• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 4,745 Views, 120 Comments

A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

  • ...

Chapter 14 - Trying to be peaceful for the holidays

End of December, 1004 A.D. (After Discord)

A blue haze encased a single quill as it ran across the tan parchment. The local dressmaker was trying to take as many notes as possible as she sat with one of her best friends in the inspiration room of the boutique.

“... And Clover the Clever was relatively poor since those who wanted to learn were often living in impoverished conditions. Due to how cold he often was, Clover the Clever wore a thicker layered cloak, including a second layer by the shoulders...” The sound of scratches soon filled the room while the lavender unicorn fell silent to watch the other unicorn squint at the paper. “... Are you sure you can handle all of this Rarity? It seems like a very large task.”

The gray-white unicorn glanced up, gazing through her red rimmed glasses to the other mare with a distracted smirk.

“Hmmm? Oh, yes darling, I'm sure I'll do just fine.” Rarity tried to assure the studious mare before turning with a pensive frown to the growing list of attributes the costume would need. The two mares and young drake were sitting next to the desk with a scroll unfurled on top, the start of a holiday costume being drawn on it.

“Yes, but you have to make changes to our costumes since we're mares when Clover the Clever, Chancellor Puddinghead and Commander Hurricane were all stallions in actuality. And then there's any last minute adjusting for the rest of the cast...” Twilight peered worriedly to the fashionista who was still reviewing parchment. Spike gazed up to the gray-white mare adoringly with love-struck eyes from the sidelines even as little hearts seemed to float up around him.

“I'm quite sure darling. Is that all of the, erm, historical accuracy you would want to see in the outfit? I'll need you to come back for a fitting later; you too Spikey-wikey.” Rarity spared a glance from the list to the dazed drake who smiled widely at hearing he would need to come back.

“Sure thing Rarity! Anything for you...” Spike tried to appear willing to help with anything even as Twilight rolled her eyes at his behavior. Rarity, however, frowned thoughtfully and tilted her head slightly as she tried to gently phrase her next request.

“Have you gotten a chance to speak with Applejack lately?” Both of the audience stilled at the question as they gazed wide-eyed to the fashion mare. Spike quickly lost his amorous grin as he felt a splash of annoyance. Finding himself unable to look into hopeful eyes, he stared down in the ground instead.

“She's been busy lately, we haven't seen her around town.” Spike tried to keep his voice from showing his annoyance with the farmer but both mares could hear the strain. The librarian gazed between the others in concern, not having realized that it was still tense between the two and was unsure just how bad it was.

“Oh...? Darling, Applejack has managed to stop by every other day however. Perhaps you have been too busy to have talked instead...?” The fashionista put down the paper in her magical grip to focus on the sheepish dragon. Spike continued to stare at the ground while tapping his claws together in guilt. He purposely hadn't gone to talk with the earth pony since the fight and avoided coming across her since.

This hesitance and guilt was obvious to both mares who in turn frowned in concern. Before they could ask about how it was going, Spike sighed and shook his head.

“Well, maybe we have both been really busy lately... But she knows that I liked -uh, I liked it first...!” The purple and green dragon stood resolutely with clenched fists. He couldn't look at the object of his crush for long however and relaxed his stance while Rarity placed a single hoof on his shoulder. Twilight had came to sit closer to the young dragon as well and gave him a small nudge while the other unicorn peered pleadingly to him.

“I had heard that you and Applejack like the same thing and cannot agree who should get this thing. Surely it's not as important as your friendship?” The light-gray mare barely noticed the lavender mare's confusion as she wanted to try and see if they could resolve the problem.

“It is!” Spike couldn't stand the thought of his crush not being worth the trouble but still couldn't bring himself to say it. The older mares were a little surprised by this firm denial but could tell that it wasn't going to go much further. Rarity wanted to try one last thing however and crouched down so she was on par with Spike's eyes.

“Darling, would you perhaps consider it? As a favor for me...? I would hate to see everyone's friendship be tossed aside over something that I'm sure could be discussed or settled.” The fashion mare fluttered her lashes as she laid on the flattery tones, trying to convince him to talk with the apple farmer.

Both ponies waited for a response but soon frowned at the continued silence. Rarity was soon distracted by her own thoughts as she grew more concerned about the topic.

(What in the world are they fighting about?! Was Applejack perhaps correct when she worried about fighting on Harvest Feast? If Spike wouldn't be willing to try and solve this, then maybe I should focus my efforts on Applejack...)

Twilight, upset at Spike, broke the tense silence. She stood almost abruptly and stared towards the door, plans forming on how to get Spike to get over the fight.

“Oh, I guess we better get going. Rarity is going to be rather busy after all, we should give her her space. We'll see you later Rarity!” Twilight began to walk towards the exit with barely a backwards glance to her assistant. Both Spike and Rarity were awaken from their deep musings and stared after the lavender unicorn who paused in the doorway. The young drake rapidly caught up to the librarian while Rarity stared anxiously after them.

“Uh, yeah, we'll see you later Rarity!” The young dragon tried to act normally as he waved briefly to the dress maker who watched in surprise with a soft wave goodbye.

“...Oh, yes. Have a nice day darlings!” Rarity glanced out of the window and found a spot of orange trotting up to the boutique. She perked up and started to pull over new paper as she plotted out how to get the stubborn farmer to go along with patching up things with Spike.

Out in the brisk afternoon weather, Applejack made her steady pace to the boutique where it promised to be an interesting session. Ever since they had reconciled a week ago the blonde mare had made sure to visit the prissy mare once everyday. It was a little out of her way but it seemed to appease the pale-gray unicorn. She was apprehensive of the measuring session considering how the last one went, but it seemed that measures taken mere months ago were no longer accountable.

Just as the orange earth pony trotted up to the purple door, it opened to show two familiar figures coming out. Finding herself face to face with the young drake made Applejack pause in place as a plea to get along rang through her mind. Frowning pensively, she took a single step forward as she opened her mouth to speak only to remain silent when Spike half-glared towards her and stomped away. Twilight smiled apologetically before picking up her pace to chase after the annoyed dragon.

Applejack's ears flipped back in unease as she thought about the youth and their shared interest. She had been busy with preparing the family for when she would be visiting Canterlot in four days time; meaning that she rarely saw anyone unless they stopped by the market place during the short selling hours. Except for when it came to Rarity; that mare made sure they spoke at least once a day and more than a few words to Applejack's enjoyment. After her thoughts turned once more to the prim mare awaiting her, the orange farmer knocked lightly before entering with a small smirk.

“Applejack, darling, is that you? I'm upstairs, if you could come up?” Rarity wasn't sure why her heart sped up as she felt the farmer's presence in her shop. She felt more than heard the solid hoofsteps and turned with a wide smile to the doorway where the blonde earth pony stood shyly.

“Howdy Rarity, ya wanted me tah stop by for that costume?” Applejack lightly shut the door behind her as she entered the room, eyes locking onto the mare ahead of her who wore a small smirk at her presence.

“Indeed darling, and you're just in time. If you could stand over there? I'll need updated measurements to make this outfit the best I can; if you could try to stand still?” The unicorn waved a single hoof to the nearby platform while levitating the yellow measuring tape over and resettling her glasses once more.

The earth pony gave a quiet sigh as her fears came true: another session of her trying not to be self-conscious while Rarity closely inspected her body. Applejack tried to keep her mind blank and peaceful only to have it shatter when the fashion designer started to speak.

“Darling, have you perhaps gotten a chance to talk with Spike about your argument?” (Once again, not a speck of fat on her...) Rarity bit her lip gently to remind herself to behave and continued to jot down the measurements while she awaited the response. The farm mare flinched at the reminder but remained still as she tried to think of how to word her answer.

“... Ah... Ah haven't gotten ah chance tah talk with him.”

“Why ever not? You do remember what I said about friends fighting, do you not?” (And she still has just as much muscle as before! Surely it is a crime against nature to be this muscular?!)

“Ah do remember but we've been trying tah catch up on work for when Ah go visit Canterlot with y'all. We still have tah sort the apples, core the apples, smudge ‘em, mash ‘em, crate ‘em, deliver ‘em… It can be real busy work ya know... How-how are ya doin' about yer work? Everythin' goin' ok?” Applejack studiously looked to the far wall and missed the small start her question got from the unicorn.

“Hmm? Oh, yes, well, I'll be just fine. Nothing I haven't had to do before afterall.” Rarity blinked a few times to clear her sights (and mind) before looking back to the yellow tape floating in a light blue hue. This didn't work since as soon as the farm pony shifted nervously in place the dressmaker became intrigued by the ripple of muscles caused by it.

“Yeah, ya did it before but ya also went ah little crazy tryin' tah do too much at once. Yer making four new costumes an’ making sure all the other ones fit the other actors with maybe two days of time. Are ya sure that you'll be ok?” Applejack risked annoying the fashionista and glanced towards her to find wide blue eyes staring back before Rarity tried to smile reassuringly.

“O-oh, I'll do fine darling... How do you know that I'll be making four designs?” The light-gray mare tried to focus only on the lightly freckled face but soon found herself lost in apple green orbs.

“'Cause Ah know ya and you'd make ah new one just for yerself.” Applejack smirked fondly to the other mare who wore a light blush at how predictable she became. Seeing where the yellow tape was about to measure, the farmer quickly looked back to the wall with a blush of her own. Rarity frowned briefly at this sudden movement and glanced to what she was to measure next and blushed as well. Blue eyes followed the tape as it encircled the hind-end and rested on toned legs before snapping away with drawn brows.

(Rarity! Honestly, this is no way to act and certainly not towards a friend! You must be civil and proper and refined... very refined... and toned... and strong... and-stop this instant! It is impolite as a tailor and as an artist to stare with lecherous eyes... Though Applejack is a fine example of strength...)

“Rarity, are ya done yet?” Applejack began to get nervous as she stood in place. It was taking long even for the finicky mare to get the numbers and each second felt like forever to the anxious farmer. The sudden question had broken the unicorn's internal monologue however and she blinked only to find that she had drawn closer to the farm mare as she thought. The usual scents of apple and sweat wafted up and it was with an enormous effort that Rarity shook her head clear.

“Uh, yes, of course. I was just looking at-I was merely thinking about-I, uhm... You seemed to have kept all your previous muscle and may have added a few more. You're sure that you haven't added to your routine darling?” Rarity tried to recover from her shock of where her mind wandered to and wasn't sure how successful she was. Applejack was staring on in surprise at what she may have been looking at and tried to fight the pleased blush that threatened to overcome her muzzle. They stared deeply and silently at one another for another moment before the blonde mare remembered that the end had an actual question in it.

“Eenope, just good ol' hard work an'-an' eating right...” (Were ya likin' what ya saw Rarity...?)

“Well, that seems to, uh, work out rather well for you...” (It works wonderfully for you, darling, I wouldn't change a thing...)

The two mares stared at one another after the short exchange even as they both grew light blushes. The pale-gray mare seemed to be drawn to the hopeful green eyes and leaned closer, her blue eyes dropping to half mast as she took a shaky breath.

Suddenly Rarity reared back with a stunned expression before taking deep breaths of air that did not hold the tempting scent while trying to stand tall on quivering legs. With a shaky smile in place, she turned to her desk and shifted through the various papers on it.

“Yes, yes, I do believe that I have all the measurements I need. I shall have your outfit ready in time for the play, fear not!” Rarity could feel her right eye twitch slightly as she desperately tried to focus on dresses and not the apple tinted scent behind her nor the piercing concerned green eyes that watched her every move.

“Oh, uh, ok. If ya say so... Ah guess Ah'll be goin' then. See ya later Rarity...” Applejack could still feel the shock and hope flaring in her heart and mind. She was nearly positive that Rarity was staring at certain parts of her body and had found her smell to be pleasing, if the stunned and dazed glance was any indication. She didn't feel right just leaving after such a tense moment but didn't want to rush things. Just as the blonde earth pony reached the door of the inspiration room, a sophisticated voice made her pause in her tracks.

“I'll need you to try it on before the play darling, if you could check in with me once we are there? Also, could you be a dear and please resolve whatever has come between you and Spikey-wikey? It just wouldn't be Hearth's Warming Eve and Day with close friends fighting on such an occasion.” Rarity watched the other mare closely and noted with concern how the farm mare seemed to slump in place with a weary sigh. Bucking her spirits up once more, Applejack didn't turn as she dipped her head and consented to trying.

“Alright Rarity, Ah'll try tah do something about it...” The orange farmer resettled her hat before heading downstairs with a pensive frown. If Rarity wanted them to make up before Hearth's Warming Eve, she only had five days to try and come to a compromise with the drake. Applejack wasn't sure how she was going to accomplish this but if it mattered to Rarity, then she was going to try.

Meanwhile the fashionista was taking deep breaths as she covered her eyes with a hoof. She leaned wearily over her desk and tried to stop her mind from reviewing every inch of orange body. Gray-white ears were tipped back as a blush spread across her muzzle. The rest of the evening was spent designing the farm mare's outfit and fighting the image of the toned body wearing it.

In a darkened kitchen of a tree house, the residential dragon frowned as he swirled a mix of bread batter in a light blue bowl. Brows drawn together tightly over distracted green eyes that barely watched his surroundings. Spike muttered to himself angrily as he worked, displeased with how the trip to the Carousel Boutique had ended.

“Spike...?” A timid call from the librarian broke him from his musings as he glanced upwards to find Twilight standing in the doorway. Taking a few steps inside, the unicorn laid back her ears in unease at the moody drake.

“Oh, hey Twilight. I'm not quite done yet, so it's going to be a little longer ok?” Spike tried to sound like his usual self but couldn't muster the same amount of energy for it. Not only did his secret crush know that he and Applejack were fighting, but the farmer was constantly visiting Rarity! Twilight noticed this frustration and sat next to the young cook, placing a single hoof on his shoulder that made him jump in surprise.

“Spike, I know you're upset with Applejack, but surely you guys could try to work something out?” The lavender unicorn tilted her head as she pleaded with the dragon only to frown at the dark scowl he wore.

“You know I liked Rarity since we first arrived! It's not fair and I won't give up just because she wants to keep Rarity to herself!” Spike crossed his arms as he huffed a blast of hot air through his nose. He could feel the bemused gaze of the older mare and tried to distract her from the topic.

“Anyways, I have to finish this and it's not helping with you hovering over me.” The drake brushed off the hoof on his shoulder with a flick of his claw. Stepping away from the lavender mare, he began to furiously twirl the whisk in the blue bowl and studiously ignored the concerned eyes watching him.

Twilight continued to watch with shrewd eyes as her assistant made supper. Her mind was filling rapidly with vague plans as she tried to think of how to be a good friend in this particular case. With hardly a sound, the studious mare rose from her seat and entered the main room, levitating a quill and parchment to her desk. Dipping it into the inkwell beside her, the lavender mare started to write out various compromises that could potentially help. She paused in her writing only when Spike called to her about how dinner was ready.

With a determined glance to the full paper, Twilight stood up pleased at her plans and trotted to the kitchen with a satisfied smirk. Spike, happy to see the topic was not spoken about once more, set the table in silence and sat down to join the older pony in the meal. He hadn't noticed what the latest list was of and had no idea how Twilight was wondering even at that moment of how to be a good friend for two fighting friends.

The next few days passed quickly and the friends soon found themselves starting to arrive at the train station. The air was chilled while the freshly fallen snow glinted in the sunlight, piled along each side as pathways were made. The two disagreeing friends stared in opposite directions though the others didn't notice this battle of wills. Both Applejack and Spike turned to the sound of a prim call of apology as Rarity and her sister trotted up to the dark-red platform.

“So sorry everyone, I simply had the hardest time finding the right outfit to bring for our trip.” Rarity brushed her mane back as Applejack deadpanned the mare, even as Sweetie Belle raced to join her best friends. The farmer glanced behind the unicorn to find a large mountain of suitcases awaiting transportation and sighed.

“Rarity, we're goin' for five days. Ya don't need tah bring everythin' ya have.” The blonde farmer rolled her eyes with a teasing smirk only to find Spike pushing himself forward with a hopeful smile.

“I can help you if you'd like Rarity! I'd do anything to help...” The young drake held his claws together as he tried to assist the prim unicorn. Rarity glanced down to the short figure with a gentle grin as she rubbed the top of his head.

“Of course darling, that would be simply marvelous. Thank you Spikey-wikey.” The light-gray mare's smile slowly drifted into a frown as she saw Spike shoot the orange earth pony behind him a smug smirk before running to help carry her bags. Pale-gray brows furrowed as she glanced to the mare before her in concern.


“Ah know, Ah know... Ah've been thinkin' on how tah talk with him...” Applejack waved a single hoof before turning with a small sigh. Her eyes were soon drawn to the lavender mare who stared curiously towards them. The sound of a whistle sounded through the air, drawing everyone's attention to the task at hoof of loading the train.

Spike wouldn't accept any kind of assistance from the others as he loaded the fashionista's bags onto the train car. The others were much faster in gathering on the train than the drake. They were placing their bags in the overhead as Spike crashed in a tired heap once the last suitcase was brought aboard. The pale-gray mare levitated her bags from the dragon's tired grasp and placed them in the overhead along with her other bags which were stacked like an advanced game of building blocks.

“Thank you darling!” Rarity smiled down at the youth who raised his head from the ground with a tired adoring smile.

“No... problem...!” Spike managed to state in between exhausted pants only to be picked up in a dark-cerise hue as Twilight rolled her eyes at his attempted nonchalant. They sat next to the hyper mare who bounced in place as she clapped her hooves, drawing amused grins from everyone else.

Rarity checked to see where her sister had ran off to and found the three fillies excitedly sitting in the farthest seat from the group as they giggled. Without even thinking of where she was going, the fashion designer sat across from the orange farmer who blinked in pleasant surprise.

The group of friends chatted and laughed as they traveled through the snow covered landscape. The white powder gave everything a uniform appearance that showed how it was all the same land no matter where one was. It appeared almost suddenly off to the right side in what felt like moments: Canterlot Castle, with every roof topped by snow. The group stared out in awe and excitement as the train marched ever onward with happy toots of its horn.

Once the train came to a soft stop, the groups reached for their bags with minimal effort. All except for Rarity. As she began to levitate bag after bag down from the overhead, the friends couldn't help but watch in wonder at how she was going to carry all of it. It came to little surprise however when Spike stepped forward with a salute and began to load them in his arms. After the towering pile of suitcases was swaying briefly side to side in the dragon's arms, the group made their slow way through the mountain side city.

Applejack tried to focus on the snow covered city around her as they began their journey to the castle. It didn't help that she hadn't been so close to the gray-white mare since the day of the fitting; sure there was a few ponies in between them but she could still feel the unicorn's presence. When there came a clatter behind the fashion designer, the entire group stopped to find that Spike had tripped as he stared adoringly to the mare ahead of him.

“Oh, dear, are you alright Spikey-wikey?” Rarity turned back to the youth as she levitated a few bags that had partially buried him. Applejack grimaced as Spike tried to appear uninjured and stepped closer to the pair.

“I-I'm fine Rarity; there was, uh, a ninja and he... tried to take your bags! But I fought him off, all cool and awesome... But he, uh, tripped me before running off.” The purple dragon started to pile up the bags once again while Rarity smiled indulgently to him.

“Of course, darling. Are you sure you have all these well in hoof-?”

“Ah'll help him out Rarity, don't ya worry none.” Spike glared to the farmer who stepped forward and reached for some of the bags. Applejack ignored this annoyance and grabbed five of the bags while leaving him the majority to carry. She didn't say anything to him and started to walk before he could get in a complaint or snarky comment.

The fashionista watched this with a concerned gaze before starting forward as well. As Spike began to slowly follow behind them, Rarity pulled up alongside Applejack and tried to broach the touchy topic once more.

“Darling, have you thought of anything concerning what I had asked you when you left the boutique...?” The pale-gray unicorn kept her voice low as she glanced to her neighbor. The blonde mare sighed as she slumped in place briefly before straightening once more.

“Not really, but Ah'll... Ah'll get this fixed soon.”

“And how soon is 'soon'?”

“Real soon.”

“In time for Hearth's Warming Day?”


“And in time for the play the night before?”

“Eeyup.” Applejack barely held back her eye roll at the insistent inquiring but stared forward determinedly nonetheless.

“And in time for our practices?” A deep sigh followed this question while the farmer did roll her eyes this time.


“Perhaps in time for our day off before we get down to business of practicing?”

“... Yes Rarity, Ah'll try tah talk with Spike soon.” (Gosh darn mare, won't lay off with bein' worried for Spike... Maybe what happened at the boutique wasn't anythin'...)

“Perhaps in time for our lovely dinner with-”

“Rarity! Ah'll talk with Spike before ah lot of things, but we gottah get settled first! Just- drop it will ya?!” Applejack ground her teeth as she started to pick up her pace, wanting to get the bags dropped off quickly and end this interrogation. Rarity bit her lip and allowed the frustrated apple farmer to walk ahead. While she did want the two to get past this fight, the usually dramatic mare didn't wanted to start another fight with the farm mare herself.

(I never seem to be able to get along with Applejack... All we do is bicker and annoy one another... 'Make a lovely couple' indeed... But she does have such strength...!)

In moments the large snow topped castle came into view as it towered over the other nearby buildings and ponies who wanted to enter through its gates. Twilight quickly showed the group to their rooms to stow their belongings and they split up quickly after that. Rarity led the way to her own room with both Spike and Applejack following silently behind her. They didn't acknowledge the other's presence as they finished their task. Dropping the large suitcases by the doorway, neither Spike nor Applejack said a word as they exited and went to the different rooms in the large white hallway.

Rarity spent a moment staring at the empty doorway before turning to unpack her supplies. She had to not only plan for five days of high class vacation but also to bring enough fabric and thread to make needed adjustments to any outfit that wouldn't fit. With a concentrated frown, the unicorn levitated the new costumes out to hang on a nearby rack as they received one last check. Her gaze rested on a small purple dress suit that was next to a dark brown waistcoat with two long tails.

(I know I'm prone to dramatic moments, but this fight is getting ridiculous... But I don't think I can help or do anything at this point; they would have to tell me what is going on or what they are fighting about for me to help any more... Oh, I do so dislike to see my good friends fight... Please Applejack, keep your word and do something about this...)

At that moment the farmer in question was walking down the hallway to where the librarian was staying with her number one assistant. Even though they had only been in the castle for a little over an hour and a half, Applejack could tell that Rarity would not let it go until they did something about the fight. And if there was one thing the blonde mare wanted to do, it was please the gray-white unicorn (within reason afterall). It was still in her ability to try to resolve it which is what drew her heavy hoofstep to the door. As she raised a single hoof to knock, the door was jerked open for a frazzled lavender unicorn to fill it.

“Oh, howdy Twilight. Are ya doin' ok?” Applejack peered curiously to the other mare who grimaced before rubbing her muzzle with a hoof.

“I haven't seen Pinkie Pie since earlier and it's getting close to our dinner with the Princesses...” Twilight gazed to either side as she searched the hallway around the apple farmer.

“We still got a half hour before we have tah be there, Twi'. It won't be that bad would it?” Applejack pushed back her hat as she watched the unicorn prance in place.

“No... Maybe? Pinkie was acting... differently... and I just want to make sure that she's ok.” The lavender mare shifted in place, as she continued to glance around. The farm pony frowned briefly before shaking her head and sighing.

“Alright, did ya want us tah go lookin' for her?” The farmer resigned herself to not being able to speak with the dragon just yet and started to turn on the spot when Twilight called for her attention.

“No no! I'll go ahead and search; could you make sure everyone gets to the dinner ok?” Twilight didn't wait very long for the answer as she stepped out of her room and closed the door behind her. She checked on the orange mare to find her nodding to the request and smirked happily.

“Sure thin' Twilight, Ah'll make sure no one else is runnin' late... Does, does Spike know when tah go?” Applejack glanced briefly to the door with a frown before looking back to the others in the hallway.

“Spike should be just fine on his own, he knows better than to be late. Thanks Applejack!” The nervous librarian quickly ran down the hall as she twisted her head left and right in search of a blur of pink, leaving the orange farmer behind with an unsure frown.

“Uhh, sure...”

(...Thread colors from abbey to zumthor... Fabrics over here.... Final outfits for friends over in that corner.... Hmmm, yes, this shall do...) Rarity glanced around her room one last time after having spent an hour and a half organizing her makeshift workshop. She had unpacked her multiple suitcases in moments and was now prepared to work on all the costumes for the upcoming play. Just as she was about to get down to the business of checking the state of each costume there was knocking on her door. Frowning in annoyance, the dress maker turned to it and gave a light call.


“Hey Rarity, Ah'm just checkin' on ya tah be sure ya'll be on time for the dinner.” Applejack pushed open the door slightly to be sure she was heard and found herself stunned when confronted by the complete change. Rarity stared on shocked at finding herself with the orange mare once more and took a moment before gathering her wits.

“Oh, yes, I'll... I'll be there for sure darling...” The unicorn tried to remain neutral as the farmer nodded to these words with a teasing smirk.

“Sure ya will sugarcube, just want tah make sure it's today, in a half hour an' not tomorrow at 5pm.” Applejack chuckled briefly at the shock that flashed across the other mare's face before it settled into a joking huff.

“So long as you're not all sweaty and a mess for our rather important meal with the Princesses darling.” Rarity couldn't hide her pleased smile for long as she brushed past the earth pony to lead the way out. She glanced up and down the wide hall and noticed the two pegasi already turning around the corner to head to the dinning room.

“Was I the last to be gathered?” The light-gray mare raised a single haughty brow to the orange earth pony who shook her head at the question.

“Well, yes an' no sugarcube. We still gottah get our sisters.” Applejack tried to hold back her amused laughter at the sudden dejection of the unicorn. Together they went next door where the sounds of happy shouting came from. Sharing a bemused glance, the two older mares barely knocked on the door before heading in only to receive a pillow in each of their faces for their troubles.

The trio of fillies had been in the middle of a large scale pillow fight with the higher quality cushions. They had been in the midst of jumping off of the nearby furniture when they noticed the deadpan from both mares in the doorway as they stared at the mess inside.

“Girls! Honestly, this is Canterlot Castle! And we've been invited to perform for the Princesses and the very capital of our country! Surely you could have not made a giant mess of a guest room?!” Rarity began to magic the bits of feather back into their corresponding pillows as the three girls stood stock still in the center. Applejack was soon more amused than irate and tried not to laugh loud enough to draw the prissy mare's anger.

“Right, we're visitin' this place an' it's not very nice tah mess with other pony's stuff. Come on, we gottah get tah a dinner we were invited to.” The older earth pony helped to set the pillows back, barely holding back an eye roll at the blue hue that adjusted them into 'proper' position after her attempt. The fillies stood aside as they were watching the older siblings clean up with somber faces and flipped back ears. This anxiety was soon dismissed as they found their sisters were too distracted to worry about the mess they had made.

Once the room was back to its former glory, the five ponies tried to keep up a fast pace to get there in time. They arrived to find that Spike, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were already there along with both Princesses. As the group arrived, those sitting at the large dark purple table paused in their idle chitchat.

“Sorry ya'll, we had tah help the girls get ready tah come for the meal. Hope ya weren't waitin' long.” Applejack tipped her hat to the royal sisters who dipped their heads in acceptance of the apology.

“No need to apologize Applejack, we had merely seen that the others had gathered and joined as well. You are still early after all.” Princess Celestia smiled warmly to the group as they took their seats and began the light hearted chat once again.

It was a good fifteen minutes later when a certain lavender unicorn burst in with an apologetic cry. Even though Twilight couldn't find her marefriend, she was willing to merely start the meal instead and sat with the others. When the chefs arrived with a large cake in front of them, no one suspected that the missing mare was actually hiding inside and waited for her chance to surprise the others. After the slightly bumpy start, everyone was more than willing to turn to more light chatter as they ate, though a certain drama queen's thoughts were most definitely not on the high class meal before her.

(It seems that Applejack and Spike are still not talking with one another.... Oh, if only they could stop this silly silent treatment... But Applejack can be such a stubborn mare when she wants to, it will be rather hard for her to find a nice stallion to settle down with if she keeps it up...) Rarity frowned at this thought as it sat uneasily in her mind. She couldn't seem to picture the strong mare finding a stallion and tried not to stare at the farmer as she continued to wonder. (Perhaps, she wouldn't find the perfect stallion? Maybe she would find a lovely fragile mare to protect and lift up...)

The prim mare didn't enjoy this new thought any more than the one of her friend with a random stallion and tried to keep her mind from the orange mare by focusing on the young dragon beside her. Spike was trying to keep her attention with more tales from the library and of the residential couple's quirkiness.

On the other side of the gray-white mare, Applejack tried to keep from wondering why Rarity was frowning so much and focused on the two mares that sat leaning on one another across the table instead. After Twilight had confessed to being with Pinkie Pie, the usually hyper mare had leaned over to whisper into the studious mare's ear. The reaction was instantaneous. Twilight shot up with a bright red blush while whining to her marefriend to stop and behave as Pinkie giggled behind a hoof before wrapping the mare in a tight hug. The orange earth pony was about to ask what had been said when she noticed how stiffly the lavender unicorn was and how the blaze didn't fade in the following half hour. Deciding that it may very well not be worth embarrassment, Applejack turned her attention to the food before her and tried to enjoy the lavish meal.

Once the dinner was finished the friends began to split up for the evening. Applejack and Rarity escorted their sisters and Scootaloo back to their room before leaving just as quickly. Neither really noticed how distracted the other was and gave each other a brief farewell before heading to opposite ends of the hall. The blonde earth pony couldn't stand the tense atmosphere of trying not to fight with Spike and Rarity's words and pleas still rang in her ears.

With firm and yet soft steps, Applejack made her way to Twilight's door and paused to gather her determination once more. Giving a single huff of frustration, she knocked gently (for her) only to be surprised at the sudden response.

"Pinkie? What are-OH! Applejack, I-I'm sorry, I thought- uhm never mind... Hi, what can we do for you?” Twilight's face went from lightly blushing to a muted blaze when she realized that it wasn't the hyperactive mare awaiting on the other side. Trying to cover the slip up, she wore a shaky grin while opening the door further.

“Uh, alright... I was hopin' tah talk with Spike about-” Applejack leaned back at the attempted covering of what happened and tried to remain neutral as she stated her purpose. She was soon cut off as Twilight's eyes widened before shrinking down with a pleased grin rapidly growing on her muzzle.

"Oh! Yes, please, right this way! SPIKE! Can you come over here please?!” The unicorn grabbed the other mare's hoof and pulled inside as she almost manically grinned to where the young dragon stepped forward. Both opponents paused at the sight of the other before Applejack pushed her hat further up on her head with a sigh.

“Howdy Spike, Ah-Ah've come tah talk with ya about... about Rarity.” The earth pony sat in the center of the room while Twilight sat in between the dragon and earth pony. Spike frowned at the direct approach and crossed his arms with a huff.

“Oh yeah? You going to give up then?” The drake squinted at the orange mare who frowned as well before sighing and rearranging her face into a more neutral one.

“No. But there has tah be ah way for us to try an' get along even with both of us likin' the same pony.” Applejack glanced quickly to the door to be sure that it was indeed shut and looked back to find Spike unsure of such a feat. The silence grew thicker as neither side knew of a way around the fact that they both liked the same mare. Twilight looked back and forth between them with a growing frown before sitting up brightly with an almost plastic grin.

“Well! It may be true that you both like Rari-”

“Shush Twi', keep yer voice down!”

“Shhhh! Twilight!” Twilight broke off at the double shushing and raised a single brow at their paranoia but decided not to comment, continuing on with her suggestion.

“-uh, like the same pony, but studies show that this is rather common among good friends. A way around it is to share, in a manner of speaking.” Seeing blank stares meeting her words, the unicorn continued. “Like, sharing holidays or taking turns?”

“... Ya want us tah share Rarity? Like some foal's toy?”

“I don't want to share! That's not what loving somepony is like!” The two love-struck fighters stared with disbelief to the now sheepish unicorn who shrugged while nodding agreement to the statement.

“Yes, you're right. That's not what loving somepony is like; I should know. But Rarity doesn't seem to favor either one of you and fighting about it doesn't help anyone...” Twilight trailed off as she gazed to the door while imagining the pony that held her heart and the odd flirting and behavior she had earlier in the day. Applejack noticed this faraway gaze and recalled with a blush how they were acting at the dinner table. Coming to a rapid decision that caused a flinch of pain, the earth pony stared firmly to Spike who stared back resolutely.

“And us fightin' is hurtin' Rarity's feelings. Ah may not like it, but Ah don't want tah see Rarity sad so would that be alright with you Spike? We share for holidays an' then take turns tryin' tah impress her?” The blonde earth pony wanted to settle this quickly, both the unicorn's plea and the librarian's actions spurning her to end it fast.

“We should also not really try tah mess with one another when we do get tah be with Rarity. She’d notice and think something’s goin’ on.” Applejack frowned pensively to the door, recalling how sometimes eerily Rarity was able to figure out something was going on and get upset about it.

Spike frowned but shared in need to make the dramatic mare happy. With another huff and tightening of his arms, the drake nodded once and held out a claw to shake. As the two quickly shook on it, Spike tightened his grip while frowning at the mare.

“We might be acting all nice and everything for Rarity, but as soon as she picks a clear favorite -me, of course- you’ll accept her decision, right?” The drake glared suspiciously to the apple farmer who frowned at the assumption.

“And if’in she decides tah go with someone else, anyone else, we’d both agree not tah go upsetting her about the decision, right?” Applejack watched with squinted eyes as the drake grumbled and nodded his consent.

They dropped the shake after this newest deal and took a few unsure steps back; giving one last nod to each other, they turned away and parted in silence. Applejack left the awkward atmosphere rapidly with a hasty farewell to Twilight who snapped back from her daze in surprise. Glancing between the closing door and the pouting dragon who turned away, the lavender mare blinked rapidly in shock before stepping forward hesitantly.

“Uhm, did you guys come to a decision?” As Twilight tapped her hooves anxiously, Spike could only stare on in disbelief; the older mare had been in the room the entire time and was even the one to suggest the temporary solution. The youth rolled his eyes as he turned away to prepare his bed for the night. While he didn't want to admit the solution they agreed to, it had been bothering Twilight and she did know about it in the first place.

“Yeah, we're going to share Rarity's time during holidays while taking turns hanging out with her on normal days...” Spike rolled his eyes at the foolish sounding 'deal' but didn't miss the pleased yet sheepish grin his guardian wore.

“Oh, that's good... I guess I didn't need the flash cards huh?” Twilight levitated a thick stack of small index cards that held some suggestions to help the issue. Spike rolled his eyes once more with a wry grin while Twilight chuckled before glancing to the door once more.

“...Twilight, were you expecting someone else to stop by?” The purple dragon noticed this distracted behavior and was interested to see the flinch that flashed across Twilight's face before clearing into a reassuring smile.

“Oh, uh, no. I was just... Thinking...” The lavender pony began to busy herself with readying for bed to the confusion of her assistant. He soon shrugged however and settled in the small bed prepared for him and thought about what this deal meant for his attempts to woo the fashionista.

Rarity stood in the center of a catastrophe of fabric and thread. Her magic flowed over the workspace as members of the supporting cast tried on their outfits only to be whisked off to be adjusted with a sharp needle and quick eye. The dressmaker had to relocate her entire set up from her quest room to backstage of the grand hall where the stage was set up. Dim lighting didn't relieve the shadows from preventing the tailor from working at her best; something that almost didn't matter since shouts and the sounds of hammers made it nigh impossible to concentrate. The alabaster unicorn sent her young dragon helper to fetch more lights to see her work only to pause as a southern accent rang over the din.

“Howdy Rarity, ya look real busy. Was-was there somethin' Ah could help ya with?” Applejack side stepped as one of the actresses raced past with a bucket of nails in her mouth. The orange mare stared curiously after her but turned her attention back on the fashionista in time to see her quick head shake 'no'.

“Sorry darling but this requires a detailed eye and magic speeds up the process. I'm afraid that you would be very much out of your element...” Rarity couldn't spare a glance to the dejected farmer even as she flinched at the new thought pushing forward. (We have so little in common! How are we a 'lovely couple' when we cannot even enjoy the same things? And why does this irk me so...? It was just a simple misunderstanding...)

“Oh, uh, ok... Ah-Ah guess Ah'll go find some other way tah help.” The farmer only took a single morose step before the refined voice called out with a timid suggestion.

“A-Applejack! Perhaps you could help the set designers? They seem to be having trouble with the pieces and have no consideration for those who need some kind of peace and quiet to work. Could you be a dear and do something about it?” Rarity fluttered her lashes as she held both fore-hooves together in a plea for action. Smirking at the behavior, Applejack tipped her hat smoothly before turning happily to find the lead designer.

“Sure thin' sugarcube.”

Spike rushed back to the light-gray unicorn's side, passing under and around the various other working ponies, to stop with a light pant as he held out his arm full of candles. While the fashion designer levitated the tall candles into place, the drake glanced about in surprise at how much quieter the set had became. Ponies were still working on the wooden props and painting as quickly as they could but the relentless sound of hammers and shouts for more supplies were no longer echoing through the room.

“Hey, what happened to all the noise? Did they finally get the set all together?” Spike glanced once more around the building before staring in reverence to the unicorn who held a hoof to her chin in thought.

“Hmmm? Oh yes, Applejack was able to teach them how to properly make the props and was able to allow the more creative minds to have a moment of peace and quiet. Thank you darling for the candles, this shall be a tremendous help. If you could get those fabrics? This one needs to be almost completely redone!” Rarity turned from the drake as she looked over another costume wearing actor who seemed nervous about the close scrutiny. Spike frowned lightly before throwing his chest out in self-importance. While the farmer may be better with building and lifting things, only he was allowed to help with making the costumes.

The fashionista noticed the lessening of this frozen attitude and watched with half an eye on the two friends who were trying to be more civil to one another. This pleasant note was soon overridden by the chance to see yet another example of Applejack's strength. The orange earth pony easily bore any and every prop on her back without showing any kind of strain. Her travels often drew many eyes to her even as Applejack showed no notice of this attention. Spike glanced between the earth pony and the mare of his heart with a small frown at the awe he saw there. Coughing lightly with a claw to his mouth, the drake reminded the dressmaker of her duties and they set out to work once more.

With the two mares leading the way, the set up went smoothly as every costume was fitted properly and every prop made in quick fashion with an even faster placement. By the second day of the trip, they were at the stage of rehearsal with full costume and most of the set in place. There had been a small bump in the road when the Cutie Mark Crusaders tried to 'help' and set back production half a day; this was easily fixed however and the girls were politely told not to be underhoof while the older ponies worked.

When it came time for the actual performance the two older sisters made sure their siblings were in the very front where they could keep an eye on them during the play. The performance went on without a hitch and was a rousing success to the seven friends' great satisfaction. They went to bed that night exhausted but pleased with the success while excitement kept their minds abuzz of what the next day would bring.

The next morning shone bright with yet more fresh powder having arrived during the night. Even with the pink rimmed white sleep-mask on, Rarity could feel the morning begin. She wasn't sure what woke her but could tell she would be unable to return to the land of dreams. Thinking back to the last image of the dream, of a blonde maned pony with the scent of apples, Rarity decided that it would indeed be better to just get up from bed.

With a flourish of her magic, the large quilted blanket lifted off the unicorn as she removed the sleep-mask with a bright grin. With a spring in her step and a gleam in her eye, the fashionista trotted out of her room. Passing a quick glance up and down the hall she noticed a swish of blonde going around the corner. Rarity frowned in confusion before walking quickly after the orange mare and pausing at the sight of an empty hallway when she arrived at the crossroad. After searching rapidly each of the options, the light-gray mare noticed that a nearby large glass door was slightly opened.

Exiting the soft warmth to the brisk chill of the outside balcony caused the unicorn to shiver as she swept her gaze over the platform. Standing across from the door stood the mare she sought, with her face up and enjoying the brisk breeze with a soft smile and closed eyes. Rarity couldn't move from her spot as she watched in bedazzlement. What truly captured her eye was how the blonde mane was let loose to flow in the light wind. She gave a small jump of shock when, without turning around or opening her eyes, Applejack chuckled and greeted the silent watcher.

“Mornin' sugarcube. Ya gonnah be alright? It's mighty cold out an' ya don't have some fancy scarf tah keep ya warm.” The farm mare had woken up early like she did everyday and wanted to find a bit of fresh, clean air to start her day. Rarity shivered at the reminder of the cold but stepped out further to be next to the orange farmer with a small smirk.

“Perhaps darling, but you are also out in this chilly air. Surely you-you're cold as well...?” The fashion pony tried to gaze at the view presented to them but couldn't help stare at the free-flowing mane. Applejack noticed this distraction and turned to the unicorn with a small smirk.

“Eeyup, but Ah've worked in the fields in the middle of winter... Are ya ok Rarity? Ya seem distracted, is the cold gettin' to ya?” The farmer stepped closer to shelter the more fragile mare from the chilling wind. The unicorn stiffened as it merely brought the apple scent to her attention even more than usual.

“O-oh, I'll be fine darling. Just a little, distracted, by the sight before-before us...” Rarity shifted in place before glancing to the door behind them. She was very tempted to return but couldn't move from the warmth beside her.

“Eeyup... Canterlot is ah pretty neat view from up here...” The two mares fell silent as they watched the sun rise up a little more. The tailor was stunned at the sight since she rarely woke up early enough to enjoy the sight.

“What are you doing up so early anyways darling? Have you been out here long?” Rarity couldn't help but peek at the mare beside her who winced at the question. Applejack remembered how she had paused in front of the unicorn's room before finding the nearest terrace for fresh air. She had been tempted to check on the mare but decided to clean the scent of lavender perfume from her senses with the brisk morning.

“Oh, well, uh, Ah've just been here for ah moment is all... Ya look real cold, why don't ya head inside? Ah'm sure the others are startin' tah get up.” Applejack jerked her head back to indicate the door behind them only to stare on in surprise when Rarity shook her head with a pensive frown.

“I simply couldn't leave you out here by yourself darling.” The fashion-minded mare stared at the other mare from the corner of her eye only to smile at the bemused smirk that grew on her face.

“Of course not. Come on then, Ah'd rather not have tah carry a frozen unicorn back inside.” The farmer smirked one last time to the shivering mare before leading the way inside. The two friends shivered at the change of temperature from outside briefly before continuing to head inside.

They were about to go in search of their friends when they noticed a door open further down the hall with three curious pairs of eyes peeking out. Finding the two older mares standing in the middle of the hallway, the door shut rapidly with wide eyes of surprise. The older sisters smiled bemusedly at the fillies' excitement before heading towards their door. With a gentle knock, Applejack pushed open the door with Rarity hovering nearby.

"Alright girls, we know yer awake an' ya want yer Hearth Warmin' Day presents. Come on, we'll go find the others.” At the apple farmer's words the trio of friends shot out of the room and down the hallway with cheers. Sharing an eye roll at the behavior, the two friends followed the dust trail left behind the excited fillies.

Rounding the corner, the older ponies found the girls checking each door before moving on until they found one that released confetti and streamers with a loud pop. They all paused in surprise before laughing at how they were able to identify the proper room. The fillies rushed inside with the other mares following at a sedate pace to find Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Spike already inside with a large fire and decorated tree along the opposite wall.

Rarity froze in unease at having both the young dragon and earth pony in the same room but was pleased to see how they greeted each other with small smiles. She walked forward in a daze to find that they had saved a place between the two of them for her to sit at and smiled weakly to them in thanks. As they waited for the last of their group to arrive, the friends played games and sang songs to pass the time. Spike and Applejack made sure to give the other a chance to talk and to keep Rarity's attention. This continued to baffle the fashionista which was only expanded when they were about to share gifts with one another. Once the pegasi arrived, they didn't want to torture the younger members of the group by waiting to open gifts. It was to Rarity's great surprise that both Spike and Applejack had gifts for the other even though they had been fighting for the past month.

“Here ya go Spike, hope ya like it.” A small green box was hoofed over to the young drake who was surprised but hesitant to accept the gift. After the almost complete avoidance of the previous month, he didn't realize that she would still get him a gift.

“Th-thanks Applejack... Wow! This looks really good!” Spike lifted up a pie that seemed to glint in the soft light. The scent of gems reached his sensitive dragon nose, helping him to identify the filling as rubies in a golden brown crust. Even as he held it up it steamed as a sign of just how fresh it was. He looked up with wide eyes to the bashful earth pony who scuffed a hoof along the ground.

“Well, it took a while tah make just right. Never had tah cook with gems before, had to get help from Twilight an' Pinkie Pie. They also helped tah make sure it didn't get old waiting for ya to open it... I had already made it for ya, didn't want it tah go to waste...” Applejack tried to appear nonchalant about it while eying the apple red box was pushed towards her by the drake. With a curious brow raised, the blonde farm mare slowly opened the gift and was interested to see a green bandana waiting for her.

"Yeah, well, I may have gotten you this a while back too.. Before the... fight..." Spike glanced to the side as the orange mare pulled out the bandana to get a closer look at it.

“Thank ya kindly Spike, this should help while Ah work on the farm.” The apple farmer grinned while the purple dragon waved off the thanks. Both parties fell silent as they stared at the gifts only to find their attention drawn to a happy sigh.

“I do not want to presume but have you two made up?” Rarity stared at them with hope shining in her eyes at the renewed friendship. The others shared an unsure glance before nodding to the unicorn.

“Eeyup... We've worked it out an' we're sorry tah have upset ya Rarity...”

“Yeah, we're sorry Rarity.” Spike twiddled his claws while Applejack shuffled in place, both uneasy at having upset the unicorn for so long, only to be stunned at the happy grin and large hug that was given to the two apologetic friends. Both Applejack and Spike were surprised at the contact and at finding themselves squished against the other but accepted it. If it meant pleasing the persnickety mare then it was worth it.

“Thank you Applejack...” The fashion-minded unicorn whispered into an orange ear in appreciation as she gave both a tight squeeze before stepping back once more. All participants of the hug wore light blushes before turning to join in the games that were laid out in the room.

As Spike challenged Applejack to a round of 'gone fishing', Rarity found she still couldn't look away from the loose blonde mane and strong form as she watched from the sidelines.

(… I can always count on Applejack's strength to help with any matter... Would she still help if she was with somepony else...? Why oh why do I wonder about such things when it is her private business...?!)

Author's Note:

Ok, so first, thanks to Gwg and Bronco for helping review and edit this chapter!

I actually got stuck when Rarity and Aj almost kissed (because I hadn't actually planned for that to happen, it just did... Now all of the main six are taking over the stories:twilightoops:, thanks Pinkie :facehoof:) but I was able to work around it with Gwg's help while Bronco pointed out some of the creative and detail issues I had, which hopefully made this story a little clearer. So seriously, you guys should thank them for their reviewing; I swear that every time I get better at this and it's due to their input.

Hopefully the truce works well and makes sense. Any and all comments are appreciated, I like hearing how well/not well/liking/not liking you find it. :twilightsmile: