• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 4,745 Views, 120 Comments

A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

  • ...

Chapter 13 - A Day at the Races

Mid December, 1004 A.D. (After Discord)

The distraught unicorn paced in the front lobby of her store, ponniquins with finished dresses showcasing her latest spring line resting along one wall. Her every step was a demonstration of being annoyed, distress emanating from her every movement. It had been days since the pale-gray mare's birthday and she had been absorbed with her sudden inspiration, leaving her no time to check with any of her friends nor for her friends to be able to speak with her.

The blame for her current damsel-in-distress act resided solely on a certain orange earth pony; one who left without a single goodbye, to the seamstresses dismay. Rarity frowned as she continued her circular route, glancing to where the some of the presents still remained; in particular where a large painting rested on the floor.

(Didn't dear Applejack say how she would help put this painting up? I know I've been busy these last few days, but surely that doesn't excuse her from not visiting. She should be finished most of the work at the farm... Perhaps I should go and find her.)

Rarity nodded resolutely and gave one last glance to the store around her. When she found nothing out of place, she smirked at her latest line before exiting the boutique. After making sure to lock up properly, the fashionista took a deep breath of the fresh air and happily trotted into the center of town. She hadn't realized how very stuffy her own room had been due to the furious pace she worked at. Stepping lightly through the crowds, she mused silently to herself about what may be keeping the apple farmer and why she hadn’t visited earlier.

The afternoon was another quiet one without some drastic event or encounter clogging the streets with fleeing ponies. Rarity exited her shop to find plenty of room to leisurely stroll through and no obstacles that could give her issue as she reflected inwards. When she came close to the marketplace it was to her great unease to find Applejack calmly working the apple stand that day. The farmer appeared eerily calm and disinterested in her surroundings as she stood by the green cart; a drastic change from how she would normally sell the family’s harvest.

Applejack was normally among the loudest voices heard over the din, shouting praises for their apple themed products and greeting every other pony that walked by. Today, the orange farmer seemed to barely acknowledge those around her. She appeared to be lost in thought, a hazy glaze to her eyes. Rarity found herself frozen in place, mind gone blank at the radical change in the farmer’s demeanour.

The unicorn stood a few paces away, unable to move as she watched the scene before her unfold. A pony stepped up silently for an apple and tossed the correct bits onto the counter, receiving a tip of the hat before they went on their way, each putting their new acquisition away. No sounds were heard, no pleasantry exchanged, and the whole sale took no longer than a few seconds. Rarity's mouth dropped a few inches, eyes widening slightly at the slowly frowning farmer before she felt her legs pulling her rapidly forward.

“Applejack!” Orange ears flipped down as the accented voice floated over the crowd. The farmer closed her eyes tightly, hoping that it wasn't who she thought it was but knew in her heart of hearts that it could only be one pony.

“Applejack, whatever is the matter? Are you ill? Why are you working at all if you are not feeling well?” Rarity stood firmly before the other mare, eyes scanning the figure from top to bottom in concern.

The earth pony tugged her hat further onto her head, heart wrenching at the concern she was no longer sure was sincere. Applejack took a few calming breaths and kept her face neutral as possible; unwilling to show how hurt she was at what had been said and what was ignored for the sake of drama.

“Ah'm fine, just sellin' some apples.” Green eyes didn't lift from their target of wood and paint as she tried to end the discussion quickly. Rarity winced at the cold tone that hadn’t ever been directed at her before; the farmer had always been polite if not downright friendly with the designer.

“Are you sure? I haven't seen you lately, and you said you'd help with that lovely painting you gave me for my birthday...” Rarity watched anxiously, noticing how the other mare took another large intake of air before crossing her fore-hooves.

“Ah'm sure an' ya haven’t been out much yerself from what Ah heard...” Applejack tried to keep her voice from shifting even the slightest, knowing that any sign one way or the other could provoke another over-dramatization. Rarity frowned deeper at the monotone, casting a crucial eye on the farm mare's face as she tried to spot any sign of what might be wrong.

“Yes, I've just had the loveliest bout of inspiration as it were. After your rather rude exit, I found myself besieged with ideas for my latest line; I call it, Spring Fling! I can't wait to show you and the girls, though I was thinking of having another fashion show at a later date for the proper unveiling.” Rarity gushed about her latest work, at first not noticing the disbelieving brow from the orange mare only to see it towards the end of her musings.

“What is it, darling? Would you perhaps want to come over and see for yourself instead?” The gray-white unicorn raised a single brow of her own that caused the earth pony to frown instead, not liking the sudden shift in tone.

“No thanks, Ah'm mighty busy with gettin' the trees ready for winter and we got this here stand tah work in order to make it through the cold season. Did ya want anythin' or did ya just come tah remind me of how Ah'm ah no good lying unfriendly pony unworthy of yer time?” Applejack bit back the rest of her retort she wanted to say as Rarity continued to rub salt in her wounded heart and pride. She didn’t mean to lash out briefly at the mare she had tried so desperately to forget in the throes of overworking herself to the brink and fell silent instead.

Applejack thought back to the last three days of overworking herself that her grandmother insisted she work at the marketplace if she worked at all. The only benefit to such enthusiastic work was a target for well aimed kicks and being so tired that everything became numb. The brisk air helped rid her of the prissy mare's scent, a mix of fruity shampoos and lotions and of fresh mints used to keep clothes in proper condition. The biggest drawback, however, was the ringing silence that allowed for the drastic words to constantly circle the farmer's pained mind and heart, reinforcing her desire to give up completely on this foal's hope of a crush.

While Applejack attempted to calm down and forget about why she was stuck out in the market that day, Rarity had taken a half step back with a shocked gasp, a dainty hoof to her muzzle as she realized what might be causing the frosty edge she now found herself faced with.

“Applejack, I am so sorry. I didn't mean a word that I said -”

“Then why'd ya say it!?! It-Ah-those weren't the nicest things tah say to ah pony who just helped ya out!” The farm mare's control slipped a little further as she leaned forward with a small snarl on her mouth and sadness in her eyes. Rarity's own eyes teared up at the hurt she found in apple green orbs and stepped closer once more.

“I merely wanted to understand why you were acting so peculiar that day and was myself, a little hurt to know that you didn't consider me a close enough friend to confide in me.” Applejack closed her eyes at the fashion mare's words, pain racing through her even as she felt a glimmer of hope return. While the stetson wearing mare shook her head to try and clear her thoughts, Rarity took this chance to step even closer, edging around the cart in order to place a timid hoof on board muscular shoulders.

“Applejack, I am sorry that what I said hurt you and would do anything to show you that I do still want to be friends. I'm afraid the call of the theater held my mind at the time, aiding in my attempts to convince you to speak the truth.” The unicorn spoke softly, seeing the distress the farmer was now under as they spoke.

Applejack sucked in another shaky breath, the place where the light-gray hoof rested burning with warmth. She glanced up only to find bright blue eyes rather close to herself, tinted with pain of hurting a reliable friend. With a gusty sigh, the blonde mare shook her head with a sad chuckle.

“The truth huh...?” The sad words were so quiet that the fashionista had to tip her ears forward to try and catch it, only just barely hearing the fact that something was indeed said.


“...Uhm, it ain't nothin' Rarity... Did ya say somethin' about that painting ya got? Still haven't gotten it up yet or-or somethin'?” Applejack was torn between hoping that she had a chance or trying to at least get the gray-white unicorn out of her mane.

“Yes, I was hoping you could help me with putting up the painting you had given me... But I don’t want you to think I merely come to find you in order to get favors; I am sorry that what I said before hurt you... Is there anyway I could make it up to you?” Rarity leaned her head towards the other mare, trying to show how she did care and was not laying on the drama to help her cause.

The orange mare felt her resolve weaken as blue eyes gazed pleadingly towards her. Applejack pushed her hat more firmly on her head, blocking her sight briefly as she sighed while slumping in place. The unicorn felt her heart clench at the sight and was about to try another tactic when the farmer spoke with a wistful smirk.

“Alright Rarity, Ah just can't tell ya no. Ah'm workin' the stand today, but Ah can come by tomorrow, would that be ok with ya?” Applejack glanced up to check on the dramatic mare's reaction and found a relieved smile with a short nod.

“Yes, of course. Why don't we make an afternoon of it and have lunch, or perhaps even a dinner together? So I could show you how I regret making you ever feel like that.” Blue eyes sparkled with hope as she smiled softly to the surprised mare, growing ever happier as the blonde mare nodded hesitantly.

“...If ya say so. Did ya want me tah bring anythin' for it?” Applejack was taken aback at the lightly waving hoof as Rarity tittered at the suggestion.

“Of course not darling! I shall take care of everything; I just need you to stop by and put the art in a proper place with your-” Rarity cut herself off as she realized how her eyes rested on toned legs and back and was about to compliment them in a very different manner than one normally would use for a friend. Orange ears tipped forward at the unfinished sentence only to flip back when Applejack noticed the intent stare and sudden flustering of the mare.

“Er-sure thin'... Ah'll bring the tools an' see ya there for supper...?” The orange mare raised a single brow as she watched Rarity shake herself out of her stupor (in a lady-like manner of course) and shakily smiled in return.

(Now Applejack, don't get yer hopes up. Ya know she's too much drama for ya... Hay, just think back tah a few days ago; she was so lost in her own little world that she didn't even notice... Let's just, try an' get back tah bein' friends.)

“O-of course, until then!” Rarity tried to leave with proper dignity but could feel the light blush as she contemplated her actions and wandering gaze, prompting her to be faster than necessarily needed as she returned home.

(I know Applejack is strong for a mare, and strong for most ponies actually, but that does not mean I can go and stare in such an indecent manner. Honestly, it's not like I haven't noticed her... tone flanks... rippling muscles... beautiful ma-What is wrong with me?!? Honestly! I shouldn't be thinking of this sort of thing. I must find just the right way to apologize for what I've done. Now I know we've had a lot of tea in the past and Applejack seems to have a large appetite, probably to supply the needed energy for those large strong musc- ENOUGH. This is no way for a lady to act, especially since it concerns a friend. And I shall prove myself as a friend indeed by fixing whatever has come between us.)

The light-gray mare entered her store almost not seeing her surroundings as she began to search through her cabinets for ingredients to use for the large meal. Finding that she had lapsed in her usual trip to buy the needed food, Rarity bit her lip gently as she debated heading back out once more but decided with a deep breath that she would want to have the needed supplies instead of trying to protect her image. Accepting that she would merely come across as slightly odd or even forgetful, the prim mare levitated her best saddlebags and grabbed her change purse.

With her nose high into the air and acting as though it had been her intent the entire time, Rarity returned to the marketplace a second time. Even though no one cared about it, the prim unicorn tried to appear completely nonchalant about the trip and made sure her tone of voice reflected this. She even greeted Applejack again as though she had meant to come back once again.

“Hello Applejack, may I have five of your apples please?” Rarity focused on the red velvet purse as she requested the fruit, not seeing the unsure gaze of the orange earth pony before settling on being just as 'nonchalant'.

“Ho-howdy Rarity... Comin' right up. Ya-ya take care now ya hear?” Applejack tried on a smile and found it wasn't as nervous as she felt. Rarity noticed the grin and smiled back, happy to hear something the apple seller would normally say to her customers.

Rarity continued on her way, becoming thrilled to hear the sweet tones of the apple farmer shouting her wares once more, drawing more attention to the green cart and the apples residing there. The southern accent a symphony to gray-white ears, the unicorn couldn't hold back her pleased grin as she bought other fruits and vegetables needed for the meal she was already planning.

Finished with her shopping, the fashion unicorn returned to the boutique with a hop in her step. A sparkling blue hue surrounded the various goods as they floated across the kitchen to their rightful places while soft humming filled the room as the unicorn sketched more designs. Her trip outside seemed to help bring forth more inspiration, though she made sure to set aside enough time to plan out the apology meal.

The following day shown just as brightly as the one before, with barely a cloud on the horizon. Applejack was firmly told by her brother and grandmother that she was not to do any more physical labor, wanting to be sure she was rested from her three days of demanding labor. The blonde shook her head with a smirk, appreciating the care her family had for her and sat on a hill that faced the rising sun. The earth pony took deep, calming breaths as she tried to settle her mind and nerves at the prospect of seeing the fashionista so soon after trying to get over her feelings.

(Ya know ya can do this Applejack, it's just some grub an' helping the prissy mare put up ah picture. Just stayin' near her, seein' her and hearing her usual prissy nonsense... Ah better try and be as calm as possible...)

Both mares prepared for that evening in their own styles, one throwing herself into her fashion work and the other merely enjoying the nature around her. When the appointed time drew near, Applejack found herself dreading the chain yanking she was about to experience but knew she had to keep her word. Rarity seemed to depend on her more now, it wasn't right to just suddenly stop going. Even if she did break the farm pony's heart with her need for theatrics.

At the solid knocking, Rarity found herself skipping merrily towards the door with a hearty call.

“Coming darling!” With a quick thought and flick of her horn, the gray-white unicorn magicked open the door and smiled at the farmer who seemed more rested than the day before. Applejack gave a small smirk to the happier mare and tipped her hat in greeting.

“Howdy Rarity, how are ya doin'?” The orange mare followed the hostess through the front lobby, glancing around and spotting the finished line off to the side.

“Just marvelous darling, simply marvelous.” Rarity felt as though the very room was brighter as the two mares traveled towards the kitchen, mind already at work on how to get across her apology as they talked.

“Hey Rarity? Are those the dresses ya were talkin' about?” Applejack dipped her head towards the row of clothing, tilting her head as the colors seemed to remind her of something but couldn't put her hoof on it. The fashion mare paused in her strut and glanced to where her latest masterpiece rested with a pleased smirk.

“As a matter of fact, they are. Aren't they wonderful? What do you think of them?” The fashionista stepped closer to her work with a anxious glance to the farmer, knowing that Applejack often didn't see the purpose of fancy dresses.

“It's fine, seem kind of nice an' all...” The orange earth pony was still on guard, not wanting to be hurt nor start another fight. Unfortunately, her nearly flat response brought forth more worry from the fashion mare who rushed over to stare deeply into troubled green eyes.

“Applejack, take a seat right now.” Rarity jerked on her hoof while leading to the kitchen even faster than she was before, much to Applejack's surprise. She could feel the blush grow across her muzzle at the feeling of the gray-white hoof across her own; while the orange mare didn't want to feel anything for the other mare, it was hard when Rarity was actually being strong and not the usual wishy-washy drama.

“What are ya doin'?” Applejack held a hoof to her hat, which had almost been knocked off by the sudden movement before being pushed onto a chair. Before the farm pony could adjust to the sudden forcefulness, Rarity shoved her face close to the blushing one once again and placed a delicate hoof to the sweating brow.

“You are obviously not doing ok and should be resting. What have you been doing these last few days?” The unicorn began to pull the various parts of the meal from the oven and stove top while at the same time starting a soothing cup of tea. Sharp blue eyes never left the nervous face and caught the sudden faraway gaze and tint of dejection.

“Ah've, been workin'.” Applejack wasn't sure of how to take the intense stare she found herself faced with, having spent so many long hours trying to forget the striking blue gaze. The orange mare leaned back slightly only to find that Rarity didn't remove the hoof, instead swiping it across the blushing face as Applejack tried to remain still as her heart pumped furiously at the touch.

“Darling, you're sweating horribly; what kind of work were you doing over there?” Rarity took a single step back as she pulled over the tea set along with the corresponding tea leaves that helped one relax and rejuvenate one's state of mind.

“Jus'-jus' work. Makin' sure the trees are doin' ok, mak-makin' sure the fencin' and nettin' are in place... Just regular old hard work.” Applejack tried to convince the unicorn that it wasn't anything more than that, knowing full well when it was much worse and harder. But she didn't want to even touch on the topic, worried that anything she said would be discarded as lies and forced to reveal not only what she did but why.

“I don't believe you.” The flat response shocked the farmer into sitting upright, not realizing she had been slouching back from the inquisitive gaze.


“I don't believe that it was just 'normal work'. Normal work does not tire you out this much, I've seen how much you work everyday. If that is all you've been doing, then you have lost your touch.” Rarity stated in a flat tone while staring without a hint of a smile. Applejack flipped back her ears as she squinted back, reminded painfully of the last time they spoke.

“You are not telling me the truth, the whole truth, just like when I asked about the fight between you and Spike.” Rarity continued to focus on the mare before her even as she used her magic to add the finishing touches to the meal on the table. The orange mare frowned at the new topic they stumbled onto, feeling the same annoyance as she had that night at how very dense the prim mare could be.

“Ya-yer so gosh darn dense! Ya don't hear ah word Ah say but ya focus on stuff Ah said was fine an' not important!” Applejack could feel the nervous sweat freeze in place as a different kind of warmth spread through her, born of dejection and frustration. Rarity didn't pause a moment, retaliating with a different kind of pain in her own voice that came from seeing the usually strong mare be hurt by something.

“I would if you merely told me what was going on! Two of my good friends are fighting and neither one will tell me why!” Rarity stood tall as she stomped a single hoof, desperation beginning to lace through her voice as she grew ever more desperate to understand the pain in green eyes. Applejack flinched at the harsh tone and small drops of moisture in the corner of sky-blue eyes as she too stood from the table, making the chair she had been sitting on fall onto it's side.

“Ya want tah know? Ya want tah know so bad you'll call me names an' say how Ah didn't care for anypony but mahself?! FINE. Me an' Spike want the same thin'. It ain't somethin' we could split or share, an' we don't agree as to who should try tah get it. Happy now? 'Cause Ah sure ain't. In fact, Ah'm tempted tah just give up, not sure it's worth it anymore...” Applejack couldn't look at the light-gray mare, casting her gaze to the table instead as she flipped back her ears in pain.

Rarity staggered back at the pain in her friend's voice, heart pinching at the sight of the sorrowful mare before her and what had been the cause of distress between two friends. She stepped forward once again and put a hoof under the orange muzzle, bringing tired eyes back to her.

“Did ya hear me this time?” At the low mutter, the dress maker wrapped both hooves around her friend, all attempts at multitasking abandoned as she instead focused her complete attention on the orange farmer. Applejack stiffened slightly at the hug, knowing that the prissy mare usually was more concerned about what may or may not be on and in her fur but couldn't help the warmth spreading through her at the contact. With hesitance, the earth pony returned the embrace and it was only once she rested her head on a pale-gray shoulder that Rarity spoke.

“Yes, loud and clear. While I cannot condone fighting and arguing over some little thing, I can see that it is important to you and Spike, especially if you are still fighting over it to this day. But perhaps, you could consider calling a truce? I wouldn't want to worry about if you two would get along while we were doing something as a group...” The softly speaking unicorn tried to ignore the scents being presented by their close contact; earth, apples and fresh breeze seemed to be in Applejack's very mane, distracting Rarity momentarily as she found herself unable to do anything but take a deeper breath.

The blonde farm mare also was unable to step out of the hug, her nose filled with the scents Rarity often used and the feel of the silky mane beneath her hooves. She tried to memorize every last detail as they embraced; the slim figure in her hooves, the way that the purple mane seemed to rest ever so gently against her as they were pressed together. Applejack had a feeling that even if she wasn't trying to give up on her crush, she wouldn't be able to get this kind of hug for a while; the prissy mare's particularism when it came to being clean would prevent it. When Rarity gave one last squeeze, Applejack could tell that she had to let go or else it would only bring more attention that she wasn't ready to face just yet and tried to seem nonchalant about it.

“...Ah guess so... But Ah can't promise anythin'; it takes two tah tango ya know.” Applejack tried to sound as she normally did, casting her eyes about to find something other than the unicorn before her to stare at. Stopping at the table, green eyes widened at how thorough the meal actually was and blushed as she rubbed the back of her head.

“Gosh Rarity, ya really went all out for this supper idea of yours.” Applejack took a single step back and returned her chair to an upright position before sitting once more, gaze focused on the spread in front of her.

“Oh, well, yes. I wanted to show how I was truly sorry and you just seem so tired, I felt that I simply must help you get your strength back.” Rarity stepped back as well and trotted to the other side of the table, levitating napkins for the two of them before giving up on any other measure of 'proper' eating manners for the earth pony. It was an attempt to both give her more relief after such a tense moment and to show how she wouldn't constantly badger the other mare.

“Thanks Rarity, looks like just what Ah needed.” The orange mare began to dig in to the meal with gusto, remembering suddenly how she actually hadn't eaten that day since she was too anxious about their meeting.

“Think nothing of it darling! In fact, perhaps I could offer another means of relaxing you from your workload?” Rarity tried not to wince too much at the eating habits across from her while recalling another of her gifts that need another to go with her.

“Oh? What were ya thinkin' of?” Applejack tried to find the precarious balance between neutral and her usual self, still not sure if the dramatic mare was worth the heartache. Rarity noticed this cautious tone and gave the apple farmer a small smile.

“Nothing too fancy darling; I still have those derby tickets that Rainbow Dash gave and was wondering if you would like to join me for an outing? Perhaps an afternoon of it when you are free from your, er, work?” The unicorn wasn't sure why she felt uneasy; the farmer had yet to flat out refuse her anything, now that she thought about it. She was unlikely to start now.

Little the pale-gray mare know that that was exactly what Applejack was considering. Spending just the past half hour with the mare was rather tiring, spending the afternoon while trying to bury still fresh feelings would be challenging.

“Ah just don't know...”

“Darling, surely you could use a rest from all that hard work? You still don't appear to be up to normal standards and it wouldn't do for you to overwork yourself.” Rarity didn't like the wince that greeted these words and felt it was her duty to press the matter if the blonde didn't accept soon.

“Al-alright, alright... Ah'll go with ya. When did ya want tah head out?” The earth pony slowed her eating, the unicorn's presence once again reminding her to eat a little better than normally. Not that she seemed to have any qualms this time, much to Applejack's confusion.

“Well, there is a race taking place tomorrow if you're free darling. I wouldn't want to disrupt your work schedule afterall.” Rarity folded her hooves in front of her, staring with curious eyes as the mare across the table debated with herself.

“Ah-Ah am free tomorrow...” (Pretty sure Granny and Big Mac won't let me do anythin' for another day or so... Might as well get this over with then.)

“Perfect! Then it's all settled, we'll leave tomorrow morning at eleven to have time to make the afternoon showing. And then I have a few more places I wanted to visit while in Canterlot, if you don't mind?” Rarity waited for the agreeing nod before clapping her hooves with a polite squeal; wearing a pleased grin, she returned to the food before her while making sure that Applejack had some of the specialized tea she brewed to help with fatigue.

As the two friends finished their meal with small chitchat breaking up the silence, Applejack tried to get the focus back on why she was invited over in the first place.

“Rarity, where's that painting ya wanted me tah put up for ya?” The farmer didn't waste any time, knowing her limit was coming up. She felt smothered in the dress shop, seeing little touches of Rarity everywhere and her scent all about them; it was not helping her attempt at remaining neutral or even just trying to get over her crush.

Rarity noticed this bluntness and gave a tiny sigh, having hoped that she could prolong the visit but gave in with a tiny nod. A hoof pointed to the kitchen wall where the painting was still resting against as it awaited its new home.

“Do ya know where ya want it?” Applejack stood from the table, briefly using the napkin to wipe at her face and resettling her hat more firmly in place. The unicorn daintily wiped at her own muzzle before standing as well, leading the way back to the front room and casting her gaze to the walls in wonderment.

“Of course it must go in the perfect spot, wouldn't want to have to rearrange the entire room. Though it is a lovely piece darling.” Rarity fluttered her lashes to Applejack who froze for a moment before hefting the painting in her hooves.

They then spent the next fifteen minutes trying to get it in just the 'right' place. Rarity constantly changed her mind after seeing it held up as a demonstration and would muse for several minutes before declaring it unfit. Had it been any heavier, the farm pony wasn't sure if she would be able to keep it up for much longer.Orange fore-hooves shook as she gratefully put it back down having finally found the 'perfect' place for it among the pieces already in place. Rarity watched with a keen eye as the earth pony panted softly at the effort, brow wrinkling in worry considering she knew that it wouldn't be so hard to the strong mare on a normal day.

Applejack marked out where the nail would be needed and quickly hammered it in. She tried to hang it properly but due to her exhaustion, it often was crooked. With a final sigh, the orange farmer stepped back when she felt a single hoof on her shoulder, stopping her in her efforts to straighten it. Rarity took over the job with a reassuring grin and levitated it into place.

“Thank you darling...” The unicorn couldn't seem to move back from next to the earth pony, giving her appreciation softly as she watched the farmer who panted just as softly. The orange mare tried not to get lost in clear blue eyes and dipped her head slowly.

“Yer welcome sugarcube...” The two mares stared deeply into each other's eyes, frozen in place next to one another as they stood before the painting of Ponyville. They could feel the heat radiating from the other and they were not sure why they wore blushes.

Suddenly the blush stare was broken by a single long blink from the orange farmer, causing both to take embarrassed steps back, dazed from the sudden tension. Applejack shook her head briefly, shaky breaths not helping her state of mind before dipping her head once more and exiting rapidly with a short farewell.

“Ah'll see ya later Rarity!” The unicorn blinked at the sudden exit and could barely get her own farewell out.

“Alright darling, I'll-I'll see you later!” Rarity stood in place, still slightly dazed at what had happened but not understanding it. At the slight scent of apples still in the air, the gray-white mare came to her senses with a start and glanced towards the now hanging painting with a happy smile.

(I suppose I better make sure my plans are in place for tomorrow, Applejack seems to be tired still... I wonder what kind of work she really did that tired her out so very much. I know the visit should be just what she needs! And hopefully she can try to make up with Spikey-wikey soon...)

The fashionista woke up suddenly, laying on her back as she contemplated why she was excited for the upcoming day. When she remembered what was planned, the unicorn lifted the sleeping mask to gaze out the window with a growing smirk as she saw the bright sunlight flowing in. With birds chirping happily, Rarity flounced out of bed and down the stairs, hopeful that this day would help her friend relax after whatever hardship the farm was currently going through.

Humming a simple tune, the light-gray mare began to start making breakfast for herself. Just as she began to sit at the light meal there was a solid three knocks at the front door.

“Now who could that be...?” Rarity frowned thoughtfully before standing once again and trotting sedately to the showroom.

“Hello, I'm sorry but we're closed – Darling! I didn't expect you so early! Do come in.” Rarity was slightly surprised to find the orange earth pony standing wearily in front of her store but waved her inside nonetheless. Applejack tried not to stare too long at the unicorn who had returned to humming and began to start another plate of the eggs and hay-hash browns.

“Hey Rarity, Ah was already up an' uh, mah family said Ah should just go ahead and head over... Ya don't have tah make me some breakfast.” The orange farmer rubbed the back of her head as she was led to the table and forced to sit. While she didn't want to cause the fashion designer more trouble than she already did, Rarity was insistent on making it.

“Nonsense darling, I know you're probably still famished. We'll have a nice little brunch and be on our way.” The pale-gray unicorn smiled as she quickly made another plate of food, though it was a much larger portion that she knew the farmer preferred.

Within moments the two mares were eating in silence, the prospect of what lay before them resting on their minds. Rarity kept peeking towards the orange mare, wondering what was going on under the blonde mane. Applejack appeared to be more rested than before but still seemed weary, something that the fashionista hoped to rectify with the calming day out she had planned.

The friends quickly washed the dishes before heading out for the afternoon. The blonde farmer waited with a soft smile as the shop owner made sure to lock up before continuing their way through town. Together, they made their silent way through the town, never straying from the other's side even in the crowds. Rarity was in a state of euphoric bliss, hardly noticing anything around her. Knowing that she was on the path to repair whatever had harmed their friendship made the unicorn ecstatic and was more than willing to walk next to the other mare. Occasionally, she would see the farmer shake her head minutely but since Applejack said nothing during their walk, the unicorn brushed it off as unimportant details.

The walk went quickly and they arrived just in time for the train to pull up with a hiss of steam. Commuters had already traveled earlier that morning, leaving the station mostly deserted and plenty of sitting room on the red locomotive. Applejack, ever the gentlemare, allowed Rarity to go first and choose their seats. Once the gray-white unicorn sat on the dark-green cushion, the blonde earth pony sat across from her with little noise. Apple green eyes stared firmly out the window, seemingly not acknowledging the fashion mare's presence only to focus completely on her in a heartbeat should the fashion mare shift in place. Rarity was flattered at the attention and smiled reassuringly anytime she caught the other mare staring at her, finally finding the comfortable place with her fore-hooves crossed demurely in front of her as she also stared out the window.

Soon the train began its two hour journey, traveling up the well-worn rails as the scenery beyond the window changed from suburbs to farms, hills and eventually wrapping around the nearby mountain range. The two friends remained silent the entire way, neither having much to say that wasn't stated already that morning or even the night before. The entire time, Rarity wore a pleased smirk on her face, already envisioning the apple farmer's enjoyment of the museums she decided they would visit. Applejack would glance over every so often with an amused smirk of her own, tempted to ask what the fashion mare was so excited for but didn't want to break the silence she was enjoying from the usually dramatic mare.

With a soft hiss and slight jerk, the train came to a rest in the Canterlot station. Both mares stood quickly and joined the few other ponies as they stepped off, basking in the view of the upper class city. After a deep breath of high society air, Rarity flipped back her mane with a smile and began to trot to the open air derby.

“Ah, yes, the perfect day for watching a race. Come along darling, we wouldn't want to miss a moment.” The alabaster mare tried to remain dignified even as she made her hasty way through the city, eyes for once not appreciating the culture around her as she instead stared at the quiet farmer while making sure they didn’t run into anypony.

“Right, 'course not.” Applejack held a small smirk at the worry of how they might miss a race of a couple of fliers who’s job was to fly and look impressive. She appreciated the effort however, and tried not to laugh too much at the oddness of an earth pony watching a couple of pegasi fly around.

Rarity didn't notice this bemusement and debated whether or not she should have a running commentary as they walked. While she did love to explain more of high society to show how much she fit in, the unicorn knew that the simple farmer didn't actually care about such things and seemed to be currently enjoying the hushed walk. In the end, she opted for continued muted traveling broken only when they got close to their destination.

“Now darling, I do believe our tickets are for the top box. Did you want any kind of food or snack while we watch the race?” The fashionista glanced over to the farmer only to find a neutral shrug in response.

“Ah had a big ol' breakfast, Ah'll be ok either way.” Applejack didn't look Rarity full on as she answered, not wanting to have to start double guessing herself even before they got there. The prim mare noticed this and frowned briefly in thought before nodding.

“If you say so. Ah, here we are; right this way darling.” With another smile and her nose in the air, the fashionista led the way to the gates of the derby and floated the two tickets ahead of her without pausing a moment. The ticket pony took a quick look and marked on them to show they had been used and ushered them inside.

The two friends trotted past the stallion with dips of their heads and found themselves in a wide open arena with stands made of solid rock facing a crescent cliff edge. In the open air before the seating was a track outlined in clouds that circled around and provided obstacles for the fliers to avoid. The white marble stone stands were already filling with the high society, cushions provided to make it less uncomfortable for them to watch from. While Applejack stared on in amazement, Rarity led them up the stairs to the inclosed box that resided at the top, passing other nobles who gave soft gasps of surprise and annoyance at where they were going.

With another flick of her magic, the pale-gray unicorn levitated her tickets to the guard that stood before the short flight of stairs, proving they were indeed supposed to be there for the race. While the stallion allowed them to pass, the apple farmer noticed the disapproving glances sent their way and snorted at the probable cause before turning without another thought to head up as well. Rarity had not seen any of these stares as she became distracted with ordering a full lunch for them to be provided as they watched the derby. She knew of the large appetite of the farm mare and planned ahead, wanting Applejack to be able to relax for the day.

Even though they arrived early to be able to settle properly for the sport, it wasn't long before the races were set to start. Tension and excitement was palpable in the crowd as they edged forward, 'properly' cheering on their favorite racers. Over the muted murmurs of the crowds, a southern accent rang clear as Applejack got wrapped up in the show before her. She cheered with as much gusto as she did most things, even though she was tempted to show the special performers what a real race was. Rarity was torn in what to watch as she and the orange mare sat on dark-red cushions provided; while it would only be proper to watch the race they were there for, seeing Applejack in better spirits was proving to be a much more interesting display.

When the first of three races ended, the orange farmer took to the fashion mare in excitement, not noticing how her stomach growled.

“Gosh Rarity, that was ah pretty neat race! Did ya see how that one flier almost spun out an' yet came in first?” Applejack couldn't look too long at the smiling face of the unicorn and started to look around their box, noticing how it was no longer just them and that a buffet was set up nearby.

“Yes darling, it was quite thrilling. But perhaps we should have something to eat before we watch another? We wouldn't want the other spectators to think there's a rampaging bear on the lose.” Rarity held a hoof to her muzzle as the farmer's stomach once again shouted for attention before turning to lead the way to the table laden with food. The earth pony gave her head an embarrassed rub as she recognized the sound and followed close by, mouth watering at the smells that started to drift over.

Rarity continue to smile as she saw how much Applejack appreciated the gesture and sat along the side, not feeling particularly hungry herself. It was as she smiled indulgently at the poor manners the earth pony used that another high class pony stepped up along with his date for the day. The stallion had a black coat with a gray mane along with a dark blue bowtie. The mare he was with had an orange mane styled upwards and pale-cream fur, wearing a full coat pink dress. Both wore small smiles as they regarded the two friends as they stepped up. The fashion designer noticed this and turned to face them with a unsure grin.

“O-oh, hello there.” At the nervous greeting, Applejack turned back with a full plate to find the two high society ponies with a cringe. Every time they had visited, they always seemed to run into the more snobbish crowds.

“Hello indeed, my name is Graphite and this is my wife Primrose. We just happen to see you two enjoying the races and were curious as to where you come from.” Graphite smiled at the two mares who relaxed at the reassuring tones while Primrose leaned towards them as well.

“Indeed, we were also wondering if this is your first date; you two make a lovely couple.” As the pale-cream mare smiled, the couple noticed with curious stares that both of the others flinched before smiling bemusedly with short shake of their heads.

“No no, I'm afraid you're mistaken. We are merely enjoying a relaxing day abroad, we are not dating. Good friends, yes, but certainly not marefriends.” Rarity stated with a light titter, surprised that anyone would think such a thing. The higher class ponies wore slight blushes as they tried to apologize, only to be waved off by Applejack as she set the plate down.

“It's alright, ya didn't know. But eeyup, just good ol' friends. Ya'd have tah be crazy to think two mares from such different kinds of walks of life would be datin'... That idea is as fruity as a fruit bat.” The orange farmer tried to hide the sound of dejection in her voice as she smiled with little humor. The gray-white unicorn's smile turned shaky as a pain made its way through her chest at the return of the 'neutral' voice of the other mare's. Rarity didn't want to point it out in public, and continued to chat with the other high society ponies briefly while Applejack returned to her meal even as she didn't feel the need to eat.

Before long the races started once more and the couple left the mares to their own devices. All the while Rarity kept a close watch, concerned at how the neutral and slightly annoyed farmer had returned instead of the free and happy one. The unicorn quietly levitated various objects to help relax and pacify the orange mare, hoping to help without drawing her ire. Plates of food were refilled constantly, the large mug tipped off with only the finest of fruit juices and binoculars set nearby should green eyes need the assistance in viewing the performance. Applejack took note of this effort and tried to fight back the grin that wanted to spread across her muzzle, happy to see the attempt and what it was for.

Once the third and last race was complete, the orange mare returned to a more peaceful state as the two friends exited the crowded arena. They made their swift way around the snobbier ponies and were reviewing the highlights before Applejack came to a confused stop in the middle of the street.

“Where was it ya wanted tah go sugarcube?” The farmer lifted her hat slightly as she glanced to the mare next to her who grinned back and shuffled in place briefly.

“Well, I was hoping to visit some museums if you don't mind darling.” At the agreeing nod, Rarity beamed hopefully and trotted towards the artistic area with the destination firmly in mind. She felt hyper aware of the blonde mare as she walked along, an echo of Primrose's words ringing in her ear.

(Why in Equestria would we seem like a couple? I am curious as to why Applejack isn't currently dating anypony, but surely they can see how we wouldn't make a good couple...)

Rarity continued her musing while they traveled, giving her friend a few glances without the farmer acknowledging the looks as she watched the scenery around them. The light-gray unicorn was so deep in thought that she didn't notice when they arrived into the natural art museum until she heard a light gasp from next to her. With a shy smile to the surprised earth pony, Rarity turned to watch Applejack craned her neck to view the various paintings and sculptures placed around the room.

“Where are we? Ah don't recognize any of these places they got paintings of...” The apple farmer turned her wide eyed stare to the unicorn who was extremely pleased with the reaction.

“These are works based on the various locations around Equestria darling, they merely look much wilder or unusual due to the unique styles used to make them. Do-do you like it then darling?” The dress maker hesitantly smiled only to be gently nudged by the farm pony who gave a large grin in return.

“Shucks Rarity, sure Ah do. If there's one thin' Ah like tah see, it's the land an' it's natural ol' beauty.” Applejack took the lead, pausing only briefly before one or another art piece as she looked on, not seeing the pleased smirk on her friend's face as they continued on.

Rarity could hardly contain her joy at how well her plan worked, almost skipping in place as she followed the happy earth pony. She could see that Applejack was impressed with the different locations and the thoughtfulness of the fashion mare. Just as precaution, she decide to check that this was indeed helping the overworked farmer and picked up her pace briefly to be right next to her.

“Darling... You do like this type of thing? I know you have little patience for the frivolous or more artistic things in life... Did you want to perhaps do something else?” Both mares paused as Rarity asked her question, Applejack turning to face her with curious brows raised.

“Sure Ah do. Yer right about me likin' the more simple things in life, but this is pretty nice tah see; especially since Ah'm probably not leavin' the farm, Ah wouldn't get tah see these in pony anyways.” Applejack watched as Rarity sagged in relief before standing up straight once more and started to walk away only to be stopped by an orange hoof on her shoulder.

“Rarity, why-why are ya so interested in makin' sure Ah'm enjoying mahself today?” The orange farmer almost didn't want to ask, least she become hopeful about what it could mean. “Why's it so important tah ya...?”

Rarity blushed at the question and shuffled in place as she looked off to the side, knowing that this was not a question she could just brush off.

“Well, I know you have been tired and I wanted to be sure you had a nice relaxing day off darling... And I... wanted to apologize properly for what I said on my birthday. You are one of my greatest friends and... I don't want to lose that.” Gray-white ears tipped back in nervousness, expecting a teasing laugh but instead noticed two orange hooves outstretched. With a hopeful gaze, Rarity turned to find that Applejack had sat next to her and held open her hooves in a questioning pose, not wanting to suddenly intrude on the prissy mare.

The unicorn held back a gasp of happiness as she leaned into the hug, wrapping her own hooves around the farmer and trying to not get over emotional while she held on. While she took in the scent of apples and fresh air, her right ear twitched as warm breath passed over it as Applejack whispered to the fashion designer.

“An' you'll never will sugarcube...”

(Ah just can't seem tah get over ya... You may be a prissy, obnoxious, frou-frou, fashion mare but every so often ya show why ya make ah great friend and are the element of generosity... You just have somethin' Ah can't ever say no to... Guess things ain't gonnah be simple from now on, but Ah know yer worth it.)

Though Rarity didn't know of the changed decision of the orange mare, she did see the sudden happiness and excitement that raced through Applejack and smiled at the change. The friends broke apart and finished their tour with lots of discussion, both having an equal say in the topic as they presented their own ideas about the various pieces of work around them.

The rest of the evening seemed to fly by, the hours blurring together as each mare was in a different state of bliss. The prim mare didn't know why the farmer was much happier and acted in an almost dramatic fashion as she acted like a gentlemare the entire time, but Rarity was pleased that things seemed to have been fixed between the two. The train ride back was completely different than from when they first arrived, filled with small talk and laughter even as the rest of the car was empty due to the late hour.

When they did arrive back in Ponyville, Applejack wouldn't hear a word against her walking the delicate unicorn home. They made quick work of the empty and still streets before coming to a stop in front of the boutique. Rarity quickly unlocked the door but paused before heading inside, turning to face Applejack with a soft smile that was returned with a smirk by the orange farmer.

“Thanks sugarcube, for invitin’ me on this date.”

(Date?! What did she say?!?) Rarity frowned briefly as she focused on the orange mare before her, unsure if she heard correctly. With a shaky smile, the fashion designer tried to make sure of what was said.

“W-what was that darling?”

“Ah said, ‘thanks sugarcube, for invitin' me today’. Are ya doin’ ok Rarity?”

“O-oh, yes, of course darling! And think nothing of it, it was my pleasure to spend the day with you.” Rarity tried to cover her mistake with a shaky grin while reaching for another hug, grabbing the apple farmer in a tight embrace even as both subtly breathed in the other's scent. Snapping blue eyes open as she realized what she was doing, Rarity pulled back while still smiling to show that nothing was wrong.

As Applejack tipped her hat with a wide grin, the dress maker suddenly became doubtful once more and rushed forward to place an unsure hoof on an orange shoulder.

“I... will see you around, will I not...? Perhaps just a short visit...?” Rarity breathed easily at the reassuring grin that met her words while finding the light pink crossing the farmer's muzzle went rather nicely with her coloring.

“Sure thin', sugarcube, sure thin'. Ah-Ah'll make sure yer not stuck in yer room too long, unless ya want tah become ah 'crazy cat lady'.” Applejack tried to hide her joy of being invited back with light teasing, something that worked as Rarity smirked and waved a hoof, sending her on her way once more.

“Of course not, that wouldn't be very proper at all... Good night darling!”

“Night sugarcube...” (Ah love ya...) Applejack didn't dare state the words she actually wanted to say and instead waved briefly before heading home with a light spring in her step. Even though she would be able to return to her chores in the morning, thoughts of the fashionista filled her mind just as they have done for the past few months. Something the blonde farmer didn't mind in the least, making a nice change from the last few days of work.

The pale-gray unicorn watched the other mare until she was out of easy sight and entered the quiet shop with a deeply furrowed brow. While she did manage to get the farm pony to return to normal, she felt as though there was some fact or word she had missed during their outing. Almost without noticing, the designer floated over more paper and pens, already working on more dresses using images and colors she saw that day while walking over to her latest line of clothing as she thought.

(I suppose I've been too worried about how Applejack was doing, causing me to hear things... It seems like there is nothing out of place for my Spring Line and taking the day off hasn't hampered my inspiration at all. I shall be well on the way for the Summer Line as well! But first, there is a certain holiday coming up that one shouldn't miss out on... What should I get all my friends for Hearth's Warming Day this year...? I better start to work on them, I only have two weeks left! Where did the time go? No time like the present however...!)

The unicorn worked only for another hour before the day’s events caught up with her, making her soft and silk covered bed beckon her to enter its warm embrace. With a tiny, lady-like yawn, Rarity set aside her sketches and exited the inspiration workroom to head to bed, levitating over her sleeping robe and sleep mask as she walked.

Just as she was laying on the large canopy bed, a particular scent suddenly floated up that brought to mind a warm embrace, taut muscles and a spackling of freckles on a smiling orange muzzle. Rarity paused at the warmth that coursed through her at the mental image and smell, blinking in surprise at the feelings.

(Perhaps it’s from all those hugs, that’s where the scent came from… I must remember to take a refreshing bath in the morning; it’s much too late to do so now, I’d ruin my night preparations…)

The gray-white unicorn finished settling on the fluffy mattress with a satisfied smile, the apple farmer’s scent still hovering around her. Even as sleep began to take over, images of the blonde danced before her eyes; serving to make her smile to grow as she watched, securely in the land of dreams, as Applejack smiled, laughed and hugged her, the farmer’s scent prevailing over it all.

Author's Note:

First off, I wish to thank Gwg and Bronco for editing this big old thing! They help me become a better author and writer, presenting better quality stories for your convenience.

Next is that I am starting to really dislike working with Rarity. She makes every gosh darn thing so complicated! Garrrrgggg.... :ajbemused: I had a hard time starting this chapter because of her, so hopefully she gets better soon because I'm not sure how long I can stand the dense-ness of this drama queen.... Yes, I've had troubles with a make-believe character that by all accounts should obey my every command as I am the writer and she the subject, but every character I write now has such a strong personality and presence that they just take over at times. :pinkiecrazy:

Anyways, this is where things start to get interesting. :pinkiehappy: Enjoy the chapter and look forward to the next one!