• Published 19th Nov 2013
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A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

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Chapter 8 - A 'Proper' Mare

Start of October, 1004 A.D. (After Discord)

(Ah can’t believe how hard it was just tah get some fancy play tickets. This whole thing is gonnah empty out mah rainy day savings by heaps an’ bounds… Ah hope it works and that Rarity sees that Ah could be just as proper as some of them frou-frou nobles…)

These and other somber thoughts occupied the farmer’s mind as she went into town to pick up her sister from school; while the Crusaders were getting better about asking to do things around town, they were still very grounded. To show Rarity how serious she was about the grounding, Applejack had been dropping off and picking up her sister to and from school; meeting the gray-white mare there every time was merely coincidental.

It was a chilly day, with clouds covering most of the sunlight and encouraging the fall chill to grow. The orange mare was so absorbed in her thoughts that it was to her slight surprise to find herself in front of the prim unicorn.

“Hello darling, how is the harvest coming along?” Green eyes focused on the unicorn as Applejack was pulled from her musings at the question.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, we’re doin’ good with harvest; apples’ll be ready for applebuck season by early next week.” Rarity smiled at the good news for her friend while getting a flash of sadness; something that caused her to pause from adding more as she wondered where it came from.

Applejack, on the other hoof, looked to the school house as she tried to gather her courage to ask a favor of the unicorn, only to be cut off from the attempt by the school bell.

At the soft ringing, both mares turned to find their younger sisters rushing towards them with pleading faces, putting them on edge for whatever their newest plan was.

Apple Bloom was the first to step forward, looking to the older farmer with a quiver in her gaze.

“Sis', can we go into town and give Scootaloo all the work she's missed?” Apple Bloom asked as pleadingly as she could while Sweetie Belle added to it.

“She's been home sick and Miss Cheerilee asked us to do it.” Applejack raised a brow at their claims and turned to nod to the gray-white mare next to her; she had put her beliefs and trust on the line before and didn’t want to be burned again by the fillies in the eyes of the fashionista.

“Ah'll follow what Rarity says; yer've lied before an' Ah'm not coverin' for ya this time.” Rarity raised a surprised brow of her own; when it came to their sisters Applejack was usually the one asking her to be lenient.

“Are you sure darling? You have no thoughts about this?” Applejack nodded towards the unicorn in acknowledgment that she did have an idea for their punishment and paused only for a moment before explaining her idea.

“Well Ah'd say that they've learned their lesson; ah month is ah long time. But Ah think that they would need tah ask us tah visit other places and they'd need somepony with 'em at all times, if'in they did go some place.” Rarity lit up at the suggestion and gave the farmer a quick hug which left a blush on her face, something that went unnoticed by the gray-white unicorn.

“Why that sounds like a marvelous idea! And if they do go someplace without supervision, they shall be grounded for a year if it takes that long.” This last part was said with a threatening look to the two fillies who nodded rapidly before taking off in a mad dash towards town to find their friend, not once looking back to their sisters.

The two mares watched amused at the rush while wondering just where Scoot lived; something that hadn’t been addressed when they learned that her parents weren’t among the living anymore. After a moment longer, Rarity turned to the other mare with a smile, a plan for extending her meeting with the farmer firmly in mind.

“Applejack, darling, it would be a waste to merely return home right away; would you care to join me for some afternoon tea?” The farmer brightened at the question and tried to not appear overly eager at a better chance and location to ask one of her own.

“Sure thing sugarcube.” The fashionista beamed at the other mare before leading the way to her shop, torn between a formal or relaxed setting for their tea.

Once they arrived, the unicorn noticed Applejack’s hesitation and decided for the informal setting of the kitchen for their tea; it felt so wrong for the stout-hearted farmer to be nervous that Rarity couldn’t help but want to put her at ease.

“If you would follow me darling, I’ll see about setting out some biscuits while the tea seeps.” Applejack gave the prim mare a bashful grin, trying to make sure she didn’t lose her nerve like she had at the schoolyard.

“Sure thin’... Uh, Ah-Ah wanted tah ask ya somethin’.” While Rarity went to set the table, Applejack stood near the doorway with hat in hoof; hearing the worried tones made the unicorn uneasy though she hid it by finishing the preparations before looking to the earth pony.

“Yes darling, what is it?” The farmer tried to contain her blush at the beauty before her and cleared her throat before trying to get the words out.

“A-Ah was wonderin’ if ya’d want tah go see another play in Canterlot.” Rarity froze in the midst of pouring two cups of tea as she looked at the other mare in surprise who stood stock still, waiting for a response; green eyes widened upon seeing the tea still being poured into cups only to overfill, bringing sudden movement as Applejack rushed over to try and stem the flow.

“Watch out Rare!” The unicorn snapped out of her daze at the lunge towards the teapot and used her magic to put everything down before helping clean up the mess.

“Oh, I am so sorry darling! It was just, uhm, a bit surprising to hear that you want to see another play and so soon… There, I’ll put another pot on…” Once the dirty towels were put away, the unicorn started another batch of tea with the earth pony standing where she had rushed to and cleaned; Applejack flinched at how Rarity thought it was unlikely for the farmer to want to see another play and reassessed the situation.

(Ah guess Rare just sees me as ah borin’ ol’ farmer who wouldn’t be proper like she wants… Ah better show her just how fancy and prim Ah could be with this here outin’.)

“Is it really so surprisin’ that Ah wanted tah, tah go see ah play with somepony who’d enjoy it?” The gray-white unicorn looked at the orange mare with a raised brow, which was soon joined by its brethren at the nervous mare in the center of the room.

“I had merely thought that you did not enjoy the previous play. I would love to go to another with you; what did you have in mind?” Applejack breathed a soft sigh of relief before trying to remember the exact pronunciation of the currently popular play.

“Ah got some tickets tah the play, the miserabables?”

“Gasp! Les miserables? My goodness, however did you get tickets?” The orange mare sighed in relief at the obvious excitement and smiled sheepishly.

“Well, Ah did get some help from Twilight tah get ‘em but Ah heard it’s the latest great play so Ah figured ya’d want to see it.” Rarity hopped in placed excitedly before remembering to be composed once more.

“I’d love to! When is it?” The unicorn set the batch of tea on the table as they settled down to enjoy the afternoon snack.

“Well, it’s three days from now; will ya be free to go?” Applejack watched as Rarity pondered as as she sipped the green herb tea, calculating the time she would need for the next four orders.

“I think I can just make it! What time are we leaving?”

“Ah was thinkin’ about noon tah catch the afternoon show an’ go tah, urhm, dinner afterwards, ifin’ ya wanted to?” The fashion mare frowned at the return of hesitation as well as a more complex plan from the usually simple-loving farmer.

“Oh, I wouldn’t want to impose…” An orange hoof waved reassuringly with a scrunched smile and worried eyes.

“Shoot, ain’t no problem. Ah figured Ah could make it up tah ya after how them nobles were last time an’ all.” Rarity watched curiously at the disturbingly familiar scrunched face before slowly agreeing to the proposed plan.

“I suppose so darling, if you insist…” The rest of the tea time was then rushed through by the orange mare who was trying to fight her embarrassed blush the entire time; she didn’t want the real reason to come out and she had a feeling Rarity suspected that something was going on.

Even though the outing was suggested in a suspicious manner, Rarity could barely contain her excitement for the day; finishing her projects in record time with plenty of time to spare to make herself presentable for such a show as the one they were about to see that day.

At ten minutes before noon, and just as Rarity was about to set out, there came a knock at the door of the Boutique. With a barely disguised groan at the sudden appearance of customers despite the ‘closed’ sign, the gray-white unicorn opened the door with a professional apology on her tongue that died at the sight beyond the purple door.

“I’m so sorry but we are clo-waah ha ha?! Applejack?” The orange mare blushed slightly at the slack-jawed stare of the unicorn as Rarity looked the mare up and down while taking in her appearance; in an attempt at looking the part of a ‘proper mare’, Applejack had braided her mane and tail, as well as cleaning until she was spotless. It was with great pain that she left her hat at home, knowing that it would only reinforce the ‘country-look’ she often sported; something she wanted Rarity to not automatically see when looking at the farmer.

“Do, do I look alright?” Rarity blinked a few times at the higher pitched voice and vastly different accent, wondering if this was indeed the down-to-earth farmer she had been getting to know and care for.

“Applejack, darling, what happened to your hat? Has it become torn? You should have brought it to me, I can fix it in a moment.”

“Oh, ah, no no; I left it at home today. Did ya-you change your mind about today’s outing?” Applejack severely missed her hat, it would have helped to hide the embarrassed blush slowly making it’s way across her muzzle at the close scrutiny from the fashion mare before her.

“No no, I do still wish to go… Are you alright though dear? You seem to be out of sorts.” Rarity stepped out of her shop and locked up before following the orange mare to the train station, looking closely for any signs of the farmer she was normally.

“I’m perfectly fine, Ah-I just wanted to put my best hoof forward for this esteemed performance.” The unicorn raised an almost disbelieving brow that went unnoticed as Applejack looked away.

(I would think to cancel the outing, but I so do want to see Les Miserables… I suppose my best course of action would be to keep a close eye on Applejack to be sure she is ok like she claims.)

“Indeed, and I wish to thank you again for getting the tickets darling, I’m sure they cost quite a sum; could I perhaps offer some bits to offset the financial cost?” The orange mare gave a small start, usually one that would go unnoticed unless a pony was paying close attention, while she furiously looked towards their train before answering lightly.

“Sho-Oh, uh, hem hem, no need for that. I do believe I have it well in hoof.” Despite the attempted lighter tones, Rarity noticed with slight unease the hard lines around Applejack’s mouth and eyes as she responded; the unicorn made a mental note to find out the exact cost and find someway to force the farmer to take some bits in return, unwilling to make the barely afloat family have any trouble due to wasteful spending.

(Going to an expensive play would be a normal thing to do, but not when it might jeopardize your family’s financial situation! Something is definitely going on; something I will get to the bottom of for sure!)

The train ride to the mountain capital was filled with all the ‘proper’ topics; the weather, the health of family and friends and the current trends in the markets. While this was a normal thing for the two mares to talk about, it was a very surreal experience for the prim and proper unicorn to hear her country friend speak with such a refined accent; and while she expected a more indepth explanation or discussion about fruit and crops sales, Rarity was not expecting Applejack to try and understand upcoming fashion trends. She could tell the orange mare tried to understand, but couldn’t help the glazed look in her green eyes as she listened to the fashionista talk about various techniques which was another thing that was added to the growing list of concerns.

After arriving, Applejack made sure to act like a proper gentlecolt to the unicorn; helping her down from the train, holding the doors open and even holding the purse and binoculars the fashionista had brought for the play as Rarity settled into place in the large auditorium. The show had sold out in advance and only with Twilight’s help was Applejack able to get decent seats to watch the much anticipated performance, especially considering how much of a last moment decision it was.

Once the musical started, Rarity didn’t pay as much attention to Applejack or her odd behavior, having been caught up in the performance before her to see the dazed and confused look in the farmer’s eyes.

Applejack could tell right away that this was the kind of thing the gray-white mare enjoyed greatly (gasps and swoons notwithstanding); there was a lot of singing, romance, drama, action and ‘dreamy’ stallions if the swooning of the majority of the mares (‘proper’ swooning mind you) were any testament. It seemed like nopony could make a simple direct decision or action, always self-doubting themselves or fearing judgement. The plot was all over the place and spanning several years in the play, making it that much harder to understand while well over a dozen ‘important’ characters sang their feelings or actions; luckily Applejack had planned for this and had Twilight explain roughly what the show was about (to the lavender unicorn’s great confusion).

By the time the final curtain came down, everypony was giving it a standing ovation, with the orange farmer following along even if she hadn’t been able to understand it all. As they exited the theater, the two friends overheard a couple of nobles nearby who seemed to recognize Applejack from the last play the two had gone to and were making more snide comments.

“Why look! It’s the -rustic- mare and her poor friend who must have spent the majority of the play explaining every single movement to her.” Before Rarity could take a step in the direction of the comment or form a reply, Applejack merely hmphed in disdain with her nose in the air.

“Why I do believe that the message of being unable to escape one’s previous transgressions came across loud and clear as well as the redeeming ability of love and understanding; something, it seems, you lack.” The haughty nobles stood in shock at the reply and accent while Applejack led the similarly surprised unicorn outside before the farmer’s temper truly reared it’s head and spoke back to the snooty nobles.

“Applejack, darling, did you really like the play that much? I was under the impression that such, uhm... ‘wishy-washy’ decisions… annoyed you.” The farmer was about to snort at the assumption before remembering that it wasn’t ‘lady-like’.

“Oh, yes; it was quite… thrilling.” Another scrunched smile and shift of green eyes drew a frown from the unicorn who put a hoof to Applejack’s shoulder to make the mare stop in her quick trot.

“Darling, are you sure everything is fine? You seem very odd and not yourself today.” Rarity watched in concern as the orange mare tried to reassure her with a grin.

“Everything is quite fine, thank you. Let us continue on, I do believe that we have reservations for Les Plus Grands Gourmandises.” While this answer did not appease the fashionista, Applejack continued on rapidly making it so the unicorn focus on catching up instead of pressing the question.

They were quick to arrive to the even more posh restaurant than they had previously gone to (another tip from Twilight and Spike who both knew the area rather well for having been shut-ins, as well as coaching on how to pronounce it’s name). Applejack led the way straight to the maître d’ who looked down his nose at the sight of the earth pony, his entire demeanor practically shouting ‘what are you ruffians doing here?’. The orange mare merely straightened her back and didn’t falter as she looked back.

“Good afternoon, I do believe that there is a reservation for Rarity and Applejack.” The maître d’ gave a small sniff of disbelief before searching the red book before him; with a surprised brow at the validity of the orange farmer’s claim, he waved over a waiter who swiftly made his way to the waiting mares. With a bow, the pale-blue unicorn led the two friends further into the dining area before coming to a stop before a table that was in the somehow even fancier part of the room.

Rarity was in awe at the location and even the pristine table before remembering exactly who was the one that set it all up; with a worried frown, she turned to the orange mare seated across from her.

“Applejack, darling, however were you able to get a table in such a location?” Applejack flicked a single ear back in worry before smiling at the unicorn.

“It was nothing, just a little help from dear Twilight to assist with the waiting list…” The orange mare held the menu up to hide her face from view, something Rarity copied uneasily while the waiter remained nearby for their order.

“Oh, I suppose I shall have a Tisane Vert as well as Le Noyer Cendré Soupe à la Courge à la Pomme.” The waiter nodded before looking to the orange mare who’s eyes shifted confusedly to the fancy words and lettering; finally remembering what Twilight had suggested, Applejack put down her own menu with a pleased smirk.

“I shall be having the Soude de Raisin as well as a Salade de Pommes, thank you.” The stallion nodded briefly before levitating the menus away as he went to fetch the requested drinks, leaving the two mares to stare silently around the room.

Applejack noticed with a happy smirk that nopony else was paying them any mind or concern, aside from a jealous glance at their better location and service. The two friends passed the time with meaningless chit chat, which normally would make Rarity happy except that she knew Applejack did not like the nonsense that usually passed for proper discussion.

The fashionisha was more than happy when their food finally arrived, dictating the need for silence as they ate and removing the chance of the farm mare acting and speaking like an almost entirely different pony.

In the middle of their meal, Rarity decided that this had gone far enough and was about to either pressure the mare before her into explaining what was really going on or demanding they go home and talk about it anyways; before she could make any comment either way, a posh voice that flowed like velvet sounded behind her, bringing forth rage in both mares instead of the usual swooning the owner of the voice expected.

“Why hello there, you seem to be a familiar face; but where was it that we met…? Ah yes, I do believe it was the Grand Galloping Gala..” Both mares at the table stiffened before turning to face the white unicorn with blonde mane and tail as he stood in a regal pose, almost indifferent to the stares around him at his presence there.

“Oh, hello Prince Blueblood; what a surprise to see you here.” Applejack could barely hold onto her ‘proper’ accent as she spoke through clenched teeth, memories surging at the sight of the prissy stallion; while she was still miffed at having her family’s cooking dismissed as ‘common carnival fair’, how the stallion treated Rarity was pushing its way to the forefront of her anger.

The noble glanced over from his inspection of Rarity to frown as a vague memory tried to resurface.

“I’ve had a reservation for months in order to get the best table; something that is practically owed to me. Now all I need is for a special mare to dine with.” This last part was said with a sultry look to the gray-white unicorn who gasped at the implications; something that Blueblood took to be in his favor as he leaned towards Rarity.

“I can show you what a true date is like with an elite.”

“The nerve! I would never consent to being with you again after such poor treatment I received at the Gala!” The other patrons of the restaurant were watching the scene unfold with blatant curiosity; something the three ponies at the center of the confrontation hadn’t noticed.

“I should think that I am more of a date than this mare; I could show you what a true stallion is like.” Blueblood sneered in Applejack’s direction before leaning even further towards Rarity while making his claim of stallionhood.

The farmer rose sharply at these words as anger flashed in her eyes before noticing the other diners who watched closely.

“Ah-I do believe that my companion has declined your offer; we would greatly appreciate it if you were to leave us in peace.” At these words (and the slip up at the start which happened in anger), the Prince frowned as the memory of the Gala returned as he stared at the earth pony. Suddenly he recalled exactly where he had seen her before and took a few steps back in worry and disdain.

“You! You’re that country peasant from the Gala, serving that carnival fair at such a pristine event! How could you afford anything on the menu? How were you even able to get inside?” Applejack’s ears flipped back as she heard the surrounding ponies titter and make snide comments concerning her and Rarity; the unicorn wouldn’t stand for the slander and stood as well in anger.

“That is the most preposterous thing I have ever heard! We have just as much ability and right to be here as anypony! In fact, Applejack has more dignity and proper etiquette even while in the middle of harvest season than you ever will!” At such high praise from the prim and proper mare, Applejack blushed while scratching the back of her head with a hoof; the bashful smile turned into a fierce scowl at the shocked and disgusted look the white stallion gave Rarity.

“More than myself? Then I suppose it is you who are sadly out of place in this refined atmosphere; I wouldn’t be surprised to find you could not get a proper date with a real stallion and had to settle for this country rube.” At the sight of tears in sad blue eyes, all the pretenses and restraint Applejack had snapped like a twig in a tornado; with a fury blazing in green eyes, Applejack swiftly turned on the spot and gave Bluebood a solid buck to the chest with both hind legs.

The entire restaurant fell silent as they watched with bated breath only to hear the angry pants of the farmer as she stood over the fallen and now wheezing stallion; Blueblood held a hoof to his chest as he stared up at the other mare in terror. Rarity watched in awe, frozen in the midst of wiping her tears, at the sight of the earth pony showing just how strong she really was.

“Now you listen here, Rarity is the meanin’ of being ah prim an’ proper mare! Any pony or anyone she so much as even looks at should consider themselves lucky tah be noticed! Yer not worth the spit of a timberwolf! Come on sugarcube; if’in the likes of him are allowed in this here place, then we won’t be comin’ back an’ we’ll be reportin’ the low standards.” An orange hoof grabbed gray-white as Applejack guided Rarity away at a swift pace; something the fashion mare had no qualms against as she smiled through slowly drying tears at the return of the Applejack she knew and cared about.

Within moments, both mares were out the door and through most of the streets after hastily paying for what was consumed. All the stress and frustration bled through each hoof step of the farmer’s as she kept the pace quick so they would leave the city and it’s dreadfully snooty citizens faster; Rarity didn’t mind the rush, still abuzz over the return of ‘normal’ Applejack.

Once in the privacy and confines of the train compartment, the orange mare released the other while dragging a hoof through her braided mane, freeing it from the style and making it a simple ponytail once more. The unicorn could only watch as Applejack stomped her hoof a few times on the ground as she growled and muttered to herself before slamming her face into the seat in front of her a few times; once the earth pony came to a stop with her face still buried inside the seat cushion, Rarity felt it was safe to try and reassure the distressed mare.

Applejack flinched slightly at the feel of a hoof patting her shoulder but relaxed as she realized who it was, bringing the orange farmer back from her self-loathing.

“Sorry, Rare, fer messin’ up today...” Rarity smiled briefly at the nickname before frowning at what the farmer was worried about.

“I don’t understand what you mean darling…” The orange earth pony sighed before standing up to look the unicorn in the eye; the sight of dejected green orbs stole the fashionista’s breath, rendering her unable to move as the farm mare explained.

“Ah, Ah went and bucked up!” Blue eyes widened at the unusual course language while green eyes shifted down in shame at the mistakes and swearing.

“Ah went an’ got intah ah fight with Blueblood and ran before the guards could come and get our statements…” Rarity frowned at what were the only things Applejack was willing to talk about and pulled the other mare up to sit next to her on the opposite cushion than what had been used to smack sense into the earth pony.

“Darling, I am nor will I ever be upset that you kicked at the brutish pathetic excuse for a stallion…. What I am worried about is why you have been acting in such an unusual manner for the entire day before the physical encounter with Blueblood.” The farmer flinched at the straight forward concern and tried in vain to look away; something not allowed as Rarity used a hoof to pull the saddened face back in her direction.

“Please darling, while I am impressed at the accent and attempt at being ‘proper’, I know this is not like the Applejack I was getting to learn about.”

“Ah’m fine, nothing’s different.” Rarity sighed as she finally realized what the face scrunching and shifting eyes meant.

“Darling, you now have the most obvious ‘tell’ in Equestria.” Applejack looked to the unicorn in confusion as the terminology went over her head.


“Everypony can now tell when you are lying and probably when you are bluffing; it seems that there is still a lasting effect from what happened with Discord.” Green eyes shrank to pinpricks at the realization before the farm mare slumped in her seat.

“Alright, so Ah wasn’t exactly tellin’ the truth…” Rarity waited patiently for the reason as she rubbed the tense back, trying to reassure the other that everything was going to be ok.

“Ah-Ah wanted tah show ya Ah can be just as proper as them nobles and hang out with ya more…” The unicorn smiled at the confession and gave the earth pony a brief hug, much to Applejack’s confusion.

“Huh? Why’d ya-?”

“Oh darling, you needn’t change who you are to impress somepony else! Not your entire self, because that is just like lying but to everyone around you as well as to yourself. As for us ‘hanging out’ more, I’d be happy to! But I would rather we do things that we both would enjoy instead of something that causes you great stress; perhaps a trip to the spa?” The farmer rolled her eyes at the return of the desired spa treatment, while she was bursting with happiness that Rarity wanted her to be herself.

“Oh Rarity, heh heh heh… Alright, I guess we could try an’ go visit the spa. But first Ah gottah take care of the upcomin’ harvest; ain’t no point in getting all fancied up and cleaned off only tah get just as dirty the next day.” Rarity put a hoof to her chin in thought before nodding along, displeasure coursing through her at the postponing of more time together.

“I suppose that does make sense… Perhaps we could have another afternoon tea together?” Applejack felt like her cheeks would crack with the smile she wore at the chance to spend more time with the fashionista sooner.

“Ah’d like that; Ah’d like that ah lot.”

Author's Note:

I'll say it right now, I have not watched Les Miserables nor do I really plan to. I went and looked up it's plot to see if it was a movie I'd be interested in watching and at the very confusing plot I gave it up as drama that I wouldn't really like.

Anyways, how was the chapter? Did you like Aj's manehatten accent, because I sure didn't. It made it hard for me to tell who was speaking, her or Rarity :ajsmug: This chapter was hard to write because of how OOC Aj was (which was on purpose, all the much harder), so I hope it came out well.