• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 4,745 Views, 120 Comments

A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

  • ...

Chapter 12 - Just the right amount of drama

Start of December, 1004 A.D. (After Discord)

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville; the sun shining, the birds chirping, and a slight crisp in the air that hinted to the on coming winter. The local fashionista was working on her spring line for the upcoming year; that is, if she ever managed to find the proper inspiration.

“Ooooh! All these designs are just dreadful!” The alabaster unicorn levitated various sketches and looked them over with close scrutining eye before dismissing each one.

“Too garish... Too plain...! Not enough color... Too much color...! Oh, these will never work!” With a flair of her magic, Rarity flung the papers into the air while she and slammed her head into her hooves. “I simply must find my inspiration! This calls for drastic measures: time for a trip to the spa!” As the fashion mare rose quickly from her sprawling position, she began to hum to herself as she stepped out of the workroom and down the stairs, pleased with her plan.

Just as she was about to head out with enough bits for the 'usual', the fashion designer noticed a stack of envelopes just inside the doorway with a raised intrigued brow.

“Oh, mail's a little early today; let's see who's calling for my attention? Bills, a postcard from parents' trip that finally arrived... What's this?” With a curious frown, the light-gray unicorn set aside the other letters to focus on a pale-tan one that had not been processed by the post office with a single line of text on the front, stating 'To Rarity'.

Knowing that hoof-made invitations in this town usually only came from a certain hyperactive mare, Rarity opened the invitation carefully and well away from herself; assuming some kind of explosion was to follow. When only a ticket and menu floated down (and without any kind of sound), the gray-white mare hummed in surprise and levitated all three over for a closer inspection.

Flowing cursive that hinted at magical means spread across the inside, giving a high class feel to the bubbly and obviously Pinkie dictated words; blue eyes sped across the letter as she read while standing in the center of the front lobby, the other pieces of mail forgotten as they rested on the table nearby.

‘Dear Rarity, please make sure you're completely free December 7th for a totally awesome and classy day planned.

You should find inside here (and if you're reading this then you must have found them, unless you have x-ray vision!) the ticket to the cool and really dramatic play; after which we will be going to this really cool chef who used to work for Princess Celestia and now has a famous restaurant, Fragrance of Rosebuds. We'll meet you at the train station at high noon on the 7th, your friends: Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Spike, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash.’

Along the bottom of the note were Pinkie, Twilight, Applejack, Spike, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash's signatures which had been squished into the space that remained, much to Rarity's amusement. Considering how the proposed date was only a few days away, the light-gray mare decided that she would give herself a vacation of sorts. As a gift to herself for her birthday, a trip to the spa would do nicely to start it all off.

As she walked through the mildly busy streets, Rarity heard an accented call that caused a smile to rapidly form and her heart to flutter in place.

“Hey there sugarcube, where ya goin' so early in the mornin'? Aren't ya usually busy with yer designs an' dresses right about now?”Applejack was hooked up to the apple stand on her way to the market for a day of sales. Rarity began to also walk in that direction so she wouldn't hold the farmer up as they conversed.

“Normally this is true but I received that very.... interesting invitation and decided to merely relax until the day of the appointment.” Applejack stared firmly ahead, trying to appear relaxed though she glanced anxiously at the unicorn from the corner of her eye.

“Ya-ya liked what we got all planned then? Did... did ya take a look at the restaurant? Was it uh... fancy enough for ya?” Rarity beamed at the nervous farmer as they continued to walk towards the slowly busier market.

“Oh darling, it seems so magnifique! I'm sure it will be lovely; afterall it is a birthday party with all my friends, I couldn't ask for more!” Applejack grinned while her stance relaxed as she pulled, though her gaze mostly remained forward much to the unicorn’s confusion.

“Darling, is something the matter?”

“Huh? Oh, no Ah'm fine sugarcube. Just thinkin'.” The unicorn stared curiously at the earth pony, trying to find if that was the truth and finding no hint of the farmer's 'tell'.

“If you say so... Working the stand today?” Applejack checked the area for where she was heading and pulled to the far side of the market where the Apple family had a long standing permit to park their stand.

“Eeyup.” Rarity stood by as the orange farmer pulled the wooden box into place and with a firm kick, lifted the canvas and open the sides to present the various goods she had to offer.

Applejack stood in her post before the stand and looked at the crowd passing by as they fell silent. When she caught sight of a light-gray mare standing nearby, the blonde maned farmer gave a small start of surprise, having thought Rarity would have gone already since the fashionable mare often liked to chatter and assumed that she went on her way after the unusual silence.

Rarity had found herself distracted by what else could be done with a strong kick and stood near the farm mare in a slight daze, something that drew Applejack's concern glance after realizing that she was still there.

“Rarity? Ya ok there?”

“Hmm? Oh, yes, I'm fine Applejack; why do you ask?”

“'Cause ya said yer were goin' tah relax, probably at the spa right...? Ain't it that way? On the other side of the market?” Rarity blinked out of her daze and glanced in the direction of the spa which was indeed on the opposing side of the market place. They had actually passed it as Applejack went to set up shop and Rarity hadn't even glanced towards it as they walked.

The fashionista looked back to the farmer with wide eyes and sheepish smile as she wove a hoof through her mane.

“Oh, yes, that's true... I suppose I must be going then. I'll see you later, Applejack.” With a tip of the stetson as a means of farewell, Rarity turned in place and went for her hopefully relaxing spa treatment.

Even as the twin earth ponies worked a special kind of magic to relax others, Rarity found herself wondering at a certain blonde mare's sudden inability to focus on her entirely since the large dinner they had with the Apple Family and their friends.

(It's not that hard to look at somepony when they’re talked to you, is it? I may not be absolutely fabulous in the morning, but I always present my best self for the world... Would a little appreciation be too much to ask for? Honestly... But enough of such thoughts! I am going to enjoy my lovely break and plan what would be the best thing to have at Fragrance of Rosebuds... Will Applejack be ok at such a high class restaurant...?)

The pale-gray unicorn spent the rest of her day at the spa trying to keep her mind from pondering how well the day trip would go, to little success. Later, she headed to her parents’ home for dinner that night, as was planned and as a means to let her family know of the changes that would take place.

The two adult unicorns were more than willing to have the birthday party they planned set for a later time that day, though they offered to come to the dinner with the friends which was vigorously declined.

In an attempt to allow the inspiration to flow, Rarity began to travel around the town for the next few days with a sketch book in her magical grip. She went from park to cafe to library to market place trying to find some kind of spark though she soon gave this last location up as a distraction instead, finding that she spent a lot of her time near the apple stand, watching apples and bits being exchanged rapidly. As the fussy unicorn turned rapidly to head back to her shop to reorganize her collection of ribbons, she didn't notice two apple green orbs watched her every step until she was out of easy line of sight nor the sigh that followed.

“Howdy Pinkie, Twilight, Rarity got that there letter y'all sent.” Applejack strode into the large treehouse where the couple was relaxing on the first floor, reading a book together as they sat next to one another.

At the announcement Pinkie hopped up and bounced over in excitement, peering closely at the other earth pony's face.

“OooooOO! Did she like the ideas? Did she did she did she?” Twilight watched bemused from the dark-blue cushion as Spike entered the room with a tray of snacks silently before turning just as quickly to leave without acknowledging the farmer's presence.

“Eeyup, she said that they were jus' right an' she was lookin' forward to it.” As Pinkie grinned even further at the description, Applejack watched in pensive worry as the drake seemed determined to not greet or speak with her.

“See? And you were worried that she wouldn't like your suggestions!” Pinkie waved a hoof towards Applejack in assurance. As the farmer gazed at the large smile, Twilight also spoke up as she offered her own encouragement.

“Yes, and it is a good balance between the higher class that Rarity likes and the normal day to day things that most of us enjoy at the same time. I'm sure it will be fine, no need for any concern.” The studious mare stood and made her way over to stand with her marefriend, smiling reassuringly to the farmer who dipped her head in acknowledgment of their arguments.

“Sure thin', Ah'll be fine. Ah'll leave ya tah yer date time, have ah nice day.” The couple waved goodbye briefly before Twilight looked to the kitchen where squinting green-reptile eyes stared at the retreating blonde.

“Spike...?” Without a word, the young dragon turned and went up the stairs to check on his own efforts to impress the prim and proper unicorn, leaving the two mares below to share confused glances.

“Do you think he'll be ok? Maybe I should go check on him...”

“I dunno Twilight, he may have gone to his super hidden stash of secretiveness and you know how no one likes to have somepony bother them when they're doing something secretive!” Purple eyes blinked in silent confusion before Twilight shook her head in amusement at her marefriend's usual quirkiness.

“I see; in that case, why don't we continue where we left off?” Pinkie smiled even wider and nodded rapidly before giving a single hop back to the cushion and patted the space next to her in invitation.

When the 7th came around, Rarity was in an odd state of nerves and relaxation. Torn between worrying of a return of the odd, not true to herself Applejack and relaxed almost to the state of boredom; having taken the last two days off from work and doing nothing but unwinding from it all. It was with only slight apprehension that Rarity arrived right on the dot to the train station that was situated a block out of town.

As the pale-gray mare stepped up to question the ticket pony if he had seen her friends nearby, the distinct sound of a party cannon being fired drew her attention the left and found her friends all appearing out of nowhere.

“Surprise! We totally already have your train ticket silly!” As Rarity trotted over, the hyperactive party mare hopped in place while the librarian floated over the ticket to the other unicorn before pushing the cannon out of the way.

“Indeed, we have everything all set for you, all you need to do is enjoy the day.” The six friends smiled appreciatively to the unicorn who ‘aww’ed in thanks.

“Thank you darlings, this means a lot to me... Is the cannon coming along?” The fashion mare raised an inquisitive brow to the pink object only to smile at Twilight's eye roll as she pushed it further away.

“Pinkie insisted that we started the day with a 'bang'. It will be staying here in Ponyville while we head to Canterlot for the day.” Rarity smiled at the enthusiasm of the party planner and followed the group onto the light purple train.

The train trip was spent discussing what the play was going to be like since they had tried to find a more action packed play to account for those less inclined for over-theatrics, having settled on Peter Colt; a play about a colt who never wanted to grow up. It had enough drama for the likes of Rarity and even Fluttershy, with enough action for Rainbow Dash and Applejack to enjoy.

It was an old time classic that featured hopeless romance, the youth’s stubborn pride, and missed opportunities. Applejack unfortunately knew quite a lot of what that felt like and sympathized with the lead female character more than she thought; though she planned to act otherwise in the theater.

When they reached the large theater, they arrived early enough that there was no issue in reaching their seats even though it was soon a full house. They spent the first few minutes chatting softly with one another as the rest of the house filled with other families of Canterlot. Due to the nature of the play, not as many snobbish ponies were present for the show; more of the theater filled with foals of ranging ages to enjoy the classic children's tale.

As the seven friends watched the performance from the middle row Rarity hardly noticed what the others were doing as she was absorbed into the play along with some miniature sniffles at various touching moments. Rainbow Dash was thoroughly enjoying the action sequences, though Fluttershy made sure to not watch at those times. Pinkie reacted in similar manner to all the foals in audience, gasping at the shocking moments, crying at the sadder parts and stomping vigorously to prove her belief in fairies when it came time for them to do so; along with Spike who was quickly entranced into the play with the other younger audience members. The rest of the group noticed this in amusement, though they didn't try to correct any of the behavior.

Once it was over, they joined the rush of the crowd out the door that went slowly due to parents making sure the family stuck together. As an attempt to combat the more impatient nature of Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy had encouraged her to describe the various fighting scenes while Pinkie rambled on to her marefriend about the entire play. As they made their slow way outside, Spike tried to keep the alabaster unicorn's attention with gushing about the show; something that was only half given as Rarity found herself wondering at Applejack's silence at the back of the group.

“That was really cool how Peter Colt was able to fool those pirates into thinking he was Claw, huh?”

“Yes, it was quite amazing. Don't you think so Applejack?” The farmer gave a start at suddenly being addressed while Spike frowned at the orange mare from behind Rarity's back, unbeknownst to her as she cast her gaze to the mare at the end of the group.

“Su-sure was sugarcube.” Rarity frowned at the shaky smile but was deterred from her search of answers by a call from their leader who had gathered everyone around herself just beyond the doorway.

“Alright everyone! We should head over to the restaurant now, we have a special table reserved for us!” As the group gave a small cheer, the fashionista lost her chance to question the farm mare as Applejack sped up to help lead the way to the next location.

While Spike tried to regain her attention Rarity became distracted by the location they were slowly walking up to. It was a long building that only rose a story off the ground with columns that lined the outside and on either side of the archway leading into the restaurant. The clear windows allowed for light to shine through, adding to the ambiance of the establishment. The brown-gray imitation stone of the walls were topped with a low sloping red slate roof. A sign hung down from above the large wooden door that read ‘Fragrance of Rosebuds’.

Twilight stepped smartly up to the maître d’ and stated that they had a table under the reservation of Rarity the Magnificent; a title that drew a light blush from the mare in question. Seeing the satisfied smirk, Applejack grew one of her own; she was happy to see that Rarity liked the title but a glance towards a frowning Spike caused her to frown as well.

The fashionista gazed happily to her friends as they moved through the establishment and just barely caught the farmer starting to frown; she couldn’t question it, however, as they were ushered to the table that was near the fireplace that helped to give an old time feel to the restaurant.

The seven friends sat and quickly looked over the menu that they knew which made the ordering process much easier. As the waiter left to place their order Rarity turned to her friends with a smile as she described her pleasure at the outing.

“I simply cannot thank you enough for today, you girls are the best friends a mare could ask for.” While everyone smiled to the unicorn, Pinkie bounced rapidly in place before shifting forward with a large smile, unable to hold back more birthday news for the mare of the day.

“Silly! You haven't even gotten to the presents yet! You have to wait until after that to go and say those kinds of things!”

“Darling, you needn't get me anything, today has been a lovely gift.” Rainbow crossed her hooves as she leaned back in place with a smirk as she retorted to that statement.

“Yeah well that's too bad, we got you something anyways.” Rainbow leaned back in her seat while Applejack snorted at the words. The orange mare was about to comment when Twilight waved to her with a smile, causing the farmer to freeze in place.

“Applejack has already helped and given part of her gift in this instance; she helped to find this amazing restaurant and suggested going to a play before hoof.” Most of those sitting at the table turned to focus on the now blushing farm mare who rubbed at her head in bashfulness.

“Sucks, it ain't nothin'...”

“Darling, you mustn't say that! They are lovely ideas, and I appreciate it very much. How did you learn of this simply fabulous new location?”

“Yeah AJ, how did you know of this place? I would have thought it's too frou-frou for you; I didn't know you liked plays!” The cyan pegasus stuck her tongue out at the earth pony only to get an annoyed frown in return.

“Ah knew 'bout this place because Barnyard Bargains went and got a contract with 'em to help supply the freshest foodstuff they can, an' they came to OUR farm tah buy OUR apples! An' who says Ah can't like ah little play now an' then?” Rarity frowned at the sudden shiftiness of the orange mare as Rainbow continued to rag on her about such refine tastes.

“Ha! I bet you'll be dressing up in all sorts of frilly little things that nopony can ever breath in let alone wear.”

“Now listen here Rainbow!” Applejack started to stand as she set her hooves on the table, determined to make the other stop bothering her but couldn't prevent the brash mare's next sentence.

“Why are you so into all this high-class snobbish stuff anyways? I thought you were a 'normal' pony like yours truly.” As Rainbow held a hoof to her chest, she peered at the orange farmer across the table, wondering where all this sudden interest and knowledge came from; a fact that Rarity had also wondered about but didn't say previously due to its tactless nature.

While Dash was soon being chastised by Fluttershy on her left, Applejack was facing similar scrutiny from the pale-gray unicorn on her right.

“Rainbow Dash that wasn't very nice-”

“Applejack, dear, you don't have to worry too much about it-”

“Hey! I'm only asking what we're all thinking!”

“Ah ain't worried 'bout nothin'...”

“I just want to know what brought this sudden knowledge and desire to do frou-frou prissy stuff.”

“... Applejack, darling...”

“Rainbow, she may not want to say-”

“Ain't nothin' wrong!” This last sentence was firmly and almost loudly stated, drawing silence from the others just in time for the waiter to come with the rounds of drinks and appetizers.

Silence reigned for the duration of the start of their meal before Twilight tried to edge it back into the safer waters. They were able to keep the conversation going without too much stress or tension, though Rarity always kept an single eye on the farmer who decided to return to being silent for the rest of the meal.

The chef specialized in making even the most plain dishes into masterpieces; often showing that even the most simple dish could be delicious. The group of friends actually had the chance to meet the chef himself since he liked to get out of the kitchen and meet the customers. When the unicorn cook found that it was Rarity's birthday, he insisted that he make a cake for them to enjoy; much to the delight of the group though they tried to offer payment that was stoutly declined since it was for a birthday.

“It iz a pleazure madam, to zerve a guezt a cake to 'elp celebrate the day of their birth.” The daisy-bush unicorn gave Rarity a soft peck on her hoof as he bowed, drawing the ire of both Spike and Applejack while Rarity tittered at the attention.

“Why, thank you kind sir...” As blue eyes turned back to the table at large, it was to the fashionista's incomprehension that two gazes suddenly found themselves locked onto the table before them.

The awkward moment didn't last long as Pinkie was quickly almost too excited for the cake that was presented to them, helping to divvy out the two layer marble cake with triple chocolate icing. Once only crumbs were left, the group of friends found themselves almost too stuffed to move, making the next course of action all too clear. Within moments they had paid for their meal and were soon back on the train for home.

The ride wasn't all that awkward as the topic had returned back to the play they had seen earlier in the day, with Rainbow and Pinkie being the loudest members to discuss it. When they got home a few hours later, Rarity was about to head home when Pinkie hopped in front of her, blocking the way with a single hoof.

“Where are you going party gal?! This party isn't over till the cake is eaten!” Rarity raised a single brow at this and was soon wrapped up in a pink hoof that pulled her along to her parents' home.

“But darling, we already had cake.” Pinkie paused in her actions while the others chuckled at the retort, not having expected to actually have cake at such a higher class restaurant.

“Well, yeah, but we still have another cake with actual candles on it and everything that has to be eaten! So it's still the same thing.” With a decisive nod, the party pony lead the way once more while the gray-white mare grew more and more apprehensive with every step of the way about what was going to happen, trying to get out of what was coming if only in feeble manner.

“Pinkie dear, we're not by chance... Going to my parents' home?”


“But, this late, surely a party as big as you are planning would be too much for the neighborhood...?”

“Nope nope nope! This will be perfectly fine and dandy!” The others giggled at Pinkie's enthusiasm, not attempting to help the unicorn escape the hyper mare's grasp.

“Darling, couldn't we have the party anywhere else...?”

“Rarity, Rarity, Rarity... This is the absolutely best possible place for gift giving and partying! 'Cause then you get all the presents at once and we get to see it and everything! It's perfect!” Rarity rolled her eyes in amusement with a small smirk, giving in to the soon to be mortifying event about to take place.

As the group entered the building, the light-gray fashionista found her family set up in the center of the living room with large smiles as they waited. Once they had all assembled everyone, even those who came in with the birthday girl, shouted their well wishes to Rarity's bemusement.

“Surprise sugar pie! Knew we'd see you again before the night was done!” Magnum chuckled at the stock still unicorn as all her friends and family pulled out the gifts from behind the couch and other hiding places.

“Here Rarity, you have to open mine first!” Sweetie Belle rushed to her sister's side, carrying the small box on her back. This only start all the other gifts to be brought over until the original party mare put a stop to it with a sharp hoof and shout.

“HOOOLD IT! Cake always comes first! Otherwise the candles would melt! And don't you worry your purple maned head, I just added lots of candles 'cause it looks really pretty!” Rarity stared on in bewilderment at the cake that was overflowing with candles and graciously accepted the excuse of not saying exactly how old she was turning, blowing out the candles in the most lady-like fashion she could.

Each guest came after the large white cake had been distributed and took turns giving the birthday mare their gifts, even as Rarity constantly said how it didn't matter nor was it needed.

“Awww, Sweetums, that's rather sweet of you...” The older sibling lifted up the hoof-made card and corresponding bead necklace, reading the touching note on the inside that wished her a happy birthday and hopefully many more to come.

“I made it in arts and crafts a couple of weeks ago at school! I didn't get a cutie mark for it though...” As Sweetie Belle mournfully glanced at her still blank flank, Rarity gave her a brief hug with a small titter of laughter.

“I'm sure you'll get it someday.” The fashion mare glanced beyond her sister to find her parents waiting next in line, levitating an envelope and a small green jar.

“We got this during our trip to Las Pegasus, it's all the latest for relaxation.” Pearl hoofed over the jar while Magnum gave the envelope as well.

“And we know how much you like that spa, so we went and got you an all expense paid visit for whenever you want.”

“Thank you mother, father. I'm sure I'll make use of these soon.” As the older couple turned away, they found games had been set up while they weren't looking and joined their youngest daughter in a game of snakes and ladders as they awaited for the other gifts to be opened.

Next to step up was the newer couple. Twilight presented a wrapped gift that suspiciously looked like a book. Pinkie, on the other hoof, was holding a box that suspiciously smelled of delicious treats.

"I know how sometimes trends of the past can influence the future, so I thought you would like this reference guide...”

“And I wanted to be sure you'd have enough sugar to read through it and not fall asleep!” Lavender ears tipped back as Twilight started to offer a replacement gift only to be stopped by a hug from Pinkie, who had seen the dejected glance of the unicorn and took rapid action to combat the despair.

“I'm just kidding Twilight! I love it when you read me to sleep!” Rarity shook her head at the display and thanked them all the same. Behind them stood Fluttershy who had to almost push the brash pegasus forward with her as they presented their own gifts.

“I-I got you this set of rare teas... My animal friends found the different leaves and helped to make the gift for you, so it's more of a gift from them and me, if you don't mind that is...”

“Not at all darling! I was running low and this promises to be an interesting experience.” Both mares looked at the cyan pegasus who tried to appear nonchalant as she winged over a pair of tickets.

“I won these by being totally awesome, but I don't do prissy things like 'derbies'; though with how AJ's been acting, she might want to go with you.” Rainbow smirked towards the farmer, confident that this would annoy her further and start the earlier argument up once more. Applejack, however, wasn’t paying attention as she frowned towards the ground, her mind not focused on her surroundings.

Before anyone could call for Applejack's attention, Spike stepped up proudly with a box held out in his claws. With a brief smile at the young dragon, Rarity levitated the box open to pull out a trio of diamonds waiting for her on the inside, one much larger than the two others as they sat on a deep purple cushion.

“I got these especially for you Rarity...” Spike twisted his claws nervously while Rarity cooed at the purity and clarity of them before sitting it aside to give the youth a brief hug.

“Oooh, Spikey-Wikey, thank you! It's lovely dear, I shall make good use of them for one of my own pieces.” The purple drake grinned once more before turning and knocked into the orange mare behind him, something that went almost unnoticed by the light-gray unicorn who had glanced back only in time to see that Applejack was knocked aside slightly and frowned in response to this before stepping up to the birthday mare.

“H-hey there sugarcube; Ah know it ain't much but Ah got ya ah paintin' ya may like. It, it was in our attic an' we weren't gonnah use it, so Ah figured ya might want it...” Rarity opened the brown wrapping to unveil a painting of the town with apple orchard on the left and Everfree Forest on the right, casting it all in a strange and appealing light that drew the eye and make it seem all the more positive. “Ah know ya got all them pictures already, but it was pretty fancy an'...”

“Darling, it's lovely, thank you!” Applejack flushed as she received a hug for her troubles, before coughing lightly and pulling away.

“Glad ya like it, ya let me know if ya need help puttin' it up.” With a pleased flash in blue eyes, Rarity beamed towards the earth pony before dipping her head in acceptance. With a flip of her mane, the alabaster unicorn led them both further inside towards where the large stack of games were placed.

“Of course darling! Come, let us not waste the evening!”

Even though Rarity started to play some of the offered games with Applejack, the gaming partners often changed as one or the other would win. Spike seemed determined to remain near the fashion mare however and tried his hardest to not be the first loser in order to stay by Rarity’s side. Applejack often stayed silent and further away whenever the drake was present; a fact that was not lost to the mare of the day. One that she was resolute in discovering the reason, no matter what kind of measures it took.

As the evening wore on, the youngest of the partiers were the first to fall prey to the land of dreams. It was after Spike had fallen asleep while getting more punch and Sweetie Belle while moving her game piece on the board map before her that the older ponies started to call it a night. As the last of the guests left (namely Twilight, Pinkie and Spike), Rarity placed a delicate hoof onto a strong orange should in attempt to prevent Applejack from leaving as well. As the blonde farmer tilted her head with a questioning gaze, Rarity silently floated some of her gifts into the air surrounded by a sparkly blue hue.

“Could you be a dear and help me carry some of these back to my boutique? It's awful late and one shouldn't walk alone through the dark night, laden with multitudes of gifts to tempt thieves.” Green eyes glanced to the door where the local librarian and her assistant just left from and nodded with a smirk.

“Sure thin' Rarity, Ah'll walk ya home.” The unicorn placed most of the objects onto the strong orange back and held the smaller pieces in her magic before both mares bid the married couple goodnight and exited the two storied home.

As the two mares walked through the quiet town, the prim mare was tempted to break the heavy silence but knew that what she planned to ask wasn’t suitable for anypony on the street to hear, even if it was close to midnight. Applejack, Rarity was distressed to see, focused her trouble gaze on the street as she soldiered onward, never once glancing towards the unicorn at her side as they traveled the lonely pathways.

The sight of the large carousel like dress shop brought different kinds of relief to each of the mares; one was pleased with the chance to quickly discover what was causing the unusual behavior of the generally friendly mare while the other was happy at the chance to finish the errand and return home to plan out the best course of action concerning the small dragon. Applejack was tired of the cold behavior between Spike and herself and felt guilty for having fallen for the same mare as him, and wanted to try and figure out how to fix it all. While Rarity knew nothing of the reason for the silence, she was determined to find the cause and set everything back to normal.

As they entered the light blue dress shop, Rarity used her magic to open the door for them and to shut it after the orange mare had entered, to Applejack's slight discomfort as she was hoping to make a quick getaway.

“Whe-where'd ya want these sugarcube?” The fashionista smiled at the question and waved a hoof towards the back of the lobby as she set the smaller gifts onto a nearby table.

“Right over there would be marvelous darling... Good, now we may get down to business...” The blonde farmer paused as she was straightening, worried about the tone of stubbornness that sounded from behind her.

“Wha-what do ya mean?” The dressmaker marched sternly up to the unsure earth pony with a firm glint in her eyes.

“I mean darling, I may now ask in the privacy of my house what is going on between you and Spikey-Wikey.” Applejack flinched at the term of endearment and glanced to the side.

“Ah'm not sure what ya mean by that...” Rarity stood even closer, unwilling to let the farmer look away and try to lie anymore.

“Applejack, I know you lied during dinner time about your reasons for your recent behavior! And you and Spike have not spoken a word to one another all day! For all I know this silence has been going on since that fight -” as orange ears tipped back in trepidation, the unicorn loudly gasped with a single step back that caused the blonde farmer to flinch as the answer came to the dramatic mare.

“-at Harvest Feast! Darling, say it isn't so?” Rarity paused with a dramatic hoof to her forehead as she stared back with wide, concerned eyes; Applejack sighed in resignation and decided to go with the little half-truths that she was willing to talk about.

“Me an' Spike just don't agree right now...”

“But dear, why ever not? It is not good to fight with friends for almost a month!”

“Ah know, Ah know, but Ah just haven't gotten ah chance tah talk with him about it.” As an orange hoof waved to assure the fashion mare, Rarity frowned suspiciously as she posed her next question.

“What are you two fighting about again?” Blue eyes squinted as Applejack blinked before turning her gaze away once more, her muzzle scrunching up as she debated lying this one time; before the apple farmer could decide one way or another, Rarity decided to lay on the theatrics in an attempt to get the truth; with a huff and the other hoof to her temple, the gray-white mare leaned back as though struck.

“I see! I am not as much a friend as I thought we were!”

“What!? Rarity, that ain't true-”

“I would hope it was not true, but one can only assume such a thing when they are constantly told falsehoods!” Applejack was in shock at the over-dramatization happening before her that she could only stare on in slack-jawed stupor.

“Oh, but it cannot be helped! For Applejack, an untrusting and lying mare, has decided that she need not have such things as friends; fighting and lying to them in order to drive them off!” Being called a liar twice in a row drew an annoyed retort from the farmer, even as she tried to desperately figure out what she should or shouldn't say.

“Ah ain't ah liar an' Ah do like tah have friends! Ah thought we were friends!” Rarity threw the orange mare a disbelieving gaze before switching hooves and leaning to the other side as she continued.

“Alas! If we were friends, you wouldn't lie during dinner about why you have such a sudden interest in fashion and high society!” The light-gray mare leaned forward suddenly with a fiery blaze in her eyes that caused the other mare to take a step back; seeing that Applejack couldn't find anything to say, Rarity felt her heart clench at the sad and dejected form before her and continued with her act in order to get something, anything from the other mare.

“I hadn't realized that our friendship was so fragile, your feelings so weak for what we share that you cannot bring yourself to talk with friends about the problems you face! I suppose that is all we are to you-”

“Ah-Ah was-”

“-is a means to sell apples! A way to get away from the farm only for a moment before returning like the unsociable mare you are! Heartlessly doing as you please, knowing that our so called bonds of friendship are actually nothing to you!”

“Ah was tryin' tah impress ya!”

“But I suppose you thought that we wouldn't notice or care if you truly felt this way! Well, you are wrong! On ALL accounts! None of us, myself included, would want to see you face problems on your own and I am sure that no matter what the reason is, Spike holds no real anger towards you; he's such a sweet little thing, he wouldn't harm a fly even!” Rarity had taken to pacing with extreme amounts of hoof waving as she ranted; as she prattled on about the young dragon's good points Applejack felt like perhaps she had indeed lost to him in terms of who the unicorn cared and thought about more, leading her to try one last thing to get the drama queen's attention.

“Ah really like ya an' Ah don't want tah just be friends!” Unfortunately, this exclamation went unnoticed as Rarity continued to flare about in the center of her store.

“-and he's had to do all the chores about the library, surely it was just from his exhaustion of working most of the day! Surely you would understand doing much the same? Though I suppose we're not good enough friends for you to even consider such a thing! But nooo! Miss Applejack of the high and mighty farmers feels that we aren't good enough to know about her true feelings and reasoning! If that is truly so, you might as well leave now and save us all the heartache of caring for such a heartless mare that was once known as a good friend named Applejack!”

The mare being chastised merely sighed quietly to herself, realizing that her statement went unheeded and that perhaps it would be best if she just left.

(Ah guess, we are too different tah be together... Ah better give up on these here feelings then, save mahself 'heartache'... Don't seem tah be workin' though...) Without a word to the ranting mare, Applejack left the shop, trying to hide the tears that threatened to fall; she wasn't able to stop them completely as a single tear fell as she rushed to the door and exited just as rapidly, the sound of the slamming door drawing Rarity's attention as she looked about herself.

“Applejack? Darling...? Did she just leave without so much as a goodbye?! How rude...!”

(...Well, perhaps I did go a bit far; as if we would ever consider her a heartless mare or not a very dear friend... I better make sure that this is all cleared up soon, I wouldn't want to lose her as a friend...) As the unicorn stood in the center of her front lobby, trying to quell the pain she felt at the prospect of losing such a dependable pony as a friend, Rarity suddenly felt the need to draw and levitated her sketch book over. As large amounts of flowing lines appeared, the fashion designer suddenly grew excited as more ideas appeared to her, escaping from the pencil in her grip readily.

“Yes, with a little flow there, a train there, light touches of swirls over here....! This, this shall revolutionize the very nature of a spring line! Ooh, this is wonderful...! All because of... The relaxation I did over the past few days? Yes, that must be it!” With a return to the sudden fever of creativity, Rarity didn't seem to notice how each of her new lines had some blonde, orange or green reminiscent of a certain mare in them, nor how it truly seemed to shout spring with the abstract designs of trees and apple blooms hidden away in each dress.

Author's Note:

It seems that Simple Life chapters take more time than any of the others, often being the cause of the slower updates... Weird.

If you notice anything odd, please let me know; it started to get late when I went back over this after my editors/proofreaders where done with it. I'd like to thank both Gwg and Bronco for their help, having two editors should help my writing get better and more interesting for you readers

I'm a little tired right now, so I can't think of what I want to say, so I'll just tack it on later when I'm awake. Night and hope you like the chapter! Gotta love those oblivious ponies!