• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 4,745 Views, 120 Comments

A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

  • ...

Chapter 25 - To the Start of Something New

July 2nd, 1005 A.D.

The Apple Family was gathered in the farmhouse, drinking freshing apple juice. The eldest farm pony was the one hoofing out the drinks, checking on each of her grandchildren as she did so. She stopped when she reached the middle child whose brow was still damp with sweat.

“Wha’ in th’ hay? Ain’t nothin’ too tirin’ to be workin’ on, especially fer the summer time!” Granny Smith squinted to the orange mare with suspicion. “What in tarnation are ya doin’ ya silly filly?”

Applejack rolled her eyes as she sipped her juice. “Granny, Ah’m just doin’ the next couple of days’ work so y’all don’t need me while Ah’m out with Rarity... Unless ya need me for somethin’.” She added at the end with a concerned glint in her eyes.

The pastel green mare leaned back with a hoof on her chin. “Hmmm… Two months already? When ya gonna pop the question?” She teased.

Big Mac chuckled quietly at the flabbergasted expression his sister wore. He stayed silent as he drank his own beverage. He froze when sharp piercing orange eyes turned his way.

“An’ don’t think Ah ain’t noticin’ ya bein’ more than willin’ tah talk with that fancy teacher of little Bloom.” The grandma smirked at the stallion’s embarrassment.

An orange hoof stomped lightly as the blonde threw her head back with a groan. “Granny, please- don’t.” She shook her head, ears flat. “An’ yes, it’s our two month anniversary. Last month we went for a real fancy restaurant and went to a fun little sports store.” Applajack rubbed the back of her head bashfully. “Ah wanted to set up somethin’ private for the evenin’. An’ need the afternoon off to set it up.”

Granny Smith scuffed her granddaughter’s mane with a large smile. “Yes, Ah know. But y’all are moving on with yer lives, an’ Ah’m jus’ playin’ with ya while Ah can.”

“Wha-?! Granny! Yer always gonna be in our lives.” Applejack insisted while the large red earth pony frowned heavily.

“Yer both sweeties. Ah ain’t plannin’ on leavin’ ya just yet. Though yer gonna need more room if yer gonna be makin’ large families.”

The two grandchildren groaned together as the oldest mare laughed to herself as she trotted back to the kitchen. The stallion, his cheeks stained darker red, nudged his sister with a peek. He stared at the younger pony, speaking with minute facial changes and through his eyes. The blonde sighed and pushed her brother’s shoulder playfully.

“Don’t ya worry none. Ah’m sure one of us would always be around to take care of Granny.” The orange mare smiled softly at the her brother’s relief at the assurances.

Soon, the duo went back to work for the day. The mare continued planning as she worked. Starting with a special letter to make sure her marefriend wouldn’t plan or do anything for the time she wanted to use for the evening. Their work, always much lighter in the summer months, was finished quickly. Applejack didn’t waste any time getting back to her bedroom and writing her letter.

Alright, gotta make it vague but understandable… “Dear Rarity, Ah would appreciate if you made sure the evenin’ of the fifth was free from five until nine. There would be no need for wearing many layers or weather gear. Yours forever, Applejack”... Yeah, that should work. Fancy an’ right to the point. The farm mare folded up the note and prepared it to be mailed. Since she still had work to do before the day of, it would have to be sent through the postal system.

Setting it aside, Applejack began to finish writing her list of needed supplies. She barely noticed when Apple Bloom came home late that evening or when Big Mac stuck his head in to check on her. It was only the family traditional phrase for supper that roused her from the preparations.

Ah know yer gonna love it Rares… Real sincere touch to it. She grinned confidently as she left the paper on her drawer top, heading down for a meal with the rest of her family. Ah hope ya do at least…

The local tailor woke up the next morning with a light yawn. While it had been several days since she and her paramour had spent more than a brief ten minutes together, she held high hopes for the fifth of the month. She didn’t wait much longer and set about her usual morning routine. Eat a nice breakfast, sigh while staring to the west and the orchard fields lying there, drink two cups of tea (one cup of coffee if it’s going to be a busy day) and head outside to gather the morning paper and any mail that had arrived early.

As she levitated the paper products back inside, she noticed one that was sent from the farm her thoughts had previously wandered to that morning. Eyes lighting up, she set the cup of hot liquid down along with the paper so she could focus on the letter. Knowing that Applejack didn’t care about delicately opening her postage, Rarity ripped the top of the envelope off in one swift spell.

Her sights scanned the short letter rapidly as her heart rate picked up. She bit her lip, eyes floating towards the ceiling, while her mind supplied multitudes of potential situations that would take place. Oooh, I knew she would do this when I said she could plan the next anniversary! Sure, maybe my attempt was more of an average anniversary, a nice date at a local restaurant and a store she actually enjoyed, but I knew she wouldn’t want things to go too far. The unicorn began to pace, happy smirk in place while her gaze gleamed like stars. But she knows all the best ways to show her adoration of me! And I can merely bring forth ‘average’ ideas! A pony supposedly the ‘most knowledgeable’ of the two of us about dating, and I can’t seem to find the perfect way to show my-my love for her in return…

The fashion designer froze as the last few words rang in her mind. With her left hoof paused mid step, her tail swept side to side quickly as heat flushed her cheeks. That’s-that’s it! That’s how I can show her how much she means to me… Yes. This is what I must do! Firm in her resolution, she stomped her hoof down, stance solid for several sections before flying into motion once more. “I simply must be ready to show her how much I care!”

The unicorn raced to her work calender, making adjustments to have as little things to do before the allotted time. With a maniacal gleam to her eyes, she slammed down the little booklet and levitated over unfinished dresses.

“Time to get serious!”

Rarity demonstrated her multitasking skills by submitting a request for an appointment at the spa for the day of while completing the current orders. Her workload had been heavy since the garden party in Canterlot. Requests were pouring in. She had only just caught up with most of it, already having expected something to happen for their second month anniversary. But realizing that she wanted to add the extra mile, hopefully adding another layer to their relationship, the unicorn wanted to be ready.

I must be ready!

The day was slightly overcast, helping to cool the summer temperature. Since the earth mare worked solely outside, she didn’t notice the extra warmth, her core already churning with tension and heat. Her mane was freshly combed and draped over her left shoulder, free from it’s band and half-covering the large basket on her back. It was bigger than usual as it had to hold extra supplies instead of just enough for a picnic.

Applejack bit her lip as she came closer to the boutique. She scanned the outside for any movement, and tiphoofed over to the wall by the door hinges. Carefully, she set her supplies down, making sure it didn’t make any sound to alert her presence yet. Then she went back to the front of the door and took a calming breath.

“Here goes…” The blonde readjusted her hat anxiously. Reaching out, she knocked, quieter than normal. Soon, every sense of worry was replaced with wonder as she took in the beauty who opened the door.

Rarity leaned against the purple frame, one hoof on the now open door. Her mane had only one curl that hung down the right side of her face. The strands were bright from a fresh wash along with her coat which seemed more pristine than ever. Her eyelashes were more natural though the dark blue eyeliner highlighted the sapphire orbs. She stared back smokily, blinking slowly, as she smiled.

“Hello darlin’. What good timing.” Rarity’s grin widened as she noticed the reception to her spa appointment. “What will we be doing this evening?”

Applejack cleared her throat with a half-laugh. She reached behind the door, not showing the container, and pulled out a long bandana. She offered it to the mare in the doorway. “Well, Ah was hopin’ to keep it a surprise. If ya’d put this on, Ah’ll set it all up.”

A single brow raised at the strip of cloth. “If you insist my dear. Would you care to do the honors?” The pale-gray mare taunted. Her smirk grew more confident when she saw the deeper blush on her marefriend.

“A-Alright… H-hold still.” Moving steadily, the apple farmer stepped forward with the bandana in one hoof. She leaned back to balance on her hind hooves, freeing the others to cover the blue orbs. She allowed her hooves to linger along the sides of the gray muzzle, taking care not to accidently hurt the unicorn.

Pulling back, Applejack noticed that the tailor still wore her proud grin. The farmer couldn’t help but kiss the smirk. The touch sent a pleased shiver along the other mare. The blonde felt her mouth dry up, causing another light cough.

“A-alright, well, let me take ya inside and sit-sit ya on the couch. Then Ah’ll… Ah’ll get that surprise ready for ya.”

Rarity allowed herself to be guided back through the room to her fainting couch. Without the use of her sights, every touch and sound was heightened, causing more tremors to cross her barrel at the feeling of strong hooves on her side. Left in place, she felt the slight breeze created by her love walking around. Aside from tiny chinks and the smooth sound of cloth moving, the room was silent. Light-gray ears strained to hear anything in the rooms but couldn’t identify what was happening.

When she felt a large mass of warmth in front of her, the fashionista felt her heart race though she tried not show outward signs. “D-Darlin’...?” There wasn’t any verbal response. Instead, she felt two hooves adjust her face to point where her mind’s inner map said the kitchen was. Her back stiffened when she felt a muzzle reach through her mane to pull off the blindfold.

Blinking at the sudden light, it took a moment for the unicorn’s eyes to adjust to see what had been set up. The orange hooves shifted to rest against the slimmer shoulders and the freckled muzzle inched into view, hovering next to the tense gray ear.

“What… What do ya think?”

The kitchen had been transformed for the evening. The table had been moved from sitting against the wall to be in the center, covered by a silken purple table cloth that reached all the way to the ground. The two chairs had cushions on them with tassels that drooped artistically down. In the center of the table was a single candle that was burning brightly. The tableware were the higher quality pieces, along with tall thin glasses sitting near the plates. Along the counters were more candles in various sized holders and rates of being melted. Situated between some of the candles were covered dishes that steamed their glass tops. Resting in a bucket full of ice was a bottle of apple cider, waiting to be opened for the evening. In the far corner was the unicorn’s record player, set up with music already, waiting to be started.

The sight took away the light-gray mare’s breath. “It’s… beautiful.” Rarity turned in place on the couch, swiftly showing her gratitude with a passionate kiss.

“Glad ya like it. Even if you haven’t tasted it yet.” Applejack teased. She went to the music player and started a soft tune by the artist ‘Trot Legend’. Done with that task, she went back and offered a hoof to her mare, walking her to her seat. Once the unicorn was in place, she sat across the way, going for the cider and pouring each of them a glass. Carefully, she raised hers with a shy smile. “To us. Findin’ a place in between bein’ a country mare and a city mare to be together.”

“To us…!” The fashion pony echoed just as softly. They took a sip, enjoying the bubbly feeling that came with the fermented drink. “I can tell it’s an older vintage. So you do hold back some of your stock from cider season.” Rarity half-smirked over the rim of her glass, taking another drink.

The blonde scuffed the back of her head while keeping a hold of her own glass. “Well, we use most of our stock for cider season, but there’s still apples on the trees after an’ we’ve got lots more to make. Easier to pick ‘em without rushin’ and set aside smaller bottles of the stuff.”

“Well, it was certainly done well. A fine vintage.” The unicorn glanced to the plates on the side from the corner of her eye. “And what shall we be dining on today?”

“Only the best for my marefriend.” Applejack made a move to stand up but was waved back into place by the fashion designer.

“Allow me. Merely direct my magic to the right… spot.” Rarity set her elbow on the table and rested her head on her fetlock, staring deeply into emerald orbs that widened at the tone she used.

“Uh, sure… That big red pot with the ladle stickin’ out of it.” An orange hoof pointed to the required object while the mare herself never broke eye contact, compelled to remain in place and uncertain what would happen should she look away.

The fashionista merely smiled silently, using her mind’s eye and magic to gather the food they needed. Without looking at the soup placed into her bowl, the unicorn allowed her smile to grow sultry as she delicately tasted the broth. “Wonderful.” Practically whispering the word, she continued to look into the shy depths of the orbs across the table, noting each bubble of emotion and thought that appeared there.

“G-good.” Applejack tried to wet her sandpaper mouth and opted to take a bite of the stew herself. Feeling a hoof lightly skim over her back left leg caused her to jump in place, spilling most of the spoonful back into her bowl. “Uuuh, so how was work?!”

“Hmm…?” The unicorn slowly drew out of her love haze to focus on the new topic.

“Yer work. Since that garden party. Ah know ya had all them orders, did they go ok?” The earth pony shivered as the other’s hoof traveled up her leg before going back to it’s own side.

“Yes indeed. I have just managed to finish the last of the ‘new’ batch this morning and shipped them out to their new owners.” Rarity swirled her drink, pleased with the results of her actions. “Though none could look as spectacular as you, with or without dresses…”

The farmer blushed, eyes finally turning away from the burning care in bright sapphires. “Gosh Rare, what’s… what’s gotten into ya today? Ah know it ain’t the greatest, and we didn’t go out like for our last anniversary, but ya seem, uh…” Applejack hunched over, her ears burning. “... Seem frisky…”

“Frisky darlin’? Whatever do you mean?” Rarity leaned forward, still holding her head up with a single hoof. “I’m merely trying showing my appreciation as the previous anniversary didn’t show nearly as much thought and care as you put into this one. Perhaps I’m trying to show how much I do indeed care.”

“Shucks, ya don’t have to do that. Ah know ya care. Just like ya know Ah care about you.”

“Awwww, that’s so sweet!” The tailor cooed as she stretched closer to the orange muzzle which closed the distance. They nose nuzzled for a moment, eyes closed in satisfaction of the touch and emotion behind it.

“RARITY! ARE YOU HERE?! Can we borrow some fabric?!” A high pitched voice trailed off as it came closer.

The two older mares glanced to the back doorway, where they found a much younger unicorn standing confused. Sweetie Belle’s mouth was wide open in shock while she stared at the others on their date.

“Wh-wha-wha-what’s going on!? Were you guys kissing?!” Sweetie Belle leaned back, bewildered. Her mouth open and shut soundlessly as her brows furrowed.

“Sweetie Belle! I can explain-!” Rarity half-stood up from her seat, gaze frantic.

Applejack jerked back confused. She watched silently, a bad feeling growing in her stomach.

“Why didn’t you tell me?! Do mom and dad know!?” The young filly shrunk back as her mind whirled. “I thought you liked stallions only…”

The older of the two siblings trotted closer, magically sealing the door behind the retreating unicorn, and keeping an even voice. “Sweetie… Let’s talk about this, ok? I can explain what’s going on.”

“Rarity… Do ya want me to go?” Applejack’s face was a careful neutral as she too stood up from the table.

The fashionista glanced over at the blasé tone. Noticing how her marefriend appeared, she winced. She took a breath and exhaled it in one short go. “No. Please stay, so you too know what is going on. I did not intend to hide anything from anyone.” As she stated this, she looked firmly between the other ponies, conveying her sincerity.

“When I first told mother and father about how I was dating Applejack, they did not seem to mind at all.” Rarity hunched down to be on equal eye level with her sister. “And when we went to visit them, officially as a couple, they had said you were with the Crusaders. It was the next day that I received a letter from them, requesting that I do not say anything to you about how I am dating a mare, because they were afraid you weren’t ready to know about it.”

Both Applejack and Sweetie Belle wore shocked and offended expressions. They both opened their mouths, about to refute the statement, when they saw the firm glint in the older unicorn’s eyes.

“Yes, I know. It is not right to hide such information from my sister, and it is not right to try and keep you in the dark.” The first section of the sentence was directed to the farmer while the second half was said to the young filly. “But our parents also have a say in how they want to raise you, I couldn’t just argue against them. That and since I haven’t seen them since that letter, I could not present a counter argument.”

Sweetie Belle sunk down on the ground, heavy frown in place as her eyes unfocused. Applejack took the moment to stand next to her paramour and placed a hoof on the gray shoulder. Taking strength from the touch, the tailor inhaled carefully.

“BUT! Since you have found out, it is not any of our ‘faults’ and you want to know more.” Rarity shared a conspiratorial grin with her sister who began to perk up. “Yes, I am dating Applejack. Yes, I am dating a mare. To me, it is perfectly fine to date whomever or whatever you wish to. Some ponies may not think the same way.” She reached out, hooking her right hoof on the left one of her marefriend standing next to her. “And I will be more than happy to support you with whomever you find love. The sooner you know about this sort of thing, the more prepared you will be for when the time comes for your own love to enter your life… Do… Do you have any questions?”

The older mares watched the younger as she contemplated. Eventually, after what felt like eternity, the filly shook her head shyly. “N-no… I-I guess not. But if I do…?”

“Then you can come to either of us without fear.” Rarity beamed before checking on the blonde with caution.

“Of course ya can! Ah’d be more than happy to help ya. Even if Ah wasn’t datin’ this fuss-pot.”

The drama queen gasped theatrically. “Honestly! I can’t believe you would say such a thing on our anniversary! How could you!” She leaned back, hoof to her forehead, as she proclaimed her woes.

The others laughed at the act. Applejack reached out, holding up the unicorn and pulling her closer. “Heh heh, whatever can Ah do to make it up to ya my dear….?”

Sweetie Belle blushed at the warm atmosphere the two created even as she giggled at their actions. “I… I didn’t know it was your anniversary… Is it your first one or…?”

Rarity managed to turn slightly to face her sister instead of staring adoringly to the earth pony holding her up. “It is our second. We were having a more private affair instead of going out this particular time.”

“Eeeyup.” Applejack smiled warmly to the filly, though her hooves never slackened their hold on the trim mare.

“O-oh… I’ll uh, just go ahead and leave you guys then… Sorry for bugging you…” The smaller unicorn scuffed the ground with a tiny grin. She slowly backed up to the door.

“It’s fine Sweetie. At least this way you know what is going on and that we’ll always be here for you, should you need it.” Rarity smiled adoringly to her sister, releasing the magic that kept the door shut. She was about to turn that loving gaze to her marefriend when a knock on the door distracted all of them.

Being closest to the door, Sweetie Belle opened it slightly, keeping most of the sight of the two mares hidden, just in case. Standing on the other side was Scootaloo, appearing very distracted.

“Sco-Scootaloo…!? What’s-What’s up?” The young unicorn barely held back a blush as she questioned her fellow Crusader.

“Well, I’m about to go for more flight training.” Scootaloo didn’t notice the way the door was mostly shut and focused on the other filly. “And I was wondering if you still wanted to come and watch…”

“SURE! Uh- I mean, yes, of course.” Sweetie Belle nodded rapidly. Her ears tipped back to the silent couple behind her as she walked out of the doorway. “Bye Rarity, bye Applejack.”

As the girl shut the door after her, the two remaining mares could barely make out how the pegasus asked why the orange mare was over at the boutique. The door shutting prevented them from hearing any response however. Not that they minded.

“Warms my heart right up, hearin’ ya explain things to yer sister that way…” Applejack inched closer to the mare in her hooves, smirking when it finally caused the tailor to blush.

“Well, it was the truth. And I have nothing to be ashamed about.” The pale-gray mare reached up and brushed aside some of the free flowing golden locks. She rested her hoof against the freckled cheek. “Besides, I plan to show you with both words and actions just how much you mean to me. To make up for my rather stale and pre-conceived ideas of the ‘proper dates’.” She inched closer, voice dipping lower as their muzzles almost touched. “I shall instead follow my heart’s desires and let things go as they will…”

Before the earth pony could think of a response, they were kissing passionately. The touch, filled with love and care, caused both of their centers to boil over and spill out through their embrace. Rarity’s hooves hooked around the strong orange neck as she allowed her weight to pull them towards the ground.

Except that the farm mare’s strength showed no sign of letting her fall to the ground. Instead, Applejack merely squashed their bodies closer together, hunching closer to the ground as she lost more of her senses to the heated kiss they shared. Her eyes shot open when she felt the other’s tongue press lightly against her lips. Carefully, uncertain with the move, the earth mare opened up her mouth, allowing passage. The sensation was extremely foreign but delightful nonetheless.

It sent both mares into a realm of bliss they hadn’t expected that evening. The touch, and returning favor of exploration, caused the previously unshakable limbs to tremble weakly. Drawn by the motion and desire to feel the muscles there, the gray forehooves ghosted down to feel the orange flanks once more. Pools of heat was created just below their navels.

The heat in her loins and skimming caresses on her upper hind legs caused the apple seller to collapse to the ground. They weren’t too high into the air by that point, though the impact made both release the kiss for shocked intakes of air. Applejack shook her head, releasing the other and backing away as her whole body felt like it was on fire. Muscles twitching, aching for more of the heavenly touch, she bit her lip and broke contact with the light-gray hooves that had been holding her flanks.

“N-no, this ain’t right. We-we shouldn’t be-” The blonde tried to speak even as her muzzle tingled from the deep kisses they had been doing.

Rarity sighed with a tiny smile. Moving her limbs away from where they had been more than happy to rest, she reached up and brushed away some of the tears that started to build under emerald orbs. “Darlin’, I didn’t mean to upset you. If you do not feel ready or that we shouldn’t be doing this just yet, that is fine.” Her smile drooped to one of sadness. “I had only wanted to show you how much I truly loved you in a very special way.”

The earth pony’s eyes opened once more as she grabbed a hold of the hoof on her cheek. “Rarity, Ah do love you. An’-and Ah’m really glad ya wanted to-... to ‘show’ me, but this… Ah dunno about this… Sorry Rares…”

“That’s perfectly fine darlin’... It’s fine.” Rarity began to stand up once more, though she kept the contact between them. “I’ll always be here for you, whether we take the next step or not.”

“Thanks Rarity…” Applejack murmured lovingly. Ashamed to look her marefriend in the eye and potentially see the desire or dejection there, she looked to the table and found their food still where they had left it. She winced as she offered a hoof to the other, helping the unicorn to her seat. “Sorry Rares, seems like the food got cold…”

“Don’t worry about it darlin’. A simple re-heating spell shall set things right.” The pale-gray mare quickly lit up her horn, aiming towards the food on the counter and table in front of them. Once that was taken care of, she gently held onto an orange hoof that trembled slightly. “Applejack, it’s fine. I promise. I will not force you to do anything you do not want to, I will merely ask that you think about if we can or ever will take that next step. When you are ready to.”

“Thanks…” The orange pony shyly smiled as she took her own seat. The music, still continuing in the background, was almost enough to cover the unicorn’s muttered words.

“... Unless you feel once more that it is ‘going too fast’, then I may take drastic measures…”

“What was that?!” Applejack jerked back in her seat, staring wide eyed at her marefriend.

Rarity leaned back as well, playful smirk on her muzzle. “Whaaaat? A mare has needs. And I’m very sure you would satisfy all those and more…” She flirted heavily, resting her head on her fetlock once more.

The farmer threw back her head with a groan and burning visage. “Raaariiiity!”

“Whaaat…? It’s a compliment!” The fashion designer stuck her tongue out briefly before turning back to her meal. “And I’m sure you felt it too.”

“Ah-well-maybe, Ah mean- look, it don’t matter! Just two months ain’t long enough!” The apple seller crossed her hooves, though the action wasn’t out of annoyance.

“You old fashioned farmers!” Rarity clicked her tongue before going still. “Though Granny Smith seemed to be under the impression that the members of your family moved rather quickly.”

This statement sent another groan to come from the farm mare. The fashionista laughed at the reaction, keeping a firm hold of the orange hoof that wanted to go and hide the fire red muzzle.

“I’m merely teasing you darlin’. Perhaps if you took it a step at a time, you will feel better about things.” The unicorn suggested as she took another bite of the soup.

Applejack merely grumbled as she tried to settle down. Mid-chew, a plot for revenge popped into mind. She stood up as naturally as she could and went for the pie she had brought. Carrying it carefully, she stopped by the unicorn’s shoulder, presenting it.

“This here is our famous apple pie, as ya rightly know by now. Freshly made from some of our early bloomers.” There was a twinkle of amusement in deep green eyes. “Wanna sniff?”

Rarity raised a brow at the wording and spoke slowly. “Sure-?” Before she finished, the pastry was shoved completely on her face, the gooey center sticking to her fur. She stared at the mare who now rolled onto her back in laughter. Picking up a chunk with her magic, the unicorn returned fire.

The food fight lasted for several more minutes. Once finished, they took turns to wash the mess off, though another offer for Applejack to join Rarity was turned down firmly. For the rest of their evening, the duo cuddled on the couch, enjoying the contact that stayed in a ‘safe’ zone. When midnight approached, the sleepy apple farmer roused just enough to try and leave.

“Whyyyyyyyyy must you leeeaaave….?” Rarity wiggled in place, hooves outstretched to the mare who was stepping away.

“Eeenope… Ain’t staying the night Rarity. Cuddlin’ a little is fine, but we’re in town and Ah’ve got to work in the mornin’. Just like you.” Applejack stepped closer only to give a warm peck to the pale-gray forehead. She wasn’t able to escape the hooves fast enough however, and was pulled into a much stronger embrace as Rarity began the goodbye kiss.

“Fine. But know that one day, you will think back to this and feel amazed you didn’t stay over sooner!” The fashion designer teasingly threatened after releasing her love.

The other mare rolled her eyes just as playfully. “Suuuure. Whatever ya say love. Ah hope ya had a nice night, Ah’ll see ya tomorrow.”

“I most certainly did. And you can be assured you will see me.” Rarity poked her special somepony’s nose as she got up from the couch. She led the exiting mare to the front door and waved farewell, watching until the last swish of blonde was out of sight.

And someday… you will be mine, apple of my eye…

Author's Note:

Thanks to Gwg and Shutup868 to review and edit the story and this chapter in particular.

And with this, A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life is finished. Realizing it would really be unfair to the readers to keep going for several more years. It would also be very tough on me to keep going constantly without a break to finish the whole plan. But if you'd like to learn more about this, please check that blog.

Want to know what happens in the far future for this couple? Set 14 years from roughly this point, we get to see the family they've made in 'A Winter's Day'.

Comments ( 13 )

7857225 Yeah. I hadn't thought about the time frame much until you and a few others pointed it out. Then I realized it would really be hard to finish this before the passion disappeared (either from the fandom or from me). Glad it's a good finish though. Especially as I had a different kind of ending in mind but this works just as well. But hey, at least I brought forth a nice Rarijack story for the world to enjoy. :pinkiehappy:

I know you wrote this forever ago, but this was AMAZING TO READ! I spent nearly a complete 24 hour period reading it. No sleep at all. <3

It was so finely woven in with the events of the show itself that you've practically made this "canon" for me...I wish it was soooooo much!
You also did an impressive job with writing AJ, who is my favorite character. :3 I loved how you showed her falling in love and how she thought about Rarity, it was wonderful.

I love love love love love this story!

I do wish you did include the events of "Simple Ways" into this story lol but it's okay, I just hope that you write more Rarijack in the future! :D

*Edit: I did just see that you just finished this story back in January? wow.... :D

And I also did read your sequel to this...I just want so much more lol

8101967 :pinkiehappy: Glad you enjoyed it so much! It was fun to write (when they weren't being oblivious stubborn mares -.-). I prefer to get stories as close to canon as possible unless they are specifically AU. It blends so well and feels more natural (as you've found :raritywink:)

I had hoped to keep writing this to the point where I could make a chapter based around 'Simple Ways' but it was taking too long and wasn't very fair to the readers. It's already pretty long as it is. Though I couldn't help the sequel, I had really wanted to show that sort of future for them and had to do a snapshot sort of thing instead. Hopefully I can get back to this couple eventually. But now I've got a lot to potentially write. :applejackconfused: Meh. Maybe some day in the future. :twilightsmile:

8108903 Lol, thanks! It really is long. :) Glad you want to read it all in one go and super fast. And comment a second time:pinkiehappy:


For some reason I never got notified that you replied to me.... o:

Though I'm curious, are you working on anything new?
Every time I'm on a low I always come back and reread this story.... I may be getting annoying by now, but I love it so much and have high hopes you intend to write more rarijack :3

I don't know about applety's no sleep thing my body and I dont get along enough as is but I read the entire story and I can honestly say I loved it and it was beautiful I was sad to see it end, as for the length and I doubt I'm the only one who'd think this but I wouldn't care how many chapters there were it was to beautiful to end so soon and I honestly can say no matter how many chapters there'd been id have read them to the end so my only hope for this story would be that you'd someday decide to continue this story from this chapter and increase its beauty and as to your thoughts of possibly burning out from working on it to much I doubt any of your readers would complain about you taking a long break to any story you worked on
Loved the story too much not to put in my 2 cents

OK I'm against myself saying this but if I dont it'll eat at me i have 1 single criticism out of all 25 chapters.......... Its Rarity's color and as much as I've watched mlp and eqg like I said it'd eat at me if I didn't say this its white its always white unless she gets dirty then yes it'd be gray but she's very rarely dirty and keeps it white she even goes to that spa just to keep it in pristine condition so it stays white all the time

8613521 I've heard that particular argument before many a time, back when I was first writing this story (thanks for enjoying it so much, btw!). I had made a blog about it a loooooong time ago, but I've found it and will repost it here for ya.


I could also make a comparison to Celestia's coat color, because she is properly 'white furred'. In fact, I think I'll add that on the bottom of the blog too. (have now added it to the blog)

Thanks again for liking and reading my story. Have a nice week.

OK yes I concede the point early on in the series they were lazy and left her as gray -.- but as you did I just checked the series and in season 6 episode 5 gauntlet of fire while being covered partially in mud she is standing close enough to princess celestial to tell they are both white only different shades and yes there are like any other color different shades of white though they are very rarely ever actually used and plz don't actually ask me their names I'd have to look them up and I wouldn't even know where to start its been years since I've actually heard anyone use them

8616855 Sir, while I don't mean to annoy, I will have to argue the point.


This is from Season 6, Episode 22. Rarity's fur is a light gray compared to her hat and to the sailor's blue and white shirt. Now, I know grays and off-whites are hard to tell, especially when there are other colors around. And if there is light shining on them, that changes the color a little, because it either brightens or darkens their colors (that's just what light and darkness does).

But it is NOT a single or random choice thing. This is the color they have for Rarity. The fandom, which goes overboard sometimes in getting information, even has it as such. http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Rarity. In her little bio thing on the right, if you extend the information, it says right by her coat color that it is 'light gray'. So depending on lighting, the contrast of colors around her and the situation, yes, it can appear to be white at times. But it is not.

Raritys color aside you went with Wikipedia really -.- I remind you its made by anyone who wants to put their 2 cents in not necessarily Hasbro itself so most information in Wikipedia isn't completely true second I remind you whether her coat is white or gray both have different shades like any other color in the visible spectrum.

8619928 No good Sir, I didn't go only with the Wikipedia. If you may notice, it is the third time I have shown you actual images from the show, from across the seasons. I've watched the show, and kept noticing coat colors, and kept those in mind while I wrote these stories.

And yes, I know there are spectrums of gray and white, I mentioned them in the last comment I made. I am merely saying that Rarity isn't purely white, so saying she is 'white' is wrong. So since she is not 'white' but a gray off-white, then I use light gray as a describer. Which is the only thing and reason why i was even trying to clear this particular topic.

Thanks for the fic! It was great!

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