Spike.” Twilight and Spike watched the farmer leave and it was only after they heard the library door close that the lavender mare released the breath she was holding in nervousness.

“Right, now to get back to work so I can finish in time for the 19th. And don't let me forget about it Spike!” Spike rolled his eyes at the command but gave a salute regardless as Twilight turned back to her work.

Applejack strode purposefully through town, making it seem quite normal even as she avoided the Boutique (as well as thinking about the unicorn who lived there) as she made her way to Sugarcube Corner, the only other place Pinkie Pie was likely to be at if not at the library; though it was not guaranteed, but Applejack hoped that it was a normal day for the eccentric mare.

Just as the bell rang above the stetson wearing mare's head, she was suddenly the focus of bright blue eyes that twinkled with mischief.

“Hi there Applejack! What are you doing today? Are you here for extra energy with sugary tasty treats?” Applejack blinked rapidly before smiling at the eager mare before her, whom she pushed back with a gentle hoof.

“Howdy Pinkie Pie, Ah was just comin' by tah see if ya wanted to stop by the farm on the 19th for ah special dinner mah family will be havin'.” The orange earth pony watched with interest as the pink one hopped rapidly in place before turning serious.

“Sorry, I have something I have to do that day.” Pinkie nodded firmly as she stood on her back-hooves with crossed fore-hooves, earning a bemused smirk from the farmer.

“Alright... If yer sure.”

“Yep yep, totally busy doing completely other things.” Applejack smirked at the curious statement but continued to exit the store none the less.

“Alright, if ya say so. See ya later sugarcube.” The orange mare scratched her head as she traveled back through town, realizing that so far all her friends have turned her down. Admittedly she hadn't told them what that day was and it was short notice, but she couldn't help get the feeling that there was more going on than met the eye.

“Well, Ah still have tah ask Rainbow if she could make it but it sure is odd that the others are actin' like they did when we was throwin' the party for Pinkie Pie... Nah, can't be.”

“Can't be what darling?” Applejack jumped slightly in the air and turned with wide eyes to a gray-white unicorn who had walked up behind the farmer with a curious brow raised; the farmer seemed a little odd lately and Rarity couldn't figure out why.

“Oh, ah, nothin' sugarcube. Was there anythin' Ah could help ya with?” Applejack tried not to get lost in the blue orbs that stared curiously back.

“Oh, not really darling, though I am curious as to what you are doing in town.” Applejack tried not to shift in place at the inquiring look.

“Ah was just, ah, invitin' the girls tah come over for supper on Thursday... Did ya get mah response?”

“Yes, I did receive your response, though I am curious as to why you didn't come by yourself to tell me...” The orange mare turned sheepish at the almost hurt look on the Rarity's face.

“Ah didn't mean anything by not comin' by, Ah just thought ya'd want ah response by letter since ya sent such a fancy invitation.” Rarity turned pensive as she watched the now hopeful mare who stared back.

“I suppose invitations due require proper lettered responses... I had just thought you would be the one to deliver it or even merely stop by to tell me.” Applejack blushed at what the unicorn thought she would do which she would have done had she not been trying to impress the fashionista.

“Well, Ah know ya want things done 'proper' an' Ah figured Ah'd try tah do so.” Rarity beamed at how the farmer was trying to do the proper thing, even if it was rather out of place for her.

“Awww, well thank you Applejack! Though I am curious about why you sent Apple Bloom of all ponies to deliver the letter; I thought the fillies were grounded?” Applejack stood stock still as she was reminded of this fact, she had been so distracted lately that it slipped her mind.

(That would explain why Apple Bloom was so excited tah go intah town for me an' have the day off afterwards...)

“Oh, ah, Ah was just makin' her do a few extra chores while she's grounded.” Applejack tried to keep a straight face as she spoke, but as she spoke the half-truth her face scrunched up while she couldn't look the unicorn in the eye.

Rarity frowned slightly as she saw the face before her; it looked almost like Applejack was lying.

(That surely can't be it, it wouldn't make as much sense for Applejack to be lying in this case... I wonder how the others responded to being invited.... Oh I do hope they were able to make excuses for the day.)

“I see, that makes sense. What do you think of the play we will be watching that day?”

“Oh, it sounds like an interestin' one. Sorry Rarity, but Ah gottah get back tah work; Ah'll need tah get more work done before we go. Was there anythin' ya need mah help for?” Rarity tapped her chin at the question before smiling with a shake of her head.

“Nothing is wrong, you've repaired many things before they became an issue. Have a nice day darling and I shall see you Thursday if not sooner!” Applejack smiled back before giving her hat a tip in farewell and heading out of the town while keeping an eye on the skies for a prismatic pegasus who liked to nap above the town.

Since Rainbow Dash was a pegasus without set schedules or habits aside from naps, Applejack couldn't find her the next few days in between working on the fields like there was no tomorrow. The orange mare didn't want to exhaust herself for the outing but she also didn't want to leave her family in need of help during the harvest season, so Applejack merely went to bed exhausted every night only to get up and overwork again the next day.

The older mare had found her sister and gave her a light scolding for having tricked her (in a manner of speaking) in order to have the day off to roam free in town. Luckily Apple Bloom hadn't done all that much since Sweetie Belle was very much still grounded and Scootaloo was in hiding once more.

It got to the point that Applejack had almost forgot the 'date' she had with Rarity when she got up tired on Thursday morning; if it weren't for the birthday wishes from the rest of her family and well wishes for her day off, the blonde maned mare would have missed her appointment.

The earth pony raced to the station to find the gray-white mare already waiting for her; as Applejack pulled up in front of her secret crush Rarity looked on worriedly.

“Applejack, darling, are you alright? Surely there was no need to run all the way here.” A blush raced across the orange muzzle as the farmer rubbed the back of her head while standing before the fashionista. Rarity merely shook her head and smiled as Applejack responded.

“Sorry Rarity, Ah kind of overslept 'cause Ah've been workin' so hard tah come out with you. Ah'll be ok though for the play.” Rarity smiled slightly more and waved for the orange pony to follow her onto the train that was waiting to leave for Canterlot.

“If you're sure dear, then let us board the train.” Applejack smiled as she followed the unicorn and they sat in a private compartment that Rarity had booked for the two of them.

The two hour ride was one of silence as Applejack fell asleep once more which earned an eye roll from the fashionista; but Rarity was willing to let it slide since it was the farmer's birthday after all. It actually helped the orange mare relax to be still tired from work, letting her mind break free from over-thinking her every move in front of her crush.

Rarity watched the mare across from her, wondering if everything was ok like Applejack had said. She hadn't seen much of the young farmer since she had also been working to make sure their day together was indeed clear and looked forward to the chance to enjoy a play together.

(Hopefully she does indeed like the play selection and she relaxes, they work so hard during the harvest season.... )

Once they reached their destination, Rarity gently woke up her traveling companion so they wouldn't miss their stop.

“Applejack, darling, we have to get up.”

“Huh, er, whazzat? Oh, eh heh, hey Rarity; Ah guess we've made it then?” Rarity rolled her eyes gently before nodding confirmation which prompted the stetson wearing farmer to allow the unicorn to exit first with a bow. The fashion mare was curious as to what brought the bow and hoof point on but led the way nonetheless with Applejack close behind.

The two friends made their way through the mountain city with a quick trot, hardly noticing the two and three storied buildings nor the many displays of art strewn about; they had been to the city quite a few times already and while it was an impressive sight, they were on a tight schedule to make it to their play. They reached the three storied theater with plenty of time to find the perfect seating and even though Applejack was slightly dismayed by the lack of refreshments, both mares settled down in anticipation of the play that was among the top thirty longest played on bridleway, Oaklahoma.

The theater slowly filled with Canterlot citizens, the majority being unicorns with binoculars to watch with all of the crowd being prim and proper ponies with the exception of one cowpony who was starting to feel out of place.

Soon, before Applejack could give in to her sudden case of nerves, the show began and the theater fell silent for the music to begin. The play was a simple one of romance and drama, set in the frontier of Equestria with farmers and cowponies trying to live together in peace. The crowd seemed to like it and while Applejack could see why, she couldn't understand why the characters (especially the cowponies) didn't just make everything simple and get straight to the point; they were acting almost as dramatic as a certain prim gray-white fashionista she knew.

When the middle of the acts came, giving the crowd a chance to get up and stretch their legs, none took the offer and remained sitting; meaning that the farmer couldn't get up either and she just fidgeted in place as Rarity sat dreaming of her own possible somepony. Before the gray-white unicorn could notice or question it, the second act started and the crowd's attention was once again held by the actors on the stage.

It was with great force that Applejack stayed awake for the remainder of the play; having things so overly complicated and not all that much in action meant that she was very tempted to catch the rest of the nap she started on the train ride there.

Luckily, the end had just enough spice to keep the orange mare's attention, allowing her to seem proper when they crowd applauded the performance. As they filed out along with the upper class ponies, Rarity began to gush about the performance as they edged along slowly.

“That was a wonderful play, wouldn't you agree? The romance, the drama!” Applejack rolled her eyes before smirking at the unicorn beside her.

“Sure sugarcube, it was somethin'; Ah just don't see how them ponies could be so dang gone fussy if they're simple farmers an' cowponies.”

“Why, they simply want the best after all and -”

“Hem hem, you should know peasant; from the sounds of it you would fit right in the 'cowpony' crowd.” Applejack and Rarity turned to find the source of the condescending tone but couldn't locate him; they were distracted from their search by another voice with more biting remarks.

“How would you know of the refined plays offered by bridleway? You obviously haven't stepped off your little patch of dirt before and know nothing of the sophistication needed to properly enjoy a performance such as this.” Once again the snide voice was hidden in the close crowds, causing the orange earth pony to feel more out of place than before while the gray-white unicorn was shocked that anypony could state such claims without even showing themselves.

“Don't listen to them darling, they obviously don't know anything about being sophisticated themselves.” Rarity led the way with a huff with Applejack following dejectedly close by, the snickers of the upper class ponies around them resounding in her ears.

“Oh, uh, sure thin' sugarcube. Was there anything else ya wanted tah do before we went on home?” Applejack tried to seem just as confident as ever even as the snobbish words pierced through her bravo and attempt to impress the gray-white mare.

Rarity frowned slightly as she thought; it was only one in the afternoon and order to be sure everything was in place for this for the evening, she would have to keep the former's attention a little longer.

“Well, I am a little peckish after that marvelous play...” Applejack brightened at the prospect of food and nodded to the suggestion.

“Sure thin' Rare; do ya know anyplace ya'd want tah go? Mah treat.” Rarity blinked in surprise at the offer and felt the need to explain how the orange farmer shouldn't pay for anything on her birthday except that very well may ruin the surprise.

“Nonsense darling; I invited you out today, it's only proper to cover the expenses.” The two mares stood not even a block away from the theater, having no real direction to head in as they discussed their plans.

“But Rarity, ya went an' got the tickets for the play an' the train; it ain't right for ya tah pay for the food too.” Rarity huffed at the stubborn mare before her, trying to think of an excuse for why she wanted to cover the bill.

The fashionista looked into determined green eyes and had a feeling she would either have to relent or explain in order to keep Applejack out of town.

“Sugarcue, it ain't right if ya don't at least tell me why; we'll just have tah go on home an' Ah'll make ya somethin' instead if you're gonnah be this fussy about it.” This got a curious brow from the gray-white mare who was now tempted to give in; Applejack's cooking was rather famous around town and while it was heavily apple themed, it was delicious nonetheless.

“As much as I would like to sample your fine cooking, I must decline and insist we visit a restaurant I've heard good stories about.” Seeing the demanding frown, Rarity slumped out of her uppity stance and sighed.

“I know that today is your birthday and while it might be proper to share the financial burden, it is not so when it is one's birthday. I did want to go out with you as a means to show my gratitude and appreciation for all you do for me; it being your birthday was an extra feature, one that I wanted to show proper appreciation for.” Right from the start of the little speech, Applejack was blushing a vibrant red at not only the fact that her crush knew it was her birthday but wanted to make it special for her.

“Well shucks Rarity, that's mighty kind of ya... If ya put it that way, sure, Ah'd like tah go someplace with ya.” Rarity returned the other mare's smile with one of her own before heading further into town for the restaurant she heard so much about, Cuire à Grande Échelle .

It was a five star establishment with three floors of lavish dining area with tables made from red oak and décor colorization building on it with soft hues. One had to have reservation and Rarity had planned well in advance for the day. They waited in line briefly before reaching the matron who gave Applejack a quick dismissive look before setting on the fashion minded mare.

“Hello my good sir, I do believe there is a reservation under the name Applejack?” The country mare shot Rarity a curious look which was returned with a sheepish grin while the matron searched his records.

“Hmmm, there is such a reservation; right this way please.” The pale gray-blue unicorn led the two mares through the room and up the stairs.

As they walked, the farmer leaned over to whisper to the fashion mare about the reservation name.

“Rarity, why was the reservation under mah name?” Rarity blushed slightly and looked to the side before responding just as quietly as they traveled past others dinning.

“Oh, well, I was prepared for a larger amount of fuss from you and prepared it so you would be able to enter with little issue if you had insisted on taking care of the seating...” Applejack blinked a few times before blushing slightly herself as she faced forward once more.

“Oh, Ah see.... Thanks.” The fashionista smiled at the quiet tones and merely continued to follow their guide to the table she had specially requested.

They soon found themselves being sat in front of a window that had a view of the city below and even the lands beyond; once the two friends were seated the waiter soon appeared with two menus levitating in his grasp.

“Here are your menus madams; what would you like to start the afternoon with?” Rarity barely glanced at the drink selection before turning to the waiter.

“I shall have a sparkling water, please.” The silver coated stallion nodded before looking to the farmer who was slower to respond as she tried to hold open and read the menu given to her.

“Ah'll, Ah'll have the same please.” Applejack gave up trying to make sense of the fancy names and with a small sniff of disdain the waiter nodded and went to get their drinks.

Rarity took no notice as she levitated both her menu up and removed the stetson from the blonde mane it usually covered, much to Applejack's indignation.

“Hey! Why'd ya-?”

“Darling, I believe I've stated before how it is impolite to wear a hat at the table.” Green eyes rolled in place before their owner settled for searching the menu before her. After a minute of barely comprehending the words, the waiter returned with their drinks and for their order.

“Are you ready to place your orders?” Rarity checked with the other mare before smiling at the stallion.

“Yes, I believe we are. May I have the crème de pomme and a serving of tarte aux framboises.”

“Excellent choice... And for you, ma'am?” The silver unicorn raised an inquisitive brow to the earth pony who fumbled with the menu before placing it onto the table.

“Ah'll have ah garden salad an' ah servin' of the fruit fritters please.” The stallion dipped his head and went to place the order, allowing Applejack's mind and attention to wander for a moment; just enough to catch a few comments about the farmer in question.

“Did you hear that country drawl? I wonder how anyone can even understand her...”

“I don't know how she even got in the restaurant, let alone one of the finer seats in here.”

“I'm amazed she can even understand the menu, let alone read it.”

Rarity noticed the dejected sigh coming from her companion across the table and turned away from the view before them.

“Darling, is everything alright?”

“Huh? Oh, uh, yep, Ah'm fine sugarcube.” Rarity frowned as another scrunch of the orange muzzle accompanied these words and allowed her hearing to find the nearest tables topic of interest, only to find them insulting the orange mare across from her.

“Applejack, don't you listen to a word they say. Let us enjoy this meal and we'll take the first train home, don't you fret.” Applejack smiled sadly at the unicorn and nodded slightly just as the food was brought to their table.

Good manners dictated that one couldn't speak while eating, making the rest of the meal go by in relative silence; which suited the orange mare just fine as she now had a lot to think about. The rest of the meal and even the train ride passed by in a daze for the earth pony who answered any and all comments in an off-hoof manner, drawing concerned looks from the prim mare as to what may have been on her mind.

The thing that drew Applejack out of her plans to show off her 'upper class' skills was when they reached the farm house around supper time only to find it dark and silent. The blonde mane earth pony paused on the porch as she felt the wrongness of the situation only to be prompted forward by Rarity which also struck Applejack as odd; she had meant to ask the unicorn if she was coming over but to find that Rarity had subtly directed their hoof steps to the farm already was strange.

The orange mare soon gave in to the gentle pressure and walked into the dark living room only to have the lights suddenly turned on as her friends and family jumped up from their hiding places with lots of flaring hooves.

“Surprise!” Applejack gave a small start as Rarity also took part of the shout from behind her and pushed the orange cowpony forward once more.

Applejack gazed at the room's decorations as she was pushed forward; green streamers hung from the ceiling while the cups, plates and silverware were the same color of her coat. There was a large banner hanging from the walls that was a pale-cream with the words 'Happy Birthday to the best cowpony in town!' in large red letters.

Rarity stepped around the shocked mare to stand in front of the whole thing that also spilled over into the kitchen, where a cake and the rest of the food supplies were laid out.

“What do you think darling? I already had the girls promise to come long before you went to ask, so please forgive them for being... Evasive, in their answers.” Applejack's wide eyes stared at the unicorn for a moment longer before looking at each of her friends in turn who stared back ranging from sheepish to amused at the farmer's reaction.

“Yeah and Rainbow Dash wanted to prank you if you went to ask her, so we had to hide poor Dashie from you.” Dash smirked at Pinkie's statement and crossed her fore-hooves, trying to appear nonchalant.

Applejack began to smile as the surprise wore off and joy of having family and friends put this together counteracted the statements made by the Canterlot snobs; for the duration of the party at least. The orange farmer put on a smiling and carefree attitude for the party, trying to enjoy being with her friends and the effort Rarity and Pinkie went to put it together.

Applejack had blushed even more as she learned how her crush tried so hard to set it up and hoped that it meant she was getting somewhere with impressing Rarity; though the others merely thought it was because of all the extra attention the farm pony wasn't used to getting.

They partied well into the night with all the usual games one finds at a Pinkie Party while it still retained it's sophistication in the form of tea, snacks and food things. There was even music that the ponies could dance to while Granny Smith showed just how spry she still was on the dance floor (after Big Mac helped with a charlie horse in her back left leg).

Once the evening wound down and her friends had left while her family went to bed, Applejack found herself awake as she laid in bed, making plans on how to better impress Rarity with her manners and upper class attitude.

(Ah'll have tah get a lot of work done an' take the day off again.. Find ah more 'frou-frouy' play... Git a space at ah fancy restaurant... Work on my accent so that I sound like a proper Manehattenite once more... Golly, this'll be hard...)

Author's Note:

Sorry, but I had to chose something to ponify for the two to watch and Oklahoma was already about cowboys and farmers. :pinkiehappy:

And yes, Applejack is digging herself into bigger trouble, expect a Manehattenite accent next time! Mwahahaha :twilightsmile:

Let me know if you are reading the other stories I have and are confused as to when this takes place, I'm more than willing to explain it (though hopefully it is clear in my writing, but hey, it gets 'a-complicated' as Rango would say). :pinkiehappy: