• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 4,745 Views, 120 Comments

A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

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Chapter 21 - Can't take it anymore!

Last week of April, 1005 A.D. (After Discord)

A soft wind caused the rows of apple trees to shiver and creek. The soothing sound made the orange furred farmer to tip her hat back and take a calming breath. Using the same motion to swipe at her brow, Applejack checked on the trees surrounding her. Every few paces, she scratched at the dirt, sniffing and checking its color.

In the distance, three sets of hooves thumped against the ground. It was a vastly different rhythm than the slow one used by the mare. When the racing steps broke the tranquil peace, Applejack paused, turning her gaze and ears to the sound. She quickly picked up the shouts of her younger sister and friends who were rapidly approaching. The older farmer sighed and raised a hoof to her mouth.

“Over here sis!” In moments, she had three fillies, out of breath, before her. “What’s goin’ on Apple Bloom? Somethin’ the matter?”

The young earth pony raised a hoof, took a large gulp of air and expelled it all in a rush. “SweetieBelleaskedhersisterifshewantedtocomecampin’andshesaidyes…!”

The blonde blinked slowly, her mind furiously working on what was said. When the effort only produced the start of a headache, she rubbed her forehead and stared at her sister. “What?”

Sweetie Belle sighed. Stepping forward, she took a few gulps of air before giving a try to explain.

“I asked my sister if she wanted to go camping… and she said yes…! Can we go with you?” The unicorn filly tried her puppy eyes on the grownup only to have Applejack laugh at the attempt.

“Heh heh heh, that’s the best ‘oh Ah’m so sad, Ah’m a like a little lost puppy’ eyes ya got? Ain’t no way that convinced Rarity to go.” The blonde turned with another chuckle.

“But sis’! We ain’t lyin’!” Apple Bloom perked up from behind her friends. “We all really saw Rarity sayin’ yes!”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo piped up with a buzz of her wings.

Applejack scratched the back of her head with a confused frown. Shaking it, she began the long trot back to the edge of the field.

“Alright, y’all hang out. Ah’m gonna make sure uhm… that Rarity knows what to pack.” The trio of fillies shouted and raced ahead of the older mare.

Apple Bloom looked back and shouted over her shoulder. “Oh and Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash wanted to come too!”

“What did y’all say?!?” The older farmer paused, frowning even deeper. The three fillies gave one final shout as they kept going.

“Thank you!”

The blonde rolled her eyes and kept going. She grumbled half-heartedly about meddling sisters. As she walked through the fields and nearby town, the farmer re-did some of her plans to account for the brash pegasus tagging along. When her thoughts reached the fashion designer, it stuttered for a second.

Ah… Ah don’t think she is comin’... She near about had a heart attack when Ah mentioned it before. Maybe she changed her mind…?

Soon she was standing before the boutique’s door. Applejack bit her lip before taking a deep, calming breath. She took her hat off and held it to her chest. Giving a brief but solid knock, the farm pony waited with a speeding heartbeat. Still haven’t asked her to tha’ date…

“Coming!” The sing songy tone sent chills down the orange mare’s back.

Rarity opened the door with a checklist in her magical hold. She tipped her glasses down to have a clear view of the waiting pony. Her eyes widened with pleasant surprise, golden locks set over a freckled muzzle set the tailor’s heart to race against her ribcage.

“A-Applejack, darlin’, I didn’t expect to see you! Please, why don’t you come inside?” Rarity trotted backwards, a hoof going to her mane to be sure it wasn’t out of place. The farmer set her hat back on her head with a small smirk.

“Howdy Rare. Sure hope Ah wasn’t interruptin’ anything.”

“Not at all, not at all, I was merely trying to organize what I would need for the uh, camping.” The unicorn couldn’t hold back her shudder. Though when the earth pony strode inside, her thoughts derailed into wonder at the graceful motion. By the time Applejack swung around to face the other mare, Rarity managed to pull her sight from the muscular body and into shining emeralds.

“About that… Ya sure ya wanna come?” The apple farmer tried to keep her voice neutral and light. “We’ll be campin’ at Winsome Falls. Ain’t goin’ to be any walk in the park.”

The fashionista added extra flair to her gasp, with a hoof to her forehead and swoon to her stance.

“You think I cannot handle getting a little ‘dirty’?!” The other mare deadpanned the prissy unicorn into dropping the pose. “Well, while it is true that I do not like dirt, I can certainly ‘make do’.” Rarity used air quotes while her mind continued. As if seeing you before the fifth isn’t an excuse to accept as well…

Applejack scratched beneath her hat and tried to avoid drowning in a sea of sapphire blue. “Well, alright, if ya say so. Ah can help ya with yer list if you’d like.”

Rarity perked up and clapped her hooves in excitement.

“Marvelous!” She floated the list over while dragging the red cushioned couch to them. The enthusiastic unicorn hopped up and shyly patted the seat beside her.

The earth mare smirked and made her slower way to the seat. She settled close but not touching the prim mare, mindful of the dirt and sweat in her fur. Both mares took a deep breath, enjoying the scents they found. Rarity leaned into the earth pony and pushed her glasses back into place. Applejack tensed a little before relaxing once she found there was no complaint of the smell and leaned into the other, looking at the list in front of them.

“I wasn’t sure if we would have any sort of structures to take shelter in, so I was planning on procuring a ‘tent’ large enough for everypony. How many are going on the camping trip? Would we need matching scarves or hats…?” Rarity trailed off as she glanced to the mare against her who stared back amused.

“Matchin’ scarves? Really?” The apple farmer snorted in laughter before reaching out with her right hoof, enjoying the contact of it brushing against the pale-gray fur. She pointed to the list, making a comment as she gestured to each item on the list. “Ya don’t need so many kinds of clothin’. We will be campin’ with some shelter, like caves an’ under the trees. It’ll be kind of chilly, you’ll need a proper sleepin’ roll.”

Rarity pulled over a new piece of paper, making notes on what would happen and what she needed. Some of her more prissy comments drew a few giggles from the other pony. Applejack pressed closer to the fashionista and continued to explain.

“We’re gonna be making a few stops before gettin’ to our official camp site. We’ll need enough food for everypony…” The farmer trailed off a little. Noticing that her uncertainty was discovered by the slowing quill and tilt of alabaster muzzle, Applejack sighed and reached up to give Rarity a nudge with her nose. “Normally it is jus’ me an my sis’ goin’ camping, but they were hopin’ to have Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash comin’ along too. Hope ya don’t mind.”

Rarity stared a little confused and kept her voice soft, even as her heart demanded time alone with the apple scented mare. “It’s your camping trip darlin’, you can invite whomever you like.”

“If ya make it through this campin’ trip, we could go campin’ again, without the others if you’d like.” Applejack stared off to the side, uncertain that Rarity would want to do so. Don’t even know why she agreed to go this time anyways… Could be for an entirely different reason.

The tailor peeked at the other mare, her heart and mind shouted out in joy while she bit her lip to stop any obvious signs of affection. She shifted in place before starting to make a few more notes on her new list.

“Darlin’, I would quite enjoy doing something like that with you. But it may be a good idea to see how I manage with just camping as it is.” Rarity looked to the ceiling, trying to keep her voice light and without any sign of longing. “Even if it is not trying new things, I’m sure there is something we could do together…”

The blonde gulped, closing her eyes as she tried to think through her words. Slowly, she adjusted her hat with her left hoof and reaching out to hold onto Rarity’s hoof with her right. “Well, speakin’ of doin’-doin’ stuff together… How ‘bout… we go out and eat after the-the campin’ trip…?”

Both mares went still, trying to detect what the other thought solely through body language. It was taken as a good sign that they were both heating up drastically.

“What, uhm, do you mean? Did you have a specific place in mind…?” Is… it a special place…? Could it be…?

“Well, it would- it would be the… the settin’ where we could talk properly.” Applejack’s face blazed as she tried to ask for a date without giving away the fact she was trying to ask out the fashion mare. “We could also say it is an ‘congratulations on not dyin’ because of dirt’ thing too.” The farmer flashed a teasing smile only have it falter into an uncertain one.

“I… I would like that a lot darlin’. When would we be able to finally have that talk…?” Rarity tried to keep calm while her inner mind happily screamed and giggled.

“Y-ya know that place, the Spring Leaf? We could meet there at eight, May fifth, if-if ya want…” Applejack coughed lightly into her hoof, trying to chase away the fear that the invitation would be denied.

Rarity’s breath hitched before she started to lightly laugh to herself. She tried to cover the sound with a hoof but the earth pony still noticed. The blonde sighed gustily and started to stand up when a light hoof on her shoulder stopped her in place.

“Darlin’, what a wondrous coincidence.” More laughter, gentle and affectionate, broke up Rarity’s explanation. “I had been trying to find a way to ask you to join me at the very same restaurant, for that very same day. Merely a half hour earlier.”

Applejack leaned her neck back, staring with open shock at the unicorn beside her. Rarity watched her with a wide beam, eyes half-closed as she felt the joy in her very bones. Maybe- maybe she was thinking of asking the same thing I was planning to! That’s not any old restaurant, one can’t simply go without having dressed up or prepared for it. It needs a reservation! A month, if not longer, waiting period!

“Ya-ya were? For a certain kind o’ talk?” The earth pony couldn’t stop the blush from spreading across her muzzle.

“Yes. I was hoping to speak with you concerning a matter that has been far too long unaddressed. Something that indeed, needs the proper setting to convey.” The fashionista’s smile never faltered, waiting for the other to get over the surprise.

When Applejack did recover, she too smiled, leaning back into place. “Ah’d like that. Ah’d like it a lot. But only if it’s my treat.”

“If you’d like, darlin’.” Rarity fluttered her lashes, distracting the farmer for a second. It sent a flutter through her own heart, knowing that it was her actions that made the earth pony flustered.

“And! Ah get tah talk first.” Applejack smirked as she leaned closer, trying to get even with the prim mare. It worked for a second, but the tailor was used to flirting attempts. She smirked in turn, eyes changing to a teasing glint.

“If you’re sure you can manage it dear.”

The earth pony blinked before trying for a confident smile. “Guess we’ll see in about ten days or so, huh?”

Rarity’s smile wavered for a second at the reminder of how long they still had to wait. The change was noticed easily by the other mare who reached a hoof to lift up the tailor’s chin.

“Don’t ya worry ‘bout nothin’. It’ll be here before ya know it.” Emerald orbs traveled over to the two lists left forgotten in a blue hue. “Why don’t we get back to that there list, hm?”

The unicorn’s mood lifted and she nodded, pulling the two papers over and looking them over again. She allowed her mind to wander, lulled by the southern drawl, even as she continued her note taking. Applejack eventually ran out of things to explain, and merely watched the unicorn continue writing comments on what she would need.

Is… was she really gonna ask me to Spring Leaf…? That’s just the kind of place ya go fer dates… Was she tryin’ to… ask me out…? Ah sure hope so… Green orbs scanned the list that was growing ever longer and crinkled with silent laughter. Why is she puttin’ all that on a list for camping? She’s kiddin’ with that, right?

“Rarity…? Why do ya have ‘make-up kit medium large’ on yer list?”

The unicorn blushed and twitched the paper way. There was a red coating to her cheeks as she pouted. “One never knows when you need to touch up a few things…”

“Well, Ah think ya look pretty enough as it is, don’t think ya’ll need that thin’.” Applejack blinked after her statement, realizing she let on a little too much. Seeing the blush deepen on the other mare, she half-smirked with one of her own, pleased that it was a positive reaction.

“W-well, if you say so darlin’...” Rarity struck out the line before writing further.

The two spent more time finalizing the needed items, with the unicorn wanting to help provide the majority of supplies needed. It was something the fashion designer insisted she help with and the apple farmer didn’t want to argue. Though she would provide the cart to hold all the supplies.

Once evening had arrived, Applejack had to head on her way, having used most of her day in a way she hadn’t expected. Neither mare was pleased that it had to happen, but didn’t show their disappointment. Rarity sat by her front window, watching the golden mane wave in the wind, as she tried to hold back an unlady-like squeal of joy.

She had planned to ask me out!!!! Pale-gray limbs twitched, barely resisting from launching their owner into the air. Surely this means she hopes- even wants us to be special someponies! I better make sure that everything is absolutely perfect for the camping and date afterwards!

A large case floated in the air to balance precariously on top of a stack of them. The wooden cart barely moved, showing no signs of the strain. A delicate hoof, pampered and prepped for a long journey and no time to be treated, pushed against the side and found no resistance.

“Good. Thank you so much for finding that spell darling!” Rarity beamed at the lavender unicorn who wiped at her brow in exhaustion. The tailor ran a hoof over her own ensemble; a light cotton pink dress with yellow scarf to keep her mane from snagging on any stray branches. Finding no issues, she checked on the pile, wanting to be absolutely sure it was properly balanced.

“No problem Rarity. You shouldn’t feel any of the weight now…” Purple eyes coasted over the pile. “... Though I’m not sure you need all that for camping.”

The fashion designer laughed nervously as she eyed the fat book that was teleported into the air beside the librarian.

“Now now, there is no need to worry. I spoke with Applejack about this whole thing and made a list based on what we spoke of.” Rarity’s mention of a list brought relief and appeasement to the other unicorn.

“Alright, if you’re sure. Have a nice weekend!” Twilight waved farewell while the fashionista used a hoofkerchief to wave goodbye.

“Thanks again darling! Have a nice weekend with your special somepony.” Rarity winked conspiratorially while holding back a happy giggle of her own. Just as I shall have one of my own soon enough!

The tailor pulled over her list and compared it to the mound of luggage. She checked off each part with a pleased grin before coming to a stop at the last note. Check that Sweetie Belle hasn’t moved or done anything to ‘help’.... Ohh, I look away for one second! The unicorn rolled up the list with a flash of magic and scanned the area. When there wasn’t any sign of the filly, she bit her lip and started to circle the wagon frantically. The older mare stumbled to a halt, almost falling over the stationary figure waiting on the other side.

“O-oh ho ho ho, Sweetie Belle, darling, what uhm, are you doing?” Rarity tried to brush back a lock of mane that came loose during the speed up while smiling evenly to the young girl.

The filly gave a small start, pulling back from where she had been staring at the wheel axle and grinned to her sister.

“Oh hey Rarity…! I was just looking at the spell and uh, wondering if I could help you with pulling the cart?” Sweetie Belle tried to use a lesser version of her ‘puppy eyes’, learning from Applejack’s comments. Rarity stared at the girl in confusion.

“You… want to pull the cart…?” She looked to the structure, assessing how much damage the girl could do with it attached. “Darling, why?”

Sweetie Belle shuffled on her hooves, head down and anxious. “Well, I was hoping to get a little stronger by practicing pulling on the cart.”

“Sweetie, you just saw Twilight put a spell onto it that makes it weightless. How would that help you grow stronger?” Rarity squinted her eyes, suspicions racing through her mind. “Why do you want to get physically stronger…?”

“Well, I just wanted some practice. I don’t know what my talent is yet, I might need to get stronger.” The filly kicked at a loose stone and shrugged. She glanced up, hopeful. “Can I?”

The fashion designer looked between her sister and the wagon for a moment longer before sighing in resignation. Giving a little nod of acceptance, she went inside to grab the specially designed straps that gave the ultimate comfort to the user. When the older sister came back outside, she found a blur of motion and innocent smile waiting for her. Rarity came to a stop and stared at the filly.

“What did you do…?”

“What? Nothing. Why?” Sweetie Belle responded instantly, her voice light.

Rarity kept one brow raised as she trotted forward and attached the straps to the poles. The filly rushed forward, taking hold and strapping in. The fashion designer paused at the speed. She watched the girl with a little hesitation before starting forward at her usual speed. It wasn’t even half a block before she realized she lost the girl. Glancing back, Rarity was surprised to find Sweetie Belle struggling to pull the wagon forward, sweat and strain obvious on her face.

“Darling, whatever is the matter? Surely the spell hasn’t worn off yet…?” The unicorn stepped closer to the filly.

“Don’t worry…! I got it...!” Sweetie Belle huffed in response as she pulled the cart.

The older unicorn frowned in disbelief. She watched her sister closely, not sure if she should insist on taking over, before accepting the girl’s determination and trotting onwards once more. Together, the two unicorns made their way to the forest trail on the east end of town, drawing multitudes of looks along the way. Not that Rarity noticed. Her mind was already thinking about the mare waiting for their arrival.

They walked past the wide open fields that surrounded their little town, and went up and down some of the hills that stood between the meeting place and the travelers. The sky was once again bright and clear, letting the sun beam down to the waiting ponies below. The sight and wonder paled when Rarity thought of the mare waiting for them further up the road.

On the horizon was three different spots of color that stood out stark against the forest. The unicorns felt their heart rate speed up at the waiting ponies and picked up their pace to meet the others. Rarity ran a hoof through her mane with a pleased smile. She made sure her sunglasses were settled properly on the bridge of her nose before trying to call out.


Applejack’s ears perked up, breaking free of the shock at seeing the large mound of suitcases. Laughing to herself, she trotted forward and looked teasingly to the unicorn.

“Gee Rarity, did ya remember to pack?”

The pale-gray mare didn’t bat an eye, sending a response back in a flash, attempting to confound the other.

“Oh, well let’s see who gets the last laugh when you’re absolutely desperate to curl your eyelashes when you realize you didn’t bring your eyelash curler.” She trotted forward, nose in the air. Ha ha! If you want to tease a mare for being too prepared, you’ll have to work for it…! Wait, where did she go?

The unicorn jolted back into her surroundings, searching for their guide with wide eyes. She found the apple of her heart staring further down the trail. Rarity picked up her pace only to slow down to match Applejack’s.

“Darlin’... You don’t mind my over excitement in packing, do you?” The tailor’s soft words drew unfocused green orbs to peek at the pile.

“Ah figured ya’d want to pack a lot, but not like that.” Applejack kept her voice just as low. “Why is yer sister pullin’ it?” The question was firm, a change from the joking one used earlier.

The sharper tone, unheard for months and almost never directed to her, shocked the pale-gray pony. Her mouth dropped open before raising in anxiety.

“A-Applejack, darlin’! No! I-I had Twilight put a weightless spell on the cart. It shouldn’t weigh anything!” Rarity took a half step to block the apple farmer’s path, blue orbs dilated and desperate. “She insisted on pulling it!”

The blonde mare looked back wide-eyed at the suddenly despairing voice and form of her crush. She fought the urge to hold the unicorn and kept her hooves planted firmly into the ground. She gave the wagon a quick check and shrugged.

“A-alright, alright, Ah believe ya!” Applejack waved a hoof. “Ah just- wasn’t sure ya were doin’ right by yer sis’. Sorry Ah doubted ya.”

Rarity took a deep breath, her tense limbs going loose once more. Trying for a light, joking tone, she raised her nose into the air. “Well then, perhaps you shan’t doubt me or my intentions again.”

“Guess yer right. Won’t make that mistake again.” The earth pony rubbed the back of her head with a half-smirk. She allowed her steps to draw closer to the fancily dressed mare and bump her shoulder.

The fashion designer giggled to herself and trotted forward. Applejack keep a watch on everypony as they walked as well as the surroundings. Sweet Oaks Forest wasn’t known for its dangers but with so many precious beings on this trip, the farm mare wasn’t going to take chances. They followed the path as it weaved and traced the cliff side. Not even ten minutes later, the tailor pipped up.

“Darlin’, are we there yet?” Rarity shot her sister a smug grin before looking at the leading mare with a teasing glint.

“No, we ain’t there yet.” Applejack’s voice was light and jovial.

A few minutes later, the older unicorn put a tiny touch of whine in her voice. “Are we there yet?” Another playful wink went to the younger unicorn.

The orange furred mare rolled her eyes, though the smirk never left her face. “Nah, we ain’t there yet.”

“How about now Darlin’?”

“No Rarity, we haven’t arrived yet.”

“What about now?”

“No Rarity. We ain’t there.”

The three fillies giggled at the playful tones, though it began to trail away as more and more whine crept into the older unicorn’s voice. By the time they reached the first camping site, the younger ponies no longer thought it was funny and Applejack decided for one last tease before stopping the unicorn from prancing on everypony’s nerves any further.

Rarity wasn’t nearly as amused by the response and watched disinterested as Rainbow Dash set up the place. Honestly, what a show off. I bet that Applejack could do just as well with less effort. Her thoughts derailed as the apple farmer trotted over while the kids walked up to the older pegasus.

“Rarity, ya gonna be ok?” Applejack frowned worriedly, tipping back her hat as she sent her sights to the skyline. “If ya can’t keep up an’ want to head on home, Ah’d- Ah’d understand.”

The pale-gray mare scowled in confusion, tilting her head while inching closer to the other.

“I’m fine darlin’. I was trying to lighten the mood, though I suppose I did take it a little far at the end.” Rarity turned her gaze up to the same sky as the farmer. “My apologies Applejack. I’ll try not to take it too far again.”

Applejack sighed, the tension melting away. “That’s good. Ah was worried somethin’ was wrong there for a second. Ah’ll go check with Dash if ya want to unload some of the supplies.”

“Sure thing darlin’.” The unicorn turned to the wagon only to find her little sister already there and waiting.

“Hi! I’ll do it!” Sweetie Belle rushed for the luggage. Rarity stuttered and tried to help direct the younger mare’s focus to the proper supplies.

On the other side of the camp, the earth pony and pegasus were in deep conversation. The other fillies were already working on collecting twigs and branches, giving them the chance for uninterrupted adult talk.

“So, how’s that ‘plan’ going?” Rainbow leaned closer, stressing her words without moving her lips.

“Ah got it Dash.” Applejack took off her backpack and set it next to her planned location. Not wanting to be too close to the unicorns, least she become too tempted, she set up across the way from where Rarity started to place her tent. “Don’t ya worry none.”

“Sure doesn’t seem like it to me AJ.” Dash rolled her eyes before leaning even closer. “Camp trip might be a good time for showing off your stuff.”

“Ah know what Ah’m doin’ RD. Why don’t ya make sure the kids are behaving an’ Ah’ll check what in the hay Rarity is doin’ with that big ol’ tent of hers.” The earth pony walked over the two unicorns with a gentle grin.

“Y’all doin’ alright….? Tent big enough for the two of y’all?”

The southern voice caused Rarity to startle with a wide beam. She tapped her chin, scrutinizing the design as she pretended to have been focused on the tent instead of what the two other mares had been talking about. Show me her stuff huh…? Let’s see what she has in store then.

“Well, I simply couldn’t go out without making it look absolutely fabulous. Plenty of room should something happen and we all need to use one sturdy shelter.” Rarity peeked over to the earth mare, warmth seeping from her eyes. “Unless you would prefer to ‘rough it’ without a roof over your head?”

Applejack rolled her eyes with a shake of her head. “Shucks, if we had tah, we could all bundle up together to save on heatin’. But don’t ya worry none, Rainbow Dash said there won’t be any sort of weather problem for the next week.”

The blonde smirked at the flustered unicorn before turning around to the camp fire. She found the other fillies had all the wood they would need for the night. In seconds, the farm mare had a roaring blaze going. She was about to pull some of the food stores from the cart when Apple Bloom rushed forward to do that. The older earth pony stared at the action in bewilderment before shrugging it off.

Rarity moved to watch the blonde walk, gaze focused on the confident stride. She bit her lip for a second when she remembered that they weren’t alone with the sight of a rushing filly who surged forward to help with the wagon. Rarity! Not while we have little girls present! Focus, darling, focus!

As evening wore on, the group gathered around the fire, dirty plates set off to the side. Each pair of siblings sat on their own log. To prevent accidental or otherwise movement, both Rarity and Applejack had placed siblings between them. Rainbow Dash scowled as she looked between the two. When the older earth pony noticed the scrutiny, she squinted suspiciously at the brash pegasus. Dash gave the watchful green eyes a wide, almost evil grin.

“I know what we can do now…!” The older pegasus rubbed her forehooves together. “Tell scary stories!”

The two other mares rolled their eyes, catching the other’s gaze and sharing a bemused smile. Applejack listened to the familiar tales, some of which had been passed around the local camp fire for generations. She took a quick peek over to the two unicorns and younger earth pony and found the girls were starting to shiver at the setting Dash painted. When it came time for the big scare, both older siblings were there waiting for the frightened girls to latch onto them. Their minds registered how dissimilar it was to the proximity they had with the opposite mare, but swallowed the urge to reach out.

This camping trip was to both spend more time with Applejack AND with my beloved sister. I shouldn’t become distressed when I don’t get to actually be any closer to her… Rarity smiled tenderly to her sister only to notice that the girls were starting to fall asleep on their hooves. Glancing up, she found Applejack in a similar situation.

“Alright y’all, Ah think it’s about time we head off fer bed. Still got a ways to walk tomorrow.” The blonde nudged her sister into motion. Her gaze went to oceans of sapphire and her breath exhaled in a rush. “Goodnight…”

“Good night darlin’...” Rarity whispered in turn, eyes locked onto emeralds that shone brightly in the firelight. Her mind snapped back into focus at the harsh cough that came from her right, drawing her sights to the pegasus who floated smugly above her seat. The unicorn didn’t say a word, merely raising a challenging brow that was answered only by a snicker.

The group settled into their rolls for the night, each lost to their own thoughts. None realized the predicament of the others as closed tent flaps prevented them from seeing the wide eyed gaze of the others. Though Rainbow Dash did manage to start snoring loudly from her own tent.

Rarity listened to the sounds of nature around her tent and found her thoughts still drifted to the pair of earth ponies in the shelter across the fire. Is… Is this what they hear each night? Being located in the middle of town means I don’t usually hear all of the individual sounds… What could she possibly enjoy about my company…? I must remember to ask her while we’re on that date… Further internal giggling accompanied the thought. The warmth of her musings allowed the frantically out of place unicorn to finally float into unconsciousness.

In the tent next door, Applejack also found the sounds around them to relax her spirit, even as her mind spun furiously. Why would she ever consider goin’ out with me…? Ain’t goin’ back on my word, no way no how, but maybe… Maybe Ah could kind of ask her about that in the mornin’? See what she gots to say… Eeyup, that sounds like a good ol’ plan. Ah’ll make breakfast an’ ask her.


Before the sun was up and the fire embers were completely out, the older farm pony was up and out of the tent, poking the fire back into life. Satisfied that she could leave it to burn for a few moments, she turned towards the cart with a shake of her muzzle. Can’t believe she went an’ brought all this for a simple campin’ trip… Applejack was only able to take two steps closer to the stack when a blur of olive-yellow rushed by, reaching the wagon before her older sister.

“H-hey Sis’, what’cha need?” Apple Bloom rubbed at her eyes, flashing a half-asleep grin in the direction of the larger mare.

“Ah just need to get those oat hashbrowns, hay-strips and eggs for breakfast. If ya don’t mind -?” The older farmer was about to reach above the filly when she cut in, pushing the reaching hoof away.

“Sure thin’! Ah’ll get that right for ya!”

Applejack jerked back, brows shooting up. “Alright…” She waited a few seconds for the satchel of food. Once it was in hoof, she slowly turned and went back to the fire.

When the smell floated up from the fire, the sounds of movement appeared from the two other tents. The first one to appear was a pale-gray muzzle topped by a sleeping mask. Applejack couldn’t hold back light laughter at the sight and tried to muffle it to no avail. The muzzle twitched into a smile as more of its owner appeared from the confines of the tent.

“Good morning Applejack…” Rarity tugged the mask from her eyes and used the motion to brush some of her mane from her face. Mind still cloudy from sleep, she took a much closer seat to the cooking pony than she had the previous night. “Smells wonderful, as usual.”

“Ya sure ‘bout that?” Applejack smirked, hoofing over a plate while the kettle began to whistle from it’s place beside the fire. “This is kind of rough fair here. Not always very pretty… Sure ya can handle it?”

Rarity paused, plate held aloft in her magical hue, as she heard the testing undertone. She looked with eyes slightly more awake than a few minutes before and saw the intense focus in the green orbs watching her. The pale-gray mare turned her sight to the meal and saw the ‘rough fair’. The food was thoroughly cooked, the smell floating up delicious and tempting, and while it was not something one would find in the upper society of Canterlot, it was exactly what anypony needed. Just what she needed, to start her day.

“Darlin’, this is exactly what I needed. Thank you.” The unicorn beamed at the earth pony. The smile melted into one of extreme caring. “Sometimes we need to keep things simple.”

The blonde’s muzzle burned as she broke the staring contest. She looked back to the fire, using the spatula in her fetlock to shift the bacon and eggs. Applejack coughed lightly, clearing her tight throat from emotion, and nodded to the kettle.

“Could… Could ya get that Rare? It’s everypony’s tea. Ah’ve got the food tah cook.”

“Of course. It would be my pleasure to help in any way I can.” The fashionista used another flash of magic to lift up the pot and cups, dishing out the leaves for a fresh morning brew.

Together, they made the group’s breakfast. Once they’d eaten, they allowed the fire to finish off and cleared the area, leaving the place better than they found it. Rarity used her minute attention to detail to help reset the field, directing the girls to move everything in place. Applejack checked the surroundings, one ear and eye always on the designer in the center of the clearing. She also studiously ignored the glaring cerise eyes that watched her movements.

So… She don’t mind roughin’ it huh…? Guess… Guess this trip got more done than usual. Maybe Ah have more than half a chance with her. The earth mare tried to help with the cart but the Crusaders wouldn’t let anyone touch the wagon. Leaving the kids to their own devices, she instead watched the unicorn who trotted along, staring at the forest around them. She couldn’t resist pulling up along side the other mare and leaning close to whisper into an alabaster ear.

“If ya think this here is pretty, wait ‘til we get to the actual falls. Almost rival yer eyes for bein’ beautiful.” Applejack couldn’t stop the blaze on her face or the tightening of her heart. Wanting to avoid overplaying her hoof, she picked up her pace.

Rarity stared on open mouthed, her own cheeks dusted with red. Her mouth shut with a snap when she saw the red on orange ears. She’s… She’s just getting so BOLD. Do… Do I step up my own game? I think I shall. She grinned mischievously before schooling her visage back into one of awe of her surroundings.

The tailor used the rest of the afternoon to plot her ‘revenge’. Every swish of gold strands drew her eye. Orange hooves were sure and steady, confident of the trail. Rarity didn’t even notice the others as they ran around the group. The two pegasi were willing to trail ahead. Not that either of the remaining mares saw.

Applejack, her eyes scanning the bushes, felt the presence on her right. Every time she looked to that side, the vibrant purple caught her eye and distracted her for a second. The flowery scent was different than the natural ones found along the trail. It was accented with a scent of grape, helping to identify the tailor from the world around them. Not like it ever wasn’t the case. The apple farmer laughed mutely to herself as the thought crossed her mind. As if Ah don’t always think about her when Ah’m not working. Amazin’ how often Ah end up thinkin’ about her, even when Ah don’t realize it.

The two mares didn’t notice how they gravitated closer and closer to one another as they walked along. Everypony else was enjoying the nature around them and left the two to their own work. Rarity started to enact her revenge. Every few steps she would flick out her tail as part of her walk, lightly brushing against the orange flank.

The first encounter caused the earth pony to stumble mid-stride. The next few times, she flinched back with a blush. Applejack glanced to her side, red over taking the few freckles that covered her muzzle.

“S-sugarcube? Everythin’ ok over there?”

Rarity lazily shifted her sights from the rows of trees on the right to meet the shocked green orbs. “Hmm? Everything’s fine with me darlin’. Everything alright on your side?”

The blonde swallowed softly, the teasing glint setting her blood on fire. “N-nah, Ah’m just peachy keen. Everythin’ running as smooth as next year’s apple cider.”

The unicorn half-smirked, eyelids drooping with a casual glance over the fit form. “If you say so, darlin’.”

Silence reigned for only a minute before Rarity started to her barrage once more. This time, instead of flinching or jumping away, shivers erupted under orange fur. When the fashion designer noticed the motion, she found an accompanying chill on her own skin at how she affected the sturdy earth pony. She barely stopped herself from biting her lip and outright staring at the motion.

The scheme kept their attention for the rest of the walk. When it was time for lunch, the two mares who had spent most of the morning teasing one another sat far apart, wanting to present a proper image for their younger siblings. Rainbow, who sat across the way, had both hooves crossed smugly as she watched her friends. The meal was quickly finished and soon enough they were on their way since they still had a ways to go.

Remembering the others present, Rarity couldn’t remove the red blaze that was slowly burning on her face. She kept a respectful distance from the orange furred earth pony, even as she felt her center continuously tugged to move closer. Her mind stayed blank, stunned at how far she allowed herself to go. It came back to life when the cliffside loomed up before the group. Wha-?

“No need for tents tonight y’all, we’ll just take shelter in that cave.”

In a CAVE?! Without anything over our head aside from rocks?? N-next to her? I-I wouldn’t be able to handle it! No. No, no, no no no no no. This shall not do at all!

Without looking to the others, the unicorn signaled for her sister to follow along with the appropriate cases in grasp. While the others set up the campfire, Rarity got her tent up, away from the front entrance. She wouldn’t want to overheat after all. Especially by sleeping next to a specific farmer. By the time she finished, dinner was waiting for her. The designer trotted out and found a pair of emeralds waiting for her.

“Ah was about to come in after ya.” Applejack held out a plate, her gaze questioning: Ya ok? “Ya didn’t have to put up yer tent.”

“O-oh, well, I don’t think I am quite ready for staying in a cave without some kind of shelter over top of my head.” Rarity reached out to grab her plate. “Thank you darlin’.”

During the meal, nopony spoke due to the food in their mouth. The older mares had their siblings right by their sides. Rarity strode to make sure that she had both fillies between her and Applejack. The feel of her muscular leg against her tail was now burned into her mind.

When it came time for more ‘scary stories’, Rarity reinforced staying away from the farmer by wrapping a hoof around her little sister. Applejack added to breaking the atmosphere by heckling Rainbow Dash. Honestly, who even believes these stories anymore? And all the same kind of overdramatic droll as well. At least Applejack has the right idea. Make things seem hardly as scary. There is much more in the world to be afraid of, and those are things we still have to deal with anyways.

The request for Sweetie Belle to sing prompted a proud smile from the older unicorn. She gave her sister an encouraging shake, clapping politely when the girl started to sing. Rarity’s smile became strained however when Sweetie chose to sing ‘ninety-nine buckets of oats on the wall’. Rainbow ‘helped’ by pushing the rest of the group close together on one log seat.

Rarity and Applejack shared a tense smile before focusing on the singer sitting on the rock before them. She tried to make sure Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were between them, but the kids instead sat on the ends. Even Rainbow Dash didn’t want to sit on the log and sat in front on the ground. The unicorn lost her pleased expression as Sweetie Belle tried to pour in the passion and ended up with a high pitched mess. The late hour started to take a toll on the older sister and she started to close her eyes with a sigh. Rarity swayed slightly in her seat until she came to a rest against a solid wall of warmth. Sneaking open an eye, she found a mass of orange leaning against her.

“A-applejack…?” The soft whisper caused the other mare to shift closer.

“Don’t worry sugarcube… Ah know yer real tired, ya can lean against me.” Applejack smiled as she felt the other mare get more comfortable.

As the evening wore on, the earth pony also felt the wear of the trek. Her gaze started to close and she leaned closer to the unicorn. Rarity sighed at the warmth and slipped down, allowing the earth pony to cover more and heat her up further. Applejack exhaled in a loud rush before taking a deep breath of the perfume below her.


The shouting finish jolted everypony else awake; except for the stressed out young pegasus who was already awake. Rarity was disorientated, and searched the area for what woke her up. The heavy scent of apples hung in her nose. Light snoring caught her attention and the older unicorn realized her sister had dropped asleep.

While Rarity levitated the filly into the air, Applejack leaned over without making eye contact, her ears flat in embarrassment. “S-sorry for falling asleep on ya…”

The fashionista froze, blood flash freezing before heating to a boiling point. Her fur stood on end, allowing the scent of apples to float up once again. I-I-I smell like her!! She- she rested on me! Was-

“...Was I comfortable?” Rarity’s gaze widened though she tried to hide the shock and curiosity she felt.

Applejack also stopped for a second, her heart swelling as it sank at the same time. Green eyes spun around wildly before she took a deep breath. Foreign flowers with a touch of grape filled her veins and gave her the courage to respond.

“Best nap Ah ever had.”

Neither mare spoke, their throats constricted by temptation and heat. Rainbow Dash didn’t notice, to their appreciation, since she was talking to the young pegasus. Rarity was mortified and ecstatic at the same time. She didn’t stop to speak to any of the others, heading straight for her tent.

Thank Celestia I set up my tent! I-I can’t face her right now! Not without losing what little sanity I have left!

The fashion designer tucked her sister into the sleeping bag and tried to slip into her own. Except her own was too much. She tossed and turned, flipping open the side and closing it again. She tried to hold back her unlady-like grumbling but wasn’t anywhere close to successful. The sound disturbed the younger mare sleeping on the other side of the tent. Rarity flinched when Sweetie Belle mumbled a question before settling down again.

Rarity sighed and stood up from her sleeping bag. She brushed her sister’s mane away from her face before planting a soft kiss. “I shall be right back darling… Sleep well.”

Opening the shelter’s doorway, she peeked out, checking that the others were indeed still asleep. Her sight stilled over the blonde and orange hidden beneath the covers. Applejack… I don’t know if I can wait much longer for that talk or dinner… Rarity fought the need to embrace the earth pony and tiphoofed out of the cave, letting the droplets of water disguise the sound she made. Silently, she went outside, past the circle of rocks that held dim embers, and into the forest waiting just beyond the clearing. Not thinking of the path, she took the easiest route that wouldn’t lead her back to town.

Applejack dreamed of fluffy clouds. They weren’t wet and didn’t dissipate under her touch; they actually grew warmer when she pet them soothingly. There wasn’t very much smell in the dream, aside from some dampness and leafy greens. It was the waift of the special perfume that jarred her from sleep. Rarity…? The desire to find and help the unicorn pulled the farmer awake, drifting up and out of her bed. Rubbing her sight clear of eye gunk, she caught sight of purple and pale-gray leaving the cave.

“Rare…?” The earth pony carefully got out of the sleeping bag and followed the elusive mare.

Once outside, it wasn’t too hard to follow her, considering how the tailor gave up being quiet when she entered the forest. Applejack used her ears more than her eyes to follow the pale-gray shadow moving through the brush, inner compass keeping track of where they were and where the cave was.

The full moon shone down, illuminating the area. Trees, tall and leafy, blocked the light occasionally, casting extra shadows and adding an air of mystery. This thickness, coupled with her mind still half asleep, painted the air around her in a new light. Fireflies, still wide awake and floating, gave random bursts of light. Applejack grew a little worried when she couldn’t hear the unicorn walking ahead of her and called out softly.


She pushed past another line of berry bushes into a small circle of trees and flowers. The fireflies were clumped closer in the small space because of the flowers and bushes, and lit up the unicorn from underneath, brightening up what was already beautiful for the earth pony.

“Applejack…?” Rarity’s breath hitched as the blonde appeared from the sidelines. The bugs chose that moment to light up, adding to the sudden arrival with a shine to the golden waves of loose mane. She hadn’t even put her hat back on when she got up.

The unicorn stood in the center of the patch of grass, her limbs tense and prepped for flight. In which direction, away from or to the other mare, she wasn’t sure. Applejack took slow steps closer, eyes drooping to both block out the brightness and the beauty from blinding her.

“Ya ok there Rare…? Why ya all the way out here…?” She stopped a hoof’s length away, unable to break past the wall that was between them. She focused on the space between them, trying to decide how she knew crossing that boundary would cause everything to change.

Rarity also felt the space between them, giving it a single look before turning brilliant sapphire eyes to emeralds. “I couldn’t sleep…”

“Anythin’ Ah can do…?”

The two paused as the bugs went dark as a wind rustled the trees around them. When the moonlight came back, chasing away the brief shadows, Rarity tilted her head up to see the stars twinkling above with a loving smile.

“You’ve done so much…”

Applejack smirked, bashful, as her gaze fell along the graceful lines to the ground and flowers below. Spying a pale-pink moon flower curling up along side the unicorn, she reached out and pulled it tenderly from the ground. She made sure the stem was neatly even and clean. Taking a deep breath, the apple farmer pushed past the invisible wall, shivering at the closeness the two now shared. She set the flower behind the pale-gray ear and brushed the loose purple mane back.

“Sometimes, it don’t feel like enough…”

Lightning bugs swirled around the duo, casting parts of their faces and bodies into shadow and light, though their eyes continued to shine in the moonlight. The orange hoof didn’t move away from the pale-gray neck, sending a wave of scorching desire through the unicorn. With the barrier broken, the draw of raw strength grew and Rarity was unable to fight it any longer. Feeling the fashion mare inch into the hoof, Applejack couldn’t stop her limb from snaking around the mare, helping her bridge the distance.

The motion caused the fireflies to scatter into flight, blinking and flashing their lights as they traveled. The mares shuttered their eyelids against the sudden glow.

You are enough for me…” Rarity tried to assure the farmer but found it was hard to speak as her muzzle bumped into soft fur that smelled of apples. Applejack opened her mouth to reply but couldn’t, finding something stopped her words from escaping.

Their cores boiled over, surging to their hooftips, the heat second only to the softness they felt against their lips. Applejack’s hoof tightened, tugging the unicorn closer as she hummed, mouth twitching into a half-smirk. Rarity’s forehooves, slowed by the release of endorphins, encircled the strong neck of the earth mare. Her body melted, limbs going too loose to hold her up. But the fashion designer felt no fear, trusting the other to hold her upright. Instead, she tried to memorize as much as she could of apples and sweetness.

While it had gone dark for the two mares, their eyes having naturally closed as the distance grew shorter between them, they felt the fire and searing blaze of the other, painting the scene around them. The wind picked up, throwing shadows around them and lightning bugs into the air. The moon flowers, their petals fully unfurled in the dim light, swayed, filling the air with their fragrance.

As one, the mares exhaled, pulling apart as their need for air beat out their need to keep the embrace continuing. Heavy eyelids drifted open, allowing the two to see the rest of the world again, though their focus was the other pony in their grip.

“A-applejack…” Rarity’s face leisurely morphed into a radiant smirk. She raised one of her hooves from it’s place around the orange neck to hold the bright red muzzle.

“Sug-...” Applejack paused, trying to grasp a hold of the words that eluded her while her smirk degraded in uncertainty. “Rare, Ah-”

The unicorn’s breath hitched, hope battling the scalding desire in her barrel, when rustling on the edge of the open space made her take another breath in. She broke out in coughs, unable to withstand so much oxygen at once. The farmer frowned, her own chest tightening in worry, as she pat the pale-gray back. While Rarity attempted to even out her breathing, Applejack turned to stare at the disturbance, placing herself between it and her crush.


The shrill voice, it’s southern tinge evident even when it was nearly shouted to the heavens, provided evidence to who it belonged to. It was followed by an even shriller voice, not meant to go into those high ranges but attempting to anyways.


The wind, and passion, died down, leaving coolness that froze limbs that seconds ago were melted entirely. Applejack bit her lip and shut her eyes, face scrunching as she tried to maintain control of herself. Rarity closed her own gaze, burying her face into the still warm orange shoulder and sneaking one last sniff of the scent before pulling out of the inviting hooves. The earth pony checked on the other mare and saw acceptance and resignation waiting for her. She sighed, slumping momentarily before fully releasing her hold.

“Over here Apple Bloom!” The farm mare stood up and took a half step back, turning to face the direction the shouts had came from.

Rarity exhaled through her nose, sisterly concern waring with the slow burn that had exploded into flame in a single moment. She attempted to take a few calming breaths only for the technique to fail when she breathed in the sweet fruit that was always present with the other mare. The fashion designer barely caught herself from leaning into the orange coat once more, a motion that didn’t go unnoticed by the recipient. Applejack raised one brow, her gaze hooded, while Rarity cleared her throat.

“I- I’m over here as well Sweetie!”

The farm mare trotted a few steps closer to the bushes in time for her little sister to pop into the open. Apple Bloom took a relieved breath only to be knocked forward by a tangle of pale-gray limbs. The filly gave her friend a rapid check before looking to the older farmer.

“Scootaloo ran off!” The earth filly’s words were accented by fast nodding from the young unicorn beside her.

The two older ponies stiffened, minds and eyes waking up suddenly.


Applejack rushed forward, mind plotting out the emergency plan. Rarity was close behind, focused more on the task at hoof instead of the body running before her. The fillies chased their sisters, trying to shout explanations as they ran.

“I woke up and Rarity wasn’t there and so I went out to try and find her and then I noticed that Scootaloo wasn’t there and then that Applejack wasn’t there and I got worried and-”

“Sweetie, we can talk more at camp,” Rarity shouted back with her exhale. “Use your breath for running!”

“Darlin’, why don’t ya use that there advice yerself!” Applejack couldn’t help heckling the unicorn, shooting her a wide beaming grin.

“Su-sugar, y-you shouldn’t be one to talk!” The fashionista threw her head back, overjoyed and annoyed at the same time.

The group scrambled to a halt in front of the cave. Loud, obnoxious snoring echoed from inside. Applejack rolled her eyes at the sound. Muttering about ‘feather-brained pegasi’, she marched in and pulled the sleeping bag apart with a single motion.

“Get up ya lazy, good fer nothin’ fluff-head.” The orange furred pony glared at the flaring pegasus.

“Huh-wha-whatzit? Where’s the fire?” Dash scrambled for the blankets and pony responsible for pulling them away.

“Scootaloo went missin’ an’ we got tah find her!” Applejack’s words were muffled but the sharp tone still got through.

Rarity’s frame shook in the entrance, taking deep breaths while her sister stood by her side. She scowled at the blue mare. “Get up this instant and go looking!”

Rainbow glanced between the deep glares with confusion written over her face. Her wings were already in motion, buzzing away and lifting her up from the bed. After the pegasus was out looking, the earth pony sagged. She looked to the remaining Crusaders and tried to decide the best course of action for them. It was the trembling lip of the young unicorn that drew the line.

“Alright y’all, Ah’m gonna need you girls to stay here in case Scootaloo makes it back. But we can’t have y’all be here by yourself.” Applejack braced herself to look at the fashion mare. “Could ya stay with them? Ah’m gonna go out and look too.”

The unicorn tried to swallow but found burning green eyes dried her out, craving another taste of apples and honey. “Y-yes darlin’, of course.”

The two fillies shot the fashionista a bewildered glance before pulling back further into the cavern. Rarity walked close to the strong mare, rubbing against her along the way. “Be safe… Hopefully you’ll be back soon.”

Applejack dipped her head, nuzzling back briefly before squaring her shoulders. Without looking back, she went out into the forest to find the missing filly. Those left behind watched for a short while before looking to the camp fire. Rarity huffed and flashed the kids a wide grin.

“Ok, how about we get the fire going so our missing friends can find their way back easily?”

The younger girls perked up at the suggestion and gathered what they could from around the edge. Rarity used a spark of magic to restart the fire, causing the girls to coo in amazement. The older unicorn exhaled, her tension flowing outwards as they relaxed. She searched for a second, trying to find some other way to relax the anxious fillies. Catching sight of the large pile of bags, the unicorn levitated the case of snacks and set them out by the campsite.

When she wasn’t interacting with the girls, Rarity scanned the lining for anyone returning. Branches breaking signaled the return of the pegasi. Everypony around the fire tensed for a second, worried that it was more disaster only to breathe easy when they saw the blue and orange coats. The fact that the orange belonged to a pegasus and not an earth pony caused a double tinge of guilt for the older unicorn. The first for having hoped it was Applejack, and the second for the fact that she wasn’t as happy that Scootaloo was found.

“Alright, so me and the kid worked things out, and we’re going to have a blast.” Rainbow gave the younger pegasus a rough embrace. Rainbow colored strands flung about as the mare looked around the camp. “Hey, where’s AJ?”

“I’m afraid she hasn’t arrived yet.” Rarity reached out to twirl one of the sticks, rotating the marshmallows on it. “It would mean so much to me if you would go and circle around the sky to find her; that would be just wonderful darling.”

Dash leaned back at the steel undertone. She flicked her gaze to each of the fillies who watched the tennis match between the adults. Gulping almost audibly, she gave a brisk salute to the pale-gray unicorn and took off for the skies. Rarity slumped in place, giving her form a shake to release the worry building in her core.

What felt like hours later, the two friends trotted out of the dark forest to the fireside. Everyone waiting relaxed at last, no longer feeling anxious about the trip. Apple Bloom raced to hug her sister who chuckled at the embrace. Warm green eyes met blue ones, sharing a silent greeting. That night, the group slept in one large pile near the mouth of the cave, talking and laughing well into the night.

The next morning, by unspoken agreement, the older earth pony and unicorn kept a strict distance between them. No amount of prodding by Rainbow Dash or questions from their sisters would convince them to stay within three hoofsteps of one another. The friendly attitude showed there was no hard feelings but the rest of the group could tell something was going on.

By the afternoon of their third day out they reached Winsome Falls. As planned, they spent two days there and made the same stops on the way back home. It killed Rarity and Applejack both, to keep quiet and not derail the trip for everypony else by having a talk neither one could wait for. They kept their farewell short as they parted for the afternoon, promising to meet a short time before the reservation.

Ok, now don’t panic Rarity… Don’t panic…! Rarity floated her bags behind her as she leapt up the stairway. A hoof tried to go to her mane only for her to stumble without the support. Calm down, calm down! We need to get ready. I probably won’t have the time to put away any of these supplies. I should get the perishables at least and then work on what I shall wear-

“-What will I wear for an evening with Applejack?!?” The fashion oriented mare froze in her bedroom doorway. Wide, frantic eyes looked at the closet and searched for the perfect compliment to orange and blonde.

No, no, no no no no no no no nononononono! She-none of this would match for her! Not the inner beauty nor the outer! How can I impress such a stunning mare?! What does- what does she like the most?! Rarity blinked, trying to remember anything the apple seller had mentioned the few times they had gotten close. A pale-gray hoof brushed her mane behind one ear before moving to her eye socket. She’s… She’s always brushing my mane back… And has-has stared quite deeply into my eyes… Maybe, maybe a little attention to those features?

The unicorn levitated her best manebrush and started to tame the wild masses only to halt again. Sapphire orbs slowly wandered to the hoof that reached up to grab the tool, noting the cracks and specks of dirt resting just below the fur. Right eyelid twitching, she set the brush down and turned around once more, grabbing the bag of food absentmindedly.

While she passed through the kitchen, Rarity transported the food into proper place and strode out the door, locking it behind her. I think this requires the help of Ponyville’s very own spa! Steps light and hopeful, she went at a controlled, lady-like speed to the local spa.

She burst through the doors, hoof automatically going to her forehead as she used the usual dramatic flair in her voice. “Darlings! My preparations for camping has paid off but now I find myself simply not ready for a VERY special date this evening! Won’t you be so kind as to help a poor, sophisticated mare in distress?”

The twins shared a grin before turning back to their number one customer, speaking in tandem. “Of course Miss Rarity!”


Multiple sets of hooves kicked up dirt. The remaining members of the adventuring party trotted back through town to the orchards on the western side. Three fillies raced ahead, coming back and forth between the two mares and taking the lead. Rainbow floated down to speak directly into an orange ear.

“Look, I saw how you guys were acting these last five days. You sure about your plan?”

Applejack rolled her head in frustration and gave a tiny jump, bopping the pegasus’ chin with her head. “Don’t ya worry ‘bout me feather brain. My plan is gonna work just fine.”

Rainbow shook her head in turn and blasted off, searching for and gathering a lone cloud to observe the farmer. The earth mare shooed the Crusaders along with a smile. Apple Bloom paused, frowning in confusion.

“What’re ya gonna do sis’?”

“Don’t worry Lil’ Bloom, Ah’m just gonna be out later this evenin’ and Ah gotta get ready for it.” The older mare titled her head and resettled her hat.

“Oh… Alright sis’. Have fun!”

Applejack watched the three fillies race off. When they were out of sight, she released the happy go lucky appearance she wore and smashed her hat down to hide more of her face. C-can’t believe what happened. She- we-... Ki-... D-Do ponies kiss before actually bein’ special someponies…? Ah better get ready… Wh-what do Ah do to get ready…?

The apple farmer went home, waving a greeting to her grandmother and brother who were sitting in the living room. Their return welcomes fell onto deaf ears as the blonde went upstairs. Applejack quickly set her pack aside and looked to her small mirror. Biting her lip, she checked what she looked like with and without her iconic hat. It’s a real fancy place. Ah- Ah should go without mah hat. Ah better get working on that shower and gettin’ my mane lookin’ proper.

The orange pony didn’t wait any longer and went for a shower, taking extra time to try and work out as much dirt and knots from her fur as she could. She hadn’t done such a thorough job in a long time, and when she got it done, most of the afternoon was done and over. Big Mac knocked on the door with a whimper.

“Ah’m done Big Mac, Ah’m done!” Applejack rushed out, towel around her mane. Her fur, normally rough even after cleaning, swayed gently without a tangle in sight.

The older earth pony, his red coat hiding most of his embarrassment, was about to rush forward to use the bathroom when he did a double take. His need for the restroom forgotten, he turned to face his sister head on and raised a brow in question.

“There ain’t nothin’ goin’ on. Ah’m… Ah’m just goin’ out this evenin’ and-and needed to get ready.” The earth mare blushed at the deadpan she received from her brother and picked up her pace.

Once his younger sister was out of sight, the stallion remembered his need and flew into the bathroom, tail tucked between his legs.

Applejack heaved a relieved breath once the door was shut behind her and shook her mane out. She reached for the brush, grimacing at her performance of appearing nonchalant. Bet he saw right through it… Sure is a perceptive stallion. Ah’ll have to help with supper before headin’ out.

Brushing her mane after camping for six days was a challenge. The attempt took more time than expected, leaving the apple farmer only two hours to make supper for her family and finish her preparation. How in the hay does Rare spend so much time fixin’ herself up all the time…? Sure pays off, though Ah don’t think she needs all that stuff…

Down in the kitchen, Granny Smith noticed the smooth and freshly washed fur of her middle grandchild. With a warm grin, she called over from where a stack of apples were waiting to be washed. “Well don’t ya look purdier than a first coat of paint on ah bran’ new barn! Whatcha doin’ that needs ya to be lookin’ sharper than a tack in a box o’ bolts?”

The blonde blushed at her grandmother’s praise and started gathering the utensils she would need. Without looking at the intense pale-orange eyes, she muttered, “ain’t nothing, just have someplace Ah gotta go after makin’ supper…”

“Oh? Ya got someplace special in mind do ya?” The older mare smirked, leaning closer to playfully nudge her granddaughter. “Need any extra bits fer yer night on th’ town?”

“A-Ah’m good Granny, don’t ya worry none. Ah’ve been, uh, savin’ up for tonight for a while now…” Applejack looked to the ceiling where her stack of bits waited for her to use this evening. She couldn’t meet the wise, teasing gaze of her elder and kept working on the evening’s meal.

It felt a little odd for the orange coated mare to scale back the portion size, but she wanted an empty stomach for her meeting with the local tailor. When Apple Bloom asked why there was less this time around, Applejack said the same thing as she told the rest of the family, though the older members didn’t look as mollified by the answer. Once everything was done, needing only to be placed on the table, Applejack left her older brother in charge of the food and dashed upstairs.

Ears burning at the smug attention she was getting, the orange mare raced through the last few steps, touching up the few messes left by cooking. She had a moment of panic when she found her mane already gathered some tangles from being loose while she worked. Groaning to herself, she reached up to put her mane into a loose, wide two strand braid that left her bangs free to swoop back down along her face. For her tail, she used the same kind of loose braid to keep it contained while still being stylish.

It’ll have tah do… Ain’t got time to do more… Anxious green eyes found the clock by her bedside and flinched at the late hour. And she does this all the time…? No wonder she’s always tryin’ to catch up with her work… Might as well head on out…

Applejack took out her cleanest saddlebags and set the large bag of bits inside. She gave her hat a friendly, reassuring pat, silently promising to wear it next time and trotting out the door. Studiously ignoring the playful whistle her grandmother sent her way, the blonde kept a steady pace all the way to and through the small town. Focusing on the hoofsteps and not the rapid thudding of her heart helped her to keep from stressing out completely.

Think ya goof, think. Ah cancelled my reservation since we’d be usin’ Rarity’s well over a week ago. Took a peek and translated some o’ those fancy word meals… Did Ah forget the cards tah translate them?! An orange hoof desperately scoured the bag to find nothing else inside. Ah did! Ah’m gonna make more of a fool of myself than Ah usually do!

With these heavier thoughts dragging down her mind, the earth pony slowed to a stop before the purple door. Every grain on the fixture was burned into her memory by this time. Breaking, repairing, replacing and painting it lead her to know every inch of surface, and could even identify where she would normally knock from the indentation of constant use. Ti-Time to face the music… Slower than usual, the apple farmer knocked on the door and was surprised by the instant response.

The door swung open to reveal the unicorn waiting on the other side. Most of the lights in the boutique were off, save for one near the front which casted a pale glow on the waiting mare. Her mane was swept out of the usual high curl into loose flowing waves. The long hair half blocked one of the shining sapphires that peered back at the apple farmer. A darker blue eyeliner helped draw attention to the lighter shade of the orbs peering out. The usually overly dramatic and fashionable unicorn wore only a pale pastel pink shawl that glinted in the light, allowing more of her natural features to dominate her look as it draped over her back and shoulders. The makeup and mane style accented her curves but kept most of the attention on her face. Something that Applejack had a hard time preventing in the first place.

“Ya look beautiful…” The husky whisper was pulled out the farm mare, leaving in a rush of air. The compliment caused the other mare to blush and grin bashfully to the floor. Without any conscious thought, Applejack brushed back the mane that blocked her view of the dual gems that floated up to staring back with just as much fervor. “Uh, not that ya don’t normally look so pretty...”

“Oh…? So, nothing special for this evening…?” Rarity fluttered her lashes that had been specially curled and darkened just for the effect. Her grin widened at the audible gulp from the earth pony. “Just my ‘usual’ beauty…?”

Applejack ducked her head, red blazing across her muzzle. “You’ve… You’re even prettier than usual…” The gentle words caused two sets of hearts to constrict. The blonde took a breath and met the waiting gaze once more.

“If… Yer ready to go Rare…?” An orange hoof was held out for the unicorn to grasp.

“Yes indeed darlin’...” Rarity lightly placed her own hoof over top of the stronger one and allowed herself to be guided out of her home. A flick of magic closed the door behind them and locked it.

Together, not letting go of one another, they walked side by side along the nearly empty streets to the restaurant so popular it had a waiting list at times. Most locations were starting to close and wind down for the evening save for the different food services that would still be open for several hours more. A majority of the crowd were just finishing their work for the evening and started to arrive at their destinations for the night. The shifting colors of their fur blurred in the background as green and blue orbs locked the other’s gaze in place. The setting sun painted the sky in pinks, oranges and reds, not that the duo noticed as they walked along. Stars, weak and barely visible, started to appear, and the memory of another setting, full of moonlight, grass and flowers blossomed in their minds.

Applejack tilted her head, smile warm and happy, as she half-closed her eyes. “Thank you for comin’ out with me… Even if ya had the same idea.”

Rarity lifted her free forehoof to cover her giggle before using it to walk once more. “For you darlin’... Anything.”

The two mares shared a blushing grin before finally breaking the staring contest they had to look at the fancy restaurant waiting for them. When they entered, recognition bloomed in the host’s face and he dipped his head in welcome.

“Madams are just in time, your table has just been cleared and is ready for you.” The stallion clapped his hooves at one of his helpers, signalling for him to grab two menus. “If madams would follow me please?”

Applejack dipped her head in acceptance and flashed the lads a smug smirk as she noticed their awe at the beauties before them. Together, they followed the staff to a table set in a corner. To help give the illusion of more privacy, the places were evenly spaced out and illuminated by a candle in a closed lantern that hung down. The ceiling above had tiny crystals to help the overall light and atmosphere while softening the tension of the upper class location. In the center of the restaurant was the kitchen, blocked off by wooden decorative walls and rows of doors, keeping the brighter lights inside while giving a faster response time for waiters and waitresses alike.

As the staff began to prep the table, the blonde mare sped forward, beating the younger stallion to a chair with a grin. She then looked to the unicorn and pulled the seat out with a tilt of her head to the place. Rarity beamed at the gesture and daintily sat down. While Applejack moved to take her own seat, she was stunned by the glitter of tiny gems reflecting off the single candle light as the fashionista removed her shawl by hoof, letting it slide over her coat before giving it to the host who held out a polite hoof for it.

Swallowing dryly, the farm mare finished taking her seat and barely tore her eyes away from the mare across the table to glance at the drink selection. Rarity noticed the attention and grinned to herself, pleased with her choice of clothing. The waiter looked between them for direction but stopped at the earth pony when she coughed politely.

“We’ll start with the Sparklin’ Rosé wine please.”

Applejack’s southern accent didn’t agree with the fancy words, judging from the hint of a flinch on the young waiter’s face, but the instruction was clear enough. The blonde also grimaced after he left, mentally berating herself for trying to sound like something she wasn’t. The thought stopped when she felt the brush of another’s fur on her hoof. Looking up, she found impressed and pleased azure orbs waiting for her.

“That sounds like a lovely choice darlin’... I suppose you already have a meal in mind then to go along with the selection?” Rarity rubbed at the tense hoof, willing the other mare to relax despite the upper class nature of the place. Applejack nodded slowly, eyes meeting the patient gaze for a second before turning to the piece of paper before her.

“Eey-uh, yes, Ah thought we could start with a roasted salad an’ then move on to a Mediterraneighan Grilled Cheese… ”

“A little on the heavy side, but a wonderful choice. Thank you Applejack.” Rarity didn’t raise her voice as she continued rubbing assuringly at the other’s hoof.

“Well, A-Ah figured ya could use the solid food after eatin’ simple meals while we camped. And ya used a lot of yer energy on the trek itself so…” Applejack peered up from under her lashes, realizing too late that she didn’t have her hat to help hide her embarrassment. She stiffened when the other pale-gray hoof reached up to grip hers tightly. Tugging her gaze from the interlocked hooves, she found a blaze of determination and steel waiting in sapphire orbs.

“I told you that I didn’t mind the simpler things in life. I may enjoy the sophistication and upper class, but that doesn’t mean I do not enjoy the smaller things . You don’t have to pretend to be somepony you are not to impress me or anypony else.” The fashionista allowed her voice to raise higher to stress the importance of the message.

When Applejack tried to break eye contact, Rarity gave the orange hoof in her grasp a squeeze and pull. Startled emeralds looked back only to flicker away when their waiter returned with the bottle she had requested. The earth pony withdrew her hoof as she spoke with the lad, not seeing the squint from the unicorn the action earned. When she turned back, the farmer saw only a wide smile and ‘innocent’ eyes. Brows furrowing slowly, she was about to question the other mare when Rarity fluttered her lashes and leaned forward.

“So darlin’... Let’s leave behind the talk of camp and look to the future.” The fashionista pursed her lips while gleefully noting the dumbfounded face of the earth pony. “Is this the right setting…? Or must we find another small opening in the middle of a forest, surrounded by flowers and fireflies…?”

Applejack’s mouth went dry as her core blazed. Trying to wet her mouth to respond, she found herself looking closer at her dinner partner. The hanging light was still, giving a clear view of the pale-gray and turning it almost pristine white. Blue orbs glinted in the light, teasing and enjoying the reaction it got.

As she scrambled to think of what to say, Rarity moved her hoof to rest her head on a bent right fetlock. The angle changed the lighting, causing slight shadows along one side of her face while the motion had loosened the flowing purple locks from behind her ear to swing forward and cover half a glistening orb.

“Rarity…” The farm mare started, reaching out to once again brush back the loose mane. Action completed, the limb stayed in place, holding the side of the unicorn’s face. “Ah… for a long time, Ah wanted to talk with ya about somethin’.”

Blue eyes flashed in surprise and intrigue as their owner leaned into the hoof. “Oh…? How long…?” Noting the flash of pain in apple green spheres, Rarity squinted, her body tensing.

“Too long… Too long considerin’ what Ah’ve been wantin’ to- to ask ya…” Applejack rubbed a tiny circle with her left hoof, trying to loosen the tension she felt under pale-gray fur. “An’... An’ it ain’t been easy, tryin’ to hide it and pretend nothin’ was any different.”

“Except it is different…” Rarity murmured into the orange hoof, closing her eyes as she took a deep breath of apples and honey.

At the same time, Applejack leaned a little closer, eyes shutting out of shame and desire, while she also took a breath to calm down and received a lungful of exotic flowers and -apples…? Must be some new perfume she got…

“Except it is different… An’ pretendin’ different is just… lyin’ to my- my heart.” The words, tender and rough with emotion, caused both mares to open their eyes once more, locking gazes while their hearts tried to burst from their chests.

“Rarity, yer a special kind of mare… and-and it would be an h-honor if you’d be my special somepony…” Applejack couldn’t help shutting her eyes and turning away, still scared of what the answer could be. She felt the muzzle of the other mare leave her hoof and her heart pinched in worry. Unable to move, the blonde stayed locked in place, gaze shut and breathing growing more ragged as the seconds felt like hours. The feel of two hooves on either side of her face caused her eye to shoot open into deep blue oceans that were now inches from her own.

“You wonderfully stubborn mare… Of course I shall.” Rarity sighed in resignation of the farmer’s subdued actions and closed the distance by pulling the other to meet her halfway over the table. The embrace was just as soft and full of emotion as the one in the middle of the woods, and the mares felt just as isolated as they did then.

When the unicorn sat back, hooves brushing lovingly against the burning orange cheeks, she wore a satisfied smile along with her own red blush. She took a moment to enjoy the stupefied expression of the mare across from her before sighing happily. “Don’t sell yourself short darlin’, you are a unique brand of stubborn as well.”

The kind words, tinted with heavy emotion and a husky edge, caused Applejack to chuckle. She rubbed the back of her head, barely noticing that she wasn’t wearing her stetson. A goofy, beaming smile took over, as her heart sang to the heavens. The stern tone that came from the unicorn a second lately froze everything in place however.

“That does not mean you should go around lying and pretending to be something you are not!” Shocked green orbs found steel blue. “Don’t think you were able to hide how you’ve been acting these last few months! I want you to promise me you will not try to be something you are not. I care for YOU, not some pretend mare.”

Rarity’s words, affection soaking every syllable, set the apple farmer’s heart to racing once more. Her hooves went from numb to super sensitive as she reached up to cup the unicorn's cheek. Blue orbs lost their steel as a misty sheen developed. Applejack rubbed just under the right eye socket, her grin sweet and appreciative.

“Now that there, that’s a promise Ah’d sure like to keep if it means you’ll be my very own special somepony.”

Rarity laughed, playfully tapping away the orange hoof as she levitated a napkin to her eyes. “Oh, y-you … you! If I must, I shall say it as many times as you’d like. I, Rarity, shall be Applejack’s, that is you, special somepony. Or would you rather I find some other, oversimplified way to say it?”

The earth pony laughed as she shook her head, the goofy grin never faltering. “Shucks, it’d be nice to hear it a thousand times a day, but you’d get hoarse before too long.”

A polite cough on their right made them sit up straighter, aware once more of their surroundings. Blush staining their cheeks, the two mares looked to the waiter who had their salads in his magical grip. He wore a light blush as well, though he kept his face neutral.

“Pardon my intrusion, your salads are ready.” The stallion tried not to stare at the new couple. When they nodded, he placed the two plates before them and left quickly, embarrassed by the affection they were displaying.

Rarity managed to keep control of her emotions and save her makeup with a few more dabs of her napkin. Focusing on the salad in front of her, she found a nice portion size of roasted mixed vegetables and pink wine waiting for them. She flashed a grateful smile to the earth pony and dug in. Applejack followed along, trying to keep her table manners at equal levels with the unicorn.

When it came time to switch courses, the waiter was relieved to find a more stable atmosphere waiting for him, though he tried to hide it. The orange mare chuckled once he was gone, encouraging with a heated gaze for the unicorn to enjoy the joke. The fashion designer joined in the laughter before letting it trail away. Her sight drifted to the wine glasses that were still untouched even though they were full of the requested liquid.

“Darlin’...” The wistful call was immediately caught in orange ears. Applejack sat upright from staring at her smaller than expected portion size to playful blue eyes. Rarity lifted her glass with a hoof, tipping it a little towards the other mare. “A toast. To new heights.”

The apple seller smiled with a tilt of her head and lifted her own glass, mirroring the motion. “To a new adventure.”

The two shared heated grins as they sipped the wine, pausing to let the taste sink into their mouths. Feeling no sense of the wall that stood between them days before, Rarity leaned closer as she continued to eat, though she waited until her mouth was clear before starting to speak.

“Darlin’, I simply must ask, what-... what brought about the decision to make a reservation at the Spring Leaf…? It doesn’t seem like something you’d enjoy.” She waved timidly with her fork to the plate that was almost empty as the farmer tried to fill up on the smaller sized meal.

“Well, seemed like a place ya’d like to go, an’ Ah wanted to impress ya…” Applejack trailed off with a sheepish grin, already catching sight of the dangerous glint in blue orbs.

“Darlin’....” Rarity’s warning tone drew a burst of giggling from the other mare.

“Ah know, Ah know, be mahself. Just, wanted to ask ya out in someplace nice.” Green eyes trailed off to the side, uncertain considering the amount of scolding in the other’s gaze. “Like ya probably had been dreamin’ of since ya were little…”

Rarity sighed, sitting back in her chair as she let go of the scolding aura. “Yes, I had always dreamed of being asked out and even proposed in a very high class restaurant. But when have my fantasies been proven right so far? Need I remind you of a certain Blueblood who was able to experience what apple trees in apple bucking season feel like first hoof?”

Applejack laughed outright at the reminder, leaning closer with scorching eyes. “Well, now at least one of yer dreams came true. An’ ya won’t have to worry ‘bout any pony mistreatin’ ya with me around.”

The duo giggled at the implied response the would be abusers would get. With the doors opened to a joking tone, the new couple spent the rest of the main course going through hypothetical situations and how the strong earth pony would respond to each. When it was time for dessert, Rarity declined getting anything. Applejack was going to argue the fact but gave in, getting in the last word with a compliment to her current figure and seeing no reason for extra dieting.

The waiter, having slowly gotten used to the new couple’s over exuberance with one another, merely gave them a tight lipped smile as he presented them with the check. Rarity lit up her horn, about to teleport her satchel of bits from home, when she felt a hoof on her shoulder.

“Ya didn’t forget that we had a deal did ya? Ya got the reservation, Ah got the bill.” Applejack moved the hoof to reach into her saddlebags, pulling out the sack and setting it into waiting hooves. “Here ya go good sir.”

The stallion dipped his head and soon returned with a much smaller sized pile of bits and Rarity’s shawl. The apple farmer took the shawl before her mare could try and used the chance to run her hooves along the toned shoulders and back of the unicorn. Smiling smugly at the chills this created, she then turned and took a little over half of the remaining change.

“Keep the rest. Thank ya kindly, have a nice night.” Applejack offered her hoof for the unicorn to hold and nodded to the pleased waiter. As they passed the podium, she left the remainder for the host with another nod of thanks. The stallion returned it with a tiny grin.

“Thank you ladies for joining us this evening. Have a nice night and please feel free to come back to reserve another table at your leisure.”

“We might jus’ do that.” Applejack shared a pleased smile with the pale-gray mare. They both nodded farewell to the stallion before leaving, Rarity still holding onto the orange hoof.

When they stepped outside, the wind blew across the landscape, causing a different kind of shiver to pass over the unicorn. Applejack frowned before smirking to herself. She moved closer, pressing her side and neck against the unicorn. She moved her muzzle to rest on top of purple hair, using the chance to inhale the scent waiting there.

“Come on, let’s get ya home where it’s warm.”

Rarity felt her insides melt at the touch, afraid to look at the rest of her body in fear of seeing it all turned red. She turned her nose closer to the powerful heartbeat under orange fur, enjoying the strong smells she found there. “I’m not so sure darlin’... Seems rather warm to me…”

The earth pony chuckled nervously, rubbing her nose gently in the well maintained mane. She used soft pressure to guide the pale-gray pony back to her shop, taking every chance to lengthen the walk back.

They both felt a pang of disappointment when the circular building came into view. Rarity gave her new marefriend one last nuzzle, enjoying the laughter she could feel building under the fur and muscle, before drawing back with a tiny grin.

“Thank you for a wonderful evening darlin’...”

“Yer welcome Rare.... Ah’d do just about anythin’ for ya.” Applejack leaned forward, touching noses with her special somepony with a large smile. The tailor closed her eyes at the touch only to open them wide when she felt a pair of lips against her forehead. “Have a nice night Rarity… Ah’ll see ya tomorrow.”

The orange pony flashed one last smile before turning away, heading home and ignoring how her heart stayed behind without her. The fashion mare blinked at the departure before gustily exhaling her farewell. “Goodnight darlin’...”

Rarity was barely able to get inside before her limbs gave out. She slumped against the door, hoof covering her grin. I… We-We’re finally marefriends! We-I did it. We’re finally together… Oooh, I can’t believe it. The drama mare clapped her hooves together before bouncing up and jumping very similarly to a pink party pony up her stairs. With a fantastic leap, she landed into bed and rolled herself up in the blankets. Finally… The knowledge of her new relationship status warmed her core, lulling her into peaceful slumber. Every part that had touched the farmer was especially heated, making the unicorn giggle breezily as she drifted to bright dreams.


Applejack didn’t feel the breeze against her cheek; pale-gray fur, warm even as the unicorn wore layers to protect from cold, ghosted across her face. Her muzzle burned, remembering the closeness of another and how they shared the same breathing space for what appeared to be eternity. She pushed open the farmhouse door without thinking, wishing to see another that had become just as familiar to her eyes. The sight of bright red beyond the entrance instead of pale almost-white fur shocked the mare into awareness.

“B-Big Mac!” Applejack patted her chest, trying to calm her heart. “Ya didn’t have tah wait up for me.”

The large stallion stood up from his chair and started for the stairs, half-smiling at his flustered sister. “Eenope. Granny said.”

“Both ya and Granny don’t have to worry, Ah’m a big girl now. Ah can handle myself just fine.” The blonde mare shut the door behind her and followed her brother up.

“Eenope.” Big Mac chuckled when he heard the snort of indignation from behind him. Stopping just before his room, he turned to look at his sister with a teasing grin. “Ya got somethin’...” He tapped his lip, smile widening at suddenly anxious face of his sister. The stallion waved goodnight which was barely returned by the mare who dashed into her own room.

Applejack couldn’t stop her cheeks from burning as she raced to her mirror, turning on the light beside it. Looking over her reflection, she tried to find what her brother meant when she noticed the extra shine her lips had. Wha-? Ah didn’t put on anythin’- Green orbs grew larger with shock. She-Ah- it was from tha-that k-k-kiss! She put both hooves over her eyes, unwilling to finish understanding what happened. Soon the heat from her core and face was too much and she looked back up at the mirror. Heh heh… She… She said yes… We’re marefriends now! She said yes!!

The jubilant mare jumped around her bedroom, hooves undoing her styled mane even as she tumbled about. The floor creaked at the weight of the sturdy earth pony. But the thing that broke into the overexcited mind was an older cranky shout.

“Y’all go tah bed, we ain’t gonna be lazin’ ‘bout come morning an’ we need our shuteye!”

The blonde paused, lifting her hooves from her muzzle while she focused her gaze to the door and family beyond it. “Sorry Granny! Ah’ll go to sleep now, promise!”

In moments, Applejack cleaned up the little mess her joyful jumping had caused and laid down in bed. She pulled the covers up to her chin, wonder filled orbs looking out the window to the stars beyond. They shone brighter than in town due to the less lights to compete with them. Though when the blonde contrasted the beauty with ocean of sapphires that held a different kind of fire in them, the night sky lost hooves down. Slowly, sleep came to the earth pony, the waiting dreams shining and hopeful though it wouldn’t be able to compare to the evening she had just had. She said yes…!

Author's Note:


Thanks to my editing staff for their work on making this readable and utterly enjoyable; good work Gwg and Shutup868!

Thanks to my two patreons for supporting my writing: Gwg and Shutup868. Want to support my writing? Want to see more time dedicated to writing and faster updates? Consider becoming a patreon!

If you are confused how Sleepless in Ponville, a third season episode, appears after a season two episode (Rodeo), please check this blog: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/204780/technical-information. It should help ease the confusion.